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Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2002 4:28 pm
by Salvation122
We need to submit a bunch of these to Bash.

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2002 4:59 pm
by Szechuan
That dancing one rocks :D

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2002 12:52 pm
by Cash
<Jordan> OH SHIT
<Jordan> I'm supposed to be at work right now :/


Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2002 12:41 am
by FlakJacket
*** Jordan|Aikidokokyunage is now known as Jordan
*** NS_busy is now known as Nightsky
*** Ratlaw has joined #bulldrek
* Ratlaw waves
<Flak_Semi-NPA> Heya Rat. Welcome to the dead zone.
<Nightsky> ratlaw!
* Nightsky leaps on ratlaw and beats him with a dead rotting corpse of cindy crawford
<Jordan> We're not dead!
<Flak_Semi-NPA> Hola 'sky. Didn't see you there for a sec.
<Ratlaw> Who killed Cindy!
<Nightsky> that's okay no one does
<Flak_Semi-NPA> Jordan: Well the channel is.
<Nightsky> and i didnt kill her!
<Nightsky> she slipped on the gun
<Nightsky> she shot herself then hid the gun
<Jordan> Flak: sure doesn't seem to be ;)
* Ratlaw rips off Cindy's arm and beats Nightsky with the bloody pulp of it!
<Flak_Semi-NPA> Well now it 'aint. :)
* Nightsky tries to defend himself with cindy's left leg
<Ratlaw> Ah hah! En garde!
<The_Traveler> ...
<The_Traveler> Grisly.
* Flak_Semi-NPA sneaks up behind Ratlaw and whacks him with a comatose Naomi Campbell.
<Nightsky> fear me for I have high heels!
<Ratlaw> But I've got the wedding rin..owtch!
* Jordan takes Naomi Campbell and steals off into the night.
<Nightsky> Flak, you're model-fu is strong, i must steal your style <badly dubbed>
* Nightsky pulls out cindy's teeth and hurls them like shuriken at flak
<Flak_Semi-NPA> NS: Heels? So? That just means you can't run now. :p
<offie> qweeeeeee
<Nightsky> you do know know the highhee style!
* Flak_Semi-NPA flashily does a double backflip to avoid the teeth- even though simply stepping aside would have worked.
* Ratlaw goes and gets both of Sigourney Weaver's arms for some dual-wielding action!
* Nightsky makes a slow motion leap through the hair and smashes into the ground with cindy's "Dual Long Leg Smack of Doom"
<Flak_Semi-NPA> Aaaaiiiiiii!
<Nightsky> this is Super Model Martial Arts!
* Nightsky grabs cindy's remaining arm and spins her, using the "model Danceway Strut" attack on ratlaw
<Ratlaw> Bah! You're just jealous cause my dead celebrity can kick your dead celebrity's ass!
* The_Traveler gives the satellite the order for Orbital Kathy Ireland bombardment
<The_Traveler> If you're going to do this, go big or go home...
<Nightsky> ah! Kathy Ireland is falling from the sky! fortunately her bobs will hit the ground and she'll bounce back up
<Ratlaw> Quick! Jam him with the Drew Barrymore Sickeningly Cute Jam!
<Nightsky> fools! You force me to bring out my secret weapon!
* Nightsky yanks out Jennifer Love
<Nightsky> now you die!
* Nightsky moves Love into a fast frenzy ala the Tuxedo, flagrantly striking everything around, yet hitting nothing
* Flak_Semi-NPA launches himself at Nightsky with a spinning Claudia Schiffer kick attack.
<Nightsky> Ah! Claudia! Jennifer's pouty ways are no match!
* Ratlaw gives up and resorts to throwing presson nails at anyone who approaches.
* Nightsky grabs cindy again in retreat and flicks the mole into Claudia's windpipe
<Flak_Semi-NPA> [vc=bad kung-fu movie]Your model-fu is weak old man![/vc]
<Nightsky> grasshopper, it is time you learned how to use a supermodel
<Flak_Semi-NPA> Grasshopper? Thought I was cricket? Feh, you're the babbling old man here I suppose.
* Nightsky splits cindy's legs apart and gives her a spin, the dreaded "Topspin of Athletic Legs Whirlwind!"
* Flak_Semi-NPA pulls the Papparazi-'No Pictures' palm defence.
<Nightsky> NOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooo! Curses!
* Nightsky watches his supermodels run away/pose in fear
<Nightsky> indeed. the student has surpased the master
* Ratlaw drops on Flak with an Elizabeth Taylor Drunken-Master attack!
<Nightsky> yet you use theforbidding technique
* Flak_Semi-NPA re-attacks by stuffing chocolate and carrot cake down Ratlaw's models throats.
<Ratlaw> Gah! Must. Not. Swallow.
<Nightsky> hah! I still have one technique that is stronger!
* Nightsky TIMESHIFTS! by performing the technique, "Baywatch Run in Slow Motion" !
<Moulsari> hi Slud
<Flak_Semi-NPA> Aaahhhhh! Must... not... submit!
<Nightsky> run slowly you can't resist you know it to be true!
* Nightsky does the britney spears jiggle and lays the smackdown on flak
* Flak_Semi-NPA submits and kneels before Nightsky the master.
<Nightsky> behold, my model-fu is superior

