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Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 4:08 pm
by 3278
Peter possessed no illusions regarding his personal abilities: tests had shown that out of a group of a million people, he was statistically likely to be the most intelligent. More, his mind had been trained, honed, carefully molded into a strong will, resistant to distraction or difficulty, single-minded and determined. He knew any man of lesser will would have died by now. His spells, and the interpretations of them which Ajax had correctly noted very few people outside of academia indulged in, were immensely powerful, capable of enormous destruction or selective manipulation in equal measure. This was not his world, but the laws of metaphysics were unchanged, and the rules of this strange game he found himself playing did not seem complex. He turned his mind to the intrusion as he would to any hypothetical situation, and inserted the chip into the expansion slot on the Frommer's Guide. It had a basic text reader, but the formatting was distressed, and he automatically swiveled his head, looking for someone else's to lift over to him.

But no, hadn't Ajax just this second told him to avoid such displays? He had grown too accustomed to a life beneath notice, and hiding came strangely to him. Still, it was another rule he needed to follow, so he tried to integrate it into his mind, as if weaving a restriction into the pattern of a spell. Magic was often easier than self-psychology.

"It seems we're not really well-equipped to deal with this situation smoothly. The obvious choices for the two security jobs would be Roger and I, though I'm not so keen on putting Peter in the waiting staff," Ajaz said, looking over to Peter with a weak smile, "No offense intended, don't turn me into a devil rat." He sighed, "Perhaps I should be on the waiting staff, doing the manual labour, and Alley can be on the waiting staff service food and beverages. Perhaps we can move either Roger or Peter over to the bartender's position, to have some more people in the building. Alley, are you technically proficient enough to provide the hookup?"

Peter chuckled. "No offense. I used to do wait staff in the summers, but I don't think I'm your guy for it anymore." He leafed through the documentation Blake had given them, increasingly drawn into this bizarre world of disguises and security, gun dealers and combat mages.

That would be a challenge. Magical security was said to be tight, although he didn't see much specific information on the surface; he preferred to make his own judgments, anyway, but continued to browse in search of more magical details. This Goddard character wasn't someone Peter recognized the name of, but he was familiar enough with the type, having had more than one pass through his classes. Then he thought of Marita and frowned; the information did say Goddard was an investigator, as well. That would require some thought. In any case, he couldn't just barge in, invisible or otherwise, and plant the data tap; there was only so much Masking could do to obscure the aura in astral space; though Peter's condition tended to pollute astral space, making visibility difficult, it took time to build up, and any elemental or watcher would likely spot him very quickly, unless he hid cleverly, say beneath the water or within a hedge. If Goddard had set up the security, Peter was convinced it was possible to penetrate, as elementals had less area-awareness than their nature spirit counterparts, but there was no guarantee Goddard was the only person who had a hand in it.

Peter had no gift for spirits, no means of dealing with them besides destruction, which tended to be noticeable. Though he could astrally perceive, he often neglected to do so; to him, magic was a personal and mental exercise, and the magic of others was only studied when necessary. He would have to remember to look about astrally more often, but that still did not change the fact that he could not project, although he could yet cast spells at spirits which had not manifested. Nevertheless, spirits were going to be a difficulty for him.

He hadn't had real food in a while; magic kept him alive, in its stead. He had little desire to tamper with matters now, so he simply chose a water from the table menu, which a moment later was delivered by a small servitor drone, water apparently being all the device was entrusted with. Peter had noticed that the astral bleed was worse when he was not focusing, so he carefully and surreptitiously formed a small cylinder of force within his glass. He was quite skilled with the telekinetic spells, even constructing lenses and cones with it to make possible magic sight and hearing - two other assets in this scenario, he realized - and it was just such a delicate manipulation he attempted now, spreading the air molecules apart just above his force cylinder, creating a zone of lesser air pressure so that the weight of air on the water in the glass pushed it up the tube; in a moment, there was a straw in his glass, apparently made of transparent plastic, but truly made from water and his own barrier, which glowed weakly enough to be missed entirely in these conditions. He dropped his head and sucked carefully, leaving the water level at the top of his "straw," but drinking slowly; surely, this was what Ajax had intended when he indicated that Peter should not draw attention to them.

