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Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2002 11:04 pm
by The Grip
Abe's found an industrial sized bag of pretzles, and has spent the last minute or so cramming them into his face. Occasionally, he'll wash them down with a swift, sloppy swig of of beer, drunk straight from the tap. Shifting his weight brings a slight crunching noise. He looks down, noticing for the first time the small ring that has formed around his feet; pretzles that never quite managed the full trip from bag to mouth.

When he speaks, pieces of baked dough fly from his mouth, in pieces ranging from a fine powder to bits nearly a centimeter long.

"Firewatch. You know, a bunch of cock jockies with big guns? Anyways, I'm with Liver Boy. Let's figure shit out ASAP and then go cack the stunty."

He leans down and takes himself another nice long pull from the beer tap, capping it off with what seems to be a virtually endless belch.

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2002 12:05 am
by Quicksilver
Quicksilver's eyebrow twitched and she calmly set the glass down before staring at Gryce. "I don't care if it matters to you, it matters to me and unlike some people I never stop thinking about a job, I learned a long time ago that following anyone without a damn good reason is a good way to die."

Turning back to the rest of the room, she sighed and explained. "Firewatch is Ares's trump card, the best of the best, trained to handle everything. You can take any 2 Firewatch agents who've never met and they'll work together better than a runner team together since birth. They have carte blanche inside Ares to take whatever and whomever they want to get the job done. If they are after Gray, what he knows is irriplacable or damaging enough to Ares that he has to be silenced at any cost. If IA is scapegoating him, I'll be damned before I help them do it. As for our Johnson, I like to know the motivations behind my jobs, but maybe that's just because I like using my brain."

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2002 11:57 pm
by Gryce
"Mmm-hmm. Blah, blah, blah. I'll tell you what, how about you fellows get to resolving all your insecurities about this incredibly dangerous blah blah blah, and get to resolving them sometime this decade, and give me a call when you're done. Firewatch is overestimated; they die much like other people, squirming and bleeding. Ares IA might be a threat if they could figure out what side they're on. And as for using my brain...well, I've got better things to think about. Like dinner. Give me a call when you're done being terrified of people you've never met."

With that, the apparently insouciant but irritating mage stood and walked from the meet without a look back.

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2002 12:52 am
by Bishop
"Who said we were terrified or insecure? It never hurts to know who the opposition is."

*Smoke takes another drag off his cigarette, watching the mage walk off*

Wow. What a show of confidence. Like he has to impress us with his not fearing. Be better to impress with a little respect for the unknown. You'd think that maybe, if the insolent old mage had as much experience as he said he had, he would have learned that by now.

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2002 5:02 pm
by Nekekami
The face watches the disintegration of the team with a bemused smile. As the mage finishes his tirade, he smiles wider. "We'll do that. Watch your step out there. It's a slippery slope."

Once the mage has departed, the Asian runner shakes his head once, letting his smile fade away. "Down to business. While our esteemed associate may not share our desire for pre-planning and discussion, I plan to live through this job. Put your thinking chapeaus on, and load this chip, Abe. Bring it up on the main display behind the bar."

Activating the cellphone link with Abe, he sends a short order to the messy ork. Sweep for extra ears again. The mage's unsettling.

Looking at the shaman, he smiles once more, coolly. "If you would be so kind as to double-check that we have no listening ears in the astral, considering our companion's unusual entrance and exit, I would appreciate it greatly Smoke."

Nekekami hands his brother the report he just received regarding Grey. "This is a nearly full work up on the mark. Don't bother asking where it came from, because if I told you, I'd have to kill you. There's good news and bad news here. First off, the good news, Grey has no real connections outside of the company. Now, the bad news, Grey has no real connecitons outside of the company. It means he has no true external support, and it also means he has no real points that we can put pressure on. No family, children, spouse, outstanding debts, narcotic or chip based habits, not even a minor chemical dependency. So, we do this the dirty way then. We're working on a time frame here. From this point out, we assume that our opponents in the Firewatch teams are always one step ahead of us. Let's keep one thing very clear in everyone's minds. We cannot take on a Firewatch team. Let there be no disillusions on this matter. If things go south, fall back and regroup. The money can be repaid, our lives cannot."

Watching as the remaining team members look over the portfolio that is slowly scrolling upwards on the display screen, the face pays careful attention to their expressions and reactions. "So the important question becomes, where do we intercept the mark? In transit, at home, or at the office?" He leaves the question hanging, awaiting further input from his co-workers.

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2002 12:51 am
by Quicksilver
"Kami, I can't give you anything until I know if Gray's solo or not, you know my position. I got a meeting tomorrow with a guy named Arthur McBride, can you run a check on him Abe? He's supposed to know more about the internals of this."

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2002 5:15 am
by Nekekami
The face sighs. "That was not exactly what I hoped to hear, Q. We cannot afford to wait on this job. You may need time to decide on whether you can proceed on this job, but frankly, the opposition won't be allowing much time here. I understand, but also understand, that Abe and I have made a committment here. I respect your position, but I need to make this clear as well. Our committment to the employer has been made, and speaking at least for myself and the loud-mouthed trog over there, we will complete the contract. If you decide that you must walk away, I'll understand. If you decide that you must oppose the employer's intended actions, I'll understand. But let me be clear, I intend to complete this contract." He lets the words hang a moment, before continuing. With that unpleasantness cleared out, the face mentally glares at Quicksilver. Sober up girlie. You're on thin ice here, and now is not the time to have you off your game.

"So, we need to move quickly, which means we're working on a truncated time table here. Here's the layout as I see things. One day to prep, one day to shop, and one day for the job. We've got a heavy hitter team coming in shortly. So we double-time it on this one folks. Okay, here are the homework assignments then." The face nods to Abe, and motions to make a copy of the report on Grey for everyone.

"Q, we have a fairly comprehensive report here on Grey. Assuming that you are rolling ahead with us, you have two main areas to cover. One, find out anything you can on Firewatch teams. Normal team composition, typical support and transport assests, what teams would be located nearby on this coast, what likely teams may be called up for this type of op based in Seattle, the works. Whatever you can get in 24 hours. Your secondary objective is finding out who wants Grey and why. I may plan to honor this contract, but I do not plan to let the employer call all the shots." Kami smiles warmly at the gillette, reassuring her.

