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Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2004 12:26 am
by Daki
Cain wrote:
Jeez, man, I don't know any of that stuff.
Exactly my point. You don't seem to have any understanding of metabolic biochemistry. Which, in turn, means you have no understanding of nutrition. Which is exactly the problem; I'm trying to give you some of the correct science involved.
And you've proven that you really don't know much when it comes to the "uses" of body fat. Body fat being better for absorbing blows than muscle? Better protection? I would love to know where you got this information.

Your pain tollerance is lower when struck in fat due to the fact the blow does NOT deflect on the surface and hits deeper in the body. Muscle disperses the impact force throughout the muscle but keeps the internals from taking damage. This is why pro wrestlers will often try and get more muscle. In addition to the bigger size, it also cushions their body from the constant impacts they are taking. Worst you can expect from taking an impact in muscle is a muscle bruise that can be cured in a matter of a day or two.

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2004 4:01 am
by Cain
And you've proven that you really don't know much when it comes to the "uses" of body fat. Body fat being better for absorbing blows than muscle? Better protection? I would love to know where you got this information.
Personal experience and observation. Bodybuilders with exceptionally low body fat tend to bruise readily. As for pain tolerance, which is a very personal thing, remember that your internals don't have as many pain receptors as the surface. Muscle has more, and fat has effectively none.

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2004 11:43 am
by 3278
Look, Daki, I think it's pretty clear that you don't have any understanding of metabolic biochemistry, which means you have no understanding of nutrition. I don't see how you could know anything about the damage of muscle mass, since you don't know anything about /muscular/ biochemistry. Jeez. And we all know Cain's personal experience counts for more than the personal experience of professional wrestlers. What do they know about biochemistry?

:lol :crack

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2004 11:51 am
by FlameBlade
Cain, I have one question: How come you know everything? I mean, Everything?

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2004 1:55 pm
by Daki
Image And you completely glance over what I'm saying about your comment that fat is a key component in our ability to defend against impact. It's not. You are wrong.

Professional football players put on weight so they will weigh more. That's the only reason why. Weighing more means the guy across from them has something heavier to try and push along. They could be 20 pounds lighter, just as strong, but they are tougher to move (EDIT - To clarify... I meant that with the extra 20 pounds they are a tougher target to move). It's not for more protection and they exercise as much as possible to keep their body fat as low as possible because 300 pounds at 10% body fat is much more effective than 300 pounds at 20% body fat. Same weight, vast difference in effectiveness.

If anything, that heavy weight they carry is more of a hindrance in the long term since that increases the strain put on their knees and runs a high risk of becoming diabetic.

Hell, look at Sumo. They eat a specialized diet to put a large amount of weight on their frame. It's not for protection, it's to make them heavier and tougher to move. The main areas where a sumo is struck (upper chest and arms) and the major muscles they need in the ring (their legs) are like fucking iron. Very little body fat in those areas of the body because it's muscle that keeps them from getting injured from the strikes.
Cain wrote:Bodybuilders with exceptionally low body fat tend to bruise readily.
Most bodybuilders also carry more muscle mass than their body can naturally support. Add to that, bodybuilders do a very specific routine designed to build bulk over strength. What they end up with are massive muscle mass that isn't strong and has the same consistency that you would find in fat. When those bodybuilders can't keep up their routine, all that mass turns to fat VERY quickly.

32 wrote:Look, Daki, I think it's pretty clear that you don't have any understanding of metabolic biochemistry, which means you have no understanding of nutrition.

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2004 6:40 pm
by Daki
Related to prior conversation: just released this week is the new national average body fat % for men. For the sixth year in a row it is up and sitting at 19.7%.

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2004 10:38 pm
by Cain
Hell, look at Sumo. They eat a specialized diet to put a large amount of weight on their frame. It's not for protection, it's to make them heavier and tougher to move. The main areas where a sumo is struck (upper chest and arms) and the major muscles they need in the ring (their legs) are like fucking iron. Very little body fat in those areas of the body because it's muscle that keeps them from getting injured from the strikes.
Have you ever sparred a sumo? It's damn painful, let me tell you.

The problems with your example is that 1) Men naturally tend to gain abdominal fat before they gain fat anywhere else, 2) Sumos are allowed to strike anywhere, but they can't land an injurious blow and their goal is to shove or topple the other guy, so they tend to aim high, and 3) For the most part, they've gained as much strong muscle as they can, so they need to gain fat in order to maintain their weight. (As you pointed out, too much muscle mass can become weaker than before.)