Three infiltrators, one of whom would be required to get a data tap into the house and hooked up. Really, they all may as well take one, even Peter: "plug it in" was a pretty simple operation, and if one were caught, the others might yet have the opportunity to plant the device. Perhaps he could swoop in, apparently quietly, but very noticeable once the spirits got on him, and plant such a device himself. Security would check where he'd been, find the device, and perhaps not search the rest of the house too closely, since the offending situation would have been dealt with. Still, that was a bit high-profile for the apparent tastes of these professionals.

Perhaps Peter could secret himself on the island in the form of a bird, or insect, or rodent. To place another's Absolute form over your own aura was not a difficult application to Mask, given that you did not have to suppress - or "gray out," as was said in the trade - your own aura, only change it to match that of a mundane bird. He would still retain the ability to cast other spells, including his magic sight and hearing, and the spirits would not likely think twice about him. Only another Initiate mage with Masking could pierce his, and who would think to concentrate to heavily on a harmless gull? It was a thought, anyway. Certainly it would be less intrusive than any attempt he might make to pretend to be a security guard or bartender.

He waited to hear what the others had to say; they were better-qualified than he to decide tactics, though his input would be helpful. Besides, he didn't even know what these people were capable of. His own magical ability was clear, but what did Roger do? Alley? Perhaps Ajax was muscle, but he seemed too well-spoken to fit only in that role. Perhaps he should simply ask them all, but the etiquette of the shadows was unknown to him.

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 3:57 am
by Roger Arneault
"How interested in this are we?" Roger's words were quiet, but a little too cold to be conversational. "I mean how much leg work do we want to do here? I, for one, find Mr. Blake and his sincerity less than convincing. But if we want to just take this, and let the pieces fall where they may...then so be it."

He let the unasked questions hang there, silent and ready to be answered-but patient enough to wait.

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 8:12 am
by Ajax
"Wait," Ajax said, "Perhaps we should start with some introductions, or at the very least tell eachother what role you are comfortable in serving and what your skill-set consists of. Now, I know enough about Peter, I think, unless he thinks there's more to tell, but what about the two of you, what's your specialty?" He looked from Roger to Alley and back.

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 5:39 pm
by Roger Arneault
Roger took a long swig from his from his glass, counting silently to five before replying. "Right now you can call me cynical. " Roger chuckled, and continued, "But if it comes down to it I can take care of whatever we need me to do."

Roger took a roll of quarters from his pocket, and broke off about half. He stacked them neatly on his elbow, and looking at the others he flung them into the air shifting his elbow so that he caught them in his palm.

Roger stood, and set his quarters on the table. "Excuse me." And with that he walked over to the bathroom.

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 8:03 pm
by Alleycat
"My specialty?" Alley looked up from her pocket secretary at Ajax. "Knowing that right now Peter's nervous of saying or doing something inappropriate. Knowing you aren't entirely comfortable with the position of lead but think we stand the best chance if you step up into it. Knowing Roger would rather be doing more action and less talking but has likely been burned bad in the past by jumping into something too fast." Taking a sip of her drink, she continued. "My job is to read people and make anyone I meet an asset to the team or the job, or remove them from the equation entirely." She smiled in a friendly, approachable, and slightly clueless manner, a very different picture than her cool attitude of five seconds ago. "I'm everyone's friend, and I'd love to be a waitress."

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 8:19 pm
by Roger Arneault
Roger finished pissing, and turned to face the sink. The bathroom was small, and luckily empty. Roger washed his hands and stared at himself in the mirror. Quickly taking stock of his equipment, he straightened his jacket and opened the door.

Time to go back out there.

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 6:10 am
by Ajax
Ajax turned to Peter with a smile, "As strange as your answer was, Peter, you still managed to be clearer and more straightforward with the description of your skillset." He winked and turned back to Alley as he noticed, in his peripheral, Roger coming back from the restrooms in the back. "Well, you weren't too far off the mark, Alley, I'm not very keen on taking the lead, but seeing as how all of you've been very quiet, showing only the barest amount of initiative..." He let the rest of the sentence linger and turned back to Roger. "So you're a Jack of All Trades? Are you jacked with skillwires, or what?"

