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Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2003 1:18 am
by FlakJacket
Bethyaga wrote:No, no... that makes you Dr. Crusher, and I'm still Commander Riker.
I thought you were playing a bugbear? Wouldn't that make you Worf? :roll

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2003 2:45 am
by Cazmonster
Hee! I get to call him Numbah One! It's like I'm in the Kids Next Door.

Everybody keep at it with your characters. I want to see something from Wildfire sometime soon.

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2003 6:54 am
by Anguirel
Arrr! If there still be time and space, methinks I'll stick my sword in here. I can have a few basic character outlines up and ready by tomorrow evening. And, just to screw with everyone else, I think I'll make a Paladin. And if I get thrown overboard in the first 5 minutes (posts?) I'll... I'll... I'll go cry. :cry :p

I'll probably look into creating a captain, gunner and pilot (navigator). I'd do more than outlines but seeing as I don't really know the S&S setting beyond what's been bandied about in various places I'm going to be conservative in my creation process...

Arrr! Talk Like a Pirate Day seems like an excellent day to be thinkin' 'bout this, arrr...

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2003 10:31 pm
by Cazmonster
Nobody's the captain, except for Captain Jessup.

A paladin could work - we'll see.

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2003 11:59 pm
by Wildfire
Will have something to you by tonight, Caz

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2003 6:46 am
by Bethyaga
Is this an established crew or newly assembled? That is, do we all have some measure of history and (maybe) loyalty to one another? If not, that's cool too, but if there is a history together, then that will affect how much I reveal of my character. Many people who know me already may seriously dislike me, and that's stuff we should have in mind early. IMO.

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2003 12:11 pm
by Cazmonster
You are all part of an established crew - you have served together for at least six months. It will help if all of your characters like each other well enough to back each other up if something heavy comes down on you.

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2003 10:36 pm
by Bethyaga
Crap. Too many compromises to make in being a bugbear. It looks like First Mate Maazmud Juk will now be a Half-Orc. Caz, he's essentially the same guy except for the race change. I'll send you updated stats (again) soon.

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2003 7:40 am
by Cazmonster
Bethy - just so I know, is it a power level thing or a number of skills thing with switching?

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2003 8:20 am
by Anguirel
I thought it was possible to end up as a Bugbear by sudden change, similar to SR's goblinization. So... I don't see where race enters into the equation with your character in terms of demeanor or alignment. That is, if he'll work as a Half-Orc, why wouldn't he work as a Bugbear? :conf

As long as I'm posting here... Is there anywhere in particular I can go look to get more info on how this Technomancy skill / feat set functions? I'm thinking that it'll probably be better to have the pilot be an NPC as well as the captain, so I'm looking more heavily at being a scout / outrider, lookout, gunner, or engineer... and as the latter two would likely be heavy-duty technomancy positions, it'd be nice to know a bit more.

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2003 8:26 am
by Cazmonster
I think Bethy's running into problems with exactly how the game system handles playing a Bugbear. You lose a full hit die and you come up short on skills. Yes, one could become a Bugbear from contracting the Transmogrification Fever.

As far as the Technomancer Class goes. Go to old Bulldrek I think I put up the class specs there. If not, I will find them for you. I'm working through my old notes now, getting them typed up finally.

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2003 8:33 am
by Eliahad
Caz, I will try and get a character sheet/background, soon. Her name is Karenna and she's a 4th level wizard/4th level Bard. Specifics coming later.

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2003 8:54 am
by FlameBlade
Sent you PM of my character, yo!

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2003 11:29 am
by Bethyaga
Bugbear + 4 character levels vs. Half-Orc + 8 character levels

Base attack Bonus: +5 vs. +7/+2

Skills: 72 vs. 83

More flexibility in choice of feats.

The only real advantage to the bugbear is that he has slightly higher attributes and more HP (because the Con is so high).

But really, I wanted to be a Fighter/Rogue. I wanted combat ability and tons o' pirate skills. Going half-orc makes me better at both. Way better. And the difference is enough that I would feel unneccesarily limited in comparison to the other characters around. My image is gigantic bad-ass fighter, and I can't really pull that off when a straight 8th level rogue or 8th level cleric both fight better than I do.

