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Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2002 5:51 am
by Geist
So the important points still haven't been asked.

Geist takes a moment to make his presence known to the Lieutenant before speaking. Once he receives the barely imperceptible nod, he waits a moment to see ifany of the other officers object to him speaking out. Seeing no forthcoming objection, he moves ahead.

"Colonel Hodges, I have a few questions regarding the Awakened aspect of the island's security, sir. First, you mentioned the paranormal critters that we should expect to encounter in the environs surrounding and on the island. Does that list also cover the expected guard paranormals? If not, is that information available? Secondly, are there any hard numbers or even estimates on the number of Awakened personnel and any kind of in-depth background of such personnel? Most importantly, are we looking at primarily hermetic or a similar totemic background among most such troops? Do we know how many such personnel may possibly exceed Bravo-Grade?"

Waiting until the Colonel answers, he holds his breath a few moments longer before asking the questions he doesn't want to ask. "And finally, sir, respectfully, does that above list of paranormals include the Dragon, possibly a Elder, who is also clearly a part of their security? I apologize for not know the creature's name, but do you have specific objectives regarding that creature?"

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2002 5:58 am
by Starburst
Starburst coughs twice, the phlegm rolling around her lungs, she reaches for the glass of water. Dragon? She stares long and hard at Tyler, trying to read his mind and almost disgusted at the way he keeps his eyes focused on the Colonel. A fucking Dragon? Mother, sometimes I just don't... She coughed again and took another long sip, trying not to stare at anyone person for too long, but trying to gauge, and remember, all of their reactions.

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2002 6:11 am
by Geist
His questions now answered, Tyler finally opens his Eyes. He lets his gaze settle on the two faces he has avoided the entire course of this briefing.

Alexein, you haven't changed, have you, dear Lucifer's child. I wonder if you still remember what the fire felt like dancing over your skin, lazily traveling across the floor, the walls, even the very air? Would you be happy to know that your smile tormeneted me through hundreds of sleepless nights since that day? No...of course not. Instead, you would simply be disappointed that I was so very human. You haven't changed. No wonder she's still alive.

Allowing only a fraction of a second to pass, he gently pushes a mental invitation to Alexein, requesting a brief meeting with the senior officer at his convience after the briefing, if he will grant such a request. The next moment is spent with his senses locked onto his other former teammate.

Jezebel. Judas. You've never forgotten have you, you've never even forgiven yourself, or me? Do you wonder what those discreet glances are that Starburst and I exchanged when we walked in? Yes, I believe you do. And you even care....amazing. All these years, and you've never once stepped out of that moment. You're still living that day in your mind, for so many years. Plus ca change....

His task complete, he brings his eyes back into focus, letting the Vision slip away as he listens to the Colonel's answers, gauging the responses of the team members to the information he brought to the table. For now, he will glance over all of the team members, though specifically avoiding to look at Valor whatsoever.

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2002 3:03 am
by Serious Paul
Colonel Hodges controled his emotions, his lips tightening, he kept his face a mask.He took a slow breath, calming himself and spoke in an even tone.

"We do have some indication that the book is being held inside the main complex, which is located beneath the water in the lagoon. Intelligence has placed the book at the lowest level, a cavernous room we have dubbed the Lair."

"The Lair is filled with water as far as we can tell, and is deep beneath the water."

Colonel Hodges pauses, his eyes briefly flicker to Geist. He'd have to check his file again, this time much more thuroughly-How did that man know that?

"While we do believe it is possible that a dracoform involved, however confirmation has been difficult to establish, perhaps you have soemthing to share,Master Gunnery Sargent Meinheim?"

Colonel Hodges sits back down, and waits patiently.

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2002 3:48 am
by Eliahad
Oh don't answer him, just say 'nothing further'. Please. She stared at Tyler, her eyes showing none of the emotions. She knew the general opinion of Tyler, even with his exceptional record and knew that information like this was nothing to just throw around, even in a meeting like this. "Meditations, visions, whatever you call them Ty, whatch them carefully. They're going to get you killed," I said. Maybe a court martial instead...

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2002 10:55 pm
by UncleJoseph
While he had been listening patiently and quietly all along, the mention of a dragon brought Valor back into focus. Dragons were the ultimate challenge. Those who went up against a dragon usually died.

Valor gave a long hard look at Geist, wondering how he had come by such knowledge. While it was true that many of the operatives in this room had access to very sensitive and priviledged information, it was also true that they rarely had information that their commanding officers did not want them to have. Why would the Colonel withhold such a vital piece of intelligence?

Valor muttered to Droz under his breath, "Looks like we're in for more than a couple of longshots and standard Dragons deployment. This one's gonna get dirty."

