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Random Thoughts

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2002 3:35 am
by PMWrestler
I was at K-Mart the other day, buying a soda, when I saw them selling premade Easter Baskets for litle kids. And it royally pissed me off. Why should they do something like that? Granted, it's getting easier and easier for young kids to find out that there isn't an easter bunny or a Santa Clause, but I always kinda looked forward to playing Santa for my own kids come big Corporations have to come right out and show kids that there's no Easter Bunny? lol, I know, it's a little petty...but come on, this doesn't piss anyone else off?

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2002 3:43 am
by 3278
Did they not have commercially-available easter baskets when you were a kid? I think I remember them, but I could very well be wrong.

I should also note, randomly, that I don't want to tell my children there's an Easter Bunny or a Santa Claus, and have so far been able to not do that. I don't like the idea of lying to my children.

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2002 3:48 am
by PMWrestler
They must have had them...but they most not have been very prominantley (sp?) displayed, because I don't remember them. But these were all along the front of the store, on a huge shelf, running the length of all the registers. A damn long ways, and no way to miss them.

It's your choice not to do the whole Santa Clause thing....but some of my earliest, and happiest childhood memories were leaving out cookies and milk for "santa" or carrots for "the easter bunny"

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2002 4:09 am
by Spiral
They must have had them...but they most not have been very prominantley (sp?) displayed, because I don't remember them.
That, and/or sold out. And it's "prominently", just FYI. Close, and very common mistake in English spelling. I have to double check myself on many words, but that's because crazy going slowly am i 654321 switch.


32, please explain this whole "my kids" thing to me. I saw that elsewhere and thought I was hallucinating. I seem to have missed more in my hiatus every day.

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2002 5:35 am
by JohnnyRico
Yeah, that is pretty fucked up PM. The kid goes to K-Mart with their parents and sees these big, toy-filled Easter baskets in every other isle... and then sees the exact same one sitting in the living room or den on Easter Morning... kinda kills the whole point of the thing. Ya have to wonder when the kids are going to put 2 and 2 together and get 4.

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2002 5:42 am
by Adam
I'm still scarred for life since I found out the WWF wasn't real, and now the Easter Bunny?


Very drunken vralkie...

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2002 6:57 am
by Vralkie
This is is a very drunken vralkie posting, but I don't know if it really matters...

I gfound out abou t santa claus and the easter bunny, and about the tooth fairy when I was about 8. This hasen't really ruined the surprise. When I found out about that, I wasn't that put off by it. Instead, I was a lot more appreciative of what my parents had gotten me each year. Now, I'm 18 and still get sruff from each of them, (santa, tooth-fairy, and the fuckin' rabbit) every year, and still eacgerly anticipate it. Idon't think that ti really matters.after reading through what I just rote, I Think that I must be pretty vblasted... let the fuckin'ds know. It won t hear t them...

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2002 12:00 pm
by Lektrogirl
I think saying that K-mart might ruin Easter for all of the little children who see a commerically available basket is a bit far fetched, kids are believers, if you tell them that Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny are coming to town they'll believe you, it's doesn't matter what they see on the shelves of the local Wal-mart/K-mart/Soul-stealing-mart.

Don't fret too much over this one PM.

I remember when I was a little girl and those darn Toys-R-us commericals would appear on the TV around Thanksgiving, I didn't start questioning Santa Claus. Sure, it took a couple of more years, but in the meantime I figured that those commericals were telling my Parents, Aunts, and Uncles were to buy all of the good stuff I wanted.

If ou don't want your child to see those premade Easter baskets then don't take her to K-mart while they are out on display. Some people actually think it is convenient to go to K-mart and buy them, I'm sure I have purchased about ten of them myself for little kids I have known, I sure as heck wasn't about to take one of my real baskets and fill it full of half a dozen different kinds of candies and toys.

The only thing I had a problem with (while in America) was how some stores would start displaying their Christmas stuff in mid-October, before Thanksgiving! Or their Halloween candy would hit the display shelves around August, that I think is going a bit too far.

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2002 12:39 pm
by 3278
Spiral wrote:
They must have had them...but they most not have been very prominantley (sp?) displayed, because I don't remember them.
32, please explain this whole "my kids" thing to me. I saw that elsewhere and thought I was hallucinating. I seem to have missed more in my hiatus every day.
I have a daughter. She was largely the reason for abortionengine existing at all. You do know I'm him, right? :)

If any of that doesn't make sense, let me know, and I'll throw you a link.

