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Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2002 5:44 am
by JohnnyRico
Paul & Blue Team: Once I get Eli's character information, you can expect a replacement file of team information.

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2002 3:48 am
by Serious Paul
Okay the Op Order is up. I will sooon kick off the team leaders contacts, but first I need Team Golds Stuff.

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2002 9:10 pm
by 3278
Hi. I don't have the slightest idea what the fuck is going on. I've been gone three weeks, and mentally absent for about a month.

Where do we stand? When do we stard? What do you need from me, and from Team Gold?

Let's pretend I'm new. Tell me what I need to do before we start.

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2002 12:56 am
by Wildfire
stands next to 32 and holds a sign that reads "I'm with him"

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2002 2:18 am
by Cazmonster
Good to see you back with a real avatar instead of that Sout Park thing. "Now Drop and Give Me Fifty!"

32, Paul needs some basic information on your team.

Wild, start pumpin' girl. We here in the SK are equal opportunity 'correctors.'

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2002 4:33 am
by Jeff Hauze
Uhhh...I know that we still need to nail down the story on our three characters, Wild and Earl. I'm also still looking for the initiatory group info. And I need to find my character another man now. :)

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2002 5:01 am
by Eliahad
Or woman! :)

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2002 10:13 pm
by Wildfire
attempts to do a real pushup and realizes this requires much more muscles and much less fat to accomplish We might be here a while...

Jeff: Thanks, forgot about that, the bg in progress should still be up on Winternight. I know I put my stats and stuff in the DB, too.

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2002 1:43 am
by Jeff Hauze
Okay, maybe I'm just missing something but where is the DB everyone keeps talking about? I mean, I registered on Winternight under Tyler, but is there something more that I'm missing?

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2002 1:53 am
by TheScamp
It's accessed from that little list at the top of the main page. When you've logged in, next to the big WinternightEX splash icon thingy, there's a list of options, like 'FAQ' and 'Search'. Character Database should be last option on that list, coming just after 'Logout'.

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2002 4:09 am
by Serious Paul
Okay this baby is almost ready to start up. A little early I know. What I need is the following::

Team leaders I need you to start us out in the IC threads::: I need your posts to include a reference to the following information(How you do that is entirelly of course up to you):::

The time of day
Your Location
What you are doing
Are you armed?

Okayt once Team leaders get us Rolling we will spiral out of control. One other thing I am creating a thread entitled IC::Dragons-General

This thread will allow us to post to one spot for cross over stuff, instead of flipping between threads. Once each team is out they use seperate threads.

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2002 8:29 pm
by 3278
I've got most of my initial post made. I should finish it up this weekend. When are we starting?

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2002 4:35 am
by Serious Paul
September 1st at 0001. The game is then open as it were, I have sort of guided begining in mind for a reason, then it opens up.

Team leaders have your posts up by this weekend then.

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2002 1:12 am
by Jeff Hauze
Wow. I'm really behind. Time to get things finished up this weekend.

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2002 6:31 am
by Jeff Hauze
Here's the massive fuck-off log from last night. Enjoy. And shout anything out that needs to be fixed.

[11:56] ***** Log started at 11:56 AM 08/30/2002
[11:56] *** Now talking in #Dragons
[11:56] *** Topic is The Order is up.| Team Leaders Post!
[11:56] *** Topic set by Paul on Sun Aug 25 00:06:30 2002
[11:56] *** #dragons created on Fri Aug 30 19:40:30 2002
[11:57] *** Sludig [] has joined #Dragons
[11:57] <Sludig> if you need any more b/g crosses. :)
[11:57] *** Wildfire [] has joined #Dragons
[11:57] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Wildfire
[11:57] <Jeff_Madly_Typing> Okay, so where the hell are we at?
[11:58] <Wildfire> Okay, we do the school thing, that's cool, we just need to get your, my, and 32's background finished, and add any references needed to other people who want in on the group, like maybe Cash
[11:59] <Jeff_Madly_Typing> do we know each other now? :)
[11:59] <Jeff_Madly_Typing> Are we doing the "I was on Gold Team" thing?
[12:00] <Wildfire> Heh :) We have the whole "raised as a group, internal strife" thing, you and 32 had some falling out
[12:00] <Jeff_Madly_Typing> Are we doing the "Tyler and 32's boy want to stuff liquid fire down each other's throat" thing?
[12:00] <Jeff_Madly_Typing> Because Earl still hasn't answered me on that.
[12:00] <Wildfire> Yeah, pretty much :) I think we decided it happened right before they officially split us into teams
[12:01] <Jeff_Madly_Typing> Oh...two days...that's all. And here I thought I had cause to panic.
[12:01] <Jeff_Madly_Typing> :/
[12:01] * Sludig guesses yeah...I had an idea for that...if you want to hear it..
[12:01] <Wildfire> Well, then I think you get to decide on something (rank, me, whatever)
[12:01] <Sludig> (the split)
[12:02] <Wildfire> Did you ever find the Character Database on Winternight?
[12:02] <Jeff_Madly_Typing> Yeah, I did.
[12:02] <Jeff_Madly_Typing> Sludig: Shoot.
[12:02] *** ThatCash [] has joined #Dragons
[12:03] <Jeff_Madly_Typing> Considering I've had to change my character background a bit, and still have yet to finish a character sheet that I'm happy with...fuck if I know what I'm doing.
[12:03] <Jeff_Madly_Typing> It's been nothing but working two jobs and finding a real job.
[12:03] <Sludig> Your char and 32's char had a falling out over a command decision he made...that involved Arista...your char didn't agree with what 32's did....
[12:04] <ThatCash> I just haven't been in the mood to game with all the stuff that happened to me after vacation....I need to finish that tonight. ARgh
[12:04] <Jeff_Madly_Typing> Sludig, wait...who's Arista now? Is that you Slu, or Wildfire?
[12:04] <Sludig> Wildfire
[12:04] <Jeff_Madly_Typing> I can't keep these fucking names straight. :)
[12:04] <Wildfire> Cash: Did you want in on the lifers backstory here?
[12:04] <Jeff_Madly_Typing> Cash, huah. I hear ya bruddah. I really hear ya.
[12:05] <Wildfire> Me :) You, me and 32 were really close since like 8 or 10.
[12:05] <Wildfire> You and 32 destroyed our dorn area for some reason while fighting, they split you two apart
[12:06] <ThatCash> Wild:: Ok. I might throw in a few things that won't change any story (aka, showed an aptitude for piloting almost anything, blah, blah)
[12:07] <Sludig> heh...I'm mainly a poster child for the Dragons...
[12:08] <Wildfire> Well, write yourseld in here :) Did you follow 32, or just followed whoever the leader was/is? Who did you make friends with first, etc.
[12:08] <Wildfire> That was to Cash, btw, Slu's just a bad luck charm :)
[12:08] <Sludig> yep. :)
[12:08] <Jeff_Madly_Typing> Wild, so what's your story now? Briefly?
[12:09] <Jeff_Madly_Typing> Is there some decision that 32 would have made regarding you that would lead me to wanting to roast him?
[12:09] <Wildfire>
[12:10] <Sludig> most likely one, on a training excercise that lands her in the hospital.
[12:10] <Wildfire> I dunno, I figured (when we had lots of time) that you two would figure something out. Um...Arista doesn't like being alone, maybe he sent her out on a mission alone when you could have gone with her, so you were pissed?
[12:11] <Jeff_Madly_Typing> Scratch that.
[12:11] <Jeff_Madly_Typing> Here's my thought. Real simple, real clear cut.
[12:12] <Jeff_Madly_Typing> One sec....multitasking on too many things here.
[12:12] * Wildfire knows the feeling
[12:14] <ThatCash> ARgh. *sigh* no time now. If you want to toss a "teaser" in, the rift with 32's character caused Hooman to request a transfer to a new group where he worked in Surveillance for a bit. After missing everyone else, he buried his grudges and went back.
[12:15] <ThatCash> Ok, got to go everyone. Night all!
[12:15] * Wildfire nods
[12:15] <Wildfire> bye again :)
[12:16] <Jeff_Madly_Typing> Thanks Cash. :)
[12:16] <ThatCash> Oh, and he stays with 32's group because he knows that 32 needs him (for rigging abilities) and it gives him a small measure of satisfaction. :)
[12:16] *** ThatCash has quit IRC (Quit: .)
[12:16] <Jeff_Madly_Typing> Take care dude.
[12:16] <Jeff_Madly_Typing> Wild you going to be on for a bit?
[12:17] <Wildfire> Yep, finishing up Seattle Revisted entries :)
[12:17] <Jeff_Madly_Typing> Say like 20 mins?
[12:18] <Wildfire> Yeah, definitly
[12:18] <Jeff_Madly_Typing> I'm planning on being up most of the night to finish this.
[12:18] <Jeff_Madly_Typing> I'd like to finish up a few other things here, then focus on this.
[12:18] <Wildfire> I can be, not doing anything tomorrow besides playing with more pool chemicals. It really does give you this mad scientist-like feel with the green algae filled pool :)
[12:19] <Jeff_Madly_Typing> Heh.
[12:23] <Jeff_Madly_Typing> Reboot. Back in a second folks.
[12:23] *** Closing Link: Jeff_Madly_Typing[] (Quit: dIRC IRC Client -

