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Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 5:42 pm
by Bonefish
"Stupid sum bitch done blowed himself up... an mah rifle. Stupid sum bitch..."

Kelly shakes his head as he brushes dirt off his jacket and holsters his pistol.

"Hell if I wanna wait fer his cousins to come up the road an' start shootin at us, too. This dem place is fuckin' insane. "

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 6:21 pm
by 3278
Will shakes his head and says to Beatrice, "Nah, just a big bug in the bus, see? You get cicadas up here this time of year?" He pushes himself down to land on the ground behind the bus.

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 6:52 pm
by Tiny Deev
"Anybody wanna help a fellow out here? He got hit!"

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 7:04 pm
by 3278
As he dusted himself off of the half of Maine's soil that seemed to have built up on the bus and transferred to his clothes, Will rolled his eyes. "Oh, what the fuck ever." He called out to Ben: "Say, stop being such a pussy and come kill this probably unholy bug, see?"

[Oh, damn. Not my turn yet. I guess Will can't do that, sorry. My bad.]

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 8:36 pm
by Nicephorus
[When we're not in the middle of a fight or something, you don't have to worry about turns too much. Especially as no one here has been trying to dominate the action.]

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 6:06 am
by Tiny Deev
"A bug? Really? You think a little bug is more important that this guy's bulletwound? Fine, go get your bug." Benjamin annoyedly turns his attention towards anyone who isn't batshit inside in his eyes. Kelly, Jon, Beatrice, anyone who is willing to help.

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 1:10 pm
by 3278
[Okay, I think next time I'll restrict my humor to the table, where it's a little more expected. Can we back up and try this again, without my apparently useless wit?]

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 4:37 pm
by Nicephorus
[I liked it and thought it was character building and develops relations between characters.. Will is supposed to be not good at human interaction.]

Beatrice gives Will an odd look. "Yea there could be a cicada. But why does that matter compared to everything else."

Gary goes over to Ben. "I'll take a look. Getting shot sucks doesn't it." It appears that Ben has a serious bruise in his shoulder and a cut on his cheek that has bled a fair amount but is shallow and not serious. His collar bone hurts and might be cracked but he can still move everything.
[in game terms, he's lost hit points but has no penalties to actions]

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 5:53 pm
by 3278
[We'll just run with it, then. :D]

Will returned Beatrice's queer look. "It doesn't, moll. I was making a joke. I couldn't care less about some cicada, see? If a man's been shot, that's..." He looked at Ben's bruised shoulder and cut cheek, and trailed off. "Never mind, I care more about the bug."

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 8:44 pm
by Tiny Deev
"Ah man, if this hurts this bad then I can't imagine how bad getting will be. " Ben puffs out his chest, trying to look manly. But after he fails a little, he offers an apologetic shrug and a little lopsided smile towards Beatrice and stands up.

He winces as he touches his cheek, but afterwards he surveys the surrounding trying to find out where he is and where the closest town would be.

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 12:13 pm
by Nicephorus
Been is certain that they are in the northern Appalachians, probably already in Maine. That means that they have traveled west from the coast and would need to travel east to see more people. The bus had been travelling west when it crashed.

The hundreds of little hills all look similar. Without a specific landmark, it's hard to tell exactly where they are.

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 7:38 pm
by DV8
Jon takes a moment to look at the wounded and when he's satisfied they are properly being tended to, he turns his attention to the rifleman's belongings, taking the time to take a closer look at them.

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 4:07 pm
by Bonefish
Kelly stares at will for a moment, with an incredulous look on his face.

"ya wan' me ta kill a bug? Wot tha hell, are you some kinda broad now, that you can't smash it witcha shoe?"

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 2:23 am
by 3278
Will looked genuinely bemused. "What? Oh. I think I'd moved on from the bug, see. You suppose this thing has a Very?" Without another word, he disappeared into the hole they'd left the bus through, inexplicably.

[Will is going to search the bus, specifically looking at the front of the bus for anything the bus company would have put there for emergencies, like a first aid kit or a flare (i.e. a Very gun). Anything I should roll, or do they not really hide the emergency supplies? ;)]

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 6:47 am
by Bonefish
Kelly shakes his head slowly.

"'ell, sum cousin-fucker trows some explosives our way, an' this chap is goin' on 'bout bugs, then 'e crawls in thar wit tha bugs!"

Kelly walks over to Ben, with a slight smirk, and slaps him on the shoulder.

"Ya feel a'right, boy? Caught a lil' shrapnel thar, didntcha? 'ell, sometimes it goes like that. I remember this time in some woods, sum'un lobbed a tater-masher into our fox hole. Only one who caught it bad was Toby, who ducked. It happens like that sumtimes. Yer gunna be alright boy, garauntee it."

Kelly begins to shuffle towards Jon.

"fin' annythin' good, Tommy?"

