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[PC Build] Nemesis

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 11:03 pm
by 3278
Whenever I build a PC, it gets a name, and mine are always named for gods or other
divine figures. Themis, for example, is a Titaness whose purview is law, and order:
one could arguably call her the "parent of justice," ha ha, hence the name. [The first
machine I built for Jeff was Justicia, a Roman sort-of version of Themis.] So this computer,
the slightly-badder-ass not-quite-twin of Themis, is Nemesis, the spirit of divine retribution,
the dark twin of justice: revenge.

Yay, it's a case! And optical drives. The 302 turns out to be a pretty exciting enclosure,

The MSI Radeon 6750, along with the Asus motherboard. I pictured them together
because, seriously, why is the video card box the same size as the mobo box? I get that
the VGA cooler is big, but quelle the fuck? Turns out it's largely foam.

The very thing. What a looker. I have to do some more testing tonight, when it's very
quiet out, and I've disconnected the hard drives [about which, more, later], but I think
this thing is basically inaudible even at the hottest I've gotten it. The stock Intel HSF is
the loudest fan in the system, I'm pretty certain. Very nice blower on this MSI.

It's an i5, alright. 3.7ghz when it needs to be, on a single core. It's been a challenge
finding anything that really pushes it, beyond brute-force benchmarking tools like SuperPi
and Prime95. It's that fast.

Kovu clearly doesn't like seeing super-low-voltage RAM marred by useless and vulgar
heatspreaders. G.SKILL, please, stop it. Do you actually think gamers are buying these?

Speaking of pointless and vulgar, I get a case for the modular cables you don't end up
hooking up, although a zip-lock would be fine, but a fake velvet bag for the power supply
that I'm about to permanently put in a case? Stupid and wasteful.

3TB, all told. By far - by far - the loudest thing in the case. Unbelievable seek noise,
particularly. Some of it is the lack of soft-mounts, some of it is the comparatively thin
metal of sub-$100 cases, but a lot of it is the drives themselves. I'm completely sold on
an SSD after listening to this for two days.

The thing is, they're not that loud, but everything else makes almost no noise at all,
so by comparison it's maddening. I'll see what I can work out.

Shen, generously not eating the fans. Piggy, relieved at the break from being
eaten by Shen.

Yeah, seriously, you can pay for Windows. It comes in a box, with numbers and
everything. Who knew?

The case. Pretty understated, which I like. Very open, which has pros and cons. The
inside is so simply well-designed that I'm seriously considering it for my next case, if I
don't get a P-18x. My biggest complaint is the top-mounted 140mm fan, which is an odd
size, and not something I can replace with a Nexus. But I'd just seal it over, anyway.

They're serious about cable management: pull ties included. And drive rails: almost the
entire case is tool-free; basically only expansion cards require anything, and that a
Phillips head screw driver.

Intake for the power supply fan that we don't have. Notice the back-side fan under the
processor, and the accordant giant opening in the motherboard tray. Not only is this
good for cooling, but it means not ever having to unscrew the motherboard if changing
processor heatsinks. It also means the depth required to fit a fan in there gives a couple
inches' space between the bottom of the motherboard tray and the outside of the case,
ample room for cable routing. And notice the long, lozenge cuts up the length of the
motherboard, just beyond the edges of the ATX form factor. See, somebody was

The front panel connections, pre-routed to do what I had to do myself [twice, if you
recall] on Themis' 300. And tin-snips not required for this job. Very slick.

Got most everything routed. This was the first build; I've made some changes since then,
based on the testing I'm doing. The drives, for example, were getting really hot -
like, the hottest things in the system, by far - so I've given them their own fan. I'm going
to do some testing to see whether it's better to intake cold air there - and have the
drives heat the interior! - or make the front an exhaust as well, using the plane of the
drives to prevent short-circuiting the air flow around the front. We'll see.