[12:23] Disconnected from server
[12:23] Wildfire is offline
[12:23] ***** Log ended at 12:23 PM 08/30/2002

[12:36] ***** Log started at 12:36 PM 08/30/2002
[12:36] *** Now talking in #Dragons
[12:36] *** Topic is The Order is up.| Team Leaders Post!
[12:36] *** Topic set by Paul on Sun Aug 25 00:06:30 2002
[12:36] Wildfire is online
[12:36] Nexusvoid is online
[12:36] -NickServ- Password accepted - you are now recognized.
[12:36] *** #dragons created on Fri Aug 30 19:40:30 2002
[12:36] *** Jeff is now known as Jeff_Insanely_Typing
[12:36] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> I hate being rushed.
[12:36] <Wildfire> Okay, well, yes, for some :)
[12:36] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> I really fucking do.
[12:36] <Nexusvoid> You people are some panicy motherfuckers.
[12:37] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> What did I miss?
[12:37] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Nex, well hello to you to. :)
[12:37] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> How you doing, big man?
[12:37] <Nexusvoid> You're all like "OMGooses two days!"
[12:37] <Sludig> not much...
[12:37] <Nexusvoid> A character takes like 4 hours...
[12:37] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Nex, for you, maybe. For me.... :)
[12:37] <Wildfire> Nothing much ;)
[12:37] <Sludig> hell...mine's been done for a month or so. :)
[12:37] * Wildfire understands, Jeff
[12:38] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Mine was done for a month...until the two Big Changes happened.
[12:38] <Wildfire> The lack of a solid background for my character always makes me jumpy :)
[12:38] <Sludig> yeah...and Lil is sorry...:(
[12:39] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Sludig...dude, don't worry about it. :)
[12:39] *** Nexusvoid is now known as Nexus-Away
[12:39] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> It's my fucking fault for making myself so reliant on other characters in my background.
[12:39] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Nex, are you going to have any kind of background with any of the folks on the team?
[12:39] Nexusvoid is offline
[12:40] <Nexus-Away> No.
[12:40] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> How long have you been with the team?
[12:40] <Nexus-Away> A few months
[12:40] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Cool. A newcomer then.
[12:40] <Nexus-Away> Transferred in from an Italian unit that was nearly destroyed
[12:41] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Cool. Just curious. :)
[12:41] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Thanks.
[12:41] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Wild, here's my thought. It's a bit of change, but it makes things easier, and in some ways makes more sense.
[12:44] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Rather than having an outright brawl between Earl and I (what the hell is his character's name?)
[12:45] <Sludig> I have no clue actually. :)
[12:49] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Wild?
[12:54] <Wildfire> Sorry...
[12:54] <Wildfire> Um...Alexin
[12:59] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> I'm thinking that perhaps the blowup between Tyler and Alexin wasn't exactly related to the team per se.
[12:59] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> More specifically, it was related directly to Arista.
[12:59] <Wildfire> OKay
[13:00] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Tyler could not stand the pressure that Arista seemed to be put under to perform, the level she pushed herself to.
[13:01] * Wildfire nods
[13:01] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> In his young mind, Alexin was the cause for this. While initially training to be the XO of Gold team, he found more and more, that the blame he put on Alexin for Arista's various trips to the infirmary, only led him to one conclusion.
[13:01] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> He would not let Alexin destroy Arista any longer.
[13:02] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> And he would never follow Alexin as a leader.
[13:03] <Wildfire> Cool :) So where do Tyler and Arista stand now, after she chose to go with Gold, or does he even know she had a choice?
[13:03] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> After a late night emergency trip to the infirmary once more, and after a visit by the two of them that happened to be simultaneous, the arguments grew worse, far worse than they ever had been.
[13:04] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> They returned to the dorm, but quickly knew that this wouldn't be settled. Drawing off the circle, they entered into the astral, determined to settle this.
[13:04] * Wildfire nods
[13:05] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> The room, the never survived. And Tyler barely survived.
[13:06] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> He never questioned the result. Alexin had won. Tyler put his transfer order in the next day.
[13:06] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> He spoke to Arista for the first time, nearly a year later. He told her of that day, of what happened, the emotions flung through the astral like physical weapons.
[13:08] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> He had a new home now, and he couldn't afford to have divided loyalties. Not ever again.
[13:09] *** Eli_napping is now known as Starburst
[13:09] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> He had lost his path, had questioned the capability of his leader, his superior officer once. It's not a mistake he would repeat. With a sad smile, he turned away from Arista, and never looked back.
[13:09] <Wildfire> Muy cool. Arista would feel its her fault for not explaining her drive to him, but would understand, if miss him a mot. You rock, Jeff :)
[13:09] <Starburst> Hey there fellow Dragons
[13:09] <Sludig> Hiya Eli...
[13:09] <Wildfire> Hey Eli :)
[13:09] <Starburst> What's going on?
[13:09] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> The relationship was professionally close, but Tyler could never allow it to recover personally. Arista had chosen Alexin, and Alexin had won.
[13:09] <Sludig> And well...Jinx is about as cold as you can get...with one friend...Guardian. :)
[13:10] <Wildfire> Jeff and I are tearing apart a nice friendship :)
[13:10] <Starburst> No!
[13:10] <Starburst> I want sordid details...or do I have to scroll up?
[13:10] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> It's a sore point to this day, something that Tyler has held inside for years. But his personality won't allow it, his loyalty will not allow it. The decision was made, the course was set. It could not be changed.
[13:10] <Wildfire> And Arista wants to be friends with Tyler still, but avoids confrontation, and so won't ever bring it up unless he does :)
[13:11] <Wildfire> Scroll up, Eli :)
[13:11] <Starburst> Sure thing!
[13:11] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> That event has had two major effects on Tyler.
[13:11] <Sludig> and the fact that Blue is opening the door for Gold? :)
[13:11] <Wildfire> Boy, do we sure enjoy making life hell for our characters :D
[13:12] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Sludig, professionally close. Tyler is nothing if not absolutely loyal.
[13:12] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> He would never put another Dragon team at risk due to emotions.
[13:12] <Starburst> Welcome to the Dragons, you must be massochistic to enter
[13:12] <Sludig> hell...I love isolating mine...and opening them from there.
[13:12] <Starburst> Great, I can see you're going to be a lot of fun to talk to on this mission, Tyler ;)
[13:12] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Actually Eli, I have plans for you. :)
[13:12] <Wildfire> Nah, this is normal Jeff and Wildfire make 'typical' characters. :) You should see poor Nekekami and Quicksilver :)
[13:13] <Starburst> Ooooh, plans!
[13:13] <Starburst> Well, The Shayla, Kardon, Karen Love-triangle is shaping up nicely as well :)
[13:13] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Tyler never realized that he was youthfully and foolishly in love with Arista. He has still never realized that.
[13:13] <Wildfire> Heh, that's another "Damn this is too cool for words!"
[13:14] <Starburst> I wish a) Caz had more time to work on that campaign and b) we knew a little more about what we were supposed to do so we could move it forward.
[13:14] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> But his mind did. And as a result, he hereafter equated love as pain when it was towards a woman.
[13:15] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Tyler had his first fledgling sexual experiences with Arista. Those were his last.
[13:15] <Wildfire> Ooh :) Kick ass :) And Arista's so scared of being alone, she really has never developed that distinction between love of friends and romantic love, either :)
[13:15] <Wildfire> She has no clue how badly she ended up hurting Tyler :)
[13:16] <Sludig> do you two want a room? :)
[13:16] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Since then, other than relieving tension when absolutely necessary on his own, he's never had another sexual encounter.
[13:16] * Starburst kicks Sludig, "Shhh, this is the good stuff."
[13:16] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> That's effect one. Romance is pain to Tyler. And sex equals despair. He tends to despise both now.
[13:17] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Effect two, he's never been willing to work with another mage closely since.
[13:17] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Alexin was his brother, his leader. He was betrayed, defeated, and nearly killed by him.
