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Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 11:46 pm
by Cazmonster
I had an idea about how Justice United could have survived from '69 to '04 without aging. It depends a great deal on how we were trapped by the bad guys.

I thought it might have been possible for Doctor Cosmos to try to warp the team to Major Justice using his dimensional powers, but the Doomsday Device and the Infinity Engine interacted badly and trapped the group in a static dimensional bubble.

I'm betting you've got a cooler idea about the suspended animation, but I figured I'd throw this one out there.

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2003 8:36 pm
by Bethyaga
Cazmonster wrote:I had an idea about how Justice United could have survived from '69 to '04 without aging. It depends a great deal on how we were trapped by the bad guys.

I thought it might have been possible for Doctor Cosmos to try to warp the team to Major Justice using his dimensional powers, but the Doomsday Device and the Infinity Engine interacted badly and trapped the group in a static dimensional bubble.

I'm betting you've got a cooler idea about the suspended animation, but I figured I'd throw this one out there.
I have no problem building from there, Caz. I'd love to imagine that Cosmos had a dimensional/space warping ability to transport the team, and that was part of what trapped you. But I'll add that as you activated your device to carry the team to the Major, you had just long enough to realize that something was wrong--it was a trap.
Someone knew your methods well enough to predict this move and used your own ability to alter your destination.

From your subjective timeframe about two or three minutes pass in this sort of gray flux-filled limbo. You all feel the change in yourselves as your abilities are subtly (and not so subtly) altered by the flux exposure. You have time to even talk to one another during the transition.

As far as you know, you just left the Union Hall, and were expecting to drop in on a combat in progress, ready to help your fearless leader. But you realize that someone has changed the course of your destiny. As Cosmos examines the flux around the team, he realizes they are trapped here indefinitely--but then something or someone intervenes in some way that is very obvious (but yet to be determined) to pull you from limbo and back into the world.

Subjective time: maybe five minutes all told. The team will have a hard time believing that they just missed 35 years, much less that the battle they missed led to the end of the world.

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2003 8:22 am
by Cypherpunk
I want to apologise for not producing my character like I promised. I've already done a lot of the number crunching, but I'm not satisfied with that yet, and though the rough outlines of the background is in my head, it's not solid enough to put up a first draft that Bethy and I can go a few round over.

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2003 5:05 pm
by Cazmonster
I forgot to say it out loud before. Bethy - your adjustment to the origin story is perfect.

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2003 3:47 pm
by Kai
I have a book! Which means I should have a draft, hopefully close to final, come the weekend.

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 4:29 am
by Kai
Okay, Nighthawk, take one, please point out anything glaringly wrong or who be better

Strengh 15
Dexterity 20
Constitution 12
Intellgence 18
Wisdom 10
Charisma 14


Acrobatics 7 (+2 Jump synergy bonus)
Balance 7 (+2 Acrobatic synergy bonus)
Disable Device 5
Escape Artist 7
Hide 5
Jump 7 (+2 Acrobatic synergy bonus)
Listen 4
Move Silently 5
Open Lock 5/7 (+2 synergy from Disable Device when electronic lock)
Read Lips 2
Search 3
Spot 3

54 points

instand Stand
Throwing Mastery

12 points

Base Attack Bonus +5
Defense Bones +4


Deflection 3 ranks @ 3/rank, +2 for stunt
- Power Stunt (Catch)
- Extra (Automatic)

Gadgets 3 ranks @ 1/rank

Armor 2 ranks @ 2/rank
- Extra (Blending)

Super-Senses 2 ranks @ 2/rank

Strike 3 ranks @ 2/rank, +2 for stunt
- Power Stunt (Dual Damage)

Super Dexterity 3 ranks @ 4/rank

42 points
- 10

Weakness (Agoraphobia in non urban areas)

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 6:15 am
by Kai
And the background.

Growing up half-japanese in New York City, Risa Johnson learned to defend herself and escape notice at an early age. She started to use her talents for crime when her mother had to be hospitalized and have surgury and her overworked and underpaid father couldn't find the money to pay for it. At first it was small things, and easily sold things, but then it got to be more expensive things to pay the bills.

Her talent was noticed by people, and she started doing jobs for others in exchange for money for her family. When her mother died from complications, and later her father from suicide, she devoted herself to her work, learning from the best safecrackers and sneaks, and soon she had a reputation as Nighthawk, a master thief who couldn't be caught. Jewels, bonds, priceless art, she took whatever someone was willing to pay for across the world.