Fumbling around and not successfully locating his cigarettes, he turns to Smoke, nodding his head at the offered pack. He sticks a spare behind his ear, and lights the other, swiftly drawing off the filter. "Smoke, Abe, and I will move ahead with recon tonight. Mobile recon of Grey's home. Abe and I will do the work up on the physical, Smoke you've got the mystical side of things. Light probing, with an eye for details. We don't want to tip our hand, but we need to know what we're looking at. Additionally, we need to get a staging ground set up. I'll handle that. A place for the team to base operations out of, and for quick set up and take down. I'll plan to get us all moved in there by tomorrow evening when we have our final planning session before we complete this task. If there's nothing else, I suggest we get moving then. Smoke, you'll ride with Abe, I've got my bike. Q, you're set for transport then, correct?"

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2002 4:08 pm
by Bishop
By the Ancestors, did all runners think they were in the military? I'll have to remember not to salute.

"And the mage? Do we call him back, and tell him we have gotten over our uncertainity and fear? Or do we let him walk for now?"

It wouldn't be so bad, even with his attitude, to have the other end of the spectrum covered. I might be a lot more powerful in the Spirit world, but I have a feeling he can beat me to death with spells.

"And as for "probing", it will be covered."

*The Shaman lets his eyes roll inward, in response to the Asian's earlier request, letting his inner eyes rove around the empty bar carefully, the eerie movement in his eyes increasing as he scanned the world of the spirits.*

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2002 5:41 pm
by Jeff Hauze
"At the moment, we'll leave Gryce where he is. I'm not sure that his interest lies with 'such trivial matters' as gathering security information on Gray. Regardless, we're not engaging the Firewatch team, and we're not finishing the job tonight. I don't believe we'll need his support. I also doubt that he'll be willing to work out of the secure shelter that we'll be setting up. For now, we move with the three of us. Smoke, Quicksilver, any objections to the plan to my outfitting and moving all of us into a temporary shelter?"

Nekekami turns to watch Smoke as he works, taking note of his expressions. Never hurts to know when the wide-eyes are spying on your soul.

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2002 8:31 pm
by Gryce
He'd had enough. If they were going to sit and plan and make conversation and try to prepare a battle plan for an enemy they couldn't begin to predict the behavior of, he wasn't going to sit through it all. Let them plan, and when everything went wrong, and nothing they knew mattered, he would still maintain the same level of equinimity he always possessed. One of the most solid benefits of his new life.

He'd only just eaten recently, but it'd been a lean day for him before that. It was time to walk downtown and have a real meal, something appetizing, something fine, something worthy of his excruciatingly high standards.

He'd never learned to drive; he was horrible at it, and always had been. His new life hadn't helped that any more than the old one had. The team had always kidded him about it, always joked and laughed about his inability. It had seemed a lot less offensive when they'd still been speaking to him.

So he walked, quickly, and as he did he thought, again, of the team, Amazonia, the Tir, California, Thailand. The constant waiting, punctuated by the constant fighting, natives who you couldn't speak to, tribal shamen and corporate mages, new spells, new weapons, never knowing what would come next, and never caring; whatever came up - and you'd never know until it came - the team would deal with it.

He laughed. Well, not everything could be dealt with, forseen or not. Sometimes, things just happen.

A half hour of walking put him out of the darkness and into the glare of downtown. Like a switch, it was there, blinding and unreal, all trideo animations and commercial magics, flashing and crawling and begging for your money. He loved it here, but then again, he'd always loved irony.

The Four Seasons was best; the staff knew him and always took excellent care of him. They loved their irony, too. Plus, the crowd was todie for.

He rather wished he'd changed before he came, but he always carried a slim spraycase of cologne with him, to cover up the smell of cigarettes and cordite. Being a shadowrunner was certainly terrible for one's standing in society circles. A few sprays - probably more than needed - was enough to cover even the foulest of citystench. He thought of the wolf shaman and gave another spritz for good measure.

The doorman greeted him fondly, but there was no memory there; doormen only needed to know certain faces - those of the truly important - and were trained, otherwise, to treat the man as the clothing he wore. For Gryce, tragically, this meant politeness and professionalism, not fawnling adulation. For that matter, he'd never been the most popular of men.

No one spoke to him in the lobby, or looked his way at all. His suit was two classes below that which would be noticed in this environment. As much as it chafed him, he knew he couldn't afford - yet - to pay the kind of money that meant true acceptance here. Well, that'd be changing, in any case; all good things to those who wait.

The computer in the elevator was more polite than any human had been so far; it wasn't programmed to care who he was, and that made it his favorite person in the entire place. He stood in the grey space of the elevator, waiting for life and light to re-enter his vision.

The doors opened onto the lounge, a warm wooden room with a tall bar on one end, with couches and leather chairs distributed evenly throughout. He scanned the room, and sighed happily to see that no one else there was magical; at least here, he could claim some ability no one else possessed. He looked further, apparently busying himself with his tight leather gloves, until recognized Joseph, and nodded in recognition.

Gryce strode to the bar, projecting a confidence that unfortunately generally proved less-than-desirable. Women just didn't like him; no one did. He simply wasn't a likeable sort of person. Perhaps if he cared - at all - about other people, it would help.

He ordered a gin and tonic and looked down the length of the dark wooden bar until his eyes came to rest on her. Her aura shifted, unstable, a welter of emotions, dark and vivid, practically screaming for attention, for flattery. To him, she was the most beautiful thing he'd seen all day. He picked up his drink and walked over to her; he sat down and looked closely into her eyes.

"Hello," he said. "I couldn't help but notice you sitting here. Would you mind if I told you that you looked radiant?"

Her aura blushed, but dimly. Of course she wouldn't like him. They never did. "No, no, I wouldn't mind," she replied, and he could hear the false smile in her voice.

"Is that dress a Rovani?" He couldn't tell the difference if Paulo Rovani himself were holding the thing, but in a place like this, it was a decent assumption.

The blush died instantly, and he could see her close off. He'd guessed horribly, apparently. "Yoshitsu. The collar is kind of a giveaway." Her voice was demeaning, now; he was excluded from her world, a man trying to live above his station and failing miserably.

"If you don't mind," she lied, horribly, "I'm waiting for someone."

That was it. He was finished. He lowered his voice, and began to move his point of view deeper, behind her eyes. Justherewas the part of her aura that represented her brain's ability to disbelieve. A tiny nexus of light, folding in on itself, the energy of thousands of life experiences. He began unfolding it as he spoke. "You really like me. You weren't sure at first, but then you realized there's just something about me you can't resist. You're certain it won't lead to anything, but dinner sounds like a lot of fun. Quiet. A nice time with someone who can understand you." And there it was, the intersection, the point where all belief must pass. He memorized the pattern, the warp and weave of it, and produced an indentical replica in his mind, but inverted; the negative, as it were, of her ability to resist.