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 1:25 pm
by Roger Arneault
Roger was glad he was wearing his mirror shades. Was this some kind of joke? Or did they really not know? If they didn't, then...he pushed that thought out of his mind, surely that wasn't possible.

"I hurt someone's feelings once." He hoped that be the end of this line of questioning, but knew it was likely to come up again. "Perhaps we should turn our energies towards something more productive-the clock is ticking. I'd hate to waste all of our time."

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 1:53 pm
by Ajax
His eyes looking over at the old man, looking back at him in the reflection of those damned shades. "I think that understanding the assets of this team is a great waste of time. Ridiculing me isn't going to give us better tactical insight as to how to proceed. So let's talk about everyone's specialty and skills a moment. I wouldn't have it any other way. Really, I insist." Near the end of the sentence, Ajax' voice dropped a bit, betraying the slightest bit of menace and annoyance.

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 2:23 pm
by Roger Arneault
Roger shifted his weight, ensuring that his weapons weren't pinned by any part of the chair or table. "Perhaps there's been some misunderstanding. I'm obviously not the person you seem to think I am."

Keeping his hands flat and open on the table he shifted his feet slightly. "I promise what you need to know, you'll get. But I'm not getting paid to lay it open like a book. Maybe in amateur hour this sort of thing is a must, but if that's the way this has to play I can walk."

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 2:46 pm
by Ajax
"I'm not entirely sure what you think I'm asking of you, but I'd like to know what you're able to do but be uncooperative. We need to mount a plan, but you can't be included in that plan because you're too stubborn to let us know what you can do. I'm not asking you who you've worked with, or what scores you pulled, but I - and I don't think I'm speaking just for myself here - would like to know what we can count on. If you don't like that, then you can indeed walk." Ajax let the words sink in. "Amateur...?" he said as he slowly stood up and slipped out his seat. Without looking back he walked towards the exit, " sure have some minerals on you. I'm going to get some fresh air before I knock a hole in your head."

Outside, Ajax walked to a public information terminal, absentmindedly flipping through the news items on the vidscreen in search of anything of interest to help him calm down and reassess the situation. Who is willing to work in a team and not reveal what he can do for the team, he thought to himself.

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 2:50 pm
by Roger Arneault
Roger watched Ajax walk away, and nodded. "He's right, you can't trust me, and I don't trust you."

With out another word he left.

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 9:08 pm
by 3278
Peter, trying to keep his focus, paid only half attention to the discussion; the other half was dedicated to trying to balance a butter knife he'd lifted from a passing waitress on its tip, without the use of magic. Ajax had an interesting point: since he'd arrived here, he hadn't seen a great deal of obvious magic use. He knew some of that was due to government controls of magic following the assassination of the President: technically speaking, nearly every time Peter wove a spell, he was breaking the law simply due to power, irrespective of intent, but very few people on-campus ever spoke of it. Undergrads were taught the legal material, and if they were good enough to learn the rest on their own, they generally became grad students. It was an unspoken contract that the very best were outside the law, so long as their power wasn't abused.

Peter had lived most of his life with magic, and was so at ease with it as to perform what for other mages would be very complicated spells, but which for Peter were instinctive behaviors, cantrips, reflexes. It was only the insistence of his mother at mealtime that had trained him to use silverware to eat, and university had broken that habit.

There was a certain attraction, particularly now, to a mundane life, and so Peter amused himself while the professionals talked, attempting a task which he could do without thought if using magic, but which by mundane standards was maddeningly - and fascinatingly - difficult.

Then there was some completely obscure conflict between the other two men, and before he knew it, both were gone. His knife clattered to the table. He looked at the girl. "Is this usually goes?"

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 10:14 pm
by Alleycat
Alley sighed as things rapidly degraded and left her and Peter alone at the table. "Sometimes....can't get to close unless you want a bullet in the back, can't stay too distant if you want someone to watch it. Either way, Ajax will be back, he feels responsible I think. Roger, I dunno, he's harder to read beyond edgy. So," she watched him balance the knife for a moment, "let's talk magic. Do you think you have a better shot visible and on staff, or invisible?"

