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Video Games

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2002 2:59 am
by FlameBlade
Can anyone check on this?

video games are stupid

Video Game article

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2002 5:43 am
by Reika
Despite the fact the author kept repeating himself, I have to agree with his sentiments. Though after playing Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor, I found I miss the old SSI gold box games. Sure the graphics were crappy, but you knew the commands to get your char to do the things you wanted, they remained true to the heart of AD&D, and most importantly, the dice weren't loaded against the player because some fuckwit who doesn't know the game thinks one class is over balanced! Gee, I'm not bitter, am I? *wry*
As for the back of the hero perspective, I found that hugely annoying in Crusaders of Might and Magic (I am sooo glad I got that in the bargin bin for 7 bucks).

About the only decent video game I've encountered recently has been Arcanum, okay so the graphics aren't the greatest, but you do have a top down POV, you have control over your chars, you actually have some sort of interactive dialoge with the NPC's, your actions actually influence how people receive's great, and it's a pity there aren't enough games like it.

Oh well, I've ranted and raved enough. Ask Jackal about my reactions to some of these games, I'm sure he can give you an earful. :)

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2002 6:20 am
by The Mighty Buddha

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2002 6:28 am
by Bishop
Thanks, Buddha. I had to wipe my computer monitor off when I saw that.

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2002 6:59 am
by Jackal
I agree with Reika about Arcanum. I've said this before but it bared repeating. Arcanum is level based, don’t dismiss it yet, it’s also point based. Each level you get a point to put where ever you want. Into Skills, Attributes, Magic Abilities, or Technological skills. It’s a bit like Shadowrun meets the 1940’s with levels added so you know when you get your next point. It’s not with out bugs but the design is by far one of the more intriguing so far.

As far as the article goes. When someone repeatedly slams something, specially using the same words such as “It’s sucks” and “It’s Stupid” I tend to shut it out. Specially is they can’t back up that claim. I’ll admit I’ll say stuff like Morpheus sucks or Windows ME sucks but I usually try to follow that up with why I say that.

Now the author goes off on a side track bitching about life imitating art or some bullshit that is totally off topic and is just him bitching. Ok, I’m the only one around her to ramble aimlessly and I reserve those rights thank you very much.

Next point. The guy completely missed the point of Battle Chess. It had nothing to do with adding realism or anything else. I’d be surprised if this guy even knows how to play chess. The point of Battle Chess was to add something kind of fun to the normally static game of Chess. Don’t get me wrong. I enjoy Chess as it is but sometimes little gimmicks add fun to the game. One of the reasons they have all these unique Chess boards like carved stone and glass and other such flourishes.

Again, the author has shown his ignorance having no clue exactly how the design process is handled. Most good games go through several stages in development and the programmers and graphics designers are just trying to accomplish what the game designers are telling them to do. There are a lot of factors involved. I’d recommend this guy look around for more games because it sounds like all he’s played are doom clones.

I’ll concede that some of the old games where the greatest. But, if you go back and play them now almost none of them are as fun as you remember them. Yes, a lot of games today are awful pieces of refuse but then again, there where a lot of bad games back then too but we all forgot them for a reason. Anyone tried to go back and play Ghost and Goblins? It’s probably more a twitch game than anything out today. I’m not big into the 3-D shooter style games but they are fun multiplayer.

In conclusion I think the author should have done a little more research before slamming everything. Even if that’s an old article it still doesn’t excuse his own ignorance in the matters if he planned on having his work published.

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2002 2:58 pm
by Instant Cash
This man has a bit of pent up angst

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2002 4:11 pm
by 3278
I think he's a retard.

Yes, I think gameplay has suffered at the expense of graphics and sound. Umm, so? But for those who like serious gameplay, there are still about a million games out there that are all about gameplay. They're just not being released by the major development houses, because they don't sell well.

Dude wants to slam gameplay, he can go play Qbert all night long - because, god knows, that's a game that requires some shocking intelligence. Me, I'm going to go play some Final Fantasy X.