[13:18] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> That is exactly why Blue Team has one and only one mage.
[13:18] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> He worked so hard to make sure that they would never need another.
[13:18] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> His magic became his life, his obsession.
[13:18] * Starburst whispers to Sludig, "That's because he's damn good."
[13:19] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Okay, troubleshoot it folks.
[13:19] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Then I'll continue on to future plans with Eli.
[13:19] <Wildfire> And Arista is completely naive about anything remotely romantic in nature, love is having close friends always there, sex is somethingher friends enjoy, she really gets nothing except physical release from it :) She feels she needs to fill the space Tyler left with his departure to Alexin, too. What a couple of twisted nutcases :)
[13:20] <Sludig> heh...Nikita has never, and probaly will never fall in love
[13:21] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Oh Tyler definitely will. And when he does, it will be hard, and an incredibly long fall.
[13:21] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> So where are the flaws folks? Start poking holes.
[13:21] <Wildfire> Jeff: Looks excellent, hits a couple of major setup points, lots of hooks. I love it, and you still rick :)
[13:21] * Starburst steps up, "Hi, I will be your long fall into decedence."
[13:21] <Wildfire> er, rock :)
[13:21] * Sludig shrugs, not from my pov...then again, as I've said...I've isolated nikita.
[13:22] <Starburst> It's a good story, dude :)
[13:22] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Okay, Eli, give me the brief rundown on Starburst.
[13:22] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> How long has she been with the team?
[13:22] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Wild, good. Now I just need to get the fight with Alexin worked out with Earl.
[13:22] <Starburst> Starburst has been one of the original members of the team, as far as my history on her
[13:22] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> That can wait until later.
[13:23] <Sludig> Starburst is one of those..."I'm pretty, I know it, and I can get whatever I want" isn't she? :)
[13:23] <Starburst> Her natural, um...flirtations have gotten her out of more than one near death experience, and she knows how to flaunt her natural beauty
[13:24] <Starburst> That and Mommy and Daddy have been known to get her out of a few incidences
[13:24] <Sludig> hehe...spoiled rich kid...:)
[13:24] <Starburst> Unfortunately, she's also spent a lot of time in the infirmary due to her allergies
[13:25] <Starburst> Her head is basically a wired recording studio, and its had some repurcussions on her health
[13:25] <Starburst> And added some compulsions to her penchant for the neat and tidy
[13:25] * Jeff_Insanely_Typing nods.
[13:25] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> She's human?
[13:26] <Starburst> Elven
[13:26] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Oh I love you Eli. :)
[13:26] <Starburst> Which doesn't help her sense of immortality :)
[13:26] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Wild, Arista is human, correct?
[13:26] <Starburst> She's a spoiled Rich Kid, by Lofwyr has seen that as an asset in this case
[13:26] <Starburst> She gets what she wants, and will go for it with an attitude that (rumor only) matches the Dragon itself.
[13:26] <Sludig> she's elven
[13:27] <Starburst> yup
[13:27] <Sludig> a little b/g on Nikita/Jinx (and you would have found out) her mother was one of the first Dragons...and trainer to everyone...
[13:27] <Starburst> Even though she's flirty, she's not promiscuous and she likes playing the game more than reaping the rewards.
[13:28] <Wildfire> Jeff: Arista's elven, Peruvian :)
[13:28] <Starburst> Damn those Peruvian Elves :)
[13:28] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Okay, Eli, so figuring that Tyler, the cold, dying inside, devoted mage shows up when Starburst is roughly 16-19....where do you see things falling into place?
[13:28] <Starburst> Describe him physically
[13:29] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> German soldier to a T.
[13:29] <Starburst> And give a short blurb on his conversation skills
[13:29] <Starburst> Ooooh, chisled?
[13:29] <Starburst> Blond hair, blue eyes?
[13:29] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Blond hair, blue eyes, while not bulking, in better than decent shape.
[13:29] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> His physique isn't nailed down yet, at least fair to good, possibly good to excellent.
[13:30] <Starburst> So the first time I saw him in the cafeteria I sat down next to him and introduced myself
[13:30] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> His conversational skills aren't bad, he's just not very personable.
[13:30] <Sludig> I'd say a lot better than decent...spec op training is really, really hard.
[13:30] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Wall of Ice outside, thick, but breachable, Eli. :)
[13:31] <Starburst> (Ponders, do I have a physical description yet...hmmmm)
[13:31] <Starburst> (I don't think I do, let's go with a redhead)
[13:31] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Sludig, true. But remember what I'm comparing Tyler to....a hulking stealthy troll, and Scamp's scout. :)
[13:31] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> I'm a pansy next to them. :)
[13:31] <Starburst> So a deep auburn headed elf sits down, batting green eyes sits next to you, what would you do?
[13:32] <Starburst> Limber, a natural grace
[13:32] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Did I have any knowledge before this point who she was, or if she was a part of my team?
[13:32] <Starburst> At 19...when did you get transferred?
[13:32] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> I would have been 18.
[13:32] <Sludig> Yeah...Guardian dwarfs UJ's :)
[13:33] <Starburst> I saw us as similar
[13:33] <Starburst> Maybe we started on the team together
[13:33] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Scratch that.....19.
[13:33] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Technically, I'm four years older than Starburst. :)
[13:33] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> I'm the oldhead of the team. :)
[13:34] <Starburst> Well that's okay too...but I don't think I would've been on the team at 15...sixteen maybe
[13:34] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> I'll move it up to 20 then.
[13:34] <Starburst> Hang on
[13:34] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> The team will still be in training phases then, so it's fine.
[13:34] <Wildfire> If it was right before team, 20 would be about right as far as what I wrote for Arista
[13:35] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> We would have been just put into teams at this point, to begin our individual training as a team.
[13:35] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Wild, what year was Arista born?
[13:35] <Starburst> 20 is the going age for placement?
[13:35] <Wildfire> Uh, hang on...
[13:36] <Sludig> actually...before that, way before that...unless it was for college type like Droz.
[13:36] <Starburst> Okay, so concievably I could be on the team at 16...though a young girl...I might move my age up some :)
[13:37] <Wildfire> 2036, she's 25 at current data, but she's also 2 or 3 years younger than Tyler and Alexin
[13:37] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Sludig, no, that would be around the right time for placement to specific teams for team training.
[13:37] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Not placement into the Dragons, but into the specific Dragon team.
[13:37] * Wildfire nods
[13:37] * Sludig nods...ah...okies...
[13:38] <Starburst> So at 16 I could have just been placed on team blue?
[13:38] <Wildfire> Yeah, Dragons placement was like 8 or 10 for her :)
[13:38] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Figuring, going onto active duty roughly around age 21-24.
[13:38] <Sludig> but..if she was in the same would've have at least known of her...
[13:38] <Starburst> She trained out of S-K Home Corp
[13:39] * Jeff_Insanely_Typing nods. Sure, I've known of her, probably know her name, but Tyler didn't really deal with anyone at any closeness save for who was to be his team up till this point. :)
[13:39] <Wildfire> We were a bunch of isolated kids :)
[13:39] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Eli,'s the scenario.
[13:39] <Starburst> Alright, so this redhaired girl you know as Alexis sits down next to you in the lunch room :)
[13:40] <Starburst> Let's hear it :)
[13:40] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Hottie McHottie elf babe sits down next to Tyler, the guy who she heard blew up a fucking floor in the dorms and was in the infirmary and post-op care for nearly a month.
[13:40] <Wildfire> Alexin, Alexis, oi...
[13:40] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Heh. :)
[13:40] <Starburst> Sorry, I didn't know when I picked the name :)
[13:40] *** SeriousPaul [Serious@] has joined #dragons
[13:40] <Wildfire> NP, just should make Tyler's life interesting :)
[13:40] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Nobody really talks to this guy, and he just got posted to Blue. Last guy posted to Blue.
[13:41] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> PAUL!
[13:41] <Wildfire> Paul!
[13:41] <SeriousPaul> Hey Jeff!
[13:41] <SeriousPaul> Wildfire!
[13:41] *** MooCow [] has joined #dragons
[13:41] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Massive last minute organizing going on here. :)
