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Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2003 1:02 am
by OverLord
I suddently have the urge to find a nice isolated cave and stay in there for a hundred years or so....

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2003 12:26 am
by FlameBlade
<Adam>./msg N Here's my address to deliver the bike - and your cock, big boy - to...

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2003 5:23 pm
by Jackal
THis is actually from a game of MegaMek. We were playing with 16k points worth of mechs. So, a slow game that you don't want to have to start over.
Maelwys: What java are you using, Cash?
ThatCash: Funny thing was, I never had problems with it before.
ThatCash: Let me try something...
Jackal: **Disconnected from Host**
Jackal: ;)
Eliahad: Punk
Jackal: lol
Jackal: Scared you didn't I? :)
ThatCash: :p
Eliahad: For a second I thought a) oh crap we have to start over and b) how the fuck am I supposed to destroy Cash now? You killed my strategy ;)
ThatCash: lol

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2003 5:59 pm
by Daki
That was a damn cruel thing you did Jackal. have a cookie.

*Hands Jackal a cookie*

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2003 2:33 am
by Jackal
Why thank you, for that I have a special treat for you. Nothing has been changed to protect anyone, because, well, it's just too damn funny. :)
[14:12] <BattleJackal> Which, in the case of that book, is probably what they had in mind. Maybe this one will have something more along the line of what you want. ;)
[14:12] <ElioftheSwarm> No, not when there's like three locusts.
[14:12] <Adam> I dunno. I didn't see anything in the writeup about hermaphrodite elves.
[14:12] <Adam> I mean, uh, nevermind.
[14:12] <BattleJackal> lol
[14:13] <Maelwys> "How can I roleplay being whipped by a gorgeous lather clad dominatrix, without really being whipped by a leather clad dominatrix?" "What a minute, what the fuck am I thinking? Fuck this shit. I'm going out to a club tonight."
[14:13] <BattleJackal> A two way fey :D
[14:13] <Kwyndig> "And nothing says "I'm tired of hearing about the War in Iraq and worrying about a chemical attack on my city." like a page of rules on how elves fuck."
[14:13] <Adam> LOL Jackal!
[14:13] <BattleCash-The-Fighting-Monkey> rofl!
[14:13] <Adam> mm. elves fucking.
[14:14] <BattleCash-The-Fighting-Monkey> Ugh. trolls fucking.
[14:14] <BattleJackal> Whole new meaning to brute force. :)
[14:14] * ElioftheSwarm sends in the Ungamunga brigade.
[14:14] <BattleCash-The-Fighting-Monkey> Awww yeah, troll porn!
[14:15] <Adam> Once you go Troll, you'll never go back?
[14:15] <Maelwys> Once you go troll, you CAN'T go back :)
[14:15] <BattleJackal> lol
[14:15] <Adam> "Honey, I..." "Oh rupert, I meant to tell you, but the trolls, they. . ."
[14:16] <BattleJackal> Damn, that's a catchy name. I wonder if I could get away with using that handle in shadow talk. -Twowayfey. :)
[14:16] <BattleCash-The-Fighting-Monkey> *snicker*
[14:16] <Adam> It sounds more gay than hermaphrodite, though. Out of context, at least
[14:17] <Wildfire> You /could/, but would you want to is the question ;)
[14:17] <Maelwys> Just don't let Bull hear it. He'll try to squash it! <snicker>
[14:17] <BattleJackal> Yeah, this is true, but it's so amusing. Maybe in that article I'm working on at a snails pace. ;)
[14:17] <ElioftheSwarm> Cash doesn't have to worry about the Timberwolf because the Swarm can't shoot.
[14:18] <Maelwys> heh
[14:19] <BattleJackal> Eli is about to be in a lot of pain if I'm not mistaken.
[14:19] <ElioftheSwarm> Ayup
[14:19] <Maelwys> So Adam, when's the next normal TSS?
[14:19] <Adam> God only knows.
[14:19] <BattleJackal> I was guessing that the compliation was next.
[14:20] <Adam> Considering Elissa is in charge of soliciting content for the SR section of Games Unplugged now, and I have a more proactive role in soliciting content for, we have some slight conflict of interest problems coming up that I haven't had time to talk over with her.
[14:21] * Maelwys nods.
[14:21] <BattleJackal> Ah, damn, TSS isn't going to end is it?
[14:21] <Adam> Well, I have a plan, but I need to run it by her first.
[14:22] <BattleJackal> Cool, I've been impressed with it since I've finally gotten aroudn to making use of the articles.
[14:23] <Toon-At_Work> Sounds almost like time to bring in a third person to solicit material for TSS.
[14:23] <Adam> I'm too much of a control freak, Toon.
[14:24] <Kwyndig> Well, then have somebody take the emails, then send them to you.
[14:24] <Kwyndig> Hell, I'll do that.
[14:24] <Adam> It won't work, I assure you. I know how I am.
[14:26] * Instant_Cash drools over the new ferrari production car
[14:26] <Maelwys> So have a gimp chained to fuckinyoda to take the mails and forward them to you. That a little bit more controlled?
[14:26] <Instant_Cash> damn, and the new 350 is pretty sexy also
[14:27] <Adam> I suspect that once we're done moving through slushpile we'll move onto publishing sourcebooks that don't conflict with the FanPro line.
[14:28] <BattleJackal> Like say...a character book like mentioned earlier?
[14:28] <Adam> That would be one, yes.
[14:29] <Maelwys> Maybe TwoWayFey could be the cover character :)
[14:29] <BattleJackal> lol
[14:30] <Maelwys> "That's some interesting artwork on the cover there Adam..."
[14:30] <Adam> heh.
[14:31] <BattleJackal> *Picture of Dennis in fishnets.*
[14:31] <Adam> damnit!
[14:31] <BattleJackal> lol
[14:31] * Kwyndig chuckles
[14:31] <Adam> I liked the idea until you brought up THAT!
[14:31] <BattleJackal> rofl!
[14:31] <Wildfire> Haha...
[14:31] <Maelwys> lol
[14:32] <Maelwys> Little photoshopping on the ears...

Posted: Thu May 29, 2003 12:44 pm
by Jackal
[08:54] <Jackal> So where you been Elf?
[08:55] <CrazyElf> Adelaide, which means very little to most people who don't come from Australia
[08:55] <CrazyElf> It's around 800kms from where I reside, maybe more, you never can tell unless you actually bother to pay attention
[08:55] <CrazyElf> ... which I don't
[08:57] <Jackal> So what was in Adelaide for you?
[08:58] <CrazyElf> A girl, mainly
[08:58] <CrazyElf> And a village that pretended to be German
[08:58] <CrazyElf> It wasn't]
[08:59] <Jackal> Not a reason I'd knock. The girl, not the German part. Did they have any Nazis at least?
[08:59] <CrazyElf> No, they did have sausages, though
[08:59] <CrazyElf> And you can't really sneeze at a sausage now can you?
[09:00] <Jackal> Well you could but then no one else would want to eat it.
[09:00] <CrazyElf> I say SARS for everyone
[09:01] <Jackal> Only way to build a super human race. Only those that can survive deserve to be part of our world domination army.
[09:02] <CrazyElf> That's like 98% of the population
[09:02] <CrazyElf> Sorry, 92%
[09:02] <Jackal> Well, we need a big army after all.
[09:02] <CrazyElf> Who we fighting? Shaolin Urk Hai?
[09:02] <Jackal> His second cousin.
[09:03] <CrazyElf> Oh him
[09:03] <Jackal> Yeah, that bastard.
[09:03] <CrazyElf> Send the samurai, I say
[09:03] <Jackal> I would but they went on strike. They said they won't work till we get a decent sushi chef but all ours got SARS.

