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Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2003 4:16 am
by FlameBlade
prior to that convo...

<Flame> Ampere just came in here
<Flame> eeeeeeeek!
<Flame> everyone, hide
<Ampere> no really...i'm not dead
* Ampere is now known as AmpereNotDead
<Flame> HIDE!
<Atragon> wow, looks like the BG/IM combo is once more extremely powerful
* Flame hides behind Ampere
<Reika> Atra - What?
<Atragon> Reika: Blood Golem/Iron Maiden
<AmpereNotDead> Flame, I haven't seen hide nor hair of Eli in a while, is he doing ok?
<Reika> Atra - Ah, okay
<Atragon> old-skool power combo, blood golem regenerates life based on damage delt, looks like Iron Maiden is back to dealing damage
* Reika nods
* NytShade has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 360 seconds)
* MooCow drives a stake through Ampere's heart.... "Just in case"
* Atragon assists with some holy water and garlic spray
<AmpereNotDead> this yours?
* AmpereNotDead gestures to the cloves of garlic and lumber in the chest.
* Atragon tasers Ampere
<AmpereNotDead> now /that/ is funny
<AmpereNotDead> "ampere" being hit with amperage...
<AmpereNotDead> lol
<AmpereNotDead> gots to go guys, finishing up Band Of Brothers.
* Reika snickers at today's UF.
<Reika> Later Amp
* AmpereNotDead waves
* AmpereNotDead ( has left #bulldrek
* Atragon growls loudly about random things
* Atragon resolves to himself that if he has another shitty work-week this week, he's going to look for a different job
<Flame> Eli's busy.
<Flame> very busy
<Flame> damn
<Flame> I have tendency to go AFK
<Flame> at bad times :)
<Reika> Flame - Amp is gone. :)
<Flame> :)
<Flame> I'm always AFK
<Flame> *sigh*
<Flame> I might as well become the next Kawaii...
<Reika> But do you have the ability to remain on irc for days and weeks at a time without saying anything? ;)
<Flame> ah good point.
<Flame> I hate being on IRC for days/weeks :)
<Flame> that is, without saying anything :)


Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2003 5:10 am
by Anguirel
[00:37] <MooCow> Hey... off the wall question.... Is Dunkelzahn supposed to mean something in German?
[00:37] <Anguirel> Dark tooth.
[00:37] <Rato> Oi Jackal.
[00:37] <Reika> Jackal - ...
[00:37] <Jackal> Oi Rato
[00:37] <Adam> "Big Dragon Bling Bling"
[00:37] <Jackal> Reika: Exactly
[00:38] <Rato> "Mountainshadow", I thought.
[00:38] *** Moulsari is now known as MoulsShower
[00:38] <Anguirel> "Zahn" is definitely "Tooth". "Dunkel" is dark, usually.
[00:38] <Jackal> I want pictures. 8 x 10 glossies.
[00:38] <Jackal> ;)
[00:39] <Adam> Icewing == Mountainshadow
[00:39] * Jackal ducks
[00:39] * Maelwys looks oddly at Adam.
[00:39] <MooCow> K... No, Ang is right. I plugged it into a german translator and got "Dark Tooth" "Dark Sprocket" and "Dark Crumpet"
[00:39] <Anguirel> Hee.
[00:39] <Rato> Dark Crumpet! Excellent!
[00:39] <Adam> Dude. Dark Crumpet.
[00:40] <Anguirel> "Fear me, for I am Dark Sprocket!"
[00:40] <Jackal> lol
[00:40] * Adam ponders a DJ Dark Crumpet poster.
[00:41] <Maelwys> How do you figure Icewing is Mountainshadow?
[00:41] <Adam> uhh.. math.
[00:41] <Anguirel> Because he wrote that part. ;)
[00:41] <Adam> :)
[00:41] <MooCow> "I am... Dunkelzahn" "You're a Dark Crumpet?" "Dark Tooth." "I thought Zahn was crumpet." "It's tooth" "Are you sure. I think it's crumpet" "Tooth" "Crumpet" *Crunch*
[00:42] <Anguirel> Hee.
[00:42] <Adam> Anguirel: Negatory.
[00:42] * Reika snickers
[00:42] <Anguirel> Damn it, I'm trying to spread mis-information here.
[00:43] <MooCow> But he knows the people who did right it. "These aren't my conclusions. These are the conclusions of someone who knows what they're talking about!"
[00:43] <MooCow> right = write
[00:45] <Anguirel> I seem to recall Icewing being thought as Mountain Shadow (who was somehow related to Dunkelzahn's ED incarnation). That was one of the favored discussions on DSF at one point...
[00:46] <MooCow> Dunkelzahn was a whore.
[00:46] <Anguirel> That's right... "Zahn" means "Whore" He's Dark Whore...
[00:47] <Rato> And 'Dunkel' also means 'Skank-ass'.
[00:47] <MooCow> So.... he's a Skank ass Crumpet?
[00:47] <Anguirel> Yes.
[00:47] <Jackal> Watched this clip tonight. Chick tells her boy friend that she cheated on him with his boss and is breaking up with him. "Oh, what I have to do now is perfectly clear now." "Really, what?" "I have to go fuck your mother." "What?!" "You heard me, go tell your mother she's getting fucked."
[00:48] <Reika> Heh
[00:48] <Adam> Damnit. What date did Dunkie die on?
[00:48] <Maelwys> If anyone believed that Icewing is Mountainshadow, they need to be beaten and all their books taken away.
[00:48] <Jackal> I need to find the link to it and post it for everyone. It's so wrong. :)
[00:48] <Maelwys> August...7th 57?
[00:49] <Reika> I thought it was later than 57?
[00:49] <Adam> It was 57.
[00:49] <Jackal> Like Hienz
[00:49] <Reika> My bad
[00:50] <Maelwys> 9 August, according to Stranger Souls
[00:50] *** Atragon has quit IRC (Quit: )
[00:51] <MooCow> Oh yeah, well Stranger Souls is all about a munchkin, so the dates are probably inflated as well. ;)
[00:51] <Reika> Mael - Yeah, that's about right on the search I just did.
[00:52] <Adam>


Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 2:17 am
by Salvation122
*** [3278] is now known as [32|X]
<Lin_PaperPause> bye earl!
<Adam> Have a good night, Earl.
<Salvation122> Godspeed.
<Teja> See you, Earl.
<Adam> You.
<Jackal> oh hell, I'll get beat over the head for this but....
* Jackal runs!!!
<Lin_PaperPause> Black?
<Salvation122> Emperor!

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2003 6:35 am
by Crazy Elf
[18:11] * CrazyElf dances to YMCA
[18:11] <CrazyElf> What is it with that song?
[18:11] <CrazyElf> I mean, it's an openly Ross song, sung by a bunch of people who are renowned for being Rosses
[18:11] <Paul> Reverse Ross.
[18:12] <CrazyElf> But when you play it anywhere, all the straight guys get up and freely dance to it
[18:12] <Paul> Its a tactic.
[18:12] <Nexus> Two Rosses don't make an Elf.

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2004 5:40 pm
by Nexusvoid
<Nexus> Dude, smack that ho.
<thegnuwrites> A wise choice.

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2004 11:42 pm
by Cash
Whenever I need a laugh, I read this thread. heh-heh-heh

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 2:21 pm
by Eva
*** Lin_NPA is now known as Veed
<gnu> Hey Claus.
<Veed> hey, little tulip
*** Bull [] has joined #Bulldrek
<Veed> hey, little tulip

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 2:23 pm
by Cash
The extra part...