He pressed the replica into the pattern, and let the energy flow through him. Her mind resisted, but her will was weak; this was not a mind occustomed to resistance. He held the negative there, and used the mana within him to bind it, weld his words into the fabric of her mind. "We're going to go somewhere private, and we're going to have a nice dinner, and you're going to like me a great deal. And if we ever see each other again, you'll remember me fondly and think to yourself what a wonderful man I am. Now stand up and take my arm, because I'm a kind and gracious man who's going to buy you dinner whether you bloody well like it or not."

She stood; the pattern held. He smiled slightly, and motioned for Joseph. "I don't suppose you've a private room available for myself and my friend, do you?"

[align=center]· · ·[/align]

Dinner was most pleasant. The girl had turned out to be an accountant for a major firm here in downtown that he'd never heard of, but whose primary means of income appeared to be convincing small countries that their best means of securing economic welfare was to allow a bunch of professionals from Seattle to decide how their money should be best spent. In truth, it was fascinating in its horrific cruelty, and Gryce was captivated. Those on top lifting themselves continually above those below them; it warmed his heart.

She had the swordfish - a fine choice - and he'd had the steak tartare. They discussed work and life and relationships, and between the soup course and dinner, she made him laugh so hard with a story about her childhood dog that he nearly fell from his chair. She was truly captivating to him. Her emotional strain seemed distant now, pushed away by the warmth and the food and the laughter.

The staff managed to always be available without ever being obtrusive, and finally, after coffee had been served, they drifted out, one by one, until he was alone with her.

She was laughing at a story he'd told about a cab driver he'd met in Old Khulna, and when he placed his hand on hers, she didn't move it. Her laughter tapered off, and she simply stared at him for a moment, the soul of contentment. Finally, she said, quietly, "I really want to thank you for tonight. I wasn't sure at first, but then I realized there's just something about you I can't resist."

He smiled and raised her hand to his lips. "I think I can safely say the feeling is mutual." He kissed her hand gently, and then bit deeply into the skin of her palm.

She screamed and tried to pull away, but his grip was crushing now. He heard bones snap under his strength. With a feral and bloody grin, he pulled her violently to him and began eating her face.

[align=center]· · ·[/align]

Sated and cleaned, Gryce paid his kindred Joseph for the use of the room and left a generous tip for the staff. Joseph, as always, managed the cleanup himself; the less the other employees knew, the better. He rode the elevator to the lobby and walked down the hall to the enclosed pay phones. He dialed a number from memory; the receptionist's face appeared on the screen, and she smilingly said, with a voice like a machine, "Ares Macrotech, how may I direct your call?"

He smiled and said bluntly, "You don't know me, but I have something you need. Can you please put me in touch with whomever is handling the William Gray situation?"

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2003 7:30 am
by Nekekami
You have to look at the big picture. When you stand back and look at it, there's a kind of order to the chaos.

Growling low in his throat, Kami lets a few phrases slip out in his native tongue that would have sailors blushing. "The halfer's running. The fucker's going to run." He stubs his cigarette out as he walks in from the bar, pacing as he thinks out loud to himself and the remainder of the team. "There's no way somebody this familiar with security doesn't know the drill. All the has no pattern but one. He has no pattern, no connections. Outside of the company, he has absolutely no connections. Gray isn't dirty, but he sees the writing on the wall, so he's going to make his move and he's going to make it soon."

The face paces as he lays out his thoughts. "We're out of time. Smoke, Abe, get the gear packed up in the car. We scope his crib out tonight, just a short once-over to get some general ideas. We have to do this one on the fly. No time to plan and shop. We take him at home tomorrow evening, once he's home from the office. We get it done, and we pay off on this job. I'll call the mage. Q, how long until Firewatch gets here? I need you on this one Q. Are you in, or out?"

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2003 2:52 pm
by Quicksilver
"Damnit Kami...." Quicksilver sighed, conciously trying to keep the stress from tensing her muscles. "Get me the info on McBride by tomorrow's meeting. Regardless of what he says, I will go with you, I will get the data, and I will help you get to Gray. Whether I stick around to see what you do with him I'll decide tomorrow. Unless someone gets twitchy, we can do this and beat Firewatch, but no delays."

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2003 9:02 am
by Nekekami
Nekekami watches out of the corner of his eye as Smoke and Abe begin to break the gear down and move it out into the garage to be loaded into the Tsarina. Waiting until both are out of ear shot, he takes the final few steps towards Quicksilver, bringing his mouth just inches from her ear. Speaking lowly, he keeps his eyes focused on the doorway, watching for the two to return. "You understand that there will be loose ends to take care of once we've dealt with the halfer. And that those loose ends could very easily make a mess when they are being handled. You also must understand that the Man with the Plan who Sits on High is watching this situation. Consider your options carefully, and remember who's side you need to be on here, my fair Quicksilver." Keeping his cold voice in a level tone, he continues. "I need you on this one, Lady. I need you at your best, and I'll need you to help me clean up this mess when it's all over, no matter what it takes." Waiting a moment, he turns and walks to the back, slinging the last duffel bag over his back, barely noticing the weight.

"Watch that shit, tusker! This is delicate electronics here!" Kami smiles as the verbal sparring match between Abe and his brother begins again. As he walks to the garage, he activates his headphone to dial the number Gryce left for contact information. He leaves one line open, as he sets up two other calls, the first to Casey, the second to a certain young boy currently somewhere on the streets of Redmond.

Reaching Casey's voicemail, he knows she'll call back shortly. Hey babe. I need to swing by and pick up those CDs tonight. Sorry for the rush, but Rob needs them for first thing tomorrow afternoon. Buzz me.

Secure direct connect to the King. Spirit Cat will hold. Authorization Murasama.


While the connection to the Asphalt King is made, the last of the gear has been loaded. The Amsterdam looks once again as the club should, rather than the corporate conference room it recently resembled. "Smoke, mind riding with Abe? His music sucks, but his seats are much more comfy than the back seat of my bike." The face smiles as he winks at the shaman. He knows that if something goes wrong, I need to be the fast panther rather than a part of the pack. "Plus, somebody needs to keep an eye on that damn trog.

As he finishes getting everything situated on his bike, and disabling the security system, he notices Quicksilver walk quietly into the room, headed for her own bike. I know you didn't like what I had to say, babe, but you had to learn sometime. As close as we are, you're just another tool in my kit. You started to forget that. Welcome to my world, Lady Speed.

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2003 12:39 pm
by Serious Paul
"This is Mr. Johnson, Mr. Gray is out of the office, can I take a message?"

