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Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2002 8:19 pm
by Jackal
[16:14] <Toon-At_Work> 9.)Grope Jordan
[16:16] * Jordan has joined #Bulldrek
[16:16] <Jordan> Where are my pants?

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2002 2:05 pm
by Cash
* Daki has spent the last 10 minutes in Bulldrek and has yet to get past the first 5 threads
<Cash-AFK> It's a gift. :)

*high-fives Memory*

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2002 2:08 pm
by Daki
Evil little midget.

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2002 2:31 pm
by Cazmonster
That is why no one may challenge him for top position.

Number two is up for grabs though...

Cazmonster faces the grim realization of dentistry today.

You're safe for now, but not forever!

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2002 2:34 pm
by Daki
Caz, I've had to deal with Cash and Memory all friggin morning. I'm STILL trying to get caught up. Work is conspiring against me.

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2002 2:59 pm
by Cash
I'm stuck at the main lobby desk for 2 more hours. Bring it on! :)

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2002 3:07 pm
by Daki
Damn you Cash. Why did this have to be a work work day instead of a slack work day?

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2002 3:11 pm
by Cash
Because I placed a call to your boss earlier...

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2002 5:20 pm
by Daki
You have my sympathies then. Why ANYONE would want to talk to that man, I'll never know.

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 11:28 am
by Cash
Ooohhhh no. Automated Voice system.

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 1:35 pm
by Daki
Well that's tollerable then.

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2002 2:34 pm
by Cash
<DV8> I have to go. Talk to you later.
<ThatCash> Laters
*** DV8 is now known as DeevExercise
<ThatCash> It's Deevercise! Lift that cell phone...2...3. Now dial someone's boss! Use your finger to dial, that's it! dial...2..3..4..5..6..7. You can do it! Now time for the lift and drains. Lift that LIIT. Drain it. Good!

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2002 2:44 pm
by Daki
:lol Fuck Tae Bo!

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2002 10:03 am
by Cash
* Jan feels the sudden urge to listen to a certain Wyclef Jean song
*** Jan is now known as Jan_phone
<ThatCash> And the phone takes care of that urge? :)
<eva|wr0k> "Urge?"
* eva|wr0k watches five scantily clad buff young men come in with bottles of shampoo.
*** DV8 is now known as DeevAFK
<ThatCash> Whoa! she's got the urge to herbal!
* eva|wr0k hairballs.
* ThatCash cannonballs
* eva|wr0k discoballs.
* ThatCash superballs
* eva|wr0k nerfballs.
* ThatCash bochiballs
*** Jan_phone is now known as Jan
* ThatCash Janballs
<eva|wr0k> Damn!
<ThatCash> :)
* eva|wr0k Cashballs.
<eva|wr0k> MuHah!
<Jan> Get off my balls, you freak! :)
<eva|wr0k> You know you like it.
<eva|wr0k> Admit it.
<ThatCash> hee-hee
<ThatCash> *gets off* Ok. Eva's turn.
<ThatCash> We would have at the same time, but that rarely happens.
<Jan> :)
<ThatCash> ;)
* eva|wr0k stops Cashballing and Janballs some more.
<ThatCash> hee-hee
<ThatCash> you know...this is so getting posted...
* eva|wr0k Janballs extra hard for comfort.
<ThatCash> ouch!
<Jan> ooooohhhh....HARDER!!
<eva|wr0k> See? :oD
<eva|wr0k> I know my Jannemann. :o)
* eva|wr0k applies a small anvil.
* ThatCash makes a small sword on it
* eva|wr0k designs a small hilt.
<eva|wr0k> BWAHAHAHAH! I'm so slow! <ThatCash> We would have at the same time, but that rarely happens.> ROFL!

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2002 10:43 am
by Eva
You know, this email convo is probably funny to no one but Sam and myself, but I pissed myself laughing over this so on the off-chance that you think it's funny, too, here it is.

Fyi: Sam is currently waiting for a fix-it lady to make her a sarong out of organza. This is taking longer than we had planned.

