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Speak the Word

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2002 1:21 pm
by Serious Paul
September 2060. Seattle in the early fall. The nights are starting to pick up an edge as the sun sets earleir each day. You walk thru the crowded streets to your destination, a small deli just off Pikes Place. You recieved notification thru the usual channels, and a certified cred stick for a hunderd nuyen just to show.

As you arrive you nod to the Ork behind the counter. He eyes you with suspcision, but returns to quietly wiping down the counter. You settle into a booth at the rear of the Deli.

The Deli is a grungy looking place, barely ten feet wide, about twice that long.You're pretty sure that the last time this place saw hygenic was a long time ago. A 2D flatscreen illuminates the booth as a variety of commercials and ads blaze across its cracked screen, one fading as fast as the next.
On the walls are posters and stamps advertising a variety of legal, quasi-legal, and blatanly illegal services. The only other patrons, an ork couple dressed in street leathers, does their best to not stare at you. They soon finish their food, and quickly leave.

Quicksilver walked slowly along the street, deftly avoiding direct contact with anyone else out. The shift from daylight into darkness was her favorite time of the day, and she savored the moment as she spotted the old deli. A small bell tinkled somewhere as she opened the door, making her smile faintly as she nodded to the man behind the counter. She liked the old run down places like this, too.

The mirrored shades hid her eyes, and from his look, he'd taken the smile to mean she was up to something no good. She shrugged and took a seat at the back of the place. Sliding the glasses down to the edge of her nose, she swept the room for whomever she was supposed to meet. Pausing on an ork couple, the only other people present, she watched them turn to stare intently at their food. Obviously not the ones.

Sighing, she pulled the glasses off, storing them in one of the small pockets on the side of her jumpsuit, a dull blue with light grey side stripes at the moment. It was a new color set she had wanted to test out, and looked a lot less suspicious than the usual black. The heavy grey duster felt cumbersome on her shoulders, but while energy burn would keep her warm on the job, sitting around in just a jumpsuit at this time of year would only get you sick and miserable. She let her head fall back to stare at the ceiling. Please let this job be something interesting...

Smoke trudged down the street, tired from his last visit outside, just now having got back into town. His strange eyes, the ones that were his namesake, all dark blue, gray and black colors, swirling gently, scanned the quasi-busy streets, and he smiled faintly to himself as he spied the sign for the Deli. He pushed the door open and strode in, the tails of his longcoat swirling around his ankles as he stopped briefly, eyes sweeping the other denizens of the deli. They stop on Quicksilver, the only non-Ork person in the bar, and he nods slowly to himself. She must be one of them. The other ones were too..meek. He began to walk towards her, smiling slowly and gently, reassuringly, he hoped..not the smile he gave to his prey.

The taxi let him out immediately in front of the Deli, just in time to witness the entry of a man wearing the colors of power swirling around him like a cloak, or like fur in wind. Gryce imagined he could hear Wolf snarling at him, even from here. One of ours, I've no doubt.

He paid the hack twice what was asked; simply because he hadn't been a part of the culture in which he was raised for a great long while didn't mean it had boiled out of him. He stepped out of the cab with authority, despite the blinding morass of the city around him.

His suit was perfectly pressed, his hair flawlessly trimmed, his nails short and well-kept. His walk was crisp and military. His sunglasses were designer, black and proper, in the latest minimalist style. He'd forgotten the name of the frangrance he was wearing, but the kind young girl at the Bartleby's counter had assured him it was top-notch.

He looked, he knew, like what he was: a man born to privilege, who had gone looking for adventure, and found, instead, power beyond his imagining. He had no illusions; he was within the top ten percent of the powered in this world. But overconfidence is suicide. The smile on his lips was not kind.

He entered the Deli and walked immediately toward the table where the young girl - Good lord, they've certainly filled her up, haven't they! - and the shaman were exchanging pleasantries. He waited patiently for them to finish, and extended his hand to the young Wolf. "Allow me to introduce myself; I am Gryce, and am quite pleased to make your acquaintance."

Quicksilver heard the door open, and noticed what must be another of the runners summoned here. Noticing his smile, she half smirked. Must be used to dealing with jumpy types. She nodded to him as he walked towards her. As he approached, another man entered the small deli. Corporate? Taking a closer look, she decided not as he introduced himself to the other occupant of their table. He wears it like he knows its different and upscale, corps wear it like I do my harness. Her hand strayed to the slight bulge in the inside pocket of the trench, where the harness and one of her sliverguns lay.

He took Gryce's hand and shook it, nodding. "I'm called Smoke. I, also, am pleased to meet you." The man wore his power like he did his clothes....confident to the point of overconfidence. And he could do with a bit of relaxing, too. Get the iron rod out of his back, the mage might just be alright.. Peripherally, he noticed the woman's hand stray towards her coat, probably towards that big hunk of metal under it, and he slouched, his mind coiling like a spring. His head dropped a little, regarding her in a manner only Wolf was capable of. "Smoke. I don't think I caught your name yet."

"Quicksilver." She replied, daring him to make something of it by the way her own silver-grey eyes locked with his dark swirling ones. She knew how often that tactic got her into trouble on the streets, but it was so very hard to override years worth of training, especially the basic reflex actions.

Sighing she shook her head. "I'm being impolite. Sit, both of you. I assume by your actions that you are playing the part of the employee and not the employer."

Gryce laughed. The sound was more irritating that comforting. "Would that it were otherwise, of course, but you are correct."

As the three of you take your seats the bell over the door lets out a flat note as it rings, and an Ork on rollerblades glides in. The Ork glides to the counter; the proprieter doesn't seem happy about the blades in his shop, but confines his distaste to a sour look.

The Ork, who stands over six feet is lean as Orks go, with a wiry build that is evident even with the heavy jacket on. The Ork spares the deli a glance and says the Ork behind the counter, "Foot Long, Steak and cheese, no chips, and something cold to drink."

As the counter man makes the sandwich, the Ork removes his rollerblades. As his order is served up, the Ork takes it and sits down at a booth a couple down from the only other occupants of the deli. He unwraps his sandwich and begins to slowly eat.

Gryce looks disparagingly at the young ork on rollerblades and continues. "No, I'm an employee like both of you. Did either of you get any hint about what this job might entail? There's nothing I hate more than complete ignorance when the Johnson walks through the door."

The door to the deli swings up slowly, allowing the Nipponese male to gracefully walk through the door. He nods evenly to the ork behind the counter, holding up two fingers while dropping a quiet phrase in Cityspeak. "Dubba chrome Tracers." The ork slides the two metal cans of Tracer high-energy soy drink across the counter, as the walking face lays out three twenty nuyen notes down. He leans in close and mutters again in Cityspeak, pointing at a bike parked out in front of the deli. "Make sure the boys keep an eye on that chrome shrieker down in front, till Papa comes to take her home." Picking up his two cans, he nods to the ork who just grabbed a seat at the counter. The two stare at each other for a moment, then stand together as they lock eyes with the table in the back. The Japanese male walks to the back smoothly, letting his vision slide over each member seated there. His gaze lingers for an extra second on Quicksilver. He leads the duo to the table, as a calming scent of mint and green tea drifts to the noses of those seated at the table.

He stops a meter from those at the table, smiling. "Mind if I join the party? I'm Nike, and this is my partner Lincoln." He slides one of the protein drinks into the pocket of his longcoat slowly, pulling the jacket back slowly to reveal no shoulder or waist holsters. His Cougar blade is seen on a strap situated under his left shoulder. He stands with both hands visible, palms relaxed, facing towards his hips.

*directed towards Gryce* Not a clue, and dead-on. *grins toothily towards the 2 approaching figures* Maybe they got an answer for us. *so saying, Smoke stands up, extending his hand towards Nike, then to Lincoln.* I'm called Smoke. Well, he doesn't have as much as metal in him as the woman, at least. Not like that's saying alot. How can they do that to themselves? And I don't think there'd be a problem with you joining us, if you're here for the same reason we are.

As the five of you seat yourselves in the booth, luckily the largest and furthest to the rear offering an excellent view of the deli, the counterman lazily lobs his rag into a bucket wish a splash. He steps from behind the counter and throught he front door, as he exits he flips the "Open" sign over to read closed. The windows polarize automatically affording an decent view of the streets, while safeguarding you from prying eyes. For a second their is only the sound of the 2Ds and their commercials.

Then the door at the rear, not far from your booth opens. The door covered in posters and stamps is a stark contrast from the man who steps thru. Human, male, midundescribable. The man appears midthirtish, but is hard to tell, he is wearing a fashionable suit, that isn't that far from current corp styles, wrap around electric shades that hum. He is best described as bland. He wears his hair short, but not military short. His stature is obviously enhanced by the shoulder pads in his suit, but he could have easily been something fierce in his younger years.A datajack gleams from his left temple,but no other visible cyber is apparent. He moves with an easy, confident gait. He is carrying a briefcase, a drab leather affair, brown which compliments his suit,thick, but other wise unadorned. He also has a wristwatch/phone combo on the opposite wrist.

He smiles as he shuts the door lightly. His smile is perfectly sculpted, too white to be natural, too healthy to be from some of the slums many of you have seen. He steps to within arms reach of the table and smiles wider.

"I am so glad each of you could make it." His voice is deep,and he speaks slowly as if thinking carefully about each word, "If you don't mind I'd like to start my presentation, you can call me Mr. Johnson, and I...I am better off not knowing who any of you are. If I may suggest it, you might refer to yourselves in anumerical or alphabetical fashion? It's really your choice."

He pulls a chair from the side of the bar over, placing his briefcase on the ground next to him. As you watch he removes a pocket secratary, an old fashioned pocket watch,and a black soft shell case used to hold optical chips. He sets each of these objects on the table neatly, from his left to his right.

He folds his hands carefully over his lap and looks closely at each of you, stopping for a brief second or two before moving to the next.

"Well lets get right to it, shall we? I need property returned to me, in a relatively short time period and I am willing to use..lets say...unorthodox methods to retrieve my items. I also handlers to express my dismay at the abuse of my property." He gestures toward the group, "Perhaps we can be of mutually benefitial?"

Quicksilver brought her head up as two more joined the group. Nike and Lincoln, that was least I know it will be interesting. Somehow, it never failed to be interesting with Nekekami. She caught his gaze, flicked a look to the others in the room, and gave a small shrug, indicating she'd play along, to the others it was just a movement to accompany her words, "Sit if you choose."

As the Johnson entered from the back, the word "nondescript" popped into her head. A sec guard's worst nightmare of a perp. Any account of him by the average person would fit about 75% of the human male corp population. As he made his pitch, she tried to gauge the others' reactions.

Nike takes a seat as Mr. J enters. Watching intently, he tries to nail down every detail he can about the unknown patron. The grey matter upstairs should be able to keep his face fresh.

Without turning to Lincoln, Nekekami activates the transducer and voice mask, using the ultrasound frequency to go higher than any standard human can hear. "Watch this one. You know how I hate the corp games. We bail if this guy turns out to be as dirty as he smells. Out the front, and to the Banshee first. We'll grab the car from there."

Looking at the Johnson, Nike tries to gauge how easily this one can be flustered. "Of course John. I think I can express interest for myself, Epsilon, and Zeta here." Nike glances at Lincoln to denote him as Zeta, leaving himself denoted as Epsilon.

The ork raises polished chrome and engulfs Smoke's offered flesh hand in a cool, implacable, plastic and alloy grip. He looks the shaman in the eye and flashes a sharp-toothed grin; a small remnant of soysteak is very visibly lodged between his teeth. Everyone else gets a nod of recognition, and then he slides into the booth, jostling Gryce to get a little more elbow room. He slides his unfinished sandwich onto the table, and digs back in.

As Johnson sits at the table and gives his inital speech, the ork shows some interest, but continues with the sandwich. He's just shoving the rest of the sandwich into his mouth as Nike designates him 'Zeta'. There's nothing, really, that can be said, especially with a mouth full of hot sandwich, so he just gives an acknowledging nod to the nondescript human.

Quicksilver quickly supressed her surprise at Nekekami's use of the Greek designation system, but was inwardly relived. It was what she would have chosen, but it might have betrayed more of her than she wanted this Johnson to know if she had suggested it. Picking up the conversation, she spoke to the Johnson. "You may add my interest as well, and you may refer to me as Delta."

