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Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 2:25 am
by Luadril Sunsoar
Luadril returned to the inn with a swift and elegant landing amid a small cloud of shed feathers, a prayerbook held close to her chest. Seeing that the others hadn't arrived yet, she entered the building to make arrangements for the party, deliberately ignoring the shocked expressions of those who watched her.

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 11:47 pm
by Ancient History
As Luadril talked to the Matron of the Inn, a respectable halfling (two chins, very impressive copper-red sideburns, three-inch long curled and combed foot-hair of the same color, and smoking an expensive merrschaum pipe full of willow bark), walked up to the party as they were talking. He spoke to everyone but only stared his fellow halfling in the eyes.

"Hellu, friends. Bill Beewater's the name. I was just talking to me wife-that's her in there with yer friend-and it came to my attention that as a good host I should be of service to ye, what with you all being foreign to our fair city and whatnot. Silverymoon is the finest city you'll ever see, doubt it not, but still you folks are a bit pressed for time and could no doubt do with a helping hand and a few contacts in the city, such as my brother Buttermere, whose a drover, finest riding dogs, mules and ponies in the city, even has a mage-bred or two in his herds; and my cousin Grimcabbage the Alchemist, a more friendly and competent one ye've not met... [Bill goes on to some length listing various and sundry relations around the city. The Beewater halfling clan certainly seems well-entrenched.]...and my wife's other sister, Samanday, who bakes the best Halfling Trail Bread in the city lives just behind you in that barrow-house! You can live for weeks and days on Halfling trail bread, and the taste--ah!

In any event, sirs and ladies, if'n you need anything, just hand me the list tonight and I'll have it sorted out on the morrow. In the meantime, first supper is on--honey-glazed roast chicken, mixed green, and millet-and-rice stew with sausages. You don't want to miss it, as it's already been paid for, and the beer's not getting any warmer!"

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 3:58 am
by Selreth Drevarian
A slight smile crossed Selreth's face as the halfling prattled on about his familial connections. Inwardly, he wondered how much of a kick-back the small man would get from his relatives should any one of them recieve patronage from the members of the group. He did not speak his feelings however, as it's not polite to bite the hand that feeds. As the halfling finished his sales pitch, he scowled at the thought of warm beer, then cleared his throat to attract the attention of the well-off halfling.

"Goodman Beewater, I was wondering if you could possibly do a minor favor for us. Obviously if we are to make a complete and comprehensive list of what we will be requiring for our future journey, it would be most beneficial to have access to a room in which we can speak freely amongst ourselves, without bothering the other patrons with the noise from our discussion. I'd not make the request except that more than one of our number has been known to express their opinion on certain subjects rather boistrously and without restraint, even when the majority agrees. It has, quite unfortunately, been known to incite arguments amongst others who are not aware of the circumstances, and I would be most regretful should an argument escalate to such a level that it were to damage your fine establishment."

Selreth, throughout his somewhat wordy monologue once again demonstrated that lying is indeed an art form, almost appearing embarassed that he had to ask for the private room, and genuinely worried about causing damage to the Inn. He even manages to avoid letting his gaze flicker to any of his compatriots when speaking of their somewhat argumentative discussion habits, hoping that they would just stay quiet and play along so as not to appear the boorish member of the group.

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 7:10 pm
by Ancient History
The fat halfling nodded knowingly to "Master" Selreth, and led the party to a private room, then busied himself about getting them dinner.

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 6:35 am
by Torin Proud
Torin smiled as he checked over the room, obviously the Inn was nice, not nearly what his quarters at the Golden Oak were, but this would do nicely. Torin had taken care to stay just out the Inn keeps sight, relying on his ability to blend in with the rest of the group-besides their appearences were enogh to keep the man occupied. How often did he see patrons with wings? Not often Torin wagered.

Once everyone had more or less settled into the room Torin began to slowly walk the room, his eyes scanning the walls, floor and ceiling for any tell tale signs of listening portals, or devices. He kep his walk casual, and his eyes neutral.

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 2:53 am
by Ancient History
Your intrepid group, on horse and on wing, begins their journey shortly after dawn on the southern road out of Silverymoon.