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2002 9:32 pm
by Eva
[20:07] <Eva> Oh my. Erghitz talked.
[20:07] <Eva> I didn't just imagine that, did I?
[20:07] <Ampere> did I miss it?
[20:07] <Jan> Picard: "It's a life form and it's intelligent." Riker:"How do you know, sir?" Picard: "It's trying to communicate."
[20:07] <Jan> :)
[20:07] <Erghitz> It talks for the last time tonight...sleep is needed. I keep forgetting to put up my away name.
[20:07] * Eva sets out a bowl of milk and some cookies to lure the Erghitz back into channel.
[20:08] <Erghitz> Fah!
[20:08] <Erghitz> Wait...cookies?
[20:08] <Eva> It said Fah.
[20:08] <Veed> *blitz*
[20:08] * Veed stalks, papparazzi-style
[20:08] * Erghitz maces Veed.
[20:08] <Eva> Get the Translator online now!
[20:09] <Eva> *big machine starts rattling*
[20:09] <Eva> Commander Jan! Feed "Fah!" into the Translator!
[20:09] <Eva> Quickly!
[20:09] <Jan> Yes, sir!
[20:09] <Eva> *set starts shaking for absolutely no reason*
[20:09] <Jan> seems to be ancient ferengi for "Ugh".
[20:09] <Erghitz> It's almost like the real thing!
[20:09] * Jestyr falls out of her chair as random consoles explode in showers of sparks.
[20:10] <Erghitz> Or the real thing of the faking of the real thing...err...
[20:10] <Eva> Ugh?! Can we communicate with it? Dr. Jestyr, try making a mind-link.
[20:10] * Jestyr squinches her eyes shut and puts her hands to her temples dramatically.
[20:10] <Adam> Whoah. My Dumpshock shirt still has the orange stickers from Origins.
[20:10] <Veed> heh.. Dr. Jestyk
[20:10] <Eva> *more shaking occurs and red lights start flashing to make us all feel at ease*
[20:11] * Eva hangs on to a chair so large it screams "Compensating!"
[20:11] <Ratlaw> Captain! Aye donna know if she canna take any more!
[20:11] <Jan> Mr. Veedkov, raise shields!
[20:11] * Erghitz thinks about some twinkies.
[20:12] *** Ratlaw is now known as Rattie
[20:12] * Jestyr shakes her head. "All I'm getting, sir, is odd images of... Twinkies."
[20:12] <Eva> Hanson Ratlaw! Keep 'er together! We've never been this close to a live Erghitz!
[20:12] <Mace> "Set phasers to stun - we may have to subdue it"
[20:12] <Eva> Twinkies.. that's odd..
[20:12] <Rattie> I'm doin all Aye can, Captain.
[20:12] <Eva> Open a channel to the Erghitz. If it's intelligent, we can talk to it.
[20:13] * Rattie stares into the comunicator screen like that will keep the ship together.
[20:13] <Veed> Sir, the hull has been breached by an unknown ... oh wait, it's just some fly shit
[20:13] * Anguirel walks onto the bridge, amidst the red flashing and shaking.
[20:13] * Eva stands in front of a large screen, unaware of this totally ghey uniform she's wearing.
[20:13] <Eva> OPEN A CHANNEL!
[20:13] <Anguirel> "Captain, I don't know if this is a bad time, but I have this inane problem that requires your personal attention for no apparent reason."
[20:13] * Veed fetches the remote for the captain
[20:13] <Jan> Channel open, Sir.
[20:13] * Drucilla dumps Ang into an airlock and spaces it
[20:14] * Eva swats Anguirel across the face with a leather glove that came from nowhere.
[20:14] <Eva> Nice work there, Drucilla.
[20:14] <Eva> ERGHITZ!
[20:14] <Drucilla> Yes sir
[20:14] <Erghitz> Yes?
[20:14] * Drucilla then dies for no other reason than she's wearing a red shirt
[20:14] <Eva> You are destroying our ship with your Twinkie power!
[20:14] <Eva> I command you to release us from your tractor beam!
[20:15] <Eva> We come in peace and bring cookies!
[20:15] <Erghitz> It''s not my fault! Blame Hostess!
[20:15] <Eva> Let us go! The Federation means no harm to you (but would like a small cell sample).
[20:15] <Jan> Shall I feed that into the translator, sir?
[20:15] <Erghitz> Beam the cookies aboard and maybe we can come to some sort of....arrangement.
[20:16] <Rattie> ((Quick! Someone suggest we change the polarity of the defelector sheilds!))
[20:16] <Eva> Jan, feed it into the translator! What is this hotess!
[20:16] * Jan feeds the cookies into the translator
[20:16] <Eva> And why don't we change the polarity of the.. ehm.. deflectors!
[20:16] <Eva> Anson Veed, transport the cookies!
[20:17] <Veed> *munch*munch*mun*uh, what?
[20:17] * Erghitz throws a twinkie out into space just to see it slow motion spin far out into space...and infinity!
[20:17] <Eva> Dr. Jestyr, is this a *dramatic pause* hostile being?
[20:17] <Eva> Damn, where's Drucilla when you need her. Oh, we lost her? Damn.
[20:17] <Jestyr> Given that Twinkies are considered a biowarfare agent by all enlightened cultures, I'd have to say yes.
[20:17] <Eva> Anson Veed, we need these cookies!
[20:17] <Jestyr> Drucilla? Who?
[20:17] <Jestyr> Oh, Ensign RedShirt. I didn't know she had a name.
[20:18] <Eva> She did some cool stuff five minutes ago before she croaked.
[20:18] <Rattie> Captain, the redshirts in engineering are droppin' like flies! She canna take much more o'this!
[20:18] <Erghitz> Hey. Just because twinkies have an infinite shelf life that can extend past uranium doesn't mean they are bad for you...I think.
[20:18] * Eva runs up to the transporter console and starts maniacally punching buttons.
[20:18] * Veed runs off to TenForward
[20:18] <Veed> damnit, do none of these turbolifts function?
[20:18] <Eva> This is the worst fucking crew I've ever worked with.
[20:19] <Erghitz> Where are these damn peace cookies?!
[20:19] * Veed takes the fire escape
[20:19] * Jestyr raises an eyebrow. Captain, that's illogical.
[20:19] * Eva beams cookies over, sercretly poisoned with Klingon sperm.
[20:19] <Veed> Captain, that's a coffee brewer.
[20:19] * Eva makes some damn fine coffee, too, while she's at it.
[20:20] * Eva awaits a reaction from the Erghitz as we go to commercial break.
[20:20] <Erghitz> Why...this is damn good coffee!
[20:20] <Veed> "..aaaaand CUT!"
[20:21] <Eva> Thank fuck.
[20:21] <Rattie> "We've secretly replaced Captain Eva's usual brand of coffee with these new Folgers crystals. Let's see if she notices."
[20:21] <Veed> seriously, does this uniform make me look fat?
[20:21] <Eva> I swear to god they don't pay me enough for this.
[20:21] <Veed> Can we have some water over here, damnit?
[20:22] <Eva> I'm going to my fucking trailer.
[20:22] * Erghitz dies messily to the combo of Coffee, cookies, and Klingon Sperm which, when mixed, causes a violent explosion.
[20:23] <Eva> And the USS Bulldrek sails off to more adventures.

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2002 1:04 am
by Wildhuntsman
[20 51] *Jordan needs steak
[20 51] *Wildhuntsman points at Moo
[20 53] *Jordan eats Moo's meat
[20 53] <Jordan> wait..
[20 54] <Jordan> BACKSPACE!!BACKSPACE!!
[20 54] <Jordan> shit

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2002 1:13 am
by Szechuan

Ryan's never gonna let me hear the end of this... :|

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2002 1:19 am
by Bishop
Mmm. Manlove.

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2002 9:09 am
by Cash
<Eva> I just didn't dig, you know? DS9 and Bab5 were just not it.
<ThatCash> *gasp* Oh Eva. I thought I loved you. I want a divorce.
<Jan> It took till Sisko shaved his head and behaved more Hawk-like. :)
<Eva> And it didn't help that my total geek boyfriend wanted to watch Bab5 on Sunday mornings.
<Eva> A divorce?!
<Eva> Is this because of Julio?!
<ThatCash> You don't like Bab5. Julio worked hard on that show.
<Eva> You said you loved me, that he was out of your life!
<ThatCash> Julio is broken up over your unacceptance of him in the show. I've been "consoling" him.
<Eva> [niiiiice :o) ]
<Eva> It's not Julio! I /love/ Julio, you know that!
<Eva> But Alyson Hannigan didn't save American Pie, either.
<ThatCash> You don't love Julio! You only stayed with Julio becuase he had a Playstation!
<Eva> We just need to accept our own limitations.
<Eva> Damn.
<Eva> Well, now I have a PS2, so you wanna hang with me then..?
<ThatCash> Truth hurts, huh? :D
<ThatCash> Ok. Laters Julio.
<Eva> Hehehe!
<Eva> Screw you and your dumb show! I got Erik! Ha!
<Ratlaw> I know it's redundant, but you two are freaks ;)
<ThatCash> *bows*
<Eva> Hee-hee!

