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Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2003 4:47 am
by Eliahad
"Mine too, I just don't think they're going to swiss cheese this thing with those clubs. Pop the trunk, MJ, Let's have some fun with the spare. I hope this doesn't come out of our pay," Derrick slams his elbow into the window, hoping to have another way out if necessary.

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2003 7:13 am
by Serious Paul
Ms. Johnson was calm even as the vechile was rammed into the bridges low retaining wall. She used a combination of skilled braking and steering to keep them from being flung off the bridge and into the water far below. She had barely even noticed the tali, the Indian was good. She had no clue where he was at right now, since he had stepped out of the vechile while it was doing 90 plus kilometers an hour.

As the car skidded to a halt, she quickly used her data link to override the safety systems as fast as she could. At least they wouldn’t be encased in hardened protective foam, or stuck in their seatbelts till emergency crews arrived. As Bly ripped the armored doorframe loose Ms. Johnson shot her an angry glare.

Bly snorted, “In fifteen seconds, this Cadillac is going to look like a piece of Swiss cheese. Forget about the damn door panel!"

Ms. Johnson nearly laughed. Well at least the woman was all she was cracked up to be-she wasn’t sure she could’ve ripped that armored frame loose like that. “There are some goodies in the trunk, the seat folds down!” Ms. Johnson quickly rolled the heavily tinted windows up. Best not to give them an easy time of it.

Reaching into her glove compartment Ms. Johnson retrieved the Walther PB-120 she had hidden there….

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2003 4:25 am
by Bly
Bly shoved Simon as far forward as she could, and kicked the door open hard and sprung forward into Hanten moguri kata kaiten, a half turning dive shoulder roll. She barely noticed as she hit the concrete, and rolled forward. She stood in a fluid motion so fast the human never saw the blow coming. She struck in an upward arc, Ageru tsuki was what her Sensei had taught her, shattering the cartilage in his sternum and shattering six of his ribs. As the man slumped to the ground, bleeding and gasping from punctured lungs, she spun low, kicking her leg out and swept the next closest man off his feet, Harai her mental counter ticked off each move as she made them. As he was falling she immediately switched her momentum, something that wasn’t humanly possible without the aid of expensive modifications, and snapped a kick into the face of an Ork with an oak axe handle. As Bly whipped her body around her movements were a blur. She was moving four times as fast as any normal man could hope. Not even Jackie Joiner in her prime could move like this. As Bly searched for the Troll, the most dangerous target and the most dangerous, she was hit from behind with a thunderous blow.

‘Damn it!’ she thought. She had been hit squarely in the back with a ball bat. She rolled with the blow, which physically propelled her at least fifteen feet forward. As she hit the ground, she rolled. ‘Itai-Damn that hurt’

As she came to a stop she started to rise to her feet, but noticed the automated truck barreling down the road. Thirty tons of steel and no time to move, she dropped flat, allowing the truck to run over her. Ishigakurejutsu- the art of being like a stone. Her ears thundered as the massive semi blared inches over head. She rolled quickly on to her stomach, and as the trailer finally gave way to the sky she leapt forward, moving from an absolute stop to 50 kilometers an hour, bounding off the next vechile-Jibutsu uwamuki tobi, flipping herself through the air she landed a jump kick straight into the Trolls chest.

The humanoid was nearly twelve feet high, how’d they cramped his big ass in the Suburban was beyond Bly, with thick brawny shoulders that were almost half again wide, and nearly three feet thick, covered with toughened skin, and dermal deposits that made him an armored beast! A truly dangerous opponent who seemed oblivious to her blows, he was strong but she was faster.

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2003 5:00 am
by Inuk
They saw nothing. Jaws agape at the blur that ejected from the Cadillac and disabled three of their men in one smooth series of motions - and dodging a truck in the process - they paid no attention to the hunter behind them. This wasn't their time, anyway; they stood ready to guard their master, and would only step into this fight if everything went wrong; they had thought that this would never involve them. It began to look like they'd judged poorly.

The first of them turned to speak to his partner, a hand going into his coat. The blow caught him in the side of the jaw as he turned, and turned the lower half of his face into a bloody mess of tooth and bone. The force of the punch pulped his brain; he was dead before his body struck the ground. His partner didn't even have time to turn; another fist struck him in the back, driving through his rib cage and nearly exiting his chest before withdrawing with a wet sucking.

Standing in the violet light of the city, both arms crimson with blood, was Inuk, silent and moving through the guards on a straight line for the BMW.