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2003 10:09 pm
by Abe
"You wouldn't know delicate electronics if they bit your cock off. Shit bitch, I thought your prople were supposed to have virtually invented the stuff."

He finishes cramming the 'delicate electronics' into the Tsarina's meager storage space, mumbling to himself, 'muthafuckatellingmetobecarefulwiththisshit ... seewhathedoesnexttimethestereogoesonthefritz ... freakhimtheshitout...'

Then, it's a quick leap into the rear, raised seat of the small car and flash a grin at Smoke. "Hope you got perforated eardrums." He presses his thumb to a small square set in the dash and flips a swtich. The ground effect lighting flickers to life, and the quiet hum of the engine is quickly overpowered by the stereo booming out in echoes through the concrete garage.

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2003 2:01 am
by Quicksilver
Quicksilver walked to her bike and started it, its low-key engine jumping as she clenched her fist on the throttle, he thoughts more on Nekekami that the job. You spend too much time in your little ordered world, my friend, you forget that I do not play by your syndicate rules, don't believe in your syndicate honor. I serve no one now, choose my own path for good or bad and that may mean just walking away. I hope you can handle it when the time comes. She waited for everyone to load up before heading out to case Gray's place.

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2003 6:00 am
by Bishop
Smoke briefly considering silencing the stereo system just to see the look on his pilot's face, but decided against it. Not worth the trouble.

*The shaman looks around the car briefly, wondering how much Nuyen went into it. He turns to the trog and yells out "Why in the world do you need a stereo this loud?"

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2003 6:10 am
by Nekekami
As the doors to the Tsarina closes, Nekekami activates his quickly built communications network. The first would be the ultra/infrasound link with Abe. Additionally, there is a connection to Abe's cellphone, which the ork was hopefully bright enough to put on an external audio pickup and output, so that Smoke is online. The other half of that second link, or the third link, as it were, is conferenced to Quicksilver's phone. The line to Gryce's phone is still active, while he also keeps a mental eye out for Casey's call, and the status of the conference with the King.

(All following text in quotes is said silently, through Nekekami's transducer.)

"Okay people, we should be online here. Since this is public airwaves, and unsecured, let's keep things neutral, short, and sweet. Once we leave the safety of the Amsterdam here, remember these phone lines are open to all listening ears. Quicksilver, I think you and I will take outrider positions for the Tsarina. Easiest cover is a higher-class ganger escort for a VIP. Smoke, you're our VIP. Abe, you know the drill. You cover the long-range surveying, especially on whatever you can see for sec-systems. Smoke, you cover the Wide-Eye space and all that miscellaneous shit. Q, you and I once we're on station will cover the physical side of things. Find a place to park it Abe nearby, and play off the role of letting the VIP get stoned or high. Q, if you don't mind staying near Abe, you can provide cover for those two. I'll go in for the closer look. If you have any objections, voice them now folks. Nothing static here, let's just keep it loose, cool, and on the fly. We all know our jobs here, no matter what that fucking mage thinks."

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2003 6:40 am
by Quicksilver
"Sounds good, 'kami, lets get going."

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2003 6:56 pm
by Bishop
Smoke mutters softly to himself, "Yeah, I look like a VIP, too."

"The "Wide-eye" space (if he had tried harder, he /might/ have been able to make the emphasis more evident) is covered. When we arrive, I might take a look around too, on my side of things, see what's going on there as well."

The shaman lets his inner sight take over every so often, searching around, lettings his consciouness flit between reality and the meat world, singing softly to himself.

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2003 10:33 pm
by Serious Paul
The old wolf growled at the cub,"Sometimes cub you forget your place. You are Wolf. What could be more important than that?"

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2003 6:24 am
by Bishop
The machine man seems to know what he's talking about. It would be wise to listen to him for the time being and learn. But set your mind at ease, Old One. The attitude won't be taken for much longer.

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2003 8:52 pm
by Gryce
He stared at the phone. Well, at least the girl on the other end knew what he meant. "Leave this message, then. My name is Gryce. Mr. Gray will either have heard of me, or will be able to find those who have. I am available for corruption."

He disconnected the call and turned away, placing his cellphone back in his ear to await the call from Mr. Johnson. It chimed, letting him know he'd missed a call from his team during the two hours since he'd left them. Ah, well.

Gryce meandered off, wandering aimlessly, waiting for either the team or Mr. Johnson to call.

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2003 7:19 am
by Jeff Hauze
Fuck 'em or kill 'em. It's sometimes a hard decision. Or toss them to the curb. That's always the easiest way to deal with it. The yakuze isn't sure which he'd prefer to do with Quicksilver right now. It would be so much easier to tell her to walk away, to get out now, and not to look back. It might be nicer to even hold her gently until the world stops spinning. The most logical choice of course, would be to put a slug between her pretty eyes at the earliest convenience, saving him the time and trouble after the job is finished. But as per usual, Nekekami does none of the above. Instead, he focuses on the fact that she is a professional, and will cover her aspect of the job. Anything else will be dealt with after, in private, most likely in a violent manner. But all of that comes after that mage is buried. The job, then him, then....all the rest.

Watching as the streets glide by, he takes a few moments to revel in the beauty of the sleek combat bike he sits astride. The powerful frame and engine of a chopper, backed by the support and protective abilities of a combat bike, with a speed and agility that far outperforms most cafe racers. He feels the road sweep by as the bike responds to the physical commands, transferred through the best body and musculature money can buy, as well as the mental information transfered through his datajack to the virtual dashboard. Per his usual style, the face is once again multi-tasking, still waiting on the line for the King and a possible callback from Casey. Just for shits and giggles, sure that he once again won't answer, Kami sets a third line to ring Gryce's cellphone.

After passing through the southern streets of Everett, the roads begin to open up to the familiar widened style of northern Downtown, nearly on the edge of Snohomish. The land is open and not quite so urban as the tangled alleys and cross-streets of both Everett and Redmond. Not quite like home, but still familiar. I'm glad I rode with Nova and his boys often enough. As the target complex draws close, Nekekami uses his makeshift communications network to cause both of the other drivers' cellphones to ring twice, the designated signal.

