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Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2003 2:35 am
by Insomniac Jack
OOC::: Also, give me advice on what spells to take... Ill be covering your butts on the magic side of things... maybe :D

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2003 4:00 am
by Insomniac Jack
I guess dont expect us right at 300, becuase Monster 01 doesnt know what time he will be out of work.

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2003 5:18 am
by Universe Man
I'm good any time weather I'll have a character ready or not is the question

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2003 7:23 am
by Epsilon

I know you've said that you'd be working vampires in this game much like the characters from White Wolf's "Vampire: the Masquerade". Unfortunately, I'm not incredibly familiar with the vampires from the World of Darkness; however, I have been reading what I can on the internet. I am getting all of my information so far from here: ... qs_p1.html

If you want to run anything in a different way, please let me know. Until then, I am designing my character with this in mind.

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2003 10:38 pm
by Insomniac Jack
OOC::: post any one? any one post? we play sunday.... Kinda need ok's on character stuff and number of points to use.... :cry

i hate you guys..... ;)

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2003 11:13 pm
by Universe Man
i also need a web site to get becks off from

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2003 11:36 pm
by Serious Paul
BeCK's can be found on the Shadowrun Supplemental's website. It is a PDF format.

We have a lot of housekeeping stuff to do for Sunday, so no In Character posts yet.

Epsilon: The Clans will remain unchanged, except that they won't be so nearly powerful, nor will they be exact representations of the SR world of Vampyrs, but its a good starting point.

I like the powers as well but I need to really read them carefully, determine which ones are appropriate and which ones don't jive, and then determine how they work. Welcome to work in progress!

By the By I will be opening a new thread for In Character posts. This whole thread will be OOC for all In Character threads.

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2003 11:59 pm
by Monster 01
I'll have some work to do when we get together, I need rigger 3 to finish my character, other than that I should be ready, all things considered.

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2003 10:07 pm
by Serious Paul
Okay more information for all of you:


Lynch is your fixer. He is a human male of average build. It is obvious Lynch has some previous paramilitary experience of either security or military origins. Lynch has brown hair that is stylishly cut, and dark blue chrome cyber eyes, with no irises. He generally dresses down-blue jeans, black Pea coat, and a leather gloves. He generally wears shades when he is outdoors, or it is day light out.

His character is gruff, but honest. He has guided each of you to some sweet jobs, and takes a modest 15% commision off what you make. Lynch generally travels with two or three body guards, one of which is always his driver.

Your street kid contact is chip, an oataku decker, who is a supergenius at 13. He has a relationship with each of you, I will flesh out once I have a finalized look at your PC's.
More to come.

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2003 10:14 pm
by Serious Paul
Next contacts:
Moiria Gibson

The great great great great grandaughter of the once famous 2D actor Mel gibson, she is a singer and song writer, as well as an aspiring actress. She is an Elf, and a drop dead knock out. She has a great rappport with the local music scene, and is well connected, as she is a sought after woman.

She is going to be like a little sister to you allOh and she's an adept..

Okay Bartender next time.

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2003 7:36 pm
by Gyro
Dear God...Just wanted to drop you a letter telling you that i'm on to you and your sick ideas. Gyro is on the bulldrek and will be keeping an eye on you!

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2003 3:44 am
by Serious Paul
Okay what were Baby C's kids names again? Emma, Robin and ?

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2003 3:46 am
by Monster 01
Emma, Robin, and Duke. :|

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2003 5:42 am
by Serious Paul
Okay this thread will now serve as the general purpose Out of Character Thread. The first In Character thread is

Devils Tools and the Out of Character Thread is here.

Use the OOC thread for all non in character posts. Post out of character stuff in my in character thread and I whack you in the face with my PENIS!

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2003 1:38 am
by 3278
Well, I'm as far as firearm customization on Grudge, so it looks like he'll be totally 100 percent finished soon. Man, I'd never read all of Cannon Companion before. I need to take some Valium now.

On a different note, would anyone mind giving detailed character descriptions [physical descriptions, that is] to Paul, with the eventual goal of having him draw all the characters? Paul, how would you feel about doing this? There are multiple reasons I'd like to have pictures of everyone, not least of which is the inevitable possibility of animation.

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2003 2:10 am
by 3278
Here's what I have so far on Grudge. [xx is the indicator I use to remind me that a detail is not completed, just so you don't think Grudge really weighs xx kilos.]

Grudge's life is one of contradiction and irony, complexity and secrecy. He's a troll, and large even for his race, topping 3 meters and xx kilograms. It can be a burden, sometimes, having someone so large on the team. Conference rooms never have the right chairs, and he frequently can't stand fully upright in older buildings, meaning he has the choice of standing, hunched, against the ceiling, or sitting on the floor. And, to be blunt, he's really, really ugly. But he makes it work; his charm overcomes his appearance, and his leadership seems natural and calm.

He's intelligent, much more so than any troll anyone remembers meeting, and more well-educated than even most humans. And not just in normal, bookwise subjects, but also in tactics, combat, military history. And many times the team has witnessed the surreal spectacle of their xx meter troll going through his Tai Chai katas in the morning.

His education is not deep, but rather broad. While he's not the expert in many fields, he appears to have a collegiate knowledge of a number of disciplines, while possessing a surprising lack of ability in some of the most basic survival skills.

He hasn't volunteered much about his past, but the team knows more than most people: Grudge came to Seattle a few years ago, worked odd jobs for pay, no questions asked. His competence quickly led him up the underground food chain, but he has managed to maintain a very low profile outside the business, while seeming to know everyone inside it; he's also not camera-shy or paranoid about his appearance, so if there's someone looking for him, he doesn't seem compelled to hide. His accent is CAS or rural UCAS, but he can do a pretty scary "dumb grunting troll" imitation when intimidation - or underestimation - is required. Nevertheless, his CAS accent is, well, /bad./ But so is his British accent - the one he uses in private. So is his French. So is his UCAS. Wherever he's from, he seems to be making some major effort to make it look like he's from nowhere at all, or everywhere.

Grudge isn't as expert in combat as the rest of the team, but he seems to know his way around most small arms. While his practice in Tai Chi is put to good effect, his real strength is with his most fearsome weapon: a xx meter dikoted claymore. He has a strong grasp of small unit tactics, and sometimes seems to view encounters more like set-piece battles on a board than humans fighting for their lives. Still, he's more often right than wrong, so people usually listen to what he says.

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2003 2:55 am
by 3278
Gyro wrote:He loved small target practice with his vindicator in the barrens. “well, after all, he had to make sure it was firing…ah…fast enough!”

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 6:52 am
by 3278
As an interesting side note, Grudge can bench-press about 2,000 lb [900 kg]. This is also about how much he weighs. Interestingly, very few vehicles in Shadowrun have a 1-ton load capacity. It's worth noting that none of the SUVs or, ahem, riot control vehicles have such a capacity. Only semis and the like, by and large, can haul Grudge, and Gyro probably weighs almost as much. Sorry about your suspension, Baby C. Kind of makes you wonder how Cassandra's hooptie made it across a jungle island with us.

Just a reminder of exactly how big "big" is.

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2004 3:21 am
by Monster 01
Well looks like your walking from now on bro :lol