Windows 7 is on it, and it's been rock-steady for the past 48 hours of stress testing and
jiggery-pokery. Adding a couple more fans, removing one of the stock ones, finding the
right fan speeds to run in 100F+ conditions. Every game I throw at it - GTA4, Dragon
Age 2, Civilization V, Mass Effect 3, Skyrim - they all run at 60FPS and stay pegged there
~100 percent of the time, with all graphical options set to highest. It's unreal. I'm
basically not recommending to any clients that they get anything faster unless they're
running multiple monitors, i.e. Eyefinity.

And let's not forget that another $200 would pick up another of these silent killers for
Crossfire action, and 8 monitors or something. Really quite something.

But tomorrow is offroading, so here's where it stands until Monday. Enough time inside
when it's this nice out!

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 12:01 am
by Jeff Hauze
You love me. You really love (my machines) me.

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 8:09 pm
by 3278
Tuned the fan curves; this motherboard really offers decent options for fan control. Not quite as granular as I'd like, but more foolproof [and less costly] than 5v or 7v fan adapters. [Really, though, for doing this properly, 5v fan adapters would be the way to go, and keep the motherboard fan speed at 100%.] The stock processor fan is horrible, buzzy and resonant, shaking the case. Some damping may help; also, no one else might notice. Ultimately, the solution is a real HSF and another Nexus fan.

Moved the drives to the top of the drive cage, where they'd get a little more mechanical damping, and the difference in noise is pretty reasonable. Mounted a Nexus fan in front of them, and temperatures instantly dropped 7C. Exactly what we want to see; everything on the system runs about 40C, ambient, at idle, and is quieter than a whisper; if the drives aren't seeking, and you stop the fucking Intel fan for a fucking second, it's inaudible under a desk. And at load - Prime95 on all four cores, Furmark at 1080 - it'll run below 70C and be just slightly louder.

This video card is amazing. It's gratuitously powerful, and incredibly quiet. I'm recommending it broadly.

Although building this machine has made me realize I don't want one: I have all these awesome, brand-new games, and I have no real desire to play them beyond making sure everything's bug-free. I just don't like video games. Which is actually awesome: that saves me a few hundred dollars, at least, on the cost of my dream machine. Making a computer silent is hard if you also want to game on it; it's completely trivial if you don't! It'll have an SSD, and two 5v Nexus fans will be the only moving parts. Very exciting.

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 9:03 pm
by Jeff Hauze
So, would any of those fan changes you mentioned be worth while looking at ordering parts now, before I make the trek up?

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 12:52 am
by 3278
To be honest? Not really. You're looking at a minimum of $70 - and ideally, closer to $90 - to fix a problem you probably won't notice. :) The thing is, this computer is using exactly the same cooler as Themis, and you don't find it offensive, so this is probably just one of these cases of me being me. ;)

In fact, hard drive seek noise notwithstanding, this is probably quieter than Themis, which is one reason the processor fan sticks out. Actually, there's virtually no way this isn't quite a lot quieter, come to think of it; everything but the drives is actually quieter this time around [due to new fan speed software]. And this video card is epic quiet.

Anyway, if you get it home and, lo and behold, everything else is so quiet that the processor fan drives you crazy, installing a new cooler is absolutely trivial, and I could talk you through it blindfolded, or just use it as an excuse to go offroading in Centralia.

So no, not worth worrying about at the moment.

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 3:14 am
by Jeff Hauze

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 3:55 pm
by 3278

Dude, this thing is smoking, and no longer literally! I even played a video game on it, I was so impressed. :D Thanks again!

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 11:26 pm
by Bishop
Wolfenstein3d? :D

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 2:02 am
by 3278
Hell, I could play Crysis now!

...but, yeah, instead I played a ten-year-old racing game that'll run on a Pentium III 450 with 128MB of RAM. Didn't exactly push it to its limits, I think I can safely say.