The Honda Banshee pulls ahead as planned, not even pausing to notice as the Tsarina and its escort veer off and cut across Vine Street to find a suitable observation point. Knowing the police coverage will be non-existent or uncaring of just another street racer, the face cracks open the throttle a little more, taking the turn hard onto Arbour Road, as he begins his first loop around the gated community that holds Gray's home. He makes his first sweep at the exact perimeter of streets around the complex, then slowly increasing his pattern two blocks at a time. Once he's covered up to six blocks out (reversing his pattern each loop) and built a fairly solid mental map as well as a strong digital map through the bike's onboard systems linked to his datajack, the face comes to a slow, quiet halt, three blocks out and two blocks west of Abe's position. Activating the ultrasound link, he slowly walks towards the community sliding into his trenchcoat. How's it look so far, brother? The face recognizes the delay time on the ultrasound link and slows his pace appropriately to allow enough time to communicate with his other set of eyes before he reaches the community's perimeter.

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2003 3:04 am
by Quicksilver
Quicksilver followed the plan, testing the new features Sabrina had installed on the bike, and veering off with Smoke and Abe as Nekekami went to map out Gray's place. Things were stacking up in a manner of a maze that hovered just outside her conciousness. Gray vs the Johnson, Gryce, Firewatch, Marcus. Everything hinted at something far bigger than what she could see. There was something very important about those files, and equally something very important Gray alone must know if Ares was williing to kill one of its own in such a fashion as Firewatch. Simple data compromise wouldn't warrent such action, but was it to silence Ares part in Gray's activities, or to was he operating alone and Ares simply wanted the same thing as her current employer, data and no witnesses?

She would not compromise the team, prioity one was reputation. Fragging over your own team by any means was a quick way to get a lot of enemies and no jobs. But Ares had enough data on her to find her if she made it worth their while, going against them head on was out of the question. Hopefully her meeting tomorrow would let her plot a course through the maze.

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2003 7:08 am
by Serious Paul
The gated community started in the late half of the last century. The idea was that insulating yourself from the dregs of society, separating yourself from the troubles that plagued the inner cites, and even the suburbs was available to those who could afford it. In the early, half of this century Corporations quickly realized the benefits of housing their employees in gated communities.

They provided Corporations with an easily securable, distinctly marked tract of housing. It afforded the illusion of a quiet suburb in the country, but was easily monitored. Despite its sprawling look, the community, in this case Ares had named it "Stone Rock Creek" was no different from any other prison. The guards just dressed nicer, and the walls were prettier.

Grays home was nearly adjacent to the northern most walls. The walls that surrounded the community were red brick and four foot high; they were topped with a faux wrought iron fence that was another six feet high. In reality it was plasteel, and interlaced with sensor systems that allowed the guards at the two entrances to monitor the entire perimeter with motion sensors, and proximity alarms. Every fifteen or so meters were light posts anchored by cement into he ground. They were six feet behind the fence, and had infrared lighting mounted side by side with quartz lighting, all on an automatic timer.

Grays home sat on a terraced hill, which was flanked by large pines-mainly blue spruce, but some white pine as well. His home was also the faux red brick that was used everywhere else in the community, and two stories high. Large windows were framed with large shutters, which were ornamental, and painted green. There were no lights on, not even a porch light on the rear deck.

The deck that extended from the back of his home was large and cluttered with objects-a grill, a picnic table that was covered in pine needles, and several tarp covered objects that Nekekami would have guessed were crates.

The two entrances were terrascuplted to be as unintrusive as possible, with the guard shacks appearing more like storage sheds at a golf course, than armored bunkers-which they actually were. Each bunker was slung low to the ground and used forced growth ivy to camouflage itself and protect the staff from magical intrusion. Parked quietly to the side of each bunker was a GMC Hummer, each could easily mount a wide array of heavy weapons ranging from water cannons to wire guided missiles in a pinch. Nekekami knew from experience that the sentries were regular Ares, which meant they were all cybered and had access to the grade A bang bang.

Traffic was light in the area, but eclectic with a variety of vechiles passing through the area. Nekekami was certain more than a few were performing similar tasks. During his rounds, he quickly spotted the roving Lone Star patrol officers, who rode bikes- powerful Harley’s that were stylishly black, and conspicuously missing the standard Lone star logos and decals. They were here to watch Ares, not enforce the law.

Nekekami also noticed the various gang markers-this was Triad turf, and at least three street gangs and one Go-gang vied for territory here. This was a busy neighborhood. It was still early in the night but Nekekami caught glimpses of back alley chip deals and other illicit dealings. He could work here with out fear of sticking out.

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2003 7:34 am
by Serious Paul
Captain Chambers gazed at her assembled team. They were on the Tarmac in Detroit. ALthough their equipment was staged, they were still dressed in civilain attire. They wouldn't have much time on the ground to do leg work, so she had required her team to pack full kits. They were prepared for nearly every contigency.

As her people loaded the Lear Platinum II she sipped her mug of tea. She had tried to pull all the strings on this one. She had even offered to do some less than savory things to get pulled from this job. She didn't like wet work. Especially when the target didn't have it coming.

She nodded absently as Top informed her they were ready to travel. They'd make Seattle in eight hours, from there it was a little bit of down time at a safe house to get their shit squared away and then it was go time.

Chambers dumped her coffee on the tarmac and signaled her people to move out. As she boarded the luxury commuter jet she wondered what the hell Gray ahd done...

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2003 12:16 am
by Serious Paul
Quicksilver scanned the neighborhood with a critical eye. It was a busy part of town-traffic was heavy, with at least two primary exit/entry ramps to the highway sitting less than a half mile from where she stood,next to her bike. Lots of traffic meant security around here wouldn't pay them as much attention, they couldn't possibly have the time to run every vechile every time. this meant up until they made their way into his home they would most likely go unnoticed.

With no banks in the immediate vicinity, and nothing worth guarding, that meant their chances of running into a random shit storm was lowered considerably. Nothing could ruin your day more than starting a run off by fighting it out with some rent a cops who think you're there to knock the bank/stuffer shack off.

She cleared these thoughts out of her mind, and glanced back at the shaman, wondering what he was thinking, what he was doing. She had worked with plenty of magical types in her career, both in the shadows and out. She had never trusted them-that damn dissaccoiacted look they had when projected was too closely associated in her mind with the same sort of physiological signs someone showed when lying.

Quicksilver sighed, and fiorced herself to start scanning the crowds and cars again. The only thing that killed quicker than her was ignorance. She would leave nothing to chance in this job.

Astral Space was always amazing to him. No matter how many times he tried to wrap his mind around it, no matter how many times he projected or perceived it, the mystical world of life and mana never lost its appeal to him. It always took his breath away.

It was a wild world where emotion was as much a part of the landscape as the trees or plants.

