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Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 4:18 pm
by sinsual
Evil Toon is loose in here!

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 4:42 pm
by Toon
I'm not really evil. I just look, act, sound, speak and think that way.

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 6:35 pm
by neshek
This thread is silly and I am sitting in a cubical on a public computer after I just finished working out after I ate a ton of junk food after I went in to work 3 hours early after I woke up even earlier and thought I was supposed to be in work 2 hours prior to that which cause me to panic.

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 8:03 pm
by Kitt
I think neshek is a moron.
I also think that people who call their parents fascists should meet my friend Jess' parents. Then they'll really meet a bunch of fascists.

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 9:17 pm
by Toon
I've never had reason to call my parents facists. Lots of other things, yes. Mostly involving them being of questionable sanity (to put it mildly).
Then again, given that they *voluntarily* quit billing my father for psychiatric appointments due to his p-sychiatrist's advice...
And have I ever mentioned that I *am* the most sane member of my family? I do mean that literally.

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 10:41 pm
by neshek
I think Kitt is an idiot.
I also think that people who call other people morons are stupid.
I am being redundant

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 12:00 am
by Sock_Monkey
Work Sucks.

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 3:43 am
by Kitt
Neshek in quick on his way to getting splattered on the pavement.

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 4:51 am
by neshek
Kitt hearts nobody and is quick on his way to finally passing 6th gade English so he can post grammatically correct sentences.

Sleep is good.

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 9:09 pm
by Kitt
Kitt is not only female, but is also very surprised to find that neshek can actually read and spew the contents of the profiles he reads back onto the page. Congrats. You're a fuckwit.

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 11:26 pm
by neshek
I apologize for messing up your gender Kitt. It was hard to distinguish over the internet you ignorant fuck. You are obviously dumb as shit if you surprise so easily. You also apparently get upset a little too easily making you more immature then most females under 5. It is just a post on the internet.

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 11:40 pm
by sinsual

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 11:44 pm
by neshek
I know.. I never said that I am not immature.. After all I am a male. It is a fact that we are naturally more immature then women.

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2003 3:51 am
by Kitt
Though I hate the idea of starting an all out war...
Listen fucktard, if you were to read ANY of the threads here, it would be exceedingly obvious that I'm female. And on another note, Yes, I do get upset too easily. Which is why I need anger management. Get the point?
Back on topic:
Black Russians are gud.

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2003 5:47 am
by sinsual
Russian Qualudes are better :D

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2003 4:07 pm
by Kitt
I'll stick to the pussy drinks, thank you much.
Christmas is gonna blow balls.

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2003 4:27 pm
by sinsual
I am all alone today.

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2003 5:36 pm
by Toon
I'd invite you both over here, but I don't think it likely that you feel like making a quick trip to Ohio for Christmas.

And for some more useless info: I should be finishing my wrapping right now.

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2003 1:04 am
by Kitt
Wrapping paper spends more time being put on than being taken off. The same can be said for women's clothing.

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2003 1:25 am
by sinsual
Women's clothing is more enjoyable to unwrap then wrapping paper...unless the wrapping paper is being worn as women's clothing...

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2003 5:11 am
by neshek
That is just me being lazy and not paying any attention to you whatsoever until now Kitt, you bloody cunt. I, however, do not need anger management since I take it out on whomever pisses me off.... having the opposer usually ending up with a broken bone somewhere or dead. Luckily, I really do not get angry that easily.. it is just fun acting angry on forums.

Women are evil. Kitt is a girl.

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2003 5:24 am
by Kitt
Wrapping paper makes me itch. But clothes dont.

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2003 7:01 am
by Toon
Kitt wrote:Wrapping paper spends more time being put on than being taken off. The same can be said for women's clothing.
If done well and proper, women's clothing can take quite a while to take off. Too many people in this world are in way too much of a rush these days. They don't take the time to savor the moments.

... Though there is something to be said about fast removal of clothing at times, too.

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2003 2:46 am
by Kitt
I can remove clothing with my teeth.

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2003 4:59 am
by Toon
That's a trick I'd love to see sometime.

I've been known to tie two cherries together by their stems using my tongue.

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2003 1:22 am
by Kitt
i have pants that have bondages attached and they *are* socially acceptable

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 4:22 am
by Toon
I love to get out to dance clubs but have only managed to do so two or three times within the past three years.

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 10:33 am
by sinsual
my leather jeans are very comfortable

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 5:16 pm
by Kitt
I want leather jeans!!
And I have a hummer.

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 11:06 pm
by Toon
I like my combat fatigues.

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 11:14 pm
by Sock_Monkey
My shoe is off.

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 12:36 am
by Kitt
There's a sticky substance on my shirt.

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 4:49 pm
by Lord Death Hand
I have a sucks....that is all....good bye....peace long....some other expression....

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 5:07 pm
by Kitt
Aussie Sprunch Spray *used* to work

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 5:27 pm
by Sock_Monkey
My foot is cold.

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 5:40 pm
by MooCow
I hate my job (at this particular moment).

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 6:01 pm
by Sock_Monkey
I have a bird I like to hold.

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 9:03 pm
by Toon
My job rocks.

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 9:16 pm
by Sock_Monkey
My hat is old.

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2003 12:38 am
by Kitt
I'm wearing a red satin thong.

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2003 5:48 am
by Toon
I should be asleep now.

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2003 4:16 pm
by Kitt
I should be working on converting a book to a script. But I'm not.

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2003 4:35 pm
by Toon
I'm having fun on Bulldrek right now between things that I tell Rhino to do. Work is fun.

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2003 5:21 pm
by Sock_Monkey
My teeth are gold.

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2003 8:12 pm
by sinsual
I just got done riding extremely fast

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2003 10:39 pm
by Kitt
That phrase has the ability to leave one wondering what sin was riding and how fast fast is.

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2003 10:57 pm
by sinsual
100-105mph on this :D

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2004 12:39 am
by Kitt
I am currently extremely jealous of sin

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2004 2:30 am
by sinsual
I will be riding it to Sinner's Ball tonight...much leather goodness had by all :D

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2004 2:53 am
by Kitt
I will be sitting at home. On my ass. Eating snax.