Besides. the change in race doesn't substantially alter the personality. As a half-orc, I will claim that I am of mixed heritage. I'm damned big and extremely hairy, so I'll tell anyone brave enough to ask, that I've got both bugbear and ogre blood somewhere way back on my dad's side.

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2003 12:50 pm
by Sludig
There any openings still? Have a idea for the cook...rogue/monk. :)

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2003 1:12 pm
by Anguirel
Bethy: Ahh, makes sense now. I think in 3.5 they reduced, at least somewhat, the idea of ECL and replaced it with racial levels which might make things easier. I'm not sure, though.

Caz: It was on v.2 which would explain my difficulty in searching for it on here. ;) I've found and read the relevant threads now, I think. The Technomancer class was never finalized, though... I'd say it should be a prestige class with no requirements (which, at least under the old rules, obviates the multi-class restrictions). Also, seeing as I think you'd run out of Technomancer feats after about 10 levels (unless they're a lot more specialized than I think they are, which seems possible), a prestige class makes a bit more sense. Though... I'm still somewhat confused by technomancy, though, so I've got a few questions:

If you create a technomagical item, do you need to be able to cast the relevent spell into it (as if it were magical item creation)? For example, would the crystal sets require minor illusion spells or clairvoyance or the like? Also, do you suffer from XP costs in order to craft them?

You also mentioned using elementals to power some machines... Is there an even less lesser planar binding spell that allows for the 1HD elementals to be summoned and secured for use in machines? Do such elementals need to be kept contained (as in keeping fire and water elementals trapped in their respective compartments for a steam engine) or can you summon an elemental for a single service for a reasonable length of time (say, an few hours per level up to one day) allowing sail ships to make use of air elementals to increase wind and water elementals to calm the waters ahead (as they would need to be freer, I think, in order to act rather than just needing to exist wherever they were to be functional)?

All that's based around an engineer/gunner character I have in mind who will be as much technomancer as he can get away with. If you need to cast spells in order to do technomancy, you might consider making it a "need to have a spell casting class" requirement prestige class and having the feat levels alternate with +1 of existing spell caster class -- the limitation to only technomancy feats should balance it relatively well with other prestige classes. You might even have certain feats become available as you progress, so you can only pick from Widgets initially and then as you progress you work up to being able to choose from higher Theory item feats (though equally that would work if the item feats had pre-reqs). The alternate method of Technomancy item creation that I can see is that rather than have specific classes of items (Crystal tech, Widgets, Engines, Batteries) you take the feats as Level 0 Theory Item Creation, Level 1 Theory Item Creation, etc... Possibly only available to Technomancers directly. Other craftsmen could take a specific class of item feat allowing them to jump straight up to more powerful items, possibly, but they would lack the breadth of expression in favor of depth.

The other character I'm still seriously considering is an outrider or scout Paladin, but I'd need to talk to you about the potential for calling (see the 3.5 Paladin called special mount ability) an aquatic or aerial mount. I'm leaning towards aquatic, with some sort of diving armor allowing submersible tactics, but I figure this is going to need some GM discussion as it was raised earlier and you thought that aerial mounts were slightly over our power level... actually, looking back... could you elaborate a bit on what the ship's technomagical flying machine might be (i.e. ridden like a mount, flown like a helicoptor, flown like an ultralight, flown like a powered hang-glider?). I feel like I'm being a pain here and I really don't mean to be, it's just that the setting is really cool but also leaves a lot open (which is good) but I don't want to push things in directions that don't match your vision (now I sound like Bethy on v.2 :p).

Oh, and... how should I handle ability score generation? I didn't see anything about it yet so I'd assume the standard D&D method, but I figured I'd check first.