He grinend ferally. His form had changed like all astral travelers did-an idolized portion of his id and ego mages would say. Smoke knew better. This was his soul, his warrior spirit, the part of him others feared. Smoke was part man, part wolf, tall and heavily muscled. His hands were part claw,covered in a light coat of fur, his snout had enlongated, and his tail swished in time with the elders. He was the Manwolf. The wolfman. This was his hunting grounds.

The old one howled with him as they began to scout the area. What would he find at this mans house? He didn't know, but he welcomed the challenge. As he circled the vechile once he briefly orientated himself, and set out.

It was his job to scout the area around the white mans home. Soon enough he'd piss in this ones bushes...

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2003 7:01 pm
by Bishop
Smoke let himself sink back into his body slowly, opening his eyes, the strange swirliing in them dying down as he came back to dull physical reality. His voice was a low throaty whisper, reminiscent of a growl.

There's nothing there, magically. *he snorts* Hell, there's almost nothing there cybernetically.

Smoke leaned back in the seat, waiting for a response from the other members of the pack before he slipped back home.

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2003 5:21 pm
by Nekekami
The face walks briskly out of the nearby alleyways, heading on a very direct course for the guardshack at the entrance to the gated community. He keeps his hands in plain sight, smoking with one hand, leaving the other open and relaxed at his side. Time to test their response time. Let's see how good these guys are.

Nekekami shuts down all his communications gear, knowing that it would only be picked up, and he has no desire to show these guards any hostile action. He slows as he approaches the guard shack, waiting for the inevitable coverage with firearms and the ranking guard to step out and question him. He puts a smile on his face, greeting the first person to recognize him, and grinding out his cigarette on the pavement as he slows to a halt. Time to get to work. Do your best, oh sweet smelling pheromones.
"Good evening officers. I was wondering if you could provide me with a bit of assistance."

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2003 8:26 pm
by Serious Paul
The two officers immediately in sight were slow to react, their routine had become to rigid. They were both browsing ezines for sports news with their feet up, joking about Detroits miserable season-Even channeling the ghost of Barry Sanders couldn't save them.

As Nekekami stepped into view, and the proximity alarm chimed, a third officer joined them, having apparently just finished with the john in the back. They imediately perked up as the unknown face stepped into view-just beneath the camera.

Two officers stpped out, their hand cannons visible at their hips. Both were dressed in medium grade armored jackets, with matching Ares blue trousers, all trimmed in black. Their uniforms did not denote any rank, but clearly the largest was in charge-an irnoy that didn't escape the face.

They put on their best corporate service smiles and the lead man spoke in a firm tone.

"Of course sir, we at Knight Errant are always glad to help the public. How can I help you?"

Posted: Thu May 22, 2003 2:10 pm
by Serious Paul
Captain Chambers stared out the small window taking in the city scape of Seattle. An impressive city that had seen sweeping changes in the last five decades. Her team had operated in Seattle before on several occassions, the last time had been the worst-they had tasked to eliminate a hive that had taken root in one of the many facless nameless apartment blocks. She suppressed a shudder, and turned away from the window.

Her team was sprawled about the planes spacious cabin. Each had their own way with dealing with the premission jitters. They alternately slept, played cards and checked their equipment.

She knew from the briefing they were to expect opposition, but until she got a chance to get eyes on, she wouldn't really know what to expect. As she thought this the fasten seatbelt light flashed once, and the plane began its descent.

Soon it'd be show time.

Such fools these mortals be....

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2003 11:19 am
by Nekekami
Serious Paul wrote:Two officers stpped out, their hand cannons visible at their hips. Both were dressed in medium grade armored jackets, with matching Ares blue trousers, all trimmed in black. Their uniforms did not denote any rank, but clearly the largest was in charge-an irnoy that didn't escape the face.

They put on their best corporate service smiles and the lead man spoke in a firm tone.

"Of course sir, we at Knight Errant are always glad to help the public. How can I help you?"
The face smiles slightly, keeping his body relaxed and open faced towards the officers. The message was clear, and the effect would be clearer in a moment. Affecting a slight bit of his Japanese accent, he easily slips into the role of a visiting Asian man in money. The trenchcoat and the footgear easily reveals that he is a rider, and worn enough to reveal that he knows what he is doing. The stylish street gear, and the visible chrome also shows that money is not an overly large concern for this man. He's clearly above the guards' station in life, but his frame reveals that he's not a puffy, weak corporate drone. The street garb also revealed that this man was currently engaged in the age-old practice of 'slumming.' He was looking for fun, and perhaps a bit of trouble, but his corporate nature was still clear enough. But the icing on the cake of course, would be the many pheromones that these men would now be breathing in. The very thought of the chemical reactions in their minds, altering their views towards very nearly made Nekekami laugh aloud.

"I seem to be a bit lost and was looking for some directions. Could you gentlemen assist me? Normally, my cycle's navigation system would have no problem, but some depraved youth damaged it in his attempt to remove the main computer from my vehicle earlier today. I'm visiting a lady friend here, and this city is a bit more confusing than the streets of San Francisco."

The face gives a knowing smirk, letting the men in on his little joke as they silently commiserate over the youth of today. He steps closer, slowly, but closes the distance between he and the men just a bit. His stance still relaxed, he begins to point around, trying to get some assistance on the lay of the land, and the easiest route back to Downtown and the Queen Anne's Hill area. He also makes sure to ask about the nearest gas station, as he needs to fill up before heading back to his lady friend's home. After a few moments of question and answer, he thanks the guards, smiling and waving briefly before turning away. He keeps a record of their reactions, their stances, their positioning as he gestured about at various streets, and as he closed the distance throughout the conversation. He slowly makes his way back up the street in plain sight, and makes sure to drive his bike by slowly to be seen by the guards, twisting the throttle once as a sign of appreciation and recognition.

He takes it a few blocks south and out of sight of the guards before sweeping back around and finding an out of sight place to park his bike and make his way into the back alleys closer to the housing complex. It's time for the yakuze to speak with his element. Trusting in his gear and his senses, he does not fear for his safety. His presence speaks volumes, and even the Tong thugs about will not risk open warfare with a yakuze...not yet, or without provocation.

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2003 11:43 am
by Bishop
Smoke grins ferally as he lets himself slip back into his hunting grounds again, trying to escape the stink of whatever it was the Ork was smoking. He begins to lope easily towards the house, towards the Face man, his predator eyes, ears and nose alert to every nuance, every change in this, his domain. He easily outpaces Nekakami, taking note of the lay of the astral land as he moves with the Face closer towards the complex. Every hair on his body alert, keen to the land, the surroundings as he moves smoothly, easily, silently..the gait of a hunting, hungry wolf.

Re: Such fools these mortals be....