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2002 3:32 am
by Wildfire
Arista's focus was only half occupied by the meeting. She wasn't a planner. While considerably better than the average operative, against other Dragons, she fell short in skills like tactics and strategy. She deferred to Alexein for that. Focusing more on inner reflection against the information presented, she felt eyes on her. She knew before she focused on reality who it was. Maybe it was the astral, maybe it was just a lost familiarity, but she turned towards the others, unable to face the eyes on her that belonged to Tyler. His question brought her focus back, though. A real Dragon? Dragons were things of myth and legends, they were the ultimate punishment for disobedience when she was small, to be "left on the mountaintop for dragons" was the worst threat ever. Even though she knew one ruled SK, and she had seen plenty of pictures, the concept of an actual living breathing dragon was beyond what she could imagine. To fight fight one would be...terrifying, thrilling...worthy of recognition. She awaited the answer of the colonel.

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2002 5:20 pm
by Geist
Serious Paul wrote:Colonel Hodges pauses, his eyes briefly flicker to Geist. He'd have to check his file again, this time much more thuroughly-How did that man know that?

"While we do believe it is possible that a dracoform involved, however confirmation has been difficult to establish, perhaps you have soemthing to share,Master Gunnery Sargent Meinheim?"

Colonel Hodges sits back down, and waits patiently.
Geist levels a cool and even stare at the Colonel. "I apologize for my outburst sir. It is a matter that should have been brought through the proper channels. My report is still pending an outcome from Central Security, which would be why I have not taken the time to report these findings to the chain of command properly, including my team members. But it is a grave concern, if a dracoform is involved."

Geist clears his throat, and pans around the Dragon members before settling his gaze once more on Colonel Hodges. Slipping into the Vision once more, he watches to judge the man's reaction to his following statements. "Two days ago, I was undertaking a standard summoning ritual to call forth some of my elemental allies. Instead of being greeted by Aequitas, the fire elemental I usually deal with, I was met by what appeared to be the astral form of another Awakened magicker. A conversation commeneced in which the other 'mage', for lack of a better term, seemed to know who I was and what I was connected with. He made reference to my liege, berating him for playing in mortal affairs. Shortly after that comment, he revealed his full astral Self to me, pulling down any and all masking he had in place at the time."

Pausing a moment, he continues after letting the information sink in. "The 'mage' had the signature commonly associated by astral reconnaisance experts with a dracoform, a very powerful dracoform at that. Astral recon is one of my field specialities, and my record will show that mistakes of this sort of scale are not a habit of mine. He then clearly threatened me, warning me to not approach the island or to risk my life, and the lives of my allies in certain death. When Central received my simsense recording of the event, they verified that everything I had seen was truthful, at least according to my perspective. Additionally, when the investigative team went over my residence, the astral space there did show residual impressions of a powerful nonhuman entity, consistent with dracoform auras, though it was not positively identified. I cannot say with one hundred percent proof that a dracoform was what I encountered. I can say however, that I trust my senses, and that as my record shows, I have encountered a dracoform aura in the past. I do affirm that my recognition was correct, and that there is a dracoform involved with the target island, if not directly present there."

He glances around the room, gauging the reactions of his fellow Dragon members. "My question though Colonel, still stands regardless of confirmation of such a creature or not. If such a creature is present, are there any particular objective regarding it, sir?" He finishes, waiting for the Colonel to answer this question and his original questions.

Chord and Guardian will probably have my head after this meeting, especially for not letting them know first before my outburst here, but such is life. The risk is worth the truth, if nothing more than to see this Colonel squirm. Alexein would despise me for such a clear disrespect towards a superior officer, while Chord would chuckle privately. I've learned too well from Starburst and my new teammates, it seems.

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2002 10:53 pm
by 3278
How far the mighty have fallen,Aleixen thought.Once you could pull the stars from the heavens with your devotion, and now you stoop to passing on information from the aether like an errand-boy.

The Dragon, if such existed - and he had little doubt that Geist was correct, in this instance; the situation surrounding the Anandaprana nearly screamed Dragon or drake - would add another edge to the situation. If it were truly a Great, and it willed them to fail, fail they would. Aleixen had never met Lofwyr personally, though he had seen him many times in public, and of course had had his Class' picture taken with him, but he knew that should Lofwyr choose to slay every SK Dragon in the world, he could do so without a second thought.

But that Intelligence thought it was possible for them to complete the mission...that meant that it was, indeed, possible. There had to be some mitigating circumstance, some trick the SK forces could use; perhaps the Dragon was mad, or could be convinced to part with the book in return for another relic. Intelligence would tell them the trick, and if they did not...well, he didhave a calling card for a few of the senior staff on base this week. He'd not thought it odd when the steward kept bringing them; he was back from assignment, and of course his father's old friends would want him to call on them for dinner. But now, he was wondering if perhaps dinner was all they'd intended.