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2003 2:50 pm
by FlameBlade
Reviving for a preparation of what is to come...


Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2003 3:09 pm
by Toon
In it's entirety. May edit down a bit later. And the timestamps are about 25 minutes off.:

[10:31:21] <JesWriting> Ratlaw! Dude, hello! Long time no see :)
[10:31:26] <FlameBlade> dudddddddddddddde
[10:31:33] <Adam> Ratllllawww! Ratttlawwww!!!
[10:31:39] <Daki> I like Cena. And I fucking hate rap music.
[10:31:40] <Cash-AFK> Ack! I can't tell them apart!
[10:31:42] * JesWriting stomps around the channel greenly.
[10:31:42] <Ratlaw> Adam! Adam!
[10:31:57] <Daki> Erm... Jes... want some Gamma raditation to complete the effect?
[10:32:12] <Jan> John Cena = teh gud.
[10:32:17] <JesWriting> No... I'd hate to have to buy all-new shoes.
[10:32:22] <Cash-AFK> *snickers* I can imagine Elle shouting "Wrist ANGRY!" (one of Conan O'Brian's characters)
[10:32:27] <Daki> So take your shoes off first.
[10:32:28] <FlameBlade> I believe there was SHEHULK, right?
[10:32:33] <Cash-AFK> There was
[10:32:33] * Lilith nods.
[10:32:38] <Lilith> Banner's cousin, iirc.
[10:32:42] * JesWriting isn't that angry.
[10:32:44] <Morbid> The last character who annoyed me greatly was Brock Lesnar. I think his sell has improved a heck of a lot now - he's a lot more relaxed and confident when performing.
[10:32:47] <Lilith> She got big & green after a blood transfusion.
[10:32:52] <Daki> Yep. She-Hulk = Banner cousin. Got a transfusion of blood from Banner. Became She Hulk
[10:32:57] <Cash-AFK> There was also a DOGHULK. DOGHULK was the HULK's pet.
[10:33:11] <FlameBlade> CATHULK...a big scampering cat that couldn't care more.
[10:33:15] <Jan> his in-ring ability could be better, but hey, he's still young and can learn...especially since Angle obviously likes him and wants him as his protégé.
[10:33:19] <FlameBlade> FISHHULK, masters of sea!
[10:33:20] * JesWriting nods. And presumably MOSQUITOHULK, that fed off the dog?
[10:33:22] * Daki smacks Cash and Flame stooge-style
[10:33:24] <Cash-AFK> Don't ask what kind of transfusion it got from BAnner...
[10:33:36] <JesWriting> :D
[10:33:39] * JesWriting dies laughing.
[10:33:42] <FlameBlade> lol
[10:33:43] <Rato> Rathulk!
[10:33:55] <FlameBlade> lemme see....WHALEHULK!
[10:33:59] <FlameBlade> :D
[10:34:00] <JesWriting> BACTERIHULK!
[10:34:03] <Cash-AFK> and the Alternate Universe RATOHULK
[10:34:06] <Cash-AFK> *snicker*
[10:34:11] <JesWriting> Haha. I'll see your WHALEHULK and raise you a KRILLHULK!
[10:34:15] <Daki> Okay Cash, exactly how many paint chips did you sprinkle over your Rice Krispies this morning?
[10:34:19] <Cash-AFK> BLACKPUDDINGHULK! *quiver*
[10:34:25] * Daki is now known as DAKIHULK
[10:34:29] <FlameBlade> JELLOHULK!
[10:34:30] <JesWriting> Eckythump!
[10:34:40] <Lilith> Cash: He got the extra special paint chips this morning. :)
[10:34:41] * DAKIHULK welcomes everyone to the HULK Zoo...
[10:34:41] <JesWriting> BLANCMANGEHULK?
[10:34:57] <FlameBlade> JOHNCLEESEHULK?
[10:35:10] * DAKIHULK unleashes the ANNOYINGGROUNDSQUIRRELHULKS upon the visitors
[10:35:12] <Jan> CTHULHULK?
[10:35:13] <Rato> RatHulk would rock. He'd have the strength of two humans!
[10:35:14] <Cash-AFK> And I'm bad?!? :)
[10:35:15] <FlameBlade> Ok, now I'm tempted to go into word associations and add HULK to each entry
[10:35:20] <Lilith> WOODCHUCKHULK!
[10:35:23] <JesWriting> PIKACHUHULK! :D
[10:35:25] <Rato> CHEESEHULK!
[10:35:51] <Cash-AFK> How much wood would a WOODCHUCKHULK chuck if a WOODCHUCKHULK could chuck wood?
[10:35:55] <Morbid> PIKATHULHUHULK?
[10:35:57] * JesWriting ponders MOOCOWHULK but thinks the world has suffered enough.
[10:36:02] <Rato> A fucking lot of wood!
[10:36:04] <Cash-AFK> YES! WUTCHUCKHULK!
[10:36:16] <FlameBlade> Scary thing about that...
[10:36:19] <JesWriting> CTHULHUHULK.
[10:36:20] * DAKIHULK is now known as Daki_BRB
[10:36:26] <FlameBlade> is the fact only vowel in those...are U
[10:36:27] <FlameBlade> :)
[10:36:32] <FlameBlade> last vowel in English language
[10:36:33] <JesWriting> I like writing that largely because it's like writing huhuhuhuhuh. :)
[10:36:39] <Cash-AFK> brb. Need to TOILETHULK
[10:36:48] <FlameBlade> TMI, Cash :)
[10:36:48] <JesWriting> God, that's a scary thought.
[10:36:54] <Lilith> NEKKIDHULK? :)
[10:36:59] <FlameBlade> ewwwwwwwwwwwww
[10:37:01] <Morbid> WNDHULK.
[10:37:05] <FlameBlade> only pro is...size.
[10:37:08] <FlameBlade> But....
[10:37:10] <FlameBlade> still...
[10:37:11] <FlameBlade> ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww
[10:37:15] <JesWriting> FAPFAPFAPHULK? ;)
[10:37:17] <Rato> Pornhulk!
[10:37:27] <Rato> "Hulk FUCK!"
[10:37:36] <Adam> HULKDAP!
[10:37:38] <Morbid> RONJEREMYHULK.
[10:37:54] <Rato> "The Incredible Hulk", Marvel's new porn comic!
[10:38:02] <JesWriting> :D
[10:38:10] <Morbid> HOGANHULK!
[10:38:32] <FlameBlade> MCMAHONHULK?
[10:38:34] <Morbid> Whatcha gonna do brother? SMASH!
[10:38:39] <Lilith> lol
[10:38:51] <Rato> SIR MIXALOTHULK!