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2002 5:15 am
by Thorn
I remember those pre-filled baskets being around since I was a wee tot, and I'm 28 now. I only ever got them from grandparents and aunts&uncles and the like. My folks filled the same two baskets for my sister and I year after year because, let's face it, why buy another basket when you've already got one? grin.

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2002 11:20 am
by Jestyr
Lektrogirl wrote:The only thing I had a problem with (while in America) was how some stores would start displaying their Christmas stuff in mid-October, before Thanksgiving! Or their Halloween candy would hit the display shelves around August, that I think is going a bit too far.
It happens in Australia too. As soon as the Boxing Day stocktake sales are over, up go the Valentines' hearts and red banners. February 15th, they're replaced with Hot Cross Buns (yum!) and Easter eggs. Christmas advertising begins in October. It's just insane.

(Though I like the easter thing, because I love hot cross buns and you can't get them any other time of year... :))

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2002 11:44 am
by Eva
I forget the exacts of it, but I remember there being talk of passing a law against this type of store decorating, for instance not allowing Christmas decorations until December. I´d look it up if Dutch search engines weren´t made of little pieces of ass and sellotape.

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2002 11:47 am
by Cash
Hot Cross Buns?

Sounds like a band name. :)

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2002 12:16 pm
by Jestyr
Eva wrote:...if Dutch search engines weren´t made of little pieces of ass and sellotape.
We Love Eva! Three cheers for Eva! :smokin

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2002 4:24 am
by Thorn
So, here's something that I find really disturbing - was at the grocery store the other day and I saw Easter egg nog. WTF?? Geez. Finally people are breaking free of the weird drive for heavy rich food you get during the winter, and they crack out the egg nog at the beginning of spring? Assbags.

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2002 12:50 pm
by Jestyr
Okay, I'm going to brand myself a weirdo and ask:

Just what is eggnog, anyway?

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2002 12:59 pm
by Cash

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2002 1:06 pm
by FlameBlade
Damn. Leave Cash to do that.

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2002 1:37 pm
by Cash is your friend.

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2002 1:42 pm
by Lektrogirl is one of the internet Gods I believe in, blaspheme not or thou shalt feel.... somebody's.... wrath! :)

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2002 3:25 pm
by voz
I still believe in santa claus. No not an elf in a red suit living at the north pole. But I believe in my heart that there is a santa claus. He is the true christmas spirit. The spirit in which parents buy items in December knowing they can not afford it in January. A spirit that is fueled by the wonder and delight on childrens faces. A spirit of joy on strangers faces.

I do still believe in santa claus even though I am 35.

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2002 3:31 pm
by Cash
Just don't walk into K-Mart then. :D

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2002 3:44 pm
by Spiral
3278 wrote: I have a daughter. She was largely the reason for abortionengine existing at all. You do know I'm him, right? :)

If any of that doesn't make sense, let me know, and I'll throw you a link.
I knew about the AE thing for a while -- I put it together after I came back (after AE was gone), but before anyone told me. I never heard about your daughter though. The last thing I remember about AE was the Turkish gf.

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2002 3:52 pm
by 3278
Spiral wrote:
3278 wrote: I have a daughter. She was largely the reason for abortionengine existing at all. You do know I'm him, right? :)

If any of that doesn't make sense, let me know, and I'll throw you a link.
I knew about the AE thing for a while -- I put it together after I came back (after AE was gone), but before anyone told me. I never heard about your daughter though. The last thing I remember about AE was the Turkish gf.
Well, I ditched the Turk. She turned out to be a fucking lunatic. Evidently, they all are. Turkish girls, that is, not all girls.

Here's the thread where I told everyone. It'll explain...well, most everything. Plus, you'll see that I do, indeed, have a daughter. :)

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2002 3:58 pm
by Spiral
3278 wrote: Well, I ditched the Turk. She turned out to be a fucking lunatic. Evidently, they all are. Turkish girls, that is, not all girls.
I have friends who would disagree with you on that. :) After last night, however, I have to admit I have rescinded my claims to misogyny (sp?). Spending 3 hours sketching a full-figured, pale-skinned, dark-haired 20-something nude model and trying not to be hypnotized by watching her breathe can do that to you.

I also think I've figured out what "love" means.