He couldn't ask his father, of course; not only was his father regular-army, but he was also one of those soldiers never informed of the back-alley politics that defined the rest of the brass. His father, like him, was of the old school. Still, while he might remain a soldier at heart, his son knew half of modern warfare was politics.

He waited.

Fuckin' Dragons Man

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2002 5:38 am
by Cazmonster
"Looks like we're in for more than a couple of longshots and standard Dragons deployment. This one's gonna get dirty."

"Da friend, I have bad feelings about this," he replied as he leaned his head back and his chin toward Giest. He smears a big smile across his face, breaking the tension for a moment, "we're going to need bigger fucking guns."

He stood then, and looked at the group. "We do the job. We're the sharpest sword in Big L's scabbard. And nothing in the Sixth World is going to stand in our way."

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2002 1:40 am
by Jinx
*edited due to thinking briefing done, my apologies*

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2002 2:26 am
by Serious Paul
Colonel Hodges sets his face, taking a calming breath. After so many years he shouldn't be surprised by his peoples resourcefullness. They were Dragons. They were the best, ever. They had no equals, no peers-theirs was a world of its own. He had seen the people in this very room perform inhuman feats of skill, magic and strength on a disturbingly regular basis.

'Perhaps I have become accustomed to their very nearly superhuman endurance and loyalty.' He thought. He wondered if he had come to see them as tools of war, and not men and women? He pushede these thoughts out of his mind and started to stand.

He was stopped by a restraining hand, Colonel Childers smiled and said,
" Let me handle this Terry."

"Gunnery Sargent Meinheim I have worked with you in the past, I trust your judgement and your skill. If you say that this Dracoform spoke with you, I believe it."

Colonel Childers gaze left nothing in this staement to question.

"If there is indeed a hostile Dracoform, and possibly a Great involved, we will treat this opponent like any other. Nothing stops a Dragon."


"If this creature stands between us and our objective-Eliminate it."

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2002 5:22 am
by Guardian
Guardian stood up, his massive frame as always moving with a smoothness that many found impossible to credit - those that didn't know of the move by wire and enhanced articulation that gave him a fluidity that would be the envy of many a gymnast. He allowed his massive physical presence to manifest by deliberately treading heavily, his near thirteen hundred pound bulk moving over to the coffee pot and refilling his mug as he cleared his throat.

"Herr Colonel, if I may..."

When after several moments there was no negatory sign from the Colonel he turned to face both teams, his icy blue eyes scanning each member in turn as he spoke...

"There's an old quote that springs to mind - 'The impossible we do immediately, miracles take a little longer'." He paused, sipping his coffee while continuing to run his eyes over both teams - paused on Geist for a few moments, narrowing his gaze slightly...

"We've trained half our lives to do the impossible. We are the best at what we do. It's why we draw the pay we do, why we get the perks that we do. We're DRAGONS - the best of the fucking best."

"This one's ugly and it's going to be messy but we wouldn't be being sent in if the brass thought this was beyond our capabilities - or at the very least, they'd assign a couple extra squads to it. I've been eyeing this off and I see no reason to think that it's beyond us. Dracoforms die, same as anything else. Fuck, I've wasted one myself - you just need a plan, the right gear and an ounce of luck."

"We make a plan, we get the gear and we go in and do the fucking job. And we WILL do the job. It's what we are, what we do. You wanna live forever? It's time to go kick some ass boys an girls - I for one am looking forward to it. This is going to be a challenge worthy of us."

Guardian grinned and rolled his neck on his shoulders before walking back to his seat giving Geist a long look as he did so...You and I need to have words little mage...

He sat and waited, still mentally plotting ways and means of getting the job done - all of it - while minimising the risks to the team and the success of the mission - half listening again...

Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2002 6:18 am
by Serious Paul
Colonel Childers grin was feral, his eyes held a deadly gleam.As he spoke his voice was calm, but held a sharp edge."All of you know that I am not the typ to lead from the rear with the gear. I have dirtied my hands just as much as any of you. IF it were my choice I would be there with you. I would gladly give these silver turkies on my collar up for another chance to do just what you are about to do."

None of you can doubt the sincerity of his words, one of the most decorated Dragons ever, Colonel Childers had a reputation for settling matters permanently, and taking great pleasure in doing so.

"You are the best, maybe ever. Maybe that will ever be."

He paused to let his words sink in. You had his faith, and that meant a lot.

"I'd best answer some of your questions before I forget.