*shaves all her hair of except for one completely gay plait*
*becomes instantly wise in the ways of the blue screen*
*joins the darkside*
*sets clone army on fixit lady*
*feels inordinately better*
*realizes error of her ways as she is still without sarong,and now also without fixit lady*
*holds planet of teddybears captive till sarong is found*

*shaves off /all/ her hair and becomes black*
*changes name to Mace Evedu*
*under-acts some very shitty lines in an already relatively shitty trilogy*
*gets ass mercilessly whooped by Yoda*
*cries in a corner like the little bitch that she is*

*works good dictator/bad dictator routine on captive teddybears*
*gets them to create organza tree*
*teddybears attempt coup*
*teddybears repent as one by one they get stuffed and sold into to nurseries across the galaxy*
*gives now defunct planet to Mace Evadu*
*hires Mace Evadu to hunt down elusive fixit lady and or organza tree in order that they be bought to justice*
*provides Evadu with small allowance allowing her to get the bus across planet*
*conjures up ingenious plans while snacking on the pink cookie plant*
*experiances crack attack*
*realizes that young people will pay large sums of money to go somewhere where they can crack attack all night long providing its very dark so that one one can see them*
*opens club Death Star*
*strobe lighting causes hair to grow in odd blonde spikey mullet*

*travels galaxy by public transport, spending much time wishing hateful shit on Imelda Savory for making her sit in the bus for lightyears at a time*
*arrives at Planet Zorg, where the fixit lady can be found, wearing nothing but organza sarongs, all day every day*
*conspires together with fixit lady to lure in Imelda Savory with organza sarongs, capture her in a web consisting of David Beckham clones with bad hair and worse skirts*
*frees all teddy bears and unstuffs them*
*changes club Death Star to club Star Hole: All Dark Room, All The Time*
*bans pink cookie from planet and rules fairly and justly, except for those political prisoners she shipped off to Planet Zorg, now a prison planet ruled by David Beckham.*

*gets masssive persecution complex as thought she was being helpful*
*lasers Evadu's name off Xmas card list*
*becomes outrages as word of Evadu's sarongs fill the galaxy*
*starts intergalactic war against teddy bears*
*collects campaign money on Plant Po' White Trash*
*spends it all during drunken night on JackCrock*
*becomes pink cookie addict*
*stalks David Beckham on account of his taste in sarongs*
*notes gleefully that since own fall from grace, and subsequent selling of club, it has since become a Mecca for gay men*
*accidentally lets this fact slip while on campaign trail*
*laughs all the way to Planet Surbubia*

*counters Imelda Savory's slander of Club Star Hole with a campaign featuring the straightest man alive: George Michael.*
*watches and laughs maniacally as she sees Imelda Savory's fall from the upper class into white trash Eminem listenin', 40-drinkin', cousin-shootin' ways*
*enjoys her stay on Planet Liberace, surrounded by very straight men with very white teeth and very tight pants and wonders why it's been so long since she got any*

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2002 11:12 am
by Cash
Fyi: Sam is currently waiting for a fix-it lady to make her a sarong
Timon:: Quick! Put on this sarong.
Pumba:: What's a sarong?
Timon:: Nothing! What's a wrong with you?

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2002 8:54 am
by Tryyng
heh, stupid question, i know, but i've been pretty stupid lately...

how do i connect to the IRC bulldrek thing? i just redownloaded mIRC, and i'm not exactly the most computer literate of people...

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2002 11:38 am
by Eva
[13:36] <Nexusvoid> "OMGOOSES U SAID NINJA"
[13:36] <Nexusvoid> "RESPECT US"