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2003 11:45 pm
by Nekekami
Nekekami wrote:He takes it a few blocks south and out of sight of the guards before sweeping back around and finding an out of sight place to park his bike and make his way into the back alleys closer to the housing complex. It's time for the yakuze to speak with his element. Trusting in his gear and his senses, he does not fear for his safety. His presence speaks volumes, and even the Tong thugs about will not risk open warfare with a yakuze...not yet, or without provocation.
The Banshee follows the commands of the urban wraith astride its back with ease, leading its rider to his true home, the cracks in the society that the wageslaves see. The rider steps from his bike, stowing his trenchcoat in the storage compartment, slipping back into his reinforced jacket. While he is still clearly above the economic level of the denizens he will soon deal with, the simple change of outer coverings signifies a change in his presence, his aura. The confidence of his movement, the slight bulge just under his right shoulder as he walks away from his bike, the even gaze he gives the street urchins that stare wide-eyed at his ride, even down to that barely noticed faint smirk as he hears the electric hum of his anti-theft system going online; all of this shows the difference between Kami, the personable tourist, and Nekekami, bearer of Ghost Dog and Spirit Cat, warrior of the Shotozumi-rengo, and master of the domain of the streets.

He spends several moments waiting as the spotters for the Tong soldiers make the merchants and soldiers aware of his presence. He moves quietly through, speaking in Japanese on occasion to those veteran soldiers familiar enough with the rules to accord him the respect of his own language. He's stepped into the enemy's territory and refused to strike his colors. But his body, his eyes, even the very air seems to speak his name. A short question here, a hint dropped there, he slowly gains the information he wants, the inside knowledge of the darker side of the community several blocks away. What are the pressure points he can squeeze here, should he choose to start a brawl to serve as a distraction? Who can make sure that Lone Star raid draws attention away from the community? Which corner boss has the most perceptive, the most alert girls? Which runner moves fast and ensures a safe delivery? This is his element, and though he is not one of the Tong members, he is a predator and a master at his art. The respect and power due a master are given and expected. Such is the law in this concrete jungle the Spirit Cat calls home.

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2003 4:27 pm
by Quicksilver
Quicksilver leaned against the rough wall at the corner, the slumped body of the shaman revealing his awareness was elsewhere. Nekekami would do what he did best, and she would stay here. A complete lack of tension, a casual slide of eyes in a certain direction, there was much to be said for training. She watched the watchers, the passers by, the roamers looking for an easy score. It was easy to tell the dangerous ones, they were the ones who would meet her own eyes and calculate how much of a risk she might be. A nod here, a slight smile there and their alley was passed by for now, judged not worth the effort. They will not stand by idle forever ' quick.

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2003 7:59 am
by Serious Paul
Nekekami left knowing he had made the right arrangements. The Tongs weren't unresaonable, and what he had asked for was a relatively small favor, and an honor for such a friend. he had 24 hours to get his people ready and then his plan would be set into motion. It was time to fill them in, well at least as much, he smiled, as anyone got in this business.

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2003 7:48 am
by Serious Paul
As Nekekami pulled his bike into the parking lot he saw his team. Abe was of course tinkering with his ride, silent he didn't even look up as Nike revved his bike one last time-that was his style. He was a professional, he'd say what he had to say later.

Smoke was crashed in the back seat, or at leats thats what he looked like. Nike could never tell with mages and Shamans.

Quicksilver watched his approach carefully, and the whole while she tapped her feet. he smiled, using his best routine to calm her. He knew she could cover the distance between the two of them and hit him six times before he ever said hello.

Keeping his body langauge neutral, he leaned back against his bike and pulled his pack of smokes out. Lighting a match with his finger he lit the nic-stick, inhaling deeply he stared at the team.

"Allright its business time. We've got twenty four hours before i want to check out his place. I've arranged for a small distraction tommorrow night. We can talk about that later. I have some business I need to handle, plus some sleep wouldn't hurt. Why don't we meet someplace tommorrow for a late lunch. Say 1500 at the Tool Crib?"

"Oh and I think somebody better track down ugly and see if he is still working this job..."

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2003 10:23 pm
by Quicksilver
Quicksilver nodded to Nekekami and headed home herself. She took out the necklace from Marcus and studied it before getting a little sleep before her meet with this Arthur McBride.


" with a high of 75..."

The chime of the news station coming on woke her quickly. 1130 hours. A news snippet caught her attention as she went to get some juice from the refrigerator.

"...yesterday. Lone Star has continued to go over St. Nicholas in clues to the death, the victim Arthur McBride was an-"


Quicksilver dialed Kami's number, punching it straight to message as it rang without an answer. She geared up and headed out the door, the suit a muted gray. "Whatever info you have on McBride, its too late, looks like he was capped last night. I'm heading over anyways liked planned, I need to know if our meet was compromised and if so, who else is playing this game. Call me if you have something important to say, if not I'll see you in a few hours."

She could feel the tension creeping in already as she drove to the church, parking a few blocks away and doing some survillance of the surrounding block.

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 12:29 am
by Serious Paul
As she circled the blocks surronding St. Nicholas Quicksilver scanned the streets looking for anything that would clue her into something unusual. Maybe a man who was trying too hard to not pay attention to St. Nick's or maybe a vechile that looked out of place in the blue collar neighborhoods surronding St. Nicks, but nothing looked out of place, and no one seemed to stand out in her mind. As she circled one final time Quicksilver spotted the parkinglot across the street from the church, next to the graveyard. It was warm out, slightly cloudy but otherwise a perfect day.

As she walked across the street to the Cathedral she couldn't help but admire its classical spires and stonework. Stained glass windows depicted various scenes, and she could hear a bell ring from the Catholic School that adjoined the church, obviously a much more recent addition.

A Lone Star cruiser was parked just in front of the church, and an officerleaned back against the vechile with his arms folded across his chest. He nodded as the biggest priest Quicksilver had ever seen spoke.

The priest was a troll, and definitely stood at least eleven feet tall. His long flowing black frock looked heavy enough to stop a small caliber round, his shoulders were broad and he was thick. As she waslked by the priest didn't stop talking with the officer, who seemed oblivious to Quicksilver, but she could tell he had been carefully watching her.

As she entered the Cathedral she could clearly see the crime scene as it had been described by the Newsies. Mc Bride was supposed to have shot himself. As she circled the wounded pew she could see the bullet impacts and blood stains.