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2003 5:25 am
by Bethyaga
"Thank ya, ma'am," Simon calls to the front seat as he rocks back to drop his own seat down. The promised goodies are just what the Johnson ordered, and Simon notes that his own bag is still back there. He considers for a flickering moment trying to snatch his own irons out of his back, but then rejects it. Instead, he scoops up the two Colt pistols there and tosses one to Derrick, "Watch it--safety's off!" He stuffs the other in his jacket and then grabs the Remington with both hands--like many with mediocre aim, Simon has always found that a shotgun helps smooth over the rough edges.

Realizing he's got his back to the action, Simon decides he needs room to fire. He whirls around in his seat, bringing his left elbow and the butt of the shotgun to slam in unison against the window, only to have them come to a jarring halt against the reinforced glass. "Guh! Fuck! That never works!"

Shaking out his bruised elbow, Simon jams the window's power button and readies the Remington again.

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2003 6:04 am
by Bethyaga
The window eases down far too slowly for Simon's tastes. Finally, he hunkers down in his seat and braces the Remington on the window frame. Simon feels his biochemical enhancements kicking in as his body kicks up to full speed--barely an idle compared to the blur made by Bly, but fast enough, he thinks. He thanks Bull Moose that the shotgun is SmartLinked as he draws a cyber-assisted bead on the nearest human. Simon squeezes off a clean headshot, blinks, and then readies the rifle for another go.

A glance over his shoulder tells him Derrick at least knows the back end of a gun, and he has his Colt ready. Simon tells him, "Plenty of room over here if you need it, sweetheart."

And now he has a short burly ork in his sights.

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2003 7:19 am
by Serious Paul
They were being sliced through like cordwood. the machine woman was insanely fast, faster than maybe even he was-a scary thought for someone as inhumanly fast as he was. He needed to even the odds.

The booming roar of the Remington interrupted his thoughts. Damn it! Its going all wrong he thought. Concentrating slightly he shifted his molecules, mist form was something he had excelled at early on for one of his kind, and using his will he guided his now incorporeal body out of the luxury vechile. Even now he moved with a quickness that belied his age, and skill.

As he reincorporated his body, he concentrated on the arcane words of the spell. He still preferred the spoken word, even though it was completely unnecessary.

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2003 7:28 am
by Serious Paul
Abdallah grunted. The woman was fast, faster than he had ever seen in his life. Even his boosted reflexes didn't seem to give him the edge. He swung and swung, but each time she just wasn't there. Her own blows were begining to take their toll, he was tougher than any human, but she was also stronger than most men.

Parrying a front snap kick aside Abdallah growled and reached with both arms to encircle her torso. if he could get a grip on her she was dead.As his tree trunk thick arms made to clasp she dropped flat; rolling out she kicked him square in the chest.

"Damn you hold still!" He roared and charged forward. He would strangle the life out of this worthless bitch! His master would be proud of Abdallah's strength! "Die CUNT!"

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2003 7:24 am
by Serious Paul
The arcane power crackled around his eyes, giving them a dark blue glow, almost like lightning. His hands outstretched with the power arcing across his fingertips he released the spell. He watched in both the real world and astral space as the energy streaked from his body into theirs, like an astral lightning storm, its power barely reflected in the real world by an eerie blue glow arcing through the air. Slumping back slightly he inhaled. It had been a powerful spell, and casting it had left him drained. Would it be enough to stop her?

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2003 12:11 pm
by Eliahad
Derrick nods at Simon, "Thanks, 'sweetheart'." He smiles, spinning the pistol in his hands, checking the clip for ammo before slamming it back into place. In the narrow opening afforded by Simon, he can see a single ork dancing the fury of Bly's attack. He takes aim quickly and lets off a single shot that slices across his side just as he turns away. There's a tear in the ork's jacket and a slight gash across his abdomen but little else. "Damn it, I was aiming for his leg," Derrick re-aims, this time slightly lower just as the color blue fills his vision.

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2003 3:39 pm
by Inuk
The magician, focused on the blur of the fighting woman, slumped with exhaustion, did not sense the footsteps behind him, footsteps that made no noise and left no trace. He did not turn, nor did he react, when the blow arced toward the back of his head. His only movement was on impact, when a blow of earth-shattering force split his head like a melon in a hydraulic press. His body flew briefly through the air, and slumped to the ground like a sack of wet dirt.

Inuk stood, frozen, waiting. Quickly, the head began to reform, blood growing and stitching itself into bone and hair and brain, mana knitting it together into life. The vampire levered himself partway up, and turned to his attacker. "You killed me," he said, incredulous.

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2003 6:29 pm
by Serious Paul
Covered in his own matted blood, Jebediah spun around to face Inuk. His eyes burned crimson red, his hand clenched and unclenched, turning the knuckles in his fists various shades of pallor "You killed me!"

The vampire sprung into action, hissing and spitting in an attempt to throw his opponent off guard. He swung his fists, opening his hands to take advantage of his clawed fingers. His anger clouded his ability and the Indian managed to easily side step his initial barrage of blows. Wordlessly the Indian ducked and dodged his blows, only doubling his anger. "Hold still damn you, so I can kill you!"