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2002 1:44 pm
by Cash
* ScamperPuppy needs to come up with some good knowledge skills for his character.
<Nexusvoid> Troll thrash bands? ;)
<ThatCash> Troll thrash opera!
<ScamperPuppy> Heh. Well, I need some that are actually relevant to the group as well. :)
<Lil_AC> Which local cities to not eat the food in?
<ThatCash> Rigger Worship (5)
<ThatCash> Ok... supper is over. Back to my character...
<ScamperPuppy> Cash, i'm not in Gold Team.
<Lil_AC> Like he'd mind you worshipping his character anyway/ :)
<ScamperPuppy> Point.
<ThatCash> I know. you can spread the word among Blue Team. you'll be my missionary in the field. :D
<Lil_AC> The First Church of the RCD? :)
<ThatCash> lol
<ThatCash> I like it!
<Lil_AC> :)
<ScamperPuppy> Yeeesss-a, mah brothers! We musst exalt-a tha mightay rigger, and-a cassst down the devil MIJI! Can I get a witness-a!
<Lil_AC> Amen!
<ThatCash> Testify!
<Lil_AC> ((My god, we're sad. :) ))

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2002 9:53 am
by Cash
<DV8> Oh, by the way...we need to get cowboy hats, fake moustaches and those silly leather breaches for when we get into the Hayes resort.
<ThatCash> why? We doing a Village people bit?
<DV8> I don't know why, I thought it would be funny. :)
<ThatCash> so you're the cowboy. Can I be the construction worker? I guess that leaves the Indian for Jes...

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2002 2:07 pm
by Szechuan
Jackal wrote:[16:14] <Toon-At_Work> 9.)Grope Jordan
[16:16] * Jordan has joined #Bulldrek
[16:16] <Jordan> Where are my pants?
I'm famous! :D

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2002 12:49 pm
by Cash
<ThatCash> You know....I'm glad there isn't a camera in this office...
<eva|wrk> How so? :o)
<ThatCash> I'm tired of sitting down on the chair so I turned it around and I'm kneeling on it, leaning over to type on the computer. when I do that, it looks like I'm...ummm...being intimate with the chair.
<eva|wrk> Hahah!
<Maelwys> lol
<eva|wrk> *unf*unf*unf*
<ThatCash> Oh yeah. You're a dirty chair. A naughty chair. Come on! Say you want me to sit on you. Come on.
<ThatCash> brb. The chair needs a cigarette and I need to get my legs to stop spasming after that... *whew*
*** ThatCash is now known as Cash-AFK
<Maelwys> The chair is going to to be appearing at in the future...
<eva|wrk> There's something so disturbing about /Erik/ talking about his legs spasming.
<eva|wrk> I mean, it's /Erik/! That's my boy, right there! Legs spasming?!
* Maelwys laughs
<ThatCash> <<There's something so disturbing about /Erik/ talking about his legs spasming.>> What's so disturbing about that? The visual? :D
<Maelwys> At this point, probably
<ThatCash> lol
<Maelwys> Plus it was cheap and online, so...
<eva|wrk> The thought!
*** eva|wrk has left #bulldrek
<ThatCash> wow. I scared her off. :)

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2002 5:19 am
by FlameBlade
<Flame> He [Crazy Elf] is programmed to say Fuck you
<Nicholas> the
<Nicholas> fun
<CrazyElf> Flame, fuck you! That's not true
<Eclipse> sit up CE!
<Eclipse> play dead ce!
<Eclipse> good boy.
<Blackfire> Roll over!
<Blackfire> Good Goth!

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2002 2:38 pm
by Cash
(a bit long)