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2002 1:32 pm
by Crazy Elf
[00:01] <Eva> Höw çöüld hë dö thät?
[00:02] <Jan> The Ümläüt is öür secret!
[00:02] <Adam|WND> I'll fucking /kill you all you white folks motherfuckers if you keep doing that.
[00:02] * Eva checks, Yep, white right here.
[00:02] <Eva> Whÿ?
[00:02] <CrazyElf> I'm not white, I'm racially challenged!
[00:02] <Adam|WND> Because I'm a fucking white person murderer!
[00:02] <Eva> ...
[00:03] <Jan> Ädäm Jüry, the whîte persön mürderer!
[00:03] <Jordan> lol
[00:03] *** Jordan is now known as Jordan|AFK
[00:03] *** Quits: Jan ( (Local kill by Adam|WND (Taste the barrel of my gun, bîatch.))
[00:04] <Adam|WND> Shower now.

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2002 2:22 am
by FlakJacket
<Flak> Wild: Also because IIRC someone released an RPG with a similar name.
<Adam> Yes, Pinnacle is doing a game system called Savage Worlds.
<Eva> Well, Promised Sands sounds even worse.
<Wildfire> Ah, I have no time for him and his game right no anywyas, haven't been keeping up really
<Adam> No shit. WTF does it /mean/?
<Eva> I mean, did y'all have the Bounty commercials over here?
<Eva> Tropical islands, halfnaked chicks eating chocolate?
<Eva> That's what I think of when I hear Promised Sands. That, and retirement homes.
<Maelwys> mmm...coconuts
<MooCow> Promised Sands: Now you can Role Play being old. Take special powers such as "inability to control Bladder" "Drooling on self" and "When I was a kid!"
<Eva> Hahahah!
<Flak> And who could forget "Greeting Kiss of Repulsion".
<The_Traveler> "Ear Pull of Retribution"
<Dain> Cheek Pinch of Dread.
<Anguirel> "Tricks that only fool 5 year olds"
<Eva> Fatally Boring Stories
<Thorn> The ability to shout "Kids these days!"
<Eva> Dude.
<Eva> This RPG would rock. :o)
<The_Traveler> Fruitcakes
<Flak> (Selective) Memory of a Goldfish- Ignore what the hell you want.
<The_Traveler> The little plastic castle is a surprise every time...
<Thorn> Serve Dentition-Destroying Cookies of Doom
<Flak> Divine Walk- Ability to walk into the middle of traffic with head down and have eveyone stop as you cross.
<Eva> Lethal Drive - driving without using eyes or ears. Or the gas pedal, really.
<The_Traveler> Projectile Denture Face Chewing
<The_Traveler> Skull Destroying Cane Battering
<Eva> Some old guy almost broke my leg beating me with his cane a few years back.
<Avery> Ability to fall and be whisked to the ER.
<MooCow> kinky.
<The_Traveler> make it an expansion for Exalted. Call it the Grey Exalted
<Flak> Addendum Skull Crushing Cane Battering, (Must suceed in Quickness 6 test or fall over due to lack of support, make body 5 test to resist 5M)
<Eva> We're such fucking geeks. :o)
<The_Traveler> It could be a LARP
* The_Traveler gives Eva a grey wig and a walker
<Avery> Eva: So....what's your point? :)
* The_Traveler pulls his pants up to his armpits
<Thorn> Yes, but in a LARP then we'd all have to wander around smelling of urine and talcum powder
<MooCow> Thanks Trav: I now have this image of a bunch of Goths hanging around an old age home
* Avery hunches over and removes his dentures....
* Eva LARPs being old and sits still a lot.
<The_Traveler> that's different from most LARPs how?
* Flak grabs Eva and gives her the 'Blue Rinse of Age'.
<Thorn> Now people smell of urine and cloves

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2002 3:56 pm
by FlakJacket
*** pandora has joined #bulldrek
<pandora> oh my god
<pandora> look at my butt
<pandora> :)
<eva|npa> ...
* Cazmonster goes to get that SPECIAL DEVICE to use on Pandora's butt.
* Bishop gets the camera ready.
<eva|npa> I swear to god, I'll turn religious right now if I get ops.
* eva|npa prays.
<Liniah_Packing> haha
* Bishop laughs
<OverLord> *snrk*
<Cazmonster> Pray to that Jesus we all know and love!
<Atragon> Which special device would that be? the MABDOM?
<eva|npa> Jesus, I believe!
<Bishop> Pray harder!
<eva|npa> Bless me!!!
<Cazmonster> Joo got that right.
<Liniah_Packing> O_O
* Liniah_Packing goes to match her socks to her shirts..
*** OperServ sets mode: +o eva|npa
<Cazmonster> the MABDOM would fix pandora's butt right quick.
<Cazmonster> w00t!
<Bishop> You mean people actually do that?
<eva|npa> YES!!!
<Lilith> W00t!
<Cazmonster> Feel the power of Jesus!
<Lilith> it's a sign from the Lord!~
<Lilith> Hallelujah!
*** pandora was kicked by eva|npa (HALLELUJAH!)
<eva|npa> I BELIEVE!
<Bishop> The lord is righteous in his might.
* Cazmonster laughs out loud.
<WhiteJesus> Oh, by the way.
<WhiteJesus> Guys can fuck guys.
<Liniah_Packing> hey, anyone know how much a black hat costs?
<WhiteJesus> Girls can fuck girls.
<eva|npa> HAHAHAH!
<WhiteJesus> I said so.
*** eva|npa sets mode: -o eva|npa
<Liniah_Packing> heh
<Paul> Thats why I wrote that Book for that guy
<Mace> Sweet - bend over then WJ
<OverLord> Oh, that was beauiful...
<Cazmonster> Eva, you rock harder than nearly anyone in the free world.
* OverLord applauds Eva.
<Paul> I wonder when Bethyaga will post in that Polygoatfuck thread....
* eva|npa bows.
<eva|npa> Thank you, thank you.

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2002 12:03 am
by Jackal
[19:02] <Reika> Hey Scavenger :)
[19:02] <Sludig> hiya Jackal
[19:02] <Jackal> Hello my Ice Queen ;)
[19:02] <Jackal> Yo Sludie :)
[19:02] * Reika grins and wuffles Jackal.
[19:02] <Wildhuntsman> no fair! Reika that is my line!
[19:02] <Jackal> Yeah but see, she's cool, and you suck.
[19:03] <Adam> And from all reports I've heard, with teeth.