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2002 6:54 pm
by Lektrogirl
She turned out to be a fucking lunatic. Evidently, they all are. Turkish girls, that is, not all girls.
Of the Turkish women I have met I can kind of place each of them into one of two categories:

1. Complete self-absorbed psycho-bitches.

2. Unbelievably sweet and kind, like someone I would wish was my sister, if I had one.
Spending 3 hours sketching a full-figured, pale-skinned, dark-haired 20-something nude model and trying not to be hypnotized by watching her breathe can do that to you.
Wow was this for a class? One day I think I would like to have a nude sketch done of myself. I have a friend who does nude sketches and her work is so beautiful. The thing I love about them is that even just a few lines sketched unto paper (without that much additional detail) can be so wonderly pleasing to the eye.

One of my favorite artists for nude sketchs (illustrations) is Jon Hul, if you get a chance to you should try to see an exhibit of his, or at least search google for his work, his work is beautiful.

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2002 7:20 pm
by Spiral
Lektrogirl wrote:
Spiral wrote:Spending 3 hours sketching a full-figured, pale-skinned, dark-haired 20-something nude model and trying not to be hypnotized by watching her breathe can do that to you.
Wow was this for a class? One day I think I would like to have a nude sketch done of myself. I have a friend who does nude sketches and her work is so beautiful. The thing I love about them is that even just a few lines sketched unto paper (without that much additional detail) can be so wonderly pleasing to the eye.
This specifically, no, was not a class. It was an "open model session" which means you show up with you sketchpad and shell out 5 bucks, and it doesn't matter whether you're a University student or not, or even if you're in the Art faculty--that's why they're called "open" model sessions.

It was actually really awkward at first, because it started as myself, the model and the girl running the sessions, and I had no poses in mind that I wanted her to do (well, that's not true, but saying "can you please sit on my face" isn't exactly kosher in that context). Also note that this was the first time I had seen a naked woman physically in person before. So, yeah, "wow", preferably in letters nine feet high and done in brilliant, scintillating rainbow colours, definitely applies.

The fact that she was 95% exactly my type made want to drop the sketchpad, crawl up to her and worship, but that is a story for another time. :D

Plus, I did the sketches in a mix of black technical pen (outlines) and blue ballpoint (shading) makes the pictures resonate on the page, capturing my state of mind (awe) quite nicely. The sketch were I kept falling into partial hypnosis watching her breathe is noticeably . . . disjointed.

All I've been thinking about in the 16 hours since is:
  1. "Holy fuck I need a girlfriend."
  2. "Well, so much for my self-professed skill at representing the human form."
  3. "Maybe there is a god, and if there is I'm convinced men were a warm-up."
  4. "I need a girlfriend."
  5. "Now I know why ~90% of the nudes in galleries are female."
Ad nauseam...

To drift a little further, I know for a fact that the University Drawing courses use live models extensively. I'm looking forward to the fall.

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2002 7:29 pm
by EvanMoore
Lektrogirl wrote:
One day I think I would like to have a nude sketch done of myself
I can't draw at all, but I find myself wanting to volunteer for this... <wink>

I have a few questions:

1) What exactly is "boxing day"? My Canadian friends and Australian friends talk about it.

2) Eva, why should a law dictate when a store puts up decorations and sells merchandise? (I'm not saying you agree with it, but you mentioned it.) Can't the market decide that? I mean, if you put up Christmas merchandise in May and no one buys it, it only hurts the retailer, not the community. He is wasting valuable shelf space. As a former store manager for a major retailer chain, let me assure you, there is no conspiracy to put it out early--it's all to do with the fact that the earlier it goes out, the more sales are made. I once had a woman bitch and moan about how early we put Christmas merchandise on the shelf. She ended with, "Why do you do that?!" I didn't say a word, I just pointed to her shopping card--which was filled to the brim with Christmas merchandise.

3) Lektrogirl, seriously consider my offer. <wink>


Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2002 7:41 pm
by 3278
Evan: Welcome to non-laissez faire economics.

Lektrogirl: Please ignore the ass.