Gryce's smile is self-deprecating. "Omega. Now, if you don't mind getting into this, what, exactly, is this property you've lost?"

It's difficult to read the Johnsons features, especially since he has yet to remove his wrap around shades, but he seems to watch with intrest as each of you designate yourself. As Gryce finishes his question the Johnson smiles again, a look that is similar to that of a shark smiling.

"Excellent, I was told each of you would be professionals. The job is realtively simple, and I have broken it down into three objectives. I'll begin my presentation momentarily." The Johnson flips up the display screen for his pocket secratary, and taps a few keys. In a few seconds a picture of a dwarf is brightly lit on the @D screen at the rear of the table.

The dwarf in the picture appears to be exiting a large GMC extended cab truck, red, wearing a pair of overalls with a brown leather jacket. The dwarf like many of his species is wearing a beard, neatly trimmed and short military cropped hair marks him as a former military man/current security/military man. He appears (In relation to the truck) about four foot plus. His jacket has a Knight Errant logo sewn on to the sleeve. The picture appears to have been taken a distance, and is obviously enhanced;it also shows a large brick building in the background.

The Johsnon stares at the picture for a moment,and a grimace flashes across his features and just as fast he shakes it off , and his smile returns, "This is William Gray." , the Johnson continues in voice similar to someone used to giving a military briefing, "Dwarf, male, 51. Knight Errant employee for 20 years, and prior to that UCAS Naval veteran. Gray is currently the Chief Operating Officer of a Knight Errant subsidiary known as Errant Design Systems, more commonly known as EDS in corporate circles. Mr. Gray is a security system designer, specializing in designing and selling security systems to local A and AA corporations."

"Gray is relatively good health, slightly elevated cholesterol levels and complaints of arthritis, but other than light drinking he has no significant health problems. I want you to change that. Mr. Gray is a thief." At this the Johnson removes his shades, revealing his chrome eyes, military style, and a contrast to his corporate appearence," And I want him to realize that there is nothing I hate more than thief. He has removed certain propietary information, that if released to the wrong people could be very disconcerning. I want this information back. I want Gray punished, and a message sent."

"Your job is as follows, locate Mr. Gray. Locate his home computer system and download everything on it. Destroy the computer, and physical records, and eliminate Gray. Gray needs to be eliminated in a way that will make it clear that it was not an accident. Simple?"

Nekekami groans inwardly. Wetworks. Very dirty, risky, and messy. Without glancing at Abe, Nekekami activates their ultrasound link again. "You know how risky this hit is going to be. Major risks for exposure, considering we need to make it look like a hit. This John is paying through the nose or we walk."

Locking eyes with the soldier boy seated at the table, Epsilon clears his throat. "The risks associated with such an action are very high, Mr. Johnson. But before we discuss renumeration, I'd like to know more about the target. Mr. Gray is an ex-UCAS Naval man and a veteran of Knight Errant. This could mean anything from a seasoned intelligence operative, hardened special operations trooper, to cutting-edge Awakened security specialist. First off, are we dealing with an Awakened target? Is Mr. Gray magically active? If not, I'd like a bit more information on what areas of both organizations he served with. The possibilities of cybernetic and biological enhancement he could possess could be a problem to this action."

EDS...shit... Even in her position, she had not heard much about them. Self-contained, and secretive as hell. This guy is probably not only dangerous, but connected, too. She'd have to check with Marcus as to the other side of the story. Screwing this up could cause permanent damage. So far, it had been live and let live, and she wanted to keep it that way. The last thing she needed was a ton of Knights gunning for her and making life difficult.

Alpha". Kill for money? Jesus, his uncle would kill him if he found out. But he shrugged inwardly. It was his path for now, he would walk it. And the thrill of the hunt might just prove interesting. He nodded, listening to the Q&A session, his gaze slipping inwards, studying the souls of those seated around the table. He found himself troubled by the amount of metal in most them, but shrugged it off again. It was their choice. Just one he would never understand. He shook himself slightly after his thoughts started to ramble, berating himself. Pay attention, you puppy.

As Smoke's astral gaze flickered across those at the table, it finally came to rest on Gryce. A nimbus of power surrounded him, and within that--Smokes eyes widened, and his lips pulled back from his teeth.

Gryce looked back at him, his own sight active on the astral plane. As Smoke began to react, Gryce's arm shot across the table, his hand coming to rest on the arm of the Wolf with a speed Smoke would have thought impossible from a mortal man. "You shouldn't do that. It's impolite. And it's not what you think; we'll talk. Later."

Gryce looked meaningfully at the Johnson. Everyone was staring. He stared back. "Look, Epsilon, you and Zeta can have your private conversations, screeching though they are and giving me a headache; don't mind us magic types. So ka?"

He turned back to the Johnson. "My apologies. A misunderstanding. Please, continue."

The Johnson replaces his wrap around shades. He lightly taps his fingers across the pocket secrataries key board. He looks as if he is carefully studying the information on the screen.
Finally the Johnson looks straight at Epsilon, " Gray spent twenty years in the UCAS Naval Intelligence service, he was however, not an operator." The last is said with an almost venemous disrespectful tone, "He specialized in systems analysis, and Intelligence gathering. He was also an electronic warfrae specialist, and spent a brief tour as Shore Patrol." (OOC:Naval Military Police)

"He recieved an honorable discharge after ten years of service, in 2030 with the rank of Chief Petty Officer. He recieved a limited number of decorations, none worth mentioning in this context. After a brief period as a civilian, he was hired by Ares Aerospace. At Ares Aerospace he was quickly moved from his desk job, to EDS. EDS specializes, as I stated before, specializes in system design. They are subcontracted by various corporations to design security systems-physical, matrix and magical." The Johnson pauses, " Grays record becomes a little bit more difficult to trace at this point. What we do know is he is single, never married, no children. He is a devout Catholic, and attends mass on a regular basis. We know that he doesn't have any regular "bad habits"-no drugs, no chips, no women. We do know he drinks on occassion but not to excess. We know he started in Northern Virginia, and spent time in Manhattan, Chicago, Atlanta, and now Seattle. We have suspicions on what sort of enhancements he has, but it'd only be speculation. We know he maintains a residence on Northern edge of Downtown. We know that according to the public profile EDS is a AA subsidiary of Knight Errant, and their market share has grown significantly since Grays arrival. I have it from a reliable source, that Gray has come under fire from his superiors. I don't know why."

" I can provide you with the file that we have compiled, but it is all available, for the most part, from public data stores. I also can provide you with his photograph. Other than that I would prefer that you operate on your own."

"Does this answer your questions?"

Smoke stares at Gryce a moment longer, then shakes his head, and Gryce can almost see the fur, almost like a Wolf shaking off water. He nods. This was not the time for that kind of discussion. Then he turned towards the Johnson. "All for except one. What are you offering for this?"

The Johnson stares at Alpha for a moment before replying, "I am prepared to begin negotiations with an offer of twenty five hundred nuyen upfront, and 5000 upon completion. I, of course, expect that you and your companions will make a counter bid." The Johnson smiles, and his teeth seem almost shark like, obviously he feels like this is his territory.

Well, let's see where he can be pushed. His concern seems to be completion. Let's play his concerns, start high, and fight for the middle... "Fifteen thousand. Twenty-five hundred upfront, five thousand after proof of disposal of files, seventy-five hundred after proof of disposal of Mr. Gray." She calmly watched the Johnson, as well as her partners for this run. Amazing how no one involved is ever willing to start with a reasonable figure for these things. It would save so much time in the end.

You can almost hear the gears grinding as the Johnson thinks about the counter offer. He looks at Delta and says, "Twenty five hundred up front seems reasonable, and five thousand for the computer equipment seems appropriate, but seventy five hundred seems a little much. I was thinking five thousand for that as well. I can increase the amount if you are willing to take your pay in goods, by an additional ten percent. I have access to certain consumer goods that have a relatively high market value, and I am quite willing to part with them."

And we meet where we both should have started in the first place, but bonus goods are useful. She pretended to think about it hard for a moment while eying the Johnson. After a few silent and tense seconds, she nodded. "Accepted, but I speak only for myself at this time." She threw a glance around the table, ending on Nekekami, and giving him a slight nod.

12,500 all told. He shrugged inwardly. Sounded alright with him, but he would wait until the other ones spoke up. He still watched Gryce, defenses up. Gryce could almost see Wolf himself behind Smoke, waiting to give him the power.

At the mention of money, Gryce looked completely disinterested. Once the final number was mentioned, he briefly considered, adding totals in his head. 12,500 was plenty to pay his bills for the month, and frankly was quite a lot of money by anyone's standards.

Still looking vaguely bored, he said, "Yeah, sure. That's fine."

Abe runs the numbers in his head, and considering the competition, thinks they could probably be a little bit higher. He knows better than to speak up during negotiations, unless Nike gives him the say-so; he's fucked up a number of meets that way. He doesn't have his modulator with him, so ultrasound to Nike is out - which is just as well, considering the pole-assed corporate wannabe sitting next to him. But, he's got his transducer and the linked pocket sec, so he gives Nike's head cell a buzz.

** Dude, EDS puts up some pretty good shit. If he's the damned head, his house is ain't going to be an easy nut to crack. He's probably also got some ties to folks in the same business as our 'friends'. Could make shit rough on us, depending. Though we could be gettin' some seriously good side info for later 'biz, dig? **

Nike looks at the Johnson meeting his eyes for a moment. "I speak for myself and Zeta in this regard. We'll agree to the renumeration you discussed with the following conditions. Twenty-five hundred nuyen up front, certified credsticks only, from a bank of your choosing. Upon completion of the objectives, one certified credstick for each objective for each of us, with each stick being worth 5,000 international non-corp scrip nuyen. These four sticks will be set up to be accessed from an anonymous Malaysian Independent Bank account. These terms are non-negotiable. Are we agreed, Mr. Johnson?"

Smoke blinks, a little taken aback, but other then that, doesn't betray any surprise. What the hell? Talk about paranoid. "The amount is sound, Mr. Johnson. But if it's doable on your end, I'd just as soon prefer cash." His eyes flickered around the table, physical as well as astral gaze sweeping across the other "team" members, gauging their reactions to the various demands. He had to smile a litle at Gryce's boredom, but he could understand. What was money compared to Power?

The Johnson gazes quietly at the 2D screen for a moment, and then says, "It seems we have made appropriate arrangements then. All of your payment requests are reasonable, and quite within my capacity to fullfill. Some final notations for you."

"One I will be leaving this pocket secaratry for your use. It contains the files we have on Gray, his home of record address, and an anonymous matrix drop box number where you can leave messages for me. Leave a method of contacting you, if you wish a reply, or have completed the task at hand and wish final payments."

"Two you will find your initial payment behind the door I came in, there will be a loose step halfway up the stairwell, pull it loose and your payment in full is there. You will also find that you have use of this deli for an hour after my departure. Do with it as you will."

"Finally are there any last questions before I leave?"

And for the first time you all realize it has taken the Johnson less than ten minutes to unfold all of this.

Quicksilver shakes her head no. She is satisfied with what he's given them.

The Johnson surveys the group, smiles and says, "Well it's certainly been my pleasure." You all can feel the hollow ring to his words, "You have all the information nessacary to succeed, and hopefully the skills as well." With those words of half hearted encouragement, he stands and slowly strolls to the front door. He unlocks the door, and with a final glance, steps into the darkened streets.

You are all left sitting in the booth, illuminated only by the picture from the 2D on the wall.

(OOC:All yours people)

"Well, this should prove quite interesting. But, then again, EDS always attracts the most bizarre people..."

"Interesting. Bizarre. The interesting part, I can understand. The hunt always proves interesting. But bizarre, I don't. How is this man bizarre? Or EDS, for that matter.

"The Johnson's a little strange, but I wouldn't go so far as to say bizarre. EDS employees can be quite bizarre, and lets just say they occupy a corporate niche inside of Ares equivalent to the runners niche on the streets."

"If I may, this might not be the best place for this conversation," Gryce said, tugging vaguely but noticeably on his ear. "Perhaps we should step outside, take a walk? Perhaps then we can find somewhere more private to discuss the issue."