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2002 9:26 pm
by Szechuan
mIRC wrote: <OverLord> It works for me well enough, though, since the arrogance and superiority complex remains, though I may have quashed my world-domination urges years ago, heh.
<EvanMoore> WF, I'm not meaning to pin you to the wall, but ... um ... did you go to an institutionalized learning center? <chuckling>
<Wildfire> Wildfire is always still me, I change, but the nick is always me outside of BD Proper, so I keep it :) But every chartacter and persona is a little bit of me as well
<EvanMoore> OL, that's too bad... with your urges, my plans and the resources of this forum, we could've made a go of it...
<EvanMoore> I'm content to be the advisor to the Overlord.... <chuckles>
<OverLord> Have you ever seriously considered what it would be like? The effort, the constant annoyance, dealing with underlings, the PAPERWORK...
* OverLord would rather just be out having a good time.
<EvanMoore> OL, that's what presidents and prime minsters are for. We would've ruled from our secret lair beneath the volcano...
<EvanMoore> <chuckles>
<Wildfire> Lemme count here...pre K through 1st grade, public school in an elementary school of roughtly 200 over 6 grades, 2nd grade public school in Miami, 3rd-5th private school, 6th and 7th GT magnet school system, 8th-9th public community school (public school, but more town that county wide), 10th -12th public county high school :)
<OverLord> No, then there'd be annoying covert agents invading the damn place all the time.
<OverLord> Read the Evil OVerlord guide, man!
<Wildfire> Much of the social thing being the moving every two years or so thing :)
<EvanMoore> Why did you move so often, WF?
<Wildfire> Military
<EvanMoore> OL, Yes, yes, yes. But, I have that angle worked out.
<EvanMoore> OL, that's where Marius' skill with chemistry comes into play....
<OverLord> Don't you get it? "Heroes" have some sort of unnatural cabability to get past anything in their way...
<EvanMoore> ...we flood the whole complex with a mind altering drug that infuses absolute loyalty to us...
<EvanMoore> OL, Heroes are myths.
<EvanMoore> James Bond isn't real.
<EvanMoore> We can do this, man. We can do this!
<EvanMoore> And even if we fail, think of the TOYS!
<Wildfire> You know I'd just have to go messing up random stuff if you did. :)
<OverLord> Yeah, there's that, too.
<EvanMoore> Wildfire, but, you'd be part of it. A paid, member of the revolution.
* SzechFood messily devours his pizza
<EvanMoore> Wildfire, you'd have your own island. All the bandwidth you desired.
<SzechFood> starting a jihad, Evan?
<EvanMoore> Szech, we're planning to take over the world. Wanna help?
* OverLord waves hello to the Feds if they're watching this. "Hi!!!"
<Wildfire> Nah, see the urge to random make chaos in an orther wise orderly organization would be too much. I'd go along probably while you were still screwing with the system but once you became to system, you'd be the target :)
<SzechFood> no, because you're a zealous nutjob with too much time. :D
<EvanMoore> Szech, you can have nearly anything you want.... as long as you understand that OL is the final, ultimate authority behind every government....
<EvanMoore> Wildfire, I can live with that. You help us until we get to be "the power" and then you can start messing with you....
<EvanMoore> ... us.
<Wildfire> I'm cool with that :)
<EvanMoore> <making notes about the exact timing of WFs assassination...>
* OverLord smacks EvanMoore with a piece of rebar.
<EvanMoore> OUCH!
<EvanMoore> Did I type that?
<EvanMoore> Disregard, that was just a faulty part of the plan... <rips up paper>
<OverLord> We do not kill the employees.
* Wildfire notes who would be programming the computer systems :D
<EvanMoore> ....much.
<OverLord> ...
<OverLord> Perhaps I have not made myself clear on this.
* Wildfire has never /tried/ to make a system completely incomprehensible, but thinks it would be fun and have plently of future usues :)
* OverLord aims his revolver at Evan and begins targeting his joints. "We." *BLAM!* "Do." *BLAM!* "NOT." *BLAM!* "Kill." *BLAM!* "The." *BLAM!* "Employees!" *BLAM!*
<SzechFood> argh
<SzechFood> Argh! Keyboard cat!
* EvanMoore with his one remaining joint tears off the page that says "assassination plans". Yes, boss.
<OverLord> Suggest anything like that again and you'll be sent to the Jolly Rancher.
* EvanMoore attempts to salute--a rather pathetic attempt--"Aye, sir.
<OverLord> Oh, pull yourself together already...
<EvanMoore> <snap> <crackle> <pop>
* Wildfire notes to replaces Evan's water with ipicac and salt with arsenic should he suggest it again
<EvanMoore> So, we have to get Marius in on this to get the chemistry done to make all the world leaders agree to OL as "The OverLord".
<OverLord> I'd rather just OWN the world, not rule it, really...
<OverLord> Scratch that, don't want to own the world.
<McJellyBus> Yeah. Easier to have someone else rule it, and just reap the profits.
<EvanMoore> Ahhh... so this is more of a rental arrangement... Ewww... Wait. That means we have to maintain and upkeep the place--can't we just treat it like a big condo?
<EvanMoore> Okay, we do have to resolve some issues first....
<McJellyBus> Or just bugger God until he does it.
<EvanMoore> Are we a benevolent dictatorship or an oppressive dictatorship?
<McJellyBus> Does it matter?
<EvanMoore> I just need to know for the marketing campaign.
I think he's finally lost it!

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2002 1:03 am
by FlameBlade
yep, I concur, Szechuan


Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2002 4:37 pm
by Daki
Losing something implies it was had to begin with.

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2002 8:03 pm
by Szechuan
True. True.