His core point is valid, and has been made over and over again since, say, soon after Doom started getting cloned badly. But he's couching it in really horrible rants about chess - I just have to say he's an idiot one more time - graphic designers, and why this article isn't getting published. Dude, newsflash: It's not because game magazines don't want to admit that they and the entire industry are stupid, because articles stating that have been printed in every major mag I can think of. It's because your writing is bad. It's just bad. It's incoherent, rambling, ill-phrased, and you know what else? It's bad.

He has a point, but he's buried it in crap. He's an idiot.

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2002 4:52 pm
by ak404
Shit, I stopped reading at the Battle Chess part. Poor fucker totally missed the point about that game, and he further alienates gamers by using the word "stupid" repeatedly.

OK, I struggled through the parts where he claimed to have turned this in to a couple of zines and was rejected. There's a reason for that: lack of structure. Needless to say, I'm not too happy. Hell, I'm prone to ranting myself, but at least I know enough to go back and clean up the grammatical afterbirth that is my article.

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2002 5:18 pm
by Coyote
Obviously someone hasn't played
  • Halo
  • Max Payne
  • Pikman
  • Super Smash Bros.
  • Einhander
Those games are so full of ROCK it hurts. ;)

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2002 5:19 pm
by TheScamp
Complete crackpot. Statements like:
Unfortunately, the comedies they made as talkies were never as funny as the silent comedies. In fact, to this day no one has made a movie as funny as the silent comedies.
Simply seal it.

He goes on to talk about the 'advantages' of a top-down view when looking at a maze, but it sounds like he just has no capacity for three dimentional recognition. Example:
If, instead, you have a 3-D view inside a maze on a video screen, and you turn around a corner, you somehow don’t feel like you’ve turned. Some cognitive information is missing. Instead of feeling you have turned, you just see the picture of the maze pan across your screen. It is impossible to build a mental map of the maze.
It seems to me like this guy is just plain bad at a lot of the current games, so of course, they all must be bad. Which, of course they are, seeing as 'good' and 'bad' in this instance are just statements of preference. I, of course, think he's full of shit, and that his 'reasons' are stupid and pathetic, but hey, that's just me.

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2002 5:46 pm
by 3278
Have you looked at the rest of his site? Here's a funny excerpt:
That moron from that site wrote: March 13, 2002: My essay about video games just got another interesting notice. It’s on this site:
Uh, the web site you're looking for is "" You can find all sorts of answers there. The answer to the question you don't know the answer to is "corrosion." Moron.

And here's an example of a "really fun game." You know, a maze. And I'll tell you, you certainly "feel like you've turned" because, in this badly rendered 2-D maze, there's nothing attractive to distract from the massive amount of "cognative information" that the maze is imparting to you. What a stupid shit.

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2002 6:36 pm
by FlameBlade
32...damn...I was playing that site last night.

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2002 6:47 pm
by Spiral
Coyote wrote: Obviously someone hasn't played
  • Halo
  • Max Payne
  • Pikman
  • Super Smash Bros.
  • Einhander
Those games are so full of ROCK it hurts. ;)
Deus Ex...
Metal Gear Solid...
Alien vs. Predator II...
Ok, AvP II wasn't that great, but I had a fucking blast playing it.

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2002 6:57 pm
by TheScamp
Ok, AvP II wasn't that great, but I had a fucking blast playing it.
Then it was fantastic. I mean, if a video game entertained you enough for you to say that you 'had a fucking blast' while playing it, then it's done the job just about as well as possible.

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2002 7:22 pm
by 3278
FlameBlade wrote: 32...damn...I was playing that site last night.
While you were doing that, I was playing Diablo II, which has got to be one of the "stupidest" games out there. And I was still having a bunchof fun. So, as Scamp says, that's what matters, right?[/u]

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2002 7:26 pm
by DV8
The guy phrases shit wrong, but I see his point. I've been a long time subscriber to the PCZONE magazine, from back in the day where it was called ZONE and only featured SNES and Megadrive games. I have found that my tastes differ quite a bit from the majorities simply because I want a bit more depth in my games. Something has to appeal to me, if it doesn't...then...well, the games up.

