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Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2002 4:44 pm
by TheScamp
Quick question on bioware and adepts... Bio gives an adept a virtual magic rating, which affects the maximum levels for their powers. Do you (aka: Paul, or a designated representative) rule that adepts can only have a certain # of power levels active equal to your magic rating? For example, a character has Magic 8, 'virtually' reduced by bioware to 6. Now, his powers are limited to Level 6, but if he has 2 enhanced skill powers at level 4, (for a total of 8) is he limited to only using part of one? I know people play that rule differently, so I just wanted to ask.

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2002 6:49 pm
by Mace

Fair enough call on the cyber thing - didn't realise you were going to be adding that. You can actually shield/dampen the astral beacon bit using masking though fwiw.

Seeing as you are going cyber, this is probably teaching a grandmother to suck eggs - get cybereyes or at least vision mods and pick up vision magnification. Pretty much a no brainer for any cybered up mage - IMO.


Off the top of my head, IIRC - they boost different things, not the same thing. As such, while the powers are both Increased Ability - functionally different and as such you can use them both together, provided you're not exceeding the Magic 6 thing as well.

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2002 6:34 pm
by TheScamp
I've scratched my last design, and have given up building things from scratch. The following is what I think i'm going with. It's basically the Dolpin II yacht from p162 of Rigger 3, but with high amenities, a jet turbine engine, and some random other things like hydrofoil, electronics port, and crap like that. I've put the final cost at about 200,000, which is actually a lot more expensive (like 40k more) than if I had designed it from scratch, but I don't give a crap at the moment.

Handling: 3/5 (with hydrofoil engaged)
Speed: 138/172 (with hydrofoil engaged)
Accel: 9/11.25 (with hydrofoil engaged)
Body: 8
Armor: 0
Sig: 1/2 (with hydrofoil engaged)
Autonav: 4
Pilot: -
Sensor: 3/1 (sonar)
Cargo: 15
Load: 1200
Fuel: 800
Econ: 1

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2002 8:35 pm
by Eliahad
Name: Alexis Menter
Sex: Female
Race: Elf
Nationality: German born to UCAS parents
Age: 23
DOB: September 7th
Significant Scars: A birthmark on her left shoulder that she describes as a ‘Starburst’
Call Sign: Starburst
Primary Function: Face
Secondary Function: Small Arms Expert

Strength 5
Body 5
Quickness 7
Intelligence 7
Charisma 11
Will 6

Pistols 8
(SK P-61) 10
Submachine Guns 5
Thrown Weapons 5
Cyber-Implant Combat 4
(Retractable Spurs) 6
Unarmed Combat 4
Athletics 5
(Running) 7
Diving 6
Stealth 8
(Theft) 10
Etiquette 8
(Corporate) 10
(Espionage) 10
(Berlin) 5
Interrogation 7
Intimidation 5
(Mental) 7
Negotiation 6
(Fast Talk) 8
Car 3
Bike 2
Boat 2
Computer 4
Electronics 6
Electronics (B/R) 7
Biotech 6
(First-Aid) 8

Knowledge, Background Skills
Pistols 5
SK P61 7
Submachine Guns 2
Cyberimplant Combat 1
Unarmed Combat 1
Athletics 2
Diving 2
Stealth 5
Ettiquette 5
(Corp) 7
(Espionage) 7
Interrogation 4
Intimidation 2
Negotiation 3
Computer 1
Electronics 3
(B/R) 4
Biotech 3


German 4
(writing) 2
English 4
(writing) 2
French 2
(writing) 1
Spetheriel 2
(writing) 1
Spanish 1

Knowledge, Knowledge

Violin 3
Saeder-Kruipp Corporate Politics 5
SK Operating Procedures 6
General Cooking 4
Linguistics 8
Accoustics 5
Recording 6
Medicine 2

Essence: 1.2

Retractable Spurs
Boosted Reflexes 3
Commlink (9)
Radio (9)
Sub-vocal Mic
Headware (250 MP)
Blood Filter (5)
Air Filter (5)
Voice Modulator
Increased Volume
Play Back
Secondary Pattern (9)
Tonal Shift
Eyes (retinal mod)
Flare Compensation
Retinal Clock
Electronic Vision Mag.
Ears (Retinal mod)
Hearing Amplification
High Freq.
Low Freq.
Select Sound Filter (5)


Friendly Face 1
Perceptive 2


Mild Allergy to Dust - 3
Moderate Phobia of Disease - -4
Weak Immune System -1
Compulsive -1

A rough draft from me. Will need to tweak some things, a little different, but I think she'll fill the role nicely.

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2002 9:12 pm
by TheScamp
Hey Paul, I just had a thought... Could we just consider the boat to be Jeremy's high/luxury lifestyle that all characters get for free? As in, he has no actual apartment on the compound, so to speak, other than a very generic low-to mid lifestyle type room, kind of like a spare hotel room or something. His actual home is the boat. Will that work?

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2002 10:09 pm
by Eliahad
As long as you keep it clean.

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2002 12:43 am
by Serious Paul
I answered this in your PM, but I will again to make sure I cover my bases::: I have no problem with you using the boat in this way. You are all loyal Corporate Citizens so I feel SK would trust you guys to live where you'd like-after all some one has to allow you rest at some point right?

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2002 4:29 am
by JohnnyRico
Eli: I need a location for your character.

