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Shadowrun IC:: In the Dragons Secret Service-Team Gold

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2002 3:10 am
by Serious Paul
What is good?--Whatever augments the feeling of power, the will to power, power itself, in man.

What is evil?--Whatever springs from weakness.

What is happiness?--The feeling that power increases--that resistance is overcome.
Not contentment, but more power; not peace at any price, but war; not virtue, but efficiency (virtue in the Renaissance sense, virtu, virtue free of moral acid).

The weak and the botched shall perish: first principle of our charity. And one should help them to it.

What is more harmful than any vice?--Practical sympathy for the botched and the weak.


The art of war, then, is governed by five constant factors, to be taken into account in one's deliberations, when seeking to determine the conditions obtaining in the field.
These are: (1) The Moral Law; (2) Heaven; (3) Earth; (4) The Commander; (5) Method and discipline.

-Sun Tzu

All warfare is based on deception.

-Sun Tzu

Rheynard flexed his muscles, smiling toothily as he felt the satisfying ripple of his taut muscles. Despite his age he was in excellent shape, perhaps better than he had ever been in. His work out was brief but efficient, leaving his body covered in sweat and his muscles worn and taut. His dark eyes were deep pools that failed to reflect the moon light. His frame was large for any human, meta or otherwise. He stood just over six and a half feet, and by his looks weighed a good two hundred kilos. His neck and limbs were best described as trunk like, such was their thickness. His body was toned and his muscles rippled as he moved. He performed each Kata from memory.

As he finished his Katas, he gazed out across the water. The Ocean, he liked to think, was his match in every way. Its vast hulking form knew no limits, no bounds to its depth. Its was not so much ruthless, as it was simply unforgiving. Like him, it hid secrets that no man knew, like him it was cold and sometimes inhuman. He liked the Ocean.

He jogged, his steps faster and lighter than any man his size had right to, the two hundred meters to the beach quietly, with out breaking his stride or breathing hard. Despite the late hour the temparture was still in the mid seventies, he speed up and ran towards the water.

Twety meters from the waters edge he leapt into the air, and for a moment he felt as if he was flying. He brought his gigantic hands forward, and arced his body into the water. Sixty meters from the waters edge he hit the surf, diving deep into the water.

He liked the Ocean.

Kiel, North German Federation

The air was thick with salt and the smell of diesel fuel. Kiel was one of the busiest ports in the North German Federation. Saeder Krupps control of the port insured that business was handled swiftly and orderly. Nearly three quarters of the cities population worked directly for Saeder Krupp. The rest almost certainly worked for the corporation indirectly, providing consumer service industry to SK employees.

Almost twenty eight years ago the city had been ravaged by war. He had been a young man then. A Lieutenant in the newly formed Corporate Army. He had lead a battalion of engineers into the city, rebuilding the city had been a public relations coup for the Corporation, but to him, and to his men it had been a matter of pride.

They had rebuilt the city with typical German precision, laying out the streets perfectly, running utility lines deep beneath the ground as to not mar the cities beauty. He had supervised the greatest project in his life. it had taken them only two years, and had cost them far less than original estimates. His work had not gone unnoticed and Lofwyr himself had signed the promotion order.

Twenty eight long years ago.He hardly looked a man who was in sixties, a benefit of rank and prestige was the treatmenta that extended his life and preserved his youth. He appeared as a man of forty maybe forty five. His physique was hardened from years of rigourous exercise and military regimine. His uniform was sharply pressed, and had been tailored to fit him exactly. He wore only those medals and ribbons he was required to by policy, thirteen in all. He also wore his marksmanship badge, 28th award for both rifle and pistol. His cover sat on the seat next to him, as he read thru the mornings dispatches, occasionally looking up to stare at his city. He was head of the First Special Operations Group now, but he was also the highest ranking officer in the city, and that made this city his.

His Mercedes Benz limousine was black, trimmed in silver, and armor plated enough to take a direct hit from an anti-tank weapon and keep 120 kmph.The windows were one way reflective glass and the only thing that betrayed its importance were the official Saeder Krupp liscense plates on both ends of the vechile. is driver was a "Dragon", a member of the elite commandoes he had helped form. His training was the cutting edge of both technology and magic. He knew, in the back of hismind that the young mans profile clearly stated that he could run almost as fast as this Mercedes Benz for three and a half miles.He could also take a hit from almost any conventional weapon with out even feeling it. If this fact bothered him, he failed to show it.

"Schleiermacher is this all of the dispatches for the morning?"

"No Herr General. Herr Director Oberholtzer ordered me to leave one dispatch in the vault this morning sir. He said that Iwas only to tell you of the dispatch after you had finished with the others, and that he would only allow you to remove it from the vault, sir."

Schleiermacher spoke in a confident but quiet tone. He knew the General would be surprised, but would wait until they arrived to see what the Director had found so alarming that he instituted Alpha Communications Protocol.

"Schleiermacher, I would like to stop for coffee, I have a starnge feeling today may be along day."

"Ja, Herr General Eberhard."

Bremerhaven, North German Federation

"Goddamnit Bill they are stone walling. Saeder Krupp thinks just because they ahve that damn oversized lizard in charge we will back down.Well I say fuck them and their iguana."

"Now Waid we have been throug this all before. Proper protocol.."

"Damn it Bill do you ever stop pushing the party line?"

"Waid thats uncalled for.."

"Bill for a minute strap on some balls and be man, not a goddamned toad..."

"Thats enough Waid." William Lyons was not a man used to being insulted. He also didn't care much for Waid Stones casual use of his nickname,"Now I have told you and I have told you, that Saeder Krupp is one of our major suppliers. We will not jeopardize our contract with them over some damn computer irregularity.Period." Lyons face was granite. He was sick of Stones self righteous lecturing and insulting banter."Now I suggest you find your work station and pretend that you are indeed an employee of this corporation."

Waid Stone had seen this look a thousand times. It meant go away Waid or damn it I will fire your ass.

"Fine Bill, fine, have it your way, but I tell you something is up.Something Big is going on, and we are going to be blindsided by it." Stone turned and left, taking care to not slam the door on his way out. He had a wife and three kids, losing hsi job for being an ass was not an option.

After Waid had left the room, Lyons sat silently thinking about Waid had told him.Finally he lifted his cell phone and dialed the number he had recieved some twenty years ago.He had only dialed it a handful of times, but knew it by heart.He waited as the phone rang. Then abruptly some one answered the line on the other end, he could only guess where.

"This is Firehawk."

"This is War Room. I have a priority dispatch."

"Understood. A courier will meet you in twenty minutes, on the corner of Second and Gold Street."


liam Lyons hung up the phone, knowing that the party on the other side had already done so. He walked over to his burn bag, opening it he placed his phone deep inside the bag, ensuring the ringer was off. He then picked up the optical chips Stone had left on his desk and slid them into his briefcase. He stepepd back over to his desk and keyed the intercomm to his secratary.

"Miss Klum I am going to be taking an early lunch."

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2002 3:43 am
by Serious Paul
Kiel, North German Federation

Brian Svoboda had barely aged to Eberhards eyes. Svoboda still had that devil may care look in his eyes, and a rapscallions smile. He had purchased this small corner cafe along with most of the rest of this block after he had retired from the teams, that much his file spelled out clearly. What the file didn't mention was how Brian had managed to retain his youthful appearence. Eberhard could easily see that Svoboda had been undergoing similar treatments to his own, but as they were exspensive and difficult to obtain.He wondered how?

"You look good Brian."

"You don't seem to be doing too poorly either Jason.So tell me, what brings you to my end of town? Slumming?"

Jason Eberhard smiled. He hadn't seen Svoboda in almost a decade, he had expected his dry but humorous wit."Brian its been too long. I admit I should have come by sooner." The waitress arrived just then allowing him a moment to pause and consider his words. She set their mugs on the table leaving the two of them to their coffee."Brian why'd you leave?"

"You know damn well why.Things changed, you changed, HE changed."

"He never changes Brian. He's just difficult to know sometimes."

The two men paused to sip from their mugs. Jason noticed immediately that this was real Coffee, not the soy served at lot of the rival establishments in town. He took in his surrondings, quickly noting by habit escape routes and noting any significant obstacles, or persons who might be concelaing something. It was a nice neighborhood for an outdoor Cafe. The tables were facing the docks, in this area the docks were mainly used to berth small noncommericial craft-sailboats and small motorboats, and the like. The streets were crowded at this hour, but mostly with commuter traffic. Small drones monitored traffic and also provided the local authorities-and Saeder Krupp, with file footage of what was happening on the streets.

"Nice place Brian, real Nice."

"Okay lets cut the shit, shall we? What do you want Jason? I don't see you in a decade or so then Bam! You show up on my door step with a smile and a hey pal how ya doing?I don't buy this getting to know each other shit, so what do you want? What does He want?"

"Brian do you remember when we first formed the teams? Remember those days? Wild crazy days, neh?"

Svoboda sipped from his mug and looked at Jason Eberhard." Those days are long gone for me Jason."

"Sometimes not as far as you might think Brian."Jason looked him in the eye, his expression changed from the pleasant smile he reserved for friends and family to one that he used for business or berating his junior staff officers.He slid the folder out onto the table slowly.He saw Brian Svobodas eyes widen only slightly as he reached out and pulled the file across the table.

"Jason you know I am not cleared for this kind of shit anymore right?"

"I told you Brian, you're never that far away."He waited as Brian opened the folder and slowly began to read. He sipped his coffee until it was gone and then quietly watched the flow of traffic and pedestrians trying to pick out which ones were his security detail-they rotated often as to keep the general from slipping his tails. Brian closed the folder and slid it back to him after ten minutes, his eyes betrayed the emotion straining to find its way to the surface as he spoke.

"The Scorpion is back? I thought he was dead?"

"Me too."

Bremerhaven, North German Federation

William Lyons couldn't remember the exact point in which he had betrayed his Company. Once he had been a loyal sariman, he had done what was best for the Company. He had worked hard. He had promoted far beyond his meager background and upraising. He was no longer just the poor son of a Sinless Bastrad. He was the European Vice President of Operations. He made six figures in a bad year, he ahd a three million Deutsche Mark home in the Hills South of the City. He had a trophy wife, his third, and all the worldly posessions a man in his position could expect and more.So why did he do it?Before he could honestly think about the answer his contact sat down next to him.

"Good afternoon William."

"Good afternoon to you as well."

"Do you have the package?"

"Of course."

He slid the samll black brief case he was carrying to the man on his left. He was careful not to look directly at him or mention any names other than his own. His own coutnerespinoage people had taught him that once. The other man slid the case under his closest arm and spoke softly.

"Thank you herr Williams.", As he stood he turned toward the smaller man. His reflexes were enhanced far beyond that of a normal human beings.He drew a small Walther PB-120 with a built in silencer. He fired a single shot into the middle of the other mans forhead. Few if any of those nearby saw him do anything other than than turn slightly towards the smaller man. He walked slowly away allowing yons body to slump over on the bench. As he walked away he whistled an Old Duran Duran tune...

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2002 6:03 am
by Serious Paul
Bremerhaven, North German Federation

The body had been here on this damn bench for at least twelve hours. Jesus. At least the patrolman arriving on the scene had the common sense to mark the scene off and keep the rubberneckers back. He looked down at his notebook and Detective Augustyniak couldn't help but sigh.

The victim was a fifty one year old male, his ID was corporate and when he scanned it declared he was William J. Lyons, of Transys Neuronet. From the looks of him a midlevel sariman. He had been shot at close range with a small caliber weapon.

"Probably a .32 or a .25."He spoke the words mainly to clear his mind and get back on track.

The man had been shot in broad daylight in the middle of a busy intersection. And no one had sen a thing. He had sat their bleeding for twelve hours. Finally one of the citys many homeless denziens had sought to beg, borrow or more likely steal something from the man and had ben shocked to find that he had been shot. Some time later he had been called to the scene.

He slowly took notes, writing them by hand on a small spiral bound notebook. He denoted the direction of lights, and reference points. He denoted the bodies position and condition. He denoted the time, date and the names of the officers he saw in the area.

For a moment he was so caught up in his notes that he hadn't noticed the men unloading from a large black and green step van. He looked up and muttered under his breath.

"Fuck me."