[10:38:59] * JesWriting grins. How about 'passiveaggressivehulk'? (Would work better in a smaller font :))
[10:39:03] <Maelwys> Well hell. that knocked about 20 points off my IQ.
[10:39:09] <Morbid> Nice, Jes :-)
[10:39:11] <Rato> "Hulk like big butts!"
[10:39:14] <Lilith> BIPOLARHULK?
[10:39:15] <Rato> I like that too.
[10:39:16] <FlameBlade> I think everyone lost 20 points of IQ as of late
[10:39:16] <JesWriting> Drywall roulette, Mael?
[10:39:19] <FlameBlade> HISTRONICHULK!
[10:39:36] <JesWriting> NYMPHOMANIHULK.
[10:39:42] <Maelwys> Reading this channel.
[10:39:44] <JesWriting> "GRAAAH! HULK SHAG!"
[10:39:50] <Morbid> HULK WASH!
[10:39:54] <Morbid> HULK WASH AGAIN!
[10:40:00] <FlameBlade> Soon as Daki comes back...he's so going to kill us all
[10:40:05] <Rato> Hahaha...
[10:40:06] <JesWriting> "Hulk straighten! And tidy! And vacuum!"
[10:40:28] * JesWriting ponders FRENCHMAIDHULK.
[10:40:30] <FlameBlade> "HULK MAKE SURE DOOR LOCKED!"
[10:40:31] <JesWriting> Not so good.
[10:40:33] <Lilith> HYPERACTIVEHULK!
[10:40:36] <Matt> MOMHULK?
[10:40:39] <FlameBlade> ADHDHULK!
[10:40:43] <Adam> FETISHHULK!
[10:40:43] * JesWriting imagines KIKIHULK. :)
[10:40:44] <Rato> OTAKUHULK! "Does Hulk's ass look big in this fuku?"
[10:40:45] <Matt> OCDHULK
[10:40:46] <JesWriting> *POING!*
[10:40:58] <FlameBlade> Matt: too late :)
[10:41:02] <Rato> KLEPTOHULK!
[10:41:11] <FlameBlade> PHOBICHULK!
[10:41:12] <JesWriting> CHOOCHOOBEARHULK. "Hulk ooze!"
[10:41:13] * Matt looks up the thread.... FAWKHULK!
[10:41:15] <FlameBlade> "I'm too afraid to smash!"
[10:41:33] <JesWriting> This has to go in Funnies. :)
[10:41:36] <Jackal> EVANMOOREHULK! *screams and runs*
[10:41:37] <FlameBlade> Yep.
[10:41:41] <Veed> what the ..
[10:41:42] <FlameBlade> This so should :)
[10:41:50] <Morbid> HULK GO FORTH AND MULTIPLY!
[10:42:02] <Rato> HULK SMASH-AND-GRAB!
[10:42:15] <Jackal> Veed: Just back away slowly.
[10:42:18] <FlameBlade> NARCASSTICHULK!
[10:42:29] <FlameBlade> LOOK AT ME SMASH!
[10:42:30] * JesWriting snickers. If you want mad Daki: NINJAHULK!
[10:42:31] <Lilith> "Hulk so pretty."
[10:42:43] <JesWriting> "ssssh! hulk sneak!"
[10:42:52] <Lilith> *thud*thud*thud*thud*
[10:42:54] <Veed> FLAMINGHULK! "Do these trunks make me look fat?"
[10:42:54] <Rato> SECONDPERSONHULK! "You SMASH!"
[10:43:06] * JesWriting ponders NINJAHULK trying to hide in shadows.
[10:43:15] <JesWriting> That's one /hell/ of a shadow.
[10:43:24] <FlameBlade> Oh shit...Daki is going soooooooooo kill us.
[10:43:28] <Lilith> NINJAHULK: *holds up sign* "Me not here. You not see. Or else."
[10:43:30] <FlameBlade> *soooooooo going to kill us
[10:43:31] <JesWriting> VERJIGORMHULK! :::::)
[10:43:37] <FlameBlade> 3278HULK!
[10:43:39] * Veed ponders NINJAHULK trying to hide in his own shadow.
[10:43:40] <JesWriting> Lil: Yeah, I'd buy that. :)
[10:44:02] <JesWriting> How recursive. :)
[10:44:06] <JesWriting> ESCHERHULK? :)
[10:44:16] <FlameBlade> NEWTONHULK!
[10:44:27] <FlameBlade> "I SMASH APPLES DOWN!"
[10:44:35] * JesWriting wishes she was an IRCOp. I need to change everyone's nick to ~HULK right now. :)
[10:44:40] * Daki_BRB is now known as Daki
[10:44:42] <FlameBlade> ARCHIMEDESHULK!
[10:44:48] <FlameBlade> I MOVE THE WORLD WITH MY ARMS!
[10:45:03] <JesWriting> :)
[10:45:06] * Daki scrolls back and dies laughing
[10:45:21] <Jackal> OHSMAHULK! "Fuck the plane, I crash into the white house!"
[10:45:31] * Toon buries Daki in a shallow grave, then paves it over.
[10:45:44] <Veed> LINGUAHULK! "Hm, the congruens of previously uttered exclamation is erroneous."
[10:46:28] <JesWriting> RAVEHULK. Complete with pigtails, E and lollipop.
[10:46:34] <Daki> NINJAHULK holding up a sign... who's going to say they see him???
[10:46:43] <Jackal> :)
[10:46:50] * JesWriting ponders RAVEHULK on E, and the damage he'd do in humping people's legs.
[10:47:03] <Daki> RAVEHULK sucking on a pacifier
[10:47:07] <JesWriting> :D
[10:47:11] * JesWriting chortles.
[10:47:12] <Lilith> And covered in glitter. :)
[10:47:12] <Daki> LOL
[10:47:19] <Ratlaw> Thank you Jes. I really needed an excuse to clean my monitor.
[10:47:38] <JesWriting> Ratlaw: Welcome. :)
[10:47:41] <Morbid> NEOHULK: "NO SPOON! ONLY SMASH!"
[10:47:49] <FlameBlade> NEOHULK! "WHAT...dam
[10:47:53] <Daki> RAINMANHULK... "I'm a very good SMASH SMASH... yeah, definitely SMASH SMASH!"
[10:47:54] <FlameBlade> you beat it to me, Morbid
[10:47:58] <Morbid> :-)
[10:48:00] <Rato> "SMASH OR SMASH NOT! THERE IS NO TRY!"
[10:48:14] <JesWriting> God. YODAHULK? That's just WRONG. :)
[10:48:17] <FlameBlade> AGENTHULK VS NEOHULK!
[10:48:18] <FlameBlade> :)
[10:48:25] <Rato> SMITHHULK! "HULK, HULK, HULK..." "HULK TOO!"
[10:48:44] <Daki> Yoda is actually a HULK. Midget HULK but HULK no less.
[10:48:53] <JesWriting> Rato, you are a comic genius. :)
[10:48:58] <Morbid> Does that make him a credible hulk?
[10:48:59] <Rato> Thank you.
[10:49:05] <FlameBlade> Do Yoda smash?
[10:49:14] <Lilith> Only with gimpstick.
[10:49:15] <FlameBlade> That is the question.