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 2:58 pm
by 3278
He laughed, nervously. "Serious? I mean, I've done some acting - and some time as wait-staff - but I don't really think I'm, eh, qualified for 'cover.'" With Ajax gone, and the atmosphere less tense, he tossed the knife a half-meter in the air, spinning end-over-end, then let it descend to the level of his head, where it was less noticeable. It remained, magically held in place, still slowly spinning. He let it go and caught it awkwardly with a hand. "As has been pointed out, I'm kind of obvious."

Peter dropped his voice, pitched so only she could hear. "No, I'm probably better as an ace in the hole. I could stay invisible, but this Goddard might see me through my masking. I thought about sinking myself underwater in a bubble, but there's a limit on how long I can breathe, then. I think maybe our best bet is for me to be a gull, and blend in with the local wildlife, if there's any. I can mask my aura to match a gull, and though it's a spell I have to hold, I have a sustainer--" he saw the barest flicker in her eyes, and dispensed with the technicalities, " --anyway, I can be on the ground and cast spells and probably not be noticed unless I mess something up. Sound good?"

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 6:37 am
by Alleycat
Alley nodded in agreement, musing over Peter's idea and finding it the best solution. "That was my concern, whether being yourself under the best cover we could muster would be less dangerous than invisible in regards to being made by projecting mages or spirits. But a single small sustained spell shouldn't stick out and no one pays attention to the animals and plants unless they are very, very paranoid." She nodded to Peter as she used proper terminology. "I made it a point a long time ago to get a good working knowledge on how magic works, so as long as you don't get too esoteric on me, I can track pretty well."

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 9:37 am
by Ajax
While standing at the public access terminal, keying the grimy vidscreen, Ajax kept glancing over at the front of bar. Roger's unwillingness to cooperate and his insults had irked him more than he had initially realized and he longed for his old team more now than he had in the last few months. Of course, he longed for his friends all the time, but he longed for his team now, Winters, Vasquez, Duke, McKay, Parsons...

He was pulled from his reverie by a gutterpunk with a bald head filled with fluorescent nano-tattoos knocking into him. He held a cheap chipdeck, jacked into an even cheaper jack behind his ear. The flesh around the jack was swollen and inflamed, the lapel of his high-collared, dirty leather jacked rubbing into the skin, making the infection worse. He probably didn't notice the pain, flying over synthetic horizons the way he was. Ajax looked over to the door to the bar opening, and Roger walking out and away to the north. Stubborn fool, Ajax thought as he reached into his pocket and retrieved his pocket secretary. He keyed a short message to Blake, and went back into the bar and sat back down.

"The old man walked due to a difference of opinion. Advise?"

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 11:55 am
by 3278
"Hi," Peter said. "Nice walk?"

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 12:17 pm
by DV8
"Yeah, just what the streetdoc ordered." He said with a smile. "So Roger left. I doubt that he is going to be back so I informed Blake and asked him to advise on how to proceed. I think we might have to go ahead one man short." Ajax paused to take another sip of his drink. "I should tell you a bit about myself; I'm not wired and don't have any augmentations. Let's see; I have quite a bit of mercenary work under my belt, mostly in Europe and South America. Small unit tactics, small-arms, military arms, hand-to-hand combat - I did some competitive cage-fighting for a while - personal bodyguarding, smuggling. I'm proficient with most electronics and computers, and I have had a lot of contact with the seedier side of the Seattle Sprawl, unfortunately."

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 1:10 pm
by 3278
Peter blinked, his surprise too great to allow any greater mobility of expression. He'd seen runners on the trid, but they usually had one-dimensional backgrounds, a line that led from some specific point to wherever the film began: their pasts were a plot device, designed only to set the places for the players. Here was an actual person whose life was anything but, who'd fought - and, likely, killed - in places Peter had only seen remotely. Slowly, the level at which he was acting sank in, and he set his knife down carefully and put his serious face on.

"I guess you should probably know more about me than just that I'm a thaumaturgy postgrad and magical time bomb. I'm a sorcerer, a hermetic adept - " he glanced at Alley, pleased to know she could keep up if he got technical, " - and strictly a spellcaster. I can't astrally project, although I can view the astral plane like any sorcery adept. I've studied, you know, a lot, so I've been initiated into, uh, the 'deeper mysteries' or whatever you'd like to call it. I can protect myself from magical detection and attack, and even protect others, although, you know, I don't...remember to do that all the time." Looking suddenly self-conscious, he closed his eyes for a moment and erected shields around each of them, lessening his own to strengthen them. "Yeah, sorry. There we go."