* Lin_NPA is now known as Veed
<gnu> Hey Claus.
<Veed> hey, little tulip
* Bull has joined #Bulldrek
<Veed> hey, little tulip
* Sal_Class laughs
<Bull> I really hope you're not referring to me,, Veed
<gnu> Heheheheh.
<Veed> hehe
<Bull> If you are, you were waaaaay more drunk than I thought at the Gathering a couple years ago

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 2:29 pm
by Eva
See, I thought that part wasn't funny, so I didn't include it. Guess I was wrong, oh Grand Master of Humor. :oD

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 2:30 pm
by Cash
The funny part...someone accusing a Bulldrekker of being drunk at a Gathering. :D

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 11:34 pm
by Jackal
[14:55:32] * Kai|w0rk is totally a hacker geek :)
[14:56:23] * DV8 laughs.
[14:57:18] * Joins: Moxie (
[14:57:29] * Atragon beets Moxie
[14:57:45] <Moxie> Yuck! I hate beets!
[14:58:08] <Matt> What are small vegetables going to do to help?
[14:58:38] <Moxie> I mean, you can't even make a decent alcohol out of a beet!
[14:58:48] <Atragon> Exactly, that's why I don't want them.
[14:59:19] <Kai|w0rk> Which unfortunatly has cool coders, and then a vast majority of crackers, script kiddies, and out and out morons who just like to speak in 'l33t', but I'm not inventive enought to come up with a name for 'geeks who like to hack code and don't suck'
[14:59:58] <Jackal> Kai: Employeed ;)

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 2:06 pm
by Adam
Beets are not necessarily small vegetables, fyi.

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2004 12:22 am
by Cash
<Paul> I learn by trial and error, plus Adam occassionally prods me with a taser.
<Anguirel> Among other things.
<moosegod> Curse you, Anguriel.
<moosegod> I did not need to think of that. At all.
<Adam> It's always better when I go beyond the taser.
<Anguirel> This is totally not the channel for you, then.
<moosegod> No, the internet is not the place for me.
* Paul grins.
<moosegod> Anyways...
<Paul> Yeah when Adam gets the lube out its all good.
<moosegod> Oh boy.
<Paul> Nope, Oh gawd!
<Adam> Only because you're in a lot less pain when I use it.
<Paul> Sometimes just plain *O*
<Cash-AFK> Even when Adam doesn't use lube, a little nuzzling on the ear makes it feel all better.
<Paul> lol
<Adam> I'd never want to hurt you, my little Cash.
<Paul> He just wanted to Kiss the Girls. Its all about love.
<Paul> Adam Love them like a Lion Jury.
<Adam> mr0wr.
<TLM> So Adam: any lube you would recommend?
<Adam> Oh, I'd default to blood.
<Adam> ;)
<TLM> Ah yes, the golden oldie. I was just curious about wether or not you had a special sponsor.
<Maelwys> Vlad the Impaler :)
<TLM> Yes, that certainly makes sense... in a twisted kind of way. :)
<Paul> This moment of Sodomy is brough to you by Vlad the Impaler! Vlad the Impaler when only old world charm will do!
<TLM> lol!
<Overlord> *snrk*
<Paul> Vlad the Impaler is now available in A negative, Crazy Chocolate and Bursting B positive!
<Paul> Sorry, Vlad the Impaler is not responsible for any rectum damage incurred while using this product.
<Cygnata> love them like a lion?
<Cygnata> Spikey penis and all?
<Paul> Vlad the Impaler damaging sphincters since 1232!
<Paul> Hell yeah!
<Paul> Hair and all!
<Paul> He also likes to hold onto his pre-friends that is with his teeth.
<TLM> (Vlad the Implaer is a wholly resgistered trademark of Tran Sylvania Inc. All rights reserved.)
<Paul> lol
<moosegod> Vlad the Impaler attacks!
<Paul> we have a product here people!
<moosegod> Resist 90DN damage!
<TLM> I think it is safe to say, we are on to something here. All we need now is a tv-ad.
<Cash-AFK> And make a Will save to avoid Exctasy status.
<Cash-AFK> Ooohhhhh, you fail the save. Your legs are twitching and you need a cigarette.
<moosegod> No, you can't use that hole.
<Cash-AFK> Vlad does not care!
<moosegod> But he's already used the other two!
<Paul> Suck it up!
<Paul> Be a man!
<Paul> Who can do it?
<Maelwys> Literally suck it up :)
<Paul> Vlad can!
<moosegod> That's the problem.
<moosegod> The character is a man!
<Paul> Who can take your daddy and stick a light bulb up his ass, kick him in the balls and break the fucking glass?
<Paul> Vlad the Impaler can!
<TLM> snrk!
<moosegod> Ouch.
<Paul> Its the S&M man!
<Paul> He makes the pain feel good!
<Maelwys> What is sad, is that Paul's probably seen this at work :)
<moosegod> Seen? You mean done?
<Paul> Hahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahaha

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 9:55 am
by Cash
<Tryyng> but where shall i get ether at this time of night!?!
<Tryyng> morning...
<Tryyng> whatever the hell this hour is technically referred to.
<Maelwys> Cattleprod?
<Cash-AFK> It's only 6:45 pm. Plenty of time to get a jar of ether. And in a pinch, you can use a tube sock, preferably worn.
<Tryyng> time zones, man. it's 4:45 am here.
<Tryyng> east coast represent!
<Tryyng> so is it wednesday or thursday there? cause it's technically already thursday here.
<Maelwys> Uh...
<Maelwys> You know it's Monday night/Tuesday morning, right?

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 9:20 pm
by Szechuan
[16:44] <Eli> FINE! I don't think we should see each other anymore!
[16:44] <Eli> *sob*
[16:44] <Daki> Who gets the cat?
[16:44] <BigJim-Work> FINE!
[16:44] <Eli> ME!
[16:44] <Eli> I GET THE CAT!
[16:45] * BigJim-Work runs off crying. Much slamming of doors ensues.
[16:45] <ZeMookie> Nice going! He will be crying in the bathroom for hours now
[16:45] <BigJim-Work> You always loved that cat more than me!
[16:45] <Eli> I didn't know we had doors? *gives one a test slam* Nice!
[16:45] <BigJim-Work> Just because you liked its sandpaper tongue on your...I've said
too much.
[16:46] <ZeMookie> O_O
[16:47] <Eli> There was no toilet paper, what was I to do?
[16:47] <Daki> Jim, we all know you were just upset because the Cat never gave you
attention. Don't take that out on Eli.
[16:47] <ZeMookie> Yeah....the cat just thought you tasted Yeah *wanders away*
[16:48] <Eli> Wow, I broke people. I never break people :)
[16:48] <Szechuan> oO
[16:48] <BigJim-Work> We win!
[16:48] <Daki> I thought you broke up!
[16:49] <BigJim-Work> You can't stop true love!
[16:49] <Eli> It was all a ploy to dishearten Raoul!
[16:50] <Szechuan> But Raoul is dead! All this time Jim's actually been cheating on you
with his corpse!
[16:50] <ZeMookie> This is better than TV
[16:55] * mookie ( has joined
[16:56] <BigJim-Work> Do you know how helpful rigor is for certain problems?
[16:56] <Daki> So when is the wedding?
[16:56] <mookie> Wedding? I get bumped and miss a wedding....
[16:56] <Szechuan> Eli and Jim.
[16:56] <BigJim-Work> Just as soon as there is a state with enough courage to recognize that you don't have to be living to be in love.
[16:57] * Eli jumps in Daki's arms, "Let's elope."
[16:57] <TejaWork> Aww. The love!!!

