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Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 4:48 pm
by Kitt
Suggestion: Promise people cookies.
Observation: Damn, my neighbors are loud.

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 8:18 pm
by Memory
Quote from Avenue Q: You can be as loud as you want when you're making love.

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 2:12 pm
by Heavy_D
Fact: the weather in Paris is beautiful today
Opinion: the people on strike in front of the office building have a lousy taste in music

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 2:35 pm
by Kitt
Query: Can someone give me a good way to kill a housemate who has fucked you over big time that will look like an accident, suicide, or natural causes?

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 5:11 pm
by Tiny Deev
Response: I could pull some strings, and it'll be done. One phone call to a coupla hard, pipe-hittin' niggers, who'll go to work on the homes here with a pair of pliers and a blow torch.

Fact: I actually know people who would do that for less then 25 euros.
Opinion: I hate that I know people who would actually do that for less then 25 euros!

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 11:35 pm
by Kitt
Puzzlement: What does 25 euros translate to in USD?

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 3:25 am
by Crazy Elf
Fact: More and more every day.

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 3:27 pm
by Memory
Fact: GBP to USD is depressing as well. :(

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 1:34 am
by Crazy Elf
Fact: The US buys a lot of shit from overseas, so when their dollar drops everyone else's drops in order to keep the trade flowing in. Can't be helped.

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 8:38 am
by Heavy_D
Observation: My system seems to be working as it should.
Fact: I am relieved by this fact
Observation: My colleagues are more cynical about this than I am

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 9:30 pm
by Kitt
Fact: I purchased new shoes.
Opinion: They're nice sandals with a buckle.
Sadness-inducing Fact: The left shoe rubs and caused a really unattractive blister.
Theory: I'll soak the hard leather part and whack at it with a hammer.
Other news: I've scheduled an appointment to have my first tattoo done as of next Thursday.

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 1:41 am
by Memory
Question: What is the tattoo going to be of? Do you have a specific design in mind?

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 4:00 am
by Kitt
Response: It's going to be a tribute to my two favorite pet fish. Above the ankle bone and facing my toes is going to be my red betta, Alexei. Below the ankle bone and facing my heel will be my spotted cory, Spot.

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 2:26 pm
by Heavy_D
Observation: Drinking too much has never hit me as hard as it did yesterday...dry heaving in the middle of the street is something new, unexpected and I hope I never have to experience again
Conclusion: I must be getting old.

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 5:46 pm
by Kitt
Fact: I'm on a diet, as I'm roughly 50lbs overweight.
Fact: I have lost 5lbs.
Observation: Most of my clothes fit better.
Exception: My bras are too tight.
Gripe: They're fucking expensive bras, as they're from Victoria's Secret.
Rationalization: It's either go to Vickies for my size or buy them custom...which is more expensive.
Tantrum: I don't want to buy new bras! 34Ds are hard enough to find. I don't want to have to scour the universe for 34DD!
Obscenity: Fuckshitasscuntwhore.

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 7:39 am
by Crazy Elf
Fact: All my clothing needs to be adjusted due to my physique. Anything that fits my waist is incapable of fitting over my back or thighs.

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 5:40 am
by The Grand Crusader
Fact: Since I left Bulldrek, I've ballooned to over 300 pounds.
Observation: I need to diet before it kills me.
Request: Anyone got advice?