Nekekami smiles and stands, locking his gaze on Gryce for the moment. "Of course, fearless leader. Though I wouldn't recommend we carry this conversation on in unsecured territory. A neutral location would be preferable. Any suggestions?" He fishes around in his pockets for his cigarettes, lighting one and offering one to Gryce.

Gryce chuckles as he accepts the cigarette. "These things'll kill you, you know.

"I think we might want to make the decision of where to continue the conversation somewhere other than the place where we were just hired. Catch my drift?"

The Johnson's abandoned pocket secretary makes a light rattling sound as Abe slides it across the table towards him. He pulls up the right arm of his coat, revealing a secretary of his own strapped to his glimmering chrome forearm. It's one of the more rugged designs, with a hefty rubberized casing for additional protection against impacts. A small wire snakes out of the device, terminating in a starkly contrasting matte black datajack just before the wrist joint.

Abe pulls another similar line out of the machine on his arm and, after turning it over in his hand for a second, slides it into the link port on the Johnson's sec. Absently, he stands up when Nekekami does.

Smoke slides towards the door, his boots making little more sound then his namesake, and the small bell in the back dings as he opens the door with a small flourish. "If you please, Ladies and Gentlemen, we may continues this outside in the more pleasant weather?"

"Of course, but the more practical side of me would feel better with credstick in hand before vacating. Do I have your trust to gather our pay, or shall I be accompanied by one or all of you?"

Quicksilver stood and turned towards the door the Johnson entered through. The movement of her body was quick and flowing, her trenchcoat's split second lag enhancing the effect. She paused before heading to the Johnson's designated stair in case anyone else wanted to observe of join her.

Gryce paused, looking momentarily confused, then nodded. "Oh, right. The money. Yeah."

Nike simply stares at Gryce for a moment. His eyes slowly blink close, then open again as his vision resets to the normal spectrums. His face is unreadable, though his aura is crystal clear to anyone watching. His mental tirade goes a little something like this. Astral vision be damned...Where the hell do these people come from? Is misdirection a fucking lost art? "Exactly my thoughts, my corporate friend. So, since we're all agreed, The Skeleton, thrity minutes from now." With a smile on his face, he throws an arm around Gryce, and walks out with him like an old war buddy, completely ignoring Abe. The communications frenzy begins the moment his arm makes contact with Gryce's shoulder. "So, how was the Pacific this time of year, bossman?" He turns, letting his smoke drift slowly out of his mouth as he speaks, providing the momentary screen around his and Gryce's face.

Kicking the ultrasound link into an active state, he makes sure that Gryce and Abe pick up on his message. Omega, let Alpha know that he goes with you. Zeta, watch for the trashy mobile vehicles of the round eyes. Three blocks west. Five minutes. Immediately afterward, the commlink goes active, his headware suite shaking hands and handling the multi-tasking with ease. Once Abe's phone has connected via his datajack, he drops a simple message unheard to those around him, and short enough that listening ears should have difficulty making heads or tails of it. "You in the Ruskie. Six is yours." The second phone line connects with Nova's phone, as he's most likely tearing down the streets of Everett. "Outriders needed for personal favor. 3 associates for pickup. 2 big ones a piece for each ride. Immediate pickup. Aff or neg?" Nekekami waits for Vincent's answer.

By this time, the friendly looking duo has reached the outside under Nekekami's direction, just as Quicksilver removes the last of the credsticks. He leans in close, and wraps up her up in a sweeping embrace. As he locks lips with her, he squeezes her left hip softly, letting her know to flow with it. As he pulls back from his seemingly passionate embrace, he makes sure to pass his lips by her ear in an innocently looking nuzzle. "Three blocks west, we meet. Five minutes. Follow my lead." He passes along his plans in the barest of whispers, audibly only to the female runner. In a brazen voice, he winks at Quicksilver, and adapts a bawdy tone to your voice. "You know I love it when you get so pro-active baby. I love a woman who knows how to take charge." As Quicksilver hands out the credsticks, he takes his and heads for the Banshee parked in front.

"Just like you said inside, bossman..." Nekekami nods to Gryce, "The Skeleton, one hour." As the now seemingly familiar team all emerges from the building, Nekekami starts his Banshee. He turns and tosses a smile at at Quicksilver. "Let's go princess. We've got to beat this old timer and the freak show to the club." He smiles coyly at Gryce and Smoke, letting them know that his jokes hold no ill will.

The second phone line connects with Nova's phone, as he's most likely tearing down the streets of Everett. "Outriders needed for personal favor. 3 associates for pickup. 2 big ones a piece for each ride. Immediate pickup. Aff or neg?" Nekekami waits for Vincent's answer.
Nova smiles on the other side of the line. Two K for this? Good money for easy pay he thinks, "Affirmative, where?" Nova awaits Nekekamis response thinking of some mods his people could pick up for their pigs with the cred.

Quicksilver started at Nekekami's actions, but supressed it before he noticed anything. With an amused acceptance and a bit of a malicious smile she followed him towards the Banshee. "Oh, you do, do ya? So what's your hang up with being on the bottom, prince charming?" Taking a quick look around the area, she hopped in. "Now let's split before I die of boredom."

Nekekami realizes his mistake the second after the words have reached Nova's phone. One thing at a time, Kami. You rush and this is the kind of mistake you have to deal with. "Nova...change in plans. I'll reconnect with you in a few." Nekekami cuts the connection for now, buying himself a few minutes before he needs to deal with that error in judgement. He plays with the bike's throttle as Quicksilver jumps on board and he waits for Gryce's response.

Gryce nodded his acknowledgement. Well, that went about as well as I could have expected it to. Unless, of course, he simply didn't take a closer look...

Smoke his head slowly, a small smile spreading across his lips as he fell in step with Gryce, his "freakish" eyes slowly scanning the street and building, missing little, if anything.

Having successfully clipped the wheeled 'blades' back to the bottom of his boots, Abe skates off, the synthetic fabrics of his long coat flapping heavily around him. After a couple of blocks, he turns a corner and vanishes.

After a minute or so, there's a high-pitched whine that slowly increases in volume, getting closer; the sound of an elecric fuel-cell engine being put through its paces. Moments later, a Leyland-Zil Tsarina comes tearing around the corner and stops in front of the deli. Its coloring fades from front to back - black to a deep metallic purple. The body been obiviously and heavily modified with extra body panels, spoilers, the works. Extremely loud music emanates from within the polarized glass, the thumping bass notes easily drown out the motorcycle's idling engine and burrow deep into the chest, a shaking buzz that makes breathing seem a choore.

The windows fade back to clear, revealing Abe in the raised driver's seat giving a quick thumbs up and pointy-toothed grin.

Gryce turns to Smoke. "Is this our ride?"

Smoke shrugs. "I guess so.* He smiles. "You want front or back?"

Nekekami laughs at Quicksilver's antics and Gryce's reaction. "Well, it's either cram two of you in one seat in that street machine, or find your own ride, bossman. Have fun." With that, Nekekami nails the throttle on the Banshee, cranking down the sidewalk and out into the street. He takes about six minutes to drive around the local blocks and alleyways, memorizing the easy ways out and back home. Then he calms down and lets Quicksilver recover her lunch, as he brings the bike down to a cruising speed. With the sleek handling of the bike, he cruises over to the meeting point three blocks west, making sure to take a few alleyways to watch for any tails.

"There's no backseat in this car?"

Quicksilver was a bit unsettled by the dizzying route, but enjoyed the trip. The Banshee didn't have the familiar feel of her Blitzen, but then again, the Blitzen might not either after Sabrina's rebuild. Checking her watch, she realized it would be too late to go by and check on it tonight, and made a mental reminder to do that first thing in the morning. "So, 'Nike', you've been quiet as of late. Doing better at snagging the quiet jobs, or just slacking off?" she grinned at Nekekami good naturedly.

As Nekekami pulls into the open area designated as the new meeting point, he chuckles at Quicksilver's jab. She feels the bike glide to a halt, noting his laughter by the smooth vibration along his ribs as his body shakes. She also notices that Nekekami is a great deal more trim and fit than the last time she saw him.

"No worries Q. You know me, babe. I'm the definition of low-key." He smiles and winks at her as the two settle themselves in to wait for the rest of the crew to arrive. "Things have been relatively quiet lately. Mostly business with relations lately. And you...what brings you onto this job? I didn't hear anything on the grapevine that you would be here. And why no call to your friendly neighborhood face man? I'm hurt Q, deeply." He chuckles at his return volley and fumbles around for one of his cigarettes, in the process adjusting his pistol to be in an easily reached position.

"Just a regular bleeding heart, you are," she smirked. "Actually wasn't looking for anything, this one snuck up on me. The Blitzen was trashed in a bit of a fiasco down on the CalFree border, some Tir grunts looking for an excuse to start something spotted us on the way out, big mess." She paused momentarily, scowling at the memory of the disaster.

"Anyway, you know Sabrina and her 'associates', occasionally I get a few jobs passed to me through them, and when I brought what was left of the Blitzen in, she says she has a friend who wants to ask me a favor. I'm suspicious, but all he wants is that he promised his boss he'd have a guy for this meet his boss had been contacted about. Turns out the guy he had in mind got himself geeked last night trying to poke holes into some Rings. He doesn't know why his boss wanted to grab a slot, but he knows its his ass on the line if he doesn't get somebody there."

"He's just a grunt, but ya never know when a few extra strings can come in handy, right? Besides, he never said he wanted any info or anything, so its all clean. Well, as clean as it can get with them."

Nekekami locks eyes with Quicksilver, sharing a private moment between two friends. "Be careful, Speedy One. Things within the clans are taking on some odd overtones right now. I've been led to understand that some housekeeping may even be in order. I don't know 'your friend' who passed the job, but I do know of her history. Warn her to be careful. I'd never want to see anything bad to happen to two very beautiful women." His eyes twinkle but the message is very serious. "Even me, the man a step ahead of things, has had to watch himself lately. Things are...odd at the moment, and not getting any better. This meeting tonight has done little to reassure me. It's just a friendly warning, but be sure who your friends are when the chips are all called in. This job may very well force such a situation." Nekekami leaves the warning to his companion cryptic in case any prying ears are about, but the message is clear.

"What's taking the rest of the crew so long, anyway?" He offers a cigarette to Quicksilver as he opens a link to Abe's cellphone. C'mon Loudmouth...what's the holdup? Can't drive three simple blocks? Or is your slow troll brain slowing you down again? Nekekami leaves his mental tone light, keeping a jovial mood with his mate, but the concern is clear.

"I could, of course, take a cab or the like. Or walk."

Quicksilver nods at Nekekami's message, and debates a cigarette. Deciding that she probably shouldn't, she declines the offer. "I would help her as far as I would help you, my friend, but I will be very careful. I have had enough of life as part of something larger, and have no desire to get drawn into that particular crowd in any case." As he wonders where everyone else is, she let her mind wander to thoughts of how to approach Marcus for more info when she got home.

** Suck on it, Captain Cockslide. I'm still waiting for these two to decide whether or not they want to get into my ride. **

The front door of the car pops open, and ear splitting club-style music momentarily rolls out into the streets before the volume is cut. Abe shrugs through the opened front door at Gryce.

"Suit yoursef."

His eyes shift quickly to the other young team member.


Nekekami looks over at Wildfire. "Looks like they're taking a bit too long on their own. Hold tight and keep this place safe, chica. Time for me to go play chauffeur."

The Banshee is rolling again moments later. Left, then head back to loop around behind Abe. Keeping the cell line open, Nekekami lets Abe know the plan. Just get one of them in the car big man. Screw worrying about trailers for now, I just want to get this show on the road. Just get one of them, and I'll pick up the other. We don't have time for this kind of shit. Any trailers already know exactly where we are by now, so just get to the meeting point. Keep an eye for the Ice Lady. She's keeping an eye on our park bench.

Nekekami sees Abe's car parked at the curb in the distance. He cuts one block west, and then loops around behind the noisy street machine. "Good to see you again Bossman. Need a lift?" Gesturing to the spare helmet resting behind him, Nike looks over at Gryce.

As Gryce enters the car, he speaks lightly. "This reminds me of a rodeo I once attended. A rodeo with goats. Which is to say, a Goat Rodeo. It's a lot like this." He sighs. "It all seemed so simple in my head."