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 2:04 am
by Jeff Hauze

Dude, this thing is smoking, and no longer literally! I even played a video game on it, I was so impressed. :D Thanks again!
Glad you're getting use out of it. Saw your G+ post, and I'm happy that ol' GodBox (or whatever the new name is) is getting good use.

And you played a video game? I'm almost afraid to ask. It was the Amorous Professor Cherry, wasn't it?

On a totally-I-swear-unrelated note, the world is about to end everyone.

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 12:41 am
by Salvation122
Machine I am considering building soon-ish (after Christmas certainly, maybe after January depending on how expensive living in DC actually ends up being):

Antec P280
MSI B75MA-P45 mobo
Intel Core i3-3220 Ivy Bridge
Sapphire Radeon 7850
8GB Kingston DDR3-1600 RAM
Seasonic X-650 PSU
Samsung 830 128GB SSD


Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 11:33 pm
by 3278
Let me preface this by saying I assume you're just making a general purpose + gaming rig, without a lot of attention being paid to silencing, audio production, or other specialized goals. If you're looking for any of that stuff, let me know.
Salvation122 wrote:MSI B75MA-P45 mobo
Can't really go wrong this generation. I like the ASUS UEFI, and the fan customization it offers, but the MSI hardware is excellent.
Salvation122 wrote:Intel Core i3-3220 Ivy Bridge
You could argue for the extra $80 to add two cores to it, or the $60 to add two cores but at 2.8ghz. It doesn't really matter; any of them are fine.
Salvation122 wrote:Sapphire Radeon 7850
These things are so similar that the only differentiation that matters is price and cooler. I like the ASUS, and the MSI Twin Frozr II cooler, but if you want to save ten bucks, Sapphire is fine.
Salvation122 wrote:8GB Kingston DDR3-1600 RAM
For about the same price, you could always pick up the [url ... 6820231461]1.25v G.SKILL[/url]. It's difficult to imagine anything mattering less under most circumstances.
Salvation122 wrote:Seasonic X-650 PSU
Probably overkill, to be honest, but an excellent PSU. Other good options:
Seasonic X-400 Fanless
Enermax Modu/Pro87+ 500
Enermax Platimax 60v0W

In the P280, the X-400 would be a good choice; it mostly only has to cool itself. But the 650 will stay <10dBA in that enclosure under almost all conditions, and gives you more headroom.
Salvation122 wrote:Samsung 830 128GB SSD
Depending on the OS, 256 is a good idea.
Salvation122 wrote:...depending on how expensive living in DC actually ends up being.
Say what, now?

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 3:17 pm
by UncleJoseph
Salvation122 wrote:Samsung 830 128GB SSD

Speaking from my own limited experience with my 90 GB SSD, they tend to fill up very quickly. Windows 7/8 takes up a huge amount of space, as does Office 2010. I don't use my drive for any real storage, so with Windows, Office, Nero Platinum and 1-2 games, my drive is nearly full. If I want to install a new software package or game, I have to uninstall another one.

I am kicking myself for not paying the extra $50 (at the time) for the 128 GB drive. But now that I've had the machine for a couple years, I believe that you will likely want even bigger than 128GB. I wholeheartedly recommend going as large as you can afford/justify with the SSD, and consider the 128GB the absolute minimum. It's become such a PITA for me that I'm considering buying a 256 GB drive and simply installing that as the primary drive, even though backing up and reinstalling all my software is quite a nuisance.

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 4:35 pm
by Salvation122
Oh, yeah - I'm in DC now! Not in anything even remotely politically related, but I may end up making contacts that lead in that direction. We'll see.

Quieter is better, but I'm probably not OCing anything simply because it's not necessary. I'll be running Win8 because I can get it legitimately for less than a Win7 license would cost and I have no idea where my Win7 disc is.

The SSD will supplement the 1TB HD I have in my current machine, and would mostly only house the OS and programs where load speed is an issue (so, not Office.)