* Liniah has a sleeping Veed in the next room
<ThatCash> Get the bucket of ice cubes...
<MooCow> uh huh.... he's in the next room... right....
<Liniah> heh
<ThatCash> lol
<Liniah> he is in the next room!
<ThatCash> riiiiiight
<ThatCash> Hilde is gone. you can tell us. :)
* Liniah really wants to wake him up, but doesn't cause he hadn't slept in a long time
<Liniah> heh
<ThatCash> He just arrived?
<MooCow> well maybe he is now.... but why were you up so late last night?
<MooCow> :)
<Liniah> >:)
<Liniah> now that is classified information
<Liniah> he arrived last night
<Liniah> in New York around 10-ish
* Liniah realizes it's time that Veed will meet her partenst in a minute
<Liniah> eep!
<MooCow> Lin: you better put some clothes on him then...
<Liniah> hey!
<Liniah> he's wearing pants
<Liniah> what?
<MooCow> Lin: other then your pants
<Liniah> hrm, well, I'm gonna get ogint
<Liniah> dude!
<[3278]> Why the hell would he be wearing pants?
<Liniah> he can't fit in my pants
<[3278]> What a silly thing for him to do.
<Liniah> he's like 10 feet taller than me
*** Hilde|Civ3 is now known as Hildesheim
<Liniah> they're nice pants
<Sludig> shower time...bbl
<ThatCash> wb
<MooCow> that's why they are on his head
*** Sludig is now known as SludShower
<Liniah> but he's brushing his teeth right now
<ThatCash> with pants on his head?
<Liniah> they're on his ass, ok?
<[3278]> Dude should spend more time naked.
<Liniah> I don't want him to meet my parents naked
<[3278]> Fair enough, but he's with you, and not his parents.
<MooCow> And you might want to get your bra off him.... parents tend to frown on that
<ThatCash> But he won't be naked. He has pants on his head
<[3278]> And if he's with you, he should be naked. Them's the rules.
<Liniah> no, he's with /my/ parents
<Liniah> dude!
<[3278]> What?
<Hildesheim> ok...I don't wanna hear any more about my brother being naked...I'm only 21 - way to young to hear about that!
<Liniah> ok, now he's in the shower
<[3278]> Not that I'm speaking from experience or anything here. I'm just saying, them's the rules.
<MooCow> He's with your parents? man..... I've heard of swingers, but that is really freaky
<ThatCash> He's with your parents in the shower?
<Liniah> dude
<Liniah> no!
<[3278]> Marianne, we all think /you/ should be naked, 21 or not.
* ThatCash high-fives Moo
<MooCow> And your parents are in the shower with him?
<MooCow> damn.... that's a big shower
<Liniah> oi
<[3278]> Why are your parent's brushing his teeth?
<Liniah> actually, it's quite small. but he is the only one in there
<Hildesheim> he's taking a shower...he'll be done in 90 minutes or so, then
<MooCow> but hey, I guess that's one way to get the parents to like you
<[3278]> And with his pants on his head...they must be brushing his teeth through the zipper.
<ThatCash> Nah. they're button-flys
<MooCow> So you're saying Veed is small?
<Liniah> fucking hell.
<[3278]> *Zip* "Time for your pearlies to get white!"
<ThatCash> lmao!
<Liniah> you guys are crack monkeys today
<[3278]> *brush**brush**brush**brush*
<ThatCash> It's nice to know we're weirding people out on 2 dif continents.
<[3278]> *ZIP*
<SludShower> uhm..Lin...TODAY??? when do we stop? :)
<[3278]> Only 2? Where's Eleanor? We need to get 3.
<[3278]> And Moulsari! That's 4!
<[3278]> Where the hell are our Asians? We need Asians!
<Liniah> so, when did you start coming on here, Marianne?
* Liniah hasn't been around much lately
<MooCow> There are no asians... remember, we're all racist towards asians
<ThatCash> We ned a South American here...
<Liniah> hehe
<Liniah> well, it's nice to see you
<Liniah> I heard you have a new man?
<MooCow> Claus is busy in the shower with Lin's parents who are brushing his teeth through the zipper in lin's pants
<[3278]> He's 1.5km away from her!
<Liniah> fucking hell, moo
<Liniah> oi
<Hildesheim> yeah - he's in England right now, though
<Liniah> ah
<MooCow> He'll probably get eaten by a mad cow
<Liniah> how's your new place working out?
<ThatCash> ARe Lin's parents there?
<Hildesheim> Megan, you should have been here earlier: [14:35] * ThatCash sends Claus letters professing his undying love.
<Liniah> my parents are UP STAIRS
<Liniah> lol
<ThatCash> :)
<Liniah> yeah, I guess so!
<MooCow> So the shower is upstairs?
<Liniah> no
<Liniah> the shower is downstairs
<ThatCash> But you said they were upstairs
<Liniah> you know, where my parents aren't
<MooCow> so Claus is upstairs...
<Liniah> sounds good
<Liniah> :)
<Liniah> no!
<ThatCash> so clus is downstairs?
<Liniah> you people are agrivating
*** Maelwys has joined #Bulldrek
<Liniah> I don't know clus
<ThatCash> Hey Mael!
<Liniah> who is this clus you speak of?
<ThatCash> lol
<MooCow> Cash: I know... they're using the kitchen sink to take a shower in
<Hildesheim> He's my brther! :)
<[3278]> I eat Clus!
<ThatCash> He must be in the shower with Claus and your parents...
* Liniah checks under the sofa for clus
<Liniah> hahaha
<[3278]> I wish I could eat Claus.
<[3278]> He's a cutie.
<Liniah> oh my
<MooCow> right... so Claus, liniah's parents, and some guy named Clus walk into a bar....
<Liniah> hahaha
<[3278]> He gave me the nicest pearl necklace one day...
<Hildesheim> I'll never be old enough to hear about that!
<Maelwys> Morning y'all.
<Liniah> hahaha
<Liniah> morning mael
<ThatCash> Moo:: No. The joke goes "walk into a shower"
<Liniah> o_O
<MooCow> Cash: right right... my mistake
<Liniah> hey!