Smoke laughs, sliding into the other vehicle, shaking his head. "I agree. Let's get the flock out of here."
heard on a local radio program: "And today on the Bronson and Michael show, Bronson brings an abacus into the studio to count the number of times Micheal swears at and then threatens an inanimate object. Not surprisingly, the experiment ends in violence, as the abacus quickly finds its way out the window."

"So does this thing move, or just rumble noisily?"

Letting the distractions fall away, Nekekami focuses on the task at hand. A passenger, who may or may not be familiar with how to ride shotgun on a bike. Easy on the speed, just a little on the higher side, and keep things smooth.

The Banshee glides just in front of the Tsarina at a slightly faster than average speed, keeping the distance between the two vehicles constant. His eyes are searching for tails, but he relies on the fact that they are hiding in plain sight. The best disguise is not to have one. Sun Tzu's words still hold true today.

Upon arrival at the pre-arranged meeting spot, he lets his guard relax for a moment as he sees that Quicksilver has kept the place secure. He flashes his winning smile again, as he removes his helmet after the Banshee comes to a stop. "Miss me babe?"

Gryce stares into space, not quite looking at any of the other members of the team. "So. We're here. Let's talk about this thing, shall we? How do we want to do this?"

Quicksilver rolled her eyes at Nekekami. In reponse to Gryce, she spoke up. "Let me get in touch with a few people, I might be able to get us a little more information about Grey and his activities. Other than that, I suggest we decide which part of this we would like to accomplish first, Grey or his files."
Macross Generations - Past, Present, Future
"SysOping an RPG board is undeniably a sign of your terminal insanity" - Boo

"I would think we could effectively do both at once. Contingent on the information we receive, I would think the best way to go about this is to defeat his security system - which I don't think I have to tell you will be incredible - get into his house, steal the files, and lie in wait for Mr. Grey.

"Of course, the information we get may lead us to the conclusion that Mr. Grey would best be taken elsewhere. I don't know, at this point. I suppose what we really need to know is what we're all going to do to gain that information, who's going where with whom, and how we can all get in touch with each other."

Nekekami lets out a quiet sigh of relief after his little fuck-up with the transportation. Two fuck-ups, actually. Too many thoughts on your mind, Kami. Get the score straight or the game will play you out hard and fast.

Looking at Gryce, he nods. "You're correct. In that vein, let's get two things straight then. I'm not Nike, and he's not Lincoln. The name's Nekekami, Kami for those Anglophones who don't handle the slant-eye speech so well, and my loud-mouthed companion is Abe. I'm sure we're all going to want to find out a bit more about each other, and I'd rather have the truth come out of my lips, than someone else's. It's less likely to be skewed against my favor that way." He smiles slightly, and spins his cyclist's helmet in his hand.

"As for who we can deal with, Abe and I know one or two people who might be found in a parking garage, an auto shop, or a club. They could provide a bit of information. The biggest priority, in my mind, is to get a bit better idea of exactly what kind of redundant systems and security backups Mr. Grey has in place. We'll need information for that, as Gryce here has said. I'd suggest in that vein that we break down into two separate components. One to look for general information about Mr. Grey and any potential allies or connections he may have. The other to find out more specific information on his own personal system or systems he has designed."

"Smoke, why don't you accompany Abe and I? Quicksilver, if you need, I can arrange transport for you and Gryce to any place you like. Would you need transportation for long-term, or just a one way trip? As for contact information..." Kami jots down his cellphone number on a few pieces of scrap paper, and hands it out to Gryce and Smoke. "Quicksilver, you should still have the number."

"I think that Smoke, Abe, and I can handle the information about who Grey is and knows. Downtown, Everett, and Tacoma...the clubs, the bars, and the auto shops should allow us to cover that information. Any objections or suggestions?"

Gryce looks, embarrassed, at the piece of paper in his hands, and gives it back.

"I can't read. I do, however, have a fine memory, so if you could simply read it to me, I've no problem with that."

Quicksilver nods to Nekekami. "I do. I expect that my transportation should be in working order tomorrow, but we'll need something for now. As for where, I believe you remember a certain club some of my past associates frequent. I'd like to borrow their privledges along with their knowledge. What I get there could lead down several paths, so it might be best to have transportation for the whole night."

Kami cringes inwardly. He hides that well. I shouldn't have missed that. We'll need to keep that in mind when we pair off.

"My bad presumption Gryce. Seven-zero-one-four-six-two-eight-five." Kami leaves no explaination of why his cell number doesn't seem to have the usual configuration of digits found on most other phones.

"So we're agreed on the plans then? Quicksilver, you can handle the Banshee, correct? If so, you can take that one, while I hitch a ride to follow behind Abe and Smoke. That way, you and Gryce are mobile and have comfortable and speedy transport. I'll just need to set up temporary clearance on the bike for you two. Abe, you might want to grab the kit."

"Excellent. I'll let you drive, then, Quicksilver; I'm not terribly experienced with such things."

"I feel it should be said I'm not very well versed in gleaning information from people. I'm not exactly a "people" person. So don't expect me to say too much."
heard on a local radio program: "And today on the Bronson and Michael show, Bronson brings an abacus into the studio to count the number of times Micheal swears at and then threatens an inanimate object. Not surprisingly, the experiment ends in violence, as the abacus quickly finds its way out the window."

"Smoke, that's perfectly understandable. Getting information from people and social graces are a department I've fairly familiar with. More importantly, we may be in some places with unsavory characters. If you wouldn't mind running some Wide-Eye style overwatch, and keeping any nasty boogiemen from dropping in and surprising Abe and I, I would be ever so grateful." Kami smiles as he turns to look at Abe.

"Uh, bruddah, I'm gonna need you to grab the kit, so you can set up the Banshee for Quicksilver and Gryce. You with me?"

Finally, completing the circuit, Kami looks over at the final pair. "Then we're agreed? You cover Grey and his systems and professional history, we'll take the man himself. Let's set up a contact time, using me as the contact person. Say, six hours from now?"

"That I can do." Wide-eye style overwatch? WTF? He shrugged mentally....he'd figure out what it meant sooner or later.

Quicksilver nods once. "Agreed."

Abe tears his gaze from Quicksilver's ass, where it's been locked for the past couple minutes or so and shakes his head, as if clearing the cobwebs. He looks over at Kami.

"Wha? Oh, yeah. Bike. Right."

Opening the rear door of the Tsarina, he flips the driver's seat forwards and pulls a toolkit from the small cargo space there. Minute later, he's elbow-deep in the Banshee's electronic security system, talking quietly to himself as he works.

"Sonova ... come here, you motherfucking cocksucker ... that's right, bitch ... right there ... bring it around to ... no, you go fucking there, cuntface ..."

After about 30 seconds of tinkering and non-stop expletives, he stands, wipes his hands on his thighs, and nods to Kami

Kami smiles and shakes his head. "Thanks Abe. Gryce, Quicksilver, I'll just need a voice identification code from you. Use the keyphrase 'There's a storm on the horizon.' It will work on either of your voiceprints, using that as the temporary password. That should let you two get on your way then, without worry about transportation."

"Abe, I'm going to hollar up a ride to pick up my other bike. Why don't you and Smoke meet me down out front of Taylor's Garage in about an hour?" Nekekami looks over at his comrade with a questioning look

Quicksilver speaks the code phrase for authorization, and waits fro Gryce to do the same. With luck, she'll catch Marcus at The Barricade and be able to get the inside story on their target.

Gryce, looking somewhat bemused, follows Quicksilver's actions to the letter, then stands, awaiting her next move

As Gryce spoke, Quicksilver familiarized herself with the controls and waited for him to get in. Nodding to Nekekami, she spoke. "Six hours." Starting the Banshee, she proceeded to head to a part of town she was quite familiar with, the sloped concrete building with the flashing yellow light on top called The Barricade having become the standard place for her to meet up with Marcus over the last few years.


William Gray, Billy to his friends sat at his desk staring at the holo display in front of him. Daniel had said that the numbers were solid, and after three hours of inspecting the schematics, Billy decided that Danny was right as usual.

Billy yawned and took a sip of his coffee, the real kind not that crap soy simulated crap water, and tapped a few keys on his key board, altering the angles and reinspecting the diagrams once more. Finally he sent the mental command to shut the holos off. He unplugged the the cable from his datajack, and stood up stiffly. He had been in front of his work station for almost eight straight hours. He slowly looked around his office: large by most standards, and the fact that it was his office bespoke his place in the corporation. Its adornments, much like him, were practical, a desk, a chair, and a single set of cabinets. 'Not bad' Billy thought, ' especially for some one in as much shit as you are about to be in Mr. William Gray.'

A soft knock at the door caught his attention. "Come." Gray sighs, knowing already who is on the otherside. 5 o'clock every day, same asshole, same speech.

The man who enters is human, but not really much taller than Gray himself was. He moves throught the door with an akward almost jerky walk. 'Old cyber gone bad,' Gray thinks.

The man smiles and it is almost a sneer, and speaks in a raspy voice,"Billy."

"Thomas." 'Prick', he thinks quietly, wishing he had the courage to say it.

"Billy, theres, a lot of talk lately." He pauses and eyes the desk behind Gray, almost as if he was searching for some sort of explosive. "The STC is talking behind closed doors. You know what that means Billy?"

Gray stares patiently at the man, knowing full well there hasn't been any such meetings.

"Investigations are messy Billy. Very messy, if the STC were to think that EDS had something to do with this insider trade accusations,corporate will be very unhappy. Very unhappy indeed." Thomas smiles, a look that'd make a shark blanch.

"If you came down here to threaten me Thomas, I don't have time for it. I have a six o' clock dinner appointment with the people from ADR. SO if you're quite through...." Billy lets the words trail off quietly. He was tired of these word games. If they were going to charge him with espinoage or data theft, he wished they'd get it over with.

"Of course Billy, of course.", Thomas's face looks almost concerned.

"Lock up for me Thomas."


(OOC:I may be understanding things wrong so I may have to edit this post. Let me know. Thsi addressed at Gryce and Quicksilver.)

As soon as Gryce has a semblance of a grip on you, you drop the hammer. The Banshee shoots out into the road like a ballistic missile. Traffic in this part of town at this time of night is light, which considering who is on the road after the sun sets is probably a good thing.

You can smell Gryces exspensive cologne, while not unpleasant it is a bit overpowering this close. His hands are much stronger than you would have thought. You weave in and out of the rapidly increasing traffic.

'Must be getting close to downtown', you think to yourself. The Barricade is just South of Downtown Seattle on old Interstate 5 As you merge with traffic on the Interstate you scan the roads looking for any of the go gangs that regularly tear this end of town up. You see several automated shipping vechiles, ranging from Semitractor trailers, to hover vechiles. Commuter vechiles zip in and out of traffic like frenzied ants , but none have the muscle that your Banshee has, and power your way into the center lane. You gun the engine burying the needle for a brief second, bringing your bike up to the speed of traffic.

(OOC: See the OOC for comments.)

OOC: continuing)

Spike grinned. He loved the feel of his Scorpion beneath him. He was enthralled by the machines power, its grace and the skill it took for him to ride at the head of the pack.

Ten riders total. Six humans, three Orks and a single Elf. Interstae five was theirs. Spike knew every inch of this highway. All of its secrets were his. He knew when the Star patrolled and where. He knew when the Feds rolled, and even when the Metroplex Guard decided to head out. Tonight though the road belonged to his pack. They were hungry wolves prowling, and they looking for rabbits.

Suddenly the Elf saw a a single cycle ahead on the road. Two riders, both looked human from this distance. Spike grinned. This would be easy. Too damn easy.

He gave the hand and arm signals to his people, spreading them out with out a single word; pointing out their target. They would force them to the side of the highway, and then it'd be fun time.

Quicksilver made for the bar, her driving more like a reflex than an active thought. Traffic, people, noise, all was shunted off to her subconcious while she mulled over the situation. Old instincts never truly die, and so while she tried to recall in innerconnects between they various Ares sectors, her security-minded subconcious raised a yelow flag at the appearance of multiple bikes behind them. Bringing herself back to the task at hand, Quicksilver was only able to catch them split and vanish.