Now, here's the thing. If you have to punch a sumo, where would you want to punch him? In his gut, with all those vital organs unprotected by anything but massive amounts of fat... or his chin, with very little fat and a decent amount of bone protecting it? If your life depended on it, would you rather attack his very muscular legs, or his very fat midsection?

The other problem is that muscle never "turns to" fat. I know what you mean, but that's not really the case. I don't want to bore anyone with the physiology involved, so let's just say that you're close but no cylindrical smoking thingy.

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 12:38 am
by FlameBlade
Cain: Ever sparred with a sumo? If so, please describe the experience in 100 words.

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 1:17 am
by Cain
I can describe it in one: "Ouch!"

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 2:33 am
by Gunny

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 3:05 am
by Daki
Cain wrote:
Hell, look at Sumo. They eat a specialized diet to put a large amount of weight on their frame. It's not for protection, it's to make them heavier and tougher to move. The main areas where a sumo is struck (upper chest and arms) and the major muscles they need in the ring (their legs) are like fucking iron. Very little body fat in those areas of the body because it's muscle that keeps them from getting injured from the strikes.
Have you ever sparred a sumo? It's damn painful, let me tell you.

The problems with your example is that 1) Men naturally tend to gain abdominal fat before they gain fat anywhere else, 2) Sumos are allowed to strike anywhere, but they can't land an injurious blow and their goal is to shove or topple the other guy, so they tend to aim high, and 3) For the most part, they've gained as much strong muscle as they can, so they need to gain fat in order to maintain their weight. (As you pointed out, too much muscle mass can become weaker than before.)

Now, here's the thing. If you have to punch a sumo, where would you want to punch him? In his gut, with all those vital organs unprotected by anything but massive amounts of fat... or his chin, with very little fat and a decent amount of bone protecting it? If your life depended on it, would you rather attack his very muscular legs, or his very fat midsection?

The other problem is that muscle never "turns to" fat. I know what you mean, but that's not really the case. I don't want to bore anyone with the physiology involved, so let's just say that you're close but no cylindrical smoking thingy.
So, basically, you're agreeing with me that fat is not better protectiong than muscle. Okay then.

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 3:34 am
by Cain
Actually, quite the opposite. Again, if you have to fight a sumo-- if your life depended on being able to defeat a very large, fat opponent, and running isn't an option at that second-- would you prefer to attack his very fat midsection, or his not-so-fat legs?

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 7:00 am
by Kwyndig
Actually, if I had to fight a sumo, I'd um... I'd attack him in the one place he's vulnerable, his appetite. I'd never attack a set of legs forged of solid iron by years of carrying his own massive bulk.

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 7:43 am
by Cain
Truth to tell, I'd rather be attacking from a hundred feet or more away. Gives me a better running start when I miss....

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 1:27 pm
by Daki
Cain wrote:Actually, quite the opposite. Again, if you have to fight a sumo-- if your life depended on being able to defeat a very large, fat opponent, and running isn't an option at that second-- would you prefer to attack his very fat midsection, or his not-so-fat legs?
Neither. I'd attack his throat. Or his testicles. Or do jimi him and use his own momentum against him. Then I'd attack his stomach because you are NOT going to hurt him in the legs. Or the arms (unless you aim for the soft spot just above the inner part of the elbow). If I was caught off balance I might try for a diaphram knuckle punch but that won't assist in dealing with the momentum of several hundred pounds coming at you.

No matter how you try to adjust the topic, the point remains that fat does not provide anywhere near the protection that muscle does. Your statement that is does is false.

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 3:36 pm
by Cain
Very interesting, because my experience is that body blows seldom do much damage, particularily against fat opponents. Head shots and leg sweeps are what take people down, in a stand-up fight. At any event, you wouldn't attack his stomach until you tried everything else-- and even so, you'd be surprised at what you can do to a guy's legs.

While you claim that fat provides less protection than muscle, you also forget that underlaying that fat there can be a lot of muscle. Combine the two for the best of both worlds, as that sumo taught me to my dismay.

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 4:19 pm
by Daki
Cain wrote:Very interesting, because my experience is that body blows seldom do much damage, particularily against fat opponents.
Then I would say your experience is extremely limited.
Cain wrote:Head shots and leg sweeps are what take people down, in a stand-up fight.
Well, we're talking about the effectiveness of fat versus muscle in resisting damage so this is just a complete sidetrack. But, going with this...