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 3:51 am
by Torin Proud
The dog was some sort of war breed, Torin was sure of it. The damned thing either wanted to eat him or hurt him-he wasn't sure which. It had nipped at him twice already, once leaving a small jagged bruise on his right forearm. he had resisted the urge to clou the dog, more out of a sense of self preservation than restraint. The damned thing weighed more than he did, and its teeth were twice the size of his. If he ever got the chance he'd ask Jarthal where exactly he'd found this nasty mutt.

The weather was overcast, thick grey clouds hung low in the sky like pregnant creatures, slow and waddling along. That was good though, it meant no rain, yet. Torin hated the rain this far North. It was always cold. Always.

The group was quiet so far, no one had said much other than a few comments here and there. Torin wasn't the only one who didn't trust anyone else-it seemed like they all felt the same way. This couldn't bode well, could it?

He pushed that thought aside as they set out. Jarthal was to his rear somewhere, and the godlings had flown just slightly ahead of them. He was sure they'd have fair warning if they needed it. Turning to the Calsihmen, Torin smiled and spoke.

"Well my friend, it seems we set off in search of riches and adventure. My Da' always said that it was best to start a long journey with a little something special." Reaching under his tunic he took his small metal flask out. Unscrewing the cap he sniffed the brandy inside it. "Its not Crown Royal to be sure but it'll keep your belly warm."

He extended his arm and offered the flask to the Calishmen.

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 7:17 am
by Rasiel Qeliasin Silanith
Rasiel flew ahead of the main group, keeping low enough to spot trouble, but out of bowshot from the ground. You never knew what might be waiting in the brush... but Rasiel was determined to find out. She flew light, leaving most of her provisions with the Tsar, but kept her bow and swords in case she came across any game, or an ambush.

The air was cooler at this height, but the clouds above her would be deathly chill, and she feared that it may rain before the day was out. She hated the rain, it interfered with her flight terribly. With any luck, they would stop for the night before any fell.

Scanning the road below, she looked for movement. If anyone were to move North up the road, she needed to know first, before they came upon her party.

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 10:29 pm
by Jarthal
Jarthal sat easily in the saddle, Theridamas’ body rolling smoothly underneath him. He had chosen to bring up the rear of their “little” party, for a number of reasons. First, it was the quietest spot, allowing him to ride in relative solitude and quiet (if all the racket his companions made could be called such). He had never really spent any extended time with more than two other people, and a crowd like this was going to require a certain amount of adjustment.

Second, if there was any sort of attack or ambush, the bulk of the action would be ahead of him, which would provide him the best lines of support fire. It was possible that the attack would fall on him personally, but he’d been ambushed while on his own before, and, of those on the ground, likely had the best chance spotting one before it went off.

Finally, if any of the animals should for some reason spook and run off, he could immediately go after them. Torin was clearly uncomfortable on the dog that Jarthal had selected. This was understandable; few of the little men he had met were great riders. Finding a docile beast was difficult, as most dogs of the proper riding size were guard or war breeds, but Jarthal had done his best. Torin and the creature still had some things to work out, however. They’d come to some sort of arrangement, given time.

The other two seemed equally unused to horseback, but had an easier time of it. It was much easier to find a horse suited to untested riders than it was a dog.

Then there were the pack animals. It still amazed him just how much extraneous and completely useless things these people had chosen to bring. Fifty pounds of bread! How in blazes were they going to eat that before it got rained on, or infested with insects, or any of the other tricks that the forest held for those unused to its…variations. The one possible advantage was that he wasn’t too concerned about losing them if they bolted. While well able to bear the weight of all the “gear,” they weren’t going anywhere faster than Theridamas could overtake them. No, the real problem was if the group had to flee from anything. Jarthal’s concern was that his companions might be too concerned with saving their precious supplies if it became necessary to bolt. While he despised the thought of leaving all of that unused food and equipment (one reason not to take so damned much in the first place), wasted things were better than wasted lives.

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 12:05 am
by Ancient History
You manage thirty miles down the lightly crowded road out of Silverymoon before dark begins to set in. A cool breeze is blowing from he east, and the clouds overhead have been getting steadily darker. In the pink, overcast sunset, you notice an old campsite on the side of the road amid a copse of ancient conifers. A ring of stones surrounds the ashes of an old campsite, and some caring traveller has left a wooden shovel for those who feel nature's call during the night.