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2003 2:20 pm
by Cazmonster
Anguirel wrote:If you create a technomagical item, do you need to be able to cast the relevent spell into it (as if it were magical item creation)? For example, would the crystal sets require minor illusion spells or clairvoyance or the like? Also, do you suffer from XP costs in order to craft them?
Yes, technomagical items are going to be a great deal like magical items. Yes, if you're going to create an item that uses spell X or Y, you're going to have to be able to cast X or Y, and you will need to spend the XP.
Ang wrote:You also mentioned using elementals to power some machines... Is there an even less lesser planar binding spell that allows for the 1HD elementals to be summoned and secured for use in machines? Do such elementals need to be kept contained (as in keeping fire and water elementals trapped in their respective compartments for a steam engine) or can you summon an elemental for a single service for a reasonable length of time (say, an few hours per level up to one day) allowing sail ships to make use of air elementals to increase wind and water elementals to calm the waters ahead (as they would need to be freer, I think, in order to act rather than just needing to exist wherever they were to be functional)?
I haven't gone into the details on summoning yet. But I think the best thing would be to be able to summon 'non combat' elementals. You'd be able to get them, but you might have to spend XP or a decent amount of money or some other limiting factor, considering that they'd be around for hours or even days. (Of course, persistent spell would let you get an elemental for a day, but damn, that's a lot of feats)

Technomancer is a normal class they're too important to the world to have them be anything else. Bethyaga had the details. I'll rattle his cage to get them back.
Ang wrote:The other character I'm still seriously considering is an outrider or scout Paladin, but I'd need to talk to you about the potential for calling (see the 3.5 Paladin called special mount ability) an aquatic or aerial mount.
I'll check Defenders of the Faith, give me a second - and it looks like you could take any of the following: 6th - Shark or Hippogrif, 7th - Giant Eagle, Giant Owl, Pegasus, Sea Lion, 8th - Griffon
Ang wrote:could you elaborate a bit on what the ship's technomagical flying machine might be (i.e. ridden like a mount, flown like a helicoptor, flown like an ultralight, flown like a powered hang-glider?).
Don't know, I hadn't thought about it yet. It could be any of those. Heck, it could even be ridden like a sailboard with a couple of Air elementals to power it along.
Ang wrote:Oh, and... how should I handle ability score generation? I didn't see anything about it yet so I'd assume the standard D&D method, but I figured I'd check first.
Standard generation, wouldn't have it any other way.

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2003 11:31 pm
by Anguirel
I got a random inspiration, so mildly schizo Paladin outrider has been submitted via PM.

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2003 12:17 am
by Eliahad
There's going to be a change in my character, she's going to be a Bard (almost pure) and simple. That leaves my options open and gives me a much better flavor and opportunity to shine. So she won't have the big guns. A ship and silence or a ship and some properly timed fog might be all we need. I think it will fit better for the potentiality of the situation as well. Caz, I apologize for not getting a character to you, but there's a concerto competition at the end of this week and I'm running on fumes from my 'job' as is. I'll try and get a sketch going tomorrow, I think I have some time.

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2003 12:37 am
by Wildfire
Just to make life easier for your planning Caz, I'd already started down the road of circumstance-like spells (Fog, mend, arcane lock) rather than offense, I think Isen has a ray of frost spell which is as offensive as his magic skills get, so hopefully no headaches of high end (for this world) magic :)

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2003 12:40 am
by Cazmonster
Wildfire wrote:Just to make life easier for your planning Caz, I'd already started down the road of circumstance-like spells (Fog, mend, arcane lock) rather than offense, I think Isen has a ray of frost spell which is as offensive as his magic skills get, so hopefully no headaches of high end (for this world) magic :)
Wild - sweetie, if Isen's a sorcerer, take kickass spells, don't waste those d4 HD on spells an NPC could take.

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2003 12:49 am
by Wildfire
Karenna was supposed to be the spell slinger there so I was trying to not conflict :) Eesh...okay, let me play with things then, he was stat geared to be incidental magical backup, not primary, may require some re-thinking of class levels and feats :) Will still try to have it in by Wed.

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2003 12:57 am
by Cazmonster
Let's make it glaringly clear, there can never be enough arcane magic to throw at the badguys. And if Eli's a Bard, his actual ability to kick ass with spells has gotten a monkeywrench the size of a two by four shoved into it.

The only time you have too much arcane magic is when you have no way to stop fire or lightning resistant undead.

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2003 4:33 am
by Eliahad
Wild: We're going to have to have another IRC chat aren't we? When I was thinking about the "class" Bard made more sense. But then, hefting Fireballs is always fun. Aw gee.

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2003 4:40 am
by Cazmonster
And in all honesty, Ship's Mage had better be able to dispel incoming fireballs as well.

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2003 6:23 am
by Eliahad
So what if I shift back the other way and be a full Wizard...Okay, I'm still torn. I just want to use that (what I think is nifty) prestige class idea thingy. Maybe I'll just have to put that on hold.