The last few games that I enjoyed were;

Max Payne - Nice graphics, nice atmosphere, ass gameplay.
Deus Ex - Everything was right in this game.
Kingpin - Nice atmosphere. Mediocre game.
Dreamweb - An old game with a tremendous amount of atmosphere.
Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers - I am in awe. Too bad the follow ups were ass.
Phantasy Star II - This was a Megadrive/Genesis game, god knows why I enjoyed it, but I did.
Shadowrun - SNES game, I loved it and still do.
Rick Dangerous 1 & 2 - Amiga games...

...I can go on...but my point is that there are _very_ long pauses between the games I enjoy, because...well, I think I'm picky and look for that little something that appeals. It's definitely not the rehashed shit that we see today.

Perhaps I've changed, and it's the industry that has stayed the same.

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2002 7:37 pm
by The Mighty Buddha
*sneaks Anarchy Online onto that list*

Tekken Tag? anyone?

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2002 7:39 pm
by Moto42
3278 wrote: And here's an example of a "really fun game." You know, a maze. And I'll tell you, you certainly "feel like you've turned" because, in this badly rendered 2-D maze, there's nothing attractive to distract from the massive amount of "cognative information" that the maze is imparting to you. What a stupid shit.

dude, this is actualy entertaining.....

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2002 7:54 pm
by Spiral
TheScamp wrote:
Ok, AvP II wasn't that great, but I had a fucking blast playing it.
Then it was fantastic. I mean, if a video game entertained you enough for you to say that you 'had a fucking blast' while playing it, then it's done the job just about as well as possible.
It's only fun because I'm an absolute Alien junky. Climbing on walls and ceilings and shit was fun as hell once your brain adjusted to playing in a shifting 3d environment.

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2002 8:06 pm
by TheScamp
It's only fun because I'm an absolute Alien junky.
So? It was still fun. I only liked Max Payne because I think diving around corners in slow motion while unloading a double barreled shotgun blast to some guy's chin is nifty.

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2002 11:26 pm
by Hida Tsuzua
Everyone loves games for different reasons. My vote is show this guy a table top and call it a day.

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2002 12:41 am
by Jackal
Deev: Dreamweb fucking rocked for it's time and yet it got looked over on the shelves here. I picked it up and it was fun as hell. To me at least, the game seemed like it had some pretty origional ideas.

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2002 12:51 am
by Crazy Elf
You people fear the fact that Defender was the magnum opus of electronic entertainment, right next to Bobby is Going Home.

:mad Kill the humanoids! :mad

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2002 8:24 pm
by FlameBlade
I'm reviving this so I can finish Thesus and Minotaur.

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2002 8:31 pm
by Bishop
Spiral, I hear ya. My god that game can get confusing QUICK. Especially when you're running away from stop...and you say to yourself..."Where the fuck am I?"

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2002 8:51 am
by CykoSpin
The games on my shelf that see the most use are Blood (1 & 2; but mostly 2), Fallout (1 & 2) and Thief (again, both 1 & 2). I can play them for hours on end, beat them, then start a new game and play some more, and never get sick of them (plus, you can download fan-made levels for Blood and Thief, extending the fun).
Reika wrote:About the only decent video game I've encountered recently has been Arcanum, okay so the graphics aren't the greatest, but you do have a top down POV, you have control over your chars, you actually have some sort of interactive dialogue with the NPC's, your actions actually influence how people receive's great, and it's a pity there aren't enough games like it.
Well, there's Fallout and Fallout 2:
- Graphics are good, but not amazing (about equal to Diablo, I'd say; actually, as a comparison, the "look" of the game is a lot like Diablo - but the "feel" sure as hell isn't).
- Top down POV.
- Only control over the main character, though (which sucks, because the NPCs in your group, if any, tend to act like complete retards, doing things such as using burst-fire from an SMG/assault rifle/combat shotgun to attack rats, and that's not even the worst...).
- Tons of interactive NPC dialogue (your dialogue options are determined by certain factors, the most influential being your character's intelligence stat, which is fuckin' cool and realistic).
- Your characters actions influence events in the game (especially in the end narrations).
They seem to be quite a bit alike. I should try Arcanum someday.
DV8 wrote:Shadowrun - SNES game, I loved it and still do.
That game rocks! :cool
The gameplay isn't as "true" to the PnP game as the Sega Genesis SR game, but damn, it is fun to play.

