A Life Worth Living

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A Life Worth Living

Post by Havoc »

We're here such a short time (that seems such a long time). What is a life worth living? What have you done that makes you glad to be alive? What do you do every day that reinforces your belief that, had you the opportunity to do it all over again, you wouldn't change a thing?

What makes you feel accomplished? What makes you feel fulfilled and happy?
Havoc out.
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Post by Marius »

There is then a need to guard against a temptation to overstate the economic evils of our own age, and to ignore the existence of similar, or worse, evils in earlier ages. Even though some exaggeration may, for the time, stimulate others, as well as ourselves, to a more intense resolve that the present evils should no longer exist, but it is not less wrong and generally it is much more foolish to palter with truth for good than for a selfish cause. The pessimistic descriptions of our own age, combined with the romantic exaggeration of the happiness of past ages must tend to setting aside the methods of progress, the work of which, if slow, is yet solid, and lead to the hasty adoption of others of greater promise, but which resemble the potent medicines of a charlatan, and while quickly effecting a little good sow the seeds of widespread and lasting decay. This impatient insincerity is an evil only less great than the moral torpor which can endure, that we with our modern resources and knowledge should look contentedly at the continued destruction of all that is worth having. There is an evil and an extreme impatience as well as an extreme patience with social ills.
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Post by Van Der Litreb »

I got out of bed. Granted, that was mostly to go pee, but everything counts.
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Post by Vralkie »

The look of the sky as the party ends and the dawn breaks. Smoking the first cigarrette of the day, or the last of the evening, I cannot tell...

Waking up with someone else in my bed knowing that I could have had her, but chose to let her wait...

A really good steak...

Leaving high school my senior year on fridays with a full tank of gas, and a paycheck burning my pocket with no fixed expenses...


The feeling of a cashmiere sweater...

Tasting the wine that my father and I made after months of effort...

Teaching my younger brother how to drive...

Stumbling out of a mosh pit, exausted to the core, covered with spatters of blood, knowing that, for a few moments throughout the night, every action that I took was my own with immediate rammafications and payoffs to match...
Steve- "...well, you've either had wayyyy too much, or not nearly enough"
[Vralkie]- "There's only one that we can do anything about, so here goes..."
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Post by The Traveler »

To defeat your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of the women!

Oh, wait, wrong mood.
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Post by Sowhat »

Nothing. So far I don't think life is worth living. But maybe that is because I'm still young. Maybe good things will come. Or maybe not.
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Post by Crazy Elf »

At the moment when I look back I say that I'd do everything differently, because foresight is 20/20. That's just the way it goes. I'd do everything differently given the chance.

But I'm not given that chance, so fuck it.
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Post by Adam »

The asian chicks at Coffee Time that know exactly what Jeff and I want for breakfast each morning.
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Post by Daki »

The fact that I have and will again teach people how to beat the holy hell out of someone. :D Okay, that's mostly humor. What I enjoy most in life is teaching and Gunny.
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Post by Gunny »

for the longest time I didn't feel that life was worth anything at all. that was because I was surrounded by the enemy (my family). now that I'm in another world (it sure as hell feels like another world when you go from the deep south to Chi-town), my life is finally my own. I gotta tell ya, since I grabbed the controls to this runaway train... life has been pretty damn fun. but what makes my life worth wanting to wake up every morning are my furry children, Daki, my friends and all this SNOW!!!! W00T!!!

would I do anything in my life over again? yes. there are a couple things from my recent past that I'd redo (read: NOT DO), but overall I wouldn't touch anything else. it was the pitfalls and arguments that led to me going online and searching for a chat room one day. it was my anger at my at the time boyfriend that made me ignore him and go into a Star Wars chat for the first time. if I hadn't fought with my B/F earlier that day and decided to do something to spite him, I never would have found Daki. my life would be VERY different.

I have some big plans for my future and my next step is to go to Las Vegas! I wanna watch some schmuck lose all his life savings on a 'sure thing' hand of cards. not to laugh at him/her, but to just observe. sadistic? yes. very much so. :evil I find it rather sad in a way that one of my big dreams is to go to Las Vegas. mesaschmuck!
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Post by Bishop »

Life is just worth living, if only to thumb your nose at God, or Fate, or Death, or whichever seems to be paying particular attention to you that day. So you can say "Nope, fuck you, go eat a dick, I'm gonna keep on walking. Try and stop me, fucker".

Having a child. Or children, as the case may be. (hopefully. And not anytime soon, but someday).

Loving. Even loving and losing.

Having one or two good friends, who will stand with you no matter what happens. That's a good feeling, either doing it or having it done for you. Knowing that you could walk away and say fuck it. But you don't. Because you're needed. Or having them stand, because they're needed.

To die living.

