An Eventful Night

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An Eventful Night

Post by Raygun »

So probably not 20 minutes after I posted in the "trigger happy" thread, I had to call 911, then go to the police station and give a statement. Fun!

What initiated this process was something I heard. It sounded like a car was tear-assing around my building, to which the back door is probably 10 feet away from my desk. It sounded like sad car hit the curb and jumped up into the dirt parking lot behind the building, which would be way too close to where my truck is parked for me to be comfortable with letting it slide. So I went to investigate.

I open the door and my truck looks fine. I turn to my left and there's a truck with a flat bed trailer, the trailer still in the far side of the parking lot half and the truck with it's front end parked on the sidewalk in front of the dairy. There's a tall, lanky-looking lady in a dark t-shirt and jeans pacing back and forth from the truck to what looks like the middle of the street in front of the dairy, about 5 yards away from the truck. She starts yelling "Oh my God! Oh my God!" and gets really really frantic, working herself up to a good freak-out.

"Hmm," I think to myself, "I'd better let someone with a badge know about this shit." So I call 911. At this point, I'm thinking it looks to me like somebody is just drunk and ran their truck into the dairy building. DUIs are, unfortunately, extremely common up here. So I tell the dispatch, "It looks like somebody drove into the Meadow Gold Dairy building."

"Okay," she says. "We'll send someone out."

So I go back outside and there are now two women out side near the truck, one of which is wearing a white button-up sweater, it looks like (mind you, I'm probably 75 yards away from them). She's on a cell phone, apparently describing the situation to someone, I'm guessing 911, and she's trying to calm the other lady down. Then she says to the other, frantic lady, "Put the gun over there" or "I put the gun over there."

"Really..." says I. This is getting very interesting. I didn't hear any gunshot(s), or at least, I didn't hear anything that sounded like gunshots to me. I did think I heard that truck and flat bed trailer bouncing up over a curb, and that was pretty loud, but that didn't sound at all like any gunshot to me. And as some of you may be aware, I'm pretty knowledgeable about those kinds of things.

Then the frantic lady gets into the truck and backs it into the parking lot behind her and in front of me. "Probably not the wisest thing to do at this point," I think to myself.

Anyway, my relief pulls up, after apprently driving right through the crime scene on the street in front of the dairy, the frantic lady having moved the truck so my co-worker could get by.

She gets out of the car and says "What happened?"

"I don't know. Somebody got shot, I think."

"Yeah, they did. In the head, I think. There's blood all over the ground."

The plot thickens.

Then a cop car goes whizzing past. Then another and another. Then more from the other direction, on the street in front of the dairy. My shift is over, so I go in to get my stuff together, then think "I'd better go over there and tell them I called 911 and about what I saw." So I walk over to the first cop I see, an obvious rookie. "Hello," he says politely, heading me off from the crime scene while also waving a car past.

There's a dead body on the ground. Covered with a white sheet. Blood on her right arm, sticking out from under. Her. Small. Thin. At this point, I'm pretty sure I've seen more dead bodies than the Rookie because he looks more shocked than I'd be willing to bet I do. There's a brown paper bag, on top of evidence I'm sure, right behind Rookie.

"Yeah, hi. I called 911. I came over to see if I needed to make a statement or something."

"Sarge!" yells the rookie. A bigger cop with a mustache walks toward us, with another cop following and talking to him. "This guy called 911."

"Where were you?" says the Sarge.

"Right there in that building," I say, pointing.

"Hang on for a second," he says to Non-sarge, then shifts his attention to Rookie. "Can you write something down?" he says it not annoyed-like, just trying to get Rookie to do something police-workish. Then Sarge walks toward the other people. I look at the body some more.

"There were multiple gunshots," Non-sarge says.

"Multiple shots? Who..." Says Sarge.

"Right over there," Non-sarge points over to a person or some people I didn't really bother to pay any attention to because I was busy looking at a dead body in the middle of the road. Multiple gunshots? Interesting. Cause I didn't hear a damn thing but a truck whipping brodies or donuts or whatever.

"Sarge, should he go over to the station?" says Rookie, thumbing to me.

Sarge looks at me, "If you wouldn't mind?"

"No, yeah, sure." I say, as well-spoken as the circumstances permit. So I walk back to the office and pack up my shit.

My coworker asks how he's doing. I inform her that "he" is a "she" and that she is "as dead as a doornail."

"Aw, crap." says the co-worker.

So I pack up my shit and head to the police station, which is all of four blocks away. I walk in the front door into the entry, but there's no one at the front desk. Small town. There's a phone on the wall with a sign that tells you to that if you come in after hours, you should pick up the phone and a dispatcher will answer. Right then my cell rings, with my girlfriend on the other end of it.

"Hello. What are you doing?"

"I'm at the police station giving a statement because somebody just got butt-ass capped behind my office."

*gasp* "No way! What happened?" Even though I didn't touch the phone, Sarge, the same guy at the crime scene, comes and opens the door into the office and waves me in.

"I don't know, I guess I'll tell you about it later."

"Okay. Bye."

So the Sarge interviews me and I tell him everything you just read. In the process, he says that they're investigating it as a suicide, but they're not leaving out other options. "Multiple-shot suicide?" I think to myself. Fishy.