Then, she took a job to steal a weapon prototype and was faced with Justice United. Her activities had been beneth their radar for a long time, but now they had decided to capture her. She proved hard to catch over the next year, but every time they denied her her goal, too. In the end, Major Justice caught her and brought her to justice.

He visited her regulary while she served her time and taught her why she had been wrong. Due to her good behavior and Major Justice's recommendation, she was released from prison and joined Justice United to use her talents for good.

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 7:14 pm
by kyle
Okay, here's my modified Aries. Essentially I fixed my math (i miscalculated in several places) and realized that I hadn't spent all my alotted points. I also deleted my post cognition- it was cool to speak to cryptic titans, but I needed the points to get the takedown feat (which is cooler). I also added to my attack bonus. Here's the new stats, which total 160 (given my weakness):

Abilities: Strength: 20 +3 xtra attack bonus
Dexterity: 16 +2 xtra defense bonus
Constitution: 20
Intelligence: 16
Wisdom: 12
Charisma: 16

Total Pnt. Cost: 53

Skills: Knowledge x10: comprehensive history prior to the fall
Intimidate x4: total modifier +4 (+5 on normal sized creatures due to Growth modifier)
Attack Focus: Weapon +1 Attack

Total Pnt. Cost: 15

Feats: Endurance: +4 for End. Checks
Immunities to: Age, Disease, Exhaustion, Poison, Pressure, Starvation, Suffocation
Detect Immortals
Power Attack
Takedown Attack

Total Pnt. Cost: 22

Powers: Growth x 4 (Xtras- Continuous, Leaping, Flaw- Always on):
9 feet tall; 600 pounds; Attk/Dfns Modifier –1
Includes add’l Powers:
Immovability x4
Protection x4
Super Strength x4

Amazing Save (Damage) x 3

Amazing Save (Fortitude) x 3

Comprehend x 10 (Flaw- only applies to pre-fall human languages)

Weapon- Double-sided Halberd/Warhammer x 5 (Power Stunt- Dual Damage):
+ 5 Damage

Armor x 5 (Prometheous’ Hide): +5 Protection

Regeneration x 10: Regain 1 stun and lethal hit per round.

Total Pnt. Cost: 70

Weakness: Berserker (+10 points): Will-based save at beginning of each combat; If fail do all out-
attacks (preferably) until all foes disposed of; then will-based save again; If fail
attack nearest ally or bystander; will-based save again at each new round with
+1 cumulative modifier for each successive round.

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2003 5:51 pm
by Bethyaga
Kai wrote:Weakness (Agoraphobia in non urban areas)
You must really love me.

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2003 6:00 pm
by Bethyaga
Both of these look really good. I'm gonna plug 'em into my spreadsheet later for reference and to make sure the numbers balance and nothing got overlooked (not that I don't trust you).

Nighthawk is about how I envisioned her from your initial thoughts. This is good. Interestingly, there is a hero named Raven in the adventure at the back of the M&M book who is extremely similar in theme to Nighthawk, right down to the avian-themed name and the fact that she is half-Asian. Feel free to read over her character description (if you haven't already) for thoughts, reference, etc. The only thing that stands out is that as a character that is so skills-oriented, Raven has Super-Int and Super-Wis based on her intense training; along with the Super-Dex, that gives a substantial boost to almost every skill the dark knight style character would use. Just thoughts though--don't feel a need to change anything just cuz I spout off randomly.

Aries is just a cool-ass battle machine. His numbers are closer to what I was imagining now. In particular, I love having mega-regeneration as a guy's primary defense, and his minion crunching abilities are just sweet.

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2003 6:01 pm
by Cazmonster
One thing I would point out about Nighthawk's Gadget power is that 3 ranks of power is not going to do much, especially given the cost of using the Gadget power.

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2003 6:09 pm
by Bethyaga

[All times are US Central Standard Time (GMT -06:00)]

We need to get the holidays out of the way, and then two of my boys have birthdays in the middle of January, and then there's New Years after. Therefore, I'm looking at...

Friday, January 23
Saturday, January 24

Friday, February 6
Saturday, February 7

Any of these days, I would expect that we would start at 8pm or 9pm and run a session that can be anywhere from 3 to 8 hours long (that's up to you).