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 7:04 pm
by Koriel Zauth
The sky was a dull gray, the wind had an edge to it, but the day passed in silence. Koriel rode the drafts high above the party, her wings blending into the clouds. Luadril had been gone in the morning, but Lathander asked her to watch over the party as she prayed in the dawn. And so she had left, Jarthal leading the rest save Rasiel.

The deepening darkness meant nothing to her, but as the others headed for a campsite, she braked in her flight, landing softly in one of the old trees. nestled among its branches, she watched the others with interest.

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 8:31 pm
by Ancient History
The night passes without incident, and in the early morning you continue south along the road, passing farmers, drovers, and the like taking their wares to market. A minor mage in faded blue robes with golden stars and moons performs small illusions to entertain a rich merchant's children in exchange for a ride.

The day seems a bit cold, and even at noon the sky is overcast and gray.

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 6:47 pm
by Razbar ibn Mujallah
Razbar had been unusually quiet through the whole affair. He seemed consumed with his own thoughts. But then, that was hardly out of place. No one knew him, and he did not know any of these people. He was normally quiet, and as young as he was, combined with his background, he had hardly developed a lot of social graces.

Still, the young mage travelled along with the group, and rose this day to chew on some travelling rations. He stared down the road in silence, waiting to continue moving with the 'caravan' they seemed to form.

Everything felt new and surreal, but he didn't quite know why. Maybe it was those strange winged creatures.

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 9:14 pm
by Luadril Sunsoar
Both Rasiel and Koriel saw movement in the far distance from the party, it was large and moving swiftly. Yet it didn't take long for a hint of brilliant gold to give a hint as to the identity of the swiftly moving speck. It slowed as it got closer, revealing a somewhat tired looking Luadril.

Once she had rejoined her erstwhile companions she made sure to be within easy speaking distance to those in the air and those on land. "My apologies for my sudden disappearance, but my father had gotten himself into trouble." There was an unspoken again at the end of her sentence.

"I also have some information that pertains to our quest, but I will tell you once we make camp for the evening as it does not seem to be urgent."

Gratefully she swept into position near the members of the party who were riding, their pace slower than what she had been driving herself at to rejoin them. With care she scanned the area with eyes, ears and extra sense for any danger.

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 4:06 pm
by Koriel Zauth
Koriel nodded to her friend, again was something she knew firsthand. As the rest of the party walked into the old camp, she left her perch, feeling slightly more secure with the others with Luadril there.

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 8:41 pm
by Ancient History
After days of travel along the road, you pass into the light woods along a dirt road, you see the smoke from a village drift above the trees of the High Forest, and the sun setting on the Lost Peaks in the distance.

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 11:30 pm
by Torin Proud
What worried him most was how quiet it was during the day. Torin was nocturnal by nature, he had always been. So no one had objected too much when he had volunteered for the lions share of them midwatches.

The first night had been uneventful, but every night since strange things been occuring. They were speaking in their sleep. At first it had been Rasiel Silanith. Torin hadn't been sure he had her right the first few times, but then he realized she was muttering something in a tongue he couldn't undertsand.

The next night he was ready to dismiss this incident, and had very nearly forgotten it when Selreth Drevarian had done the same sort of thing, at the sametime Rasiel had. He had almost mentioned that the next morning. By the third night even Razbar was talking-Torin was sure it was a Calishman dialect. Torin wondered briefly if he had done the same? Dismissing the thought he considered how he was going to tell them.

They were all asleep-he had drawn the last watch this evening. It was still at least a few candlemarks till dawn. The silent, almost gutteral moans and words of his companions washed over him like a cold cloud of anxiety. What was happening here?

There was a slight chill in the air-the season was getting late, and sooner rather than later snow would fall again. Huddled under his blanket with a steaming cup of tea he made up his mind.

Casting his blanket aside, he crept over to Jarthal. He trusted the squat deadly man more than hte rest, he'd tell him first. Using a stick long enough to keep him safely out of the humans reach he poked Jarthal gentlely.

"Jarthal" His voice was quiet but clear. "Jarthal, wake up."

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 5:07 am
by Luadril Sunsoar
She'd been awake for a time, but meditating upon what had been happening. She'd informed the others that there was some sort of energy detected upon their path and of the scroll [ooc note, see details below for the scroll]. They were puzzles that no one seemed to have answers for just yet.