To look into the eyes of the one you're in love with. Not just love. But in love with. That shivery little feeling you get.
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Post by Anguirel »

What is the meaning of Life - paraphrased from my Psych professor: Some people will give you all sorts fo weird answers, from love, to philosophy, to making some advancement in the universe or body of Man's Works... but really none of that matters. From a purely biological point of view, the meaning of life is to have grand-children. Once you have have grand-children, you have proven that you have produced viable offspring. Your link in the chain of genetic eveolution has shown itself to be a solid one.

That makes the life worth living one with grand-children. :p While I agree with that sentiment from a biological point of view, from a more day-to-day sort of view I find the life worth living to be the one where you look forward to waking up each day, one where you enjoy what you do both on and off the job (or studies or whatever you do in your non-free-time). It is equally worth living through periods where this is not the case as long as you are working towards once again being in the situation where such enjoyment is possible. This is why I never understood the people in school in my department (Computer Science) who hated programming, hated math, essentially hated everything related to Computer Science but kept trying to get a degree in it. They were doing something they didn't like in hopes of getting a job they wouldn't like so they could work likely long hours doing something they hate... Presumably so they could get a lot of money which they wouldn't have the time to really enjoy. Much better to get a lower paying job you really like than a higher paying one you hate, as then you can have fun all the time instead of just when you're off-work. Side-Note: Must kill Adam for having a Life Worth Living...
complete. dirty. whore.
_Patience said: Ang, you are truly a font of varied and useful information.
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<Jackal> What are you, Klingon?
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Post by WillyGilligan »

So, looking at Ang's side note, I guess we could say that a life worth living is one that other's find worth taking.

For me, the life worth living is the one that gets me near to what my dad has. His kids are grown, he has the yard the way he wants it and a house that's just about big enough to putter around in. Hammock in the backyard, good weather and some respect in the community. If he could just stop eating for three, he'd have it made.
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Post by MissTeja »

What is a life worth living?
A life worth living is one in which you realize the that the hardships and heartache are part of the Gift of Life. Call me philosophical, but I do believe that life is a gift that we were each given. Yeah, sometimes every persons life gets to that point where we wonder why the hell we were chosen to go through such an ordeal, but it is at those moments, like hearing your first child's cry, or such, that you realize that with the bad, comes the good. I am not a country music fan much at all, but Garth Brooks says it best in his song 'The Dance' when he states 'It's my life. It's better left to chance. I could've missed the pain, but I'd of had to miss the dance.'
What have you done that makes you glad to be alive?
I have loved and been loved.
What do you do every day that reinforces your belief that, had you the opportunity to do it all over again, you wouldn't change a thing?
Who knows the reprecussions of what *could've* happened had I changed something. Not I, that's for sure. Sure, life might be a whole hell of a lot better, but it could also be worse. My life aien't a hunky-dory pasture of any sorts, but I wouldn't change a thing because I would not want to risk losing what I hold precious in my life right now that is here on part because of those past decisions, and mistakes, that I have made.
What makes you feel accomplished? What makes you feel fulfilled and happy?
Laughing. Watching my sibs flourish in their endeavors. Making my fam&friends proud. Making myself proud. Spoiling myself or others with money I have rightfully earned. Partying with friends. Waking up each day, knowing that if I bit it that day, that it'd be okay.
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Post by lordhellion »

In the short term, as long as I can make one person's day better, that works for me. On the long term, though, the idea that I might live and die without making a dent in the ebb and flow of this planet scares the bejeesus out of me.
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Post by 3278 »

What makes a life worth living, in my mind, is doing good, improving the human race, doing your part by making your children better people than you are. I'm happy to be improving the state of music as an absolute. I'm happy to have some small role in increasing the level of intellectualism in our society. I'm happy to have some large role in bringing mathematics to the people I know, and watching them take it to the people I don't.

I'm happy to be a good father, a good boyfriend, and a good friend. At the end of the day, while my duties to the human race in general are more important, they're also more dilute; my effect on society is very, very minimal. But the effect I can have on the people around me, that's the really important thing to me.
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Post by Wildfire »

Life is simply worth living because the alternative is not exsisting. What makes life enjoyable on the other hand...knowing that I can make a difference in some little way to those around me, and maybe sometimes it a pebble that starts a ripple of a little more :)
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Post by Adam »

Wildfire wrote:Life is simply worth living because the alternative is not exsisting.
I'm gonna run around yelling "prove it! prove it!" here. :)
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Post by Cash »

For me, the life worth living is the one that gets me near to what my dad has. His kids are grown, he has the yard the way he wants it and a house that's just about big enough to putter around in. Hammock in the backyard, good weather and some respect in the community
so what you're saying, is that you want to be happy and content? A very worthy goal. :)
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Post by WillyGilligan »

Pretty much. Just my patch of God's green and my family. It ain't lofty, but it's heaven to me.
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