[13:41] <SeriousPaul> I see
[13:41] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> And we are getting some good shit going here. :)
[13:41] <Starburst> But me in my immediately outgoing way sits down next to him.
[13:41] * MooCow pokes his head in to see what's in here
[13:41] <SeriousPaul> Coolness
[13:41] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Eli, you want this conversation actual talked out?
[13:41] <Wildfire> We are ruining the personal lives of our characters right now :)
[13:42] <Starburst> Doesn't matter to me, Jeff, I haven't quite worked out personality yet, so it wouldn't be GREAT conversation :)
[13:42] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Paul, you'll be getting a log of all this shite.
[13:42] <SeriousPaul> Coolness
[13:42] <Wildfire> Oh good, somebody has logs turned on :)
[13:42] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Eli...up to you. If you want, I'm game. I'll leave that up to you.
[13:42] <MooCow> ahhh.... real gaming
[13:42] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Paul....two quick questions.
[13:42] <SeriousPaul> Shoot
[13:43] *** MooCow has left #dragons
[13:43] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Eli, neither do I actually. I'm just thinking it would help develop personality actually. :)
[13:43] <Starburst> Alright
[13:43] <Starburst> Let's go for it :)
[13:43] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> One....I was planning for Tyler to be uber-loyal, uber-dependent on the corp. Other than a few personal gear things, I was planning for him to mostly go for his gear through the Quartermaster for whatever is appropriate for that mission.
[13:44] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Any problems with that?
[13:44] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Okay Eli, give me like two minutes.
[13:44] <SeriousPaul> None at all.
[13:44] <Starburst> Sure thing
[13:44] * Wildfire gets a nice nother evil idea
[13:44] <SeriousPaul> As long as you realize you are accountable for the equipment and weapons you requsition.
[13:45] <Wildfire> So Tyler and Alexis are going to be involved at some point?
[13:45] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Sub-question, in most runner jobs, you'd need to be concerned about equipment being traced back to you.
[13:45] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Wild, perhaps...we'll see in a few. :)
[13:45] <Wildfire> K
[13:45] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Is this the case in this job, Paul?
[13:45] <SeriousPaul> You are Spec Ops-most of your equipment is designed with this fact in mind.
[13:45] <SeriousPaul> However
[13:45] * Wildfire puts idea back on the simmer then :)
[13:45] <SeriousPaul> Some of your equipment will have to be "off the rack" as it were
[13:45] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Does SK care for this particular job, if it's followed back to them?
[13:45] <SeriousPaul> Highly specialized stuff like
[13:46] <SeriousPaul> Lasers and what not
[13:46] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Oh hell...I don't have anything like that. :)
[13:46] <SeriousPaul> You will find that out in IC>
[13:46] <Nexus-Away> Most equipment is also designed not to be left behind
[13:46] * Jeff_Insanely_Typing nods.
[13:46] <SeriousPaul> Nexus::Exactly
[13:46] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> I'm planning on my guy traveling mostly light, save fro the medical supplies. :)
[13:46] <Nexus-Away> In some cases, weapons like pistols actually have cords from the grip or body attacked to the soldier
[13:46] * Jeff_Insanely_Typing nods.
[13:46] <Nexus-Away> Attached
[13:47] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> I get to be the guy who comes running when Rico yells "MEDIC!"
[13:47] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> :)
[13:47] <SeriousPaul> Its called Dummy Cording
[13:47] <SeriousPaul> We used to use 550 cord
[13:47] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Okay, Paul...question two.
[13:47] <SeriousPaul> shoot
[13:48] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> I had a bit of an idea, which you'll see after this log is sent to you why I want to do it, for Tyler to have happen to him just before he left Gold team and went to Blue.
[13:48] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Simply put, he was at a damn low point in his life then.
[13:48] * SeriousPaul nods
[13:49] <SeriousPaul> I'm with you.
[13:49] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> I had planned on having Tyler exhibit some of his magic very early in life, perhaps even odd quirky things happening around him during the delievery and birth.
[13:49] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> But at the time of his transfer, he witnessed his only encounter with Lofwyr.
[13:49] * SeriousPaul waits
[13:49] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Saw the dragon flying off on a hunt, and followed him in astral space.
[13:50] * SeriousPaul has had to Kabosh some liberal amounts of Lofwyr use by individuals who shall remain nameless
[13:50] <Starburst> I didn't do it.
[13:50] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Nothing more than that.
[13:50] <SeriousPaul> Heh
[13:50] <SeriousPaul> Kain
[13:50] <SeriousPaul> Not to point some fingers
[13:50] <SeriousPaul> And to be fair
[13:50] <Wildfire> Arista's never seen him. Ever. :)
[13:50] <SeriousPaul> It wasn't so bad
[13:50] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Simply followed him, and was eventually warned off by the dragon to return home and be well.
[13:50] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> That this hunt wasn't his.
[13:51] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> My reasoning for this thought is simple....While Tyler is incredibly loyal to his team and the corp, I had planned to have him be absolutely loyal to the Dragon.
[13:51] <Sludig> heh...I have an idea for Nikita seeing Lowfyr...but she was just a 4. :)
[13:51] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> That event would help to explain why.
[13:52] <SeriousPaul> Thats cool.
[13:52] <SeriousPaul> I can dig that
[13:52] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> So, Paul, go or no go?
[13:52] <Wildfire> There's another point for her insane drive to the point of exhaustion, she wants to be good enough, and have SK be proud enough of her to meet Lofwyr :)
[13:52] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Simply acknowledgement by the Dragon to his servant, a nod to be well and continue on, impressed that even in astral such a human could follow him.
[13:52] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> 2-3 minutes tops.
[13:53] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> But the kind of event that can change a mortal forever.
[13:53] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Like being at the Hotel when Dunkie went up.
[13:53] <SeriousPaul> Go.
[13:53] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Nothing direct, but it holds a major impact.
[13:53] <SeriousPaul> I like it
[13:53] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> That works then?
[13:53] <SeriousPaul> Yeah i think so.
[13:53] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Thanks Paul. :)
[13:54] <SeriousPaul> To be honest i think it is appropriate some of you have a connection t the dragon himself
[13:54] <SeriousPaul> And soem of you have the opposite to be honest
[13:54] * Starburst is connected only in theory :)
[13:54] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> I didn't want anything major, but I needed to have a reason why he put his loyalty to Lofwyr specifically.
[13:54] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Okay, Eli, you want to do this here?
[13:54] <Starburst> Yeah!
[13:55] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Okay, let me grab a smoke quick, then we'll do this thing of ours. :)
[13:55] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Cool?
[13:55] <Starburst> Sure thing, man!
[13:55] <Sludig> Nikita seeing Lowfyr while her mother was presented a medal for service....:)
[13:55] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Back in a moment folks.
[13:56] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Paul, minor correction....I'm thinking to perhaps change that. Get back to you in a minute.
[13:56] <Wildfire> Arista has no loyalty to Lofwyr, she has a loyalty to SK, aka her family, and Lofwyr is like that rich great uncle you've never met, but everyone says if you be good and make the family proud, he might give you something special :)
[13:57] <SeriousPaul> Some things to keep in mind:: You are Dragons, a lot of your equipment and weapons needs will easily be taken care of by supply. You have access to what you need-Contacts, weapons, etc..The only limits you have is what your CO sets forth.
[13:57] <Starburst> What sort of poisons do we have access too?
[13:58] <SeriousPaul> Well once again SK is the Largets Mega Corp in the world
[13:58] <Starburst> Ahh, CO, never mind then :)
[13:58] <Starburst> right!
[13:58] * Wildfire nods to Paul
[13:58] <SeriousPaul> Also the number one Pharmeceutical Chemicals Manufacturer
[13:58] <Starburst> WOOO!
[13:58] <Starburst> Oh the fun I'll have!
[13:58] <Wildfire> Everything Arista has belongs to the company, the only thing she's even attached to are the two weapon foci that are on indefinate loan to her
[13:58] <SeriousPaul> So their coffers are deep and their resources are vast
[13:59] <Sludig> just no anthrax...PLEASE. :)
[13:59] <Starburst> GAH! I don't think I've actually sent you a character yet...
[13:59] <Starburst> I've posted one up!
[13:59] <Starburst> And put one on Winternight...
[13:59] <Starburst> But not sent