Her head went up as she noticed something in the distance, a flash of light of some sort. She mentally marked the position to see if her companions wished to investigate in the morning when she heard Torin moving about. Grateful for the distraction from her thoughts, she got out of her hammock and approached the halfling.

"Is there something wrong, Torin?"



The scroll mentioned is one that is a copy of an ancient scroll that was not in good condition. In the upper left corner can be seen a crescent moon engulfed in milky fire, in the upper right a blazing sun. Centered below and between them are three winged beings, apparently female and apparently elves. Time has muted the color of their skins and hair, there is no telling what sub-race they may be. The center one is holding something in her hand above her head, but some long-go hand has destroyed this segment of the scroll. Across the bottom is some sort of unknown ancient script that Luadril said was tentitively identified as something before even Celestial.

It seems that Aryas-Amon knew of the scroll and requested it to be brought out of the temple's vaults. One of the clerics at the temple had performed a rare divination for the future with regards to the scroll, an act the priests are normally reluctant to do. The results were:

The sword must be used to be redeemed.
The sword belongs to the Daughter of the Sun and Moon.
All paths lead to the dark sword.
Beware the price of venom.

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 6:04 am
by Jarthal
Jarthal was awake the instant the stick first poked him, but gave no immediate sign of his return to consciousness. As a boy, he had heard tales of men so deadly that they snapped into action with the slightest touch; not from his father or mother, of course, but from the old men in the village where they would occasionally go to trade. Either way, such a trait had absolutely no place in the wild, and Jarthal had understood that even when very young. Sudden movements were the last thing that you wanted to make when being sniffed at by a curious bear.

So, the halfling's prodding elicited nothing more than slight hitch in his breathing, difficult to notice, unless it was watched for. Eyes still closed, he assessed the situation. The pressure was too sharp to be the nose of a curious animal, and the motion was all wrong, too.

Then he heard the small man's voice, "Jarthal. Jarthal, wake up."

Before he had a chance to reply, or even open his eyes, came the voice of the feather creature who had so recently decided to join them again, with stories about scrolls, prophesies, and trails of energy.

"Is there something wrong, Torin?"

Quietly, eyes still closed, Jarthal speaks, "Yes, Small Man. What?"

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 2:27 am
by Torin Proud
"Is there something wrong, Torin?" Luadril Sunsoa's voice was quiet but clear. Before she spoke though he heard Jarthal exhale-it was a barely audible sound, and if he hadn't been a halfling he may not have heard it all. His race was gifted with keen hearing, but this squat human was somethign else!

Quietly, eyes still closed, Jarthal spoke, "Yes, Small Man. What?"

Torin was torn for a second, but the godlings were good right? They had explained some of that to him. He had petered all of them, his natural curiousity always got the better of him. Brushing that thought aside he spoke just loud enough for both of them to hear.

"Something's wrong. I don't know what, but something is wrong." Motioning towards the rest of the party he finished." Listen..."

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 3:01 am
by Luadril Sunsoar
The elven woman regarded Torin for a moment, then visibly turned her attention away listening for all that she was worth, wondering what he had noticed...

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 3:31 am
by Jarthal
Jarthal finally opened his eyes, and looked briefly around the campsite. The small man was squatting a few feet from him, a short stick clutched in his hands. Jarthal looked at him briefly, his head lightly cocked and eyes in a half squint. Putting his hands on the ground by his side, he pushed himself back and up into a crouch, a practiced movement so smooth that the cloak he slept under stayed behind, barely clinging to him at all.

He moved into a crouch and listened; there was the snap of wood in the firepit, branches rubbing in the wind, and was that...muttering? He wasn't sure that was what he heard, but he was impressed that the little one had picked up on it without prompting. Jarthal sat as still as he could, not wanting the rubbing of his own clothes to wipe out the sounds he was hearing...

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 5:49 pm
by Koriel Zauth
It was the sound of Luadril's voice that woke her, something she was quite attuned to. Koriel made no movement from her spot in the trees, the only sign of her wakefulness the glint of the sparse light reflecting off her violet eyes. The conversation below continued, and Koriel made no noise that might overshadow any hints of this sound that had Torin worried.