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2002 7:54 am
by The Traveler
#bulldrek wrote:* The_Traveler glues a clickybase to Nexus' feet
<The_Traveler> Let's see what his stats are!
* Aco has joined #bulldrek
* Kwyndig clicks Nexusvoid down a few levels.
<Aco> oi
* Kwyndig waves hello to Aco with a paw.
<Kwyndig> Oi
* The_Traveler paints Aco a ghastly color scheme and glues his feet to a clickybase
* Kwyndig is a unique, and thus gets to keep his original colors.
* Nexusvoid slaps Aco around a bit with Clippy, the annoying Office assistant
* Aco uses deadly DVD discs to decapitate Nex
* Kwyndig checks to see if any of the DVDs are worth swiping.
<Aco> Not really. Their mediocrity makes them even more deadly.
* Kwyndig shrugs, then measures the distance between The_Traveler and himself.
* The_Traveler gets out his bendy ruler
<Kwyndig> Hah, I can hit you... With my ranged attack!
* Kwyndig strikes The_Traveler with his ranged attack, Hellfire, for six clicks.
<The_Traveler> Ah, but I have special equipment in my armor slot! Reactive armor!
* The_Traveler clicks off his special equipment after having it burnt out by the hellfire
<Kwyndig> But I that only protects for the first shot.... Mwuhahaha
* Kwyndig waits for his next turn.
* Kwyndig tilts his head and stares at Kwyndig.
* The_Traveler activates his electronic camoflage movement equipment
* Kwyndig calls for an artillery strike. "Bound to hit somebody!"
<Aco> Wow. You don't realize how crappy the visual quality of the classic SW trilogy is compared to the new movies until you see them side by side
* The_Traveler uses his move this turn to hide in deep water
<The_Traveler> Hah!
* Kwyndig chuckles, then Hellfires the water, boiling it for two clicks to anything in it.
* The_Traveler takes two clicks on his heatsinks and rolls for ammo explosion
* The_Traveler explodes
* Nexusvoid ... begins ... to .... twitch...
* Kwyndig points and laughs at the fallen figure of The_Traveler
<Kwyndig> Hah, I win. Points for me!
* The_Traveler laughs, because he managed to sneak a support unit into Kwyndig's deployment zone
<The_Traveler> Victory Condition 3!
<Kwyndig> You cheating monkey, where'd you get support units?
<The_Traveler> It's a 300 point game. I'm only worth 200, unlike you!
<Maelwys> Trav's cheap, in more ways then one.
* Kwyndig chuckles
<The_Traveler> Well, think about it. You can only field one Overlord, but you could field me and some little scooters, or a kid with a balloon
<Kwyndig> You had a damn kid with a balloon in your army?
<The_Traveler> He's the one that was in your deployment zone when the clock ended
<The_Traveler> Sneaky, eh?
<Kwyndig> Hah, Victory Condition 12! Not acting like a bloody idiot! I win too.
<Kwyndig> But yes, sneaky
<Aco> Victory Condition 69: Refusing to play when everyone around you has the sanity of a small grapefruit.
<Rato> Calvinball?
<The_Traveler> Plus, my halfling berserkers blew up your yarn depot.
<Kwyndig> Hey, I resent that remark! I have the sanity of a small underripe watermellon, thank you very much!
<Kwyndig> The yarn depot! NOOOOOOOO!
<Kwyndig> Wait a minute, halflings can go berserk? How the hell can you do that?
<Rato> I declare the secret winning condition.
<Aco> Kwyn: Actually, you made me think of a banana.
<The_Traveler> If it's any consolation, the hoverscooter team gave Nexus three clicks of harrassment damage.
<The_Traveler> Limited edition halfling berserker figures. I had to eat thirty boxes of frosted flakes for them.
<Kwyndig> I'm still trying to figure out how a halfling can go berserk. What'd you do, take away their breakfast?

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2002 5:26 pm
by Cazmonster
What about Breakfast?

We've got to be on the move.


Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2002 6:07 pm
by Szechuan
mIRC wrote: [13:58] * Szechuan is sitting pretty. His life is good.
[13:58] <Szechuan> So, of course, I'm bound to die in a horrible car wreck in the next few minutes.
[13:58] <Daki> If the elder gods accept this sacrifice I'm working on, then yes you will.
[13:58] <Szechuan> lol
[13:58] <Szechuan> You'll have to sacrifice many goths.
[13:58] *** Mr_Stinky has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)
[13:59] <Daki> Nah. I like goths. I have a supply of true evil to sacrifice
[13:59] <Szechuan> Evan's semen?
[13:59] *** Kwyndig has joined #Bulldrek
[13:59] <Daki> HMO Doctors
[13:59] <Szechuan> eeee!
[13:59] * Szechuan wuffles the kitty.
[14:00] * Kwyndig wuffles Szechuan.
[14:00] <Daki> Hey Kwyn
[14:00] * Kwyndig waves hello to Daki with a paw.
[14:02] <Toon-At_Work> Daki: Nah. For true evil, go for HMO Insurance adjusters
[14:02] <Daki> They're on back order

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2002 6:14 pm
by Cazmonster
Daki rocks, he's helped me a great deal today in pushing close to p6k.

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2003 3:35 pm
by Daki
*Comes in and takes a bow*

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2003 3:54 pm
by Cazmonster
I wish it was less obvious that IRC was slacking, or I'd run it all day from work.

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2003 4:35 am
by FlameBlade
You guys are scary...then again, I got p1k in less than two weeks :)

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2003 4:32 pm
by Szechuan
Because you're a monster. A big, flaming monster.

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2003 7:11 pm
by FlameBlade
I'm not a monster. I'm a big, flaming munster.

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2003 10:26 pm
by Gunny
*wanders into the thread, riding a cow wearing anti-grav boots*

*hops off the cow and ties him down to a rock with a string so he doesn't float away*

*walks over to FB with a few poet blouses of vibrant color* *holds each in turn against him* hmm... Tangerine is more of your color. but... we /must/ do something about those shoes mister! they're ghastly!!

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2003 10:34 pm
by Daki
Anti-grav cows? You know, that has offensive weapon capabilities written all over it.

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2003 9:47 pm
by Szechuan
mIRC wrote:[17:36] <Szechuan> Eva: Hotornot rated me a 5.5 as a male, and a 3.1 as a female. :D
[17:37] <Wildfire> Hey Eva, and well I though Szech has always been dead :)
[17:37] <Eva> Dude, that's a sweet rating!
[17:37] * Szechuan smiles.
[17:37] <Szechuan> WOO!
[17:37] <Szechuan> I'm 6.7 now. :D
[17:37] <Szechuan>
[17:37] <Szechuan> Vote for me. (and be honest!)
[17:38] <Eva> That's such a good shot of you, dude.
[17:38] <Eva> When in doubt, go for creepy.
[17:38] <Eva> Works everytime.
[17:38] <Szechuan> I was trying to look intrigued. ;)
[17:38] <Eva> You managed intriguing.
[17:39] <Szechuan> ooh. ;)
[17:39] <Szechuan> The one I sent to Control is much better-- higher resolution and closer-up.
[17:39] <LargeMike> You managed creepy and slight morbid.
[17:39] <LargeMike> And kinda smart.
[17:39] <Eva> Creepy + morbid = teh win.
[17:39] <Wildfire> There was that link a while back about some Q&A site judging if you were male or female and how sure it was, that was amusing...
[17:39] <Szechuan> ooh!
[17:39] <Eva> Creepy + morbid + smart = teh smooch.
[17:39] <Szechuan> I'm a 5.1 as a female now.
[17:39] <Eva> At least, in my experience.
[17:39] <LargeMike> Sage, yet disturbing. That's our Szechuan.
[17:39] * Szechuan feels all gooey. He's been given a 'teh smooch' rating.

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2003 10:11 pm
by Gunny
I still say he looks like he's wearing a bad wig.

