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[In Nomine] Father, Into Your Hands I Commend My Spirit OOC

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2002 5:22 pm
by DV8
I know this is a long shot, but I'm gauging interest here; I would like to start PB3 In Nomine game.

I'd like to have 2 - 5 players, preferably 4, who are at least somewhat familiar with the background, and system. The former makes it a bit easier to work on the imagination and the latter because I, myself, aren't well-versed in the system as prescribed by Steve Jackson Games. With the system, I mean the original system, not the GURPS conversion.

Of course, these things aren't strictly necessary, but they are desirable.

The Game:
It'll be an aengelic, mid-powered, short campaign, with possible extensions, based in a large city. [Boston, Philadelphia, L.A., New York, etc.] The post-frequency is set on once a week, but as everyone knows, it'll probably be less than that.

Know that I have no prior In Nomine experience, and that I have a tendency to be very creative with canon information. System is secundairy to story development, and when creating a character I'm more interested in possible plot-hooks than what gear the character owns.

Anyone interested?

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2002 7:51 pm
by Kwyndig
*Is interested...*

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2002 10:40 pm
by Wildfire
I'm up for a little In Nomine :) Played a bit, have the main book and am willing to help out, though since you said you haven't much experience, I promise not to inflict my Mercurian of Janus on you :)

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2002 11:16 pm
by Cazmonster
Hellfire in the crotch?

Cazmonster sneaks back to the discussion about Demon: the Fallen.

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2002 5:20 am
by Salvation122
I'm interested, but I'm only passingly familiar with the setting and am completely ignorant of the system.

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2002 9:18 am
by DV8
Well, that makes two of us, Sal. The system is not going to be a big influence on the game, though. Hell, it's not even going to be a little one. I'd like to wait for the arrival of my copy of "A Dictionary of Angels" by Gustav Davidson that Scamp is arranging for me, after that I'll have _all_ the flavour material I need to get this show on the road, and be damned with the specifics of the system, we'll either figure something out or ignore certain aspects of the system.

So a recount: We have a Kwyndig, a Wildfire, and a Salvation right now?

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2002 7:24 pm
by Kwyndig
Yep, I suppose that means I should start looking at character concepts, yes?

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2002 10:04 pm
by Wildfire
Correct, Deev. Are you still using the system to the extent of Choirs and Superiors, or do you have restrictions you want to enforce?

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2002 10:32 pm
by DV8
Kwyndig wrote:Yep, I suppose that means I should start looking at character concepts, yes?
That'd be swell.
Wildfire wrote:Correct, Deev. Are you still using the system to the extent of Choirs and Superiors, or do you have restrictions you want to enforce?
No, not really, Wild. But that's more because I don't know what will or won't work. So just give it your best shot, don't be a dick about it and see what kind of interesting concept you can come up with. :)

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2002 10:46 pm
by Wildfire
Okay, will do :) Should have a basic idea up in a few days :)

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2002 3:30 am
by Salvation122
Uhm... I want to be an angel.

Who wants to volunteer to walk the new guy through chargen and give a crash-course in the game mechanics while they're at it?

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2002 3:36 am
by Wildfire
Catch me in channel sometime Sal, I'll give you the quick rundown

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2002 7:57 am
by DV8
Salvation122 wrote:Who wants to volunteer to walk the new guy through chargen and give a crash-course in the game mechanics while they're at it?
If you give me a bit of time, I'll type up a document pertaining to the most relevant bits of the character creation process / game mechanics. Perhaps I can even find a PDF somewhere.

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2002 10:50 pm
by Moonwolf
I'm in. I'll get a char concept/background/ect done in the next few days.

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2002 10:52 pm
by DV8
A Kwyndig, a Wildfire, a Salvation and a Moonwolf. Check.

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2002 12:15 am
by Wildfire
For those with books sake, I think I'm going with a outcast Malakim of Yves, sounds like fun :)

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2002 1:56 am
by Salvation122
Deev: the email listed in my proflie is no longer in use. Hit me at

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2002 5:03 am
by Moonwolf
I'm thinking of playing a Gabrilite, not sure which choir yet though.

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2002 5:31 am
by Patience
I'd like to get in on this if there's still room. Unfortunately I know nothing beyond the basic concept of In Nomine - so if there's a more informed person/s who'd be an asset to the game, take them first.


Edit: some name resources I found ... names.html

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2002 9:46 am
by DV8
There hasn't been that much response to this game, so there's room if you want to be in. If you choose to be in, I'll declare the call for players to be closed.

Do keep in mind that most likely you'll have to do the most research yourself, but as I said, I don't care too much about the system, so if you can get me a well-founded character concept, and some basic stats, I'll be happy enough.

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2002 6:39 pm
by Patience
DV8 wrote:There hasn't been that much response to this game, so there's room if you want to be in. If you choose to be in, I'll declare the call for players to be closed.
Yessir. I'm in.

If anyone wants to post how one generates stats, please do. I'm kind of lost on that specific part.


Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2002 9:06 pm
by Dennis
Status update

I'm currently in New York City, and I'll be back around january 10th. January 13th, I'll start a new job, and once I sort of fall into that rhythm, I'll make sure to get some character generation write-ups going.

Until that time, I suggest you read up if you can.

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2003 11:42 am
by Dennis
Status update

I think it would be wise to postpone this game until I can free up some time - which doesn't seem to be happening any time soon. Sorry to leave you guys hanging, but I hope to pick it up when the timing is better. Thanks for your interest, though. It's much appreciated.

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2003 7:38 am
by Wildfire
Okay, no problem, I would think most of us will still be interested later :)