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 2:55 am
by Luadril Sunsoar
She listened to the restless muttering of the others and grew concerned. She held herself as still as possible and tried to see if she could understand what was being said, before trying to wake them.

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2004 3:17 am
by Rasiel Qeliasin Silanith
Rasiel continued to mutter softly to herself, rolling slightly to one side, away from the staring party members. She suddenly whispered an apology in Chondathan, before lowering her voice to an incomprehensible mutter once again.

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2004 3:30 am
by Torin Proud
Torin realized he'd simplely been crouching there, saying nothing. They were almost certainly now much more worried than maybe they should have been. Embarassed and angry at himselfas he spoke he hoped he managed not to sound to embarassed.

"I've noticed something strange I think. Since we've left Silverymoon I've stood the late watches, I like the night so I didn't mind..." He paused realizing that he was babbling a little, taking a breath he continued. "I've noticed that everyone seems to be talking more and more in their sleep."

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2004 4:16 am
by Luadril Sunsoar
The slim elven woman gently gripped Torin's shoulder, offering wordless comfort and strength, despite her seeming frailness, Luadril's presence felt like a strong oak tree offering shelter in a windstorm. All the while the young knight was mentally frowning, Raisiel was politely declining something in her sleep and that didn't bode well. And somehow she had a feeling the light she saw had something to do with the mystery.

The ebon skinned woman absently pulled her hand away from Torin so she could cross her arms across her chest while slouching slightly as she thought about the situation, her normally sunny expression somewhat distant and sombre. She uncrossed her arms and unfurled her wings slightly as she straightened up and spoke softly. "I think we need to wake the others up now and see if they remember their dreams. And if you could tell us what you've been hearing, I would appreciate it. I too have something to share about odd events."

Her wings twitched slightly, "I saw a strange light in the distance and would like to look into it. It may have something to do with what has been happening."

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2004 4:58 am
by Selreth Drevarian
A fairly substantial sigh rose from Selreth's still form, drawing most of the open eyes towards him as he rolled over and propped himself up on one elbow, letting him take in the entire group as they lay sleeping or standing around.

"Well Torin, since you are so worried, I'll put your mind, and that of the others awake at this moment at ease. My mutterings in my supposed sleep are little more than a bad habit that I managed to pick up but not yet rid myself of. You see, when planning something important, I often had to explain it step-by-step to those assisting me with it, and since those days, I've not been able to keep from vocalizing my plans. It seems to assist in my concentration.
"As for the subject of my recent mutterings, it's mainly been my grand Master Plan. You see I intend to allow the tricks, traps and monsters of our impending adventure to slowly pick you all off one at a time, leaving only those most useful alive until I can eliminate them myself. Then I'll fence the artifacts we were sent for, as well as the Sage's location to his enemies and live wealthily ever after."

With a smirk, the elven man turned his head slightly to the side and finished, "And now, if you all don't mind terribly, I'm going to get some sleep. I'm going to need to be extra alert to capitolize on any opportunities that come my way. Good night." And without another word, Selreth rolled back onto his back and shifted slightly, appearing to get as comfortable as he could.

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2004 6:16 am
by Koriel Zauth
It was plain to see where Koriel was raised by her deft descent from the trees, little more than a sound of a slight wind. Her voice while soft and melodic seemed far too eerie in the lack of light beyond the fire where she stood, barely visible.

"The Sage has visited at least myself in my dreams. If it was sound I made asleep, it was perhaps my conversation with him."

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2004 10:54 pm
by Ancient History
From the direction of the village, your party is engulfed in a bright beam of daylight.

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2004 1:34 am
by Luadril Sunsoar
The paladin shrugged at Selreth, not bothering to tell him that aside from Koriel, she didn't trust a single one of her companions. Soon she knew she'd be forced to, but for now she'd keep a wary eye on them. Instead she simply smiled sweetly at the rogue.

However all thought about smartass companions went the way of the darkness as the sunlight shattered the night. With a swiftness that always took her companions by surprise, Luadril was aloft in the air, wings spread out to their fullest to sparkle brightly in the light of her Lord, acting as a target for anything hostile to defend those she traveled with. Her keen eyes scanned the area, as she sought out traces of evil.

"Whomever is there, show yourself."