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2003 1:21 am
by Crazy Elf
IRC wrote:[12:40] * CrazyElf is protected by God, who kills all your firstborn children and makes your leaders throw spears at people at random
[12:40] <Atragon> Given that my country's politicians are incompetant...
[12:41] <CrazyElf> That is because they throw spears at their advisors and children
[12:41] *** Atragon is now known as God
[12:41] * OverLord smacks God with a piece of rebar.
[12:41] *** God is now known as Atragon
[12:42] *** CrazyElf is now known as God
[12:42] <God> I'm the only true God around here, fuckboy
[12:43] * OverLord smacks God with a piece of rebar.
[12:43] *** Quits: Atragon ( (Connection reset by peer)
[12:43] <OverLord> ........Irony!
[12:43] <God> Do that again, and I'll make you wrestle with a lion and then drink the honey that forms in it after you leave the corpse there for a few days
[12:43] *** Joins: Atragon (
[12:43] * OverLord smacks God with a piece of rebar.
[12:43] * Atragon watches OverLord smack God with a piece of rebar.
[12:44] * Mace shoves a stick of dynamite up gods ass, lights the fuse and then shoves on a Everlast Chastity Belt for fun before the explosion
[12:44] <God> See! You have angered God, who has unleased the mighty peer unto thee
[12:44] <God> Suck thine pain
[12:44] <Atragon> Er...No.
[12:44] <God> Now burn me a fucking COW!
[12:44] *** Atragon is now known as Shiva
[12:45] <God> More cows! Less dieties!
[12:45] <Shiva> I think not.
[12:45] <God> I kicked all the other God's arses, freaky six armed bitch!
[12:46] <God> I'm going to hit you so hard that your worshipers will prey bruised!
[12:46] * Shiva uses 2 arms to pin God's arms, 2 arms to pin God's legs, and 2 arms to rip off God's balls
[12:46] <Mace> Actually - Buddhists outnumber you smart ass
[12:46] * God is a pillar of flame
[12:46] <Shiva> Yes. And I have your balls.
[12:46] * Shiva feeds God's balls to the dogs
[12:47] <God> I have no balls, for I am the Omega and Alpha, and all that shit. I need no genitalia, just my arsewhooping fists of doom
[12:47] * God performs the mega punch like ultraman
[12:47] <God> *punch*
[12:47] <Shiva> I, how did you make your son with no balls?
[12:47] <God> Fear me, for I am a loving God!
[12:47] <God> I'm God! Don't fucking question my workings!
[12:47] <Shiva> Fuck you. I am a god of destruction.
[12:48] <God> I'll slap you like a thing I slap much, so thou best watch thine self
[12:48] <God> Destruction? Please. Who kicked the Egyption's arses? Who?
[12:48] * OverLord smacks God with a piece of rebar.
[12:48] <God> Was it you
[12:48] * Wildfire rummages around for the AEtheist Sword of Zeal....
[12:48] <God> Or was it me?
[12:48] <Shiva> You'll slap me like you slap your dick? No wonder why your son was so screwed up you ball-less wonder
[12:49] <God> Shiva, for a god of destruction, thine art rather lacking in thine vocal gibes
[12:49] <Shiva> Who needs them?
[12:50] <God> Thine dost not feel the need to back up thine's statements
[12:50] <Shiva> No, I don't. Do you?
[12:50] <God> For thine art God, and thou does be shutting the fuck up
[12:51] <God> Or thou wilt be hit over the head with an Ewok
[12:51] <Shiva> ...
[12:51] <God> And lo! For it will hurt
[12:51] * Shiva zaps God's ass with a lightning bolt
[12:51] * OverLord hands Shive a length of rebar.
[12:51] * God eats the bolt, and spits it back at Shiva in the form of a turnip, which does plant in the ground and burry her
[12:51] * Shiva eats the turnip
[12:52] * God has poisoned the turnip with love
[12:52] *** God is now known as CrazyElf
[12:52] * Shiva spits out the love...which lands on the Elf
[12:52] <CrazyElf> Sorry, laughing too hard to type anymore of this
[12:52] *** Shiva is now known as Atragon
[12:52] <Atragon> Yeah

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2003 2:07 am
by Szechuan
mIRC wrote: [22:06] <Szechuan> back
[22:06] <Lilith> wb
[22:06] <Flak> forward
[22:06] <Lilith> left
[22:06] <Flak> up
[22:06] <Szechuan> shut
[22:06] <Atragon> open
[22:06] <Lilith> door
[22:06] <Atragon> slam
[22:06] <Lilith> trash
[22:06] <Flak> trailer
[22:06] <Atragon> white
[22:07] <Alexander> park
[22:07] <Lilith> ray
[22:07] <Alexander> Ghostbusters
[22:07] <Flak> homoerotic
[22:07] <Lilith> slash
[22:07] <Atragon> homo
[22:07] <Alexander> Dru
[22:08] <Lilith> Denial
[22:08] <Flak> Messy.
[22:08] <OverLord> Gibs
[22:08] <Szechuan> Chicken
[22:08] <Lilith> turkey
[22:08] <Szechuan> Overlord.
[22:08] <Alexander> Butterball
[22:08] <Szechuan> ;)
[22:08] <Lilith> hehehehe
[22:09] <Cygnata> hehehe
[22:09] <Toon-At_Work> laughter
[22:10] <Szechuan> tickles
[22:10] <Toon-At_Work> feathers
[22:10] <OverLord> wing
[22:10] <Alexander> chicken
[22:10] <Szechuan> OL
[22:10] <Toon-At_Work> cooked goose
[22:10] <Flak> Smurf
[22:10] <Szechuan> gay
[22:10] <Flak> Veed
[22:10] <Szechuan> Dutch
[22:10] <Toon-At_Work> Eva
[22:10] <Flak> Drool
[22:11] <OverLord> brain damage
[22:11] <Toon-At_Work> blade
[22:11] <Atragon> vampires
[22:11] <Flak> Goths!
[22:11] <Alexander> CE
[22:11] <OverLord> CE
[22:12] <Flak> CoE
[22:12] <Toon-At_Work> coC
[22:12] <Lilith> Tentacles
[22:12] <Flak> DoD
[22:12] <Alexander> DoT
[22:12] <Toon-At_Work> Morons
[22:13] <Alexander> Mjelvis
[22:13] <Lilith> #Shadowrun
[22:13] <Szechuan> Morons
[22:13] <OverLord> Universal
[22:13] <Szechuan> moron
[22:13] <Lilith> Contstant
[22:13] <Szechuan> pi
[22:13] <Lilith> apple
[22:13] <Szechuan> moron
[22:13] <OverLord> Arrow
[22:13] <Szechuan> ;)
[22:13] <Liniah> your mom
[22:13] <Szechuan> sexy
[22:14] <Lilith> milf
[22:14] <Liniah> biatch
[22:14] <Flak> butch
[22:14] <Szechuan> dyke
[22:14] <Flak> your mom
[22:14] <OverLord> recurring theme
[22:14] <Flak> Liniah
[22:14] <Szechuan> slut
[22:14] <Lilith> leg humping
[22:15] * Liniah humps flak's leg
[22:15] <Szechuan> *unf*
[22:15] <Lilith> oh baby
The shit people do when they're bored.

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2003 3:49 pm
by Daki
Elf as god. That would make a horrible kind of sense.

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2003 4:07 pm
by Szechuan
I'd like to see how he dealt with the world.

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2003 4:30 pm
by Gunny
what makes you think he isn't? look around you man!!! it's his sick joke!

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2003 4:38 pm
by Szechuan
Nah. :)

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2003 5:00 pm
by Gunny
hrm. sure feels that way.

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2003 8:02 pm
by Szechuan
mIRC wrote: [16:07] <Jackal> I think that answered your question.
[16:08] <Jackal> I give you.... the Tomahawk ::
[16:08] <Jackal> "a potential top speed of nearly 400 miles per hour - for anyone who wants to test it."
[16:09] * Toon looks at the Tomahawk and nearly chokes on his water
[16:09] <Toon> I *so* want one of those.
[16:09] <Jackal> Don't know about you, but I don't want to test going 400 on a bike....I don't think you'd survive that if you crashed.
[16:09] <Jackal> Limited production, around $250,000 US for it too.
[16:10] <Toon> Jackal: Yeah, but it's not like you'd suffer long if you crashed at 400 mph. The main question would be open or closed casket. I'm thinking closed.
[16:10] <Jackal> I'm thinking rubbermaid...