Expect heavy magical resistance. Anchored and quickened spells, as well as the possibilty of some magical weapons. Intel places their awakened forces at a one to ten ratio. One for every ten mundanes is some sort of magically active, most are hermetic, and we have to assume well trained.

Individual background reports are not available, however on site intelligence was gathered and my summation of those reports, which are available, is that these people mean business. Against any one but you, that might mean something. There only strength is in numbers and the possibility of the Draco form.

Awakened critters will always be a variable in this business, but the day one of my people can't beat the ever lasting shit out of an awakened puffer fish is the day I gut each of you personally."

Colonel Childers eyes closed slowly as he leaned on the chair in front of him, and for that brief moment he looks exhausted. His eyes are sallow from lack of sleep, and his uniform, although sharp and worn correctly, looks a bit large, as if he had lost some weight in the last few weeks. For that instant he looks like a tired man.

He quickly opens his eyes, and the intensity of his stare is unsettling.

"Team leaders I expect your FRAG orders in 24 hours. Supply will ensure you have what you need, Herr Captain Konigsamen will be available for the next 12 hours for your questions.

Team leaders ensure your people have completed the necassary paperwork before your departures-I expect updated NOK lists, as well as living wills, and updated insurance profiles. Also dependents should be sequestered as per policy with in the next 16 hours. Remember that their safety determines your success."

"You are the best. You will accomplish your mission. You will do it better than anyone else could hope, and all with a cool stare and a confident gait. None like you have walked the face of this earth. You are Dragons."

Colonel Hodges stood, pulling his back stiffly straight, and his arms to his sides, his thumbs along his fist like a ridge along the trouser seams, just like he had been taught all those years ago in boot camp, with his head held high yelled,"Attention on DECK!"

The room quickly stood at attention, each Dragons body locked rigidly at attention. All eyes faced forward boring holes into imaginary points ahead of them as Captain Konigsamen made his way to the door. He stopped, took one step back with his left foot, bringing the right back he pivoted, facing the room, he rendered a sharp salute. Each man and woman returned his salute with practiced ease, holding their salutes as dictated by custom until he dropped his. Captain Konigsamen pivoted again, facing the door he exited the room.

Colonel Childers and Colonel Hodges stepped over to the door, and as they exited Colonel Hodges nodded to Captain Alexien Diethelm
"Carry on Captain with the plan of the day."

We have our orders

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2002 5:30 pm
by Cazmonster
Droz relaxed back from attention and breathed heavily. "You'd think there was a mage's covention on that island," he opened, clearly expressing his main concern with their immedieate future. He began walking slowly around the room, reviewing the firmcopy intelligence packet they had received. The soldier looked tight, as if he was ready to engage the forces protecting the book from halfway around the world.

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2002 9:42 pm
by Wildfire
Arista frowned. "Perhaps we should consider specific awakened vector firepower." She did not like the practice of using chemicals to inhibit an awakened person's abilities, but with such a high ratio, so worried for those on her team without the ability to defend much against spells and summoned spirits.

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2002 7:22 am
by Cazmonster
Droz nodded toward Arista, "sounds like it could be a plan. For now, gather your things folks, we've got to get moving. There's an island with our name on it."

The tall soldier set his rifle case on his shoulder, left his empty coffee cup in a bin on the counter, and moved toward the door of the briefing room.

"Quick time it Team Gold," he said with an even note of command to his voice.

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2002 1:20 pm
by Jinx
Jinx salutes, and follows Droz out. "If we decide on a delivery, I will volunteer sir."

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2002 5:50 pm
by 3278
Aleixen smiled coldly as his team filed out behind the XO. There would be no fat bacteria used, not unless the Dragon Himself changed his mind about his personal policy on it. No one knew at this point what it did to dracoforms, and its longevity was questionable, at best. The largest known field tests of it - all against insect spirits, in Calcutta, Chicago, and elsewhere - had resulted in so many unpredicted effects that rumor was rampant that the bacteria had a high rate of mutation; exactly the sort of thing the Americans - and Ares, in particular - would forget to watch for, exactly the sort of corner they would cut.

He raised his voice slightly, his Command voice, "XO. Team briefing in an hour. I'll want a preliminary frag order by then, including equipment and tactics. The team is at your disposal until such time."

Looking faintly displeased, his XO asked quietly, "And sir will be doing...?"

Diethelm stood, and the look of displeasure on Droz's face fled immediately in the face of his commanding officer. "Why, quite the same thing. You are dismissed. One hour."