They were Corporate, Saeder Krupp of course. He watched as the men in green and black coveralls slowly begin to erect screens and video equipment. One of them was wearing a suit, tailor made, exspensive not like his own. And he was wearing sunglasses.

"Who the fuck wears sunglasses at night?"

He turned back to the corpse and slowly reached out and pocketed the mans ID.

"Detective Augustyniak?"The suit smiled wide, his chrome glasses reflected Augustyniaks face, distorting it slightly. The suit was tall and like a lot of the Saeder Krupp agents he'd encountered in the past, he appeared young and fit.He'd once found out and had since tried to forget, that these guys made four times a smuch as he did.He spotted the suits hand cannon with ease, and wondered again why all these corporate types carried such large caliber handguns?

"Making up for something Inspector?"

"Exscuse me Detective?"


"I am afraid I am taking over this crime scene Detective."The suits smile said he was anything but sorry.

"But he's not even an SK employee? What gives?"The other man smiled and waved his hands, his movements were deliberate and practiced-he was wired. A lot of these Suits these days were. This one was chromed up pretty good.

"Detective I am sorry, I hope you realize I can't reveal that information."Of course he thought, Corporate Secrets demand tight security, local yokel cop wouldn't understand that.

He stood up and began to walk away, he gripped the mans ID tightly as he walked slowly and deliberately away. As he walked off he swore he could hear the Corp Cop humming an old Duran Duran song....

Cidade de Nacala,Mozambique

The two men ahd been in the prone postion on the roof for over eight hours now. They both were of similar build and wearing desert camoflauge utilities, dumping the body armor had been a forgone conclusion in this damn heat.Both carried a heavy pistol, and each also had a SMG, silenced with a rangefinder attachment. Their small rucksacks contained all sorts of electronics surveillance equipment-including a laser target designator, and a small collapsable satellitte dish. Both wore plain brown boonie covers to shade their eyes and necks. They had dropped their extra ammuntion for water-both had started the day with four two quart canteens and a 135 ounce camelback. One of them had a large snipers rifle on a bipod laying next to him, and the other had a portable master unit for their communciations system.

Cidade de Nacala was a port city, and being located just south of the Equator made it a hot wet heat, humidity was a killer. They were on an old warehouse, it had once been used by the church but once the Shangaan Tribe had won the civil war in the early part of the century, Europeans and their church had been forced to flee the country. For five short years the killing had reached a bloody pace, as Shangaan, Chokwe, Sena and Makua tribes ahd fought for control of the country. In the end they had all lost, and the events surronding the awakening and the bloody birth of the sixth world had ground the civil war to a stand still. Corporations of all sorts had moved back in, slowly.Intrested in Titanium, natural gas,graphite, and awakened pharaphenilia of all sorts, Saeder Krupp was one of those corporations.

As the country slowly tried to pull itself out of the economic rut the civil war had left it in, new War Lords had emerged. Some were independent, but most of them had some sort of Corporate backing. Only Saeder Krupp had not sought to put one of these petty War Lords in its pockets. This had made the Corporations assets a target for the War Lords. They had increasingly sought to strike out at the European Industrial giant.


"Nope got that."The two men ahd been playing a word game all day. The had sought synonyms for a word each day. Over time the game had gotten quite vulgar.. Todays word had been Cunt. So far they had eliminated the words Box, Cunt, Vagina, Honey Pot, Twat, Crack, Slit, Velvet Palace,Uterus- a technicality awarded after an hours worth of arguement, Pussy, crotch, love canal, Quim and Nidus Canal.


"Try again?"

"Yeah in just a second. We have movement down there." They both picked up their binoculars and stared down at the warehouse on the docks. A Shangaan War Lord named Joaquim B'nai Anusium had control of this district. He had been particularly virulent in his hatred of the Dragons Operations in "his" country. Intelliegence had placed Aztechnology as a possible backer, maybe even a small religous organization by the name of the Lylseburg foundation that apparently sold weapons and salvation.
They watched as an old five ton truck pulled into the warehouse.. Several men ran out and surronded the truck, none were very old, nor did the move with real confidence as they pointed their Kalishnikov rifles outward.

"God damned pot bellied fly catchers what are you doing now?"
They watched as the warehouse doors opened and a fork lift was rolled out. A ramp was lifted out onto the truck.

"I think this might be important."

"I concur."He lifted the headset into position and spoke quietly as he keyed the mike,"Piper this Sand Rat over."He waited for the response he knew as coming.

"Sand rat this is Piper go."

"Piper be advised that Zulu target is a go, over."

"Solid Copy Sand Rat, stand by for further instructions."

The two men slowly began to pack their gear up. In the ware house men frantically unloaded the truck, moving crtaes out of the way do the Fork Lift could get at what ever was on the back end.

"Sand Rat this is Piper, instructions as follows."

"Lima India Uniform, how copy over?"

"I copy Lima India Uniform over."He pulled the laser targte designator out of his bag.As he moved into position his partner leveled off the snipers rifle.

"Piper this is Sand Rat, be advised we are in postion over."

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2002 4:13 pm
by Serious Paul
Cidade de Nacala,Mozambique

The Saeder Krupp "Sturmfaust" was powered by four Saeder Krupp S-293 Engines, 17,300 pounds of thrust for each engine (7,847 kilograms), giving it an intercontinental range unrefueled. It was 69 feet in length (20.9 Meters),17 feet High with a wingspan of 170 feet. It had a operating ceiling of 50,000 feet (15,152 Meters). Fully loaded the craft weighed 336,500 pounds. (152,365 Kilograms) It hada payload of 40,000 pounds. (18,000 Kilograms) Its sleek form had been painted with Radar absorbant materials, giving a slightly patchy grey and mottled black look, that might seem haphazard to the untrained eye. Its exhaust was baffled and dampened to prevent detection, not that any one in Mozambique or neighboring Nations had any sort of technology that could even hope to track the fighter bomber.

The pilots, one a Colonel, the other a Major, eased the air craft into an attack pattern, slowing thier speed and dropping their elevation slightly. They were both at ease as Colonel Borhmann flipped the weapons free switch. Neither spoke as they brought up the targteing information. The ground team had a laser target designator trained on their target.

A large warehouse, sensors showed that at least one hundred humanoid lifeforms and at least one dog in the warehouse itself. Not that it mattered, as the 2500 pound bomb would most likely destroy the warehouse and then the blast from the ordinance stored in the warehouse would destroy everything within several blocks.

"Piper this is Condor, we are weapons free, please advise?"

"Condor this is Piper Six actual, you are Golf October"

"Roger that Piper, Condor out."

The Pilots didn't flinch as they loosed the weapon. They watched impassively as the smart bombs camera display on their forward screens showed them the city looming in larger and larger.

Finally they could see the men loading and unloading trucks, brief seconds later they could even see the horror on the faces of those men as they realized they were going to die.

International News Network, Wire Service

Earlier today in Cidade de Nacala,Mozambique an ammunition warehouse exploded in a fireball, that left 145 dead and another 200 critically injured.

Sources indicate that the warehouse was owned by War Lord Joaquim B'nai Anusium, who was believed to have been in the warehouse when a faulty high explosive artilery shell misfired, detonating the hundreds of other high explosive and fragmenting artillery rounds.

Joaquim B'nai Anusium was 45 years old, and left behind a wife and six children....

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2002 2:36 am
by Serious Paul
Essen, Germany

"He will see you now Herr General Eberhard"

No matter how many times Jaon Eberhard had been in Lofwyrs "office", he still couldn't bring himself to cal it anything but "Lair". The cavernous room was larger than some homes, and more than a few hotels. There were actually several tiered levels in the room itself, each level was crammed full of high tech communications and computer equipment. The equipment was manned by men and women of Saeder Krupp Prime, who all wore colored overalls that desiganted their function and ranks.

Esen was a lowland city that was bordered in the South by Mountains. Saeder Krupps Headquarters, and Lofwyrs "Lair" were located just outside the city in these mountains. The lair was on the side of the mountainous complex.. It was afforded an excellent view of both the compound, and the city of Essen, by a massive ballistic composite "window" that was at least three football fields in width, and polarized on the outside.

Lofwyr himself sat on a platform surveying all that was occuring in the lair. Unlike traditional tales of Drgaons, Lofwyrs lair did not contain heaps of gold coins and gems, but was instead crammed with ultramodren equipment and staffers of all sorts. (Eberhard had learned once a long time ago that Lofwyr did indeed have piles of gold coins and heaps of gems laying about in a traditional lair of old, but he had no idea where that lair was located.

He did know that, unlike others of His kind, Lofwyr had been active during the downcycle, dabbling in human politics and power struggles, quietly building his empire behind the scenes. With the awakening Lofwyr made his presence known by purchasing Saeder Krupp nearly outright.

Eberhard never got over the sight of the Dragon. His scales were polished and buffed to high gloss shine. His heavily muscled form was sleek, despite the fact that he was as large as jet liner. His claws were as large as a full grown man, and sharp enough to rend steel-Eberhard had seen that for himself once, the very memory of that nigth made him shudder. But for all the Dragons physical fearsomeness, it wasn't his physicall attributes that first struck you-it was the foreboding sense of fear, an overwhelming sense of doom that hit you right in the gut. To the General it felt an awful lot like getting kicked in the balls.

When he had been a younger man, he had worn his lunch on his boots at least three times before he head learned to stomach that fear, to deal with it. Even though he never quite got over the sense of fear and foreboding, no matter what he did, no matter how old he got, no matter how many men had killed.

He wouldn't describe his relationship with Lofwyr as close, but he had been a loyal employee, who had been in Lofwyrs confidence for some time now, and he knew he was a trusted employee who knew more about the corporations operations than anyone except Lofwyr and maybe a handful of others.

He waited patiently for Lofwyr to address him, reflecting on what he knew so far. When the Dragon finally spoke, his voice rumbled like quite thunder through his mind.

'General Eberhard, as always I am pleased to see you healthy.'

"Thank you sir."

'I trust your trip was pleasant?'

"Indeed sir, although I am thinking we need to increase some of our security spending for the freeways."

Lofwyr rotated his head to face the General

"Although our motorcade was not attacked by hooligans, I couldn't help but notice that other motorists have not been so lucky."

'Truly. I will assign someone to take care of this General, it is good that you have the publics best intrests in mind.'

"Yes sir. Thank you sir."

The Dragon paused for a moment and in the distance Eberhard could hear people speaking in that absent tone that denoted the Dragon himself was speaking through them. He shuddered, hoping to never know what it was like to have something control his mind.

'We need to deal with this situation General.'

"Yes sir. I have assembled dossiers on two teams, both are young and relatively untested, but they are good. Perhaps the best we have ever produced, sir."

'Do you understand everything General?'

"Yes sir I do. Prepartions are underway per your orders. I expect e can be ready to move with in the month, maybe sooner."

'Keep me advised of your progress, General.'

"Yes sir."

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2002 4:07 am
by Serious Paul
Essen, Westphalia

Jason Eberhard slowly sifted through his files. He had selected his two teams, that had been the easy part. Now he was selecting his Command Staff.

Colonel Dennis Childers was a decorated ex Dragon, who had seen combat and proven his command judgement for the last three decades. He was also an elf, which meant he might continue to command for the next six centuries. The idea boggled the Generals mind. Childers file included several digital pictures which showed that Colonel Childers was a tall dark black skinned elf with extremely tight cropped hair that was also black.

Childers was an obvious choice to run this operation, his tendency to blood and guts his way thru things would be balanced by his long time XO, Liuetenant Colonel Hodges.

Hodges was as cold and calculating as they came. He had the singularly bad fortune of having a reputation for seeing his men as equipment instead of human beings. However despite al lof that, Hodges had landed fewer men in caskets than any other commander in the last forty years. He was smart.He pushed his men to their limits, even if they didn't know where that limit was. Childers led with his heart and a big pair of brass ones, Hodges lead with his drill foot.After all it was a thinking mans game.

Hodges was digipics showed a sharp contrast between him and Childers. He walked with a limp, courtesy of an ill placed land mine that had nearly ended the mans career, his complexion was pale and his hair was just barely in regs for an officer, even one with his rank.

They'd make a good team. Considering who their target was they'd need to be.

Eberhard sighed and turned his screen down, dimming it, then he spoke quietly dimming the lights. He sat back in his chair and relaxed for a moment.He'd have planty of sleepless nigths ahead of him.