She sighed as traffic moved along. This was not the time to be playing with go-gangs, if that was what they truly were. She slowed for a moment so that Gryce might catch her words. "Bike pack split behind us, just an FYI. If they come after us, I'll try to stay in the middle of this traffic, you might wanna 'discourage' them a little. We've more important things to do tonight."

Gryce murmered into Quicksilver's ear. "Well, let's see if I can't break their concentration. There's a clear leader; let's see if bothering him might not scatter them. If that doesn't work, I think I have a trick or two."

Gryce waited until the leader whipped his bike around a slow-moving automated truck, waited until he was in front of it, and then quickly began to count in his head, Mercenne primes above 6 digits, "110503, 132049, 216091, 756839, 859433, 1257787..." When his mind was clear, he wove the numbers in his head, threading them to power, and released them, looking at the leader.

Spike grinned as he cleared the back of the trailer. He was closing the gap quickly, of course he was easily doing 160 klicks an hour at this point.

Just as Spike sucked in some air to let out the battle cry that would initiate his attack, the rear most passenger turned and looked directly at him. For the briefest of seconds Spike thought the mans eyes glowed a bright green color, and Spike thought, "Shit,ma-" his thought was cut short by the baseball bat like blow to his entire body.

The spell knocked the wind out of him, and knocked him partially loose from his bike.

"CHrissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssttt..." Spikes scream was cut short as his bike careened into the trailer next to him. The impact flipped his bike through the air like a balerina, and was followed by a loud crunching of metal as the 80 ton trailer ran both rider and cycle over. The automated freighter doesn't even slow down.

The other bikers are visibly disturbed by their loss, and for a moment they hesitate, then they slowly drop back out of sight, it would seem in search of easier pray.

Both of you can't help but grimace, at least you didn't have to kill all of them.


The Barricade
Bar and Grill archetype
35876 Interstate 5
LTG 761-5678SEA/ Zoie Thayer owner/Subtle Bias against non cops.

The Barricade is unique amongst the many bars and nightclubs of Seattle. It actually sits in the middle of Interstate 5. Formerly a roadside rest area, it had been bought back in the thirties and converted into a hotel. The hotel had quickly attracted the exact opposite clientel that it had wanted, and soon after went out of business. It was then purchased by its current owner a woman named Zoie. Zoie had painstakenly remodeled the place into an irish style pub, with a large dining area with a small dance floor. It had quickly become a favorite of Law Enforcement Officials everywhere. The Barricade is great place for a good Irish beer and a real steak at decent prices.


The two of you park the bike in the parking lot, as the Barricade is one of the few establishments that still sports a large parking area. The lot is filled with vechiles, and more than a few are sporting law enforcement association plates, Lone Star stickers and a variety of other military and security logos. A good number of them are sports cars.

The bar itself only occupies the bottom floor, no one knows what Zoie uses the top three floors for exactly. Rumors have it that she lives on at least one of them. Other rumors say that she might be fronting for various gangsor security agencies, but no one has ever proved anything.

As you pass thru brick entry way you see the sign bolted the wall:

The Barricade Bar and Grilll


The bar itself is well lit for bars, but still dim compared to direct sunlight, at this time of night it is also hazed in smoke from cigars and nicsticks. The music was loud enough but not over bearing, and the song that was playing declared that the singer was "...bbbbbbbad, bad to the bone...."

The bar sat along the north wall, and was topped with magony, trimmed with polished brass.Behind the bar a single Ork who stood about six and a half feet tall, wiped glasses, served drinks and warily eyed the new comers. Waitresses crisscrossed in and out of the bar taking bottled beer to various patrons, occasionally a mixed drink would be thrown in the mix.

Ceiling fans circulated the thick air, that was ripe with the hearty smells of steak, good steak, fish, and baked goods. Just inside the door was a sign declaring that todays special was "Texas T-bone with a heap o' steak fries, salad bar and a beer for 25 nuyen".

At the east end you could see the larger dining area, and the dance floor, which was surprisingly crowded.

"Evening m'aam, sir. I need to each face the north wall and extend your arms upward and all the way out. I'll be running this metal detector over you, and then you'll be free to enjoy your night." The Troll bouncer smiles, a surprisngly comforting smile despite the genrous amount of teeth it shows.

Quicksilver had ditched the trench into a cargo pocket on the banshee, everyone knew better to than to make trouble at the Barricade, and fell into the routine as she scanned the room for Marcus. The bouncer wasn't one of the regulars, but it wasn't as if any of the regulars actually knew her name anyway.

"Oh. Good god. Well, this should be fascinating. Police officers." Gryce shook his head and entered.

The Ghost Cat has arrived, and now it's his turn to play

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2002 11:29 pm
by Nekekami
Intro Part 1

As you enter the New Amsterdam, you remember why you love this place.The club is tiered, fromin descending order, the bar is at the far end, farthest from the windows,it is surrondedby booths and tables;the multilevel dance floor fills everything else.

The Bar, run only by Kees and no one else in five years,is about twenty feet long, and crowded. Bottles of various intoxicants line the wall behind Kees, intersperced between them are mementos of Kees past, mysterious and wonderous weapons, items and pictures. All hinting at something larger, but not quite giving their secrets.A rail seperates the bar from the "sitting" area.

The booths and tables are crowded, and set about eight feet below the bar area but you can clearly see that your booth is available. Each table has a combination of devices built into them, you remember that everything from bug scanners to a matrix jack is available for the right price. The tables themselves look like large spools that had been used to run fiber optic cable. Chairs are made out of a variety of items, some seemingly haphazardly slapped together, the others meticulously out of place in the bar.

The dance floor is powered by a hydrolauic floor and allows users to jack into the floor, and really be a part of the show. The walls are covered in trid screeens that project images of everything from dancers to old 2D manga style movies.

The walls are covered with posters, stickersand 2D screens. Set above the dance floor in an enclosed booth is the DJs booth, placing him well above the action. You can tell from the balls nasty beat that Rob is indeed in the house.

Intro Part 2

Nekekami leads the trio towards the bar, smiling as he steps up to the worn bar. He calls out towards Kees as he is at the other end of the bar. "Damn it old man! Hurry up! These sinners need their pardons!" He grins as the Dutch man slowly makes his way towards the trio. "Good to see you again, Kees. It's been too long." He grasps hands with the bartender, locking eyes for a moment. You know that I'm thanking you more than I'm saying, revered one. You also know that I have neutral company with me.

"Kees," Nekekami raises his voice over the music that Rob is currently playing. "You of course know Abe. This, is an associate of mine, Smoke. Take it easy on the guy, Jansen. It's his first time in this hellhole of yours." Nekekami winks at Kees while holding an arm around Smoke's shoulders. "I'm taking the usual table, old man. Send Wendy over to grab the orders in a few minutes, when she's free, so ka?" Nekekami banks on his judgement of Jansen as being accurate, knowing that he is asking for a bit much right now, but the favor will be returned.

Intro Part 3

The two of you notice the bartender and the shaman lock eyes, for a moment the two of you almost think they are going to attack each other, but almost as fast as it came the feral smile is replaced by one much more comforting, one that is personal, one that you've seen before.

"Hellhole?", Kees' smile widens whimsically,"of course, of course, Rob will want to see you, it has been too long since we have seen either of you."


Nekekami smiles as he slides into the circular corner booth. Allowing an excellent view of the front door, and the kitchen entrance, this is Kami's booth. It's left open most nights, and set aside as he needs it. It's not without its cost though. It means that Nekekami has to deal with Wendy, the painfully gorgeous elven waitress. The long running insult contest between Wendy and Nekekami has been on a week long hiatus until the Ghost Cat returned. However, it's Wendy's turn, and she's had a week to ponder the letter R for an appropriate insult. Running in alphabetical order for the last year, this contest has been a point of pride between the two. What more can a man ask for than a beautiful woman who can bring him to his knees with nothing more than non-vulgar words of the English language?

As he waits for Wendy and Hooka, Nekekami activates the first line of his cellphone. He knows of course, that his call will be answered. No one but Kami calls Rob on his cellphone while he's in the booth working. It annoys the audiophile to no end, but he still continues to answer the phone.

Line 1
I do so enjoy making you squirm, you damnable fanatic. You and your damn CDs. Don't you know that's a dead media?

Nekekami smiles, knowing that comment will solict a blistering response from Rob Gordon, the house DJ and probably Nekekami's oddest friend. He waits until the DJ starts his tirade and then cuts in.

It's good to see you again, sweetcheeks. And I apologize for being away for so long. Business calls. I'll make it up to you on your first break, when you come down and see me. The usual place, meathead. Now play my damn song. You're losing your touch. I didn't hear Crystal Method's "Bad Stone" as soon as I walked in the door.

With that, Nekekami cuts the line, grinning as he knows that Rob will be ready to murder him by the time his break comes around. However, Rob also knows that when Nekekami mentions business, it means that the Amsterdam will be hosting some business tonight. And Rob, like any smart DJ, keeps his mouth shut when it comes to Nekekami's business. Even among friends, there are some mysteries that should and will remain mysteries.

The Ghost Cat has arrived, and now it's his turn to play

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2002 12:23 am
by Serious Paul

"So you found your way back?" Wendy smiles, then changes her facial expressions to one of mock indignation." I thought I'd win by default. SO what can I get for you rusted retreads?"

As Wendy waits for your Reply, the music fades and transistions to a familiar tune by the Crystal Method.Nekekami can't help but smiling.


Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2002 12:31 pm
by Serious Paul
He was an Asphalt King. He rode the streets with a wisdom, that many Street predators lacked entirely. He was often called a coward, or told he wasn't overly brave. He of course knew the reality. He was a survivalist, he was alive and in this drek for frag all world thats more than a lot of kids in his shoes got. He had found work once, as a courier, a business he had come to epitomize. He soon went from just data courier to data sorter, to an information specialist. He knew the streets and the people who lived on them. he viewed his initial report for Nekekami-sama, and was proud. The profile was solid, and with a little work he'd have the rest on schedule.


Cassandra was her real name. Casey is what her friends knew her by. Miss. Taylor to her associates. This man knew her as Ms. Casssandra Reynolds. He knew her as a widowed data pusher for a corporation he had long since forgotten the name of. He would have left his wife for her if she had asked, but in five years she never even so much as hinted. He was a business tool, and one does not become attached to tools.

"So do you have the files I requested?"

He smiles, much like a proud child showing off for an older sister," Of course. Have I let you down yet? Its all here, now lets enjoy lunch. After all it is my treat."

She returned his smile, although her own lacked the sincerity or warmth of his. As the first course arrived she couldn't help but wonder what was on the optical chip that sat between them.


The wolf of myth and legend

Folktales and myths have created the most frightful wolves of imagination which seem to transcend all political, cultural and religious barriers. Images of wolves a bloodthirsty killers lurking in the shadows continue to affect wolf recovery and management today.

Over the centuries, wolves have come to mean different things to different cultures. Revered as deities or reviled as devils, wolves have paid dearly for crimes they have never committed.

The indigenous people of North America both admired and emulated wolves. At a tribal level, the respect for wolves was powerful. The Native Americans perceived that wolves lived in ways that made their packs strong. Wolves provided food that all, even the sick and old could eat. What wolves didn't eat themselves was easily fed upon by the larger communities of ravens, foxes, coyotes and bears. Wolves saw to the education of their young, and defended their territory from other wolves.

For some Native Americans, wolves were personal totems because the individual understood the important qualities that made the single wolf stand out within its pack such as stamina, the ability to hunt well and to go without food for long periods of time.

Wolf Cub

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2002 1:14 pm
by Serious Paul
OOC: Towards Smoke

As you slide into the booth the Wolf Father inside you hackles his fur. He doesn't like being in a place like this. He hunkers down and views the room, cramped, and loud, not like the plains. No room to run, or hide if need be. Too many smells.Strong smells. This place is a place of man. Not a bad place, like some you have visited before, but not good either, for a wolf cub. Cur, what have you gotten us into now? How am I expected to guide you, when you won't listen?

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2002 7:04 am
by Bishop
I listen, Old One. But sometimes the way leads us down paths even you can't expect. And besides....this place is better then others out of the past.


Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2002 7:26 am
by Serious Paul
The old Wolf noisely nips at his hind quarters, slobbering loudly enough to almost make you think he is going to be heard by the others.