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2003 12:28 am
by Szechuan
mIRC wrote:[20:37] * OverLord once saw a jar of pickles over three years out of date when he was working at a supermarket.
[20:37] <Szechuan> o_O
[20:37] * OverLord showed said jar to a co-worker.
[20:37] <OverLord> Who promptly opened it and ate one.
[20:37] <Szechuan> ...
[20:38] <OverLord> Jar of pickles: $3
[20:38] <OverLord> Bottle of floor cleaner: $2.50
[20:38] <OverLord> Expression on co-worker's face after he eats a pickle from a jar 3 years outo f date: PRICELESS.
[20:38] <Szechuan> lol
[20:39] <OverLord> Some things money can't buy. For everything else, there's Mastercard.

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2003 2:03 am
by FlameBlade
For a little fun...

Szechuan and I switched name around...
<Szechuan> Can someone stick that up top?
<Szechuan> I need mIRc recognition to make me feel like my dick is big.
<Rato> To compensate for my crappy car and crappy computer, I have a enormous penis instead.
<Szechuan> LOL
<Flame> your dick is small, Szechuan.
<Flame> small
<Flame> small
<Szechuan> A friend of mine used to be like, "I don't even have a LICENSE!"
<Flame> small small small small small
<Flame> small small small small small
<Flame> small small small small small
<Szechuan> And then we'd laugh.
<Flame> :)
<Tryyng> hah! well, to compensate for my enormous car and slick computer and sound system, i have... i... i need a drink.
<Flame> tinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnny
<Szechuan> And you're gay, Flame.
<Szechuan> gay
<Szechuan> gay
<Szechuan> gay gay gay gay gay
<Szechuan> gay gay gay gay gay
<Szechuan> gay gay gay gay gay
<Szechuan> gay gay gay gay gay
<Flame> lol
<Szechuan> fruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuity
<Flame> yes, I'm happy.
<OverLord> CEASE DEMONS!!!
* OverLord smacks Flame with a piece of rebar.
<Flame> what?
* OverLord smacks Szech with a piece of rebar.
* OverLord smacks Flame with a piece of rebar.
* OverLord smacks Szech with a piece of rebar.
* OverLord smacks Flame with a piece of rebar.
* OverLord smacks Szech with a piece of rebar.
<Szechuan> Who's Szech?
<Flame> oo...nice form.
* Szechuan is now known as Incognito
<Flame> your nick name, dork...fuck you :)
* Incognito is now known as Running
* Running is now known as From
<Flame> Running Gag?
<Rato> [sfx: Ding, Dong, Ding, Dong, Ding, Donk]
* From is now known as OL
<Tryyng> running from the Ungamunga brigade?
<Flame> Running from Freed Assfro Spirits?
* OL is now known as Trwng
* Trwng is now known as Trvvng
<Trvvng> ^_^
* Trvvng is now known as F|ame
* Flame is now known as Szechuan
<Szechuan> :)
-NickServ- This nickname is registered and protected. If it is your
-NickServ- nick, type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY password. Otherwise,
-NickServ- please choose a different nick.
<Szechuan> fuck
* Szechuan is now known as Flame
<F|ame> FUCK
<F|ame> so close to Ghosting :)
<Flame> rotfl
<Tryyng> the sad thing is, people can't even parody my name right on the first try...
* Flame is now known as Szechuan
-NickServ- This nickname is registered and protected. If it is your
-NickServ- nick, type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY password. Otherwise,
-NickServ- please choose a different nick.
* Szechuan is now known as Flame
<Flame> booyah
* Flame is now known as Szechuan
-NickServ- This nickname is registered and protected. If it is your
-NickServ- nick, type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY password. Otherwise,
-NickServ- please choose a different nick.
* You were killed by NickServ [] (GHOST command used by F|ame)
* Disconnected
* Not connected to server
* Attempting to rejoin...
* Rejoined #bulldrek
* Topic is 'The second Annual BBQ:'
* Topic set by Szechuan on Tuesday Feb 11 08:34 pm
* Statistics: 26 Users (Total: 26)
* F|ame is now known as Flame
* You were killed by NickServ [] (GHOST command used by Flame)
* Disconnected
* Szechuan is now known as Flame
* Attempting to rejoin...
* Rejoined #bulldrek
* Topic is 'The second Annual BBQ:'
* Topic set by Szechuan on Tuesday Feb 11 08:34 pm
* Statistics: 26 Users (Total: 26)
<Flamer> heh :)
<Flame> ^_^
* Flamer flames Flame
* Flame is a Flamer, too.
* Flame is now known as Szechuan
* Permission Denied- You do not have the correct IRC operator privileges
* OverLord loses track of what the hell just happened, goes for aspirin
* Flamer is now known as Flame
<Szechuan> Don't worry, I didn't register your name.
<Flame> hahahahaha
<Szechuan> Though I suggest you do so. :)
<Flame> I got ghosted twice.
<Tryyng>, everyone's back in place now, right?
* Szechuan nods.
<Flame> yep
<Flame> Actually
<Szechuan> Sorry, Flame. Once was enough, but I got carried away. ^_^
<Flame> I'm Szechuan
<Flame> he's Flame.
<Flame> I know.
<Tryyng> wait, register names? how do you do that?
<Szechuan> type /nickserv register <password> <email?
<Szechuan> ? = >
<Szechuan> type /nickserv register <password> <email>
<Szechuan> Then you can type stuff like /nickserv ghost <nick> <password>
* OverLord runs through a wall.
<Szechuan> Actually, he's right, you know.
<Szechuan> I'm Flame.
* Szechuan shakes his fist at Szechuan
<Szechuan> Bastard!
* Flame shakes fist at Flame
<Flame> Bastard! You took my name!
* Tryyng lashes out randomly with a flamethrower
* Szechuan smacks Szechuan..
<Flame> Ok, I'll work at your bad German skills.
<Szechuan> Sonofabitch! you changed my nickserv password!
* WHM_AFK is now known as Wildhuntsman
<Flame> Embrass you, Flame!
<Tryyng> burning makes the world better!
<Flame> Yeah, I did!
* Szechuan runs in circles.
<Szechuan> Dammit, Szech, this isn't cool.
<Flame> Du Bein Bastard!
* Szechuan looks at OL.
* OverLord bludgeons a wall with his head and goes into blissful unconciousness.
* Flame looks at Overlord
<Rato> "You could always follow Elfland's lead and name your country after your people, but I don't think Pompous Donkey Rimmer Land would fit on a T-shirt quite as well."
<Flame> I like poinging little girls in Canada.
<Szechuan> It's true, he does.
<Szechuan> Did you know that my glasses are big and they make me look like a marmot?
<Flame> At least you had that rolling rock there.
<Flame> OverLord, Help! This really is Szech! You like 'Price of Command', don't you? HELP US!
<Lin-the-Vampire-Hunter> mmmm...spike
* OverLord wakes up