Somewhere in the South Pacific aboard the SKS Bolt Grinder

Captain Alex Scheibe stood quietly observing his men. They were good men. It was the third time this month he had run this firing drill, and each time they had shaved off another five seconds, this time it looked like they might shave another ten off. He was lucky to have command of this ship. He smiled as he thought about the name of his ship.

Named after a twentyth century philospher who had worked for NASA, and had died in the Echo Mirage project. Bolt Grinder was named in honor of that mans favorite weapon, and the wepaon that had stopped the virus from killing several other team members. It was a name that carried a sense of honor to the Captain.

Bolt Grinder was a forward observation frigate, a firebird loaded up with sensors and enough ECM/ECCM to buy several small nations. His ship could relay information across the globe in real time, providing valueable data for his Corporation.

"Captain, we have flash traffic."

"Hmm..yes, thank you Petty Officer Schmidt." He reached for the microphone that would allow him to secure the drill, and spoke in a loud clear voice," This is the Captain speaking. All decks secure from launch drill, General Quarters is secure."

"Ensign, take us to one seven niner, three quarters ahead."

"Aye aye Captain."

He wondered what was happening, Flash traffic was a rare occurence, as no one was at war, and he was sure that the fleets alert level was still at green. Whatever it was, he hoped it was exciting...

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2002 6:10 am
by Serious Paul
South China Sea, Just South of Indonesia
The MF Akihito-Class Supercarrier was perhaps the most fearsome Naval Weapon ever built. It was powered by three Nuclear Reactors and the Hirohito was no different.

The Flagg Ship of the Imperial Japanese Navy carried almost one hundred attack craft,all of them ultramodren, and their pilots battle hardened. It also had a drone compliment that doubled its effective firepower. With almost 6000 sailors the Hirihito was an awesome wepaon, when combined with its picket ships it was one that had few matches.

35 vessels traveled with the Hirohito, some were missile frigates, others were supply ships, still others carried an amphibous Japanese Marine Battalion that could be deployed at a moments notice any where in the PacRim.

Admiral Junghyeon Kwon was the only Korean Admiral in the entire Japanese Navy. His family had emigrated to Japan after World War Two, his father had been a career Naval Officer, and his father before him had fought in the jungles of Vietnam alongside the Americans, and his father before him had fought the Americans on the Beaches of Tarawa and Guadal Canal. Junghyeon had already been decorated for personal heroism by the Emperor himself at the young age of 35. His ascension to the coveted Admiralty had eben guarenteed. At the age of 45, one of the youngest Admirals in the fleet had been given command of the Flagg ship of the Empire of the Rising Suns Navy.

Under his command, the Hirohito had already recieved three Meritorious Citations and would likely receive at least two more. As he walked the decks of his ship he could only feel pride. His men were ready. They were enthusiastic, and vibrant. Their uniforms were worn with pride.To Junghyeon Kwon there was nothing in life that compared to Commanding this ship.

As he reached the hatch to the Bridge he watched the Marines guarding the Bridge snap to attention and render a razor sharp salute, with a loud greeting.

"Good Afternoon Admiral, Sir!"

"Good Afternoon Sargent Saito.Corporal Kinshiro."He returned their salute with one of his own, and the Corporal immediately undogged the Hatch allowing him access to his Bridge.

As soon as he cleared the hatch Admiral Kwon knew something was happening. His command crew was bustling with activity. He picked up some snippets of the conversation and realized they were tracking something. Before he could make his third step into the room, the Watch Officer announced his presence.

"ATTENTION ON DECK!" Everyone froze at the postion of attention."Admiral on Deck!"

"At ease gentlemen" His crew immediately returned to their duties. His XO, Captain Liu Bo Wu immediately approached him.

"Good afternoon sir!"

"Afternoon XO, whats the sitrep?"

"We picked up a fast moving unidentifeied target about a nine hundred miles South of us. Forward RDS has no siganls on this bird and she's clearing about Mach Two right and picking up speed. Just after she showed up on our screens two more birds on a direct intercept course showed up. Looks like a chase to me. The two chase birds are using a private channel boad band signal. Probably Corporate."

Admiral Kwon nodded as he satred at the screens. From what he could see his XO's assesment made sense.He waited for his XO to continue.

"I decided the men could use the practice tracking staelth targets liek this. She's a real low sig bird, she wouldn't have shown up on our screens normally, my guess is she has suffered some damage. The other two birds are using some RAM and IR dampers but they just appear to be fast attack craft. I put up our eyes and ears", By which he meant he had authorized spotter drones and retrans units to be put out, and had keyed up the fleets own radars and sensors. The most powerful Navy in the world was watching a high speed car chase at thirty thousand feet.....

Three Hundred Miles South, at thirty thousand feet.

The alarms were screaming in his head and pounding in his ears. He had taken a single SAM in the midsection of his bird on take off. he had lost 20% of hsi power plant and all of his wepaon ssystems some how. How he had managed to survive the hit was something he didn't have time to think about. He had two boogies gaining on him and he was loosing power.He checked his coordinates again and from memory crosschecked them against his emergency rendevous cordinates and instructions.

'The Bolt Grinder had better damn well be there', he thought, 'or I am so fragged..'

He dumped hsi external fuel tanks and decided since his weapons were useless, that he could jetison the external missile racks.

'That should lighten the load.' He needed to make another 300 miles West Soth West. The missile lock siren blared, jerking him back into the moment. He realized, not for the first time, that he was bleeding badly. He had been shot seven times and stabbed twice. He needed medical attention, but first he needed to loose these fraggers. He dumped what he had left into his thrusters and dropped altitude like a rock, heading for the Ocean, hoping the waves and ground clutter might help him, even if he lost some speed.

The Bridge aboard the JIS Hirohito

"Target has just made an extreme vector change. Target is descending. Thirty thousand feet...Twenty Five Thousand feet...Twenty Thousand feet."

"Jesus Admiral, at this speed he is going to hit the Ocean hard."

Admiral Kwon had to grimace. Who was this guy? He was dropping altitude like it was his business, he was laready down to ten thousand feet and dropping faster."What about the two trail craft?"

"They are dropping altitude as well sir, but no where near as fast."

Aboard the Bridge of the SKS Bolt Grinder

"Captain, we have him on screen. He is 275 miles East North East, sir!"

Captain Alex Scheibe watched the screen intently. The Bolt Grinder had not been designed for this sort of mission, but he was determined to be succesful.

The Flash Traffic had informed him that a Saeder Krupp Dragon, one of SKs elite Special Operatives was inbound with vital intelligence. The plan had been hastily scraped together, and involved the Dragon, whose name he ddin't even know, HALO jumping from a Stealth Fighter moving at more than six hundred miles an hour. It was suicide. But they had to make it work.

They had hastily lowered the Corporate Flag, and had used Tarps to cover up most of their weapon systems. They still looked like a poorly disguised War Ship but they had done their best.

Scheibe watched as the two trail craft drew closer. They were certain to to intercept the other plane, if that happened, his mission was a failure. He wouldn't let that happen.

"Wepaons this is this Bridge. Can we modify one of our SKCMs to work as a SAM in a pinch?"


"I want you to shoot at them. I don't car eif we hit them as long as we get close, I want them to try and evade. We need to give him time."

Aboard the Bridge of the JIS Hirohito

"Admiral we have a launch, we have a launch."

"What is it?"

"Looks like a cruise missile sir, but its vectored wrong."

"What do you mean?"

"It looks like they are trying to use it as a SAM sir."

Admiral Kwon was Impressed."Whats the source of the Launch?"

"Unknown sir, we are trying to get a vector on that right now."

"Get me a lock on whatever launched that missile."If there was something out there he wanted to know."Captain get me some birds in the air. I want options if we need them."

Four Hundred miles South West

He had managed to eek out another 250 miles, but he was sure this bird was almost cooked. He stuffed the data chips into his ballistic case and jammed it between his life vest and his chest. It would hurt like hell when he hit the water, maybe even kill him, but that was part of the job. He brought the craft up to 15,000 feet., his radar advised him that a cruise missile had just passed him. Would wonders never cease?

He reveiwed his survival kit quickly-and then realized it hardly mattered. He was bleeding and had lost lots of blood. He was also jumping out of a fricking plane at six hundred klicks an hour at fifteen thousand feet-having a full canteen of water was about as useless and futile as it got.

He took three deep breaths and then pulled the eject lever. The next he felt was the cockpit windsheild slamming into his helmet. He felt his body being whipped end over end as he fell from the plane. The wind hit him hard enough to drive the air out of his lungs. The last thing he saw as he lost conscious was his plane blossoming into a large fire ball.

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2002 12:48 am
by Serious Paul
Essen, Westphalia

Dennis Childers had seen things that would make normal men scream and pass out. He had been tortured by Aztech Blood Mages, he had had his arms and legs shot off, blow off and even one time chewed off by a large shark. One time he had been thrown from a plane with out a parachute at thirty thousand feet, and had lived. For all of that he was still thankful every day for Terry Hodges.Childers could make his men follow him into the ehart of a volcanoe, but Hodges would get them there and back alive.

"So what do you think Terry?"


"Don't fuck around with me XO, what do you think?"

"Sir, I think we are fucked. No matter how we finess the numbers, my bet is high causalities."

Childers nodded Hodges was right. He had reviewed the file a hundred times, and no matter what he did, no matter how he finagled the numbers, he was going to lose some good people in this."Damn it Terry, there has to be a way."

Terry Hodges set his pocket secratray down, and drank from his coffee mug."I can run the numbers again Sir."

"Do that Terry. We need to have our shit locked on tight when we meet with the boss man."

Bremerhaven, North German Federation

Detective Augustyniak had once been offered a job with the Corporation. In Germany there was only one of course. Saeder Krupp had approached him after his third year as a Detective. They ahd offered him a 75KDM a year job, with all the fringes and perks that went with being an Inspector for SK. He had turned it down with out even thinking twice. He was a German born Pole, a patriot and Eco-conscious. Working for the worlds largest MegaCorporation, the worlds largest Polluter wasn't in his make up. He was fiercely independent, which had helped and hindered his career with the Stasi. He had been promotedt o Detective Lieutenant three times in Ten Years. By all rights he should have been the Chief Lieutenant for hsi Precinct House.The fact that he was anticorporate and politically unconnected had slowed his career as well.

He sat at his desk thinking about all of this and about the ID in his desk drawer. If his Chief Lieutenant found out he had withheld evidence in a murder case his already stunted career would come to a screeching halt. Withholding evidence from a crimescene was a federal crime, and one that carried a decently long sentence, but more importantly one that would end his career. Why had he done this?

Detective Augustyniak sighed and decided to he would sleep on it. He could always tell the Inspector it had been a late nigth and he had forgotten he had put it in his pocket. He could also just come right and admit he was an asshole.

He grinned. He'd see a man he knew. A man who specialized in just this sort of thing.

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2002 3:27 am
by Serious Paul
Aboard the Well Deck of the SKS Bolt Grinder

The Well Deck was normally used to allow hovercraft access to his Ship for OnReps, and the occasional Water Op. Its large walls were normally covered with cargo netting, its floors covered in supplies and the occasional Sailor participating in some form of PT. Today was different.They had fished the pilot, who was doing surprisingly well despite the wounds he had received, from the ocean. He had of course lost a lot of blood, and his ribs had been cracked in a dozen spots, but his titanium bone lacing had prevented most of his injuries from being too serious.Captain Alex Scheibe watched as his ships Surgeon checked the mans vitals.

Out of the corner of his eyes he saw his men securing the well deck from dive operations. His divers had done well, and his crew had proven to be every bit as good as he had hoped.A single Saturn Class Fast attack Boat was assigned to The Bolt Grinder, and it sat in the well deck. His divers were stowing their gear, and strapping the boat down.He crossed the deck to his Cheif surgeon.

"Doc, status?"

"He's beat up a bit Sir, but otherwise he'll live. we need to get some blood in him ASAP."

"Copy Doc take him to sick bay."

He keyed the Mic to his Radio,"XO Sit-Rep?"

"Sir the Japanese ship has kept its distance, and the figthers broke off their attack after the Japs put some Interceptors in the air"

"Copy that bring us up to full speed XO get us to the nearest friendly port."

Captain Alex Scheibe hoped his luck would hold out.