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 12:52 pm
by Nicephorus
Will steps over the pool of blood around the bus driver and searches the driver area. He finds a first aid kit, several road maps and regional maps, two warm bottles of Coco-cola, paper, pens, a stale but unspoiled sandwich, and a brass ornament shaped like two S's attached so that the bottom of the first S flows into the top of the bottom one. The road maps are annotated to show changes in the roads.

The shiny policeman's badge stands out to Jon and Kelly. It's from the town of *****. The stick of dynamite could probably be made usable. The notebook looks like it has been held and used a great deal, with many smudges and scribbles on the outside.

[I'll have the contents of the notebook soon.]

***** I'll make an appropriate name when I have time to look at a map.

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 1:46 pm
by 3278
Will stuffs his vest pockets with maps and papers, puts the bottles of Coca-Cola in his back pants pockets, and without apparent thought unwraps the sandwich and begins eating it while looking at the brass ornament. Almost as an afterthought, he grabs the first aid kit and exits the vehicle. "I have things," he announces, and stands eating his sandwich.

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 7:22 pm
by DV8
"I must say, this guy was an oddball. It seems like he was a private detective -- a former officer of the law -- who was working an investigation into kidnapping. There's something about a 'Unicorn Book', an American Indian book... I don't know, his words get more and more muddled," Jon says, leaving through the journal.

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 6:58 am
by Bonefish
"Boy, you got any idea how to git outta here?" Kelly gives ben a shove on the shoulder. "You'll be a'ight, But you been ramblin bout highways an' villages."

" I ain't exactly keen on runnin inta a buncha devil skeeters. " Kelly leers at Will.

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 8:22 pm
by 3278
"I wasn't paying a lot of attention on the way, but our route goes up the coast, see? If we're not on our route, and we're not in the ocean, then we must be west of where we ought to be." He finishes the first half of the sandwich and says, with a moutgful of bologna, "Also, I have maps."

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 9:11 am
by Tiny Deev
Ben looks around, searching for a landmark of some sort.

Squinting he says "I think we're already in Maine.. But, damn it I need a landmark of sorts to pinpoint where we are.." After he hears Will talk about maps, he turns his head and says;
"Oh, you got maps? Well lets see them, I'm sure we can find out how far we are and where we need to go."

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 9:35 am
by Bonefish
"Ah'm not so good with maps. They gave me some in France, an'.. well, ah don't like to talk about it..." Kelly looks around somewhat sheepishly. "But, hell, we done been dynamited an' shot, so wot the hell. Ah... Err.. I caint read, as it were. It's all goobly-gook ta me"

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 10:16 am
by Tiny Deev
"I'm not the best at readin' myself, but maps I know. Back at the Carnival you need to know how to use a map or else you're.. well. Lets just say everyone there can read a map."

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 12:14 pm
by 3278
"And I've got both literacy, and the basic orienteering skills to figure out what big stuff out here looks like what little stuff on the piece of paper, so amongst the three of us, we're nearly two complete men." He pulls out the maps from his pocket and stuffs the other half of the sandwich into his mouth. "Let's see if we can't figure out how far north of the border we got."

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 7:08 pm
by DV8
"Maybe you'd like to offer some of your sandwich to the lady, before you toss it all down your gullet, William?" Jon says, never looking up from the curious diary.

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 12:53 am
by 3278
"The what?" he said, his mouth full of the remaining sandwich. Almost as an afterthought he said, "Say, anybody want a Coke?"

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 9:31 pm
by Tiny Deev
"Sure thing, buddy. Thanks." Ben takes the Coke from William, and immediately offers it to Beatrice. "Care for a drink, Miss? I apologize for the goof there."

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 12:23 am
by 3278
"Nah, you didn't make a goof,* chief. No need to apologize to the lady," Will said, finishing off the last of his sandwich with the last of his Coke, the bottle for which he pointlessly and artlessly jammed into the rear pocket of his trousers. "What say we head east some, maybe see where we are on this map?" He didn't seem to understand that some people might be tired or injured, and seemed perfectly capable and willing to walk the rest of the way to Portland.

*[That's Will being dense and not understanding, not me, in case anyone missed that. ;) ]

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 6:18 am
by DV8
"Perhaps we should send a small delegation to scout ahead, William. I don't think everyone is up for it. I'd be happy to accompany you."

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 12:44 am
by 3278
The photographer had the look of a hunting dog whose master has just placed his hand upon the leash's release. Clearly there was something about exploration, about travel, about observation that appealed powerfully to the man. "By all means," he said. "Somebody with a piece want to join us?" he asked, pantomiming shooting.

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 3:20 pm
by Nicephorus
Gary gives warning, "If you go wandering off, you're likely to run into more crazy people. "

Gary, Harry, and Beatrice opt to stay at the bus, under the protection of Kelly.