Feinting with his clawed hands, he lashed out with his foot striking the Indian in his chest. Slowed momentarily Inuk was pounced on by the creature, who struck him repeatedly trying to close the distance-if he could sink his teeth into the Indian the fight was over.

Never once, in all his anger, did Jebediah bother to perceive the Indian on the astral plane, if he had...maybe he wouldn't have been so eager to close the distance...

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2003 9:11 pm
by Eliahad
Derrick shoved Simon against the seat and dove out of the window, hoping to roll as he hit the pavement and not expecting his foot to snag on the remnants of glass from what was once a window. He hit the ground harder than expected, rolled less than he hoped for and ended up staring at the shadier bits of the troll. He at least remembered he had a gun and hoped to god he'd have a chance to use it.

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2003 5:08 am
by Bethyaga
"J esus!" Simon had been just about to squeeze off another shot when Derrick pulled his little stunt. Watching him come up a little short on his dive, Simon decides to help him out. He shifts his aim up to the big troll's head, wanting to get a high shot off while Derrick is still low to the ground.

"Shit!" The Remington's blast has barely reached his ears, and Simon knows the shot is off. He'd been aiming for the troll's ugly face, and instead just barely tagged his shoulder. Blast it! He'd been too worried about keeping clear of Derrick and didn't trust his own instincts. He doubted if the troll even felt that one.

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2003 6:49 am
by Bly
"Die CUNT!"

Bly ducked to his blow and with a swift ensho geri to his left shin, she was able to buy herself a full second and a half, enough for her to kawariwaza out of his reach, bringing her closer to the Cadillac. Distancing herself, a shot of adrenaline was an added bonus to her strength as it pulsated through her veins.

In that moment, Bly took in a breath as her fudo opponent barrled towards her. She was quick enough, with the distance she had made to put more between them, but in that empowering moment, a blue mist clouded her vision. At first, that's all it was - a faint tint to her sight. Cocking her chin to the right in a split-second motion, she tried to shake it off, assuming it was a side effect of her battle of some sort she had not experienced before.

Bly glanced to her side, recapturing a brief image of the Cadillac. The blue became stronger, blending the images as one mass. Her kiyo was breaking down by the millisecond. She tried to move her legs, but the only movement they returned was a buckling of her knees. Her shins smacked the pavement with a hard thud and her vision deteriorated to nothing but an ocean of intense, blue hue. As she pushed forth her last ounce of energy, passionately trying to swing her arm in a kote uchi to the air in front of her, the blue faded dimly to black.

And with that, the machine woman collapsed into a defeseless heap upon the bridge, unconcious to the chaos still surrounding her.

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2003 7:09 am
by Serious Paul
Abdallah grinned just long enough to watch her fall-the shotgun blast hit him at about the same time the spell did. As he fell to the hard pavement his last thought was about his master....

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2003 7:15 am
by Serious Paul
They had been assigned by the master as outriders for a simple scare job. He had told them that they were insurance, just in case. Mainly his brief discussion with them had centered around Lone Star, and their Department of Paranormal Investigators. Now it seemed their master, who seemed ten feet tall in their eyes, had erred greatly. the runners were much more dangerous than they had been told. Briefly looking at each other, they nodded, and drew the Uzi's back into the crook of their elbows. the master had been pretty specific at what they were to do...

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2003 7:22 am
by Serious Paul
Ms. Johnson had easily managed to duck between the SUV, some sort of big Suburban knock off, and her own Caddilac, the STS-complete with Autodrive™, sliding under the damaged frame and intot he drivers side door. She slipped into the seat, and scanned the controls. At least they left it running, she thought, shifting the vechile into gear she jammed the gas to the floor. The big trucks engine revved, and the tires spun as she pulled the two vechiles apart, racing backwards.

Slamming on the brakes she saw Bly go down, and the troll as well. She could also see Inuk and the Mage trading blows, and she briefly wondered what fucking sort of shaman was Inuk? Shaking her head she revved the engine and raced towards the two asassins on the bike. This would either work really well, or be really stupid....

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2003 12:50 am
by Inuk
He could see the fear in his opponent's eyes. This was a young one, unsure of his power, lacking the experience that would have allowed him to avoid this simple confrontation. The old ones rarely stayed in place long enough to exchange blows, particularly with someone like Inuk. Not that it had ever mattered.

Inuk brought his head up into the mage's jaw, slamming his mouth shut like a trap. He brought his arms out, forcing the vampire's out with them, and then brought his fists smashing together onto either side of the mage's head. With unnatural force, his fists met at the center of the vampire's brain, his head smashing open to spill onto Inuk's hides, blood bright on the ivory surface of the bridge, vibrant in the actintic light. With one last gargling breath, the young vampire fell to the roadway and did not move.