Okay Team, let's Talk

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2002 5:28 am
by Cazmonster
Drodowyzc nodded once to Helm, "one hour sir. You can count on it. Team Gold will be with me in the Seidell Gymnasium." He saluted his CO and turned on his heel and moved with quick efficiency out of the room. The rest of Team Gold were waiting in the hallway for him.

As he faced his team mates, he could see there was something troubling Arista, the girl was not her usual collected self. He stopped in front of her and leaned in on her a few centimeters, well within her personal space. "If there's something bothering you, you need to let me know. I won't put up with conflicts on a mission of this difficulty." Leaning back with a small smile, he addressed the rest of them, "double time it team. We need to get to the Seidell Gym so we can talk some place comfortable."

The four of them jog-marched to the gym, more than a kilometer away. The large building was a multipurpose building, providing many of the physical training needs for the SK armed forces. They moved up to a basketball court on the second level and Droz dogged the door behind them.

"Okay team, I'll be coding up the FRAG in short time. I figure I can tell you now that you'll be shwumping a full pack to the beach. Right now, you've all got permission to speak, so tell me what you have to have to get this job done."

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2002 9:56 pm
by Wildfire
Arista glanced back at the room at Droz's words, but shook her head no. The quick trip to the gym was filled with a myraid of thoughts. What is wrong with me...we are on assignment, I cannot think of other things... As Droz gave permission to speak, she laid out ger needs effeciently.

"I have my blades and myself for offense, I would request some armor and the requisite gear for our jump and swim, and a standard survival pack. Other than that, I have no special requests and will carry what you fell neccessary." Looking uncomfortable for a moment, she finally sighed and asked, "Sir, may a be excused for a moment, I would like to attend to a matter of personal business, I will return within a half-hour."

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2002 10:22 pm
by Jinx
Blinks at Arista's request, and then settles herself {i}'Personal, what's more important than our mission, my wills up to date.[/i]

After waiting till Arista was done, "Sir, my pistols, armor, diving gear, and as light as a load as I can get away with, SIR!"

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2002 10:22 pm
by Jinx
Blinks at Arista's request, and then settles herself 'Personal, what's more important than our mission, my wills up to date.'

After waiting till Arista was done, "Sir, my pistols, armor, diving gear, and as light as a load as I can get away with, SIR!"

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2002 11:31 am
by UncleJoseph
Rolff considered Droz's prompt for the teams equipment needs. Over the last few months, he had become aware (sometimes painfully) of the new requirements his meat and mechanism hybrid body had. he had been told by the SK surgeons that a device called an "auto-injector" was implanted into his body to help regulate some of his new systems. The device had to be recharged from time to time with a fresh supply of chemicals and compounds, all specially tailored for his specific make-up. It would be a good idea to take a couple of refills with him on this mission. Considering the somewhat private nature of some of his upgrades, Rolff felt a more private request would not be inappropriate. Even his CO was not privy to all of the new modifications he now possessed. For some reason, Rolf did not want to advertise his new capabilities.

"Sgt. Drodowyzc, I will provide you with a data chip with my equipment requests. Do you think it might be appropriate to field test that new prototype rifle we had been discussing?" Valor made his way toward a data terminal as he spoke. He quickly fired a prescription request to his primary physician for the required materials. he would be able to retrieve the items from a special courier within 20 minutes. "Preliminary testing for the weapon shows impressive reliability. It may give us a slight edge for this mission."

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2002 9:19 pm
by Cazmonster
Droz's mouth went to a compressed line at "Sir," from two of his comrades.

"Drop the 'Sir' crap, Dragons. I work for a living. Arista, you have thirty minutes. After which, contact me on my personal frequency for an update. You are dismissed."

"Rolph, the gun looks good, I admit. I am somewhat concerned given it's voracious appetite for ammunition. I will consider it closely as I write up the equipment orders. I'll make sure that we've got weapons we can depend on for this mission."

"Given that, everyone will be humping extra ammunition on this mission, along with medical supplies, tactical ritual materials, comm gear and anything else I might deem necessary."

He took a long series of steps toward Jinx, well within the scout's threat radius. Leaning in ever so gently, he locked eyes with the junior Dragon and spoke loudly enough for the whole group. "This is a team mission. We're going to be counting on each other to survive this hoop-sucking assignment and make it back out with the target. Jinx, you're polkaing on monoblades as it is, I don't particularly want to hear anything out of you until we meet back up with the Lieutenant."

Droz stepped back slowly and with a mental nudge, contacted the local display server and started rattling through the minimum loadout he would be expecting everyone to carry. The list was long and excrutiating in detail. The packs looked to be close to eighty kilos from jump-time.

