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Interesting Places in the U.S. to visit?

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 11:31 pm
by UncleJoseph
I've taken 2 international vacations to the Caribbean. My wife enjoys tropical, beach-type vacations that are all about relaxing, imbibing and general partying. My personal flavor of vacation is more about learning about the world I live in. I prefer vacations that offer lessons in history or adventure. I have no desire to laze about the beach getting drunk. While I'd like to visit certain historical places in the world, they are a bit cost prohibitive most of the time. Even a trip to Mexico would probably be fairly I don't speak any foreign languages fluently. So, for those of you in the U.S., what recommendations do you have for interesting vacation/adventure spots, especially ones that offer plenty of historical significance? I have an affinity for ancient relics/ruins.

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 1:46 am
by sinsual












All of this is within 3 hours max of my house, and I haven't even scratched the tip on where I have had the chance to go...

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 3:44 am
by Raygun
Pacific Northwest, dude. FULL of awesome shit. Everything between Vancouver and Crater Lake. Temperate rain forest, volcanoes, Puget Sound, coast highway, good seafood... Just a beautiful part of the world to check out. I'd recommend it to anyone. Seattle's a cool town with a bunch of museums (air museums!) and culture and nature to check out, as is Portland.

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 8:42 am
by Bonefish
I was gonna mumble something about the revoultionary war battlefields. Would look weak to Sin's post tho. Damn. I wanna go there!

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 10:48 pm
by sinsual
Bonefish wrote:I was gonna mumble something about the revoultionary war battlefields. Would look weak to Sin's post tho. Damn. I wanna go there!
That says you need to get out more and take photos of shit to convince people they need to come visit :)

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 4:28 am
by Anguirel
Currently in Texas, near Austin, and all I have is bats and flowers. Also, that whole "Remember the Alamo" thing? They have to remind you because otherwise you'd miss it. It's pretty small. :P

I used to go on those kinds of vacations with my parents, though. I remember greatly enjoying the Seattle region (though I don't think we spent much time in Seattle itself). That particular trip was part of a cross-country run, where we also hit a few Glaciers, skirted Yellowstone, saw Devil's Tower, and lots and lots of corn fields. Seriously, entire days of corn.

New England also has some more recent sort of stuff (I can't call 300 years old ancient) in the vein of re-enactment sites, like the French mission St Marie among the Iroquois (or, a little further south, the better known Colonial Williamsburg). If you want really ancient stuff, I think your best bet is in the Southwest Deserts. I know there are several mesa-dweller ruins in reasonably good condition, though I haven't had a chance to visit any yet. I think Sinsual has several pictures of some of them there... I was already planning on a trip to Sedona with my parents sometime soon -- looks like at least some of those are around there. I think I'll add them to our plans.