Essen, Westphalia

Terry Hodges reveiwed the files for his team. He had each file pulled on a seperate screen.As he scrolled thru the files he studied each man and woman.They were good, perhaps the best ever to wear this unifrom. he studied their files, noting their strengtsh and weaknesses.

"Sargent notify Colonel Childers everything is in Order."

He reveiwed the Order. It was ready to be published.

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2002 3:30 am
by Serious Paul
The Order



The Cook Islands are situated between 9 degrees and 22 degrees south longitude comprises 15 widely-dispersed islands in the South Pacific Ocean between French Polynesia and Fiji (see Maps 1 and 2). The total land area of the country is 240 square kilometres, while the Cook Islands' exclusive economic zone covers a maritime area of nearly 2 million square kilometres.

The country is broadly divided into Southern and Northern Groups. The Southern Group, comprising Rarotonga (the main island), Aitutaki, Atiu, Mangaia, Manuae, Mauke, Mitiaro, Palmerston and Takutea, are all (except the small atolls of Manuae and Palmerston, and Takutea, a sandy key) of high volcanic formation (up to 652 metres on Rarotonga) with fertile soils and lush tropical vegetation. The Southern Group possesses about 90% of the total land area of the Cook Islands, Rarotonga being the largest island (6,719 hectares) and Takutea, the smallest (122 hectares).

The Northern Group comprises Manihiki, Nassau, Squama, Pukapuka, Rakahanga and Suwarrow, all except Nassau (a sandy key) being low-lying coral atolls with sparse vegetation (coconut and pandanus trees etc) and large lagoons. Penrhyn is the largest island (984 hectares) and Suwarrow, the smallest (40 hectares).

The closest Outer Island to Rarotonga is Mangaia (204 kilometres distant) while the farthest is Penrhyn (1,365 kilometres away). The two most widely-separate islands of the country are Pukapuka, in the Northern Group, and Mangaia in the Southern Group (1,470 kilometres apart).

Rarotonga is approximately 3,010 kilometres northeast of Auckland, 1,140 kilometres southwest of Tahiti, 2,300 kilometres east of Fiji and 4,730 kilometres south of Hawaii.

Your Target is the Island of Squama. It is apporoximately 984 Hectacres in area.


The Cook Islands is situated between 9 degrees and 22 degrees south longitude and possesses a tropical oceanic climate with two seasons. The drier months, from April to November, have an average maximum temperature of about 26 degrees centigrade and an average minimum temperature of about 20 degrees centigrade. The wetter, more humid months, from December to March, have an average maximum temperature of 28 degrees centigrade and an average minimum of 22 degrees centigrade. During the latter season, the Cook Islands is subject to occasionally severe tropical storms and even hurricanes. The Island is also occasionally surronded by Mana Storms, of hellish ferocity that are as yet unpredictable.


Saeder Krupp intelligence sources have developed solid information that places an Artifact known as the Anandaprana on the Island of Squama. Intelligence has also identified this man, Rheynard Lylesburg, as the controlling force on the Island. Electronic Intelligence assetts have identified at least Regiment sized emplaced opposition forces on the Island. Island forces have hardened bunker style buildings, and an exstensive defenseive net in place including satellitte jamming and blinding facilities, an exstensive Radar emplacement, an exstensive SAM network and mines in the surronding waters.

Random Air Patrols operate in radial patterns at a distance of about sixty kilometers and less. Patrols are staggered and usually consist of two patrol vechiles. Immediate Air Support is believed to be available in five or less minutes.

Naval patrols also operate in random radial patterns around the island in a 45 kilometer radius. Naval forces mainly consist of patrol style boats that rely on speed and low signature to operate. It is believed that the Island Naval forces have access to two CSS Stuart-Class Corvettes, 5 Wuxing Zhen Wu-Class Frigates, with nonstandardized armaments, and 35 GMC Avengers. It also likely they use hover craft and vectored thrust vechiles.

The island itself is exstensively monitored by ground patrols, closed circuit simsense and cameras, exstensive sensor systems are believed to be emplaced. Patrols generally consist of four man teams who patrol on foot or in a single GMC HMPUV. Armaments and armour vary.

Magical Secuirty is layered and tightly monitored. Speculative Intelligence estimates that the island uses a wide combination of bound elementals, spirits and paranormal animals. It is also believed that at least one or more free spirits may operate in conjunction with the islands facilitator, Reynard Lylesberg.


Gold Team

Retrieve the Anandaprana, and eliminate Reynard Lylesberg. If you are unable to retrieve the tome switch to secondary objectives.

Secondary Objectives:: Caues as much collatoral damage as possible, close with and destroy enemy forces by fire and manuever.

Blue Team

Penetrate the islands secuirty perimeter, deactivaye the island security perimeter, and destroy the island security perimeters capabilty to operate to provide cover fro the insertion of Gold Team.

Loacte Achmed Parker and elimintae him.

If you are unable to accomplish your primary ibjectives switch to secondary objectives.

Secondary objective incapacitate the Two Corvette Class ships by destroying them, and destroy the Air Field.

Tertiary objectives for both teams is completion of the other teams objective.


Your team will be inserted via HALO drop by a Tactical Fighter Wing just outside effective surface radar range. You will rendevous with the SKS Erradicator for transport to just inside radar range. From there you will infiltrate the Island andcarry out your objectives by fire and manuever;close combat.

Extraction and Escape Routes

Upon succesful completion of your objectives you will send a satellitte encrypted message to the SKS Devastator and primary extraction will be a SK TF-6 Attack helicopter. Both teams will rendevous with the choopers at the airfield.

Secondary extract is by sea. Teams extracting in this method will use Zodiacs to rendevous with the SKS Devastator.

Escape routes will designated by individual team leaders in their own briefings.

Command and Signals

Chain of Command is per Standard Operating Procedure with in each team. Team Blue has operational command until its primary objective is achieved, at which point Team Gold will have operational authority.

The Captain of the SKS Erradicator has theater and operational command.

Order of sucession is per SOP.


Smoke and pyro will be designated by the individual team leaders, except for Red Smoke and red Pyro which will designate immediate Fire Suppression Mission.

Radio Signals will also be designated by individual Team Leaders. Team Leaders designate call signs for both teams, indivdual team members and on call targets.

Standard hand and arm siganls will be used by all team members.

All teams should be aware of communicational security.

Administration and Logistics

Administrative control of this operation is in the First Special Operations Group Command under General Johann Schmidt. Operational command is Captain Friedrich Reifsnyder.

Higher Units

The SKS Devastator, the SKS Erradicator, Charlie Comapny 47th Tactical Wing and 1st SOG

Adjacent Units

The SKS Hammer, the 45th Light Scout Brigade, and Delta Comapny 47th Tactical Wing


Herr general Tschantz in Supply will as usual take care of any needs prior to the start of operations. Team Leaders will issue Frag Orders detailing all nessacry weapons and equipment.

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2002 4:01 am
by Jinx
Jinx zips up her bag in the locker room, and exits. Looking around, and then at her Dragon's timepiece, and sets off running. She sets a pace that many of the newer recruits can't match, though one or two do stay with her. As she's on her 5th mile, and bout to push, she hears a beeping from her watch, stopping she looks down. Jinx finds the nearest phone, "Authenticate, Jinx, Zulu-Zulu, will report, three-zero minutes."

Ten minutes after showering, she is on her transport, and walking into HQ 20 minutes later, "Private First Class Nikita Golokvo, reporting as summoned." in her Russian/German accent.

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2002 1:18 pm
by 3278
They were all here, all of his people, in the attic space above the training room. This was preferred space, where no cameras panned, no faculty or trainers watched, where no other students - lifer or Äußer - could come. People had fought for this space in years past, before this had become the Saeder-Krupp War College, and students had needed to vie for position to earn one of the few isolated spaces in the School. Aleixen Diethelm and his people hadn't needed to vie for position; his Class was at apogee, now.

They had always thought it was chance and secrecy that made this a private place, that the instructors didn't know of it. Diethelm no longer could manage that belief; he knew the Proctors must know of it, but that they must also know that a little rebellion is necessary for the human spirit, and that it was better to channel that rebellion into hiding in a private room for a bit between classes than on senseless acts of violence or self-destruction.

The Lebenslänglicher of Gold Team, the longest-trained members of the finest Special Operations unit of the largest, most successful megacorporation in the world, sat, cross-legged in a circle in the attic of their School. Diethelm was speaking quietly to himself, his head bowed, and his team's heads bowed with him. While they did not share his faith, they respected it, and him.

"Pater noster, qui es in caelis," he was saying, "sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris."

They all looked up from where they'd been staring at the floor in respect. His rosary he left in his hands, tangled there like a cat's cradle. His mother would not be proud.


Alexein had an ashtray, and was holding a lit cigarette in his hand, his one vice, learned at his father's knee; once every few weeks he allowed himself a cigarette. Often enough to be casual about it, rare enough to still be a pleasure.

They sat in a rough triangle, Arista to Helm's left and Claus to his right. Aleixen remembered the days when his Lebenslänglicher were enough to completely fill the small room. Now, they were three.

Here was no rank. The Lebenslänglicher were free to speak to him as they would to a friend, without concern of pride, Proctor, or discipline. It was Arista, as usual, who was taking the most advantage of that situation right now.

"Aleixen, you know I'm not speaking from my own voice. This is less an issue of how I feel than of how the others will. How they do feel." She looked uncomfortable, speaking against another member of the team, no matter her provenance.

"But she is good, ja? No one has objections to her skills? Only that she is unlucky? Well, I say, she is Lebenslänglicher, even if not ours, and not Äußer. I say she is one of us, and I say we accept her, luck or no luck. Look at us!" It was a command, and had the force of one. "Look at what we have become. What need have we for luck? We are Dragons, and I say we need no luck."

He looked around at the Lebenslänglicher, his Lebenslänglicher, and they all nodded agreement.

"We will have to deal with this, Aleixen." Arista's voice was soft, her accent more pronounced than usual. Helm always noticed that now. He noticed aspects of her he would prefer not to, now. There was little he could do; the instructors hadn't spent much time preparing him for matters of the heart. Those he was supposed to have learned on his own. Fair little luck he had had with that so far.

"I agree, 'Rista. I agree. Can you help? All of you. We will need to help the Äußer understand that our destinies are ours alone, here. And we will need to help each other, as well. Do we stand in agreement?"

They all nodded again. Aleixen opened his mouth again to speak, but Claus' voice leveled its way into the room like a weapon of choice. "It is time, now."

Aleixen nodded and began to gather his things. The crumpled remains of his cigarette went into a pocket, to be later disposed of properly. Kimmit began to stand until Arista's light hand on his arm stopped him. "I forgot," the man said, settling back into his seat without a sound.

Aleixen's voice rose again, the voice of command, of force. "Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. Amen." He genuflected, kissed his rosary, and placed it in his pocket, above his heart. It was something he had always done; now the whole meeting would have the force of prayer.

"We go," he said softly, and they gathered themselves and began the extraction from their tiny space in the attic of the War College of Saeder Krupp, to meet with the commanders who controlled their lives; this was their want, their need, their whole of existance. Behind them, they left no sign of their stay save the faint, lingering smell and the stirring of dust in the air. In minutes, it would be as if they had never existed.

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2002 12:00 am
by Wildfire
Arista followed Aleixen out of the tiny space, a small sigh of relief escaping. Over the years, it had gotten better, but some small part of her hated the enclosed spaces, longed for the sapphire blue Pacific that met the endless sky a million miles away from here, where the memories of an 8 year old insisted the world was too large to ever see all of, and a tiny coastal town was its center.

The rest of her knew better, she had seen the world from miles above it, been to cities so large that they blocked the horizon, saw how small and fragile Vercase really was. She stared at Alex's back as they exited the training area, moving to the briefing for their next assignment, remembering how he hated being called that. She had never called him that, but mentally it was stuck there, its what Tyler used to call him. The unexpected memory caused her to flinch involuntarily. She fled away from those thoughts, focused on the mission, Alex had said a prayer, she didn't know what it meant, but was grateful. It could never hurt to have many gods looking out for you. Especially with the decision to accept the new girl.