Evan: *puke*

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2002 7:52 pm
by Lektrogirl
"Now I know why ~90% of the nudes in galleries are female."
<incredibly sexist voice> I agree, it would be wonderful if everyone was female, wouldn't it? Heck, just imagine all of the lesbians for you to sketch! </incredibly sexist voice>

Evan why would a married man (you're married right?) want to sketch a 19 year old girl in the nude?
why should a law dictate when a store puts up decorations and sells merchandise?
Heck, here in Vienna the laws state that stores must close by 7pm, during the week! On weekends... heck, don't even try to go shopping, and on Sunday you can kiss doing anything godbye, thanks to the legislature.
Lektrogirl: Please ignore the ass.
That's okay 32, but next time you sit on my lap make sure you wear pants, okay?

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2002 8:04 pm
by 3278
Lektrogirl wrote:
"Now I know why ~90% of the nudes in galleries are female."
<incredibly sexist voice> I agree, it would be wonderful if everyone was female, wouldn't it? Heck, just imagine all of the lesbians for you to sketch! </incredibly sexist voice>
Dude, ease up. I think many of us can agree that naked women, in general, look better than naked men, who usually look awkward and a little stupid. It has nothing to do with lesbianism; it has a lot to do with guys just being a little funny-looking. :)
Lektrogirl wrote:
Lektrogirl: Please ignore the ass.
That's okay 32, but next time you sit on my lap make sure you wear pants, okay?
Dude, not my ass! :D

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2002 8:14 pm
by EvanMoore
Lektrogirl wrote: [quoteEvan why would a married man (you're married right?) want to sketch a 19 year old girl in the nude
Okay, firstly, I was being facetious.

Secondly--if I was serious--we were discussing artistic nudes, weren't we? You weren't seriously thinking about something any more erotic than "sensual", were you?

Thirdly ... um ... okay, I only had two points...

I had no idea that the economies were so restrictive in Europe. I admit that my only exposure to Europe has been England.

And people bitch and moan about the "blue laws" here in the 'States! <Laughs>

In all seriousness--yes, I am married and no, I wouldn't be caught dead in a room alone with a lovely, naked woman (aside from my wife).

I'm sorry my sense of humor fell so flat.

I'll return to being my normal, sarcasticly annoying self.


Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2002 8:50 pm
by Lektrogirl
Dude, ease up. I think many of us can agree that naked women, in general, look better than naked men, who usually look awkward and a little stupid. It has nothing to do with lesbianism; it has a lot to do with guys just being a little funny-looking.
Uh, I knew that.. but I figured that if I said "women look better than men, naked or otherwise" I would get stomped by the masses. :D
Okay, firstly, I was being facetious.

Secondly--if I was serious--we were discussing artistic nudes, weren't we? You weren't seriously thinking about something any more erotic than "sensual", were you?
Dude, ease up.
I was teasing Evan, geez, all of those hours studying the bible really did a number on you! :D

As for the posing stuff, besides the sketches that I would freaking love to have done, I have thought of erotic photography too, I think it would be an absolute blast to have some pictures taken, and fun as all freaking get out!
In all seriousness--yes, I am married and no, I wouldn't be caught dead in a room alone with a lovely, naked woman (aside from my wife).
You seem to be a pretty devoted husband Evan, why wouldn't you be caught dead in a room alone with a lovely naked woman? If you and this woman weren't having sex what would it really matter? Okay, I can see it mattering a bit, but if you and your wife had already discussed it or both of you knew in your hearts that there wasn't anything to ever worry about what would be the problem of you sitting in a room with a naked woman? Would your wife ever go with you to a strip club? I know that might not be what you were referring to, but it's a start, right?
I'm sorry my sense of humor fell so flat.
Go pump some air into it and then come back. :)

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2002 9:15 pm
by EvanMoore
As for the posing stuff, besides the sketches that I would freaking love to have done, I have thought of erotic photography too, I think it would be an absolute blast to have some pictures taken, and fun as all freaking get out!
As one who has done this with my lovely hottie of a wife, I can tell you this--be sure that you're both doing it for the same reasons. I was "Mr. GottaGetThisPictureDonePerfectly" and she was "Ms. IWannaPlay". Not a good combination. We actually ended up in a fight. However, the next time we played, I lightened up--and we had a really good time playing dress up, strip and pose. <chuckles> It was when I brought home a whole bunch of new outfits for her from Qatar. She was showing off and we just had fun. I'd show you the results, but ... well ... she'd kill me. (And I'm *not* joking!)
Me In all seriousness--yes, I am married and no, I wouldn't be caught dead in a room alone with a lovely, naked woman (aside from my wife).

