A Werekitten's trip to the Dentist

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A Werekitten's trip to the Dentist

Post by Kwyndig »

Those of you on IRC earlier today already know this, but I had to have my 1 tooth (the third right molar, or wisdom tooth) pulled today because it was rotten. Overall, the procedure was quick and painless, I only felt a slight sting from the local as it went in, and I haven't needed anything for the pain yet.

I will admit I was a bit nervous and scared as I sat and waited for the dentist to actually give me the novacaine, actually I couldn't stop shaking. Fortunately, I managed to hold still long enough to get the needle in, and after that it was simply a matter of waiting. My oral surgeon and dentist, despite my having picked them under semi-emergency status, turned out to be great guys, and I was comfortable for the most part during the initial x-rays (at the dentist's office) and then the actual tooth extraction itself (which took place later in the day, due to scheduling).

So, now I'm short a tooth, we'll see how that goes.
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Post by FlakJacket »

Um, rotten? Has someone been a bad kitty and not been brushing or getting regular checkups? I mean, rotten? How the hell did it get like that?
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Post by Kwyndig »

Well, it decayed to the nerve, and yes, everyone's favorite kitten hasn't been going to the dentist. Also, it doesn't help that that particular tooth also broke off a chunk on the outside earlier this year, speeding the process.
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Post by Dennis »

I've had three wisdom teeth pulled, on two different occassions. Two the first time, the last one the second time. All three were quick and painless, simply because the roots of my teeth aren't very deep, so you could basically push them out. It sounds like you've got that, too, Kwyn.

People with uber-deep roots have molars that either chip, or break while they're trying to pull them, and then it's Jaw Surgeon Time. I heard that fucking sucks.

Take care of your teeth, and they will take care of you. :)
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Post by MooCow »

Dude, that sucks. I'd say hope you feel better, but you seem to be fine, so ummm yeah.

Not much to add here. I had all 6 of my wisdom teeth removed when I was 20. Yeah, I had 6. Farking sucked. :)
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Post by Gunny »

when I finally had my wisdom teeth pulled (I had originally just gone in for a cleaning when my dentist noticed the teeth growing in), I was 20 (I think). there was no pain with them growing in and if my teet naturally rested ontop of each other instead of my lower set resting behind my upper set, it woulda been all peachy. but nooooo.

I was given a local AND gas, so Gunny went sleepy sleepy. all four were pulled and no stitches. they packed the holes with cotton and sent me on my way. of course I had to be helped out cuz I was still heavily drugged. I took my pain pills like a good girl, slept for about a week and only felt sick once because I hadn't eaten and took a pain pill on an empty tummy. other than that, I had a great recovery. I did so enjoy spitting out the occassional mouth full of blood and freaking people out.

I hopes you're doing okay kitty. don't worry, I'm sure Caz can dig up a neat replacement for that tooth.
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Post by Wildfire »

I've had a total of...11 I think teeth pulled, stubborn baby teeth and ones that needeed to go to make the braces fit. I knew wisdom teeth were gonna have to be cut out from the start, I mean if all the teeth I already had didn't fit, 4 more sure as hell weren't going to :) A little gas, a nice IV, some horrible grinding and popping noises that would have horrified me if I hadn't been heavily drugged, and minus 4 teeth, plus a lot of meals consisting of soup :)
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Post by Serious Paul »

Just need to get one more post, Glad you are Okay Kwyndig, too.
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Post by Spiral »

The syncronicity of this disturbs me to no end. Check outRed Meat, Feb 11, 2003.
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Post by Mjelvis »

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Hope you have a lovely recovery.
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Post by Jestyr »

Old news. He's with Dita von Teese now.
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Post by Cazmonster »

Lightning bolts out of my chin. I love Red Meat and worship Max Cannon as the Messiah reborn.
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