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2003 6:18 pm
by Kai
Bethy - yes :) She won't know it until it happens, but the whole idea of not being surrounded by concrete and people nearly 24/7 is going to wig her out a lot :)
As for Raven, will do. Oddly enough, Nighthawk was your standard blond haired, blue eyed, white bread american until I went and played with the UGO hero builder (results when I get home and can upload) and there was a awesome nifty hawk looking mon in the insignia catagory that I simply had to use :)

Caz: Yeah, its not super powerful, just a little wildcard oomph, I really wanted her more based in her skills. (Which incidentally, minor oops. Talented applies to Hide and Move Silently to bring them up to 7)

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2003 2:17 am
by Kai

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2003 11:34 pm
by kyle
Nice pic- when is anyone else going to post up a picture from ugo?

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2004 10:42 pm
by Bethyaga
Okay--quick survey:

Does Friday or Saturday work better for people?

Are there any weekends coming up that simply don't work for anyone?

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2004 12:33 am
by Thorn
I think the Feb dates would work best for us, and either one would I think be fine. The Jan dates might still work, but I know there's a nephew birthday party around then and a friend of mine is due to give birth any day now, so we're probably heading out of town for /some/ weekend in January, I'm just not sure which yet. If the Jan dates are the only ones that work for anyone else, we can probably manage it, though in that case I'd request Friday rather than Saturday.

Oh, and uh.... I'll get my character made up shortly. Now that the holidays are over I should be able to actually focus on something /else/ for a change.

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2004 2:26 am
by Kai
Any of those dates will work for me as of right now, and either or on Friday/Saturday

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2004 10:55 am
by DV8
You guys are 7 hours behind me, so 8pm would equate to 3am for me. I have to think about this because, realistically, I don't see how this could work in a way that I'd be a productive member of this gaming group.

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2004 5:42 pm
by Bethyaga
I would be disappointed to lose you, Deev, but you do what you gotta do. I expect that this would be a total of 2 or 3 game sessions, each about a month apart and all at about the same time. If it doesn't work for you, just let me know. A gang of four was my original plan, so we'll be able to make it work.

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2004 2:09 am
by Bethyaga
Okay, players, I making a GM call and saying we're on for Saturday, February 7, starting at 8pm Central Standard Time.

If there's gonna be a problem, let me know and we'll work around it.

Deev, I've simply been assuming from your last post that you are considering yourself out. I'm currently designing the adventure around that (it makes a big difference to the plot). If my assumption is incorrect, let me know as soon as possible.

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2004 10:21 am
by DV8
Okay, no more poncing around. Yes, I am out. I've been trying to see if I could shove some responsibilities around so that I could free up some time, but it isn't happening.

I'm wondering if it would be possible for one of you guys to keep the irc logs so that I could read it later?

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2004 3:37 pm
by Bethyaga

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2004 8:44 pm
by Bethyaga
August 1, 1969. It begins as a day like any other. But the relative tranquility of the last several weeks is shattered by a report that Dr. Apocalypse has resurfaced. The world had thought him dead after a new volcano rose through the center of his hidden base (an accident resulting from his failed attempt to threaten New York City). Now, like the proverbial bad apple though, he is back. And in the office of the president of the United States, no less. According to the garbled transmission, he is in the Oval Office, holding the president hostage with what he claims is a new version of his Apocalypse Engine.

Naturally, Major Justice is first on the scene, but he has called for the other members of the American Union of Justice to assemble and join him as rapidly as possible. Avenger and Gantron were in the DC area, and head there immediately. The remaining active-duty members of the Union gather in the Justice Hall. They are:

Doctor Cosmos--master of the cosmic flux
Aries--god of war
Nighthawk--protector of the night
Dakota Lang--resident extraordinary adventurer
White Mouse and Rook--a husband and wife team. The white mouse has shrinking powers, and her husband Rook is a teleporter of sorts
Silver Sorceress--mistress of the mystic arts
Apollo--(not the actual god) youngest member of Union; a speedster with golden armor and formidable combat skills

The eight Union members assemble and Doctor Cosmos creates a comic portal that will carry them to the fray. However, as soon as he has engulfed his teammates in cosmic energy, he realizes that something is quite wrong. They are not transported to anywhere, and Cosmos cannot drop the energy field. Something has trapped them in a sort of cosmic limbo and there is no obvious way out.