Taking a long drink through his magical straw and leaning back in his chair, he pondered. "It's hard for me to tell you all that I can do in terms of spells, because I didn't learn magic the way most people have. I didn't learn 'spells,' I learned how to manipulate magic. This was the early days; I was publishing papers as an undergrad, just because no one else had yet discovered a lot of this stuff. Come to think of it, that's probably why I pushed so hard, but this isn't time for a confessional. Anyway, you've seen I can lift things, move them around, even fly. I can bend light around objects or people, see and hear distantly, notice people who want to harm me, make no noise, blow stuff up, hypnotize people in seconds and implant suggestions, make personal armor or bubbles of force, feed people, heal people, cure diseases...hell, I don't remember half the things I can do. Most of the important things, I can hold - 'sustain' is the word - with foci, so I don't have to keep the pattern of mana steady in my mind."

Ajax had a look on his face Peter couldn't identify, while Alley held hers at a pleasant neutrality Peter wondered at the sincerity of. "I studied, you know, a lot," he repeated. More quietly, he continued: "I can also knock people unconscious, or kill them, as individuals or groups, but I'm warning you now, I took an oath a long time ago not to kill people except in self-defense."

Another long drink. "The downsides. I'm pretty rough on machines, and, you know, reality in general. If I stay in one place too long, I break astral space. Where most mages have to work to form a connection to the astral plane, I have to work to hold it back. That makes me powerful, but it also means that unless I'm paying close attention, shit leaks. If I weren't so, I don't know, well-educated in self-control, I'd probably blow up every time I fall asleep. As it is, it's a lot worse when I'm unconscious, so if I get knocked out, don't be surprised if your shoes turn into cotton candy or something." Still no rise from Alley. He'd have to work on that; he liked a challenge. "Oh, and: I can turn into animals. For whatever that's worth. I'm thinking for this business that I'll be a gull. No one pays attention to gulls. Plus, I like flying.

"That's me, in a nutshell. A big, sort of rotten nutshell. So." A pause.

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 9:13 pm
by Scarlett
Jeff Hauze wrote: "Two VIPs, one on the gray side of the equation. The third target for the information is a group, attempting to operate in secret inside the city. They have a specific task to complete within the next 60 days. I need that task stopped. After the preliminary work I need done, I would also want to keep you on retainer for the remaining three phases of the contract. This would also be nearly guarenteed to include active field work alongside several other contractors." The virtual Blake folds his hands and waits.
Active field work made her pause for a moment as the meat shuddered at the thought, but she mentally shrugged. One of the reasons why she was sought out in the past was that unlike some of her so-called colleagues, she was capable of functioning in the meat world, not just the matrix.

"Sounds like interesting employment. You have yourself a decker, Mr. Blake."

Yes, indeed, it's far too easy to sell your soul to the devil.

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 10:07 am
by Ajax
Ajax replaced his puzzled look with one of warm amusement. "Well, Peter, I can't say that I understand anything of what you just said, with the exception of 'I can knock people unconscious" bit, but if I'm not mistaken, I should be happy that you're on our side instead of their side." He fondled his pocket secretary, anxious for Blake to send word. "And regarding your oath; if everyone does their job, then you won't have to predeterminedly end anyone's life. You just leave that to Alley here, she'll just charm them to death." He looked up to Alley with a smile and gave her a quick wink.

"You learn a few things when your in the army, or working as a mercenary; You take your sleep, and your food, whenever you can because you never know when the next time is going to come around. I don't see Roger coming back any time soon, so if you don't mind..." and he reached across the table and dragged Roger's food out in front of him and started eating. "So, does it say anything about when this party is supposed to take place?" he said between bites.

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 1:45 pm
by Jeff Hauze
To: Ajax
From: Blake

Do I need to interfere? Or can you handle this? His skillset is desired for this operation.