* OverLord blinks
<Lin-the-Vampire-Hunter> *drool*
* OverLord puts his gun to his head
* Lin-the-Vampire-Hunter is now known as Liniah_NPA
* OverLord fire
* OverLord splatters against the wall
<OverLord> *thud*
* Tryyng collects the drippings for a hearty stew.
<Flame> Dammit, Flame, this is /so/ not cool. Fucking with my nickserv password isn't funny. It's not my fault you didn't register yours.
<Liniah_NPA> hey moo....
<Liniah_NPA> any idea how much snow we'er expecting?
<Szechuan> Fine.
<Flame> Ok, the fight is silly, let's change the nick back.
* Szechuan is now known as Flamer
<MooCow> Lin: is your friend
* Flame is now known as HerrSzech
<MooCow> :)
* Flamer is now known as Flame
* HerrSzech is now known as Szechuan
-NickServ- This nickname is registered and protected. If it is your
-NickServ- nick, type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY password. Otherwise,
-NickServ- please choose a different nick.
<Szechuan> Much better.
* OverLord has a headache now.
<Flame> Thanks.
* Flame pokes OL. You okay now?
* Szechuan looks at OL.
<Szechuan> You see, he's a splatter on the ground.
* Flame nods.
* Wildhuntsman has quit IRC (Quit: brb)
<Szechuan> I definitely think that we broke him.
<Flame> mm-hmm
<Flame> Es ist bein broken.
<OverLord> Glarb...
<Liniah_NPA> kaput!
<OverLord> Floig?
<OverLord> Narglezooflies!
* Szechuan wuffles Overlord
<OverLord> *thud*
* Szechuan wuffles Liniah
<Flame> Lin: Szech and I exchanged names. OL got confused.
<MooCow> Lin: looks like they are saying 1-2 inches
<Liniah_NPA> oh, that's it?
<Liniah_NPA> damn
* Tryyng humps szechuan's leg rapidly
<Tryyng> and... done.
<Liniah_NPA> that was fast
* Szechuan smacks Tryyng with a lead pipe.
<Tryyng> you know it, baby. tryyng - minute man. the mighty micro.
* MooCow is now known as Moo_Smallville
* Liniah_NPA is now known as Technical_Difficulties
* Flame pokes OL again.
<Flame> Are you okay?
<OverLord> Possibly.
* Szechuan wuffles Overlord
<Szechuan> sorry.
<Tryyng> ...of course, the viewer must remember, "okay" is loosely defined - in this case, to include someone who voluntarily posts to bulldrek.
<Szechuan> For the entire chaos and confusion that ensued recently..
<Flame> Wanna switch back now, Flame?
<Szechuan> Yeah, switch back, Szechuan
* Szechuan is now known as Flamer
* Flame is now known as Szechuan
* Flamer is now known as Flame
-NickServ- This nickname is registered and protected. If it is your
-NickServ- nick, type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY password. Otherwise,
-NickServ- please choose a different nick.
* Szechuan bows.
<Technical_Difficulties> haha
* Flame bows
<Szechuan> Thank you. We're here 'til Thursday. Try the veal!
<Tryyng> ...and they're both banned.
<Flame> Thank you thank you, do not try the veal...execpt if it's MooCow.
Now for the behind the scene talk.
<Szechuan> Write what you'd say if you were in my position in here, and vice versa.
<Szechuan> That way our writing styles will look like we really did switch nicks :)
<Flame> I'm trying I'm trying.
<Szechuan> lol
<Flame> lol
<Szechuan> HEY!
<Flame> rotfl
<Szechuan> Seriously--
<Flame> hmmm?
<Szechuan> Write this out--
<Flame> ok
<Flame> I'm laughing too hard.
<Szechuan> OverLord, Help! This really is Szech! You like 'Price of Command', don't you? HELP US!
<Flame> should we post it on IRC funnies?
<Szechuan> later. :)
<Flame> yep
<Szechuan> Dammit, Flame, this is /so/ not cool. Fucking with my nickserv password isn't funny. It's not my fault you didn't register yours.
<Szechuan> do that too
<Szechuan> ok, what would you say to that?
<Flame> *Thinking*
<Szechuan> OH!
<Flame> of all of the time to run out of my muse :)
<Szechuan> WAIT WAIT
<Szechuan> Listen..
<Flame> ok
<Szechuan> Agree that our 'fight' is silly'
<Szechuan> Then exchange nicks. :)
<Szechuan> again. :p
<Flame> gotcha.
<Szechuan> I won't ghost ya.
* Szechuan is now known as Flamer
* Flamer is now known as Flame
<Flame> okeedokee
<Szechuan> Now what's the plan?
<Flame> I dunno. Wait and see for a few minutes. :p
<Szechuan> confuse Overlord more.
<Szechuan> yeah
<Flame> I'd say 'I think we broke him.'
<Szechuan> yep.
<Flame> hehe, Figured I'd butcher the german like you do. ;)
<Szechuan> Yep.
<Flame> Wuffle him. :p
<Flame> I always wuffle people.
<Szechuan> :)
<Flame> ^_^
<Flame> I'd smack Tryyng with a lead pipe
<Szechuan> should I clean the mess?
<Szechuan> post the entire IRC, and OUR convo.
<Szechuan> to clear things up :)
* Flame nods.
Flame nods.
<Flame> Write the mIRC, then be like 'Behind the scenes'
<Flame> And make sure you point out where we switched names again. :p
<Szechuan> yep.
<Szechuan> I don't really pokes...I tend to stab.
<Flame> wait!
<Szechuan> but poke is common practice by me
<Flame> Wanna switch back now to totally bugger him?
<Szechuan> sure.
<Flame> soon.
<Flame> Wuffle OL again.
<Flame> tell him sorry.
* Flame is now known as Szechuan
<Flame> this is too much fun :)
* Szechuan nods.
<Flame> working on post now.
<Szechuan> alrighty.
Tee hee. Have fun with this one.

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2003 2:13 am
by Szechuan
I know what happened and I can't make sense of all of that. :D

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2003 3:20 pm
by Daki
:wideeyes :conf

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2003 3:34 pm
by Szechuan
I wish Dragon would post his thoughts in here.

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2003 3:40 pm
by Cazmonster
Joo people are mental cases, plain and simple.

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2003 3:48 pm
by Szechuan
Oh, Caz, you always say the sweetest things. :aww

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2003 4:00 pm
by Daki
Cazmonster wrote:Joo people are mental cases, plain and simple.
Says the guy with the "APE SEX" avatar...

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2003 4:29 pm
by Cazmonster
What? There's nothing wrong with a little Image, is there?

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2003 9:41 pm
by OverLord
All I have to say on the matter is *GLEEP!*

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2003 10:11 pm
by Lord Death Hand
Without a little APE SEX there wouldn't be little apes.

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2003 11:38 pm
by Szechuan
But what if little apes aren't as good as big apes?