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2003 6:28 am
by Cazmonster
What Prestige class? Don't confuse the Game Master, as he's quick to anger and quite willing to give Aboleths Assassin levels.

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2003 6:43 am
by Eliahad
Um, the one I was talking about constructing...I PM'd you part of it? Maybe I'm smoking snickerdoodles again. Actually, a snickerdoodle would be might tasty right now. (IT was meant as a goal and not something I'd start out as. It however, probably wouldn't be possible for a Wizard to achieve, I can just scrap it and continue on my way.)

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2003 7:11 am
by Serious Paul
Okay I am refining two ideas right now, Caz I will have my history and background to you pror to actual stats since all I have is the SRD to refer to and I am a moron.

A few questions directed at the group: Am I the only cleric? If not or even if so which gods should we consider as a patron, so to speak? I have room inside my framework to do a couple of different directions for my PC.

Second I seem to recall Miami as our start point, was that correct?

Finally group property? Should we start thinking of some pooled resources?

Other than my weapons and minimal equipment the only thing I am going to think of buying is cooking supplies and tools. The rest of my money is yours.

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2003 7:36 am
by FlameBlade
Serious Paul: Same here. half of my money is dedicated to the crew, and half of money for emergency purposes.

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2003 7:53 am
by Serious Paul
I created a channel on mIRC for us #Steam&Sorcery

I am still trying to make it all work right.

[Edit] Thanks to Anguirel for all his help in getting it up.

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2003 9:21 am
by Wildfire
Eli: Yes, yes we will :) We'll figure it all out tomorrow night or so :)

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2003 10:38 am
by Cazmonster
Serious Paul wrote:Okay I am refining two ideas right now, Caz I will have my history and background to you pror to actual stats since all I have is the SRD to refer to and I am a moron.

A few questions directed at the group: Am I the only cleric? If not or even if so which gods should we consider as a patron, so to speak? I have room inside my framework to do a couple of different directions for my PC.

Second I seem to recall Miami as our start point, was that correct?

Finally group property? Should we start thinking of some pooled resources?

Other than my weapons and minimal equipment the only thing I am going to think of buying is cooking supplies and tools. The rest of my money is yours.
Miami - aye.

You don't really have to worry about group Property. Captain Jessup has the ship well provisioned, including some magic and technological items. But feel free.

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2003 10:54 am
by FlakJacket
To get back to something I was thinking about before, what type of ship is it going to be? Old pre-warp ship that's been converted to something like steam and sails, old yatch or new wooden raider?

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2003 2:21 pm
by Cazmonster
The Marlin had been one of those working tour ships before the spellcoming. It worked by muscle and wind before. Now it has the advantage of a very reliable technomagical engine, to see it through the doldrums and perhaps make it more maneuverable in the chaotic harbors of Miami, Havanna and Red Tortage.

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2003 1:38 am
by Serious Paul
Kaho is nearly finished, I am transcribing him from paper to word file to email to you Caz, as well as PM. ANyone who may need to know the following details, I post them freely:

Class: Fighter Level: 8th Alignment: Lawful Neutral Diety : Kord

If you need more, let me know. Caz should be getting the full monty sooner rather than later.

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2003 1:49 am
by Cazmonster
Really, so long has he's even partially recovered from his origin story, everything will be easy as bacon.

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2003 5:06 am
by Serious Paul
Okay I have my background, but what I don't have is how I met all of you. Now I also have some questions, according to the DM's manual we each have on the magnitude of 27K GP each.

Thats quite a piece. I want some magical items, but I don't know realistically what I can have

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2003 5:43 am
by Cazmonster
Don't think too much about it. You can spend up to 10,000 on any single item. If you have any ideas about items that you do not see, let me know.

And there's only so much origin story I want to get into before we get going. You serve on the Marlin under Captain Jessup and have done so for a minimum of six months. You have undoubtably worked in some noteworthy fashion, as you've become the 'command crew' under him.

The ship is worth several hundred thousand gold pieces, between the value of the ship itself and the enhancements. Don't worry about buying add ons for the boat, they'll be taken care of by the Captain (and the GM).

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2003 5:57 am
by Serious Paul
Okay, I just figured we'd touch base as PC's about how much we know each other, how we get along, drekcetera...