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2004 2:02 am
by Ancient History
From the air, Luadril notes that the source of the light is several miles away in the direction of the village...maybe even a ways past the village.

Also, you all notice that it is becoming unseasonably warm at the moment. The evening dew is evaporating off plants caught within the beam of sunlight.

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2004 2:40 am
by Luadril Sunsoar
Wiping sweat from her face, the paladin descended gracefully and began to pack her bedroll and hammock. "We need to leave, I'm not sure what this ray is, but I think it would be prudent to get away from it."

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 5:40 am
by Torin Proud
Torin tried to hold his anger back, but his eyes blazed, and his fist clenched for several seconds. He was glad it was dark, and that the night hid most of his reaction. He was sure however Jarthal had seen his brief but furious reaction..

"Luckily for us then, that we are all the best. Maybe you're right, maybe I am over..." His words trailed off as he realized there just wasn't any good way to reply to the infuriatingly smug elf.

"The Sage has visited at least myself in my dreams. If it was sound I made asleep, it was perhaps my conversation with him."Koriel's words were soft, with a slight melody to them, and their etheral quality completely distracted him from the distracted look on Luadril's face. Had he seen it, maybe her forced smile might not have reassured him so much. But they were new to each other, and he still didn't understand all the nuances of their speech and facial expressions.

Suddenly she sprung upwards, her wings unfolding and lifting her off the ground like a shot! He gaped for a second then was shocked to hear her voice so forceful.

"Whomever is there, show yourself." Someone was there? Impossible, wasn't it? He had been on watch-but had he let his worries distract him? Stepping back away from Jarthal and the light of the fire he drew his long knife, dropping into a crouch.

Wiping sweat from her face, the paladin descended gracefully and began to pack her bedroll and hammock. "We need to leave, I'm not sure what this ray is, but I think it would be prudent to get away from it."

Torin nodded. He understood this completely. he would trust her to explainlater as he hurriedly set to gathering his equipemnt...

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 1:10 pm
by Ancient History
The area within the beam of light grew hotter and brighter, the plants around you are visibily wilting. It's hotter than the noon-day sun and rising...

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 6:52 pm
by Razbar ibn Mujallah
The noise left Razbar sleeping undisturbed. It was the unusual heat that woke him. He thought of fire, and of his homeland, but in his subconscious mind he knew these were nowhere near here.

He woke with a start, sitting upright, and had to shield unadjusted eyes from the bright light. He whispered or muttered to himself under his breath, and pushed himself to his feet. One hand fumbled and pulled out a small scrap of cured leather. A slight adjustment was made to force the heavy coat to settle back onto his shoulders, and invisible to any normal sight, a thin layer of magical armor surrounded him.

He spoke up, "What is happening?"

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2004 3:06 am
by Luadril Sunsoar
Ebon skin glistening, Luadril finished grabbing her things (no one else except the other two winged elves would have been able to get them) and turned towards the sleepy mage as she started to help break down camp as quickly as possible, grabbing only what was necessary.

"No time for that now, get yourself up, your personal things that you need and your mount. I think something bad is about to happen."

With that, she raised her voice to the rest of the camp, the silvery tones now more trumpet like than harplike, "Awake, awake! We must leave!"

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2004 7:59 am
by Rasiel Qeliasin Silanith
Eyes blinking against the light, wings shielding her from the heat, Rasiel finally awoke. Luadril's alarm startled her to her feet.
"The light... it's here? I thought it was just a dream. Is this still a dream?"

Rasiel hurriedly picked up her cloak and stuffed it in her satchel, stripped off her tunic and donned her leather and mail directly over her undergarments. It was far too hot for that many layers now. Stuffing the extra clothes into her satchel, she pulled her swordbelt on and grabbed her greatsword. If anything attacked now she made sure she would be ready for it before continuing packing up.

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2004 3:55 pm
by Razbar ibn Mujallah
Something bad? He pondered that for a moment. Absently, he fetched a wand from his coat with one hand, and then began uttering more incantations and gesturing. A bit louder now, his eyes became alight with a second layer of vision. He cast detect magic, and concentrated on it, trying to seek out the source of this light.

It must be created by someone or some-thing. Given a few seconds, he could try to discern who or what...