Inuk took no time to cheer; silence was his way. He began to turn, to assess what threats might be left.

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2003 10:50 pm
by Serious Paul
As Inuk turned the submachineguns opened up. Bullets sprayed everywhere, some bounced off the Caddillac's bullet proof windows and frame. Other embedded into the Cadillacs windows, spider webbing the armored glass. The rear tires exploded, and Simon was forced to pull back into the Caddillac.

Derrick Arthur hit the deck hard, trying to use one of the injured goons as a shield, but a single round found its target, grazing his right arm.

As Inuk sprung into action he was hit from behind, a foul stench filling hisnose, and warm bloody hands grabbed him around his shoulders. An angry roar filled his ears, and he was propelled forward towards the damaged guard rail...

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2003 6:26 pm
by Bethyaga
Simon is looking around for any other tools--a hidden grenade or tacnuke or something. Not a lot to work with here. Simon pokes his head and gun barrel up at the first break in the hail of bullets and takes aim on the first of those bikers he spies--anything to stop those SMG's.

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2003 10:55 pm
by Eliahad
The pain was something new, entirely unfamiliar and something Derrick hoped he would never have the pleasure of experiencing again. He bit his tongue, twice, tasting the blood on the inside of his cheek and did the one thing he hoped would save his life. He scrambled across the body of the Troll, trying to keep it between him and the two freaks with the SMG's. Biting back the pain, and his tongue again, he slammed his back into the body and tried to force it onto its side giving him just that much more cover.

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2003 1:46 am
by Inuk
"You think to defeat me?" the vampire hissed in his ear. "I, who could drink you dry, could make you my slave with a touch?"

Inuk struggled in the vampire's iron grip, leaned too far over the guardrail, looking at the icy water hundreds of meters below. He gritted his teeth, twisted in his enemy's grasp, until they were face-to-face, his adversary's ruined visage only inches from his own.

"You see, hunter? You cannot kill me! I will be whole again. I will always be--"

With no warning, no expression, Inuk grabbed the vampire in return, wrapping his meaty arms around dead flesh. As the vampire continued to push him backward, Inuk suddenly arched his back, teetering on the edge of oblivion. The vampire shrieked and tried to let go, but it was too late. Locked in an embrace like doomed lovers, Inuk and the vampire drifted downward into the frozen darkness below.

Over the gunfire, the team couldn't even hear the splash.

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2003 7:01 am
by Serious Paul
Ms. Johnson ducked as the first gun man hosed the SUV with bullets, shattering the windshield, spraying glass shards every which way. She felt the impact after she heard it, a sickening thud as the two and a half ton sports utility vechile slammed into both bike and rider at well over seventy kilometers an hour. She jammed the brakes and watched as the mans broken body rolled in an opposite direction from his smashed bike. The vechile skidded to a halt blocking another lane of traffic, which worried her slightly, it wouldn't be long before someone noticed traffic was being blocked up here, automated trucking or no.

She could see that the second gunman had evaded her attack and was drawing near her door, Uzi raised. Just as he was about to start shooting, and she was about to start getting filled full of lead, a shot gun blast boomed through the air, and the gun mans head vaporized in a pink mist.

She sat up in the seat and saw Simon grinning from just inside the Caddie. She definitely had made a good choice there she silently thought...

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 7:05 pm
by Eliahad
Derrick waited an extra ten, maybe fifteen seconds after he heard the crash of the car. He popped his head out, peering over the prone form of the Troll hoping that there wasn't anything ready to put a bullet between his eyes. His arm throbbed, his right hand holding the pistol limply in its fingers. They would still bend, but the fire that raced up his arm warned him against the motion.

Using the troll for leverage he staggered to his feet whistling at the twisted metal of what used to be a motorcycle. He wondered how many of the goons were alive, and how safe they were. The sobs of the driver were promising, information was always a valuable commodity and the current situation seemed to have a lack of it. Bly was a concern, but...Choices, choices...

"Hey Remington, Lady J, does your ride still work or are we going to need to commandeer something else? And can someone take a look at sleeping beauty?" God I hope they don't think I'm being harsh, I don't know if these guys are still awake. Simon probably saved my life. Derrick stormed towards the driver, wrapping his left arm around his neck and holding the pistol loosely in the drivers side. A single squeeze would be worth the pain if he tried something.

"Ready to go for a ride, Jeeves?"

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2003 10:44 pm
by Bly
"Sha'teal..." She could not tell where the mans voice was coming from. It called out to her from beyond the window. Was someone outside? Her long hair flowed over her pillow and Bly rolled her back to the voice.