"Perhaps Cub, perhaps."

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2002 7:44 am
by Bishop
Smoke grins briefly, then sobers up, shaking his head slightly to return to the physical world, allowing his eyes and other physical senses to probe the packed Club again, keeping one ear tuned to Kami and the others.

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2002 8:12 am
by Serious Paul
Bishop wrote: Smoke grins briefly, then sobers up, shaking his head slightly to return to the physical world, allowing his eyes and other physical senses to probe the packed Club again, keeping one ear tuned to Kami and the others.

As your astral senses take in the room,you see that relatively few of the people are magically active in any way. Emotion filters into astral as vivid colors. Most of the emotion is a combination of lust and a care free happiness. This is a place where people dance to forget the rest of the world.A few have custom spells tailored to enhance their enjoyment of the club, but none have anything that would arose your suspicion. The bartender, who is some distance from you, still appears mundane, although the old wolf still growls every time you look towards him.

You notice as your gaze moves slowly thru the crowd, that a lot of these people are cybernetically enhanced, some to a significant degree.

No one appears to be paying any sort of special attention to you or your table.

The Ghost Cat has arrived, and now it's his turn to play

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2002 3:13 pm
by Abe
Abe shoots Wendy a pointy-toothed grin.

"Gimme a Jack and Ginger and a double bacon cheeseburger, Hot Stuff."

He doesn't voice the rest of the thought, but the gleam in his wandering eyes makes it all too clear what's going through his head. It's obvious that the bitch'd be great in the sack. It's not like he hasn't tried to find out at all, but thus far has yet to succumb to the Gatassos charm. She'll come around. They always do.

Gatassos Charm

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2002 4:04 pm
by Serious Paul
Wendy eyeballs Abe, and for a moment he feels like she is assessing his sheer dollar value, and then as if she has decided he doesn't ring up high enough she nods at his order, and turns towards the others, a slightly dismissive gesture.

"What about you stranger?" The comment is directed towards Smoke.

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2002 10:16 am
by Bishop
Smoke eyes her for a second, then replies in his low, smooth voice. "I'd like just some cold water for the moment, if that's ok."

New Amsterdam

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2002 4:17 pm
by Serious Paul
C.M. Huckster wasn't always a dealer. Once a long time ago he was user, he was a buyer.He learned a long time ago what an addict would do for a fix, a hit, a drop, a taste of the good stuff.

In years gone by the drugs of choice were crystalline powders, injected, ingested, or "shot up". Liquids and powders. Plants that were dried; rocks that burned. The crash ahd changed all of that. The birth of the Matrix had changed everything. When that was said people normally thought of business transactions, or video games, but not drugs.

They were called chips, and they were as a Fuchi slogan had once advertised "better than life!" Realer than reality, and twice as cool. Mind benders,BTLs, California Hots, Frueds funny brain melters, no matter which way you stroked it, they were THE drug of the future. They sold faster than salvation itself, and were twice as sanctified. A chip addict was hooked for life. One hit off the P-fix mind bender and they were life long customers. Hooka had been one of those customers.

He had met her while trying to rob an old man. She had to have been the prettiest woman he'd ever known, of course he was so high it hadn't matered, all that mattered was the fix. The fact that she was Chrome Messiah had eluded him only long enough to for her to put him on his ass. Instead of killing him she had helped into a rehab shelter, where he sweated the posion out his mind for two long weeks. Three years later he was the leader of The Messiahs. He was also a dealer. The irony, did not escape him. She had died not long after he had left the rehab shelter, the closest he had made it to true love was to watch her die on the street corner, gunned down by La Costra Nostra soldatos during a turf war.

The next day he was selling the chips to their children. Their wives, their sisters, and sons. Mothers, fathers, uncles and even grandparents bought from him. The Messiahs weren't moving the volume that Clans or the rings could, but they did well.

As Hooka entered the New Amsterdam he greeted several club goers, giving some a nod, others cryptic messages or greetings, still others handshakes or the a hand clasped on their shoulder. Nekekami-sama knew he was working the crowd, something he did everywhere he went. Although he knew better than sell his chips at the New Amsterdam, there was no rule against marketing. Written or otherwise. He nodded towards Nike as he worked his way thru the crowd towards your table. He was flanked by two people, one male, one female. Both were dressed in street leathers, but showed no obvious signs of chrome.

As Hooka neared your table the two took up positions on either side of the table. One pretending to lean against the wall, the other pretending to watch one of the dancers. Hooka smiled as he slid into the booth, "Nekekami-sama, hajimemashite, tanoshimi ichirei."*

*"Whats up, pleasure to see you."

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2002 4:29 pm
by Bishop
Smoke allowed himself a small smile. At last...they were getting somewhere.

The Ghost Cat has arrived, and now it's his turn to play

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2002 4:11 am
by Nekekami
Serious Paul wrote: Conclusion

"So you found your way back?" Wendy smiles, then changes her facial expressions to one of mock indignation." I thought I'd win by default. SO what can I get for you rusted retreads?"

As Wendy waits for your Reply, the music fades and transistions to a familiar tune by the Crystal Method.Nekekami can't help but smiling.
"Not quite, my sultry succubus. We wouldn't want you stealing any more male souls without us warning them that you bite." Nekekami smiles in his most false fashion, preparing himself to duck Wendy's mean right cross.

"It's going to be a long night, and we're going to be having a few visitors. Two platters of the wings for the visitors, and I'll take two orders of the CalFree sushi rolls. A pitcher of Beck's and three glasses for the visitors. For me, the usual. A shot of the Captain, a chaser of dear Jose, and an Smirchnoff Ice to keep me cool, babe."

Nekekami watches Wendy's cute ass discreetly as she walks off, gathering his thoughts for a moment and awaiting his drinks.

Re: The Ghost Cat has arrived, and now it's his turn to play

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2002 4:19 am
by Nekekami
Nekekami grabs Hooka's hand as he slides in the booth across from him, pushing Abe down. Nodding towards Smoke, he smiles at Hooka. "No native tongue tonight, Hooka. You of course know Abe. This stoic looking fellow here is our business associate Smoke. Now that the formalities are out of the way, tell Lyons and Jonesy to quit goofing off and attempting to act like professionals. It doesn't suit those two slackers." Nekekami chuckles as Hooka's two bangers give him smoldering looks. "You're covered here Hooka. There's already wings and some Beck's coming for you three, so pull up chairs boys."

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2002 8:08 am
by Bishop
Smoke bows his head in Hooka's direction in greeting, the smoke in his eyes swirling faster, like a dense fog in a swamp at midnight as he takes in the two toughs.

Speak the Word

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2002 11:47 am
by Serious Paul
Hooka smiles, and flicks a silent gesture at his two companions, who almost imperceivably nod, and slowly gander ver to the booth. They pull up chairs, straddling them with the backs toward the table top. As Wendy efficently delivers the order Hooka smiles.

"Nice to meet you Smoke. Abe, my brother was sup? You guys remember Lily Lyons and Bob Jonesy? Good peeps. Pass a nigga some wings.I'm famished." Hookas smile threatens to crack his jaw line.

Re: The Ghost Cat has arrived, and now it's his turn to play

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2002 3:59 am
by Nekekami
Line 1 - Asphalt King

Verify Ghost Dog. Priority Access Code 0714.

The system clicks as Nekekami is patched through directly to the King's cellphone.

Physical meet for preliminary report, 30 mins after completion, the New Amsterdam. Confirm?

Nekekami turns to look at Lily and Jonesy. "The boss is still a uncouth pig, eh?" He smiles as Hooka glares at him. I remember the days when these two had just joined up with Hooka. I've been at this for way too long.

"Hooka, how's biz? And the business with those Reavers...satisfactory results?" Nekekami offers the gang boss one of his Red Kamel cigarettes with a flourish, as he lights his own with Hooka's liberated chrome Zippo. He grins before returning the lighter to the flustered gang boss. He hates when I pull that 'hands faster than the eye' trick.

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2002 11:52 am
by Serious Paul
*Line 1*

"Verified Ghost Dog. 30 minutes? I can be there. I'll have the information burned onto an optical chip for your conveinance."

Asphalt breaks the connection and begins to check his things. One of those. One of those, and..two of those. Definitely two of those.


Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2002 12:40 pm
by Serious Paul
Hooka grins, and you know for just the briefest second his temper has control of him, you've seen the way his jaw line grinds before, but as quick as the rage flamed in his eyes, his smle changes to one more relaxed, "Biz has been fine chummer. In fact better than fine. Howz 'bout yourself?" Hooka tears into the wings, after dipping one into the blue cheese dip.

Re: Hooka

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2002 11:01 pm
by Nekekami
Nekekami sits back and stares at Hooka, letting the message slip through. I warned you to not reveal too much, that not everyone that would be present was considered a friendly. You did not follow my words, and for that, I show you disrespect in front of your crew. Remember this moment, even all of our friendship will not change the fact that you have flaunted my kindness in my own face.

Nekekami abruptly moves forward, nailing the shot of Captain Morgan in one fluid motion. Quickly setting the glass bottom up on the table, he continues the swift, sure motion and polishes off the chaser of Jose Cuervo. Smiling once more, letting the tension pass and ease from his neck, the face fills Hooka's glass from the pitcher of Becks. Waiting until the boss is not busy eating, he raises his glass of Smirchnoff Ice, toasting Hooka. "Glad to hear things go well hombre. You might want to keep your eyes peeled. There may be some heat coming down in the neighborhood in the near future. I heard some rumors about some fallout coming down from the chrome towers Downtown." Nekekami pauses, slowly finishing one of the sushi rolls, utilizing the chopsticks in a very controlled manner, letting his passive attitude show through.

I've got his attention, and now he knows that the business involves one of the corporations from Downtown. Rook in position. Now let's just wait for check.

Interlude: Old Friends.

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2002 12:04 pm
by Serious Paul
Quicksilver stretched lazily as she stepped out of her shower. The hot water had helped her forget, for a moment, the haunted look on Marcus's face. He'd seemed so much more distant than ever before.She knew his job had been stressful lately, but she wasn't so sure that was it.

As she pulled the warm towel off the rack in front of her, she heard a noise from the outer room, maybe the living room. Someones here she thought.

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2002 2:30 pm
by Quicksilver
She sighed, wiping away the condensation on the mirror. Maybe it was nothing, maybe she was imagining things, but he had looked almost broken. Her hair wet and dripping, she could almost find the girl she used to be in the mirror, and wondered if maybe they were just growing too far apart. Her quiet contimplation made the noise even more obvious. Her eyes narrowed and her hand slipped the slivergun silently out of its holster hanging on the back of the door, her mind shifting back into danger mode.

15 steps to the far wall, and the bathroom door opened out, something she'd been insistant on. Tucking the towel loosely around her body, she mentally coiled herself for speed. A brief pause, and then she moved. One hand on the slivergun, the other opening the door and then flinging the towel off and up, a blinding flash of white as she ducked and rolled to the back wall, the smartlink system auto-targeting on her vistor as the other hand pulled one of her predators from under the small end table immediatly on her right.

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2002 9:31 pm
by Serious Paul
As the weapons made contact with the smart link pads, they immediately roared to life. She was no longer someone with the gun, she was the gun with someone. As the door flung outward she moved with a speed that would have made an olympian jealous. The weapons automatically give her the range to the target, they notify her of their ammo count and that they are safetys off. It takes a second for her mind to catch up with her hard wired system. It was Marcus.[/color][/b]

He is dressed in fatigues, with the ARES logo, and his name on it. He smiles, a look that is almost hollow," Lissa! Its me Marcus.Easy lady." He raises his hands to his sides slowly, showing his open and empty palms.

Re: Hooka

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2002 12:21 am
by Serious Paul
Hooka nods solemnly, and returns to devouring the wings. through a mouthful of Blue Cheese and spicy chicken he says, "It pays to be watchful in times like these, I'm sure my people will be extra careful."

You know he means that he'll keep his eyes peeled, just point him in the right direction.

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2002 2:32 pm
by Quicksilver
Quicksilver was strung tight as a harp string, ready for anything except what has just happened. She let the reeled cord pull the predator back under the table and unconciously stopped targeting Marcus.