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 2:30 pm
by Ajax
Jeff Hauze wrote:To: Ajax
From: Blake

Do I need to interfere? Or can you handle this? His skillset is desired for this operation.
To: Blake
From: Ajax

I have no way to get in contact with him, and I doubt he would listen to me if I tried. His skillset is exactly why he walked out; he wouldn't tell us what it was that he could do. Hard to plan without any information. Got offended and walked. Help appreciated.

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 10:39 pm
by Jeff Hauze
Ajax is surprised by the time it takes for his phone to start ringing. He's only just started up the truck when Blake's number appears on the display. Good news always travels fastest it seems.

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 10:40 pm
by Jeff Hauze
Ajax wrote: To: Blake
From: Ajax

I have no way to get in contact with him, and I doubt he would listen to me if I tried. His skillset is exactly why he walked out; he wouldn't tell us what it was that he could do. Hard to plan without any information. Got offended and walked. Help appreciated.
I'll deal with this. The best laid plans and all the rest.[/i]

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 10:59 pm
by Jeff Hauze
Scarlett wrote:Active field work made her pause for a moment as the meat shuddered at the thought, but she mentally shrugged. One of the reasons why she was sought out in the past was that unlike some of her so-called colleagues, she was capable of functioning in the meat world, not just the matrix.

"Sounds like interesting employment. You have yourself a decker, Mr. Blake."

Yes, indeed, it's far too easy to sell your soul to the devil.
"That's good to hear. Your initial payment is waiting for you. I'll contact you in the next 24 hours with the initial objectives that I need researched. Any final questions?"

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 3:36 am
by Scarlett
Jeff Hauze wrote: "That's good to hear. Your initial payment is waiting for you. I'll contact you in the next 24 hours with the initial objectives that I need researched. Any final questions?"
"No questions at this time, I look forward to the challenge."

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 1:45 am
by Roger Arneault
Roger briefly debated not answering the phone, letting it ring for several seconds. Then with a sigh he simply hit the accept button. Saying nothing he waited.

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 5:56 am
by Jeff Hauze
Roger Arneault wrote:Roger briefly debated not answering the phone, letting it ring for several seconds. Then with a sigh he simply hit the accept button. Saying nothing he waited.
There's no introduction or even much of a greeting. The tone is extremely short and to the point.

"Mr. Arneault, what will you need to stay committed to this task? To be perfectly blunt, I'm under a time constraint here. I need someone with your skills for this project. So what will it take to keep you on board, ignore some of the unusual methods found during this project, and get back to work?"

Another Face on the Scene

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 6:15 am
by Jeff Hauze
The cartoon bunny that pops up on Ajax's poc-sec does a pretty good Bugs Bunny impersonation. Of course, it is a bit different from the norm; the bunny lays IC low with carrots through the eyes and wields two hugely oversized pistols with immense clips. Solomon's avatar in the 'Trix does all this while speaking the usual "What's up, doc?" line with a deep and gravely (and slightly British sounding) voice.

The mail from Solomon has finally arrived. It looks like Solomon is in a manic phase currently, as the dwarf has gone above and beyond the call of duty. There are times when knowing a bipolar dwarf decker pays off in spades.
Since you didn't bother to give much in the way of specifications, I went ahead and organized the information however I damn well felt like doing it. We've got a breakdown by confirmed information, educated guesses, and absolutely unconfirmed rumors and wild theories. The details will follow, but the summary goes like this.

Confirmed - There's a guy named Blake in town. He's hiring for an as yet unknown job, and he's got one hell of a bankroll. He's not from Seattle. Older than most other local fixers. Jerome Blake is in fact an alias, a cover identity that was created at least four years ago.

Guesses - Jerome Blake is either ex-intelligence or ex-military (corporate or national government). If he's a G-Man, it is likely UCAS, CAS, or Sioux. If he's a company man, then a reasonable theory would be Ares, Cross, or Novatech. It's probably safe to assume at least a decade in the field, probably more like three or four. At least some of those decades may have included extensive undercover work and/or management of field agents in undercover roles. This guy is a definite player who wasn't management for most of his career.