<Hildesheim> yeah...I NEVER want to go to New York...well, actually I do...
* Liniah slaps MooCow around a bit with The Sandbox
<ThatCash> This is so getting posted. I'm laughing so hard right now...
<Liniah> :)
<MooCow> Sure ya do Hilde... then you can join Claus, and Lin's parents in the shower
<Liniah> oi
<ThatCash> Yeah...That won't freak her out...
<Hildesheim> You silly people! Megan doesn't live in New York!
*** Alareth has joined #bulldrek
<ThatCash> but her shower does....
<ThatCash> Hola Alareth
<Liniah> what?!
<Hildesheim> oh, bad then
<Liniah> O_o
<MooCow> Hilde: no, but Clus does
<Liniah> lol
<ThatCash> You shower lives in New York, right? Isn't that where Claus, your parents, and Clus are?
<MooCow> He met Claus in new york and followed him home
<Maelwys> Hrrm. If her shower lives in NY....Lin, are you going to the
<Hildesheim> I guess I can make I said: Claus takes REALLY long showers :)
<Liniah> yes
<Liniah> he's out already
<Liniah> :)
<MooCow> That's cause Lin's parents are keeping him pretty distracted
<Liniah> fucking hell
<Maelwys> Good. Could someone make sure she takes a shower before GenCon? I mean, if her shower is in NY, and she's usually not...well...
* Liniah throws moo into the garbage disposal
* Maelwys grins :)
<MooCow> oh... well not surprising... when you get as old as Lin's parents the stamina starts to go
<Maelwys> Ack! Waste of perfectly good beef!
<Liniah> !
<ThatCash> Turn him into asphalt!
<MooCow> They just can't "brush teeth" like they used to
<[3278]> The shower would be longer if Liniah were in there with him. Hey, why aren't you? You could get a pearl necklace like mine!
<[3278]> I sure do know how to shut up a room.
<Maelwys> Two, since her Dad is there....
<MooCow> Cash: concrete... cow's are made into concrete
<ThatCash> And is Claus showering with Lin's pants on his head?
<[3278]> Of course he is!
<[3278]> Dude, haven't you been /listening?/ :)
<MooCow> and wearing her bra too
*** Liniah is now known as Lin_Veed
<ThatCash> Veed! How are the pants on your head?
<MooCow> Veed! How were Lin's parents?
<Maelwys> Veed! Is it that lacy bra? We all like that one!
<Jackal> pants on head...parants... what varied questions
* MooCow waves to Clus in the baclground
<ThatCash> And just who the hell is Clus?
*** SludShower is now known as Sludig
<Hildesheim> I told you...he's my brther!
<ThatCash> hee-hee
<MooCow> I thought Clause was your brother?
<MooCow> The truth revealed!!!
<Maelwys> Hrrm. The plot thickens. Sludig was in the shower at the same time...
<MooCow> Goddamn... that's a crowded shower
<Hildesheim> Clause? A third brother?
<ThatCash> It's a big shower, remember.
<Lin_Veed> hahaha
<Sludig> With Lil. :)
<MooCow> Maybe they were at the shower at the YMCA? Lin works there after all....
<MooCow> "It's fun to stay at the Y-M-C-A!"