"Jesus Fucking Christ, you bastard!" A small ripple flowed over her body, shunting tension as it went. Her unblinking gray eyes stared at him with dead seriousness. "Another second and your brains would have been art on the wall behind you." Concern softened her gaze. "What's wrong? You know better than to try that with me anymore."

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2002 8:44 pm
by Serious Paul
Marcus smiles sheepishly. He steps back a step, and for a second you are sure he is staring at your dripping wet body.

"Sorry. I haven't been myself lately. Work has been hell." Marcus turns towards the kitchen area, and says, "I'll make some coffee."


Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2002 1:19 am
by Serious Paul

Casey smiled as she sat down. This meet had taken some work to set up, but now it was moving along flawlessly. They had finished dinner, and had desert, a cake the menu had entitled Chocolate Decadence. They had moved to the bar for some after dinner drinks and to talk business. This particular bar catered to a highly corporate clientele, and whatever it lacked in decor it made up for in security precautions.

As she had entered she had been scanned for cybernetics, magical ability, and more. She had to have a prearranged pass word and hand signal, as well as a regular to meet with. Strictly invitation only. She'd managed it, and hoped it would pay off.If it didn't she'd have wasted a lot of time and money.

Casey stared over her drink, Bacardi Silver, at the woman across from her. She was tall, blond, and built. Her hair was in the latest in corporate style, and was accented by a makeup job and earrings that'd house and feed Casey for at least a month. She was wearing the latest Donna Karen,a dark navy blue number with a sharp corporate cut. It was highlighted with chrome buttons, and stainless steel bracelets. Her body, was supple, but it belied the massive amounts of bionetic and cybernetic enhancements she had. Casey knew that Sharon could easily kill half the bar before most would realize that anyone was dead.

"So Casey what brings you out my way?" Sharon looked straight into her eyes. Her chrome eyes seemed to dig straight into her soul. Sharon had always been good at the thousand yard stare thing.


"Ahh, I thought the old 'lets get together' thing was a bit contrived." Sharon sipped from her own drink. Jack straight, no ice.

Casey chuckled. "Well I never could fool you girl."

"So what do you need?"

"Gray, William...."

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2002 1:48 am
by Quicksilver
She stared at Marcus's retreating back for a moment before a bead of water fell from her short hair onto her bare shoulder. The absurdity of the situation exerted itself momentarily as she forgot about the adrenaline and the slivergun and realized with perfect clarity that she was standing buck naked in her own living room, dripping wet, and Marcus had been staring at her. Somehow, the normal air of detachment had gone missing, and her emotions flipped between embarrassed and wanting to know if her was indeed interested in her as she put on a tank top and a pair of shorts and joined him in the kitchen.

Quicksilvers Place.

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2002 7:01 am
by Serious Paul
Marcus is standing with his back towards you as you enter the kitchen. His hands rest on the counter top, and for a brief second you can see the muscles in both his back and arms ripple and spasm uncontrolably. His knuckles are white as he clutches the counter for support. As quick as the spasm started it subsides. He slowly releases his grip. There are finger indentations in your formica counter top. You realize rather quickly one of the things that had puzzled you before, Marcus is bigger.

Not taller, not all that much heavier in his appearence, just cut. His muscles are more defined than you ever remember them being. The muscles in his neck were never so taut. His shoulders are definitely about twice their previous size, and his arms have a dilineation that they certianly lacked before.

Suddenly he turns to face you. He moved so fast it took a second for you to realize that he is faster than you, now. It wasn't that way before. He stares at you, and for a second you feel like maybe you should have added a sweatshirt to the tank top, and shorts. His eyes take you in, and notice another change. His eyes are blue, but no longer the flesh they were, they lack the warmth of real eyes.Who was he now? where was Marcus?

" Clarissa.", his voice is quiet but sincere. " Sorry to drop in unannounced." His expressions say otherwise, he is niether sorry nor just dropping in. This has a purpose. " Want some coffee? I brought some of the real stuff, got it Havanna."

Re: Hooka

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2002 5:36 pm
by Nekekami
Serious Paul wrote: Hooka nods solemnly, and returns to devouring the wings. through a mouthful of Blue Cheese and spicy chicken he says, "It pays to be watchful in times like these, I'm sure my people will be extra careful."

You know he means that he'll keep his eyes peeled, just point him in the right direction.
Nekekami nods, refilling the glasses of all the Messiahs present. "I'm hearing rumors about this gearhead...Grey. Some halfer who works for Ares or Cross...not sure which. Apparently there's some kind of mix-up going down with the shorty. The kind of mix-up that involves hard-boys and razor-girls in places that we like to call home. Anything you heard that might help out mutual friends?" Nekekami slightly retracts his index finger, leaving the appearance of one knuckle and the tip of that finger having been cut off.

As the yakuze speaks with Hooka, he keeps an eye on the door for the King, as well as keeping a mental ear towards his phonelines, knowing that the six hour mark is coming due shortly.

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2002 6:08 pm
by Quicksilver
He was as transparent as glass. Not that she could blame him, they'd never needed to be anything other than straight forward as rookies. It'd taken her a lot of practice and botched jobs to develop the layers of subtly and double-speak those who ran the shadows needed to survive. It was obvious something had happened to him since she'd left, something that cut very deep.

She walked the short distance to stand right in front of him, taking his hands in hers. "Marcus," she smiled as she spoke," you are a terrible liar. You are not just dropping by, you want someone to talk to, and you are most definitely not sorry its me." She dropped one hand and ran her hand froom his temple to his shoulder as she continued. " But I would love some coffee and to hear what neccessitated all this."

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2002 5:29 am
by Serious Paul
Hooka nods. His eyes convey the silent message of understanding. You know that he will do his best for you.If nothing else to make up for his earlier social fu-pa. As Hooka turns towards the waitress to order another round, you notice KIng out of the corner of your eyes. He is slinking quietly along the far wall. Eventually he settles into a booth large enough for him and one other. He barely even looks towards you, but he is definitely eager to share what he has learned with you. Of course your first though is, 'How the hell did he get in here? He's not a regular. Clever boy.'

The King has Entered the Building

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2002 12:26 am
by Nekekami
Nekekami smiles at Hooka and lays a hand on his shoulder, speaking quietly in Japanese. "Thank you, respected Hooka. Your friendship is a blessing to a lost soul like myself. Please excuse my manners, friend. I will return shortly."

Looking at Smoke and Abe, Kami nods. "Spend a moment with the crew, Abe. I gotta hit the head."

Nekekami quietly strides across the dance floor. As he reaches the hall leading to the bathroom, he waits for the crowd to obscure him from sight for a moment, as he ducks out the door. Knowing the King's eyes, he saw Nekekami's move before he ever reached the door. Striding down the street to the next open alley, Nekekami remains in plain sight as he lights up a cigarette, while waiting for the King.


Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2002 4:52 am
by Serious Paul
King smiles. Nekekami was every bit his equal. He made himself wait a full sixty seconds before he moved from the table. he stood and moved slowly in the opposite direction of the door Nekekami, slowly circling back towards the door. As he passes the restrooms, and a sitting room just outside them. The hall was filled with patrons experimenting with various illegal substances, mostly chips. King never touched the better than life chips, but knew that distant stare associated with those living in a reality all their own.

He stopped before he reached the alley door.As he opened the alley door he spotted Nekekami standing just to one side, taking a long drag from a nicstick. King slowly guides the door shut, and turns to face Nekekami.

"Hoi chummer."

Re: King

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2002 5:11 am
by Nekekami
"You'll surpass me on of these days. You'll move these streets far smoother than I've ever done. Where I faltered, and fell from being a cruiser of these neon streets...well, you'll run them as a divine servant of the Chrome Gods who watch over all."

Nekekami makes no facial gesture as he turns to the childish King, who is somehow more than a man. He simply holds out a cigarette, before he finishes the thoughts he spoke aloud. "But until that day, you have to survive your own attitude first. Nothing is more of a stronger enemy that your own attitude."

Pausing a moment, and leaving the philsophical mood behind, Nekekami looks at the Asphalt King directly for the first time tonight. He slides the credstick out of his right sleeve, which contains exactly one-third of the fee for the King. He cooly takes the chip the King offers back in return. "You know that Abe and I will read this later. But how about a brief summary, whiz kid. How over my head am I?"

The King knows that Nekekami uses him. He also knows that Nekekami can never afford to brag about his work. In his own safe way, by getting information from the King, and giving information about some of the results and details of the jobs he takes back to the King...Nekekami can perform his own silent, and safe form of barside bragging. So for now, the duo separated by a number of years continues their pattern of mutual use and abuse, each avoiding the eventual mess of friendship. It's a risk that neither of them can afford and keep the relationship intact.


Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2002 5:42 am
by Serious Paul
Kings face takes a serious look, and not for the first time you wonder if the courier has some sort of cybernetic memory onboard, his eyes appear to be focused just behind you, something you learned a long time ago means he is concentrating on reciting the paydata:

"William Gray-Dwarf-Male-51

Known Alias: Billy Gray, Billy, Will, and William, all variants of his real name.

Scars, Marks and tattoos: UCAS Naval tattoo on left forearm- An anchor with a dolphin, and the words "Naval Intelliegence", signifies tour of duty served with the 135th Naval Intelligence Unit, aboard the USS Reagan, a Victory class aircraft carrier. No other known SMTs.

Height:4'4"-no signs of tampering or adjustment.

Weight: 167, which places him at twenty point three percent body fat, which would suggest obesity at its early stages. No signs of High Blood Pressure or other weight related problems, which are rare for Dwarves as a species.

Age: 51-no signs of tampering, or leonization, or other life extending treatments.

Sex: Male, again no signs of tampering, alteration or modifications.

Personal Health History: I was unable to access any of Grays pertinent medical data,as his persoanl medical contract is not held by either Ares, or Doc Wagon. Further research will hopefully yeild results.

Alcohol, drugs and Chips: There is no evidence of any use by Gray of any of these substances, except alcohol on rare occassions. No evidence of abuse of any sort.

Current Employer: Errant Design systems, an A level corporate subsidiary of Knight Errant.

Employment History: Earliest employment records suggest that Gray was first employed as a paper boy in his home town of Cleveland, Ohio, UCAS. He worked the same paper route for four years, in addittion to providing lawn care, and odd job maintainence. At age 16 he was hired by Stuffer shack where he worked until he joined the UCAS Navy at age 18.
His military records are sealed, and therefore unavailable to me. I can ascertain that he was active duty military for ten years. He was also definitely part of an Electronic Warfare unit. Any thing else would be pure speculation on my part.
Records show that he was immediately employed by ARES macrotech upon his discharge, which was honorable. He, like many career military men at the time found employment with ARES. More data will be forth coming as I organize it.

Comments: No weapons permits, he does have a valid Seattle drivers liscense, a Seattle Library card, and at least six seperate health club memberships he has yet to use. His neighbors report that he is quiet, polite and easy to get along with."

King stops almost abruptly, his eyes seem to refocus, but appear to be very tired, its obvious he has been working on this since you gave it to him. He looks at you, blinking, forcing his dry eyes to tear. He sucks in a deep breath and says, "I have some leads I'll be able to forward to you soon."


Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2002 2:26 am
by Nekekami
Serious Paul wrote: King stops almost abruptly, his eyes seem to refocus, but appear to be very tired, its obvious he has been working on this since you gave it to him. He looks at you, blinking, forcing his dry eyes to tear. He sucks in a deep breath and says, "I have some leads I'll be able to forward to you soon."
"I have no doubt that you'll turn in your usual sterling work, King. I thank you for the quick response time. But it's never that easy with you. I know your style, young one, and I know it well. There is something else on your mind. Speak plainly." Nekekami continues to avoid looking at the skate punk, clearly looking at the wall in front of him as he takes another drag from his cigarette. He stands silently in his power, knowing that he still controls the situation. He also knows that the King hasn't named his true price yet.

Nothing is ever this easy with Stephen. No surprise there, considering the way his father is.

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2002 6:44 am
by Serious Paul
Marcus smiled only slightly as he pulled loose from your gaze. He speaks quietly as he pulls two mugs from your cupboards, and begins to pour coffee," You know after you left, I was offered a chance to go IA. I was cut after the first interview. I couldn't lie well enough to be one of those pricks."

He looks back at you, over his shoulder. His smile is reminiscent of the man you used to know.