[10:49:24] <Daki> YodaHULK smash by lifting giant rock and dropping it on people/
[10:49:57] <JesWriting> WOLVERINEHULK! Dialog indistinguishable from ordinary HULK.
[10:50:07] <Rato> Nope. "HULK SMASH, BUB!"
[10:50:12] <Daki> *SNIKT* *SMASH*
[10:50:14] <JesWriting> :D
[10:50:19] <Daki> You just add another sound effect
[10:50:21] <Morbid> HULK SLASH!
[10:50:23] <Matt> "HULK BEST AT DOING SMASH!"
[10:50:37] <JesWriting> oooo! NIGHTCRAWLERHULK! *BAMF!* *SMASH!*
[10:50:52] <Morbid> SPIDERHULK?
[10:50:58] <Veed> ROBOHULK! "Dead or alive, you're c.. ah, what the hell. SMASH!"
[10:51:03] <JesWriting> That's some strong-ass webs.
[10:51:03] <Daki> HULK-Sense SMASHING!
[10:51:07] <Morbid> *SPLATCH!* *SMASH!*
[10:51:21] <JesWriting> ASHHULK. "GOOD, BAD, I THE GUY THAT SMASH."
[10:51:27] <Lilith> IRONHULK! "Hulk not need wussy power armor!"
[10:51:36] <Daki> IRONHULK need vodka!
[10:52:07] <JesWriting> 007HULK. "HULK. JAMES HULK."
[10:52:13] <Veed> lol
[10:52:19] <Rato> Eminenhulk!
[10:52:32] <Morbid> HANSOLOHULK: "...WHO'S HULKY-LOOKING?"
[10:52:34] <FlameBlade> HULK SMASH 8 MILES!
[10:52:54] <FlameBlade> ok, now that's one hairy HULK.
[10:53:10] <FlameBlade> R2D2HULK!
[10:53:13] <Morbid> "Can someone get this hulking carpet out of my way?"
[10:53:17] <Rato> This summer... Ang Lee's The Hulk... meets Ang Lee's Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon... in a battle of incredible proportions.
[10:53:27] <Rato> "HULK RUN ON BAMBOO!"
[10:53:34] <Daki> LOL
[10:53:40] <Morbid> Oh, now that's classy.
[10:53:44] <Morbid> Well done that Rato.
[10:53:49] <Rato> Thank you.
[10:53:50] <JesWriting> The mind boggles.
[10:53:51] <Matt> Vvery good Rato
[10:53:52] <Daki> The Wizard of HULK.
[10:53:54] <Matt> Oig.
[10:54:01] <FlameBlade> oy...Rato, you win that round.
[10:54:25] <Morbid> DANCES WITH HULKS.
[10:54:30] <Daki> Judy Garland as Dorothy HULK
[10:54:31] <Morbid> "Tatonka SMASH!"
[10:54:33] <Lilith> BLACK HULK DOWN?
[10:54:33] <Toon> DARTHHULK: *Death Star is force-pushed into planet* "HULK SMASH"
[10:54:42] <Rato> Armigedihulk. "HULK NOT WANT TO MISS A THING."
[10:54:48] <JesWriting> WONKAHULK. "OOMPA LOOMPA SMASH!"
[10:54:55] <Daki> "Little people go squish!" *Step* *SQUISH* "Ewww... that one just ate a lot of corn!"
[10:54:57] <Morbid> Lil: Oh yeah. "*buddabuddabuddabudda* SMASH! *buddabuddabuddabudda*"
[10:54:59] <JesWriting> Toon: Ooo, good call.
[10:56:12] <Daki> "SMASH me down with your hatred, and you're journey to the Dark SMASH will be complete!"
[10:56:37] <Morbid> ROYBATTYHULK: "SMASH... ENOUGH."
[10:56:54] <Matt> "I am a Jedi SMASHER.... just like my SHASHING Father"
[10:57:05] <Daki> JAWAHULK.
[10:57:16] <Matt> UtinniSMASH!
[10:57:21] <Daki> "Utinni!" *SMASH* "Utinni!" *SMASH*
[10:57:38] <Lilith> BOBA HULK? :D
[10:57:47] <Rato> HULK THE BARBARIAN!
[10:57:51] <Daki> "He's no good to me SMASHED"
[10:57:52] <Mjelvis> Mjelvi-SMASH!
[10:57:54] <Lilith> "Remember. No SMASHINGS."
[10:57:57] <Matt> "What if he doesn't survive... BOBA SMASH!!!"
[10:58:03] <Morbid> "And no SMASH." "AS VADER WISH."
[10:58:23] <FlameBlade> ok.
[10:58:24] <FlameBlade> that's lame
[10:58:25] <FlameBlade> hmmmm
[10:58:35] <FlameBlade> What's that name of scientist from Back to Future?
[10:58:40] <Rato> GANDHIHULK! "Hulk do what Hulk must do."
[10:58:41] <Lilith> Doc Brown
[10:58:41] <Morbid> Doc Brown.
[10:58:42] <Matt> DOCBROWNHUILK!
[10:58:48] <Matt> GREAT SMASH!
[10:58:50] <Morbid> SMASH TO FUTURE?
[10:58:52] <FlameBlade> yep
[10:58:55] <FlameBlade> SMASH TO FUTURE :)
[10:59:15] <Rato> BRB.
[10:59:16] <Toon> *poof*
[10:59:44] * Toon looks at the flaming foot- and fist-prints
[10:59:47] <Morbid> DemolitionHULK: "SMASH THREE SEASHELLS!"
[11:00:11] <FlameBlade> *Goes back to check movie collection*
[11:01:34] <Lilith> MAGEHULK: "Goblins squishy."
[11:01:35] <JesWriting> :D
[11:01:40] <Matt> KermitHULK.... nices.
[11:02:13] <Morbid> GrinchHULK: "HULK SMASH CHRISTMAS!"
[11:02:25] <Cash-AFK> MANAHMAHULK! do-doo-do-do
[11:02:51] <FlameBlade> or rather, WORK OR HULK SMASH!
[11:03:24] <Morbid> TinyTimHULK: "HULK SMASH, EACH AND EVERY ONE!"
[11:04:17] <FlameBlade> (that's on tombstone, by the way)
[11:04:48] <Morbid> Hmm. KompressorHULK. Now there's a scary thought.
[11:05:23] <Cash-AFK> Oh my
[11:05:34] <Cash-AFK> METALLIHULK!
[11:05:50] <Daki> METALLIHULK cut hair and make SMASH crappy music
[11:06:18] <Daki> ANIMEHULK: HULK gets stronger wearing less clothes.
[11:06:52] <Lilith> ANIMEHULK wear fuku... but guy.
[11:06:55] <Jackal> Sounds like the regular hulk only reversed, Hulk wears less clothes when he gets stronger.
[11:07:56] <Jackal> CAZHULK!....right, pretty much the same...nevermind.
[11:08:00] <FlameBlade> lol
[11:08:08] <Daki> Except green.
[11:08:08] <FlameBlade> SAILORMOONHULK...ewwwwwwwwwwwww
[11:08:22] <Cash-AFK> MOONSMASHYPOWER!
[11:08:22] <FlameBlade> :)
[11:08:37] <FlameBlade> Most people will stop watching...after that transformation :)
[11:08:38] <FlameBlade> :)
[11:08:44] <Daki> *Mandatory SMASH pose down*
[11:08:48] <Jackal> COSPLAYHULK!!1 ....ewwww