"Sha'teal..." The voice blended into the cry of a child. It was enough to peak her out from her rest. Sitting up in the bed, she wrapped the sheet around her and walked to the window. There was nothing but the breeze and rustling of leaves from the trees beyond. Bly stood there for a moment, wondering. After a moment, convinced her imagination was once again playing tricks on her, she glided across the room to her dresser. Sliding open the top drawer, she removed two articles of clothing and lifted her head.

"Bly?" The woman's image stood behind her, though Bly was able to see it in the mirror. Without turning to face her, Bly asked, "What are you doing in my home, Kella?"

Kella's image in the glass grinned ever so slightly and Bly noticed the raising of her hand. She was armed. Bly, faster than a breath, gave a swift back-kick to Kella - knocking her to the floor, grabbed her gun from the drawer and turned around, aiming it at her head. A look of fear plagued Kella's face. Had she thought for a second she was faster? Smarter? Bly placed her index finger on the trigger and stared at Kella.

The lying woman's face quivered, as though she realized her mistake moments too late. "Bly....Bly....please.....Bly....." Suddenly, something struck Bly in the chest; something she hadn't seen coming.


Bly gasped, inhaling a deep breath that was hard to initially intake.

"Bly...." Ms. Johnson repeated. "Bly, please wake up. We must hurry."

As Bly opened her eyes, wincing at the light above, she saw Ms. Johnson scurrying to gather some first aid equipment back into a small box. Her eyes scanned the vicinity, but there was no Kella anywhere. As her memory resurfaced, she realized what had happened. Bly tried to sit up quickly, but her body wasn't ready. Ms. Johnson pulled a patch from her chest and kneeled to prop Bly up with her.

As they stood, Bly tried to speak. "I..."

Ms. Johnson replied with a firm voice, "We must hurry. We are almost out of time," and with that, they pushed their way to the vehicles.

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2003 2:27 am
by Serious Paul
The sobbing man barely even acknowledged Derrick at first. He gibbered senselessly, the pitch of his voice getting higher and higher, a paniced tinge creeping into it. Derrick simply smacked the man, and dragged his body out of the car. He'd have the chance to interrogate him on the move.

He slammed the man into the rear most seat of the SUV, the Caddie was definitely not going anywhere, and a quick nod from Ms. Johnson was all he needed to know they had switched rides.

"All right sugar pop we can do this hard way, or the easy way", Derrick grinned viscously, briefly looking down at the bloody clothing covering his wounded shoulder,"Personally, I hope you're dumb enough to put up a fight."

The mans sobbing hitched as he looked up at Derrick. His eyes widened when he saw the look on the runners face, but quickly narrowed up to slits. He hissed, "You killed the master! They'll kill all of us for this! Fool!"

Ms. Johnson spoke loudly from outside the vechile, over the driving wind and rain. "We'll leave my car here, my employeers can explain what happened here better than we could anyways. Corporate Lawyers are slimey snakes. We'll take their ride, maybe it'll hold some clues we can use."

She helped the still groggy Bly into the row of seats behind Derrick, and Simon piled into the front seat, still cradling his shotgun like a hunter on the prowl. Inuk was somewhere down there below, in the dark cold waters.

If he was still alive that is.

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 9:11 am
by Serious Paul
Ms. Johnson shifted the big SUV into gear and gunned into the rushing traffic, relying on both the vechiles weight and her skill to maneuver them into the far left lane. She concentrated on the road as Derrick and the others began to question their "prisoner".

Derrick was on one side, and Simon on the other. Bly turned in her seat looking backwards at the men. Derrick grabbed the man by his collar, and growled, "Oh he will he? Maybe you missed it pal, but your master just took a gainer off the damn bridge."

"He isn't going to be doing too much of anything unless he got real good at growing wings on the way down."

Simon swung the barrel of the shotgun over, just below the mans chin, and used the cooling metal to lift the mans head up level with the orks own eyes. "Lets start with who the hell are you? Whats your name?"

"Jason...Jason Sawyer." Apparently Jason had realized the situation had just escalted beyond his control.

"Good, now then who is this "master"? What was his name?"


"And does jebediah have a real name?"

"Its just Jebediah...just Jebediah."

"Okay, we'll leave that at that for now. So who do you work for? And why did you attack us?"

Jason sat silently for a second, his eyes were glazing over, he was obviously in shock, and withdrawing. Derrick rattled him hard enough to make his eyes dialate a little. "Pay attention. Answer the questions. You have nothing to win here, and everything to lose."

"You're all going to die. Do you you think...they'd let you live? After this?" Jason's eyes opened wide, and he pushed his face almost nose to nose with Derricks. His brow was beaded with sweat, and his breath smeeled like burning almonds. Derrick had patted him down pretty thuroughly, but he knew something was amiss, but what....