Headshot are finishing shots and one of the worst things you can do in a fight for several reasons:

1. Solid bone. Not good to hit.
2. Few soft spots to strike.
3. "Fight Bites"
4. 90% of people will always over-guard their head and face.

Legs sweeps might take a person down. Depends on if they are a fighter themselves, their leg strength and their balance at the time.

Cain wrote:At any event, you wouldn't attack his stomach until you tried everything else--
No, sometimes I rather enjoy starting and ending a fight with a strike to a person's diaphram. Doubles them up instantly. And since most people over-guard their heads in a fight, their stomach is exposed. Including their floaters that are so easy to break and really make breathing painful. Also, a gut shot gets them to buckle in and drop their guard.

I REALLY enjoy striking the stomach first.

Cain wrote:and even so, you'd be surprised at what you can do to a guy's legs.
No, I wouldn't.
Cain wrote:While you claim that fat provides less protection than muscle, you also forget that underlaying that fat there can be a lot of muscle.
I'm not claiming Cain, I'm TELLING you that fat provides less protection than muscle. There is underlying muscle beneath all fat Cain. Everyone HAS muscle because it's needed to move. And the issue isn't "well Muscle + fat = best of both worlds".

This came about because you claimed fat provided better protection than muscle. It does not.

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 4:31 pm
by Gunny
This is just boggling my little purple brain.

I say we settle this by letting Daki and Cain spar. That way Daki can test Cain's theory on Cain. Sure, it'll be ugly, but I know the number for 911 and I'll be sure to bring a bottle of aspirin for Cain.

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 5:04 pm
by 3278
No, no. That wouldn't work, because there'd be uneven strengths if Daki tests Cain's theory on Cain, and Cain tests Daki's theory on Daki. For a real scientific test, let /me/ punch them both in the gut and see which one of them dies.

What I can't figure out is this: when you get punched in the gut, you need to tense your muscles to prevent injury and pain. Not only can't you clench fat, but it's actually less dense than even /unclenched muscles!/ It's like, which offers better impact protection: kevlar, or a pudding? :cute

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 5:15 pm
by Gunny
Actually, my thought was let Daki test Cain's theory on Cain and then let Daki test his own theory on Cain. It's the only way one can really know which theory works.

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 5:21 pm
by TLM
Gunny wrote:Actually, my thought was let Daki test Cain's theory on Cain and then let Daki test his own theory on Cain. It's the only way one can really know which theory works.
In other words: "Like most other females I'd like to see some blood here, just to prove that you men are being intensely stupid right now."

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 6:11 pm
by Daki
32 wrote:For a real scientific test, let /me/ punch them both in the gut and see which one of them dies.
Can't be much worse than the baseball bat I took in the gut.

And, no, Gunny, we don't need to relate that tale.

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 6:38 pm
by Cain
I've been punched in the gut lots of times. Didn't even notice. Even when my gut wasn't tensed.

I've been hit very accurately in the solar plexus. That does drop a guy, but there's no fat there to defend.

I've had my legs attacked. Owch.

I've been hit in the head a lot. Sometimes it was nothing, sometimes I ended up on the grass. It depends on where you're hit, but there's a reason why boxers use uppercuts to the chin.

If anyone cares to show up in Seattle, I'll be glad to punch you a few times to demonstrate. There's this technique I've been working on, called a one-inch punch, that I'd really like to practice.

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 7:26 pm
by Gunny
TLM wrote:In other words: "Like most other females I'd like to see some blood here, just to prove that you men are being intensely stupid right now."
I tend to find that women are much better at bloody scraps than men are. Women go for blood. Men go for causing pain.

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 7:39 pm
by Bishop
Cain wrote:I've been punched in the gut lots of times. Didn't even notice. Even when my gut wasn't tensed.

I've been hit very accurately in the solar plexus. That does drop a guy, but there's no fat there to defend.

I've had my legs attacked. Owch.

I've been hit in the head a lot. Sometimes it was nothing, sometimes I ended up on the grass. It depends on where you're hit, but there's a reason why boxers use uppercuts to the chin.

If anyone cares to show up in Seattle, I'll be glad to punch you a few times to demonstrate. There's this technique I've been working on, called a one-inch punch, that I'd really like to practice.

My god, we have Ironman on the board. I'll let you hit me, but I will hit you back. And let me just say this. You will feel it. No matter where I hit somebody, they feel it. I don't care how much fat, muscle, kevlar, pudding, what have you. You'll feel it.