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2002 4:14 pm
by FlameBlade
Claus looks at Droz, standing proudly,

"Droz! My needed equipments are gears to hack into drone sec systems. Also, I would like to see if it's possible to bring my own water-proof spy drone on the HALO drop, Droz! It is quite small and quite manueverable, and excellent for getting close-up of the island that we will be dropping on. That way, we can learn about island just before we get on the island. I will bring it if you allow it."

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2002 3:00 pm
by Jinx
Jinx salutes, and finds a place out of the way, and away from Droz and rest. 'Maybe we'll all come back from this, I hope so. Remember, focus on the mission, focus on orders and we'll come back alive.

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2003 6:50 pm
by Cazmonster
Droz cast his eyes over the team again, remembering the missions past. He set his shoulders and spoke, "this may be the most difficult mission we've ever attempted. The defences on Squama are as tight as any I've ever encountered. But that just makes the victory more meaningful. I want all of you to stay frosty from now until we're back on home soil.

"I believe in the Dragons. I've seen people just like us accomplish miraculous things in spite of crushing opposition. We can accomplish what's ahead of us, so long as we work together."

The tall soldier settled himself then and checked his watch. He nodded, noting the remaining thirty or so minutes left to them. "If no one has any other comments, I'm going to contact the Lieutenant and meet up for the Team Briefing."

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2003 3:32 pm
by 3278
Plugged into the computer is his private room - a luxury his rank earned him - Helm, by habit, didn't open communications through the computer, but rather by routing the transducer in his head through the computer's comm system. "XO, Briefing Room B. Bring the team."

He closed the documents he was working on, locked the machine, and uncoupled himself from it. Standing, he caught a view of himself in the mirror and paused to consider it.A dragon,he thought.A dragon we must defeat. So be it, then; I am a Dragon, too.

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2003 4:43 am
by Serious Paul
The entire building was a wreck. Rubble was strewn about in every direction, bodies mixed in with the twisted steel. He had been here for nearly a week now, and found no evidence as to why.

He was an expert in Nuclear Biological and Chemical Weapons. This seemed, by all the evidence he had found, to be a standard munitions explosion. Whomever had thought to send him here, had just wasted alot of money.

He wondered silently who thought a nuclear weapon would make its way to this god foresaken place as he filed his report.

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2003 5:04 am
by Serious Paul
Captian Alex Scheibe slumped in his chair. For the last six hours the BoltGrinder had steamed at full speed towards Hong Kong. The Japanese fleet had alternatively dogged his ship with sensor sweeps from drones and fly bys from their attack craft.

The Japanese Admiral had hoped to force him into doing something rash, something that would justify action, maybe even sinking his ship. Captain Scheibe had played it cool, and worked his engineering crew into the night.

They were an hour out of port, and the ships Doctor had reported that their cargo was holding up as wella s couldbe expected.

Scheibe marveled at what that man must be made of. From what they could tell the man had fallen some 15,000 feet at least, hit the water with enough force to smash a mack truck and lived. All while being shot full of holes and subjected to at least one type of narcotic, probably used in interrogation.

Scheibe was determined to make it to port, and complete his mission. Hiss crew was the best, his ship was the best.

He would not fail.

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2003 5:10 am
by Serious Paul
The men were resting from a long days work. They had completed seven more ambushes, each similar to the first. They had tasted victory over and over again. As the men rested their team leader set up the satellitte dish.

Each man took care to wash their feet, change socks, and clean their weapons. After that some slept while other ate.

Four hours later they set out again. They had new orders, it was time for someone to pay the piper.

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2003 6:05 am
by Serious Paul
Blue Team stood assembled on the Tarmac. All of their equipment had been loaded the night before, the Op Order had been reveiwed over and over again until each member of the team could recite not only their own role but that of each team members as well as each of Gold teams.

Colonel Childers watched as each of the team checked then rechecked their HALO gear. They'd be doing the jump with about three hundred pounds of gear each. They'd hit the water at close to fifty miles an hour if they missed their ripcord altitude.

As it was they'd hit hard enough to sink an estimated two to three hundred feet. Then they would have to strip, assemble their gear and swim through shark infested waters for 12 miles.

After that the hard part began.

As the Team loaded into the back of the cargo craft Childers wondered how many would come back.

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2003 6:13 am
by Serious Paul
Rheynard Lylesburg stared across the water.

They were coming for him.

For the book.

The ocean was dark, there was no moon this night, and the water was cold. He could pick out the minute details- fish just beneath the surface, the coral reef, and so much more.

He heard the gentle lappimg of the waves, so deceiving-the oceans fury was like his own, With out Match. With out remorse.

His mind drifted to a different time, an age past, long dead....

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2003 6:20 am
by OverLord

::Too bright...hurts...::


"Is that better?"