I am not too worried about any ship purchases, since I figure the good Cap'n takes good care of his vessel and his crew, I still have to get my equipment going, soon I will be done though!

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2003 6:03 am
by Cazmonster
And that's totally cool, I just wanted to give you guys a nice big framing piece to tack your characters onto. You're on the ship because you're good at what you do, and since Jessup sails the Marlin between Miami, Havanna, and Tortage, you've got most of the Carribean as a backdrop (not that many of you need it.)

Quick Update - Characters in the Party

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2003 12:33 am
by Cazmonster
Paul - Human Fighter
Bethyaga - Half Orc Fighter
Jim - Human? Ranger/Rogue
Wildfire - Fighter/Sorcerer
Flameblade - Cleric/Wizard
Eliahad - Bard/Wizard

If this is wrong - let me know. In fact, resend your characters to me. I need them back as I deleted my inbox earlier this week.

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2003 7:13 am
by FlameBlade
Human Rogue-Cleric

Resending my character...

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2003 7:18 am
by FlameBlade

EDIT: I meant I sent you information, not I resent you :)

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2003 8:24 am
by Serious Paul
I had some clerical errors on my character, rather embarassing ones, so I am correcting those. I hope to be completely finished this weekend! My first ever D&D 3.5 character!

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2003 1:02 pm
by Bethyaga
Maazmud Juk is technically a half-orc fighter-rogue, but he would actually describe himself as a sailor first and a warrior second.

What everyone else knows of Maazmud Juk:

Everyone calls him Juk (or First Mate Juk... or Sir). He claims Maazmud is orcish for Mohammed--he took it when he converted some years back. He does not give the impression of being overly religious, though.

Maazmud is a giant of a man. He stands something like 6' 9" and is massively muscled. He has a very orcish face and grayish rough skin, with a hairline that has receded to the top of his head. He wears his thin black hair long and tied back. When the weather is nice, he generally goes shirtless, wearing only jeans and heavy black boots when on deck. He almost always has his blade--a bastard sword nearly as tall as he is--in a scabbard on his back, and he carries a flintlock pistol on his belt. He has a set of ornately carved silver bracers that he wears on his forearms at all times. It is generally assumed that these are enchanted.

For such a huge man, he is surprisingly fast, and he is an expert seaman. Though well respected for his talents and knowledge, most of the crew find him humorless and distant, and it is not uncommon for them to be found mocking Juk behind his back. Juk does not socialize much, tending to keep to his cabin when not on duty. He tends to be very by-the-book, and he makes no effort to hide his disdain for those he considers to be inept in their duties.

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2003 2:47 am
by FlameBlade
Background for Waterfingers, 4th level rogue/4th level cleric

Waterfingers was born in the last church of God, but somehow, he always took a liking to the sea, and wanted to know its inside and out, and he was impressed by what he could do with water and air. In fact, at only 6 years old of age, he managed to make a boat sail itself by controlling water...through little cleric magic that he is learning to realize, and then learning how to control movements of air and water. Eventually, he learned how to appease sea god (If there is one.) Then worked his way to become a leader of the seas through powers of sea. Leader as someone who will help a boat crew in any way, and he found the crew...and joined the crew, and served as a morale-raiser, as he can calm storm slightly, and make water easier to sail through in difficult times. Also, he is known for diplomacy, especially when there is a chance of munity. Since he is on the boat, he learns the trade of being a sailor, and eventually picks up some roguish skills to complement sailor skills, especially with ropes, movement on the bridge and a lot more. To this day, this person was given a name, Waterfingers by his fellow sailors, for his skills on the sea.

There you guys go :)

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 6:37 am
by Eliahad
Just a heads up, Caz. i'm a finalist in the Concerto Competition here at school, this means I'm going to have to practice my ass off the next two weeks, if I don't have anything to you by Friday (Fall break) then I think you may have to dump me. Sorry to anyone I may have inconvenienced by taking their spot, I wasn't expecting to make it this far.

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 9:30 am
by Bethyaga
Damn you and all your talent, Eli! We resent you for your success and... "priorities"!

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 11:50 am
by Cazmonster
I'll keep that in mind. Since I still need a few other characters, we'll see how it goes.

That and I still have a little work to do as well.