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2002 8:55 pm
by FlameBlade
Szechuan wrote:
Jackal wrote:[16:14] <Toon-At_Work> 9.)Grope Jordan
[16:16] * Jordan has joined #Bulldrek
[16:16] <Jordan> Where are my pants?
I'm famous! :D
So that means Veed is actually wearing Szech's pants which Liniah shamelessly stole?

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2002 2:30 pm
by Daki
Oh that was absolutely hilarious! I'll make sure to ask Veed if people really DO get better with age...

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2002 4:57 pm
by Cazmonster
Groping roxxors. It should be done on a regular basis.

Cazmonster gropes Daki and then runs off behind something tough, like the Chrysler building.

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2002 4:58 pm
by Daki
Caz, unless I see a $50 bill in my hand, I'm going to put you in a hurt locker.

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2002 5:11 pm
by Cazmonster
Cazmonster remote-pilots a drone over to Daki and has it shower him in 50's.

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2002 5:37 pm
by Daki
*Gathers up the 50's and nods in approval*

Pleasure doing business with you.

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2002 10:19 pm
by Cazmonster
Anything that keeps me from having to regenerate yet again.

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2002 11:20 pm
by FlameBlade
And that definitely saves money accured by that nanite union...

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2002 2:30 am
by Drucilla

And it saves you being tormented by having your nanites replaced with sea monkeys.

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2002 3:22 am
by Cazmonster
Cazmonster replaces every possible part of Drucilla with seamonkies.

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2002 11:34 am
by Szechuan
That's not exactly a torture then, is it Caz? If all her matter has been replaced with seamonkies, then she's either dead (and can't feel it) or now standing like 5 feet away, looking at a big pile of sea monkies...

You're getting old, friend. :D

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2002 12:20 pm
by Twisted Sister
Ah yes, here we see a sterling example of the unassailable logic of the totally deranged.

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2002 12:22 pm
by Szechuan
I try. :D

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2002 1:08 pm
by Cash
...or she is a big pile of seamonkeys. :)

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2002 1:10 pm
by Szechuan
Hmm. That brings up interesting questions about the nature of the BD psyche.

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2002 1:13 pm
by Cash
*hands over a mallet*

bonk yourself on the head a few times. Then you'll understand the Bulldrek psyche. :)

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2002 1:14 pm
by Szechuan
Nah. I've gotta work.

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2002 1:20 pm
by Cash
*hefts the mallet* I can always do it for you while you work...

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2002 1:22 pm
by Szechuan
Well, it's not exactly *work*... I'm still kind of in-training, so I do this while I wait for the bosses to not be busy, so they can tell me what to do.

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2002 1:34 pm
by Cash
That explains the frentic posting. :)

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2002 2:24 pm
by Daki
It does put everything in a clearer light.

Cash, hit him over the head anyway.

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2002 8:54 pm
by Cazmonster
Actually, I couldn't replace her brain, eyes or central nervous system with sea monkeys, so she's over there in abject agony as the little things clamp desperately to what's left of her.

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2002 2:36 am
by OverLord
[22:35] <Rico> Overlord: Do you smell what the Rock is cooking?
[22:35] <OverLord> Yes. Well-lubed bung.

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2002 12:06 pm
by Szechuan
OL: :lol

Caz: Now why would you want to hit me?

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2002 1:56 pm
by Daki
*Walks in and smashes Szechuan's head (with the infamous Hanbo of course) in for making him go to the SECOND page to look at new posts this morning*

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2002 1:58 pm
by Szechuan
*Laughs in triumph!* :lol :lol