An eventful night.
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Post by Raygun »

So I just got done talking to my next door neighbor, who is a cop. He apperently came by the scene after I went to the station.

He said that the dead woman was shooting at her boyfriend, who he thought was in the truck. I never saw or heard any man, nor did I hear any gunshots. All I saw before anyone else arrived was this frantic woman, who was definitely with the truck in some way, and later moved it. The dead woman didn't hit anything living. At some point she then gave up trying to kill him and turned the gun on herself.

My neigbor says she was using a .380 auto, and that there were several shell casings lying around the street. The gun had apparently jammed, and apprently this is the point at which the woman chose to kill herself. The bullet entered under her jaw on the right side and exited above her left ear. The bullet apparently severed her corotid artery, and the muzzle blast tore it open further, causing her to bleed out rapidly. That explains my coworker's comments.

Apparently, all involved were meth addicts, another big problem up here. That really doesn't suprise me either, as both the dead woman and the frantic woman seemed extremely thin, as meth users tend to be.
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Post by Cash »

<font color=#5c7898>A high I.Q. is like a jeep. You'll still get stuck; you'll just be farther from help when you do.
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Post by Crazy Elf »

Keep updating. Interesting story. Sleep now.
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Post by Raygun »

Well, I've been waiting for this incident to come up in the paper as it's not something that occurs terribly often around here, but it hasn't yet. You'd think that in a town of <60k it would be near impossible to keep this kind of thing quiet, but I guess not. No story, no obituary, nothing on TV news... Nothing. Maybe tomorrow.

When I went in to work Friday I walked over to the scene and it's like nothing ever happened. I guess I'm not sure what I was expecting. The Hutterite trucks that deliver milk to the the dairy drive over the spot where the body was, so there was nothing there but dirty tire tracks, really. No police markers. No one on the day shift at work had heard anything about it.

The flatbed trailer that the pickup truck was towing was still there, parked in that parking lot. My coworker said that the cops confiscated the truck. No suprise there, but I'm not sure why they would leave the trailer. I went back outside a couple of hours later and it was gone.

I guess there's not much more to it, really. But if I hear anything else, I'll post it.
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Post by Crazy Elf »

You'd be suprised what people keep quiet, actually. Drug related crimes of this sort are often overlooked and hushed. I come from a town which had a great many heroine users, and a lot of related deaths as a result of it. Thing is, not much of it was ever reported. I'd hear most of it from third party sources, people who worked in the hospitals, things like that.

Real estate prices continued to rise.

Crime kept on keeping on.

Maybe there's some vested interest in keeping it quiet.
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Post by mrmooky »

Wow. That's quite... awful, really.
Crazy Elf wrote:Real estate prices continued to rise.

Crime kept on keeping on.

Maybe there's some vested interest in keeping it quiet.
That's pretty much it. The property investor lobby is pretty powerful round these parts.
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Post by Sock_Monkey »

In all likelyhood suicide probably wasn't the intention. Given the multiple shots and her obviously poor aim I'd say the gun jammed and without thinking decided to take a closer look down the barrel to see if anything was there...
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Post by Raygun »

The detective investigating the case called me and asked me to come in to the station and clarify some things today, specifically about what direction I thought the truck had come from. He told me that the "frantic woman" I'd seen was actually the man I never saw. He sure sounded like a woman when he was screaming. Oh well. Maybe I would, too.

So from all the information I've gathered so far, this guy was probably her husband (assuming from the names in the obituary) and for reasons I am currently unaware she was trying to kill him, chasing after him and shooting at him. He got in his truck and took off, she chased on foot, the gun jammed, she cleared it and chambered another round and decided to kill herself instead. From the way the wound was described to me by my neighbor, there's not much question as to whether it was intentional or not. She meant to do it.

Her obituary was in the paper yesterday. Naomi Faye (Morgan) Wilson. 29 years old.
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Post by Marius »

One down, 6.5 billion to go. Genocide is so hard when you're intent on killing of the whole species.
There is then a need to guard against a temptation to overstate the economic evils of our own age, and to ignore the existence of similar, or worse, evils in earlier ages. Even though some exaggeration may, for the time, stimulate others, as well as ourselves, to a more intense resolve that the present evils should no longer exist, but it is not less wrong and generally it is much more foolish to palter with truth for good than for a selfish cause. The pessimistic descriptions of our own age, combined with the romantic exaggeration of the happiness of past ages must tend to setting aside the methods of progress, the work of which, if slow, is yet solid, and lead to the hasty adoption of others of greater promise, but which resemble the potent medicines of a charlatan, and while quickly effecting a little good sow the seeds of widespread and lasting decay. This impatient insincerity is an evil only less great than the moral torpor which can endure, that we with our modern resources and knowledge should look contentedly at the continued destruction of all that is worth having. There is an evil and an extreme impatience as well as an extreme patience with social ills.
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Post by ratlaw »

Marius wrote:One down, 6.5 billion to go. Genocide is so hard when you're intent on killing of the whole species.
It also generally helps if you don't wait for them to off themselves. Be proactive, damnit.

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