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2003 4:01 pm
by Bishop
:wideeyes :eek

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2003 4:35 pm
by Kwyndig
ImageImageImageImage Image

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2003 4:40 pm
by FlameBlade
HULK count in that one post...230. which averages to approximately 7.6 references to HULK per minute.

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2003 5:01 pm
by Gunny
omg, that was so fucking funny!

oxygen tank please!!

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2003 5:21 pm
by Szechuan
Great, the coworkers think I'm either jerking off or going insane. Thanks a lot, guys. :D

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2003 5:24 pm
by FlameBlade
We aim to please, Szechuan.

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2003 5:36 pm
by Gunny


Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2003 7:04 pm
by Daki
There's a mental image I could have lived without.

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2003 9:01 pm
by Gunny
after seeing a bull elephant dick move, twist and curl of its own accord, nothing can mentally shake me (except for my phobias).

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2003 10:57 pm
by Adam
Anal sex with a prehensile Bull Elephant dick?

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2003 3:03 am
by Jackal
[22:17] * sin has joined #bulldrek
[22:18] <Reika> "Well...I suppose" *douses Jackal with a fire extinguisher*
[22:18] <Jackal> Damn it, I though we sacrificed Jesus to get rid of Sin and now the bastard is back...where's Adam when you need him. Anyone got three nails?"
[22:19] <Rato> Does that mean that Jecht is the reincarnation of Jesus?
[22:19] <sin> just take away my nitro pills Jackal
[22:19] <Maelwys> "What the difference between jesus and a picture of Jesus? Only takes one nail to hang the picture!"
[22:19] <Jackal> Kick ass, can I put them in my trucks engine?
[22:20] <Jackal> Maelwys: Nice :)
[22:20] * OverLord crawls away to a corner so he can quietly repair himself.
[22:20] <Maelwys> Stolen from ADam I believe. I had to be careful when I told that joke in the store :)
[22:20] * Jackal drags OL back and puts him in front of Sin.
[22:21] <Jackal> Only way for you to learn better is to face Sin and denouce it!
[22:21] * sin takes two nitro pills and sticks them under jackals tongue
[22:21] * OverLord quick-shifts back to uninjured status. "How about I shoot it, instead?"
[22:22] * OverLord pulls his revolver and blasts Sin with flechettes.
[22:22] * Mace has left IRC
[22:22] <Jackal> "Come on, sing it with me! Praise Jesus, Praise Jes..dude, I know you're anzious to play with my tongue and all but fuck man, wait your turn."
[22:22] <Jackal> Well that works, but who's going to clean up the mess?
[22:23] * OverLord ponders an act of evil.
[22:23] <Jackal> Sin is dirty after all.
[22:23] <OverLord> The janitors.
[22:23] <Jackal> Yes, my brother, the janitors of your soul, sing it with me just one time!
[22:24] <Jackal> Let me hear an amen!
[22:24] * OverLord reloads and blasts Jackal. "Amen."
[22:24] * Cygnata has quit IRC (Quit: )
[22:24] <sin> I have to wait 3 days to return
[22:25] <Jackal> "That is not the proper way to drill your lessons...." *falls over*
[22:25] <sin> oh wait I am Sin all I have to do is wait for a thought
[22:25] * Reika gives everyone in the chan a labotomy.
[22:26] <OverLord> Erk.
[22:26] <Jackal> 3 days?! That's like 72 hours....4320 minutes....erk! *thud*
[22:26] * OverLord sits down in a corner and drools.
[22:26] <sin> I would rather have a bottle in front of me then a frontal labatomy
[22:26] * Reika smiles with sweet malice at Sin and uses her bare hands to give him said frontal labotomy.
[22:26] <Jackal> Because a wasted mind is a terrible thing?
[22:26] * OverLord drools some more.
[22:27] <sin> can I lick your fingers now Reika?
[22:27] <Reika> Ew, he doesn't have brains, he has mush.
[22:27] <Reika> Um, no
[22:27] <Jackal> But you can lick mine! *punches Sin in the mouth.* ;)
[22:27] <sin> bt that is succulent cream sauce on yoru fingers now not blood and mush
[22:27] * OverLord falls to one side, doesn't notice, continues drooling.
[22:27] * Reika cleans her hands of the slime.
[22:28] <Jackal> I think this may be an improvement for OL....
[22:28] <Reika> Yeah, but the drooling is annoying.
[22:28] <Jackal> True....could duct tape his mouth shut.
[22:28] <Reika> That would work.
[22:28] <sin> Reika do you have any fingernail polish remover? I still have shit loads of stickum from all the EKG and heart monitor pads all over my skin
[22:29] <Reika> Nope, I don't paint my nails.
[22:29] <Jackal> I got a suggestion though.
[22:29] <sin> don't you use ti for cleanign up your jewelry?
[22:29] * Jackal drops Sin in a vat of acid.
[22:29] * OverLord attempts to stand, collapses onto his neck and breaks it.
[22:30] * sin trips the light fantastic as the LSD soaks through hsi skin not caring abut the stickup
[22:30] <Reika> No, I use the appropriate metal cleaners.
[22:30] <sin> I ment for the beads
[22:30] * OverLord is now known as Dead_Dragon
[22:30] <Reika> They're glass
[22:30] * Jackal adds a little rat poison and battery acid into the mix.
[22:31] * Cygnata has joined #bulldrek
[22:31] <sin> ah, I was at a craft fair awhile back and they were using the acetone fingernail polish to clean the beads at one of th ebooths thats why I asked
[22:31] <Reika> That would so damage what I make.
[22:31] <Jackal> Hey right on...we can sell off dragon organs again. *starts organ legging parts of OL*
[22:32] <sin> ah ok
[22:32] * Reika sells the bones to talismongers. :D
[22:32] <sin> anyways ya'all have fun now ya hear
[22:32] * Rico sells the teeth and claws to a jewelry guru
[22:32] <Jackal> Save some for me, I want a dragon bone xylophone.
[22:33] <sin> I need to get some undisturbed sleep
[22:33] * GIR has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)
[22:33] <Reika> Rico - :P
[22:33] <sin> I always wonder hwo they expect you to get any reast in the hospital when they come in every hour to take vitals
[22:34] <Jackal> Yes well, we've tried bribing them not to bother with yours but they just won't take the money.
[22:35] * GIR has joined #Bulldrek
[22:35] <sin> laters
[22:35] * Clockwork has joined #bulldrek
[22:35] * GIR shoots his computer
[22:36] <Reika> wb
[22:36] * sin has quit IRC (Quit: )

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2003 3:08 am
by Jackal
Just because this last bit was funny too.

[22:36] * Dead_Dragon 's remaining bits begin to rot.
[22:37] <Jackal> Guess we should do something about him.
[22:37] <Reika> Yeah. *sets the pieces on fire*
[22:37] * Dead_Dragon is now known as Dust_in_the_Wind
[22:38] * Jackal puts OL's remains inside an etch-a-sketch.
[22:38] * Dust_in_the_Wind is now known as Ash-a-Sketch
[22:38] <Reika> lol
[22:39] * Jackal picks it up and draws a dragon with a happy face.
[22:39] <Reika> Hm, d'you think it could be enchanted as a sort of ouija board? ;)
[22:40] * Ash-a-Sketch moves of its own volition and writes "Help me..."
[22:40] <Jackal> lol
[22:40] * Reika snickers
[22:40] <Reika> I don't think so, it's too amusing.
[22:41] * Jackal grabs the controls and draws a little fly in the corner stuck on a web.
[22:41] <Reika> You're bad. :)
[22:41] <Jackal> Absolutly. :)
[22:41] * Reika wuffles Jackal "Guess that's why I keep you around." :)
[22:41] <Jackal> woot! :)
[22:42] * Jackal grins evily at the etch-a-sketch and shakes it up.
[22:42] * Ash-a-Sketch goes blank.
[22:42] <Jackal> Yup, it's OL in there alright...
[22:42] <Jackal> ;)
[22:42] * Ash-a-Sketch animates again and forms an image.
[22:42] <Ash-a-Sketch> ,,|,, <| º L º |> ,,|,,
[22:42] <Jackal> lol
[22:42] * Cazmonster has joined #bulldrek
[22:43] <Cazmonster> Heyas Folks!
[22:43] <Jackal> Heya Caz, want to play with our OL made Ash-a-sketch?
[22:43] <Cazmonster> Gork?
[22:43] * Jackal shakes it up and hands it to Caz.
[22:43] * Cazmonster doodles up a good frankenstein monster.
[22:44] * Ash-a-Sketch animates and adds a "Help!" sign to the monster's hand.
[22:44] <Cazmonster> Ah HA! Once I read hostnames, everything makes sense.
[22:44] <Reika> Hey Caz
[22:44] * Cazmonster shakes it real good, then goes to get a magnet to make nifty pictures on it.
[22:44] <Cazmonster> Heyas Reika.
[22:45] <Jackal> Yeah, we gave OL an lobotomy and he fell over and broke his neck so we sold his organs then burned him and put the ashes in there.
[22:45] * Ash-a-Sketch animates and writes. "I'm going to kill you all."