[13:59] <Wildfire> Eli - Shove it in the database at Winternight, too, register as your character name, and there's a link up top for the database
[13:59] <Starburst> It's there!
[13:59] <Wildfire> Oh, okay, NM then :)
[13:59] <Starburst> :)
[14:00] <Wildfire> Well, time to go watch some anime, be back in a half to one hour
[14:00] <Starburst> Okay!
[14:00] *** Wildfire is now known as Wildfire|Gasaraki
[14:00] Wildfire is offline
[14:01] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Paul, here's my correction my Lofwyr encounter.
[14:01] * SeriousPaul waits
[14:02] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> I'm thinking perhaps instead, that knowing Lofwyr's tendency to want to know nearly everything.... :)
[14:02] <SeriousPaul> eli:: received it!
[14:02] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> He was taking a stroll, in human form, through the Dragon training area on one occasion, perhaps late at night.
[14:02] <Starburst> Woo!
[14:02] * SeriousPaul nods
[14:02] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Considering that my Aura Reading is rather high, and a major skill focus for Tyler, he tends to watch folks.
[14:03] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Recognizing the man for who and what he was, he was more surprised to see the man turn to face him from quite a distance away, and hear a voice inside his head.
[14:04] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Similar message, "This is no concern of yours. Take care, and recover, my servant."
[14:04] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Perhaps in formal German, something along those lines.
[14:04] <SeriousPaul> So a significant moment, like seeing an Angel or a Miracle
[14:04] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Again, nothing major, but personally a major change to a mortal such as myself who lives for nothing but his magic.
[14:05] <SeriousPaul> Well witnessing something like him or seeing something thaqt powerful can be a hell of a change
[14:05] * Jeff_Insanely_Typing nods.
[14:05] <SeriousPaul> To finally see the Jesus of the Bible as it were
[14:06] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> In Tyler's mind, exactly. That would be why he would foreswear loyalty nearly on the spot.
[14:06] * Sludig wonders how it would to a 4 year old that doesn't know any better. :)
[14:06] <Starburst> It would be...ooooh, pretty lights! Hello Dragon!
[14:06] <SeriousPaul> Well as ssoon as Jr and 32 post we will be in full swing
[14:06] <Starburst> Suzie, be quiet
[14:07] <Starburst> But Mooooom, A dragon!
[14:07] <Sludig> exactly...:)
[14:07] <SeriousPaul> I want them to kick it off for a reason
[14:07] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> To be recognized and see such power the astral....and to be called a loyal servant by such a creature.
[14:07] <Jeff_Insanely_Typing> Any issues with this variation Paul?
[14:07] <SeriousPaul> Brb have to change a diaper
[14:07] *** Jeff_Insanely_Typing is now known as Tyler
[14:09] * Starburst sets her tray of Corporate Assigned Nutritional Slop (CANS) down next to Tyler, "Hi!"
[14:10] * Tyler glances up for a moment, letting his cool eyes stare for a moment, and doesn't manage to hide the surprise that crosses his face. "Ehh...hello."
[14:10] <SeriousPaul> Allright.
[14:10] <SeriousPaul> No I do not have a prob with that Jeff
[14:10] <Tyler> Much obliged Paul. :)
[14:10] * Starburst hits the 'start button' the word pause appears across the chat room.
[14:11] <Tyler> When you see how much Earl's character fucked me up, seeing Lofwyr was pretty much the thing that brought me back. ;)
[14:11] <SeriousPaul> Heh
[14:11] <Tyler> Damn that Alexin and Arista. Fuckers. :P
[14:11] <SeriousPaul> Earl has some intresting stuff to work with
[14:11] <Tyler> Yeah, I have to get this stuff to him real soon.
[14:11] <Tyler> Back to the awkward chat...Eli, ready when you are.
[14:12] <Starburst> just a sec!
[14:12] <Tyler> Paul, for point of reference, this is Starburst and Tyler meeting for the first time. :)
[14:12] <SeriousPaul> Ah.
[14:12] <Nexus-Away> I've scratched the idea of being a decker, and have decided to be the team mecha pilot. =/
[14:12] <SeriousPaul> Neat
[14:12] *** Nexus-Away is now known as Nexus|UO
[14:12] <SeriousPaul> Heh
[14:12] <Starburst> We don't have a decker...
[14:13] <SeriousPaul> Thats not a big deal to be honest
[14:13] <Nexus|UO> Sucks to be you.
[14:13] <Nexus|UO> ;)
[14:13] <Sludig> nex is making one iirc. :)
[14:13] <Starburst> read up Slud :)
[14:13] <Sludig> oh...oops. :)
[14:13] <SeriousPaul> I didn't really design that intot he run to be honest
[14:13] <SeriousPaul> I was scrambling to make that shit up
[14:13] <Tyler> Mecha?
[14:13] <Sludig> rigger is useful though...:)
[14:13] <Starburst> 'hot-ass'?
[14:14] <Tyler> I think we're getting games confused now, Nex. ;)
[14:14] <Tyler> You're seriously going rigger?
[14:16] <Sludig> (I think you can continue...he's off playing. :) )
[14:17] <Starburst> Hey Jeff, is this day the first day we're on the same team?
[14:17] <Starburst> Or have we been training together for a while as Blue members and I'm simply the youngest part of the squad?
[14:17] <Starburst> Couldn't figure it out from before
[14:18] <Tyler> I was thinking literally first time we met.
[14:18] <Tyler> Like you found out that morning I was now on your team.
[14:18] <Tyler> Just moved into Blue's barracks.
[14:18] <Starburst> Gotcha :) Okay.
[14:19] <Tyler> After recovering from blowing up a floor of the other dorms with Alexin, and having him kick my ass. :)
[14:19] <Tyler> GAME ON!
[14:19] <Starburst> "My name's Alexis...So you're the new kid," She winks, obviously four years your younger.
[14:20] <Tyler> "Well met, Alexis. I am Tyler Manheim."
[14:20] * Tyler fiddles with his food, obviously uncomfortable with something, glancing around at the other people in the cafeteria every so often.
[14:22] <Tyler> "You are the social operative for Blue, correct?" His German accent is thick and easily apparent.
[14:22] <Starburst> "That is my 'classification,' soldier," she smiles, trying to look him in the eye.
[14:22] <Starburst> "I prefer to leave that in the training rooms though."
[14:23] <Starburst> "Outside they still call me Starburst though, so if you really want to be 'formal' you can call me that."
[14:24] <Starburst> "I hear you've just been assigned to blue team, we don't get too many new blood. Our squad's been faring well on the past few missions."
[14:24] * Tyler looks away quickly, hiding his eyes. "I am an Awakened tactical specialist. Hopefully I will find my place inside your squad."
[14:25] <Tyler> "Starburst? Curious. Why such a name?"
[14:26] <Starburst> "Oh well that...that's nothing special." She pulls at the left sleeve of her shoulder cut shirt, pulling the already somewhat revealing shirt a little lower, "See there, on the shoulder, the mark that sort of starts in the center and spirals out. They call it a Starburst, so I'm called that too."
[14:27] <Starburst> "It's a nickname, I've learned to deal with it," She smiles again.
[14:27] <Tyler> For the first time, Tyler's eyes lock onto Starburst, studying the mark intently.
[14:28] <Starburst> "That'll be two fifty for each additional minute," she pulls the shirt back up to her shoulder.
[14:28] <Tyler> "Exquisite design. The spirals are nearly perfect."
[14:28] <Starburst> "Have had it since birth, I don't really think about it anymore."
[14:28] * Tyler looks taken aback. "What fee have I incurred?"
[14:29] * Starburst laughs, and it seems like the cafeteria pauses in the sound. She has 'The Voice,' or at least it's obvious that's where her talents lay.
[14:30] <Starburst> 'None, none, it's a joke."
[14:30] * Starburst she laughs again, "Sorry, I'll compose myself, really."
[14:31] * Tyler quirks an eyebrow. "I've heard that this team holds a Giant amongst its ranks. Have you met him?"
[14:31] <Starburst> "Oh, him."
[14:32] <Tyler> "Excuse me, in the common language, a Troll."
[14:33] <Starburst> "Guardian, let's see, what's his real name..."
[14:33] <Tyler> "Such a creature makes me....unsettled."
[14:33] <Starburst> "Unsettled? Oh but why? He hasn't done anything too untoward yet."
[14:34] * Tyler flinches for a moment, realizing that he has lost his focus. His eyes close for a moment as he slows his breathing.
[14:34] <Starburst> "Are you alright? You're not going to stand up and punch some kid out are you?"
[14:34] <Starburst> "I mean, that's happened here before, and I should be used to it, but..."
[14:34] <Starburst> "Hello?"
[14:35] * Tyler breathes slowly, and opens his eyes. "It is simply lack of exposure to a heretofore unknown type of person."
[14:35] * Starburst waves a hand infront of Tyler's face.
[14:35] <Starburst> "Oh good, you're back!"
[14:35] <Tyler> "I don't really feel any need to commit physical violence against another trainee at this time, Alexis."
[14:36] <Tyler> "It would be detrimental to morale, serving little purpose."
[14:36] * Starburst giggles again, "I should hope not! Just wanted to make sure you were still in the land of the living."
[14:36] * Starburst points to the back corner and the hulk sitting there.
[14:36] <Starburst> "That's Guardian."
[14:36] <Starburst> "The one playing Chess."
[14:36] * Tyler finishes his food, and pauses a moment, following the young girl's line of vision.
[14:37] <Tyler> "He's.....immense."
[14:37] <Starburst> "If you can keep a secret...remember those old old trid commercials, the ones about the frozen vegetables."
[14:38] <Starburst> "I've always thought that was him standing on the hill going 'Ho ho ho green giant,' or whatever it was."
[14:39] * Starburst coughs, rather harshly, and takes a long drink of water from her glass.
[14:39] <Starburst> Sorry.