Around them is nothing but the white noise feel of static. The ground beneath them seems solid enough, but as much as they may walk away or walk around, they all remain somehow together. In frustration, Apollo takes off at top speed, and even after 20 seconds of running, he still winds up facing his teammates.

Everyone is feeling uneasy. White Mouse has become quite ill and lies weakly at her husband's feet. The Sorceress seems strangely dreamy and distracted, as if her attention is somewhere else entirely.


I think this will be where we start. If anyone wants to add or change details, feel free.

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2004 1:26 pm
by Bethyaga
And to answer Kyle's question... no, I'm not adding a slew of NPCs to the game. I hate having to run NPCs as good guys. Plot devices and red shirts, if anything.

Caz and Thorn, you've still got a couple weeks to finalize characters.

And if everyone can just give me an aye on the time so I know we're all on the same page...

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2004 3:47 pm
by Cazmonster
I thought I got you a final version of Doctor Cosmos.

Thorn does indeed have to work on her character.

Once in a great while, Cazmonster can delight in using the little known guilt-trip on Thorn. This is definitely one of those times.

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2004 9:52 pm
by Kai
Time is still good for me

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2004 3:25 am
by Bethyaga
Cazmonster wrote:I thought I got you a final version of Doctor Cosmos.
Oh, yeah you did. There he is.
Thorn does indeed have to work on her character.
Lazy lazy woman. Like pregnancy is some sort of excuse. ;)

Speaking of which, I don't know how much of a hardship late night gaming is going to be for her. I know Mrs. Beth tended to be in bed by 8pm while pregnant. In any case, I'm anticipating it to be around four or five hours (til midnight or so), but I definitely want to continue it into a second or third session rather than try to rush to squeeze everything in in one night.

And Thorn, assuming you don't plan to have the catheter installed by then, we'll plan on taking a lot of pee breaks.

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2004 2:28 pm
by kyle
Bethyaga wrote:Lazy lazy woman. Like pregnancy is some sort of excuse. ;)
My wife's been lazy for eight years straight.

Just so you know my dedication, we were supposed to go camping with the kids on the 7th and now we're postponing it a week for the game.

Obviously I have my priorities straight.

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2004 9:25 am
by Thorn
Bethyaga wrote:
Cazmonster wrote:Thorn does indeed have to work on her character.
Lazy lazy woman. Like pregnancy is some sort of excuse. ;)

Speaking of which, I don't know how much of a hardship late night gaming is going to be for her. I know Mrs. Beth tended to be in bed by 8pm while pregnant. In any case, I'm anticipating it to be around four or five hours (til midnight or so), but I definitely want to continue it into a second or third session rather than try to rush to squeeze everything in in one night.

And Thorn, assuming you don't plan to have the catheter installed by then, we'll plan on taking a lot of pee breaks.
*Thorn shamelessly plays the pregnancy card to excuse her terrible distraction of late.*

Well, if it's any comfort, at least it's still me, the great insomniac, so gaming until late won't be a problem (as evidenced by the lateness of this post, for example). But yeah, pee breaks will make me happy. Or, more to the point, will mean you don't sit there going, "Okay, so Thorn's character is doing what? Uh, Thorn? Thorn? Thoooooorn??" :)

Somebody tell Caz to drag me out to a cafe this weekend with the books in tow, we'll get my character all sorted out.

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2004 6:42 pm
by Kai
hangs head

It was a good schedule up until about 3 days ago. Can we switch to Friday the 6th, or go to the next weekend (yes I know its Valentine's Day weekend)?

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2004 9:12 pm
by Cazmonster
Bad Bad Kai! No soup for you.

I can live with the 6th, at least I don't have any reasons why I can't right now.

And yes, I will be taking my wonderful wife out for italian steamers and Mutants and Masterminds.

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2004 12:16 am
by kyle
The 6th works for me- but Valentine's weekend doesn't.

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2004 4:26 am
by Bethyaga
The 6th will work.

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2004 5:35 pm
by kyle
It's spelled ARES- not Aries.

And by the way, thanks to everybody for not pointing that out to me. I know you didn't want to shame me by pointing out my ignorance, but now I'm that fucking guy at the party blissfully unaware that his shirtail has been sticking out his fly for the last two hours.

It's not my fault--- I'm the product of public education.