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 7:44 pm
by Daki
Cain, I'm going to assume that was meant as a joke. I really hope it was meant as such because a one-inch-punch isn't a technique. It's a lesson used to teach someone how to strike (namely, hit through an object... aim for something several inches behind the impact zone).

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 7:53 pm
by TLM
Gunny wrote: I tend to find that women are much better at bloody scraps than men are. Women go for blood. Men go for causing pain.
From my experience it's the other way around. But women usually go in for long-time grief, while men will have a go at each other and that's that. But if women feel men are being intensely stupid, they go for blood. Massive amounts of it. :D

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 8:27 pm
by 3278
I got punched in the gut 200 times by an 800 pound <i>sumotori</i> while lying on a bed of eight-inch spikes. I didn't feel a thing. I spent the whole time doing my taxes.

I've been shot. Really accurately. With sniper rifles. That'll knock you down for a few, but I can usually get back up after two or three of them.

I've had my balls attacked. Owch.

I've fallen on my head. A lot. Sometimes it was because my mother dropped me, sometimes because my brain was so big its gravity attracted the earth too much for me to resist, even with the manly muscles I cleverly conceal under a quarter of my body weight in fat. There's a reason I wear this retard-helmet all the time.

If anyone cares to show up in Greenville, I'll be glad to show you the scars from the one time in Nam when a mortar went off up my ass. Then I'll get drunk and violent, and start threatening you with a knife. I'll relive the horrible experience of my Master being slain by his treacherous favorite student, and act it out on the pale quivering flesh of your fat american hide.

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 8:34 pm
by Instant Cash


Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 8:35 pm
by Daki
:lol I think I just tore something... :lol

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 8:39 pm
by Gunny

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 8:43 pm
by Cain
Daki wrote:Cain, I'm going to assume that was meant as a joke. I really hope it was meant as such because a one-inch-punch isn't a technique. It's a lesson used to teach someone how to strike (namely, hit through an object... aim for something several inches behind the impact zone).
Well, yes and no... there's a parlor trick, where you send a large man flying across the room; and there's the applied technique where you learn to buld up power in a very small distance. You're referring to the push punch, which is more akin to the parlor trick, and what I was referring to. The actual "technique" isn't a combat move, it's more a series of principles to build up power.
I tend to find that women are much better at bloody scraps than men are. Women go for blood. Men go for causing pain.
One thing I keep hearing is that while women on average are smaller and weaker than men, they tend to do more damage in a fight, simply because they're more willing to use something other than their bare hands. In other words, they're smarter about it.

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 8:59 pm
by Daki
Cain wrote:Well, yes and no... there's a parlor trick, where you send a large man flying across the room; and there's the applied technique where you learn to buld up power in a very small distance. You're referring to the push punch, which is more akin to the parlor trick, and what I was referring to. The actual "technique" isn't a combat move, it's more a series of principles to build up power.
No Cain, I was talking about the principle that you strike through a target and not at the surface. That's how kopojutsu works. That's how I break four concrete slabs with a strike. That's how I strike wooden posts in training. I am most definitely not talking about a "push punch". A "push punch" is a strike at the surface but you to push with the first.

There is nothing new about this. It's a basic principle we were taught early one when we started learning strikes. The one-inch distance is a part of close combat fighting.

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 5:16 am
by Cain
No Cain, I was talking about the principle that you strike through a target and not at the surface. That's how kopojutsu works. That's how I break four concrete slabs with a strike. That's how I strike wooden posts in training.
Oh? Personally, I prefer to break concrete with a sledgehammer; but if I have to use my hands, I don't use anything resembing what I'd use for a one-inch punch. I'd certainly call what you describe as a "push punch", but I think that's a difference in terminology.

The One-inch punch is a legendary technique, and like a any legend, there's a fair amount of myth and exaggeration surrounding it. I don't know what you've been taught, but I was taught the principles by one of these guys:
I'll let you figure out which one. For now, let's just say that I don't know how to pull it off properly; I can get a lot of power in one inch, but I can't send large men flying, only knock them back a foot or two. That's why I want the practice.

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 12:48 pm
by Gunny
There are two things here that amuse me.

1) Your claim to have been taught by Bruce Lee.

2) That your picture came from a "Make your Own Log Home!" website.


To rehash something Flame said
Cain, I have one question: How come you know everything? I mean, Everything?
Not only that, but you always seem to have experienced everything so you trump anyone elses experience even if they happen to be specialized in it. Your small amount of experience always seems to weigh more than anyone else even if that's what they do for a living and have done it for a decade or more. How do you do it Cain? How can you sit there and say all that and keep a straight face? Of course, it's not like I believe anything you say either. Hell, I'm not so sure I even believe you have a child.