She did not want her there. Not now, not with so few of them to maintain the balance. They had lost so many of their brothers and sisters, though, Alex, Hooman and herself could not make a team. She was grateful that the ones that had been lost had all but one had died, though, she could not imagine being forced to walk away from her family if unable to continue her life. Nikita, she was Lebenslänglicher, but she was not a sister. Perhaps someday she would be a sister, but for now, she was too much like the Äußer. They never understood, they ignored her, and questioned Aleixen, disrupted the order of how things must be. Maybe she would learn, though. It was too early to say.

On the Firing Line

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2002 6:33 am
by Cazmonster
The snapping reports of small arms fire were all around Droz as he stepped up to his position. He grinned in the early afternoon sun and slid a fresh clip of ammunition into the very expensive rifle he staked his reputation on. As he wrapped his hand around the contact-studded grip, his vision flared with fine green telltales as fortune in electronics in his head burbled at the gun.

He cracked a wide smile of perfect teeth as he settled his rifle against his shoulder. Of course it wasn't really necessary to aim anymore, or even grip the rife, what with the trigger removed. His target was just at five hundred meters and as he zoomed in on it, he could see the hairline of white around the 1cm ring move from blurry to clear. He flexed his knees once, corrected for it and waited for the Rangemaster's signal.

A different signal floated across the bottom of his expanded field of vision. Pulsing amber, it was an alert to duty signal, one that could not be ignored. With a different mental impulse, he responded with a tight burst of radio traffic. He would attend with all due dispatch.

"Damn, and a perfect day for shooting," he breathed aloud. Arms Manual perfect, he released himself from firing position and waved a hand at the Rangemaster and ejected his clip. Moving quickly, and precisely, he stored his rifle and made his way toward a nearby building to further review the communique.

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2002 5:53 pm
by UncleJoseph
"…into QUAD tactical formation. We have to complete the mission." Valor heard his team leader barking orders over the radio, despite the intense hail of mortar fire falling on their position. He was watching the carnage unfold from his sniper position 500 meters away. Valor had been there for 4 days gathering intelligence prior to Team Red’s insertion. He relayed information on troop movement, munitions and vehicular traffic within the Aztechnology research compound. Just one hour ago, the team, Saeder Krupp Dragons: Team Red, had infiltrated the compound's outer walls.

Valor was Red Team's sniper and forward scout. His small number of cybernetic modifications helped keep his heat signature down, and made covert operations across coporate and international boundaries much easier. Despite still being made mostly of meat, he was one of the best snipers and small arms combatants anywhere in the world. Afterall, one does not get promoted to a Dragon team without having very good credentials.

"Valor, give us some cover fire." He could see that Squad A and B were pinned down in separate locations. The team leader was trying to pull the entire team back into formation since the operation was almost a success. All that remained was for Team Gold to extract them. He focused his scope near Squad B, which was deep into the compound perimeter. Two Aztechnology troops were laying down heavy machine gun fire toward his teammates. After quickly ranging the Aztechnology gunners, and compensating for elevation, distance and wind, he took them out. He used the same process over and over, moving from target to target. Valor only needed a few seconds from shot to shot. One after another the opposition fell to his sniper rounds.

Squad A was closing on the north edge of the compound and almost had the package out. Team Gold was waiting with two armed-to-the-teeth panzers about 200 meters outside the compound perimeter, and seemed to be in a big hurry. Valor cleared more personnel as Squad A approached the north compound wall. "Get that gate open, Corporal!" Corporal Togg, also known as Static, ran up to the armored gate and started his bypass of the gate controls. Valor continued his barrage of sniper fire.

Something appeared to happen within the Aztechnology ranks. It seemed as though the troopers were getting suicidal. Even though their loyalties to Aztechnology meant they were willing to sacrifice themselves to keep the Dragons from succeeding, they were now acting with reckless abandon, as though they would never see the light of day if the package fell into enemy hands. Soldiers were runnung with ignited grenades on suicide runs toward the Dragons. Others were simply laying down massive amounts of fire, causing weapons malfunctions and destroying all sorts of Aztechnology equipment around the Dragons.

"Bypass accomplished, Sir." Valor backed off the magnification on his scope and watched as Squad A started running toward the gate.

Then the whole world went white, and Rolf Sechs, the man known as Valor, fell into a pit of darkness.


Pain.excrutiating pain. Darkness.

He felt itching and tingling sensations, but could not move to scratch them. He could not speak or see. He tried cry for help, but no sound came. He smelled rotting flesh and some type of cleaning fluid. Bleach perhaps?

Something was going on nearby. Who's there? Where am I? He heard a male voice. Although he did not understand how, he felt another presence nearby.

"Don't you think this is a waste? Gold Team pulled his burning mutilated carcass out of that nest he was hiding in so they could give him a proper burial. He was the only Red Dragon left alive after that sub-tactical nuke went off. How the hell are we supposed to put him back together?" Who's voice is that? I know that voice.

You will do what I ask. He is important to the future of Saeder Krupp,
even if only for the eight to twenty-four months that he will remain alive after the

"Sire, even if the procedure is successful, he will quickly become a
mindless drone, without regard for himself or others."

You will carry out my wishes.

"Sire." Valor heard soemone walk out of the room and close a door.

Rolf. I have one final task for you. Then you may rest.


Valor felt himself drifting. The further he drifted, the warmer and more at peace he felt. It was his time. His time to rest. He heard voices all around him. Some of them were chanting, some were muttering under their breath. He could not make out what was being said, but thought he heard the word ‘ritual’ used a couple of times. He did not know what it meant. All he cared about was the wash of warmth around him, eveloping him like a blanket.

Then something changed. The warmth seemed to leave him. He felt as though he was being pulled backward, away from the source of peace and comfort. He tried to fight it at first, but realized he did not know how. He grew colder. The speed at which he was being pulled backward increased. He slammed into something. The force at which he hit was enough to make him open his eyes. Valor looked around briefly and saw what looked like doctors and technicians standing all around. The room looked like both a magical research lab and an operating room. Medical equipment and instruments were sitting on tables. Various hermetic trinkets littered the floor, walls and table. A large circle with arcane symbols surrounded the table he was laying on. When Valor looked at himself, he saw bits of machinery, hydraulics and electronic equipment. The doctors seemed to be attaching some of it to him.

He looked across the room and saw what looked like a mage, standing over metahuman of some type. Blood was dripping off the mage and splattered in various directions. The mage had one hand stuck into the body of the barely-living metahuman. The other was waving small gestures in the air above her. Valor had heard of blood magic and how mages sometimes used the lifeforce of other beings to access massive amounts of power. He wondered idly how he could be involved in such a taboo practice. Valor decided he did not really care at the moment, and passed out.


Valor sat in his apartment staring off into nothing. He sat thinking about the past six months. The doctors told him that the only way they could save his life was to rebuild his body cybernetically. His body had been torn to almost nothing when a sub-tactical nuclear device exploded, killing Team Red. Rolf had survived, but barely. It was said that the dragon had commanded the corporation to save him. He wondered how they could call this saving him. He felt like a different person. Indeed, he barely felt like a person at all. While his position in Saeder Krupp commanded respect from his subordinates, he could see that every person he came in contact with feared him. He saw the way people looked at him out of the corner of their eyes, the way they shyed away when he was near.

He had to admit though, his new body was very impressive, even scary. He was much larger than before, athough if he wore loose fitting clothing, he could pass as a less modified metahuman. He had the strength of a chromed-up troll and could do several things before most people had time to react. But he did not look human anymore. He looked like a machine. His arms and legs were obviously cybernetic, attached to a new torso. He moved with fluidity and control far exceeding that of even the most highly modified cyber-warriors. This was not the existence of a modified metahman, it was the existence of a machine. When he came out of surgery, they had to train him how to control his new body.

While he sat reflecting on his new existence and the past six months of training, his pager pulsed red. Rolf dressed in his civilan clothing, checked his systems and locked his apartment. He started walking toward the mission briefing area. Today he would officially be a member of Team Gold. Everyone on Team Gold had known Rolf. Indeed, it was Team Gold who had pulled him out of his sniper’s nest the day Team Red was killed. He wondered if they would accept him as one of their own.

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2002 6:21 am
by Serious Paul
Nine Degrees South, Twenty Two Degrees West

He had many names. At various times he had been known as one or all of them to his peers and enemies. Over the years one name had never seemed to be far from his mind. The Scorpion. He had once been a member of the worlds most elite team of black operations commandoes that had ever exsisted.They had done things that would have been the stuff of legend if it had ever seen print. He had betrayed all of that. He had watched as most of his team mates had died horribly. He had seen the anger in the Dragons eyes, felt the Dragons rage-his burning flames had nearly killed him. And he had survived. He had crawled from the rubble, dazed, burnt and bleeding. He had crawled through the blast zone, his hands cut by irradiated shrapnle and debris, his eyes seared by the heat, nearly blinded by that final flash, his body slowly dying.

He had nearly given up all hope that day. He lay there dying, retching his internal organs out onto the blackened dead earth, when he saw his savior. His eyes glowed a deep blue, that like the ocean seemed endless. He had lost himself in those eyes. He had seen thm once before as a child, and once again he reached out......

He stood upon the sole beach the island had allocated for recreation. At this time of night it was empty, all of his men were in their Barracks, asleep, or on duty ensuring the safety of their home.He scrunched his toes, his feet were bare, in the sand. He clenched his toes gripping the sand, then allowed the water to wash the sand away. He marveled at the waters warmth, its strength, its depth. It was a vast, endless unyeilding force. As was, he liked to think, his will.

Out of the Corner of his eye he noted his security detail approaching him with a TacCom. He sighed and centered his mind. Duty called.

Essen, Westphalia

Colonel Childers turned to his Staff Sargent and spoke quickly in precise words.

"Staff Sargent Bacher assemble both teams here in Essen. I want them here in the next sixteen hours. Uniform of the Day will be class Cs, with Garrison cover. No sidearms are needed as yet."

"Aye Aye sir."

"Also have the S3 guys get our map projectors online and get me some coffee and snacks for the teams as well. Arrange for Temporary Quarters for them to be housed in. I want Security to be tightened as well, instruct the Captain of the Guard to cordon off that floor and run sweeps every two hours. I also want some Wards up."

Even though he spoke rapidly, he knew his cybernetcially enhanced aid would record every word as if it were the last he'd ever hear. He had work to do....

Cidade de Nacala,Mozambique

He surveyed the damage astrally. The background count still lingered making it slightly discomforting to stare at any one spot for too long, but he was a professional, he would make sure this job was done right. He had spent the last several hours sifting through the buildings wreckage, directing recovery efforts and helping local authorities to disarm the remaining live ordinance. His employer was indirectly owned by Saeder Krupp through about a dozen shell companies. He had been seconded from an SK Engineering Company for this particular assignment. He had been flown from his current assignement in Russia, with Top Secret Orders.It would have made for some good spy novel stuff if wasn't so damn mundane.

The work was very slow, and painstaking. Debris had to be removed by hand, as to not risk any tertiary explosions. He had supervised the work for the last 36 hours straight. He thought again about what his orders had contained, and shuddered. He checked his geiger counter agian, but the needle stayed steady at zero. Was there really a nuclear weapon beneath this rubble?

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2002 4:10 am
by Serious Paul
Bremerhaven, North German Federation

Not for the first time Detective Augustyniak wondered why the hell had done this. He stood in the alley way waiting for his "contact" to arrive. The alley was narrow, and and filled with trash. it smelled of sewer and urine. he had walked it twice looking for any thing that might hint of a set up, but other than nearly wearing the contents of some old womans chamber pot, he had found nothing unusual. As he paced the alley for the hundreth time a small, battered station wagon pulled up to the mouth of the alley. It was a 2007 Passat that had once been green once, maybe brown. Its paint job was scored with what looked like a combination of gunshots and rust. The fenders where dented and misued. He noted with a smile that the two tires facing him were of two different makes. Stickers advertising a wide variety of illicit services, smoke poured from the windows-at first sniff he'd guess some Turkish Hashish. Rapcore music was played at a deafening level inside the vechile. The vechiles occupants, there were four, were all Orks. All were dressed in leathers and East German military fatigues. Their clothes were covered in paint, stickers and spikes.