"Very good...magniifcent, even at inception, this one is beyond even the normal scope...."

::What are you talking about?::

"No need to concern youself there, my friend. You'll find out that and more in due time."

::Very well. Tell me...where am I?::

"This will also become known to you later. For now, content youself with the knowledge that you are in a safe place. For all the effort that has been put forth to bring you here, nothing less is acceptable...."

::Who am I?::

"You are Rhylithel, of the house D'varrhien. I see great things in your future, Rhylithel. Many things, indeed..."

::Who are you?::



Atop the Spire...

The clash of steel on steel echoes again and again as blows rain down from all sides against a single figure, while an intense battle rages around the man and those rushing him.

"Damn you all!"

The man goes into a blurred series of motions, managing to would one of his opponents and driving the rest back for a moment. He glares at the elves surrounding him.and one steps forward, comtempt etched across his face.

"As if an inferior being like you could ever defest us."

The elf makes a throwing motion at the man, who flies backwards and falls heavily to the ground.


"Enough of this. Take him."

The man stuggles to get up, but two elves rush forward and seixe him, throwing his sword aside and wrenching his arms behind his back, dragging him to the side of the tower.

"This is where our time ends. Throw him off."

"NO! Don't - !"

The plead trails into a scream as he is cast off the side. The elves turn and begin to walk away, but stop short as a voice echoes in their minds.

::Fools! You cannot begin to understand the forces I control!::

Frozen in terror, the elves become easy prey as the dragon flies up over the edge of the tower. With a blast of flame, they vanish into ash.


::Why have you summoned me here?::

"Rhylithel D'vharrhien. Today your remarkable skill and power turned the tide of what, otherwise, would surely have been a disaster. The capability you have demonstrated today shows me that you would be most fit for the task I have in mind. You are henceforth Sentinel, guardian of the Anandaprana."

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2003 7:19 am
by Cazmonster
The tall soldier stopped for a moment as he spoke to the rest of the team as an electronic courier downloaded Helm's directive into his personal RAM. It was the work of a dozen nanoseconds or so to access the file. His commander's mental voice spoke tersely through the implanted chipware, "XO, Briefing Room B. Bring the team."

Strange, the CO's terse today. He must not like the odds any better than I do.

Droz nodded as the message came to an end, then directed the team out of the gym and back across the campus toward the Briefing room. After a few moments, he virtually folded the FRAG order into a message and sent it winging to his commander over the invisible matrix of switches and routers, along with a respectful request to complete the necessary NOK documentation for the team.

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2003 10:14 pm
by Jinx
Jinx stands from her position, and follows, wondering just how things are going to go this mission.

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2003 11:18 pm
by FlameBlade
Claus follows Droz, making mental list of everything that he will need to remember for the mission.

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2003 8:39 pm
by 3278
Helm sat in the empty briefing room, awaiting his team. The pressure on them, this time, would be incredible, perhaps even moreso than on previous missions. He'd heard stirrings that all was not well with Blue Team, which, with their mission orders, would mean that tasks left uncompleted would fold to Gold Team. Add to that the strain of a dragon being included in their opposition, and things wouldn't look good to them.

He reviewed the tactical data and mentally added a few more items to his loadout list, currently stored in the SK servers, waiting for the computer in the table to ask for them.

The door chimed, and his team entered the room.

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2003 3:14 pm
by 3278
He stood, and they all saluted him. "At ease," he said evenly, and they returned to their previous casual behavior.

Chatter continued for another couple of seconds, until Droz cleared his throat loudly and said, pulling out a chair for himself, "Take your seats. Let's get started."

Everyone pulled up a chair. Those who could grabbed the extensible cable from their datajacks and plugged into the table. Helm himself took the cable from inside his sleeve - he felt having a cable running from his temple was a little inconvenient in wartime - and jacked it in.

Droz opened the FRAG order in one window, displayed artfully transparent over the maps of the facility. Helm commanded the table, and his equipment requirements - his personal gear, magical and physical, as well as a couple of pool items for this particular mission - slid into place on the FRAG order.

"Thank you, sir. I'll file that." Droz pushed the FRAG order off to one side, and opened another transparent window, this one an index of the information available on their mission.

"Thank you, XO." Helm remained seated, preferring to start off the meeting casually. "Well. We have a mission, ladies and gentlemen. Shall we start discussing tactics? Thoughts?"

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2003 12:05 am
by FlameBlade
Sir, Helm, Sir!

I am under impression that we will be HALO dropping over water, and going through the ocean for a sneak strike. Am I correct, Herr Helm? Also, I'm curious as what is our strategy when coming to Aquatic combat.