[14:39] * Tyler turns a confused look to Alexis, before he manages a slight smile. "A comical perception."
[14:39] <Starburst> "No, I'm serious, wait 'til he stands up."
[14:40] * Starburst she coughs again, less than before, but still it warrants another sip.
[14:40] <Tyler> "I must begin my afternoon workout. Perhaps you would join me? You could bring me up to speed on the rest of my soon-to-be-teammates."
[14:40] <Starburst> "I can try to anyway. I'm still getting the names put to faces."
[14:41] * Tyler turns his gaze to Starburst for a moment, letting his eyes unfocus rapidly, then seem to focus deeply on her forehead for a moment.
[14:41] * Starburst she rumages in the bag she keeps next to her chair and pulls out a water bottle, "I've got to fill up though."
[14:41] <Tyler> "I shall await you outside."
[14:41] * Starburst looks intently at Tyler. "Oh,'re looking at the hole in my head aren't you?"
[14:42] * Tyler turns back. "You seem to have extensive problems with your nasal passages and throat lining. I'm curious as to why?"
[14:42] <Starburst> "That's the hole in my head."
[14:42] CrazyElf is online
[14:43] * Starburst raps the side of her right temple (opposite her datajack) hard.
[14:43] <Tyler> "Caused by the cybernetic enhancements?"
[14:43] <Starburst> "Hear that clang? Well, I can."
[14:43] <Starburst> "I'm what you call, a social system/company stool pigeon."
[14:44] <Starburst> I'm the eyes and ears, and," She pauses for a moment, and suddenly Tyler hears his own voice, "The Voice..." Suddenly it grows in volume and depth, "of Lofwyr"
[14:45] * Tyler looks intently again for a moment. "Amazing."
[14:45] * Starburst coughs again, "Like that?"
[14:45] * Tyler shakes his head for a moment, and smiles. "I'll await you outside."
[14:45] *** SeriousPaul has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 360 seconds.)
[14:45] <Starburst> "I've been watching old State of the CEO addresses, but I can't get it quite right."
[14:45] <Starburst> "I'll meet you there."
[14:45] * Tyler turns and strides out, finding a seat outside to wait for the odd young woman.
[14:45] * Starburst she runs to fill the waterbottle.
[14:47] * Starburst she comes out, several minutes later, her satchel slung across her back, waterbottle in one hand, apple in the other, "Freshfruit, and nature's toothbrush! Don't want any CANS crap stuck in your teeth while you're working out."
[14:48] * Tyler smiles. "It's not so bad. It has everything a body needs."
[14:48] <Starburst> "So tell me about Tyler. I want the chip truth, none of these rumors I've heard."
[14:48] <Starburst> "Yeah, but it doesn't beat a real steak."
[14:48] * Tyler stiffens up for a moment, before walking towards the gym building in silence.
[14:49] <Tyler> "I do not believe you would wish to hear my tale."
[14:49] <Starburst> "Oh come on...You're not worried about those rumors? Are you?"
[14:49] <Tyler> "What rumors?"
[14:49] <Starburst> "The ones that said you blew up East Quad (or wherever)."
[14:50] <Starburst> "I mean, no one can just, up 'Boom!' a whole floor. That'd take some heavy firepower."
[14:50] <Sludig> ((night guys))
[14:50] * Tyler comes to a full halt, his breathing nearly stopping for a moment. "I did demolish most of one floor in a dormitory in the East Quad."
[14:50] <Tyler> "That is not a rumor."
[14:50] *** Sludig has quit IRC (Quit: Oh no...Not again..)
[14:51] * Starburst stops for a moment, the smile fading slightly. "Damn, no kidding. Casulties?"
[14:51] <Tyler> "It was not the effort of only myself, but the combined efforts of one other Practitioner and myself."
[14:51] <Tyler> "Thankfully, none. The dorm was nearly completely empty at that hour for the late night class session."
[14:52] * Tyler continues to walk towards the gym now, a bit quicker in his pace. "If you would not desire to stay in my company now, I understand."
[14:52] <Starburst> "Well that's good," She gets quiet for a moment, "I know stories that don't have such supserficial endings."
[14:52] <Starburst> "Not to say it's superficial..."
[14:53] <Starburst> "Because for you it isn't, just no one was hurt and the only thing ruined was the campus budget, and that's a good thing, I think."
[14:53] <Starburst> The last part came out in a blur, and its harder to make out the words.
[14:54] <Tyler> "Every reaction has an equal and opposite reaction. The energy used to predicate such a feat did in fact cause other damage. But that is unimportant."
[14:54] <Starburst> "No, that is important."
[14:54] <Tyler> "I wouldn't say no one was hurt. I was in the infirmary for nearly a month."
[14:54] * Tyler smiles as his joke for a moment, before holding the door open to the gym for the elf.
[14:55] * Starburst she puts a hand over his mouth, "Nope, still breathing, you're not dead," she steps through, "Thank you."
[14:55] <Starburst> "I'm going to tell you another rumor. About a certain, Achmed, do you know anything of him?"
[14:55] <Tyler> "Why is it important? It is the past. It is no longer having any effect on anything now."
[14:55] <Tyler> "No, I've not heard of him.
[14:56] * Tyler shies away from the near physical contact from the elf, his face flushed.
[14:56] <Starburst> "What was important, was that no one was killed."
[14:57] <Starburst> "A dorm can be replaced," she points at the people skirting the two entrants, "They're just being silly, and childish."
[14:57] <Tyler> "Correct. My power will never be out of control again. It was a mistake I will never repeat."
[14:57] <Starburst> "In Achmed's case, we weren't so lucky."
[14:58] <Starburst> "When he realized his full power, it came at the cost of someone's life."
[14:59] * Starburst shudders for a moment, "But I'm not going to worry about that, as you said, the past is back there," she waves at nothing in particular, "in the past."
[15:00] * Tyler murmurs to himself for a moment, forgetting his company. "And it must always stay there. Never to be let out again."
[15:00] <Starburst> "Look, Ty, can I call you Ty?"
[15:00] * Tyler strips off his coat and t-shirt, leaving his mesh tank top on and his sweats as he moves to the leg press.
[15:01] <Tyler> "Whatever you wish, Alexis."
[15:01] <Starburst> "Oooh, now that's service," you notice that she's no longer looking you in the eye, but the gaze does wander slightly, no matter how she tries to hold it.
[15:02] *** Wildfire|Gasaraki is now known as Wildfire
[15:03] Wildfire is online
[15:03] <Starburst> "Actually, nevermind, I'll be right back." She heads off to the changing room to change into something more suited to the gym, a pair of windpants and an unremarkable t-shirt
[15:03] <Wildfire> ((Looking good, guys :) ))
[15:04] * Starburst she drops a towel on the lateral pull, "Now the way I see it, there's two ways at looking at this 'control' you're talking about," you notice she wipes the bars several times with the towel before getting a grip.
[15:04] * Tyler in the mean time, tosses his sweats in a corner, wearing his soccer-style shorts and mesh shirt, walking bare-footed onto the practice mat. He beings to move through his katas while listening to Alexis. "Yes?"
[15:04] <Starburst> "You can let it control you, or you can control it," she tests it a few times, adjusts the weight to a higher setting, and pulls again.
[15:05] <Starburst> Rep. "I mean, there's" rep "somethings I guess" rep " you have to deal with.
[15:05] <Tyler> As Tyler moves, Alexis can glimpse one mark on each of Alexis shoulder blades. Some type of lettering or symbol.
[15:06] * Starburst raises her eyebrows slightly, inquisitively. "Take my cough" rep" for instance" rep" I've "rep" learned to deal "rep" with it "rep. She lets the bar go with a clang, letting the weights fall back to level.
[15:07] <Starburst> "But I don't try and control it." She reaches up and wipes the bar several dozen times, reaches into her bag, and pulls out anti-bac lotion and scrubs her hands.
[15:07] * Tyler moves through his battle against two invisible foes, wielding his hands as knife-edged weapons, moving in through his most familiar weapons form.
[15:08] *** SeriousPaul [Serious@] has joined #dragons
[15:08] <Tyler> "I must control what I spoke of before. It can never slip again, or else lives will be lost next time. Very likely, my teammate's lives."
[15:09] <Tyler> "This is not some simple weapon or tool. It is raw, Power. The essence of what Creation is."
[15:09] <Starburst> "What about improvising?"
[15:09] *** Mace [] has joined #Dragons
[15:10] <Tyler> "Discipline, control, iron will, fortitude. That is the only choice."
[15:10] <Starburst> "What about flexibility," she gets up and pulls a cartwheel, landing in a full split.
[15:10] * Wildfire passes Paul and Mace the popcorn and motions for them to be queit coming in :)
[15:10] * Tyler tosses a dual punch to the air, reversing his unseen knife into the rear opponent's chest.
[15:10] <Starburst> "What about pure determination?"
[15:10] <Tyler> "Flexibility is not precluded by control or discipline."
[15:11] <Tyler> "Neither is improvisation."
[15:11] <Starburst> "It isn't?" She smiles.
[15:11] * Starburst jumps to her feet and brings herself to the ready position.
[15:12] <Tyler> "This is not some simply personal desire. This is obeying a commanding officer's order. This is following the natural order."
[15:12] * Tyler turns to face her. "You wish a live practice? You wish to test my resolve? So be it."
[15:12] <Starburst> "Not your resolve, I wish to have fun. Come on!"
[15:13] * Tyler lets his eyes harden as he moves in a circle around her right side, keeping light on his feet, mobile.
[15:13] * Starburst blanaces lightly on the balls of her feet, her balance evenly distributed.
[15:14] <Starburst> "I'm simply saying that there are times where you have to let go, and follow your instincts and your heart."