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2003 2:33 pm
by Jackal
In responce to the Hulk Post I give you...


Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2003 3:12 pm
by FlameBlade
Packs of kobolds streaks past this thread naked, carrying the banner:

Some kobolds stops to applaud the performance by humies, and some other kobolds collapses over the kobolds who stopped, and all of them stumble out of the thread, biting the hell out of each other.

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2003 1:32 pm
by Szechuan
Sinfest is indeed a font of teh gudness.

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2003 5:27 pm
by Matt McS
<Daki> I'd like to invite the universe to
*** Adam is now known as Universe
<Matt> And this would be for what reason?
<Universe> Nummy nummy in my tummy

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2003 9:30 pm
by Hunter
OverLord wrote:I suddently have the urge to find a nice isolated cave and stay in there for a hundred years or so....

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2003 10:40 pm
by OverLord
OverLord watchs Hunter spazzing for a moment.

"Settle down, Clown Shoes."

He pulls one of his Firing Lines out and puts a bullet into Hunter's skull, then kicks the body into a ditch before walking off.

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2003 4:30 am
by Reika
Once again, another example of why people shouldn't come on irc while drunk. :D
[00:30] * Teja (Snak@ has joined #Bulldrek
[00:31] * Adam|npa is now known as Adam
[00:32] <Teja> Blurg
[00:32] <Adam> grulb!
[00:32] <Teja> blashisg AYUP! heh
[00:32] * Nexus|SWG headbutts Adam.
[00:33] * Adam stumbles around, acquiring a second headache.
[00:33] <Teja> Adam, I am derunk so dont listen too me.,
[00:33] <Teja> OR drunk I MEAN.
[00:33] <Teja> i need to go to sleep AYUP
[00:35] <Teja> Rico Suaaave. Heh. Aaaah
[00:35] <Rico> Got that right Teja.
[00:35] <Teja> I rule
[00:35] <Teja> hehehe
[00:35] * ReikaReading snickers at the thought.
[00:36] <Teja> HI REIKA!
[00:36] <ReikaReading> Teja - Just to warn you, I'm logging, if you make too big of an ass of yourself it's getting posted. ;)
[00:36] <Teja> NO!
[00:36] * ReikaReading grins, "Oh yes."
[00:36] * Teja ducktapers her nmouth shut
[00:36] <Teja> errr, duct tapes
[00:37] <Teja> hehehe
[00:37] <Adam> Oh good; now she can't scream.
[00:37] <Rico> Did I forget to mention that I log the channel as well?
[00:37] <ReikaReading> Rico - Guess it'll be a competition to see who can post it faster. ;)
[00:37] <Teja> NO!
[00:38] <Teja> I am not drunk. See? I can type properly.
[00:38] * ReikaReading figured the threat of the posted log would work.
[00:38] <Teja> You are all my friends and I lvoe you.
[00:38] <Teja> heheeheh
[00:38] <Rico> Log-posting threats: The instant sobriety kit
[00:39] <ReikaReading> Yep :)
[00:39] <Teja> uhgh-
[00:39] <Teja> no forget that thign
[00:39] <Teja> thing
[00:39] <Teja> argh
[00:40] * ReikaReading guesses she should change her nick again since she's paying attention to the chan again.
[00:40] * ReikaReading is now known as Reika
[00:40] * Teja gives Reika a big hug!
[00:40] * Reika blinks.
[00:40] <Teja> Hi REIKA!
[00:40] <Adam> And now, a drunken sloppy kiss...!
[00:40] <Teja> jejejeje
[00:40] <Teja> or I mean HHEHEHEHE
[00:40] <Teja> heh
[00:41] <Teja> aaah
[00:41] <Teja> heh
[00:42] * Reika tries to avoid kissing anyone in general, male or female.
[00:42] <Teja> why do brds sudenly apppear? any time you are near?? just like me they lonng ot be close to youuuuuu!
[00:42] <Teja> heheh
[00:43] <Teja> why n ot kiss boys reika that is fun sometimes
[00:43] * DeevZzZzz is now known as DV8
[00:43] <Teja> oh shit DAYVO!
[00:43] <DV8> Is Teesha drunk? :)
[00:43] <Teja> nope
[00:43] <Teja> hehehhe
[00:43] <Adam> Not drunk. "Sozzled."
[00:44] <Teja> whaty the fuck is sozzlexd?
[00:44] <Teja> grrr
[00:44] <Teja> sozzled
[00:44] * Reika snickers
[00:44] <Adam> You are.
[00:44] <Teja> oh okay
[00:44] <DV8> Ah, she has seen the true light of drunken posting. :)
[00:44] <Teja> up in the air junoir birdman up in the aior upside down up in the air junior birdman keep yor nose upoff the grounnd
[00:44] <Teja> YAY!
[00:45] <Teja> i am not drunk dayve
[00:45] <Reika> Only "buzzed"? :)
[00:45] <Teja> no i am pastthat
[00:45] <Teja> past that
[00:45] <Nexus|SWG> The Roots > You
[00:45] * DV8 laughs.
[00:46] <Reika> And you're not drunk? :)
[00:46] <Teja> what nex? i cick your butt
[00:46] <Teja> No i am sover
[00:46] <Teja> sober
[00:46] * Nexus|SWG is now known as nexus
[00:46] * nexus is now known as Nexus
[00:46] * DV8 giggles.
[00:46] <Teja> uhoh
[00:47] <Teja> i want a berr. where is all the beer? argh
[00:47] <Reika> I don't think you need anymore booze, hun.
[00:47] <Teja> shit...okay reika. i am drunk HGAGHAHAHAH! YAY!
[00:47] <DV8> Yeah, you might go Vralkie on us. :)
[00:47] <Teja> huh?
[00:48] <Teja> did i tell you iam going to viennna?
[00:48] <Nexus> It's always cool hearing a somewhat-popular group singing about places and small local references that only people from Philly would recognize. ;)
[00:48] <Teja> YAY!
[00:48] <DV8> He had a bit too much spicy food the second night of the last gathering. It was messy when he started drinking heavily. He was a good sport about it, though. :)
[00:48] <Teja> oh i do not puke. that is icky yes yuck
[00:49] * Teja gives nex a big hug
[00:49] <Nexus> :|
[00:49] <Adam> what she means is: "By the time I puke, I'm so wasted I don't even remember it!"
[00:49] <Nexus> Drunk people disturb me, unless I am likewise drunk.
[00:49] <Teja> be that way
[00:49] <Nexus> Heh.
[00:50] <DV8> I'm glad to see you had a good night, Teesha.
[00:50] <DV8> I'm off.
[00:50] <DV8> La'ers.
[00:50] * DV8 is now known as DeevAFK
[00:50] * Reika waves
[00:50] <Teja> BYE DAYVBE
[00:50] <Teja> DAYVE
[00:50] <Teja> ugh
[00:50] * Reika disables Teja's capslock and starts leafing through the Book of Vile Darkness.
[00:50] <Teja> I am going to sleep. I AM A HOFFA. I want some dietcoke. FREE WILLY! oh sorry reika no caps ok
[00:51] <Teja> please be nice i wont type biglettters no more
[00:51] <Reika> Drink alot of water before going to sleep.
[00:51] <Reika> I am being nice. :)
[00:51] <Teja> okiedokie
[00:51] * Teja gives reika another big hug
[00:51] <Teja> now i sleep
[00:51] <Reika> g'night
[00:51] <Teja> goodnite all i love you
[00:52] <Teja> i think turkeys are cool. you ever think turkey are cool? they go gobble gobble YAY!
[00:52] <Teja> ok goodnighty
[00:52] <Reika> Go sleep, Teja.
[00:52] <Teja> ok
[00:53] * Teja (Snak@ Quit (Quit: GobBLEY GOBBLE! )

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2003 5:26 am
by Crazy Elf
Pepito had just read about Evan's game, Promised Blands.