"You're all going to die!" Jason scremed in a paniced Alto. His mouth was frothing, and his lolled wildly. "All going to die." He thrashed wildly, pushing Simon against the door of the vechile hard. Simon used the butt of the shotgun to blast the man in his ribs, but he was obviously mad, and he seemed to barely feel the blow. The man grabbed Derrick by his shirt and slammed him backwards into the rear most seat.

The two men rolled over the seat and onto the floor. Derrick had been caught off guard by the suddness of the attack, and the pain from his wounded shoulder wasn't helping. Derrick tried to dislodge jason's hands from his neck, but the other man was obviously having an adrenaline burst. Just as his vision started to blur, Jason's hands slackened, and Derrick heard a loud crackign sound as Simon slammed the butt of his shotgun into the pawns head. Jasons body crumpled on top of Derricks own.

Derrick sighed. he just wasn't having a good day.

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 9:18 am
by Serious Paul
As Inuk fell the creature clawed at his neck and face, but Inuk barely felt these scratches, nor did he feel the blood. His singleness of mind, his sole purpose was to kill the abomination that had been a man once. His spirit screamed in rage, his soul burned with the strength of justice as he struck the creature repeatedly, each blow causing the thing to howl in pain and fury.

They twisted through the air like ballerinas who'd had too much to drink just before the big show, their bodies jerking and twisting. The wind whistled so loudly they barely heard their own enraged battle cries.

And just as suddenly as their ballad of death ahd begun, it ended. Both man and creature hit the water like a truck slamming into a ferrocrete barrier. As inuk blacked out he heard his prey anguished death thralls.

He had won. He was victorious. Inuk blacked out,and the frigid black water carried him away...

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2004 6:28 am
by Serious Paul
Ms. Johnson pulled the big SUV right past the barrier that would have blocked anyone from driving on the docks, if it had been maintained properly anyways, and slowly; carefully pulledto with in twenty feet of the edge of the dock. The rain was starting to come down harder,other than the swishing of the windshield wipers, all they could hear was their own breathing and the crash of the rain as it scoured everything, washing the dirt and oil off the streets and into the gutters.

They could see the droplets hitting the water like a million bomblets, each causing an exploding ripple across the surface of Lake Washington. The weather had forced all but the most rugged citizens inside. In the distance the new Fuchi skyraker was a grey skeltal mass that jutted up into the darkness-when it was completed it would be five hundred plus stories of chrome and steel above the lake itself, but for now it was just an eerily claw like structure that reminded them of a drowning man reaching for help.

Ms. Johnson and Bly scanned the waters with their enhanced senses, but from the SUV it was hard to tell. Simon finally spoke, breaking the silence.

"Anyone see him?"

No one spoke the obvious question-had he lived through that?

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2004 11:34 am
by Eliahad
"No," Derrick stepped from the car and started walking up and down the dock, not so much looking at the water, but for a smal raft or dinghy, anything that could get him closer. He didn't seem to care that the rain soaked him to the bone, or that the wound in his shoulder was a dull throb that threatened to explode from too much use. That smelly little man had saved their lives and he wasn't going to let someone he could save get away.

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2004 2:00 am
by Inuk
They hit the surface like an explosion of meat and water. The vampire's lifeless body clung to Inuk, his claws deep in skin, his arms in a last embrace. Peacefully, Inuk floated down with him, to the bottom.

<b>I am not finished with you.</b>

Inuk's eyes snapped open. The vampire was alive, clawing at his face, mad with terror and cold. Fighting against the drag of the water, Inuk blasted back with a furious combination of punches. The light from his popping fists briefly illuminated the twisted features of his adversary as the Inuit's blows rained onto him. The vampire fell back, reeling under the assault, his flesh tearing away like wax.

<b>You cannot stop. You can never stop.</b>

As he came to rest on the bottom, Inuk stood above him, his hands glowing brightly against the darkness of the waters. All around him stood rings of the undead; he was surrounded by them, and now they came forward in a rush, and he screamed out glowing bubbles of outrage and determination. He would pulp one head, but in the afterglow of the impact, he could see another step forward to take its place, pushing his still, drifting comrade into the muck of the river floor, then stepping over him to attack. Inuk did not care. He cried out, but there was neither pain nor dispair in his gurgled outcry: there was only anger, hate, destiny. His fists burrowed through the water like bullets, rending anything in their path. Blood and flesh filled the waters around him, until he was forced to advance over the corpses of the undead to escape the blinding cloud. He waded through them, his hands bringing death to each in turn. It was slow going, moving through the freezing water, his leather breeches and shirt pulling at him, constantly having to turn to fight an enemy from a new quarter, but he would not cease. The voice drove him onward.