As the vechile stopped two of the Orks got out. The one on the rear left stood, using the wagon as partial cover,in his hands Detective Augustyniak could see a chopped down UZI III, with a muzzle break on it. Not quite silenced, but just soft enough to not attract attention in this neighborhood. The other, front right, had a pistol holstered on his left side, but made no move to bear it. He wore thick reflective glasses, almost like welders goggles.

"Herr Augustyniak?"


"Please get int he car, Detective."He motioned for the Detective to step into the back seat.

He nodded, and slid over the Ork in the right seat and into the middle. The two Orks sat back in the vechile and, and it lurched into motion. His nostrils were assaulted with the smell of burning hash, beer, and the foul smell of the Orks who had obviously been in between bathes for some time.....

Essen, Westphalia

The conference room was large, and spacious in its lay out. Screens were able to be hid in the walls, and desk tops, allowing access to high tech equipment that was actually in other areas. Players, paly back units and all sorts of media devices made it possible to use anything for planning anything froma surprise birthday party to Global Thermonuclear War.

Coffee machines, and microwaves allowed some amenities,as did the air conditioning. Colonel Childers awaited the arrival of his team leaders, and their teams. It was time for the sharp end of the spear to do their work.Childers grin was feral....

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2002 11:45 pm
by Jinx
Jinx looks around, waiting for the rest of her team, when she catches sight of a display case of the awards of service and bravery. Looking within she sighs as she catches sight of a certain picture. Her mother's ceremony 20 odd years ago, her in her full dress uniform, Lowfyr, and barely in the picture, a small girl looking at her mother with pride. She chuckles softly as she remembers a promise she made to herself, that was heard by one other, but the words that he said, 'I wish you well young warrior' fills her with pride still. 'I'm sorry mother, I'm letting you down,' she thinks to herself, 'you won't tell me, but I can see it in your face.' A small chill goes over her and she turns away, waiting for her team, her 4th in two years, she had competed against, and worked with Gold before the training. They were holding back, she could tell.

Alex was just as aloof as he always was, good commander, but
was keeping her at a distance, just like the rest. Arista and her never saw eye to eye, but she was a professional. Valor creeped her out, she knew of his service, but every time she looked at him, she got the chills. Droz was the unknown to her, he'd kept his distance except in training. This mission would be a test for their training.

Marking Time

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2002 7:08 pm
by Cazmonster
The tall rifleman slowed down as he approached the three-story hall. He paused as a team of thirty SK Security recruits double timed it along the road in front of him. The instructor kept them in step with an old German marching song, one with responses that were more than off color. He bobbed his head once as he and the Sargeant made eye contact and then ambled in to find a dataterminal to check in.

I hope that Aleixen is on for whatever this duty is. He thought to himself, the kid's got talent.

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2002 5:27 pm
by UncleJoseph
Rolf had considered taking a sidearm with him to the meeting. Good warriors are always prepared. However, he was among his people. The chance of him needing any firepower was offset by the fact that he now had spurs implanted into his new arms. During his rehabilitative training over the last six months, he marveled at how the cybernetic spurs extended and retracted at his will. They were very deadly and efficient for close-quarters combat, and that was something he specialized in.

Rolf paused briefly as he made his way across the complex to the center that housed the conference room. The center of the complex was commonly called the "square." It was an open area with traditional fountains and flagpoles. Every direction he looked, perfectly manicured lawns and gardens surrounded the square. It was a tribute to the glory of Saeder Krupp. Every time he looked up at the SK and German flags, he felt a sense of pride well up within him. The corporation had given him purpose. He filled a niche that only the most elite could occupy. And SK had treated him well once he had proven his loyalty and devotion.

He continued on his way to the center. The brief moment of pride he had just felt became overshadowed by his concern that Team Gold would not accept him as their own. He knew their loyalty to SK would prevent them from ever making it an issue, but he wondered how they would truly feel. As he closed on the center, he looked across the courtyard. Bumping up the magnification in his new eyes, he could see Droz approaching from a slightly different direction. Droz was a man that Valor respected. Droz's prowess with a rifle was the stuff of legends. Valor looked forward to working him. They shared a talent for the longshot that few in the world could match. The sight of Droz approaching calmed his apprehension about the new team. Perhaps Team Gold would be the perfect place for him to continue his career with the Dragons.

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2002 5:46 am
by Cazmonster
With an almost preternatural knowledge of being watched, Droz paused and looked over his shoulder. His all-too perfect vision, coupled with the complex tactical machine threaded through his mind, swept a wide cut of field behind him, painting over Rolf's stationary body with a green targeting reticle.

Damnit. Safety to full. he thought brusquely, Idiot computer.

He shook his head for a second, chiding himself for not commanding the knot of optical chips into passivity. Then moved smoothly toward his fellow Dragon, his easy pace eating up the distance between them. He slowed to a stop perhaps three meters from him.

"Rolf, good to see you again, they taken to feeding people panzer's in intensive recovery?" he asked as he extended a hand to shake. As the two shook hands, he winced slightly as the more powerful man's hand closed around his. "Hey! HEY! I have to shoot with that tomorrow," he laughed as he withdrew it and shook off the twinges of pain.

"I missed you at the shooter's rally two months ago, I hope to see you at the next one." He starts walking back toward the meeting hall, continuing to talk, "I haven't seen anyone outside of the World Cup pull off groupings like yours."

He made small talk with Rolf, filling the air with simple conversation about guns, scopes and marksmanship awards.

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2002 1:51 pm
by 3278
They walked across the quad in a wedge, Arista again to his left and Claus to his right. 'Rista, ever since that unfortunate occassion when he'd let nearly an entire clip of shell casings eject down the front of her improperly sealed battle armor, had refused to walk on his right. In a private moment, she confessed that she also preferred to stand on his left side, on the theory that if he wanted to hold hands, he'd be better off having his casting hand free. He'd laughed for nearly an hour about that, before explaining to a very, very hurt Arista that he didn't need his hands to cast.

That was years ago now; she knew the workings of his magic, she always kept her armor sealed properly, and the days of them considering holding hands at all were, akwardly, gone. But the habit remained.

Across the square, Aleixen spotted Droz and Valor talking. Droz was making wild gestures, Valor slightly less expansive ones, and it became obvious instantly that they were talking about guns. Claus muttered under his breath - he always took some small issue with Droz, which was natural given their somewhat opposing viewpoints on the corporation and their family - until Aleixen quietly said, "Stand down, soldier." But there was a smile in his voice when he said it. Personally, his loyalties stood with Claus' point-of-view, but favoritism wasn't appropriate in a leader. Plus, Droz was his XO, and he needed the troops to respect him.

As he walked, he closed his eyes momentarily to open the mindlink to Droz. He'd not yet had a chance to forge a good link with Valor. Exec? Join us? As his exec looked over, Aleixen leaned his head toward the far side of the quad, where they were all ultimately headed.

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2002 4:14 pm
by FlameBlade
The surroundings slowly shifted as Claus strides slowly next to Aleixen. Claus glanced at cool, calm composure of his team leader, then moved his eyes to study his team members. It was only recently when Claus joined the team as a rigger of the ulitmate team, the Dragons, so Claus held up an air of pride, yet acting like a professional at the same time. At the moment, Claus is wearing semi-business attire as in dark green tight sweater and black pants. Almost noticeable metal holes could be seen on Claus's head, making himself obvious that he is a rigger of some kind. A glint of metal could be seen at Claus's pocket, a trusty sidearm in event when something gets fragged up badly for some reason.

Claus slowly takes notes as he approaches Droz and Valor from distance. Valor seems to be frightening, but Claus immediately realized that Valor is a part of Saeder-Krupp. Muscles, which was a bit rigid, immediately calmed down, relaxing his instincts, learning of others' ablities, which would be very useful in short future.

There is a reason that Valor has to be a part of Saeder-Krupp, because Saeder-Krupp chose him, and that means, he are part of Saeder-Krupp, so he is my ally. He can prove to be useful. Based on what my Superiors told me, Valor is a seasoned veteran, and has been through a lot, so his experience can prove to be very useful and will season me into a veteran.

Droz, on the other hand, seems to be an eccentric person, based on his body language, but however, there is always reason why Saeder-Krupp chose him. Claus said to himself, "If I remember correctly, Droz is our sniper, and he will serve us well." Claus immediately took his eyes off Droz and began pay some attention to squad leader for any information or briefings.

Yes Boss

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2002 7:04 pm
by Cazmonster
Yes Sir. He telepathed with a mental salute. Rolf and I will meet you at the entrance. I expect only token resistance and minimal casualties, he finished with a mental chuckle.

He jerked a thumb over his shoulder toward the building he had just been about to enter. "C'mon Rolf, let's go meet the brass." He was in motion a moment later, his cased rifle snug against his left shoulderblade.

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2002 7:38 pm
by 3278
They stepped up to the building lacking only Jinx, who Aleixen hoped they would find inside. The free-flow retinal scanner IDed them all and unlocked the door; they didn't even have to pause. Helm appreciated that; up until a few years ago, the retinals were all fixed-mounts, and each person had to step up one-by-one. The free-flows used a floating beam laser that scanned the eyes as you approached; if an unauthorized person entered in a group, security was called, obviously, but this meant people could walk in and out of the buildings on campus without traffic jams of people clogging the entrance.

They stepped in, the team deferring entrance to Aleixen first, and the rest in a clump of anxious soldiers.

They'd been looking forward to this. It had been too long since the last assignment, and downtime was something they all hated. The French Foreign Legion used to claim Le Cafard - the bug, literally; figuratively, the inactivity of military units - claimed more lives than the enemy. Sometimes, that was even true. Soldiers - particularly those built from birth to fight - want conflict, and action. They may dread it when it comes, but line units need it like air or water. Aleixen had been campaigning among his father's friends in the top brass to find something for them, but there simply hadn't been anything serious enough to warrant the use of Team Gold.

Today, there was. Aleixen had heard rumors of what was to occur, but he never listened to them, no matter how high-ranking the source. He gathered them all, though; knowledge was power; magic had taught him that.

Inside, Jinx stood, as she had many times before, staring at that old picture of her mother with Die Drache. Evidently, Jinx's mother had been a Dragon, back in the early days of the program; Aleixen wouldn't know. While he studied diligently the actions and activities of the early Dragons, he'd never needed to know their faces.

He respected those early pioneers, though. They were a group of the true elite. Try as he might, he had difficulty seeing his contemporaries as the giants those early Dragons were. Perhaps it was the distorted image of the ideal past he possessed, but it seemed like today, the Dragons were allowing more of the weak, the disloyal, into their ranks. Members were being brought in for political reasons, or to fulfill family debts, and not because they'd been truly reared as Dragons.

Still, he thought, looking at Droz, it was difficult to fault the results. Droz might not be Lebenslänglicher, but he was a fine soldier, and Aleixen couldn't have asked for a better XO. Still, his loyalties were more to himself than the corporation.

Aleixen had turned himself in to the school's phsychologists when he'd first started having these thoughts. When their counseling hadn't helped him, he'd gone to a General his father had served with and confessed all. The General had laughed. "Now you understand the service, little Aleix."

Aleixen had not known what you make of that then. He was beginning to, now.

He motioned to Jinx, a movement somewhere between a salute and a wave, and, as a unit, they moved toward the secure briefing room in the basement.

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2002 8:12 pm
by Wildfire
Arista deferred to the rest of her team, walking into the room last. Here was The Line. It was the doorway of every briefing, each different, but still the same. She had tried to explain to each of the others at least once, but though the analogies she chose were close, none could convey the depth. She could not blame them, they had never been to the true Line, stood among the others knowing the first footfall into the dark waters of the raging ocean would leave no choice but to die alone in weakness or reach the holy altar bearing the blood of a warrior. The brutal riptide waters and dark jungle perils would now be nothing to overcome, but the feeling of the moment from long ago was always with her. Each doorway was another Line. If she stepped inside, there were but two choices, die in humiliation or prove herself worthy of her rank. The feeling was both terrifying and exhilarating, it was the moment she felt closest to her team.

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2002 1:36 pm
by Jinx
Jinx falls into line and walks in behind everyone but Arista and her damn claustraphobia, at least it doesn't affect her in the field. Taking a seat, she looks over her notes, 'This should be interesting.'