"I was supposed to leave town tonight, you know. I can't say why, but Clarissa believe me when I say things are getting ready to change around here."

"I came to warn you. Gray has been targeted by the company as a hostile assett. He's considered a flight risk, as well as a security risk. The guy pratically designed a lot of the companies internal security procedures,e specially when it comes to protocol. He has been classified as a priority one risk."

"You remember what that means?" You can only stare for just a second, you know damn well," Thats right, a Fire Watch team, four members. Straight from Detroit. Their due in 120 hours. Five days. Who knows how fast they'll work."He hands you a cup of hot joe.

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2002 6:44 am
by Serious Paul
King simply stares at you for a brief second.As if deciding something important, he sets his jaw, and speaks, "Yoshi-sama has expressed intrest in your current activities. He has stated that Kumicho Watanbe has directly expressed personal intrest in your current activities. He has asked me to pay special attention to every detail, and asist you in everyway possible."

King obviously feels this is a very important task, that he has been charged with.

Interlude: New Friends

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2002 7:28 am
by Serious Paul
Reprinted from the Seattle Intelligencer, September 30th,2036

The name yakuza originates from the Japanese game of Oicho-Kabu, which is like Black Jack. In Oicho-Kabu, the goal is to reach 19, not 21 like in Black Jack. The word Ya means 8, Ku means 9, and Za means 3. When you add the three numbers, you get 20, which is worthless in Oicho-Kabu. The yakuza, therefore, are outsiders of society.

It is important to note that the yakuza is merely a term for the Japanese that don't fit in with society. The yakuza are, as noted before, outcasts from society, and they have no place to turn but to each other. Often they are criminals and poor wretches that blindly follow the path of crime in an effort to succeed. The yakuza are completely different from the:


The Yakuza are a form of organized crime. The yakuza are just outcasts and petty criminals.

The yakuza say that they originated from the Machi-yakko. The Machi-yakko were the middle class of medieval Japan that took up arms against the Kabuki-mono. The Kabuki-mono were a band of thieves and misfits that rampaged across Japan, stealing from innocents. Because Machi-yakko defended the cities from Kabuki-mono, they were
treated as the heroes of the city. They would take in the weak, the poor, the criminals, and give them the nurturing safety they needed. In return, they would work for their "father", the Oyabun, who was the leader of the Yakuza. Machi-yakko can be likened to Robin Hood, who was weaker than his foes, but stood up to them to protect the innocent. The modern day yakuza didn't come about until the middle of the seventeenth century. It was comprised mostly of gamblers (Bakuto), street merchants (Tekiya), and other such outcasts and misfits from society.

During the industrialization of Japan to follow, the yakuza began to gain control over the construction and shipping industries. As a result, the Bakuto sect of the yakuza began to fall away, and the Tekiya began to take over. Because of the increasing influences of Europe and America, politics began to play an important role in yakuza business. The yakuza began to line the pockets of key individuals in the government to be able to get away with certain illegal acts. In the depression of the 1920s, many gangs sprang up at the expense of the poor, and began to train assassins, thugs, and rogues. These gang members were masters of blackmail, extortion, and hired muscle. During the 1930s, the yakuza gang members assassinated two prime ministers, two finance ministers and assaulted many politicians and important people. The yakuza who committed these acts are called Unyoke, which means "political right" in Japanese.

The end of World War II saw Japan occupied with American troops. When the Americans began to ration out food to control the Japanese, the local yakuza became powerful and rich with the black market. As a result of the enforced poverty upon the Japanese, however, a new breed of yakuza came to exist. This new breed of yakuza were called the gurentai, Japanese for "street hustler". Gurentai were like the Japanese version of the Mob in 1930s America. The yakuza decided to drop the sword and pick up the gun. They began to steal and rob from anyone and everyone; shopkeepers, people in the underworld, and even ordinary citizens were victims of the yakuza. In the five-year period between 1958 and 1963 yakuza membership increased 150% to about 184,000 members, more than the entire Japanese army at the time. These members of the yakuza weren't all under the same banner, though. There were an estimated 5200 different gangs that these yakuza members followed. These gangs began to run out of room and started to increase their violence and mark their territories in bloody wars. However, there was one yakuza who wanted unity. His name was Kadama Yoshiro. He took these gangs and united them under a name: Yakuza.

Oyabun is almighty within the clan and his word is the law. All obeys him without hesitation even if it means danger for his own life.
>Fukimo Watanbe, 1982

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2002 11:35 pm
by Nekekami
Serious Paul wrote: King simply stares at you for a brief second.As if deciding something important, he sets his jaw, and speaks, "Yoshi-sama has expressed intrest in your current activities. He has stated that Kumicho Watanbe has directly expressed personal intrest in your current activities. He has asked me to pay special attention to every detail, and asist you in everyway possible."

King obviously feels this is a very important task, that he has been charged with.
"Walk with me, Stephen." The words come out as a bare whisper, but Nekekami knows that the boy hears them. He strides down the alleyway, towards the street. Reaching the end of the alley, the duo stays hidden in the shadow of the club. The yakuze points up at the chrome towers gleaming in the distance. "One of those offices is now holding meetings that will decide the fate of a man. That man has no knowledge that I have been hired to end his life. That same man is conducting his work as he always has, living his solitary life as if it were any other day. He doesn't know that someone close to him is plotting to bring him down, and he doesn't know that I've been hired as the instrument of his demise."

He falls silent for a moment, uncomfortably resting an arm on the King's shoulders, knowing the risks he takes are too great. The rewards are worth the risks. "Stephen, the chances of my plans all working are near non-existant. But I'll need your help to do it. I'll probably need more help than I can pay you for immediately. It may also place you in danger to help me here. I won't ask you to do this, and I won't bribe you. Whether I succeed or not...however this ends, I swear on the clan...on my loyalty...on my friendship with Abe, you fill find all of your questions about your mother and father answered."

Nekekami stands uncomfortably, fishing around for another cigarette and just stands silently puffing away with the young boy in a world that has lost all sense of sanity.

Wolf Cub part II

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2002 5:48 am
by Serious Paul
So cub, how is sitting here helping us?

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2002 5:46 am
by Serious Paul
King looks unnerved at your use of his real name.He shifts his gaze to the glittering Sky rakers that clutter the Seattle sky line. You can easily read the emotion in his face, you've seen it all before, on so many other faces. It hurts to see the confusion in his eyes, the anger, the sorrow.Finally he tears his gaze from the chrome towers, and steps back into the alleyway.

"What I do is not for you, nor for your Kawaruhito friend.I do this for my hoor. My Kumichos honor. Do you understand that?" His eyes are sad, but his expression stern, the boy means to be what his Oyabun has set forward for him. Strong, loyal and disciplined. He is all of these,and more.

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2002 1:51 am
by Nekekami
Serious Paul wrote: "What I do is not for you, nor for your Kawaruhito friend.I do this for my hoor. My Kumichos honor. Do you understand that?" His eyes are sad, but his expression stern, the boy means to be what his Oyabun has set forward for him. Strong, loyal and disciplined. He is all of these,and more.
Spoken in rapid fire Japanese, laced liberally with appropriate derogatory remarks to show Nekekami's anger

"Kawaruhito friend? You think I do this action for some sariramen that I've used before? Some gaijin who was played by me like all the rest? Do not presume to judge me, child! I have watched barely grown boys try to claim the title of ristar (rising star) that you seem to hold as your own. I watched those same children burn out, dying from their own arrogance. All the while, I made my own path, and brought new growth and honor to my clan. Do not presume what is not the truth, young one. You would do well to remember that I brought you into this clan, and to remember who the kobun is between the two of us."

His anger exhausted, Nekekami physically slumps to the ground, puffing on his cigarette for a moment, before slowly stubbing it out on the pavement. He turns to look up at the chrome towers again, refusing to let himself look at the boy's emotional face.

"You think that I offer a barbed flower. Some kind of test to see whether you are loyal. This is personal, Stephen-san. Not the job, but the results that I hope for...I've played this game too long. I need to have my plans follow through with success, for eventually, probably sooner rather than later, the game will play me. My karma will not allow me to pay the piper without a great cost, a cost I may not be able to pay."

Finally turning to face the King, Nekekami locks eyes with the boy. Moving slowly, he places his Predator on the ground near the King. "If you do not believe what I say next, then follow through and take my place. What I offer you is not some trick to get free work from a contact. It is the completion of a promise I made to your mother...and your father. You think I took in a boy such as yourself, guiding you, and providing you with the skills to be where you are today simply for business reasons? You know that I speak the truth, King. I have plans for Abe, for you, for Kees, and all the rest. Plans that will guarentee some small measure of happiness in their lives. That's an emotion I rarely bring to someone's life. If you do not wish to receive my gift, if my promise offends you, then set the wrong right. The tool to do so sits before you, and I sit here unresisting."


Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2002 7:30 am
by Serious Paul
Time slows as the words angrily pour out. Kings pulse pounds deafening him. He hears but doesn't understand anything but fear. As Nekekami finishes, he sets the heavy pistol on the ground. King can only stare it for a moment.

King reaches out and takes the pistol. His movements are whiplash fast.As soon as the weapon touches the smart gun link,its display comes on line. The warmth from the weapon burns into his palm. He levels it Nekekami. Anger, rage courses thru his mind. He can see the crosshairs, right there between his eyes.The ammo counter reveals the pistol is indeed fully loaded. King draws the tension back slowly. His eyes never leave Nekekamis.

And time freezes. He wants to shoot. His anger demands to be satisfied. Satiated. His rage makes his blood pound thru his temples, his face reddening, he stands there. Ages pass as the two men stare into each others eyes.

As the life time passes, King moves a single finger, dropping the clip into his other hand. As he locks the action back, he unchambers the round, and returns it to the magazine. he releases the slide, and it is followed by a distinct metal on metal sound. He reinserts the clip, and flips the wepaon in his hand, so the grip faces his better. The movements are slow. Deliberate. An act of respect. "

"Boku agameru.Kore wa Neke no desu. Ore agameru." His voice is raspy, as if he is parched. He bows deply. His body stiff, he holds the bow.

("This is yours. I repsect that. I respect you.I trust you.")

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2002 10:11 pm
by Quicksilver
She accepted the coffee, her thoughts in turmoil. "Fire Watch...shit. I'm sure you don't want to know, but I'm telling you anyway. The job was to grab some data and then kill him, I got the Johnson to break it out seperate. I was going to pull out after the data steal. I don't kill Ares if I can help it, and never KE. I was on the other side too long for that. Damnit. This is the kind of shit I hate, the twisted convuluted poltics of cross and double cross."

She watched the coffee in the cup for a minute before looking up at Marcus. "And why are you here? You could have called me and told me that. You're right, you can't lie, and right now you're strung tighter than when," the memory was still painful, "when I left." she said, sidestepping referring directly to her past. "I'm not going anywhere, and apparently neither are you. Spill it, or do I have to get out the rum?" A faint smile tugged at her lips, a visiable reaction to the memory of many bars and discovering Marcus's inability to keep quiet about anything after half a bottle of rum.

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2002 4:32 am
by Serious Paul
Marcus smiles at your quip. He sips from his own cup of caf, and walks into your living room. His posture betrays how wired up he is. He stops at a picture. An old one of the both of you.

"Things are changing Clarissa.Seattle is changing. Ares is changing. I'm changing. I am leaving the corporation Clarissa." He stares directly at the picture with an intensity that is frightening.

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2002 2:43 pm
by Quicksilver
She stared momentarily at the captured moment from what seemed lifetimes ago. They were sitting outside the huge fountain in the KE courtyard at Ares main Seattle office, they'd had the day off. He had a big grin on his face, his nose sunburned, and his fingers making bunny ears behind her head. She was in a tank top and shorts, her long blond hair in a ponytail and red ribbon, whipping out behind as as she had been trying to push him in the fountain when the picture had been snapped. Neither of them had a care in the world, life was so perfect.

Her fingers ran through the short black and silver she wore now, still wet from her shower. The tank top and shorts were there, but where there was just skin in the picture, there was now scars. The man in the picture had warm eyes that laughed and muscles that were there but not obvious, again not much like the one that stood next to her. So much had changed. Maybe too much had changed.

"Where?" she asked, it came out tentativly. "Why?"