Pepito says:
I wonder if a character can have 2 wifes?

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2003 11:51 pm
by FlameBlade
Reika and CE: :lol

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2003 2:09 am
by Daki
Crazy Elf wrote:Pepito had just read about Evan's game, Promised Blands.

Pepito says:
I wonder if a character can have 2 wifes?
Elf, Pepito is deserving of tremendous oral sex for that. Will you kindly do the deed? I'd ask Adam but the shipping rates to send to Australia are OBSCENE. :)

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2003 2:10 am
by FlameBlade
yep...definitely :)

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2003 6:15 pm
by Cazmonster
Bastardito just damn well roxxors the boxxors. He's a comic triple fudge ripple threat.

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2003 6:34 pm
by Szechuan
Ayup. Totally peanut-butter-fudge-crunchy and shit!

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2003 6:38 pm
by Gunny

another lovely episode of "Drunk IRC" or "Saucing it up with Bulldrek".

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2003 6:44 pm
by Szechuan
Is there really anything better? I'm doubting the sobriety of everyone involved in that HULK discussion, too. :p

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2003 7:03 pm
by Gunny
the scary thing is that everyone WAS sober. imagine if they weren't...

"HULK.. SMSASH! ...crap. SMASH!"


Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2003 7:05 pm
by FlameBlade
Yep. Everyone during that convo was sober. It was during the day. I think that almost everyone participating work :)

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2003 7:19 pm
by Daki
Yep. No drinking at the office for me. Hell, no drinking for me period.

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2003 7:20 pm
by FlameBlade
amazing or what?

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2003 7:28 pm
by Szechuan
In anywhere but Bulldrek? Yeah.

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2003 7:28 pm
by FlameBlade
But however, I learned that drinking and posting...can have an interesting effect on your post count :)

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2003 7:29 pm
by Szechuan
Yup. :D

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2003 7:30 pm
by FlameBlade
Hence my steady posting lately.

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2003 7:33 pm
by Szechuan
You need friends, FB. Drinking alone is a sign of alcoholism. :p

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2003 7:34 pm
by FlameBlade
Well...I don't drink much, actually. And I'm drinking along with bulldrekkers... in essence.

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2003 6:56 am
by Szechuan
mIRC wrote: [02:10] <Anguirel> Uhhh. Am I acquiring a log or something later?
[02:10] <Rolland> We'll think about it.
[02:10] * Atragon sics the seagulls on Anguirel
[02:10] <Rolland> ;)
[02:10] <Szechuan> Atra: Danke.
[02:11] <Sheyoni> Ang - Something :)
[02:11] * Anguirel waves his hand, Jedi-style. "These are not the oysters you're looking for." The seagulls fly away.
[02:11] <Szechuan> Mine?
[02:11] <Atragon> Mine!
[02:11] * Szechuan eyes the oysters..
[02:11] <Szechuan> Mine?
[02:11] * Atragon dives at the crab
[02:12] * Szechuan is in hot pursuit.
[02:12] <Szechuan> Mine?
[02:12] <Atragon> Mine!
[02:12] <Szechuan> Mine!
[02:12] * Szechuan pecks at Atragon.
[02:12] <Sheyoni> Oysters, ew.
[02:12] * Atragon pecks at Szechuan
[02:12] * Szechuan pecks back again and grabs at the crab.
[02:13] * Atragon is momentarily dejected before spotting something shiney
[02:13] <Atragon> Mine?
[02:13] <Rolland> Fitting for Szechuan to use peck and crab in the same sentence.
[02:13] * Szechuan drops the crab on the shiny thing.
[02:14] * Szechuan feasts on the goo inside.
[02:14] <Szechuan> Mine!
[02:14] <Atragon> Mine?
[02:15] <Szechuan> Mine?
[02:15] <Atragon> Mine?
[02:15] <Atragon> ((We need more people!))
[02:15] * Szechuan flaps towards a fisherman eating his lunch.
[02:15] <Szechuan> Mine?
[02:15] * Atragon pecks at a clownfish that managed to beach itself on a dock
[02:15] <Atragon> Mine!
[02:15] <Lilith> Mine!
[02:15] <Atragon> Mine!
[02:16] <Lilith> Mine!
[02:16] * Lilith pecks at the clownfish too
[02:16] <Atragon> Mine!
[02:16] * Atragon goes to snatch the clownfish
[02:16] * Rolland points out that this isn't a month with the letter R in it. =
[02:16] * Atragon watches szechuan peck at rolland
[02:17] * Szechuan tugs at the clownfish in Atragon's beak.
[02:17] <Szechuan> mrn!
[02:17] <Lilith> Mine!
[02:17] <Rolland> This room is full of a bunch of peckers....
[02:17] * Lilith crashes into Szzechuan
[02:17] <Lilith> (Rol: Then what are you doing here? :D )
[02:17] * Nexus|wr0k is now known as Nexus
[02:18] * Szechuan rolls along the dock.
[02:18] <Szechuan> Mine?
[02:18] <Atragon> Mine!
[02:19] <Rolland> Where there's a lot of peckers there's bound to be a smart ass.
[02:19] * Szechuan flops upright and sits on Rolland's hat.
[02:19] <Szechuan> Mine?
[02:19] * Szechuan flaps after a shiny thing and leaves a nice gooey present on Rolland's head.
[02:20] * Atragon continues wrestling with Lilith for posession of the clownfish
[02:20] * Szechuan sees a nice, juicy discarded hotdog and nosedives after it.
[02:21] * Rolland is now known as Jackal
[02:21] * Sheyoni is now known as Reika
[02:21] * Jackal kills Szechuan, he kills him until he is dead.
[02:22] <Lilith> But will you kill him until he dies from it?
[02:22] <Jackal> If needs be yes. :)
[02:23] * Atragon spies a juicy bug perched on Jackal's nose
[02:23] <Atragon> Mine?
[02:23] * Szechuan chokes down the hot dog and beelines towards Jackal's bug nose.
[02:23] <Szechuan> Mine!
[02:24] <Jackal> Someone see Finding Nemo or something? What am I missing here?
[02:24] * Atragon snatches the bug away seconds before Szechuan goes crashing into Jackal's nose at full tilt
[02:24] * Moulsari (~Moulsari@ Quit (Quit: Snak 4.9.3 Unregistered copy. Evaluation period is over. Program will now quit. Tha )
[02:25] * Szechuan looks at the smashed pulpy cartilage that used to be Jackal's nose - it's vaguely clam-shaped.
[02:25] <Szechuan> Mine?
[02:25] <Szechuan> *peck peck peck peck*
[02:25] <Atragon> Mine?
[02:25] * Jackal 's redneck katana starts flashing *tilt* *tilt* *tilt*
[02:25] * Cygnata eeks, hides
[02:25] * Jackal beats Atragon like a red-headed step child. He beats Atragon down with his Redneck Katana, which was stolen from the pages of Snow Crash. He beats Atragon down with his duct taped rebar, and then he smacks Atragon about some more just for spite.
[02:25] * Jackal beats Szechuan like a red-headed step child. He beats Szechuan down with his Redneck Katana, which was stolen from the pages of Snow Crash. He beats Szechuan down with his duct taped rebar, and then he smacks Szechuan about some more just for spite.
[02:25] * Cygnata is glad she didn't claim jackal's lap tonight
[02:25] * Moulsari (~Moulsari@ has joined #bulldrek
[02:26] * Szechuan glides out of range and divebombs Jackal before zooming towards Cygnata and that hair-that-looks-like-spaghetti-to-a-retarded-fucking-seagull...
[02:26] * Atragon pecks out Jackal's eyes
[02:26] <Atragon> Mine!
[02:26] <Szechuan> Mine? Mine? Mine? Mine? Mine? Mine? Mine? Mine? Mine? Mine?
[02:26] <Atragon> *peck peck peck peck*
[02:26] <Cygnata> :(
[02:26] <Cygnata> :(
[02:26] <Cygnata> :(
[02:27] * Szechuan sits on Cygnata's head and nibbles her hair until he realizes it isn't edible, and goes back to the pier to scavenge some garbage.
[02:27] <Szechuan> Mine!
[02:27] <Jackal> I know how to handle this...
[02:27] <Nexus> I really wish I still owned this channed sometimes.
[02:27] <Szechuan> ^_^
[02:27] <Cygnata> why?
[02:27] * Jackal breaks a pack of what appears to be candy and spreads it all over the pier.
[02:28] <Szechuan> (^< - Mine?
[02:28] * Cygnata hides in Jackal's lap
[02:28] * Szechuan soars towards the candy but a freak wave washes it all away.
[02:28] <Szechuan> Mine?
[02:29] <Jackal> It's always a freak wave when you join the channel, Szechuan
[02:29] <Szechuan> ^_^
[02:29] <Szechuan> I try.
[02:29] * Szechuan pouts on the pier.
[02:29] * Atragon tires of Jackal's eyeballs and perches on a rock
[02:29] * Sam is now known as Sam|Wr0k
[02:29] <Jackal> Bye Sam! ;)
[02:30] * Jackal shoves the 'candy' down Atragon and Szechuan's throats.
[02:30] * Jackal hides the package that reads Alka-Seltzer
[02:31] * DeevZzZzz is now known as DV8
[02:31] <Jackal> Yo Deeveeate
[02:31] * Szechuan pops like a baby in a microwave.
[02:32] * Atragon digests it at an unbelievable rate and craps it out all over Jackal's face
[02:32] <Jackal> You know, I second your wish Nexus.
Right, so it was a good movie. Sue us.

