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OOC: Evernight

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2002 5:50 am
by Eliahad
This game is already Three Quarters Full. If anyone person is interested, I'll take them on direct request only. Otherwise I'm just going with this.

Reika, Wildfire and Overlord already have dibs.

In it's most basic form, this campaign takes place solely in the underdark and is based loosely on the Ultima Underworld Series. Based on as in, there was a man who tried to create a utopian society under the earth, a place where the people would work together and not against each other.

Calandor's dream failed.

As the expeditions sent to colonize the underdark grew further and further away from the cave mouth, they began to see a vast treasure spread before them. Wizard's retired here to live their own life among the caverns. Mining guilds staked out claims wherever they found the rich mines. Soon Merchant guilds were fighting for a place in the small enclaves that were slowly growing.

Calandor grew frustrated with the whole project, and in a decision that surprised many, he closed the doors to his underdark, and locked the people inside.

Two centuries have passed since that day, and some of the enclaves have grown into large bustling cities while others have almost dwindled to nothingness. The entrance has been lost, earthquakes and fighting amongst denizens of the depths have destroyed the tunnels that once marked the path. Even if it could be found, most of the generations that live among the darkness would want a part of the world that shut them in here. Sir Calandor, once considered a saint to those on the surface, has become despised and loathed. He is an evil light in the enclaves of Evernight.


Characters are APPRENTICE LEVEL CHARACTERS, they are supposed to be young villagers in the town of Calana, preparing for their rite of passage. A long backstory is not nescessary because this IS their back story.

The characters should be 14 - 16 years old, I'd say 16 or racial equivelant. Yes, it's old for most rites of passage but I argue that people live longer down here.

The Wilderness Lore skill applies to the Underdark Wilderness only.

All races have Low Light Vision and a - 2 modifier to all actions taken in direct sunlight. Lowlight Vision is improved to darkvision.


You've lived underground your entire life. The sun is only a legend that you hear about around the camp fire from the tales Lady Katherine speaks when the moss is at low glowing. You relish those tales, for some reason, though the thought of a burning orb in the sky frightens you, especially when she
describes it sinking into the ground. Something in you tugs towards the thought of a blue dome above your heads and toadstools with leafy green caps.

Your world has been made up of the earth, and the cool damp stones of Calana, the first of the villages of Sir Calandor. The legends tell you that this was the staging area for his dream, the beginnings of his underground civilization. In the great cavern that is your home, there is everything needed for survival. A sweeping river provides fresh water and enough
moisture to allow the mushroom fields to spring up to great heights. A pen of pale, sightless beasts feed on the lichens and moss that grow between the cracks in the bedrock, their noses rooting out food where it's hard to find any.

Off on the edges of the cavern, small passageways wind their way through the rock. They connect the dozens of small rooms that serve as work areas and home for the fifty or so villagers that live here. Brian the Smith even has a forge here, the smoke from his furnace sending the smoke through fine cracks and out into areas unknown. There's space for Taliean, an elven woman with a particular nack for fashioning things out of the stalks of the mushrooms. Grenkeel is the merchant most associated with Calana, the small gnome has made many runs to and from Corlin, the closest enclave. He trades in meat and mushrooms, recieving metals and cloth in return.

There are three major 'gates' to your village, and you are not allowed to go through any of them. One leads to Corlin, another small village deeper into the stones. Another, leads to the passageways that supposedly lead to the surface world. The actual path has been destroyed by falling rock, and other,
unnatural means. Even though the patrols from the village had desperately searched for the way out, nothing was found and the hope of seeing the surface has drained to nothing.

The third passage is the one you hope to see soon, very soon. It represents more than your freedom from the village, it is also your first step into becoming a full member of the community. The day is approaching where you will venture into the depths a young child, but return as an adult. Through
that gate is everything you hope to achieve...

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2002 2:45 pm
by Bishop
I'd like to play. What system is it? I wasn't sure if it was the Ultima system, or something else.

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2002 3:52 pm
by Eliahad
It's Dungeons and Dragons (3e) and unless that changes your opinion, you're number four, Bishop :)

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2002 7:40 pm
by Wildfire
Current idea just as a heads up for others, a female half-elf, thinks she's going to be a scout/rogue but has some inate magical talent that just hasn't quite shown up yet :)

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2002 7:45 pm
by Bishop
I'll have to learn 3rd editiong, but tha'ts alright by me.

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2002 8:34 pm
by DV8
Hehe, way back when I was still in an Eli game with Bethy and Scamp, I didn't know the third edition rules, and I had someone help me make my character. Other than that, I never saw one rule pop up during the game. Admittedly, it was a short-lived game, but still. :)

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2002 9:43 pm
by Eliahad
By golly, it's about the story telling isn't it? ;)

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2002 4:00 am
by Reika
I'm still contemplating what I'm going to make. Might do something different and make an elven wizard, or in thise case, apprentice wizard. :)

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2002 7:13 pm
by OverLord
<---- Clueless as always.

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2002 9:09 pm
by Eliahad
Apprentice level characters can be found on page 40 of the DMG. Just roll hp's instead of getting full honors as a normal 1st level character would. Everything else should be relatively straightforward from that page. (Just look at Table 2-22 and poof there it is :) )

Um, as for information you'll have to start with, I'll post IC what I haven't posted here.

OL, just create a general outline of what you want in your head and talk to me about it, I know you don't have the books, we can work something out. Like Deev said earlier, the rules aren't that important.

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2002 10:16 pm
by TheScamp

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2002 2:20 am
by Eliahad
Yeah, sorry, Scamp. I've got four and this really won't work with more than that. Sorry.

Unless you meant 'full honors' in which case, that just means you get the usual Max first level hps.

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2002 2:37 am
by TheScamp

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2002 7:05 am
by Eliahad
Gear. You get a whopping 30 gp's to spend on gear. Enjoy folks!

I trust you guys and won't do the math, but if you end up with some plate armor...well, I might get suspicious. :)

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2002 6:03 am
by Eliahad
Oh, and we can start as soon as I get the characters :)

Wild: A rogue...sort of.
Reika: A wizard (Potentially)

I don't know about you other two.

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2002 3:03 am
by Salvation122
*Officially calls the "if someone drops out, I'll take their place!" spot.*

I really should read this forum more often.

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2002 4:27 am
by TheScamp
Hey! Get in line, buster.

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2002 12:57 am
by Eliahad
If belief is enough to create a god, then Calandor is the foremost of Evernight. The people of Calana, your home town, have dedicated a small temple in their caverns for him. They are a part of a dwindiling number in the Evernight, those who believe that Calandor will return. Some say they have seen him, others say that he has saved them all by locking away the evil of the sun. They're not sure why, or how, they just know.

Not all in Calana believe in Calandor's return, but they at least believe in his ideals. Here ogre works beside halfling works beside human. All struggle to face the challenges of the day to day: Rock Slides, Cave Trolls, Mushroom farming, Roetha herding. They work together even if they don't all do it in the name of Calandor...

(Calandor is considered the deity of Calana, though I'll consider others with good argument ;) His domains are Travel, Law, Protection, Earth and Healing)

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2002 2:15 am
by Reika
Well, after a convo with Eliahad, my char is actually going to be a human knight of Calandor. And of course a hook for the GM to have much evil fun with. ;)

Still working on the nitty gritty details, but should be done with her by the end of the weekend. (I hope) Though at least I have a name, Elania Lyrandor, nicknamed Lani.