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BSG, I owe you an apology

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2007 9:31 am
by paladin2019
So, i was bored out here and the first 2 and a half seasons were at the souk for $25. (The guy took $20, hooray haggling). So anyway, I judged it by the pilot and never checked it ot on the small screen. I should have, I like it.

For those of you keeping score, my set ends at Ep 9 of the 3 rd season, "Unfinished Business."

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2007 9:57 am
by DV8
Wow that's a really good deal. I really like what they've done to the series.

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2007 11:37 am
by paladin2019
I like that they got the military part right, or at least right enough that most of my complaints can be answered with "It's an understrength aircraft carrier, of couse their marines don't have any armor." I also like that ballistic penetrators and explosive rounds are still the preferred ammunition of advanced militaries; none of this raygun nonsense.

What I thought was the most abhorrent quality of the pilot has become the reason I like it so much. The characters are no longer one-dimensional heroic archetypes, they are rounded individuals. It's like the old show was the idealized theatrical version of the real lives presented in the new series. And "Unfinished Business" cleared up any misgivings I had about Starbuck recast as a woman.

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 10:15 am
by Cash
Sadly, season 4 is the last one. Bastards.

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 12:53 pm
by Heavy_D
Cash wrote:Sadly, season 4 is the last one. Bastards.
Whoa??? :conf How do you know that?

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 3:06 pm
by Cash ... =1417&cs=1
It doesn't come as a surprise, but still it's disappointing to hear that the upcoming fourth season "Battlestar Galactica" will definitely be the last.

Stars Edward James Olmos and Katee Sackhoff told The IESB at the Saturn Awards Thursday night that the SciFi Channel will officially pull the plug on the show following its fourth season, which begins in January.

Olmos says "This will probably be the most extraordinary season of 'Battlestar'. It's the final season, so it's definitely going to be the most vicious. As far as we know, in respects of the way we have this show constructed, this is the final season."

Sackhoff says "I think part of the problem is that it's an expensive show. It is [a great show], but we don't have the viewership that a great show should get."