[16:57] <Szechuan> :|
[16:57] <mookie> Thanks Szech. but....who is the dead guy?
[16:57] <Szechuan> Raoul.
[16:58] <BigJim-Work> Daki! You two-timing bastard!
[16:58] <Eli> Kiss me, Daki!
[16:58] <Szechuan> Jim is cheating on Eli with Raoul. Eli is secretly eloping with Daki.
Daki hasn't told Eli about Gunny. Teja is trying to have them all killed so she can win
the inheritance.
[16:58] <Rato> And then aliens.
[16:59] <Szechuan> Problem is, you just woke from your coma, foiling Teja's inheritance
plans. But the murders have already been arranged.
[16:59] <Szechuan> The aliens are an elaborate ploy. They are actually my evil twin's
[16:59] <Maelwys> Of course, since Szechuan is an alien, the fact that it's his evil
twin's doing means that it's still a plot by aliens.
[17:00] <Szechuan> The aliens are there to sow chaos and destruction, to provide a cover for the murders. My evil twin has tricked Teja into believing that he is in league with her. And Eli thinks the alien is me.
[17:00] <Szechuan> But, this week, we have revealed that.. GASP..
[17:00] <Szechuan> *sticks on fake beard*
[17:00] <Szechuan> I AM MY EVIL TWIN!
[17:02] <Szechuan> Stay tuned next week, when we reveal the father of Rato's baby!
[17:02] <Szechuan> (Sneak Peek: It involves Mookie's semen being harvested, and then secretly planted in Teja's condom, which is designed to break while inside Rato at the right moment.)
[17:03] <Szechuan> Cuz' Teja is boning Rato on the side, in case she needs a bodyguard.
[17:03] <mookie> Mookie is amazed!!!! I don't even have man parts!
[17:03] <Szechuan> Neither does Teja.
[17:03] * mookie lifts up her dress
[17:03] <mookie> nope
[17:03] <BigJim-Work> You fool!
[17:03] <Szechuan> And a pregnant man is a hormonally-charged beast.
[17:04] <BigJim-Work> You've just fallen victum to his plot!
[17:04] <mookie> AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[17:04] <BigJim-Work> All he wanted was to see up your dress! The whole thing was an elaborate scheme on his part!
[17:04] <mookie> I feel so...dirty
[17:05] <BigJim-Work> As well you should.
[17:05] <Szechuan> How wrong you are, Jim! That was just a distraction so that I could.. ATTACH MOOKIE'S PENIS TO MYSELF, BECOMING THE VESSEL OF THE GREAT OLD ONE, DOUBLEDICKIDUS!
[17:05] * Szechuan grows tentacles and eats San Francisco.
[17:05] * Skya shudders
[17:05] <Eli> Jim, fallen victim to /his/ plot? The plot seems to be on a homicidal
[17:06] <Szechuan> Of course, this was all an elaborate plot by the greatest of old
ones, Garey Busey, to drive Skya slowly insane.
[17:06] <BigJim-Work> My god. There are layers upon layers here.
[17:06] * Szechuan bows.
[17:06] <BigJim-Work> None of which make any sense at all.
[17:06] <Szechuan> If it made sense, we wouldn't be able to introduce new characters
through holes in the plot.
[17:06] <mookie> It IS a soap opera!
[17:06] <Skya> it's working Szech
[17:07] * Szechuan2 ( has joined #bulldrek
[17:07] * Szechuan2 beams aboard.
[17:07] <Szechuan2> You did not plan on the aliens being so clever, did you, Szechuan?!
[17:07] * Szechuan gasps.
[17:07] <Szechuan> YOU!
[17:07] <Szechuan2> Yes, me! Muahaha!
[17:07] * Szechuan2 strokes his much manlier beard.
[17:07] * Szechuan recoils in horror!
[17:07] <mookie> O_o
[17:08] * Skya snickers
[17:08] <Szechuan2> Become what you were born to be: A third-rate chorus girl harvesting semen for the aliens' use!
[17:08] <Szechuan> NO! NEVER! The other girls taught me that I have feelings. Values!
Self-worth! i'll never give in to your nefarious plan!
[17:08] * EvilLandlord ( has joined #bulldrek
[17:09] <EvilLandlord> Not if I have anything to say about it!
[17:09] <Szechuan> But I can't pay the rent!
[17:09] <EvilLandlord> You MUST pay the rent!
[17:09] <Szechuan2> Muahaha!
[17:09] <Szechuan> No! NOOO!