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2002 7:20 pm
by UncleJoseph
Rolf followed Droz to the building that housed the mission briefing area. When they entered, the usual sort of security measures presented themselves, all of which the team was cleared for. As they entered the building, Rolf noticed the two armed human sentries on either side of the entrance. It was rare these days to see armed guards standing at security posts, he thought idly. Remotely operated drones and fully rigged building security systems made human sentries obsolete. Rolf thought it was funny that even a cutting edge corporation such as Saeder Krupp would use antiquated methods just for the sake of tradition. The irony of it all was that the buildings internal security systems and riggers could provide far more security and defense than these two guards. Although, there was something to be said for window dressing.

The inside of the building was lavishly decorated in fine, rich woods, marble and other rare and expensive materials. Indeed, the decor was a study in understated elegance. Nothing was too ostentatious, but everything shouted luxury. This particular structure housed some of SK's upper-echelon intelligence community. Only personnel with top secret clearance or higher was even allowed inside its walls. It made the perfect meeting place for official Dragon business. Rolf knew that some of the most sensitive SK information could be found behind many of the locked doors in this building.

Once the team had situated itself into the mission briefing room in the basement, Rolf glanced at his new team in whole for the first time. He watched how each member carried themselves, how they interacted with one another, what ordinance, if any, they chose to bring. He hoped to get to know them well. He owed his life to all of them, for they had pulled him out of that Aztechnology hell hole. Rolf thought to himself, "My vow to repay my debt to them starts here."


Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2002 6:20 pm
by Cazmonster
As Droz moved into the room, his eyes first fell on the officer at the head of the room. He paused as he entered, nodding in his direction and speaking, "Colonel Childers, good to see you again." He then walked to the other end of the room, almost drawn to the smell of good coffee and poured himself two cups.

Black as sin and twice as strong, the coffee smell filled the room as he walked back to a seat at the foot of the table and set a cup in front of Rolf. He sat down and took a short sip of his own.

"Excellent coffee, Colonel."

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2002 3:30 am
by Serious Paul
Bremerhaven, North German Federation

Detective Augustyniak rode in the vechile silently. The four Orks hadn't said much, and when they spoke it was in english-they obviously thought he didn't understand a word they were saying. He tried to keep track of which way they were going but the windows were covered in stickers in the rear, and the Orks took a winding route that had doubled back several times and wound its way through Bremerhavens small winding back alleys

Finally after fifteen minutes-he tried to calculate how far from where he had started he could be-the vechile stopped. The driver cut the engine, and the Ork in the passenger side stepped out of the vechile. After a minute the rear doors opened and he was lead into a small door that was emblazoned with the words "Vertrauen Sie nie einer Nadel, die sie liegt" and Detective Augustyniak wondered what the words meant as he was ushered inside.

The room he was lead into was a small dank room lit by a single lightbulb that was hung by a bare wire from the low ceiling. The Orks were so tall that their heads nearly touched the yellowed ceilings. The walls were dark; stanking of urine, and vomit. A single table with five chairs, folding metal like the table, occupied the center of the room. In one of the chairs was the man he had come to see.

Zimmerman wasn't the only man in Bremerhaven who claimed to be a "Fixer" of some sort, but Zimmerman was the best and the biggest. His connections to La Costra Nostra was a well known secret as were his connections to the Russian Mafia. Zimmerman owned the shadows of Bremerhaven.

"Herr Augustyniak welcome, what can I do for you?"

Cidade de Nacala,Mozambique

They had assembled in the second rally point. The ambush had been brief and one sided. They only numbered six men, but they had managed to completely wipe out the twenty man column. They had used claymores and heavy weapons-all in all the fight had lasted under a minute.

They had briefly searched the corpses, not expecting much-after all the Sena warriors had been on a standard movement to contact patrol. They just hadn't expected what they ended up running into. The men searched the corses efficiently, and then set about their gruesome task.

An hour later twenty skulls were neatly stacked, flayed of all flesh and rigged with explosives. Whoever found these would get more than one message

They checked their position both with their GPS and the old fashioned way with a compass, just to be sure and slowly set out into the jungle...

Essen, Westphalia

Colonel Childers was as black as the coffee. His face bore a single scar, along his right jaw bone-a trophy from a not so chance encounter with Roach Mother Spirit in Madrid in '55. His eyes were hard, he was a commander of men, a leader in the truest sense. Still he couldn't help but smile as his men and women filed into the room. Captain Alexien Diethelm, was first followed by his people on Team Gold. His eyes lingered on each for a brief second as he compared them to their files. His gaze settled on Rolf Sechs-and for a second he wondered who the hell he was staring at? And what? Was this the same man who had served under him in so many capacities? Whom he had shed blood with? Whom he had laid with in muddy holes as Hellfire and artillery rounds had thundered overhead? Was he a man any more?

He shook his head, and took a drag from his coffee. He cleared those thoughts from his mind. He nodded to Droz in reply to his greeting.

"Thank Colonel Hodges, he brewed it."

He turned towards Captain Konigsamen and said," As soon as Lt. Dunnes people arrive, we will begin the briefing Sir."

He watched as Team Gold settled intot he comfortable chairs. All he needed now as Team Blau.

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2002 4:24 am
by FlameBlade
Claus silently nodded at the whole scenery, and waits intently as team Blue begins to arrive. His eyes moves from the lovely vapors that is emanating from the mug. His mind goes into that lovely autumn where he managed to drive three drones across the countryside, scouting out enemies, managing to weed out several enemies at the same time, capturing them. Of course, that was only a simulation exercise. Soon, it shall be real.

Real. The word echoes through Claus. Real.

I am the Dragon.

It's all real now. Real.

His mind shifts from coffee, toward the face of Droz. Real. So, this is Droz. Where did he come from? I do not even recall him from War College. But this is the reality. I will be working with him. What I am doing to myself? Wait. Time for me to focus on the new issue on the hand. Team Blue is here. So, they will be facing what will be real to me. I should mention that I am not feeling any emotions here, normally, I would, but not right now. I wonder why. Perhaps it's because that I am the Dragon now. Real. Rolf. Now that's one man I also do not know well yet. I must study him to be sure of his abilities, and how he will complement us. I know that is not my task, but rather, it would be Alexien's task or Rolf's task. When things get hairy, it is good to know. Real. Everything is real now.

His eyes shifts toward his squad leader, Captian Alexien Diethelm, his mind shuts out the thoughts about what is going on at the moment. But rather, his mind moves toward "Captain, what is your command?" His demandor suddenly stiffens slightly, making himself seem much more tougher than he is. Whole mind begins to flush recent thoughts, and getting rid of them out of the body. It is time.

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2002 5:01 am
by Serious Paul
Essen, Westphalia

Colonel Hodges watched as the second team filed into the room, lead by Lt. Dunne. He allowed them a few moments to settle in, and speak with their counterparts in Gold Team. Once they settled he took his own seat.

Colonel Childers silently watched his people take their seats. These were his people and he was sending them into harms way again.

He stood and walked to the podium.when he spoke his voice was loud and clear.

"My name is Colonel Terry Childers, and for the record this briefing is being recorded. To my left is Colonel Dennis Hodges, my executive officer and the operations officer for this Operation. To my right is Captain Konigsamen, the Captain of the SKS Erradicator. He will have operational command of the theater of action."He continued on denoting the time and date for the official record.

"In front of you on your data display screens is the operational order. I will read it aloud for each of you-please follow along, and hold all questions until I am finished."

The Order



The Cook Islands are situated between 9 degrees and 22 degrees south longitude comprises 15 widely-dispersed islands in the South Pacific Ocean between French Polynesia and Fiji (see Maps 1 and 2). The total land area of the country is 240 square kilometres, while the Cook Islands' exclusive economic zone covers a maritime area of nearly 2 million square kilometres.

The country is broadly divided into Southern and Northern Groups. The Southern Group, comprising Rarotonga (the main island), Aitutaki, Atiu, Mangaia, Manuae, Mauke, Mitiaro, Palmerston and Takutea, are all (except the small atolls of Manuae and Palmerston, and Takutea, a sandy key) of high volcanic formation (up to 652 metres on Rarotonga) with fertile soils and lush tropical vegetation. The Southern Group possesses about 90% of the total land area of the Cook Islands, Rarotonga being the largest island (6,719 hectares) and Takutea, the smallest (122 hectares).

The Northern Group comprises Manihiki, Nassau, Penrhyn, Pukapuka, Rakahanga and Suwarrow, all except Nassau (a sandy key) being low-lying coral atolls with sparse vegetation (coconut and pandanus trees etc) and large lagoons. Penrhyn is the largest island (984 hectares) and Suwarrow, the smallest (40 hectares).

The closest Outer Island to Rarotonga is Mangaia (204 kilometres distant) while the farthest is Penrhyn (1,365 kilometres away). The two most widely-separate islands of the country are Pukapuka, in the Northern Group, and Mangaia in the Southern Group (1,470 kilometres apart).

Rarotonga is approximately 3,010 kilometres northeast of Auckland, 1,140 kilometres southwest of Tahiti, 2,300 kilometres east of Fiji and 4,730 kilometres south of Hawaii.

Your Target is the Island of Squama. It is apporoximately 984 Hectacres in area.


The Cook Islands is situated between 9 degrees and 22 degrees south longitude and possesses a tropical oceanic climate with two seasons. The drier months, from April to November, have an average maximum temperature of about 26 degrees centigrade and an average minimum temperature of about 20 degrees centigrade. The wetter, more humid months, from December to March, have an average maximum temperature of 28 degrees centigrade and an average minimum of 22 degrees centigrade. During the latter season, the Cook Islands is subject to occasionally severe tropical storms and even hurricanes. The Island is also occasionally surronded by Mana Storms, of hellish ferocity that are as yet unpredictable.


Saeder Krupp intelligence sources have developed solid information that places an Artifact known as the Anandaprana on the Island of Squama. Intelligence has also identified this man, Rheynard Lylesburg, as the controlling force on the Island. Electronic Intelligence assetts have identified at least Regiment sized emplaced opposition forces on the Island. Island forces have hardened bunker style buildings, and an exstensive defenseive net in place including satellitte jamming and blinding facilities, an exstensive Radar emplacement, an exstensive SAM network and mines in the surronding waters.

Random Air Patrols operate in radial patterns at a distance of about sixty kilometers and less. Patrols are staggered and usually consist of two patrol vechiles. Immediate Air Support is believed to be available in five or less minutes.

Naval patrols also operate in random radial patterns around the island in a 45 kilometer radius. Naval forces mainly consist of patrol style boats that rely on speed and low signature to operate. It is believed that the Island Naval forces have access to two CSS Stuart-Class Corvettes, 5 Wuxing Zhen Wu-Class Frigates, with nonstandardized armaments, and 35 GMC Avengers. It also likely they use hover craft and vectored thrust vechiles.

The island itself is exstensively monitored by ground patrols, closed circuit simsense and cameras, exstensive sensor systems are believed to be emplaced. Patrols generally consist of four man teams who patrol on foot or in a single GMC HMPUV. Armaments and armour vary.

Magical Secuirty is layered and tightly monitored. Speculative Intelligence estimates that the island uses a wide combination of bound elementals, spirits and paranormal animals. It is also believed that at least one or more free spirits may operate in conjunction with the islands facilitator, Reynard Lylesberg.


Gold Team

Retrieve the Anandaprana, and eliminate Reynard Lylesberg. If you are unable to retrieve the tome switch to secondary objectives.

Secondary Objectives:: Caues as much collatoral damage as possible, close with and destroy enemy forces by fire and manuever.

Blue Team

Penetrate the islands secuirty perimeter, deactivaye the island security perimeter, and destroy the island security perimeters capabilty to operate to provide cover fro the insertion of Gold Team.

Loacte Achmed Parker and elimintae him.

If you are unable to accomplish your primary ibjectives switch to secondary objectives.

Secondary objective incapacitate the Two Corvette Class ships by destroying them, and destroy the Air Field.

Tertiary objectives for both teams is completion of the other teams objective.


Your team will be inserted via HALO drop by a Tactical Fighter Wing just outside effective surface radar range. You will rendevous with the SKS Erradicator for transport to just inside radar range. From there you will infiltrate the Island andcarry out your objectives by fire and manuever;close combat.

Extraction and Escape Routes

Upon succesful completion of your objectives you will send a satellitte encrypted message to the SKS Devastator and primary extraction will be a SK TF-6 Attack helicopter. Both teams will rendevous with the choopers at the airfield.