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2004 7:02 pm
by kyle
Here's the back story for Ares. It's told in the first person and (as usual) it got out of hand and went for three pages. So I'll break it up into a few posts.

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2004 7:03 pm
by kyle
“Ares, exceeding in strength, chariot-rider, golden- helmed, doughty in heart, shield-bearer, Saviour of cities, harnessed in bronze, strong of arm, unwearying, mighty with the spear, O defence of Olympus, father of warlike Victory, ally of Themis, stern governor of the rebellious, leader of righteous men, sceptred King of manliness, who whirl your fiery sphere among the planets in their sevenfold courses through the aether wherein your blazing steeds ever bear you above the third firmament of heaven; hear me, helper of men, giver of dauntless youth! Shed down a kindly ray from above upon my life, and strength of war, that I may be able to drive away bitter cowardice from my head and crush down the deceitful impulses of my soul. Restrain also the keen fury of my heart which provokes me to tread the ways of blood-curdling strife. Rather, O blessed one, give you me boldness to abide within the harmless laws of peace, avoiding strife and hatred and the violent fiends of death.”

Homer. Man, those were the days.

This is not the time to give you the whole rundown of my history. Besides, you’ve already read it all in grade school. Being a Greek god, it’s hard to have a private life. Even now in my diminutive state, I tend to get noticed at the butcher shop when my ten-foot frame ducks through the doorway. It also doesn’t help that I’m almost always in costume.

I’m Ares, the Greek god of war. Mostly everything you read in school about me is true. Or at least it used to be true before my sentence was imposed. Yes, I am the god of war. I used to thirst for blood and battle. I salivated for the Spartans and the Greeks to get riled up again and start hacking at each other. Despite what you may have heard, however, I didn’t normally takes sides. I simply fought for the side that was losing.-- it perpetuated the fighting.

You may have heard a few stories about me. Yes, it was me that was having a secret liaison with Aphrodite behind the back of her husband, Hephaistos. Not the smartest move, by the way. When you’re the god of war, don’t make the mistake of having privileges with the wife of the official blacksmith to Mount Olympus. Needless to say, me holy supply of weapons and armor dribbled out. See this armor I’m wearing? I’m proud of this. Needing something to protect me (and Hephaistos putting up a “No Gods of War” sign on his front door) I flayed this off of Prometheus himself. Not that it was hard to do, him being chained to that rock and all. You know, sometimes I get down on myself and start thinking about how much it stinks being sentenced to walk with the mortals for five thousand years. But then I think of those vultures picking out Prometheus’s liver every day and I think, “Could be worse.”

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2004 7:04 pm
by kyle
It’s funny, I think that less is known about me then almost any other of the real gods. I mean, Athena, sure everyone knows her- the hunt, the spawning. Hermes, with his funny little wings on his feet. Heck, you probably talk about my son, Phobos, more than you do me. God of panic. I mean what is that? That kid is worthless. The best thing about him is that I was with Aphrodite to have him. I mean what is the god of panic and how can he possibly be related to the god of war? Pathetic. Why can’t he be more like his brother, Eros—now that kid has class. That’s right. He’s mine too.

Anyhow, so your looking at me. This ten foot giant dressed in tights, a weird cape and open-toed sandals, and your thinking, “Wow, this guy’s tough. I mean, he could beat on everyone in this butcher shop. But Kronos? The titans? No way. This guy’s not that tough.” Look mister, it is documented fact that Zeus and I were responsible for bringing down those titans, and in those days we barely had more than brawn and our own hands. But you have to remember that all that was before the Sentence. I was three times as tall then as I am now. Heck, all gods were. You have to understand, back then we glowed. To simply behold us revealed the power crackling behind our eyes. Why do you think Zeus was so lucky with the ladies? That kind of power is irresistible. You truly think you are invincible.

That’s what I thought at least. Then I met her. I don't have words to say it, but let's just say she was a knockout. And when I say knockout, you gotta understand that you can’t even envision this kind of beauty. She made Helen look like Hephaistos. Anyhow, Zeus had his eye on her and, you know how it was—What Zeus wants, Zeus gets. But this was at the height of Rome. I mean, back then Zeus involved with everything that walked. He was with her, he was with the milkmaids, he was with the cow-girl. It was disgusting. And let me tell you, this girl deserved better. And I gave her better. I treated her like Hera.

