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Conspiracy Theories

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 8:11 am
by DV8
There are many conspiracy theories, go to Alex Jones' site and you'll find some wild ones, and I like them all, though believe almost none of them. Here's something that gets my spidey sense tingling; The Mystery of the Tainted Cocaine. Enjoy. :)

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 2:33 pm
by Bonefish
I hate the conspiracy by our government officials to criminalize vast tracts of our populace for non violent offenses.

Particularly, the article points how a testing kit to help cocaine addicts avoid some dangers resulting from an adultured product, not under any form of regulation outside of outright prohibition. Then we spend, as a country, millions of dollars to build prisons to incarcerate drug offenders(who, from statistics seem to make up around half of population of prison), millions in devoted anti-drug law enforcement, drug education and military intervention in states such as Columbia.

Couldn't that money be, I dunno, be taxed? In north carolina, liqour is only available from the ABC store, in a few states medical marijuana is available from dispensaries. Why cant other drugs been done in the same way? Why can't we take a leaf from, I believe it's the Dutch with Amsterdam's pot laws, and use some of the taxes to fund drug prevention and rehabilitation programs.

I can understand, I guess, that some people would object to taxation out of hand, but let's be honest: rampant and uncontrolled drug use causes problems that siphon our tax dollars anyway. Taxing the sale of these drugs, to recoup the potential loss from their abuse. And I'm not sure if I can speak for all drug users, but I believe some would certainly favor slightly higher prices for guaranteed purity and weights, for example.

The illegal drug trade also causes all sorts of criminal problems. Wiping out the most benign of these(doing the drug) as a major crime requiring court time keeps out DAs clogged up with bullshit wasting time from the prosecution of more dangerous crimes. I honestly, don't care so much about crackheads, as I do crack dealers with AKs who decide to shoot up houses in my neighborhood.

I'm not really sure what the effect legalization in america would have on Central America, however. I don't really know if it would change the balance of power.

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 7:25 pm
by Bonefish
Seriously though, I like how extreme some of the conspiracies can really go. I've read Along Came a Pale horse, or bits of it(Not my bag), and various other outlandish conspiracies, especially about the "aliens". And the ones that end with the Illuminati as alien reptiles from Mars are really awesome. They start plausible, and quickly veer off into outlandish fabrications.

On the other hand, yeah, I'm pretty sure that the rich and the powerful mingle with the other rich and powerful and try to plan long term strategies. But that's the natural result of them being rich and powerful: their time is generally better used where it can provide a return to them. I don't expect Bill Gates to sit down and chat me up over business matters: I'm incompetent at them! So I do imagine that there are "cliques" and circles out there, doing things, like financing revolution in africa(lookin' at you Thatcher!), or whatever.

But that's a far cry from the nefariousness suggested by the extreme guys. I mean, sure, there may be a whole lot of problems with the way our world runs, but trying to go and camp out in the rockies with some guns and beans to get away from "them", seems pretty fucking retarded. If there is a fucking conspiracy to round us all up and send us to concentration camps for "90% depopulation"), then the best way to avoid that is to point it out and make sure as many people are capable of resisting as possible, not hiding in the fucking mountains like you're a Wolverine.("YEAH! GO WOLVERINES!)