Quietly, he spoke, "I don't believe we can outrun this thing of light and of fire. Call it a hunch, but I don't think we weren't hired because we were good at fleeing on horseback."

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2004 5:39 pm
by Koriel Zauth
The sudden shock of daylight disoriented Koriel briefly. Retreating swifty into the still dark woods, she strung her bow and waited to see if the light tracked the others.

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2004 9:20 pm
by Jarthal
When the sudden light burst onto the scene, Jarthal was still in the crouch he had taken just after awakening. He had not spoken a word since, had barely even moved except for an idle trailing of his fingers through the rich earth at his feet.

He wasn’t ignoring events up till then, he just had nothing to say about them. He was still considering the announcements that the sage had visited party members in dreams, visitations with which he had no experience. He had heard the elf’s speech, his reaction had been similar to the half-man’s, if not nearly as powerful. The little one has some fire in him. That bears watching. He certainly had not any outward signs, apart from a possible narrowing or flicker of his eyes.

Then the light hit. This time Jarthal did move quickly, reaching for his bow and darting around the bole of the tree he was sleeping under. As he strung and knocked an arrow, he heard the creature with the golden wings shout her challenge. Leaning out from around the tree, bow at the ready, he saw her, twenty feet in the air, displaying herself like a beacon. Could these god-things really be as invulnerable as they think themselves? The idea was tempting, but unlikely, as there would then be no need for the land-bound individuals. Further, they would have no need for the armor they wore. He was, however, willing to let them continue with their delusions.

It was then that he felt the increasing heat on his face. This was no mere light. Needing none of the urging that the godling continued to spew, he began packing his few things with ruthless efficiency. Getting things together as quickly as possible, he dragged them and his saddle out of the light towards Theridamas.

The only other human in the party, the boy, took that moment to spit out, “"I don't believe we can outrun this thing of light and of fire. Call it a hunch, but I don't think we weren't hired because we were good at fleeing on horseback."

Jarthal’s response was quick, but even-toned, “Stay, then.”

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2004 11:05 pm
by Luadril Sunsoar
While she loved the light of her god, this was not His beneficient rays, so the paladin moved as quickly as she could, helping everyone else get their essential gear out of the ray. She didn't bother with the foodstuffs knowing the rangers would see to it they'd be fed, but did make sure that someone grabbed the magical sack. Purely from habit, she kciked out the campefire on her way as she hustled out of the intense heat.

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2004 5:26 am
by Selreth Drevarian
From the second moment the light had begun, Selreth had been moving. Now, in the third long moment, he had his swordbelt buckled and was sweeping his backpack off the ground and onto his shoulders. The bag, carrying a good twenty-five to thirty pounds of equipment and tools, appeared as light as if it were filled with feathers as he grabbed his carefully layed out armor and tossed what he could quickly into his bag. As he cinched the top closed, Jarthal responded to Razbar's comments with a short, "Stay, then."

As he readied his horse, he added his own opinion. "Stay or go, we have to do it fast. I say we head towards the source, one above and head on, two level and to the sides, and the rest spread out on the ground. If you like Razbar, you can head right up the middle."

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2004 3:00 pm
by Ancient History
The moment after the party is safely back under the shadows of trees, the critical temperature is reached and the area around the mouldering campfire bursts into flame! Small plants, insects, and dirt crumble to ash under the relentless heat, stones smolder and crack, and the nearest trees begin to blaze and smoke.

The light remains on the spot for two minutes, and then abruptly ceases. All that is left of the campsite is a rough circle of red-hot rocks to mark where the fire was, and a fine, fertile ash an inch deep. The outlying trees you hide under smoke plentifully, but do not seem about to blaze again right now.

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 5:09 am
by Luadril Sunsoar
AFter assuring herself that the rest of the party were well, Luadril surveyed the area with a neutral expression, then began to strap on her armor over the old breeches and shift she slept in. As she armored and armed herself, including binding her silvery hair back into it's customary tight braid, she spoke softly, "We must move swiftly and discover what the source of that light is and deal with it, so that it is no longer a threat to us or to the villagers. My advice is to make haste, though I would prefer to speak with the local citizens to see if they know anything. Yet i do not know when that beam will strike again as well as the warning given by the clerics of the temple in Silverymoon, I am loathe to do anything that will bring unnecessary risk to innocents."