[15:14] * Tyler moves in quickly with a high roundhouse, followed up by a hook kick drawing back across the midsection.
[15:14] <Tyler> "My heart is dead. It must be to continue on."
[15:14] * Starburst ducks the roundhouse and catches the kick, holding it there. "No one's heart is dead."
[15:15] <Tyler> "Emotions are a weakness. My resolve must be absolute."
[15:15] * Starburst she throws a quick jab to the upper chest, and tries to hook her leg around Tyler's pivot foot.
[15:16] <Starburst> "Emotions are not a weakness, they are the beauty of metahumanity."
[15:16] * Tyler is surprised by the jab, and quickly tumbles to the mat as his leg is pulled out from under him.
[15:16] <Tyler> "You don't understand what you ask of me."
[15:16] *** SeriousPaul has quit IRC (Quit: .)
[15:16] * Tyler stares coldly at the elf. "You ask the impossible.
[15:16] <Starburst> "Nothing is impossible!"
[15:17] <Starburst> "Not even an elf, standing over you on a practice mat after the rest of the world thinks you should be booted from the dragons!"
[15:17] <Starburst> "Oh crap...
[15:17] <Starburst> "That came out wrong."
[15:18] * Tyler stares at Alexis for a moment. "No, it didn't. And it is the truth. I should have been expelled."
[15:18] <Starburst> "No, you shouldn't have been."
[15:18] <Tyler> "I do not know why I wasn't. I'll never understand it."
[15:18] <Starburst> "I...O
[15:18] <Starburst> "I've done worse."
[15:19] * Starburst she sits down next to Tyler, luckily for the two, the lunchtime hour finds more people in the mess, than the gym.
[15:19] * Tyler turns his cool gaze onto the elf's face once more. Without thinking for a moment, he rests his hand on hers. "I doubt that, young one."
[15:19] <Starburst> "Yes, well, I sent a boy to his death."
[15:20] <Tyler> "Why do you care? Why deal with a broken person such as myself? You want to fix me? Is that it?"
[15:21] * Tyler looks angry once again, responding quickly, without thought. "Is that what all of you do? Fix things to your own vision?"
[15:21] <Starburst> "Fix you? Oh yes, I'm the one to be fixing things. The girl who's falling apart, yes, I want to fix things. I want to fix me!"
[15:21] <Starburst> "Again!"
[15:22] * Starburst she jumps to her feet.
[15:22] * Tyler looks taken aback. "'re not flawed."
[15:22] <Starburst> "Again."
[15:22] <Starburst> "Bullshit I'm not, get up."
[15:22] * Tyler stands, facing his opponent in a forward stance.
[15:22] CrazyElf is offline
[15:23] <Tyler> "Your aura doesn't show it. Your face doesn't show it. Your talents do not show it. You are not flawed."
[15:23] * Tyler holds back in a guarded pose this time, awaiting her move.
[15:23] * Starburst screams, a deep cry coming through her throat, and she launches her foot towards his face.
[15:23] <Starburst> "I have metal in my head!"
[15:23] <Starburst> "That's not a flaw?"
[15:23] * Tyler holds steady for a moment, ducking low and the right.
[15:24] <Tyler> "A cybernetic enhancement to enhance your performance for your employer."
[15:24] * Starburst she plants on the falling foot, whipping around with her other.
[15:24] <Starburst> "And this cough? That's an enhancement?"
[15:24] * Tyler catches the foot at the last moment, pushing it aside.
[15:24] <Starburst> "Screw the superficial, I'm expendable, What about Derrik?"
[15:25] <Tyler> "It will be fixed. You are looking on the superficial. My flaws run deep."
[15:25] <Tyler> "Derrick?"
[15:25] <Starburst> "I was the one who pushed him to talk to Achmed, to make fun of the boy.
[15:25] <Starburst> "Just because he wore a turban." She throws a punch, "I said, go call him...god," she throws another, "What did I make him call him..."
[15:26] * Tyler grabs the last punch, twisting around into an armbar.
[15:26] <Starburst> "A mummy, I called him a fucking god damn mummy."
[15:26] CrazyElf is online
[15:26] * Starburst struggles for a moment, trying to find purchase with her feet.
[15:26] <Starburst> "And Derrick goes up to this kid."
[15:26] * Tyler exerts pressure on her shoulder, forcing her down to the mat, holding her wrist tightly.
[15:27] <Tyler> "Stop."
[15:27] <Starburst> "And, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh."
[15:27] <Starburst> "Alright, fuck you I'm not flawed, alright?"
[15:27] <Tyler> "Never think that you can force one with the Power, into doing something."
[15:27] <Tyler> "By it's very nature, it must be a conscious decision."
[15:28] <Tyler> "Or else, the Power will not come at your Call."
[15:28] <Starburst> "I'm not forcing you into doing anything."
[15:28] <Tyler> "To attempt or even succeed at attempting to kill someone with the Power, you must have already come to terms with that person's death in your mind."
[15:29] <Tyler> "Achmed had already accepted Derrick's death, before he ever came to him."
[15:29] <Starburst> "But you didn't see Achmed's eyes..."
[15:29] * Tyler lays a knee into his opponents back, not exerting painful force, just enough to keep the elf pinned down.
[15:29] <Tyler> "And you didn't see mine...."
[15:29] <Starburst> "I have," she taps her temple, tears are in her eyes, "I've seen them every day."
[15:30] <Starburst> "He was so sorry...he was sorry."
[15:30] * Tyler releases his opponent, turning her around and into a kneeling position.
[15:31] * Tyler places a hand on her shoulders, kneeling in front of her.
[15:31] <Starburst> "Don't you get it? I've got it on video, I can show you the damned thing, cause I've got this thing, stuck in my head."
[15:31] <Starburst> "And it's killing me."
[15:31] <Tyler> "No."
[15:31] <Tyler> "It's not."
[15:31] <Tyler> "You're letting it kill you."
[15:32] <Tyler> "Just as nearly let Alexin kill me."
[15:32] <Starburst> "Then we're the same."
[15:32] <Tyler> "But we are both still here."
[15:32] <Tyler> "And we have others to watch over and join with now."
[15:33] * Starburst doesn't say anything, she just looks in his eyes, her own brimming with tears.
[15:33] * Tyler helps Alexis to her feet, then turns away from her, removing his mesh shirt, exposing his back to her.
[15:33] * Tyler reaches a hand over his shoulder and points.
[15:33] <Tyler> "Omega. The End."
[15:34] <Tyler> "Alpha. The Beginning."
[15:34] <Tyler> "One leads to a new one of the other."
[15:34] <Starburst> "forever and ever, world without end, Amen."
[15:35] <Tyler> "You understand now."
[15:35] <Starburst> "I'm sorry, Ty, I didn't mean half those things I said."
[15:35] * Tyler smiles. "Yes, you did. And so did I."
[15:35] <Tyler> "A new start for us, nein?"
[15:35] <Starburst> "Maybe I did, I don't know," she laughs, "Hi, my name's Alexis."
[15:36] <Tyler> "My name is Tyler. It's nice to meet you Alexis."
[15:36] <Starburst> "Do you drink? And do you want to go get one?"
[15:36] * Tyler embraces the elf for a moment, before he embarressedly realizes his topless state.
[15:37] <Tyler> "Bitta. Please."
[15:37] <Starburst> A tear squeezes out, but she just laughs again, then coughs, a phlegmy, disgusting cough. "Sorry, tears are bad things for someone like me. But I think a drink would be perfect."
[15:38] <Tyler> "But first, perhaps, we should shower. Separately of course."
[15:38] <Starburst> "Of course!"
[15:38] * Tyler chuckles and walks toward the showers. "Not only you can tease, fey elf."
[15:39] <Starburst> "HA!"
[15:39] <Tyler> "You still lost."
[15:39] * Starburst grabs his torso, and using her hip as a pivot, lays him out again.
[15:39] * Tyler quickly bolts into the showers.
[15:39] <Tyler> Or not.
[15:39] * Tyler hits the mat. Hard.
[15:39] * Starburst runs off, giggling the whole way.
[15:40] <Tyler> (Eli, anything else you want to cover?)
[15:40] <Starburst> ((And Cut! That's a wrap a people, good shooting. Same time tomorrow :) ))
[15:40] <Starburst> ((No I'm good :) ))
[15:40] <Tyler> Nice. :)
[15:40] * Starburst ^5's Jeff.
[15:40] <Tyler> Heh.
[15:41] <Wildfire> [epilogue]A passing girl looks into the now empty gym "...Tyler?"[/epilogue] :_
[15:41] <Wildfire> :)
[15:41] <Tyler> So, the question is, where does that leave us for the current situation?
[15:41] <Tyler> Heh. :)
[15:41] <Starburst> For the current situation...hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
[15:41] <Starburst> Well we're still good friends, IMHO
[15:41] <Tyler> First a cigarette. Then more typing and discussion. Take a fiver.
[15:41] <Starburst> Let's see, as to, 'unlocking' your potential...
[15:41] <Starburst> Right!
[15:42] * Starburst does the 'happy dance'
[15:42] <Starburst> Almost an hour and a half of pretty good stuff.
[15:43] <Wildfire> Right, we need some frickin cool character interaction on a regular basis, maybe I'll go dig out a TTF thread...
[15:43] <Starburst> Every once in a while I think people need to just pop in and do some IC convos on IRC, it'd be a) cool B) rare :)
[15:44] <Mace> C) Fun
[15:44] <Wildfire> It would be great! I love doing that
[15:44] <Starburst> True dat
[15:44] <Starburst> Well cool, next time you're on, we can get some people, name a scenario and go :)
[15:44] <Mace> Well, if anyone wants to try it with the troll I'm more than game
[15:44] <Wildfire> Dude, what we could have worked up if S&S would have been in IRC...
[15:44] <Starburst> Oh god!
[15:44] <Starburst> That would've been nuts
[15:44] <Starburst> brb
[15:45] <Wildfire> Bam, bam, bam, bam...coolness overlord and absolutly beautiful story :)
[15:45] <Starburst> heh
[15:46] <Tyler> Here's my take.
[15:47] <Wildfire> That's it, me, you, Bethy, let Kardon, Shayla and Karen just go for it :)
[15:47] <Starburst> Yeah, Jeff?
[15:47] <Tyler> 1) Unless Alexis absolutely pursues Tyler, he would remain close friends, but nothing more.
[15:48] <Starburst> In terms of personality, she could go either way, it would depend on Tyler's outward reaction the first few days.
[15:48] <Starburst> er...weeks
[15:48] <Tyler> 2) He doesn't view things romantically.