<b>When you are done with them, I will be done with you.</b>

Inuk's eyes snapped open. He was lying on the shore, not far from the docks. It was raining, and the rain dragged his long hair over his face, in his eyes, his mouth. He pulled it away with one hand, and was amazed to find it clean of blood. Perhaps the rain had washed away the remains of his adversaries, the neverending streams of undead he had battled beneath the waters. He coughed, and the movement tore at his chest: he had at least one broken rib, perhaps more. He was silently amazed; he had never been broken before. He had never fallen a hundred meters into ice and water, either. His fingers were clawed in front of his eyes, frozen and red. He forced them straight and pushed himself up, only slightly more slowly than he normally would.

Parked on the dock, humming, still, was the vehicle he and his teammates had come in. As he regained his feet, he stumbled toward it, his gait becoming more and more controlled, more and more sure with each step. By the time he reached the vehicle, his walk was that of a man comfortable, at home, casual, uninjured. He opened the side door and they all jumped, focussed as they had been on the waters in front of them. Simon's legs tensed for a dive to knock Inuk back out into the mud, but he stopped in time. As Inuk calmly took his seat, Simon noticed, just as the strange eskimo closed the mangled door, that there were no footprints leading out into the night.

Inuk rubbed his hands together in front of his face, breathing lightly on them. "Cold," was all he said.

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2004 11:20 pm
by Serious Paul
Ms. Johnson was surpirsed to see the soaking wet Indian come striding from no where 'Uninjured' she thought. She managed to conceal most of her surprise.

"We'd better go. I am sure you could use some sort of medical attention, and he could use some dry clothes." She lead them back to the vechile where the Indian was already inside.

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2004 6:50 am
by Serious Paul
Ms. Johnson drove them through the narrow streets of Bellevue, finally stopping as near to Derricks place as he decided she'd get for the time being-despite the fact that she probably knew its location, he was concerned about security. Some one in her organization was leaking information. It was obvious someone knew his "team" was on the case.

"There's a good coffee shop just on the corner. I know the owner real good, she'll let us use her apartment for now, until we can make a few decisions. Wait here, while I talk with her."

Higher Ground

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2004 8:42 am
by Serious Paul
"Higher Ground's". It was a play on words, a funny joke to her. He'd smiled at her when she explained it. He had helped her move into the dirty little two story building that sat on a busy corner just down the road from Bellevue fire station. She'd cleaned the building up, and decorated it, and thrown the doors open.

He had been back over the years, relaxing in the casual chairs that faced the street, where he'd read books, and watched traffic through the large window front. He'd come here not long after....he shook his head, pushing the thoughts aside, and swung the SUV's door open.

Stepping into the rain he flatly remarked, "I'll be right back."

Derrick was working again, and god damn him , it felt good. It felt good to be needed, honestly needed. Not just taking up space, waiting to die. He shivered and pulling his collar tight, Derrick made his way across the busy two lane road.

As he stepped up on to the curb he saw denise smiling, casually chatting with one of her customers. The bell above the door rang once as he stepped inside. Derrick's senses were instantly overwhlmed with the scent of strong coffee and incense. It smelled good. He'd spent a few rainy afternoons here, reading...

"Well look what the cat dragged in." denise was a small woman, barely over five feet high, with narrow hips, and small breasts-she jokingly referred to them as her goosebumps-dark black hair, and wide brown eyes. She was always smiling, a sort of I told you so grin, and today was no exception. She was wearing a pair of chino's with an olive drab tee shirt that advertised some band he wasn't familiar with. She had several piercing's-her nose, one above her left eyebrow, and too many in her ears. Her was worn short, with one side, the right, shaved to the scalp."It's good to see you Derrick!"

As Denise wrapped her arms around him in embrace, He smiled. "Good to see you too."

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2004 8:49 am
by Serious Paul
As they finished their cup of coffee, Derrick nodded. "I appreciate the loan of your place. I promise to leave it just as tasteless as I found it."

Denise and Derrick grinned. "Stay as long as you need. Maybe later we can really talk." She eyed him seriously, who knew what was happening inside his head, but she had to try.She slid her hand out taking Derricks much larger hand in her own, and spoke softly, "Look I'm here for you, if you need to talk, or whatever."

Derrick nodded, but said quietly, "Thanks, but I'm fine. Listen I have to get moving, otherwise...." He didn't really want to explain why he was going to be bringing an injun-ca-pop into her home. She simply nodded, and replied earnestly.

"Well if you guys want I could brew up a couple of fresh pots of joe for you?"

"That'd be nice."

As Derrick stepped back out intot he nearly freezing rain he wondered for the billionth time why he lived in Seattle? He hated the rain.

As he opened the door to the SUV he said. "Okay lets go around back, we'll get inside and warm up."

