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Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2004 1:54 am
by Thorn
Dakota Lang

Age: 58
Hair: Brown with gray streaks
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 135 lbs

Str: 12
Dex: 20
Con: 12
Int: 14
Wis: 12
Cha: 14

+23/+29 flat footed

Base Attack: +5
Melee Attack: +10
Ranged Attack: +10

Damage: +8
Fort: +4
Reflex: +8
Will: +4

Skills: (not what I spent, but what I'm able to roll - Caz made my sheet easy, since I'm in Remedial Gaming)
Acrobatics 11
Balance 8
Bluff 5
Climb 1
Concentration 1
Craft 2
Demolitions 2
Diplomacy 5
Disable Device 2
Drive 11
Escape Artist 10
Gather Information 5
Handle Animal 5
Hide 8
Intimidate 5
Knowledge 2
Listen 4
Move Silently 8
Perform 5
Pilot 11
Profession 2
Ride 9
Science 2
Search 2
Sense Motive 4
Sleight of Hand 9
Spot 4
Survival 4
Swim 1
Taunt 5

Attack Finesse
Hero's Luck x2
Improved Initiative
Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot
Quick Draw
Rapid Shot
Ricochet Attack
Throwing Mastery

Super Feats:
Immunity: Critical Hits

3: Amazing Save
4: Combat Sense
3: Leaping
4: Luck
3: Super Charisma
3: Super Dexterity
3: Super Wisdom

Thowing Knives 5 <i>Lethal</i>
Fighting Knife 2 <i>Lethal</i>

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2004 2:23 am
by Thorn
Dakota Lang:

Dakota Lang was one of the earliest members of The Legacy Of Justice back in the day. She has since reduced her previous role with the group. Now her primary role with the group is in training the "current" heroes and being the public "face" of Legacy of Justice, not so much with the press as with government groups as necessary, though she will still occasionally go on missions when the situation is dire, they team is short-handed, or she just feels the need to get her blood rushing again.

Dakota Lang was born Dorothy Lang in 1911. Her parents were performers in a travelling "circus". Her first brush with fame was when she was 9 years old, when she was billed as "Young Sergeant York.: The World's Youngest Marksman." Her parents dressed her in a miniature military uniform and she perform various feats of marksmanship. As she grew up, her role within the travelling circus grew and changed as her talents grew. From very early on in life she showed an ability to learn just about any skill that involved hand-eye coordination and/or dexterity. At age 15 she was headlining her own act involvign her knife-throwing skills, which were considerable even then.

When she was 19 years old, her circus group joined forces with one of the first travelling air shows. The lead stunt pilot took a liking to the charismatic Dorothy, and began to teach her the finer points of stunt piloting. By the time she was 25 years old, Dorothy had changed her name to the slightly more exotic "Dakota" and was the headlining flyer for her circus.

When Major Justice started the American Union of Justice, one of the people he called was the now semi-famous Dakota Lang. She was happy to join up, having by then seen most of the U.S. and wanting to see the rest of the world as well. She served as a member on the team since then, though as she grew older she began to take more and more extended absences from the team to go travel the world, often returning to write books describing her adventures.

Though she is 58 years old, Dakota Lang only appears to be in her early 40s, and while her strength is not quite what it was once, her eye is as sharp as ever, and she's as wily and dexterous as ever.