[speeding things up a bit]

Ben, Jon, and Will hike half a mile or so to a high point, taking 20 minutes or so due to the terrain. The see glimpses of a long, skinny lake to the east. Comparing the map to the view, the 3 them come to a consensus that it is probably Lake Arrowhead and Little Ossipee Poind.

Ben remembers that there is a small resort on the Northeast shore of the lake. There are also a few small towns to the south and southeast of your location.

The bus had been on a dirt road heading northwest when it last moved.

[feel free to use any real world maps at this point to decide what to do.]

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 7:49 pm
by 3278
With a deft series of measurements with forked fingers, Will compared several routes. "Seems as if it's just about as far back down to Waterboro as it would be to this resort of yours, boyo, maybe five miles either way. There's a shorter route to Waterboro, over the mountain on the logging road, but..." he glanced back toward the bus and gave a half-shrug. "We can decide when we get back. I'm going to hit the head before we go," he said, stepping off into the brush.

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 6:11 am
by Tiny Deev
Ben turns to Jon and says, slightly hushed; "Theres something mighty off about that young man. And I'm used to midgets and bearded ladies, so thats saying something.."

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 4:01 pm
by Nicephorus
Will comes back from his task at hand to find the other two still studying the map.

[whoever wants to post to drive the action, go ahead. I'm going to wait for a decision in your actions before throwing more at you.]

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 5:01 pm
by DV8
"Oh, he's a nice enough fellow," Jon says as he scans the rest of the group for any volunteers.

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 2:21 am
by Nicephorus
By the time the recon team has returned, they have finished giving Bull a simple grave by piling stones on him. No one has touched the bus driver or shooter.

Gary is watching the road. Beatrice is reading. Harry has gathered the luggage back into one place.

They are all fine with the plan of going to the town. They seem to be more than ready to leave the crash site. However, Gary adds "I'm not convinced that you are sure where we are out in this godsforsaken area. Maybe we should at least stick to the road so we don't get more lost.

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 9:58 pm
by DV8
"My good man, I'm sure that you've released, like we all have, that the rifleman was waiting for us and that the chauffeur lead us straight to him. I'm fairly sure he wasn't alone. Sticking to the road will expose us more easily. Sticking at the bus crash site will do much the same. We have to stay ambulant." Jon said, looking at others for approval.

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 10:42 am
by Tiny Deev
"I agree with the fancy dressed man on this one." Ben said smiling. "Besides, staying am-byou-lent is in my blood. We seem like capable folk, so I'm sure we'll find somewhere nice and civilized soon."

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 1:54 am
by 3278
Will shrugged. Road or wild meant no difference to him. They had a map, and it was daytime: he wasn't remotely concerned.

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 9:19 pm
by Bonefish
"eh, we're best off followin' tha road, that much is true. But iffin' we go walkin' down the side of the road, we'll definitely be easy to spot. Ah'd reckon we be better off goin' likewise as tha road, ya know, like a pair'o'ls." Kelly grunts when he sees the looks of bafflement, and places his two hands parallel to each other.

"Ya know, a pair of ells. But we shadow tha road from this here wood an' we atleast got a chance. Ah'll try an stay near tha middle, an' will, you take point. Tha' means yer gonna walk slowly an keep yer big eyes open, you've been damn good at seein shit, boy. Ben, yer gonna pull up the ass end, alright? Keep yer eyes peeled for anyone followin' an make sure no one gets lef' behin. Ah want the rest of ya to stay close to me."

Turning to Jon, Kelly grinned, and drew his shotgun , offering the butt to him. "Tommy, want ya behin' Will. Ah got some shells here, too. Let's get these folks outta 'ere, right?"

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 2:24 am
by Nicephorus
Despite the many wounded and lack of prior history together, the group makes decent time. They quickly leave behind the blighted area and enter the densely forested hills which is the norm for the area. The sticky heat is bearable under the shade. Vision is limited but the group has a good bearing and it's not all that far all thing considered.

After a mile, more glimpses of a lake can be seen to the northwest. A sound of a car going by is heard to the east. The road is not visible and the road must be over a hundred yards away.

Upon hearing the car, Gary the salesman gets excited and runs towards it, yelling and waving his arms, apparently oblivious to the fact that they have no chance of seeing him waving.

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 10:37 am
by DV8
Jon stops, wiping his forehead with his grass-stained shirt, and watches Gary run off towards the sound of the car. He shrugs his shoulders whimsically and walks after him.

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 8:52 am
by Tiny Deev
"Gary, come on. That car can't see nor hear us. You're wasting energy you're going to need. We got a long while to go... " Ben says, his voice tired from the walk. "It's bad luck to leave a caravan behind you know. "

Ben's voice is tired, but his legs are pumping diligently away showing no signs of stopping just yet. He makes some small talk, about where he's from and where he's going, and if people engage him in conversation enough he'll pepper his words with carnie slang more and more.