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 1:38 pm
by Cash
1) Your claim to have been taught by Bruce Lee.
He never said that (just "one of the men, guess which one"). Still doesn't mean that I believe him...

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 1:59 pm
by Daki
Oh no... I'm sure Cain will probably come back and say he was trained by one of the OTHER guys in that picture.

Now Cain, if you are trying to say you trained under Bruce Lee, I say bullshit.

If you are going to claim you trained under one of his students, then I'll throw up a picture like this one:


And say I was trained by Masaaki Hatsumi. I never was, mind you (unless you want to count the Bujinkan conference I went to and he instructed at), but I learned from one of his direct students. And Soke Hatsumi learned from Tanamatsu-sensei. And back and back and back... if we want to play the 40-degrees of seperation game, I learned from Daisuke himself!

Now, three things you said bother me:
Cain wrote: I'd certainly call what you describe as a "push punch", but I think that's a difference in terminology.
Then I say you need to stop getting your information from websites. I described the principle behind how to strike. You want to flash a picture of Bruce Lee here, then you should already know that what I described is what he taught as the way to strike something. So, why is there a difference in terminology if your training comes from Lee in some way?
Cain wrote:The One-inch punch is a legendary technique, and like a any legend, there's a fair amount of myth and exaggeration surrounding it.
And it seems you've bought into a lot of it.
Cain wrote:I don't know what you've been taught, but I was taught the principles by one of these guys:
Nice not-so-thinly-veiled challenge of pedigree.

Do not challenge my masters Lo Pan or Shang Tsung for they will be angered at the dishonor! :cute

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 2:00 pm
by MooCow
I don't know what you've been taught, but I was taught the principles of the Speed Force by one of these guys:


I'll let you figure out which one.

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 2:02 pm
by Gunny
Cash: I'd be hard pressed to believe that he wasn't talking about Bruce Lee since the name of the photo is 'bruceboy'. But now that I've said it, I'm sure he'll say that he wasn't talking about Bruce Lee, but some other person in the photo. :cute

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 2:11 pm
by Instant Cash
I am just amused this topic went from weight of students to "Masters of the shit"

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 2:14 pm
by Gunny
I'm just pleased to see that ninja do wear black pajamas. :)

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 2:14 pm
by Daki
Instant Cash wrote:I am just amused this topic went from weight of students to "Masters of the shit"
You forgot the part in the middle about debating what was a healthy diet... and the BMI VS Body Fat debate... then the muscle VS fat debate... :lol

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 2:17 pm
by Instant Cash
But at least those are sorta close to weight, this is goofy.

Course what should I expect from this crew? ;)

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 2:20 pm
by MooCow
Shut up bitch! I'll fuck your shit up!

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 2:29 pm
by Instant Cash
MooCow wrote:Shut up bitch! I'll fuck your shit up!

Bring it Bovine boy!

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 4:05 pm
by 3278
My guess is that he was taught - at some point - by Skip Ellsworth. I certainly doubt he was taught by Jesse Glover. ["Do some of that chop-saki shit!"] Actually, I profoundly doubt he was taught for any length of time by any of those people, unless it was some years ago. Moreover, this appeal to authority is unnecessary; if Cain were actually correct, he wouldn't need to appeal to Skip or Bruce or Jesse or anyone else. Of course, he's not.

Ironically, you'll notice all the people in that photograph are not coated in fat, but rather in lean, toned muscle. Any comparison requiring a sumo and a bodybuilder is necessarily inaccurate, because bodybuilders are not trained fighters who have tuned their bodies for fighting, but rather people who sculpt and mold their bodies by hypertrophy for appearance's sake. A weightlifter is another matter, but still not a combat creature. No, if you want to compare, compare a sumo in a fistfight with a martial artist.

Too little fat - like the bodybuilder - and your muscles themselves have no protection. Too little muscle - there's no one in the comparison to represent this, since the sumo is also heavily muscled - and there's nothing solid enough to slow the impact on the internals. But if you have some sort of desire to get a notion of what the world's best fighters try to make out of their own bodies for the purposes of fighting, you'll see that it's not an increase in fat, but am increase in firm, toned muscle, which is superior for health, fitness, strength, endurance, and injury protection. [And why airbags are made from taught, inflated sacks, and not pudding.]