Secondary extract is by sea. Teams extracting in this method will use Zodiacs to rendevous with the SKS Devastator.

Escape routes will designated by individual team leaders in their own briefings.

Command and Signals

Chain of Command is per Standard Operating Procedure with in each team. Team Blue has operational command until its primary objective is achieved, at which point Team Gold will have operational authority.

The Captain of the SKS Erradicator has theater and operational command.

Order of sucession is per SOP.


Smoke and pyro will be designated by the individual team leaders, except for Red Smoke and red Pyro which will designate immediate Fire Suppression Mission.

Radio Signals will also be designated by individual Team Leaders. Team Leaders designate call signs for both teams, indivdual team members and on call targets.

Standard hand and arm siganls will be used by all team members.

All teams should be aware of communicational security.

Administration and Logistics

Administrative control of this operation is in the First Special Operations Group Command under General Johann Schmidt. Operational command is Captain Friedrich Reifsnyder.

Higher Units

The SKS Devastator, the SKS Erradicator, Charlie Comapny 47th Tactical Wing and 1st SOG

Adjacent Units

The SKS Hammer, the 45th Light Scout Brigade, and Delta Comapny 47th Tactical Wing


Herr general Tschantz in Supply will as usual take care of any needs prior to the start of operations. Team Leaders will issue Frag Orders detailing all nessacry weapons and equipment.

He allowed them a momento digest all of this.

A Challenge!

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2002 6:27 am
by Cazmonster
A tight smile of anticipation spread across the sniper's face as he read through the tactical displays.

Excellent, a real challenge. Islands and jungles and bound spirits. No way is this a slotting Desert War.

The smile rose up into his eyes and he nodded at Alexien before taking a long drink of bitter black coffee.

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2002 1:30 pm
by 3278
Aleixen listened quietly to the briefing, barely moving as the officer spoke. His entire brain was dedicated to the consideration of the words he heard; there was no capacity left for movement.

The Colonel stopped, paused, and Aleixen turned to his XO. Though his irreverence for command was bewildering, and his casual attitude toward the corporation was worrying, he'd been granted the XO position for very good reasons. It was time to make use of those.

Droz nodded to him, sipped his coffee. Aleixen said, "XO, any questions regarding the mission? Any tactical considerations in regards to which you think we should be made aware?"

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2002 9:02 pm
by Serious Paul
"The next portion of the briefing will be handled by Colonel Hodges."

Colonel Hodges remained seated. He sipped from his coffe mug that was emblazoned with a burning spearhead, the sigil for the 37th Panzer Scout Platoon. Foward Observer Unit-Hodges had received his nearly life ending and career ending wound while working as a forward controller in Siberia.When he set his mug down he spoke quietly but in a firm tone.

"Good afternoon. I am Colonel Dennis Hodges. I will first describe the Anandaprana. The Anandaprana. is a large Platinum, Gold and Silver text that is inlaid with Orichalum and precious gem stones. It measures four feet in width, two feet in thickness and a length of five feet. Its weight is estimated, which ryhmes with guestimated, at about three hundred pounds."

"To my infinite displeasure Intelligence was unable discern the nature of any of the texts protections or purposes. I can say that you should assume that the text is warded and guarded by bound elementals and spirits, as well as technological defenses. Expect the worst people."

"I am now opening the floor up to questions."

T O & E

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2002 10:08 pm
by Cazmonster
"Captain, the most pressing question that comes to mind is what kind of vehicles we can expect for sargent Kimmel to rig. The HALO drop obviously prevents us from bringing anything heavy along.

My second question is less tactical and more, political, if you will. A cratered runway prevents a number of assets from being deployed. And diversions in distant areas make for easier insertions. Is it possible for one of our ships or combat wings in the area to mount an attack on the runway or cause a diversion at an appropirate time?"

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2002 4:53 am
by UncleJoseph
Rolf sat and scanned the mission order on the viewscreen as he listened to Colonel Childers and Colonel Hodges. As with all other missions he had ever been on, Rolf considered himself on assignment as soon as he entered the briefing room. As for the Anandaprana, he felt searching out a hermetical artifact would be the perfect way to test his new body and his very new skill of being able to perceive astrally.

Over the past six months, he had been trained to interpret the new sensations and images of which his new modifications made him aware. They had told him it was a byproduct of some of the new procedures that the SK magical and surgical team were using. The new sensations he was experiencing initially seemed like hallucinations. But they had taught him their true nature, and he was eager to try his new skills.

Back to the briefing...concentration seems difficult these days.

Droz's questions helped pull him back to the matter at hand. Rolf took a sip of the too-strong coffee and listened quietly.

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2002 5:39 am
by Starburst
"How much is known about these ground patrols?" Alexis, no, now Starburst, stared at the display, but the information she wanted wasn't there, "And the simsense cameras. Can you give us more than they simply exsist? Locations? We're going in blind as usual aren't we?"

She shrugged, there was nothing she could do, it was just another layer of difficulty in something that already looked impossible, "Another day another miracle."


Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2002 10:07 pm
by Cazmonster
Droz's eyes narrowed for a second in response to Starburst's comment.

That was damned disrespectful of her. This is a briefing with senior staff.

He stifled his sudden feelings of aggravation by poring over the geography of the area again, intent on finding places for Valor and him to 'work' from.

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2002 4:16 am
by Serious Paul
Colonel Hodges spoke evenly in response to the questions.

"Any sort of bombardment prior to the insertion would create an unacceptable risk of the Anandaprana, being moved a different location or being Magically duplicated. Both of which are unacceptable.This mission relies primarily on the element of surprise. Having evaluated the situation, we have determined that a small infiltration team combined with a manuever element stand a statistically better chance of acheiving our goals."

"Once the element of surprise has been lost, a tactical bombardment of the island in support of the mission is acceptable."Colonel Hodges stared at the teams, his eyes cold,"Surprise is your best friend. Maintain it as long as you can. This means your options for vechicular support are strongly limited. You will most likely have to assert control of localized assetts."

"Ground patrols are limited, and what we know is also limited by our inabilty to plac ehard intelligence assets on the island. We know that the patrols are staggered at random intervals. They use four man teams in light armor, due to the heat and humidity, with light weapons. The patrols are backed by astral spirits and elementals as well as having reactionary teams available for deployment almost immediately any where on the island."

"As for cameras and security systems, assume the island is watched at every square inch."

"If this were an easy job we'd send the Army."

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2002 2:06 pm
by 3278
Aleixen's face was still, but inside, he boiled. He would have to discuss this with Blue lead. This kind of behavior was unforgivable. Expressing doubt over the ability of the Ministry of Intelligence to gain information! Aleixen knew he was hard-line, knew that he was too hard on some of the Äußer for their irreverence - including Droz - but this was beyond the pale.

Inside, he sighed. This would be a fairly difficult mission, and going in with this kind of strife beforehand would not make it easier. It would perhaps be better if he recommended to Blue lead that he wait until the end of the mission to reprimand Starburst; true, the discipline would have less effect for being delayed, but it might make it more likely the rest of them would survive.

He didn't listen much to the briefing. Droz would get the information they needed, and Aleixen would have his briefing handbook and any sealed orders before they departed if there was additional information he needed to review. Mentally, he ignored the briefing and began considering strategy.

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2002 12:59 am
by JohnnyRico
"Colonel, what's our timeframe, and where do we leave from? I don't want to miss the flight." Any and all trace of the young Lt's sense of humor and constant smile are gone now. It’s game time, and the ball’s in their court now. "The orders mention that we'll be going in via the Erradicator, but will it be landing us directly, or are we using Zodiac boats, or just plain scuba entry?"

He makes a mental note to remind Starburst that not all officers appreciate the frank and unpadded assessments of the intelligence services that he has come to expect from his people. A time and a place for everything he thinks, looking over some of the climatological information before he forges ahead.

"As for the paranimals, do we have a general species list, or is it just the standard local types? Possibly some lucky shots from a passing satellite that may have caught a patrol or a training group out in the open." He pours over the statistical information again, scowling slightly as he comes to the last section.

“What is the ruling on the civilian population? Is it still there, has it been absorbed, or exterminated? Also, is there no information later than,” he runs a finger down the list again, “1989 is it? I realize that it is a piddly little place, but I don’t particularly trust any information that’s more than twice as old as I am.”

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2002 4:30 pm
by Wildfire
Arista had momentarily faltered in her procedure. Crossing the Line was to divorce all personal and subjective thoughts and to absorb the facts, to forget 'Arista' and remember only the Dragon Maelstrom. Speculation and reflection would come later. The process was interrupted when a scan of the coordinating Team Blue revealed a familiar face. All focus went to Tyler for several minutes, until the breifing went to Hodges. She willed every fiber of her being to regard only the Colonel and to not turn towards the one she wanted to speak to. She wondered if Alexien had noticed at all.

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2002 3:37 pm
by Serious Paul
Colonel Childers watched the two teams with seeming disintrest, but he carefully made mental notes. He wondered quietly how these people would fare. He realized the tension level was high,a s it always was in this sort of thing, but he could still feel a slight undercurrent of...what? Anger? Resentment? He reached forward and sipped from his coffee mug, draining the cup. He listened as Colonel Hodges continued.

"As it stands Lt. Dunne, your team is scheduled to be in the air in two weeks. This time table, is of course, subject to change depending on the tactical and strategic situation. You, and your team will leave from Bremerhaven. From Bremerhaven you will fly to target area. Your plane will be refueled twice enroute, once over India, and again in the South Pacific."

"You will be HALO dropped into the water, to meet with the Erradicator, which will be prepostioned with some of your support equipment. From the Erradicator it is our plan to have you use zodiacs until you are with in nine kilometers of the island, from there it will be your decision whether SCUBA or further boat insertion is the viable option."

"Gold Team will be HALO dropped with in five kilometers of the island. They will swim."Colonel Hodges almost smiled at that.

"As for Paranormals, I will have a list prepared for you with exact composition, but I can say off hand that you can expect awakened sharks, Nimues lizards,and spirits of all sorts. If my memory serves me right most of the awakened creatures, and altered creatures you will find are aquatic."

"The maps number is 1989, not the date Lt."

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2002 3:50 pm
by 3278
Aleixen tried to keep his face still at the mention of the Nimues. If the owners of the island were intelligent enough to set up breeding grounds and habitats for them, it could make magical invasion a great deal more difficult. And eliminate one of his primary functions. Which was nothing new; that had happened before, and he had enough confidence in his other roles to compensate. Plus, if he was intelligent about it, he would still be able to utilize his magic, and the opposition wouldn't be expecting it. Like that time in Amazonia; it could be quite effective.

Surf's Up!

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2002 5:19 pm
by Cazmonster
Droz's face went dark at the thought of HALO'ing into hostile territory and then having to swim through shark infested waters just to get to more than a Regiment of troops with magical support. He wanted to be at this, and soon.

"Quite a tough nut to crack, Colonel," he said, completely understating the threat before the twelve of them.

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2002 6:05 pm
by FlameBlade
Claus silently recorded all of the vital information through his hippocampus, meticulously delivering important tid and bits into his memory area. He looks around slowly, then went back to record the details of the area from the picture, memorizing what is needed to be memorized. It is especially important to predict what the area will look like, as transporation, communication, and drones will be extremely important in recon of the area.

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2002 4:46 am
by Serious Paul
"We do have some limited information for you on Achmed Parker. At the completion of this briefing that information will be given to the Blue Team Leader."

Colonel Hodges looks evenly at Colonel Childers, speaking softly he says,"The full weight of the Corporation will be behind this operation."

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2002 4:58 pm
by Cazmonster
((I'm assuming we can get access to relevant SK information resources from the briefing room, I'm also going to assume that there are some fairly advanced dataterms as well.))

The tall soldier nodded again in response to his senior officer's words. With a curt, "If you will excuse me," he fished a dataline cable out of a pocket, plugged one end into the freckle-colored bio-compatible ceramic socket behind his right ear and jacked into the Milcomp SK network. He concentrated, sending his security clearance and downloading the available tactical data, along with SK's best 'guesswork' on the paracreatures, weather patterns and possible T O & E for the opposition.

"Understood, Colonel," Droz responded as he focused on the room again.

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2002 10:01 pm
by Jinx
"Sir, does the provided information suggest where the artifact is being kept, or is this a hunt?"