Oh yeah, and two little "by the way"s here:
1. The guy who wrote the "video games are stupid" thing is either a total fuckwit, or he's like my dad (way to stubborn to try and appreciate anything newer than Pong).
2. Diablo 2 is, in fact, the dumbest game I have played in recent history. Don't get me wrong, it's entertaining in it's simplicity, but it gets exceedingly boring after about the first 30 minutes; it's good, but far over-hyped.
"Oo look, some monsters..."
"Hey, some more..."
"Cool some items..."
{repeated for several minutes/hours until something fulfilling happens, like going up a level or getting to see a cutscene movie}
The sad part being, of course, that that isn't an exageration at all.

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2002 12:14 am
by ak404
Perhaps, but D2 is fun; I've been hooked on it ever since its release. It's sorta like a really fancy verison of Progess Quest.

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2002 1:44 am
by Jestyr
And no-one's yet mentioned the replay value of strategy & simulation games. Civ III, for example, which totally owns me. (Taking over from Civ2, which owned me for about five years previously.)

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2002 6:25 am
by CykoSpin
Yeah, I have been known to play long sessions of Diablo 2, and on occasion, I have a blast just running around and slaughtering things left-and-right. Something that would make Diablo (& 2) 150% more interesting, though, would be multiple death animations for the monsters (since killing monsters is basically the only thing you do in the game, it's the only thing that can really be improved upon). That is one thing about the Fallout series that I can't get enough of (especially the "melting" animation for critical hits with the plasma rifle and the "run around, flailing arms while on fire" animation for the flame-thrower).

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2002 7:10 am
by PMWrestler
That is one thing about the Fallout series that I can't get enough of (especially the "melting" animation for critical hits with the plasma rifle and the "run around, flailing arms while on fire" animation for the flame-thrower).

I'm a big fan of the multiple wounds to the chest and collapsing on his back death animation in Fallout 2.'s tough to pick a favorite...most are awesome.

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2002 8:07 am
by CykoSpin
I like the sound that one makes. :D
It would rock monkeys if the flaming animation had a sound to go with it: "Ahh! It burns! It burns! Aaaaaahhh...!" :crack

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2002 7:05 pm
by Daki
Played Diablo, thought it was okay. I still have not played Diablo 2. My short list of excellent computer games:

Deus Ex - The best FPS I have ever played. This game had everything.
System Shock 2 - Best mood setting of any game. Ever.
TIE Fighter - Favorite flight/combat-sim and I'm a Star Wars freak.
Starcraft and Brood War - Favorite RTS
Dune 2 - The base upon which all RTS games have been built.

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2002 12:23 am
by CykoSpin
System Shock 2: okay mood setting, downright terrible attempted "realism"
It's annoying as hell to be shot at by an enemy with a shotgun, to kill said enemy, then find out that the shotgun is fucking broken ("WTF!? How was the bastard shooting at me with a broken shotgun!?"). Add that to the fact that all the guns in the game (the ones your character uses, not the enemy's) need constant maintenance/repair just to simply function, and that makes a recipe for one horribly annoying game to play. I found the Thief series far better that System Shock 2 in all respects, including atmosphere and mood.