[17:09] <Szechuan2> You see? You have no choice! Come with us, or face the wrath of the American Beaureacracy!
[17:09] * BigJim-Work attempts to crash the channel.
[17:09] <Eli> It's the attack of an early episode Star Wars movie. RUN!
[17:09] * EvilLandlord uncovers his disguise!
[17:10] * EvilLandlord is now known as AmericanBeaureacracy
[17:10] * AmericanBeaureacracy stands akimbo.
[17:10] <AmericanBeaureacracy> Fear me! You will sit in long lines! but not chorus
[17:10] <Szechuan> aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
[17:10] * AmericanBeaureacracy cackles with evil!
[17:11] <Lilith> Alright.
[17:11] <Szechuan2> As you can see, you have no choice, Szechuan! Join the hive!
[17:11] <Lilith> Who let Szechuan into the expired cough syrup this time?
[17:11] <Szechuan> But you didn't bet on the power of SONG!
[17:11] <Szechuan2> SONG?
[17:11] <AmericanBeaureacracy> SONG?!
[17:11] <Szechuan> Yes, SONG!
[17:11] <Eli> Oh good, he's getting into the big disney musical ending.
[17:11] <mookie> I think its more than cough syrup
[17:11] <BigJim-Work> If this doesn't involve Elvis, I'm going to be pissed
[17:11] * Szechuan enters into a terrifying rendition of "I'm going to make it after
[17:12] * Szechuan2 screams and implodes.
[17:12] * Szechuan2 ( Quit (Quit: Imploded.)
[17:12] * AmericanBeaureacracy curses and draws a gun!
[17:12] * AmericanBeaureacracy fires!
[17:12] * AmericanBeaureacracy hears a *click*
[17:12] <Szechuan> "I'm going to make it after aaaaaaaalll!"
[17:13] <AmericanBeaureacracy> Oh no! I didn't requisition bullets three to six weeks in
advance! I'll get you next time, Szechuan! NEXT TIIIIIIIIME!
[17:13] * AmericanBeaureacracy disappears in a flash of paperwork.
[17:13] * AmericanBeaureacracy ( Quit (Quit: CGI:IRC 0.5.4 (2004/01/29))
[17:13] * Szechuan bows.
[17:13] <mookie> sorry jim...Elvis did not save the day
[17:13] <Skya> Lil, I think it was Eli
[17:13] * BigJim-Work stabs Szech in the back with a rusty pitchfork.
[17:14] * Elvis[sonotdead] ( has joined #bulldrek
[17:14] <Elvis[sonotdead]> Actually, I was his vocal coach.
[17:14] <Szechuan> Et tu, Bigjim?
[17:14] * Szechuan dies.
[17:14] * IC_Work ( has joined #bulldrek
[17:14] * Skya huzzahs!
[17:15] <Elvis[sonotdead]> That's a hunkahunka burnin' hate you got there, Jim Boy.
Let's go to Graceland and murder us some Television sets.
[17:15] <BigJim-Work> Now I can have Elvis all to myself! To hell with Raoul!
[17:15] * Elvis[sonotdead] drives away.
[17:15] * Elvis[sonotdead] ( Quit (Quit: CGI:IRC 0.5.4 (2004/01/29))
[17:15] * Szechuan is now known as SzechDead
[17:15] <Maelwys> Way to drive Elvis away.
[17:15] <mookie> wow.. where doen't the king pop up??
[17:15] <BigJim-Work> Elvis isn't gone. He's here! In every one of us!
[17:16] * SzechDead communicates with Raoul's spirit, who claims this was all his doing
so he could get Jim out of here and be with Eli forever.
[17:16] * Kai grabs Eli
[17:16] <Kai> Mine!
[17:16] * SzechDead is now known as Szechuan
[17:16] * Szechuan is wrenched back to the respawn point.
[17:16] * Szechuan bows. "Thank you! Thank you!"
[17:16] <Eli> Eek! Yay for Stories and eek!
[17:16] * BigJim-Work applauds.
[17:16] * mookie golf claps
[17:17] <Szechuan> Who says theatre is dead?

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 3:16 am
by Daki
I eloped?!? Damn meetings keeping me from keeping up.

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 1:44 pm
by Bishop

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 3:48 am
by Crazy Elf
This is still super funny.

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 10:21 am
by Eva
Crazy Elf wrote:This is still super funny.
Agreed. We had too much free time back then, but damn, some of this stuff is so on point.

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 11:48 pm
by Daki
*Two hours later*

Still funny even today. How exactly did any of us get work done?