Luadril crouched before the others, winges partially unfurled about her as she gazed at each of her companions before continuing.

"Thus my plan is that we send Jarthal, Rasiel and Koriel as our forward scouts to see if they can discover anything to relay to the rest of us. I will remain with Torin, Selreth and Razbar to be their eyes and ears in the air as Torin and Selreth will be the eyes and ears upon the ground. Razbar will be on the alert for any magical sources."

She frowned, "I wish there was some way of keeping an open line of communications between the scouts and the rest of us." The paladin turned to Razbar, "I am probably asking too much if you know of any spells that would enable us to have some way of keeping in touch?"

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 3:18 am
by Torin Proud
Torin considered her words for a minute, disliking them almost from the start. Who was she to bark orders? Of course he would never voice these thoughts to the godlings. They'd probably cleave his thick skull. It was obvious to the halfling that this attack was no chance incidence, and although he didn't quite understand what the ramnifications of this sort of attack really was, he did know that they couldn't afford to sit here and wait for it to happen again.

He tried to read the blank expression on Jarthal's face, hoping to find something to work with, but the squat human was as unscrutable as the Calishites were. Damn.

"I think we should all keep moving..." His voice was level,and while he didn't think he betrayed his uncertainty, he wasn't sure.

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 4:06 am
by Luadril Sunsoar
Mentally cursing herself for a fool, Luadril turned to Torin. How could she have been so blind to his growing resentment? Her mother would have a fit over her thoughtlessness.

Her voice gentle, the elven girl tucked her wings behind her so as to seem less threatening, "I do not mean to bowl you over, or anyone else for that matter. It is my nature and honed by training that I try to take command. If you or anyone else has a better idea, please say so."

She smiled a bit, golden eyes earnest as she caught the gaze of each of her companions in as non-threatening a manner as possible. "Unlike my father, I'm willing to admit I am not perfect and I tend to make mistakes."

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 3:09 pm
by Razbar ibn Mujallah
The young mage was still reeling from barely moving out of the initial blow. He was stirred when he heard himself being addressed. He had to ask the paladin to repeat herself "Do you know of any spells that would enable us to have some way of keeping in touch?"

He shook his head. "No, but give me a moment... something curious..."

He maintained the previous spell he had cast and turned all of his attentions back to it. Detect magic, there must have been something about it. He had two purposes. One, he wanted to inform everyone of what the potential threat was. Secondly... his own silent purpose... he wanted to learn that magic.
So he focused on studying whatever he could of the lingering aura. His eyes stared into space, seeking the invisible threads of power.

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 11:04 pm
by Jarthal
As Jarthal sat silently on Theridamas, a choking fury surged through his body. While he gave no obvious physical cue beyond the clenching of fists around reins and bulging muscles around his jaw, the rage was palpable anyone nearby who was sensitive to such things. His eyes remained locked on the circle of smoking ash which was once thriving woodland.

The attack on himself and his party, which this incident clearly was, was to be expected in one way or another. The old man had, through implication, been rather clear on that. Attacks on his person he could handle. Rather, it was the wanton destruction of the forest (HIS forest!) which was the true offense, and by flame no less. Verdant green plants were now nothing but ash, larger bushes and saplings nothing but cinders. Superheated rocks had burned away the damp, succulent mosses which had nestled atop them. Even the mighty trees were damaged, though their bulk had shielded them from destruction. Jarthal's furious eyes continued to stare, sucking in the scene of devastation, etching it into his memory.

Whoever had done this would pay. Be they man or god, they would pay. Dearly.

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2004 6:56 pm
by Razbar ibn Mujallah
The boy raised one of his arms, pointing a finger and stretching it out towards the source. His clothing fell back, exposing his rather thin wrist. He whispered things to himself, thinking, staring at the invisible. Finally he dropped the spell, after about a minute, and looked around.

"I believe there is some powerful artifact at work against us, just past the village. In the sky. No single man could have cast such a spell."

He trembled slightly at the thought of possessing such a device. He yearned for it. But his mannerisms made him simply look shaken and nervous...

"We should be cautious, to be sure. Perhaps avoiding the village, as that thing does not seem to mind collateral damage.. I don't wish people to die and houses to burn because of someone's grudge with one of us."