Well needless to say she grew heavy with my child. Zeus knew right away. Like I said, divinity crackles with power and he could tell it was mine even in-utero. He was furious, he totally disavowed any involvement and punished her by simply depriving her of our presence. He was passed the “turn your hair into a bed of snakes” phase. She was sworn to never be in the presence of the gods again. But what Zeus forgot is that she had my seed within her. And let me tell you, when that little son-of-a-gun was born you could tell he was my kid. With gods, you know, the power just seethes through your pores.

I didn’t get off so lucky. Zeus was fed up, and it’s not like I had many friends in Olympus at the time. And… well… it’s also not like this is the first time this has happened. So Zeus gives me the ultimate punishment. He could have killed me. Heck, he’s done it before. But he knows as well as I do that we always strike a deal with Hades and end up at his doorstep again in a couple weeks. Nope, Zeus gave me the worst—live with the mortals. He took my divinity. He made me a normal mortal, subject to all the same perils and maladies that you people suffer. It stinks.

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2004 7:05 pm
by kyle
So you’re saying, “You don’t look that mortal to me, Mr. Ten Foot beast.” Well you’re right. Zeus didn’t really take away my immortality, but he took most of it. I don’t have to eat, sleep, breath or age. I don’t get sick. I’m still huge and could probably pick a car up over my head with a little effort. But for all intents and purposes, I’m one of you. I’m not ten percent the god I was. The worst part is that you people don’t even know that I’m a god—or was a god, I should say.

And yes, I can die. I’ve given thought to that, you know. Why don’t I just inflict the trigger effect on myself and make yet another deal with Hades to walk from the gates of Hell rejuvenated. Phoenix reborn. Yeah, well maybe it won’t work. Maybe Zeus did something that won’t let me do that. Maybe my indecision has exposed me to the mortal life so much that I’m now more human than god. Maybe I won’t want out of Hell. Maybe Phobos didn’t fall far from the tree.

So here I am. Not a man; not quite a god.

I’ve wandered the earth as a mortal for nearly a couple thousand years now. I’ve seen everything important enough to be taught in your history classes. I’ve tried to be contemplative, living alone in the swamps to sort things out. But when it comes down to it, I need the battle. I always get drawn back into the fray. I fought against the Macedonians, the Huns, the South and the Germans (twice). I can’t help but live in the moment of battle. And not just skirmishes. I need battles of epic proportions. Countries pitted against countries. Continents colliding. I need war.

And then you mortals through me a curve ball I couldn’t anticipate. You developed weapons so powerful that no one went to war anymore. Sure there were uprisings in remote parts of the country, but those aren’t wars. No, with your nuclear weapons and your devastating “first strike” capabilities, you created a situation where no one is brave enough to go to war. Everyone fears the consequences of war. It appears that in my absence, Phobos may have taken over Olympus.

Without war, I thought there was nothing for me. But then I met Major Justice and learned another way. Justice showed me that there are still epic struggles. He showed me that there are still perils which endanger the earth. He showed me that I can still fight for something, for a cause. He showed me that I was still needed to battle.

So that’s my story. I’m a “superhero.” I hang out and wait for the next time we have to pit ourselves against the never-ending efforts of the forces of evil. It’s not that bad. At least, it’s something to do.

You know, I don’t really want to go back to being one of the most powerful gods again. I just want war. Real war. This hero stuff is fine. But what I wouldn’t give for an earth-shattering, generation-killing war. I guess those days are behind me.

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2004 7:40 am
by Thorn
kyle wrote:It's spelled ARES- not Aries.

And by the way, thanks to everybody for not pointing that out to me. I know you didn't want to shame me by pointing out my ignorance, but now I'm that fucking guy at the party blissfully unaware that his shirtail has been sticking out his fly for the last two hours.

It's not my fault--- I'm the product of public education.
Dude. They're both viable spellings. The "no-I" thing is pretty recent, and imo, kinda dumb. Unless you're going to go around pronouncing it AIR-ess as opposed to AIR-ees. Me, I stick with the second pronunciation, and thus the spelling with the I. But it's your character, spell it "Sade" if you like. ;)

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2004 1:21 am
by kyle
The worst part is that Bethy told me it was Ares in the very beginning and I still forgot.

So are we going to play or not? Are we going to get any other kind of over the top back story or not?

