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Urge to kill...... rising

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2002 3:04 am
by Sykoholic
Sorry to do this here people but I need to vent.

I just bought a new digital camera with macro capabilities so I could photograph my gaming figures. It takes over a month to arrive and when it finally does, I discover that the piece of shit driver isn't compatible with Windows XP. I complain to the people I bought it from and all they do is point out their policy that all sales are final and non-refundable. So...... now I'm stuck with an expensive fucking paper weight.

If I lived near Florida, that warehouse of theirs that they seem so proud of would be fucking inferno right now. :mad

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2002 3:09 am
by Eliahad

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2002 3:20 am
by Sykoholic
Unfortunately...... yes. The seller was the manufacturer.

I should know better than to buy electronics off of there. I should just stick to my usual gaming stuff.

Poor Syk

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2002 3:27 am
by Cazmonster
Cazmonster hands Sykoholic a nice camera, a good heavy one he can go use on the idiots.

I feel your pain. I have two monitors at home and can't get the eliteness of both working at the same time.

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2002 3:56 am
by JohnnyRico
go to the software's website and look for updated drivers for XP. I know the feeling of things not being compatable. However, XP (Professional of course) has kept this POS Gateway from crashing, so it's worth the hassle.

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2002 3:58 am
by DrunkenMaster
Also, if they have drivers for 2000, that might work with XP as well.

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2002 3:58 am
by DrunkenMaster
Also, if they have drivers for 2000, that might work with XP as well.

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2002 4:41 am
by The Eclipse
Syko, I had the same general problem with my scanner back when i first started using ME, I was pissed off about it, but I found withing a few months they had a downloadable driver that made it XP compatible.
I'd say that if you are willing to wait a little while, they will probably have the new driver on their website.

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2002 5:44 am
by Sykoholic
I don't think an updated driver will be forthcoming anytime soon but I'll keep an eye open.

Urge to kill..... INTENSIFYING!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2002 2:34 am
by Sykoholic
You're all going to love this. Here's the company's latest response:
We never said this camera will work with XP. We never tested it on XP. You should use it on 98/ME
Yo....... fuck-for-brains! If I fucking HAD 98/ME, would I be having this fucking problem? DUH!!!!!!!! What the fuck do they expect me to do? Reformat my goddam hard drive and downgrade my OS just to get their fucking piece of shit product to work like it's supposed to?

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2002 3:00 am
by Cash
Well, you should have asked... :)

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2002 3:00 am
by Crazy Elf
Go to more forums, spit out the company name and tell everyone about their shitbox support safety net they have set up, and screw them over that way. You've been monkeyed, monkey them back with negative PR.

If you make enough noise, you may get something out of it.

Urge to kill...... rising

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2002 5:41 am
by Dvixen
What brand/company is the camera?

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2002 5:57 am
by The Eclipse
I agree completely with CE, that is basically how I got a problem cleared up with, I wrote a email about how shitty the company treated me, how they didn't send me what they said they would send, charged me freight in both directions, and still didn't send me the book i wanted.

Then I sent it to about a hundred and fifty people, all whom I found with email addresses listed on the 'customer comments forum' on their site, and I CC'd a copy of the email to them.

they fixed my problem with blinding speed.

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2002 6:44 am
by CykoSpin
I had a similar experience with a computer system once. I was having problems with the sound (a "squealing" noise from the speakers). The sound card and speakers were perfectly fine (they were from my old computer and are currently in the computer I am using now), so I contacted the tech support where I purchased the system and asked them about it, following their every direction. A hour or so later, no improvement. I was told to send it back for testing, and repairs if they were necessary. I did. When I got the system back, same problem.
I sent an e-mail about it and while I waited for a response (which took a few days), I talked to some of my more computer-saavy friends; they all had no idea what was causing the problem. When the response came back, it said that no problem was detected within the system they sold me. I asked them if they actually tried connecting a sound card and speakers into it, the response was "no". Figures...
I sent another e-mail saying that I wanted a replacement or a refund for the system. It took a week of me sending an e-mail every other day finally followed by a phone call (I hate using phones when I can use e-mail) to get a damn response. I was told to send it back for repairs again. I did, under the conditions that they actually fix the problem this time and that if it wasn't correctable, I wanted them to keep it and give me a full refund instead. The system was returned to me...with the same fucking problem!
I had enough, I demanded a refund. Again, it took about week for them to respond. I was told I couldn't have a refund because it was over 30 days since I purchased the system (which was their cut-off time for refunds) and that I should have read the "fine print". Straining to keep my calm, I explained how it was their fault for procrastinating with responses and by not fixing it right the first two times. He wouldn't have any of it. I threatened with legal action (total BS, but I can be downright convincing when I want to be) and massive negative PR. I got an e-mail the next day from one of the "higher-ups". I explained the matter to him. I now have my money back, in full.
Moral: Be persistent, be a bastard, and if at all possible, scare them. You shall be compensated.

{edit: I originally wrote this under the influence of over 48 consecutive hours non-sleep, so I went back and "cleaned it up" a bit}

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2002 7:43 am
by Sykoholic
Well, you should have asked...
That seems to be their logic as well. My question is this: Why would I have reason to ask? I had no reason to ask as I had no reason to think there would be a problem. I've used othe digital cameras on my computer before and had no difficulties at all. How am I to know that for some reason this shit-heap of a company doesn't bother to test their own inferior products to see if they are compatible with the latest version of the most widely used OS in the world? Is it too much to ask for a company to know what the limitations of their products are and then warn the consumers of those limitations?

Yes...... had I asked, they would have said "We don't know. We're fucking morons who don't test our own products" then I would have known not to by the piece of shit. However, I had no reason to believe I needed to ask so I didn't.

BTW: The hostility I'm displaying here is not directed at you Cash so please don't think that it is.

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2002 9:49 am
by Cash
BTW: The hostility I'm displaying here is not directed at you Cash so please don't think that it is.
I know...I didn't take it that way.

Yes, if you complain long enough and loud enough, you can usually get whatever you want.

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2002 10:29 am
by Lektrogirl
Sykoholic If you are only going to use the software for transferring the photos from your digital camer to the computer's harddrive I suggest you try out Servant Salamander.

I don't use anything else when I am transferring from my digi-cam to computer, via USB port. Servant Salamander will recognize the camera as an additional drive, so moving files won't be a problem at all.

Just make sure you only move the files via Servant Salamander, don't delete them from your camera's memory, do that via the camera's controls/buttons, because you might make a mistake and delete the software in the camera itself.

I hope this helped a bit.

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2002 5:36 am
by Sykoholic
The problem seems to be the camera's driver. My computer won't acknowledge that it's there despite the fact that it IS installed. I've tried three different transfer utilities and none of them will list the camera as a TWAIN source.