I haven't trained with any famous martial artists. I can look at pictures of them, though, and when I do, I don't see fat people. Sumo is something else entirely, a stylized form of fighting Cain brought into this to prove his somewhat dubious rationalization [i.e., that he's not enormously, unhealthily overweight]. Don't be misled, then, by the "personal experience," the extreme examples ["sumo vs. bodybuilder"], or any of the testosterone-soaked repostes Cain has offered up; look instead to people with real experience, the real examples of people who have to take damage day in and day out: wrestlers, football players, martial artists, and see which they prefer to have covering them: fat, muscle, or perhaps 10 percent fat covering a vastly larger percentage of strong, toned muscle. You don't even have to let me punch you in the gut or show off my sensei to figure out the truth that way.

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 4:15 pm
by MooCow
wrestlers, football players, martial artists, and see which they prefer to have covering them
What percent fat would you say is typical among your "blockers" in football? (Forgive me for not knowing the right position)

I seems to me, just looking at them, that they tend more towards the "sumo wrestler" athlete then any other athlete archetype.

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 4:16 pm
by Salvation122
Would somebody please just let Cain have the last word so this can die a peaceful death?

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 4:22 pm
by Daki
And Jesse Glover is the first one to admit he doesn't teach Bruce Lee's exact style.

Moo wrote:What percent fat would you say is typical among your "blockers" in football? (Forgive me for not knowing the right position)
It's been fluctuating quite a bit lately. Your average offensive line will average between 13% and 20%. Since creatine has become so popular, the newer linemen coming into the league are the same weight but MUCH leaner in body fat (around 10-14%) than the older guys playing now (15-20%).

As I mentioned, they will add on weight to make themselves heavier but there is a new push to get lean and fast guards and tackles to run more complex offense formations. And even with that extra weight, they are still expected to run high 4's, low 5's in the 40 yard dash.

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 4:29 pm
by Cain
Then I say you need to stop getting your information from websites. I described the principle behind how to strike.
Which is completely unrelated to the actual techniques I've been taught. Which only goes to show that the one-inch punch is misunderstood by a lot of people.
You want to flash a picture of Bruce Lee here, then you should already know that what I described is what he taught as the way to strike something. So, why is there a difference in terminology if your training comes from Lee in some way?
What you described has nothing to do with the way he taught to throw the one inch punch. Bruce developed the one-inch punch by combining Wing Chun floating punch techniques with boxing techniques, in order to build up power in a very short distance. You don't punch "through", you punch "into" an opponent, using depth in the same way some people use extra force. Combined with the surge action invovled, you explode into your target, and you don't go "through", you go at a very precice depth. Going through robs your stike of power, in the same way that overpenetration loses a lot of power from a bullet. If I do the technique incorrectly, I punch through, and the other guy goes flying. If I do it correctly, he falls down as he tries to reinflate his lungs. (And no, I don't do it correctly except by accident. Which is why I need practice.)

As for the photo-- why is it so surprising that I know some of those people? That photo was taken in Seattle, around 62. Only 40 years or so ago, not that terribly long; except for Ed Hart and Bruce himself, everyone in that photo is still alive. Jesse Glover and Taki Kimura still have schools in Seattle, for example.
Too little fat - like the bodybuilder - and your muscles themselves have no protection. Too little muscle - there's no one in the comparison to represent this, since the sumo is also heavily muscled - and there's nothing solid enough to slow the impact on the internals. But if you have some sort of desire to get a notion of what the world's best fighters try to make out of their own bodies for the purposes of fighting, you'll see that it's not an increase in fat, but am increase in firm, toned muscle, which is superior for health, fitness, strength, endurance, and injury protection.
Fair enough. I've never gotten into a match of any sort with someone who had only fat with zero muscle. When I've had matches against people with lots of muscle with little fat, I tended to win very readily, as they got hurt; when I fought the guy with lots of fat and lots of muscle, I couldn't do a damn thing.

A sumo in a fight with a standard martial artist, however, tends to go to the sumo. Bigger size and weight is a huge advantage if you know how to use it, and they do. Compounding this is the fact that most of your strikes simply don't do much to him; the fat absorbs the blows. The same strike that would have been effective against a similar, nonfat opponent, is now ineffective. Any martial artist worth his salt will say that he would greatly prefer to fight a football player than a sumo, because of that body fat.
I haven't trained with any famous martial artists. I can look at pictures of them, though, and when I do, I don't see fat people.
Look up a recent photo of Leroy Garcia. Is the guy's gut absolutely huge? Yes. Can he still move faster than any of us? Hell yes.