It's almost February. I just want to make sure we're on.

Re: Doctor Cosmos - Bio

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2004 4:52 pm
by Cazmonster
Mine's been up for two months...

So far as I know, we're solid for next weekend.
Cazmonster wrote:Doctor Robert Quimby unlocked the secrets of cosmic energy after long and painstaking research. His own studies in cosmic power were based largely on the work of Einstein and Oppenheimer. However, he discovered alternate dimensions and that phenomenal power, the sort that created the entire universe, waited to be tapped in the spaces between them. He had seen the effect of the atomic bombs, and swore to keep secret his discovery, lest far more dangerous weapons be created and used in future wars.

However, his home city of Chicago had become dangerous and unruly after World War Two. Many men came home to find their jobs had moved to the coasts. The gangsters who had run Chicago in his childhood were returning to power. Their sons were everywhere, buying up and controlling legitimate businesses and using them to fund crimes all over the States.

Quimby decided that he would use his discovery to make things right. Arming himself with the Infinity Engine and his Quantum Blaster, Doctor Cosmos took to the streets. His original costume was much like the rest of the cape and cowl brigade: long black trench coat, fedora and face-obscuring silver scarf. His powers were never subtle. The quantum blaster fired what looked and sounded like lightning bolts. The Infinity Engine always hummed and burbled to itself loudly enough that it masked normal conversation. When it was activated, it roared and squealed like a building-sized radio tuned to static.

In a career that spanned five years, he thwarted dozens of gangsters and put the O’Banyons, the Vlatosks, and Carmine Frattelli behind bars. Lucian Washington, the massive black gang-lord of the South Side was the first man Doctor Cosmos was forced to kill. The Presidents had taken most of City Hall hostage, along with his wife, Cynthia. In a cataclysmic battle against half a dozen techno-armored thugs, Doctor Cosmos detonated a quantum singularity against Washington’s Soviet-designed battlesuit, killing him instantly. The resulting vortex yanked Doctor Cosmos out of our reality and into dimensions unknown, but not before his wife and the leaders of Chicago saw Robert Quimby revealed as Doctor Cosmos.

For another three years, Doctor Cosmos attempted to find his way back to the Earth dimension. He had many adventures on strange worlds and honed his control over the Infinity Engine. In time, he returned to Earth to be restored to his grateful family and a joyous Chicago. He continued his career as a hero and dimensional traveler, becoming a long-standing member of Justice United.

As of the events leading to Legacy of Justice, Doctor Cosmos was 54.

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2004 3:09 pm
by kyle
Sorry Caz, you were right. And nice backstory it is too.

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2004 5:55 pm
by Cazmonster
Thanks Kyle.

Bethy - got a question for you, it's for Thorn's character.

Dakota had been a stunt performer of exceptional caliber before becoming a hero. Can she take the multishot feat and apply it to fusillades of throwing knives?

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2004 7:59 am
by Bethyaga
Cazmonster wrote:Thanks Kyle.

Bethy - got a question for you, it's for Thorn's character.

Dakota had been a stunt performer of exceptional caliber before becoming a hero. Can she take the multishot feat and apply it to fusillades of throwing knives?
Shit. I missed this question somehow.

The answer is: sure, why not.

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2004 9:28 am
by Cazmonster
Roxxor teh boxxor

Of course, with all of the craziness, it has fallen to me to get Dakota Lang's stats cranked out, you'll see her tomorrow.

Gah! Twins!!

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2004 9:40 pm
by Kai
Just a last minute type check, we still on for tonight?

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2004 9:48 pm
by Cazmonster
Bethyaga wrote:
Cazmonster wrote:Thanks Kyle.

Bethy - got a question for you, it's for Thorn's character.

Dakota had been a stunt performer of exceptional caliber before becoming a hero. Can she take the multishot feat and apply it to fusillades of throwing knives?
Shit. I missed this question somehow.

The answer is: sure, why not.
Dur - just actually read the rules and Multishot is nothing more than rapid shot with a multifire weapon. I am SMRT.

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2004 12:45 am
by Bethyaga
Yeah, we're still on tonight. I'm already in IRC. Kyle's way too excited. We're here.

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2004 1:12 am
by Cazmonster
Kickass! Totally ready to rock! Of course, Thorn just got her mitts on Dakota Lang, so it should be one heck of a fun game.