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2002 2:10 pm
by TheScamp
Dear lord; we have two hot, promiscuous elves on the team.

Jeff, I had an idea or two concerning our characters. Shoot me an email. You too, Eli.

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2002 3:19 pm
by Serious Paul
Team Leaders get your asses in Gear tonight at 0001 this puppy is open for comments. People confine your initial comments to background and or location (Where you are at stuff)until the damn Team Leaders get their stuff up. Pin a tail on this puppy.

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2002 5:07 pm
by 3278
I cannot open my post until I know which of the members of Team Gold are Lifers, which is to say, members of the War College as long as I have been. I tried using the character database, but much information is incomplete or missing.

It's entirely possible that I'm the only lifer, which means I need to completely rewrite my intro, which is going to take some time. I can get my post up Monday if I get the information Sunday, or I can get it up today, if I don't have to do a total rewrite.

I also need character sheets, where possible, and backgrounds for /everyone,/ and I need them all in one place. If everyone on Gold Team could please send their information to me at, I would appreciate it. I don't care what format; copy/paste is fine. But I need all of the information we have, particularly which of you is a Lifer.

Sorry about the delay, Paul, but without this information, my post is kind of impossible.

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2002 7:59 pm
by Sludig
Will send now 32, though, Arista (wild) and Jinx (mine) along with Cash's and UJ's are lifers.

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2002 8:33 pm
by 3278
Sludig wrote:Will send now 32, though, Arista (wild) and Jinx (mine) along with Cash's and UJ's are lifers.
Jinx isn't a Gold Team lifer, though, right? And Arista, I thought, only joined recently. Oh, I see some things have changed. Okay, then. Joseph's zombie wasn't on Team Gold until recently, right? Or did we grow up with this guy?

Thanks, Slud. I got yours and Wild's now. Thank you both!

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2002 9:07 pm
by JohnnyRico
*Rico looks over the transcript, then at some of the previous posts*

Ok, now where do I put this Intro post?

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2002 9:29 pm
by Jeff Hauze
32, I was a lifer with Gold Team, up until the point where you and I decided to try and blow each other up in our little duel. Then I went to Blue. Hope that was clear up above. :)

Paul, additionally, I'll have my final background to you and Rico, as well as the finalized character sheet sometime tomorrow, though it definitely won't be by 1 am. My sister is visitng from Michigan this weekend, and today is the only day I get to see her. I'll finish it up late night tonight and get it sent to you then.

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2002 9:34 pm
by JohnnyRico
Ok, sounds good Jeff. Also, check your mailbox. Just sent an e-mail about a possible callsign.

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2002 11:41 pm
by Wildfire
Yeah, sorry 32, we rewrote everything in a mad panic of character finalization last night on IRC. But please, add/correct anything you want/need to about Alexien and the pre-Gold Team days.

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2002 3:35 am
by Serious Paul
Okay Team Leaders Start posts in the IC:::General Thread. Everyone else can post Background material to their Team Threads. For the immediate future we will use the General thread for moments when the two teams are in the same place like the Breifing. Which is what we are getting ready to kick off. SO JR and 32 start in the Genral IC thread then I will let everyone know when we are ready to branch out to individual threads.

Confused yet?:P

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2002 3:55 am
by Serious Paul
Allright one thing I forgot to mention in the begining, Karma Pool. Now technically due to your experience and actual points/Becks point levels you'd have Karma Pools of 21 or so points. Maybe more maybe less.

I am arbritralily setting your pools at a way lower number.My reasons are open to debate and or discussion if need be, but I do not forsee any problems witht his.

I am setting all Karma Pools at 5 points. Good Karma each of you will have 10 points of Good Karma.

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2002 4:42 am
by 3278
My post, then, will be up tomorrow, since Slud has given me enough information to start with. I should have it up by 15:00.

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2002 11:31 am
by JohnnyRico
Serious Paul wrote:Okay Team Leaders Start posts in the IC:::General Thread. Everyone else can post Background material to their Team Threads. For the immediate future we will use the General thread for moments when the two teams are in the same place like the Breifing. Which is what we are getting ready to kick off. SO JR and 32 start in the Genral IC thread then I will let everyone know when we are ready to branch out to individual threads.

Confused yet?:P
Thoroughly. I'd post my intro now, but I don't have enough time to do it. It'll go up later after I get one last piece of info. *goes to track down Mace*

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2002 1:36 pm
by 3278
Paul, what's the date today? I mean, in-game.

Also, if you'd like some help doctoring up satellite images of the island, or working up maps to get online, I would be completely willing to help on any of your days off. Maybe Saturday afternoon? I don't know. Whenever; just let me know.

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2002 4:04 am
by Serious Paul
Sounds reall good. The start date is November 1st 2061, in game.

Saturday sounds great, I will PM you.

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2002 10:36 pm
by Jeff Hauze
I realize that I'm behind. I'm working on it folks. The last few days have been...well hellish. I'm just recovering today from some personal issues. I'll be back on schedule ASAP.

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2002 2:28 pm
by Cazmonster
Ye Hairy Flipping Gods, Paul is a great writer!

Cazmonster eagerly awaits the next installment, all the while desperately praying he's smart enough to keep Droz in one piece.

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2002 2:53 pm
by Jeff Hauze
Okay, can somebody clear this up for me? I had my character based out of Essen, because for some strange reason, I thought that's where we were based out of. Instead, I find that we are still based out of the War College in Bremerhaven, even though we graduated from there. So, is it my goof? Should I not be based out of Essen? And if that's not a problem, should I be expected to return to Bremerhaven to simply return to Essen? I'm a little confused at this point.

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2002 2:54 pm
by 3278
He definately is. He just needs a great editor. :D

Speaking of which, enough with the centered text, dude!

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2002 4:06 pm
by Serious Paul
Okay Essen is where the War College is. Your base however was supposed to have been Kiel for Team Gold, and Bremerhaven for Team Blue. It is not unlikely that you will spend time training/recreatig/ and whatever in all three. So if you are posting from Essen, as of right now it makes no difference.

As for the centered Text it was my way of seperating what I wrote from yuor own (The Players), if it drives everyone nuts I will either edit it out or stop using it.

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2002 4:12 pm
by Cazmonster
Wicked, Droz is in Kiel then. I feel so much better.

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2002 4:59 pm
by Jeff Hauze
This is confusing. :)

So, I'm in Essen then, at home, and I can deal with meeting Rico and the rest of the team via teleconference then, I suppose. Rather than going to Bremerhaven, then back to Essen.

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2002 7:53 pm
by TheScamp
Sweet. No matter where Wraith is training, he's always home. Yachts rule.

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2002 9:54 pm
by Eliahad
Starburst and Tyler are together then, and I'm going to edit my post.

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2002 6:28 pm
by 3278
Caz: Just got your e-mail. Muy useful; exactly what I needed. Thank you /so/ much.

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2002 6:34 pm
by Cazmonster
Hey, no sweat. Now that I got my head out of my ass and got your real email addy into my address book my life is tons easier.

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2002 2:31 pm
by TheScamp
I had an ideal last night, and I wanted to run it by people (especially Paul). That idea is astral camoflague. Maybe this is actually in a sourcebook that I don't own or something, but anyway... Basically, what you do is take bacteria, or fungus, or something similar and treat a set of armor or clothes or whatever with it. Only you do it in lines, streaks, squiggles, whatever. The idea is exactly the same as with regular camoflague; to break up a person's outline when viewed on the astral, so when a mage or spirit looks at them, (especially against or within plant life or other astral illuminators) their aura doesn't look instantly recognizable as a human's.


Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2002 5:42 am
by Starburst
I like the idea Scamp.

And should we be posting to both threads, since we're in the same room? (I already did, I can 'delete-ish')

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2002 3:52 pm
by FlameBlade
Hello? Should we be in GENERAL, COMBINED thread? That way, we can save having to post in this thread and THAT thread.

Just a thought.

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2002 4:00 pm
by Cazmonster
And lose post count opportunities?

You speak of madness, man MADNESS!

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2002 4:54 pm
by FlameBlade

well...That belongs to Bulldrek. This is...gaming, not Bulldrek :)

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2002 4:28 pm
by Jeff Hauze
Flame, my thoughts exactly. I thought that was the entire purpose of the general thread. Because frankly, I haven't read Gold team's thread. It's not my team, and it's not my business.

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2002 4:44 pm
by Jeff Hauze
Without any tact, and lack of a better way to say this, I'll just be blunt.

I'm wondering if the remainder of this game is going to be such a goat rodeo. Apparently, not only did the individual members of each team come up with a nearly completely different ideal of what a Dragon team member is, but each team came up with a completely and nearly antithetical approach to what it is to be a Dragon team. In addition, I'm also wondering if this is the expected posting rate. Frankly, I don't check Bulldrek on a daily basis. I come back to find that we've warped through time several hours, if not a full day, and finding the two posts I prepared pretty much useless to post. I'm also curious exactly what Blue team is meant to do, since we currently seem to have no C.O.

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2002 4:47 pm
by Starburst
Alright, I was out of line, I fucked up. I won't edit the post cause it'll screw stuff up, I'll just do better next time.

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2002 4:50 pm
by FlameBlade
question: What's C.O.?