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2003 6:34 am
by Szechuan
mIRC wrote: [02:04] <Iago> <--survuivor of two major heart attacks
[02:05] * Reika winces and wuffles Iago.
[02:05] * Szechuan cackles MADLY!
[02:06] <Reika> .....
[02:06] <Szechuan> o.O
[02:06] <Szechuan> Sorry, was afk!
[02:06] <Szechuan> Seriously, I was talking about a BD thread!
Open mouth, insert foot.

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2003 4:27 am
by Nexusvoid
* Szechuan wonders why the test thinks he'll be played by Demi Moore.
<Nexus> Because you're a brunette with big titties?
* Cygnata ( has joined #bulldrek
<Szechuan> I'm a brunette with, well, no titties.
<Szechuan> In fact, I'm not a guy.

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2003 3:08 pm
by Szechuan
Nexusvoid wrote:
* Szechuan wonders why the test thinks he'll be played by Demi Moore.
<Nexus> Because you're a brunette with big titties?
* Cygnata ( has joined #bulldrek
<Szechuan> I'm a brunette with, well, no titties.
<Szechuan> In fact, I'm not a guy.

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2003 4:05 am
by Toon
[22:11:30] <Bull> Hey paulie
[22:11:37] <Paul> Hey Bull!
[22:12:29] <Paul> Whats up?
[22:12:41] <Bull> EH, same crap, different year. You?
[22:12:54] <Paul> House cleaning and yadda.
[22:13:08] <Paul> Thinking about seeing Underworld next weekend
[22:13:14] <Paul> Planning a Bon Fire
[22:13:19] <Bull> I hear :]
[22:13:27] <Leon> Already requested off.
[22:13:31] <Bull> Nov 1, eh? I'll have to plan to make it up :]
[22:13:37] <Paul> Cool.
[22:13:42] <Paul> Everyones invited!
[22:13:53] <Atragon> If my job satisfaction doesn't improve by the end of this week, I'm seriously going to find another job
[22:13:55] <Bull> We going to try and signal aliens again with the fire?
[22:14:01] <Paul> Hell Yes!
[22:14:05] <Bull> Rock ;]
[22:14:10] <Paul> I have some plans for wood.
[22:14:16] <Paul> Start cutting this coming week.
[22:14:20] <Paul> Plus I have some
[22:14:23] <Atragon> Douse it in gas?
[22:14:24] <Bull> <laugh> Nice :]
[22:14:37] <Paul> Ask Bull how it was last time.
[22:14:49] <Bull> Who needs gas? You just need a 6 foot high, 15 foot across pile of wood :]
[22:14:50] <SludGM> hehe...that was fun. :)
[22:15:03] <Bull> Insert match, and you get 30 foot pillars of flame :]
[22:15:22] <Leon> Alien #1: "What's that down there? That light?" Alien #2: "It seems to be a signal.." "What's it say?" ""
[22:15:33] <Paul> lol
[22:16:40] <Atragon> Bull: You don't _need_ gas, but it does make it a bit hotter/brighter/bigger, you also haven't seen a true bonfire until you've seen a 16 foot across, ~30 foot high one
[22:17:11] <Reika> Lilith - lol
[22:17:13] <Leon> Atra: Have you killed a tree in somewhat close proximity?
[22:17:27] <Leon> From the heat?
[22:17:32] <Paul> This movie is pretty funny so far.
[22:17:34] <Reika> It sounds like he decimated a whole forest.
[22:17:43] <Leon> From what I heard, he came close.
[22:19:04] <Paul> Well I have to stop the kid from using my wife's female stuff to plug the toilet
[22:19:10] <Paul> So I am off
[22:19:14] <Leon> lol
[22:19:21] * Reika snickers, "Have fun."
[22:19:22] * Paul (Meri@ Quit (Quit: (Swoosh!))
[22:25:35] * MooCow ( Quit (Quit: )
[22:38:18] <Atragon> Lil: Actually, it was at summer camp, on a nice big field
[22:41:11] <Flame> PAUL!
[22:41:14] <Flame> DAMN
[22:41:16] <Flame> CURSE OF BEING AFK!
[22:41:23] <Maelwys> lol
[22:41:25] <Flame> ASFJLAKJDSFK
[22:41:38] * Flame goes off to kill himself, Moocow-style
[22:42:26] <Flame> Please don't put this in IRC funnies...please...
[22:42:27] * Toon volunteers to fly the plane