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2003 3:06 am
by Cazmonster
"Da, in nutshell, that is the plan. The 'swim' is what the aqua subs are for."

Droz mentally highlights the small subs and puts them off the island chain where the 'opposition' might be thinnest. The icons moved quickly toward the islands, and deposited the team not far off of some high terrain.

"Combat and maneuver is going to be central to our success. We will have to maintain mobility, considering the level of opposition. We will be counting on intel from Team Blue, Cinder specifically, along with whatever you can provide Claus. I'm certain we will be able to maintain firepower in the field so long as we are not pinned down."

The sniper ran a sequence, painting phantom troops across the islands. There were so many dark red figures in comparison to the small handful of blue and gold stars. The sequence moved along, and the red figures either winked out of existence or fell back randomly.

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2003 12:05 am
by Jinx
"Sir, if I can get to that junction, Claus can get in, and give us a in to their security, sir."

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2003 3:27 am
by FlameBlade
Sir, is there any conditions for aborting mission, or it is all out?

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2003 9:46 am
by Serious Paul
The ride was uncomfortable at best. The plane was designed for stealth and cargo, not for passengers. Every available space was filled with advnaced electronics or Team Blues equipment.

They spent the flight reveiwing. Each member of the team had to know their role in this mission perfectly. They had spent endless hours rehearsing prior to their departure. Alone in the isolation of predeployment they could concentrate on the job at hand. They had played each step out a million times. They had what if'ed the scenarios until their minds were numb.

Now as the plane flew at 45,000 feet, they sat on their equipment, and thought about what lay ahead of them. Their thoughts were interrupted as the lights inside the compartment flashed twice then went red.

They had three minutes.

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2003 9:57 am
by Serious Paul
They were lined up in order of their impending jump. The Asisstant Patrol Leader first, then the mage, then the pig man, the Decker, the Scout, and then the Patrol Leader. They looked like oversized tortoises, gear strapped to every appendage, jump bags attached to their powered armor.

The Jump Master was dressed casually-his flight suit with a gortex jacket for warmth at this height. He made a last check of their chutes, and their breathing equipment. They would hit the water like burning bricks, everything had to be just right. Equipmant was checked, double checked and checked again.

As the Jump Master spoke into his helmet mic, the light above him flashed green once.

One Minute.

Each man held up one finger, acknowledging the one minute warning.

The green light flashed on and stayed on.

The rear hatch opened upwards, and the freezing night sky was revealed. Clouds obscured the Ocean below them, not that they would have been able to make out much.

The Jump Master held up five fingers, and slowly lowered them one by one.

The lead man jumped.

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2003 10:03 am
by Serious Paul
Darkness. Weightlessness. Then the drop.

Jesus Crist, the drop.

There was nothing there. I mean nothing. Just darkness, freezing fucking cold dark sky. So thick I could feel it. Even through the suit.

I had never jumped fromt hat height before, nor with this much gear. We were packing like 450 plus kilos. At least I wasn't first.

You should have seen that Troll drop. I swear he fell faster than us. I mean way faster.

And we fell.

And fell.

The waiting was scary. Just dropping for minutes. It seemed like hours. Then the shut deployed, and I drek you not it was like being ripped out of your body.

And still you fell.

By then you could see the water. We must have picked the single fragging worst night to jump in history. Rain, winds, lightning, a real freaking storm. But Intel saidd that would give us our best shot.

Then we hit the water.

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2003 11:28 pm
by Jinx
"Claus, I do believe we're all or nothing."

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2003 10:22 pm
by UncleJoseph
Rolf thought quietly about Claus's last comment. Abort? Rolf had never aborted any mission before. They were the Dragons. Dragons did not abort missions, they completed them, whatever the odds were. Still, the upcoming mission did seem to have a higher failure risk than any other he had taken part in.

Lost in thought, Valor subconsciously extended the cybernetic spurs from his right hand as he flexed it. Staring at his hand while he flexed the spurs in and out of their sockets, Valor did not realize he was causing a small disruption in the briefing. However, he did notice how gracefully the blades slid in and out of his hand, the pefectly crafted skin folds that all but hid the balde exit points and and how quietly the servos and motors powered the blades in and out.

Suddenly aware that he had been staring at his hand for a solid minute, he looked briefly around the table. All of the team members were looking at him out of the corner of their eyes. Noting the expression of alarm on their faces, he retracted the spurs fully.

"Sorry," Valor muttered and returned his attention to Helm.

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2003 6:55 am
by Cazmonster
Exeter whistled low in response to seeing the forearm length alloy weapon. "Nice pig-sticker Valor." He cracked a smile. "That may change some of my calculations of the battles on the islands. It's hard to run with one of those sticking in your backside."