Team: Two characters are missing callsigns. I'm relatively easy with them, and I'd want you to feel comfortable with them. Jeff, if you have one in mind, let me know. Otherwise, the group gets to put up suggestions, and I'll take the best one.
Jeff's Character's Information wrote:Real Name: Tyler Franklen Meinheim
Rank: Master Gunnery Sergeant
Nationality: German
Race: Human

Call sign:

DOB: 14 July 2034, New York, UCAS
Sex: Male
Age: 27
Significant marks: Large jagged scar across his upper chest, running from just above his left nipple to the depression that marks the point of the rib cage and the xyphoid process that was inflicted by a serrated combat knife, two black tattoos of the Greek letters for Alpha and Omega between his shoulder blades in his back, and finally the scar from the bullet wound just to the left of his right knee on the inside of his leg that was inflicted by a large bore shotgun using slug rounds.
Remember that he's the Mage.

Also, my character is in need of a callsign. Help would be appreciated.
Rico's Character's Information wrote:Character: William Michael Dunne
Rank: 1st Lieutenant
Nationality: German
Race: Human

Call sign:

DOB: 28 October 2035, Ramstein AFB
Sex: Male
Age: 26
Identifying Marks: A single datajack concealed by his hair.
Anyone else with issues/questions, you know where to find me. No personal mental issues or questions about where babies come from will be replied to. That is all.

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2002 8:03 pm
by Eliahad
Emailed! Let's GOOOOO! I want to play! I want to play now! Enough of this waiting crap. :) I'm kidding of course, but yay!!!

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2002 7:36 pm
by TheScamp
Ok, my first IC post is up. Sorry it took so long, but I've just started school full time again; schedule adjustments take a little time. I also would have posted under Wraith, but someone else has taken the name, so I'm kind of hosed in that department.

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2002 3:31 am
by Serious Paul
Okay team Blue I need a post from the rest of you. I want a post from each person before I start the rest of my posting and the briefing

Thank you

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2002 4:15 am
by JohnnyRico
Earlier today I sent out the E-mail of Proding. No responses as of yet, but it should (theoretically) work.

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2002 1:37 am
by Starburst
Jeff, everything is platonic, unless you don't want it to be. She /will/ call you 'hun' regardless, so get used to it :)

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2002 4:08 am
by Starburst
Jeff, I love you, I want to have your child.

I'm giddy now, this is going to rock.

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2002 2:56 pm
by Jeff Hauze
Okay, I'm more than a little confused now. I was under the impression that we were having a teleconference with our team before meeting in Essen. As of Paul's last post, that's not the case. I'd really like to get this cleared up, as it drastically changes my postings if we are currently arriving as his last post shows. Can somebody clear this up for me?

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2002 3:22 pm
by Starburst
Consider it a flash forward in time. I think Paul got tired of waiting. (I was starting to)

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2002 7:01 pm
by Jeff Hauze
That's cool, but if so, I definitely have two other posts I need to get up then, as I thought I still had time. One to disclose a nice little conversation between a certain lizard and myself, as well as the intro post when I first see Arista and Alexein for the first time in years. I'll get them up tonight late night then.

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2002 11:29 pm
by Serious Paul
Okay before I reply to Cazs post I will give people some time to read an what not. Let me know if the pace gets to be too much, or any out of character questions you have

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2002 4:31 pm
by Jeff Hauze
Question 1: Where's Rico?

Question 2: I guess we've officially skipped the briefing, any introductory posts, and pretty much anything else. Nevermind. I retract the question, if there ever was one.

Question 3: Mace, why exactly do we need conjurers? It was my understand that was Tyler's job, unless of course, something has changed and nobody mentioned anything.

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2002 4:44 pm
by Starburst
Rico, I understand that you just got a new game that you're betatesting. But I must admit that I'm feeling a little miffed that you posted to SST three times without checking down here. Yes, I know real life is a bitch, 'TELL US' so we can work around that and keep up with the posting we wanted to do.

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2002 2:15 am
by Guardian
Jeff - the reason Guardian is asking for the Colonel to provide the conjurers is we're going to be busy as hell preparing, planning, packing etc. You want to add multiple hours conjuring on top of that? The Colonel provides a couple of specialists who in all likelihood will have the foci for the job too and we can get on with things.

The process is well enough known that Guardian shows up towards the end of the time period, waits long enough for them to point at him and say "Do what HE says" and we can keep moving..

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2002 2:30 am
by Jeff Hauze
If we have not the time for me to do my job, which shouldn't including planning and packing, but should included conjuring elementals, I believe we've got very different views of how these teams work. If that's the case, I think it would be best if perhaps I turned over my character to Paul.

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2002 12:25 am
by JohnnyRico
Well, I'm here. And while yes Eli, I've posted three times to the SST, they aren't exactly involved posts. And also, the Beta testing is over, Earth and Beyond shipped this past tuesday.

Basically, life got hairy, and I'm starting to feel like Cousin It now. As it is, I've got half of my post in a Word file, but I haven't had 20 minutes to take a crap for myself in the last three weeks, let alone get the time to post something that meets my expectations of this character. Personally, I would have preferred another week before the breifing, but it wasn't my call.

As for everyone being able to do our jobs, lets not jump to conclusions quite yet, alright? Jeff, I think it would be easier for everyone if we had a half dozen extra elementals in our service, in addition to yours. Either way, I have my questions to ask, so lets not go jumping off cliffs just yet. I'm going to go work on that post now, and I hope to have it posted tonight, even around this splitting headache.