Random, Bullshit shots in the dark - Jerome Blake is in fact, a minor-league draconian representative for Saeder-Krupp or the Draco Foundation. Jerome Blake is in fact a retired Marine Corps Colonel known as Nathan Gerald West, aka Nathan Blair. Jerome Blake is in fact Elvis, recently returned from the Mothership.

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 11:59 am
by 3278
"Elvis? Elvis who?" Peter muttered. At Ajax's sharp look, he at least had the good grace to look abashed. "Sorry. I have...wandering eyes." But the fact was, he hadn't been using his far sight at all, and all he had just heard concerned him.

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 7:49 pm
by Roger Arneault
Roger let the truck idle for nearly a minute before he shut it off. Damn it. Rechecking his piece, and ensuring that his second break was unsnapped-you just never knew, he stepped out of the truck and into the street. The rain was just starting, and a few cool drops landed on his neck.

Damn I hate this part. Stepping in front of the small bar he paused and took a deep breath. Well if this is going to go bad no need to delay it any longer than I have to...

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 3:50 pm
by Roger Arneault
Roger saw that they were at the same table, and although Ajax didn't acknowledge him he was sure the big man had seen him come in. Stopping at the bar he ordered a drink, and leaned against the bar. He briefly tossed around the option that Peter had used his powers to influence him-he'd never walked back into a job before today-but quickly tossed that idea aside. He'd never know if that was the case anyways.

Tossing back the rest of his drink he crossed the room slowly to the table-he saw that Peter's face was slightly flushed, Ajax stared intensely at Peter, but his view had shifted to Roger as he'd approached the table-the big mans expressions were neutral, but his eyes were hard.Only Alley seemed unconcerned with everything that had unfolded so far.

"It seems our employer has significantly more to invest in my time than I had previously thought." When there was no reply he continued. "I'll do my share of the heavy lifting, and I'm useful around anything Peter isn't."

Well he'd either find himself shortly flat on his ass with the biggest hand print he'd ever seen indented into his face, or he'd order something else to drink.

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 8:22 am
by Ajax
"Alright," Ajax said with a smile, "I'm glad Blake managed to convince you to come back. It just wouldn't be the same without another old-timer in our group." Ajax wondered if he should press the issue of Roger's talents, but decided to let it rest for now. As much as he thought sharing such information was only going to positively influence the plan and thus the outcome, he didn't want to risk Roger walking out again. So he's a stubborn old fool who probably had too many teams plant a knife in his back. Not everyone is lucky to have run with the crew Ajax had run with in the past. Perhaps this old guy was here to teach him a thing or two about the game and how hands are played out. Ajax decided that Roger seemed anything but street, which left corp or military, both equally viable.

"I wasn't sure whether or not you'd come back, so I helped myself to your noodles. Sorry about that, but with my metabolism I have to keep eating pretty much constantly otherwise I might start cannibalising myself. Should I order you something new?" he asked, as a peace-offering.

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 12:20 pm
by Roger Arneault
"A drink would be nice." His opinion of Ajax was changing-he may be big, but he wasn't the typical muscle head at all. Perhaps Roger needed to put aside his own experiences, and give the kid a chance. "Then we can discuss our employer? Briefly, neh?"

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 12:36 pm
by Ajax
Ajax opened his pocket secretary and quickly looked up the message from Solomon and keyed the replay button before turning the screen to face his compatriots. After the message was done playing he added; "Not much, I know, but it's all that I could dig up through my limited contacts." He looked around the table, "Anyone else got anything on Blake?"

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 3:58 pm
by Roger Arneault
Roger blushed slightly. "Not contacts tend to move a little slower than this." He suddenly felt very old.

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 2:03 pm
by 3278
"Well, I don't...wait, I'm confused. I thought... Isn't Blake the guy who hired us?" Peter looked around the table to the suddenly blank faces. "I can't keep all these names straight."

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 8:22 pm
by Roger Arneault
Roger couldn't help but grin-was Peter really that naive, or was this some sort of elaborate act? Pushing those thoughts aside he filled the silence. "We'll deal with this issue as we go-sort of a work in progress. I think we need to get a few things in order before we can seriously begin any planning. Did Blake include any sort of maps or photographs of the area of operations? If not our first priority will be to begin pulling publicly available data from the Matrix-road maps, satellite footage, anything that we can get for free, and with out triggering any counter surveillance. We need to get a feel for this place, from top to bottom. I-we-will need to know everything we can. Traffic, weather, who comes, who goes, who stays on grounds. Any vehicles, their make, their model, boats, air craft-you name it. We need to know this place better than we know ourselves. We'll need to start considering and planning our E&E routes."