Lektrogirl You seem to be a pretty devoted husband Evan, why wouldn't you be caught dead in a room alone with a lovely naked woman?
1 Thessalonians 5:22 Abstain from all appearance of evil.

Matthew 5:28 But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

I am addicted to the feminine form. I'm quite serious. I'm addicted. I don't know if I can look at a naked woman with true appreciation without lusting after her and wanting to ... well ... you get the picture. So, being in a room alone with a beautiful, naked woman--knowning what I know, is something I should simply avoid.
If you and this woman weren't having sex what would it really matter?
Okay. If it was my daughter--and I'm changing her diaper? No problem.

If it was my sister and I was helping her find a lesion or something? No problem.

If it was you? Ummm... I have to admit, that would be a problem.
Okay, I can see it mattering a bit, but if you and your wife had already discussed it or both of you knew in your hearts that there wasn't anything to ever worry about what would be the problem of you sitting in a room with a naked woman?
Because my wife knows the wicked and evil things that reside in my heart--and she would know, no matter how much I argued, the truth. <smiles>
Would your wife ever go with you to a strip club? I know that might not be what you were referring to, but it's a start, right?
No. However, my wife has learned belly dancing and such in order to fulfill my desire to view that kind of thing in the privacy of our home.

She is of the mindset that *she* be the focus of my desires. For her, this is vitally important, and I honor and respect her desires and my own limitations.



Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2002 9:27 pm
by Lektrogirl
I guess it's good that you know your own limits then, something I can respect.

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2002 9:27 pm
by 3278
EvanMoore wrote:
As for the posing stuff, besides the sketches that I would freaking love to have done, I have thought of erotic photography too, I think it would be an absolute blast to have some pictures taken, and fun as all freaking get out!
As one who has done this with my lovely hottie of a wife, I can tell you this--be sure that you're both doing it for the same reasons.
Hey, that reminds me. You asked some time ago for the links to those pictures of your wife, and I totally forgot to give them to you. Sorry about that; at least now, after the launch, you know why. :)

Here you go: ... 052001.jpg ... 2001-2.jpg ... 2001-3.jpg ... te0797.jpg

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2002 9:28 pm
by Cash
Uh, I knew that.. but I figured that if I said "women look better than men, naked or otherwise" I would get stomped by the masses.
No you wouldn't because it's true... :)

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2002 9:44 pm
by EvanMoore
Lektrogirl wrote: I guess it's good that you know your own limits then, something I can respect.
Yes. You'll note that I did not tell anyone else they had to live by my standards. <smiles>

Thanks for posting those!

The first three are actually from our latest photo session. I sent you the "decent" ones. <grin> I also had to edit them a little to make them innocuous enough to be "decent".

The last one is from our first photo session. You'll note the difference in the length of her hair.

On an interesting note, the last set of pictures were when she was about a month pregnant with our middle daughter and the last set was a year after the birth of our third.

For the record, I'd like to state that if a woman does her Kiegel exercises, has drug free delivery and allows her body to return to shape naturally, there are ... benefits ... that both can reap in the strength of her pussymuscles. <smiles> I can't make claims for what I don't know--but I can assure you from what I do know, it's quite delightful for both parties. <wink>


Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2002 9:30 am
by Eva
Dude, you made such a good impression on me all through this thread, being honest to yourself and to us and then you go make pussy muscle comments again. What you gotta do that for, eh?

Re: Spiral

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2002 10:13 am
by Vralkie
How old are you?

on another note, I'm single again as of today...:cry

Ladies better watch out, andy is a sexy-biatch and he's on the prowl again...:D

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2002 4:52 pm
by EvanMoore
Eva wrote: Dude, you made such a good impression on me all through this thread, being honest to yourself and to us and then you go make pussy muscle comments again. What you gotta do that for, eh?
It was actually intentional.

I am nothing special. I have my good points. I have my bad. I can be honest and forthright. I can be obfucious (is that a word?) and pedantic. I can be deeply caring and loving. I can be crass and rude.

"Pussymuscles" is just a word that I find ... well ... interesting. I had an opportunity to use it and I took it.

I do apologize if you took offense. It was not intended to offend.

It was, however, intended to show my crass and boorish side.


Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2002 5:07 pm
by 3278
...because all of us had forgotten he had one, and he needed to remind us, of course.

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2002 5:08 pm
by Eva
I wasn't offended. Just a little disappointed I suppose.

And Vralkie: who were you asking for their age?