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2004 6:27 am
by MissTeja
Things were still hazy. Bly's mind and senses had seemed to collect themselves far faster than her body and reflexes had, which was extremely out of the ordinary. She had never been knocked with such a blast as that, though, and was almost curious as to how it's effects worked as they did. However, she decided going back for a second try was probably not the brightest idea.

As she opened the front passenger's side door, she stepped one foot out onto the pavement. Her heel landed on it's side as she worked to regain her balance. Shifting it to it's proper spot, she used the door to make up for her lack of strength, and hoisted herself up, out of the vehicle. Looking up, face to face with the falling raindrops, Bly wiped her face, as the droplets collected and gathered on her cheeks and lashes. Everything felt as though it was in slow motion; as if she could feel each single droplet splash one-by-one onto her skin.

Slowly turning herself, she pushed the door shut, almost losing her balance in the process. There was little to worry of, however. She presumed onlookers would only assume she stumbled in the delights of drunkeness. As she rounded the front of the SUV, she quickly caught smell of the subtle scent of almond and cranberry coming from the nearby building. The rain continued to soak into her, and a shot of frigid air blasted through her skin, sending an overly strong freeze through her veins. Her senses were on overdrive for sure, as if they were making up for the rest that tagged along at a nerve-racking pace.

For a moment she stopped, overwhelmed by a strange feeling. She could not pin it down, but somethings subtly disturbed her. She looked about, but only to see her crew filtering out of the SUV, Derrick already making headway on them all by having approached the side of the building, and a few street pedestrians lingering about. Derrick turned and waved his hand encouraging them to follow his path around the building, and with that, Bly stumbled her way to follow.

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2004 6:51 am
by Inuk
Inuk stepped out of the back of the vehicle, his wet crown of hair blown into a white comet by the force of the hot air vent the ork had insisted on blowing directly in his face. The rain plastered it back down until it looked like a tipped-over comma. The rain, at least, was warmer than the river.

As he walked around the corner of the vehicle, he called out, "Wait!" His companions' reactions were interesting: Bly's pirouette as she scanned the area for threats, Ms Johnson's duck-and-cover, Simon's raised eyebrow, Derrick's panicked confusion. As they all looked at him with varied expressions, he crouched down, put his hands in the torrent of rainwater pouring through the gutter, and briefly sniffed at its surface. Then he put his face into the stream and drank deeply.

Derrkick sputtered in disbelief as Inuk stood again and said, "Not bad." With a tiny smile, he walked through the stunned silence, across the road, and around the corner.

Simon looked at Honey. "What the hell kind of shaman did you buy?"

She held up her hand. "Hey, don't look at me, peachtree. I didn't invite him."

Recuperating and regrouping

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2004 9:57 pm
by Serious Paul
Derrick opened the door to the apartment, a simple lock and tumbler even though for years he had told Denise to get something fancier-something better. She had refused of course, Derrick thought she was too trusting. Denise thought he was too suspicious. The others followed him through the door, looking over the loft style area carefully.

The air was sweet, incense and the smell of Chinese food-good smells that comforted Derrick.

The door opened to a large living room area that was delineated from the rest of the loft a dark brown leather couch that had seen better days and two sofas that didn’t match. There was no evidence of a trideo system, but there was a remote sitting on the glass coffee table, atop the stacks of magazines and clutter of books and papers. Posters adorned the walls, interspersed with pictures of a very large gray cat. A thick rug covered the living room area, and was stained from use.

A kitchenette lined the north; pots and pans hung from hooks, spices in colored glass jars lined the shelves, and a vase with lilacs sat on the counter. Denise kept a clean kitchen, and the sink was clean, with dishes drying in a rack next to it.

The team could see a set of stairs leading up to what was certainly Denise’s bedroom. Behind the stairs was a large studio area. Paints in cans, canvas’s and tarps were strewn about almost haphazardly. A large portrait of a woman holding a cat was halfway completed.

Derrick dropped heavily onto one of the sofas and said, “I’m going to catch a little shut eye, after I patch this scratch up anyway’s. Then I plan on getting a hold of some people I know. Coffee will be up soon.”

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2004 7:16 am
by Steel Machine
Simon stood by the door only for a second before deciding to relieve himself, crossing the room he made his way quickly to the womans, it was obviously a womans apartment, bathroom, closing the door behind him.

He unzipped and groaned as he aimed a warm stream of urine into the toilet. As he finished he made sure to lower the seat and flushed. As he washed his hands int he sink he stared at his reflection in the mirror. The creatures they'd be facing supposedly couldn't do this.

Washing his hands delibrately, carefully soaping up well past the wrist he took the time to calm his racing heart. he wasn't paniced, but the fight had gotten his adrenaline pumping. It would be better if he had his faculties completely under control before going back out there and trying to plan this thing.