Roger sat back in his chair, and pulled out his pocket secretary. "I can do some of this from here, but some of it's going to require me to talk with some people." He tapped the key that turned his pocket secretary, and waited. When it didn't immediately fire up he impatiently hit it again. "Damn..." Sheepishly he looked at the others, the faces reflected on his shades. "Picked a hell of a time for the batteries to die."

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 3:35 pm
by Alleycat
Alley shook her head at Ajax. "Nothing more than what you have, just did a basic screen and he matches up to what he said as far as I can tell. I can get someone to look into it if you want." She keyed her pocsec over to a plethora of maps and imaging recieved via Blake's information set.

"Looks like we have extensive survillence of the area at least."

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 8:27 pm
by Roger Arneault
"I know this may sound stupid, but all of us can swim right?"

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 5:49 pm
by Roger Arneault
Roger sat back in his chair, and nodded politely as the waitress dropped off another drink, and some more noodles.

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 8:17 am
by Ajax
"I've never really been very comfortable in the water. I'm not that, eh, buoyant." He sheepishly looked from his left shoulder to his right and the span in between. "But when you're talking exist strategies, I'll be as comfortable in the water as I'll have to be. What did you have in mind?"

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 1:42 pm
by 3278
"I can swim." Peter looked momentarily shy when he said, "I was bow pair in crew, you know." When they all appeared disinterested or vacant, he quickly moved on. "Plus I can, you know, float people and probably make boats out of forcefields. Or turn you into a fish. So, there's that."

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 1:47 pm
by Ajax
"Alley, remind me never to really anger Peter." Ajax laughed.

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 1:57 pm
by Roger Arneault
"I'm not sure how we want to play this-I suspect the fewer of us that actually go inside the better we'd be-and the less chance we have of making collective mistakes. If this really is as simple as hooking a dataline tap onto some computer in another room, then there's no real need to go in loaded for bear."

"I do think we should be prepared, just in case things go wrong."

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 2:46 pm
by 3278
If that's all we have to do, why don't I just turn into a mouse and do it myself? Peter thought but did not say. It wasn't really his place to offer plans; strategy for criminal activities wasn't really his arena of expertise. "So...I'm going to be a seagull, right? Unless something goes wrong. Maybe Ajax can be security, Alley can be a waitress, and Roger can bartend. Which of you know how to do this dataline tap thing?"

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 1:24 pm
by 3278
"Not to change the subject, but what do we know about this party? How many people are going to be there? What are their relations to McCormick and Goddard? And where could I find either one of those people, on any given day? Like, I mean, they don't just hang out on their island fortress selling guns, yeah?" He lost the smile he'd gained, and his brow creased. "Yeah?"

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 2:12 pm
by Ajax
"That's a good point." Ajax opens his pocket secretary once more and starts drafting a message to Solomon.
Dear Solomon, good to see you still have the minerals to come up with the information when it comes down to it. Looking forward to seeing if you can hack the next challenge. If you're up for it, I'll pay double your fee. That should catch your interest.

I need some information on James Reilly McCormick, 44 years old, male human, Irish ancestry, family originally from Tir Na Nog, and his father an early member of the Knights of the Red Branch. He's currently doing arms deals with pretty much anyone he can find. Resides on an island on the Sound. I would like to know if in the coming 36 hours or so he's going to get off his island, and if so, where he's going to be staying. Also, he's going to host a party in two days, on his island, and I need to know anything you can find out about that party, particularly about the guest-list. McCormick has an assistant by the name of Marcus Goddard. Check out the same things about him; whereabouts over the coming 36 hours, and anything else juicy.

It might be an uncomfortable data-dive, so keep in touch with me every hour or so until you're done; I don't want you to lay flatlined on your deck back at your doss while I'm still patiently waiting for my info. Perhaps I can come and drop off some coffee and novacoke in a couple of hours, just to keep you working!

- Ajax