"We're hoping to have this cleaned up soon." Quicksilver nearly jumped out of her skin as the trolls basso voice rumbled from behind her. As it was she had to force herself not to finish the drawing motion she had started. Exhaling, she turned slowly to face the priest. He smiled, his hands folded in fromtof his waist neutrally. "Terrible crime, truly horrendous, made much worse by the assailants obvious disrespect for the sanctity of the house of our lord."

"Are you a reporter?"

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2003 3:44 am
by Quicksilver
"Me? No, I wouldn't make a very good one and you look like you've had your fill of them already. Just someone who wishes Mr. McBride wasn't dead, I was hoping to talk to him."

Quicksilver smiled at the large priest, trying to guage his reaction to her.

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2003 6:45 am
by Serious Paul
Father Iacopo Librizze considered the woman in front of him. Although he stoodover twice her height, and out weighed her by a good fifteen hundred pounds,something about the way she moved put him on edge. She was telling the truth, the spell confirmed that much.

"Yes, quite enough indeed. Did you know Mr. McBride well? Was he catholic?" He stoppedin midsentence and blushed. "Forgive me my child, where are my manners?"

"I am Father Iacopo Librizze, and I am the churches public affairs liason for the Seattle Metroplex." He bowed slightly at the waist, never taking his eyes off her, then extended a hand. "Please allow me to assist you in this sad time of grief."

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2003 10:04 am
by Serious Paul
Nekekami had left the meet to finalize some details. Thats what he'd said anyways. As he gunned his bike up to seven thousand RPM's he wondered briefly what would happen if he were creamed in the middle of a job while being stupid on his bike, a thought which only made his smile broaden. He deftly manuevered the street machine through the traffic and out onto the highway.

As he shot off the onramp he really opened his baby up. Lone Star would be busy, a clear night like this meant gang war, and tonight sounded nodifferent as he passed by the urban wasteland and blight that was the fringes of down town.

An hour later he leaned against his bike, phone in hand. He dialed the numbers to reach Gryce.

"We're on for tommorrow, where can I pick you up?"

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2003 8:37 pm
by Quicksilver
"Thank you for your help, Father, though I fear its more regret than grief. We had never met before, though it isn't a death I would wish upon anyone." Quicksilver shook the offered hand and looked to the alter, eyes passing over a few heads bent in prayer. Something about churches and priests always made her feel like a kid caught doing something she shouldn't and she sighed inwardly. "I would like to say the information I was looking for could save a man's life, though the truth of it is more that it would only settle my own concience." She gave him a wry smile.

"But I don't want to trouble you further about this, Lone Star often does a spectacular job of that all on their own. Much as I dislike it, I hope whoever was responsible for this was only after McBride, people need a place to feel safe."

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2003 9:21 pm
by Serious Paul
The priest considers her words for a minute, then nods. "Perhaps in prayer you could find the answers." His visage scrunches up as he winks. "Might I suggest you consider confession? If thats too much, then at least light a candle for your friend." He nods towards a table behind them, it is covered in candle wax, and old candles.Some are lit, but most appear to be pretty old.

"Look under the table." He pauses briefly, then continues. "Its where we keep the matches."

"You will find that the Lord works in many mysterious ways, my child." Without waiting for a reply the massive priest turned on a heel, and left.

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2003 7:01 am
by Serious Paul
Quicksilver nodded as the Priest turned, and quickly made her way over to the table. Kneeling, she lit a candle, and did her best to look as if she were reciting some sort of prayer as she swiftly searched under the table, easily finding the narrow shelf and its contents.

"What do we have here?" She whispered, sliding her hands out she deposited the contents of the shelf in her transit suit. Standing, she quickly made her way out of the church and back to her bike down the street. She'd take a better look at whatever she had recovered when she got some place she felt secure.

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2003 7:10 am
by Serious Paul
Smoke grinned at Abe. They'd been enjoying the down time at the Razers Edge, a seedy bar down behind the tracks near the docks. It turned out the Ork was a load of laughs and for some reason he tickled the old one pink. The old wolf grinned, which made him look similar to a really feral Wiley E. Coyote and threw hsi head back to howl in laughter every few minutes. His mood was infectous, and Smoke had relaxed considerably.

"So what do you think Abe?"

"About what?" the Ork dealt another hand of Tunk the Shaman, who had one the worst poker faces he'd ever seen. It was a shame they hadn't been playing for money. Abe checked his chronometer quickly and wondered how much longer it'd be till Kami showed, and briefly wondered what the hell that damned creepy ass Mage they'd picked up with this job had been doing all this time.


Abe shrugged his shoulders, and waited for the Shaman to discard. "I dunno, he seems like a real prick."

"He stinks."

Abe looked up a little surprised, and said "Huh?"

"He smells really bad. Under all that damn exspensive perfume he smells like, well like shit. i've never met anyone who smelt that bad before. Do they all smell that way?"

"What do you mean do they all smell that way?" Abe's gaze was intense, and he wondered what the hell this kid was getting on about."Wanna clue me in chummer?"

"He's a ghoul."

"A what?"


Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2003 7:17 am
by Serious Paul
Nekekami pulled the bike over to the curb, halting just inches from the raised curb. gryce had picked an odd spot to be picked up from. The Seattle Vietnam Veterans Memorial was a fading relic from a bygone era of history, close to a hundred years old it hadn't seen any funds since the collapse of the old United States, and was the worse for wear. Some history buffs had obviously taken it upon themselves to preserve the black marble wall.

He found Gryce midway down, staring at the names on the wall. Nekekami leaned against one the of the parks lights and watched the motionless mage. His exspensive suit, and designer perfumes covered something up. He knew that as sure as he knew Gryce had the same sort of military gait their Johnson had, even a similar hair style. he'd term it popular mid level field grade officers if he knew about that sort of thing.

Pulling his zippo from his coat he made a show of audibly lighting his nicstick and taking a drag off of it. He'd learned respect a long time ago.

"You ready to roll Omae?"

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2003 1:53 am
by Gryce
"I have a difficult time imagining a day in which I would be your omae, Nekekami. Nevertheless, I am ready." With deference to their close physical contact, Gryce carefully sat on the back of the bike and took hold of the handpegs. "Just, please, do me a favor and try not to do something characteristic for your sort, and get us killed in an encounter with fast-moving traffic. I have things to do, and dying is not one of them."

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2004 1:12 am
by Serious Paul
Nekekami grinned and leaped back onto his bike, revving the rice burners engine in a smooth practiced motion. "I'll see what I can do oh friendly one." And as Gryce wrapped his leg over the bike he roared into traffic. "We're meeting Abe and the others at a bar called the razors Edge, its just a temporary set up. Once we have them and Quicksilver we'll set about getting a better place to get down to business."