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The Late Late Shadowrun IRC Show

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2003 7:22 am
by Wildfire
You know who you are, cast. Conclusions from the discussion:

Game will run weekly, 1/1:30am EST start, nominally a 2 hour session

System is SR3, though this is old school Shadowrun, currently looking at 2050/2051 date

The can and can't book breakdown will be forthcoming. Once that's up, we'll set a final in game date, and look at a character deadline as well as what day of the week this will happen.

Comments, complaints, random musings here or in whatever channel you can catch me in :)

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2003 2:01 am
by Jeff Hauze
I'm working on the revised gear creation list now, should be done by tomorrow or Wednesday at the latest.

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2003 9:19 am
by Jeff Hauze
Here’s the gear list of things NOT useable during character creation.

1. Any type of bone lacing
2. Reaction Enhancer
3. Reflex Trigger on any type of Wired Reflexes, whether it’s a stepped reflex trigger or a standard reflex trigger.
4. Additionally, I need someone to pull the stats for headware memory from SR2 and the Improved Memory from Street Samurai Catalog. I need the full info, Essence Cost, Nuyen Cost, Availability and Street Index. Considering SR3 uses the Improved Memory as standard, we’ll be reverting to the original set up of having two distinct types, with the Improved Memory being rarer and more costly.
5. No nanoware or bioware whatsoever. Them’s the breaks people.
6. Anything else not in SR3 is out. Any questions go to Wildfire.

1. No real changes here with one major exception, if it’s not in SR3, it’s not useable until the GM says otherwise. That includes masking wards, metamagics, and the expanded spell and physad power lists. Any questions go to Wildfire.
2. This of course means that the various rules for odd religious style magickers (voudouns as an example) are out. Which of course doesn’t make sense, so use your common sense people. Just don’t think of bringing silly Elven followers of the Wheel bullshit in. Because well…it sucks. Like pretty much everything from Tir Tairngire. ;)

General Tech
1. While not completely realistic, it does make things much simpler to look at SR3 only. If it’s not there, it’s not useable, again, unless Wildfire says otherwise. Strain III or anything related to FAB is most definitely out, since it was not developed until roughly late 2054 in research settings only. I would guess that ELD-AR weapons and spray weapons would still be fair game, considering we have similar weapons today, as well as most of the chemtech from M&M, with the possible exceptions of anything nanotech related, most of the combat drugs (most hit the market in 2052-2053), and virtually all of the upgraded versions on nerve gases (Seven-Seven for example).
2. Street drugs pretty much state as set, as well as Awakened drugs, though they would be hellaciously more rare at this point. Simsense is pretty much the same, including BTLs, though I would definitely suggest keeping such things far more low-tech, considering several of the options seem to be rather high-end. The same would be true for Matrixware/software as well. You’re basically limited to SR3 only, with the main exceptions of DINAB, which was actually available though rare since 2049 through Hoosier Hacker House/Dead Deckers society (in Seattle at least).

1. I’ll let these stay as stated in Rigger 3. Frankly, it would too big of a list to compile, and secondly, you folks are creative enough to figure this out.

1. Again, you’re looking primarily at SR3, with the exception of some weapons you may find that look acceptable in Canon Companion.
2. Definitely out are any supermachine gun type weapons. SuperMachs and the like are right out the window. As well as the Savalette Guardian for those who wonder. 2055 folks. But Viper Sliverguns rock your world! (Jesus, I hate myself for even saying that.)
3. In regards to combat options and maneuvers as well as martial arts from CC, again, with Wild’s say-so, I see no reason most of those, as well as the large majority of the bow accessories, melee weapons, and armors (though I would probably say that armor customization is out, as in chemically sealing trenchcoats and Kevlar vests….setting aside how odd that just seems to begin with). Again, I let Wild make the call on the last one.

The following is a brief summary of major changes from the Seattle we all know in 2060. Take it for what it’s worth, and note that it is colored by my perceptions to some extent. Any more questions…take them to Wild folks. Let’s get it on! (There has to be at least one Marvin Gaye reference in every SR game related post. It’s essential. Fuck you Nex for laughing already.)
[01:13] <Jeff> One....pre-Mob War, especially early 2050's, James "Jimmy" O'Malley, Don of the Seattle Mafia had just been sent by the Mafia heads to Seattle to take it back hard to the yakuza, who were highly winning the war for Seattle's streets at that point.
[01:14] <Jeff> Especially up until about mid-2052, O'Malley made little headway, though he worked damn hard at it. Seattle was very much at that point, dominated by two powers on the streets. The yakuza, specifically the Shotozumi-gumi, which at that point was still very much linked to the Watada-rengo based out of Chiba.
[01:15] <Jeff> And very importantly, gangs were still a power.
[01:15] * Wildfire nods
[01:15] <Jeff> Major work by Lone Star and other various factions/corps in 2052-2054 decimated the power of the gangs in Seattle.
[01:16] <Jeff> The Halloweeners were wiped out by Renraku almost entirely. The Ancients made peace behind the scenes with Tir Tairngire.
[01:16] <Jeff> The Cutters were almost completely wiped out by a bioweapon from a Tir corp.
[01:17] <Wildfire> Ah, okay. More gangs good :)
[01:17] <Jeff> In 2050-51 especially, the Ancients were big news on the streets. Relatively new to town, all elven, and they made big business, pushing the Cutters back.
[01:18] <Jeff> So, two major streets wars really. Between the Cutters and the Ancients, as well as them trying to stay independent from the syndicates, and the war between the Mafia and the yakuza.
[01:18] <Jeff> While the Mafia didn't have much power, they were absolutely brutal in making it an all out war in those beginning years.
[01:18] <Wildfire> Very good
[01:18] <Jeff> Their territory was nothing, but they fought damn hard to expand on it and protect their existing territory.
[01:18] <Jeff> Next up, the governmental side of things.
[01:19] <Jeff> There was a great deal of sentiment in local politics in those years of Seattle being independent from UCAS, resulting in all kinds of political intrigue between national level law-enforcement/intelligence agencies and Seattle political powers.
[01:20] <Jeff> The Night of Rage was still only 11 years past, leading to all kinds of profiling still within local law enforcement.
[01:21] <Jeff> Lone Star was very loose with the law at that time, working more as vigilantes in some respects than cops, considering they were still trying to make up for the screwups involving the Night of Rage, as well as believing they had a monopoly over the city, since it's long before Knight Errant gave them any kind of competition.
[01:22] <Jeff> Additionally, with these factors, the media went crazy. Working hard to get the next big scoop, every move by law enforcement and politicians was over-analyzed and blown up.
[01:22] <Jeff> get the point. :)
[01:22] <Jeff> Finally, the corporate side.
[01:22] <Jeff> There were no Seattle super-powers at this point. Pure and simple. It was the ultimate ground to make gains against other corps. Every corp had an interest here.
[01:23] <Jeff> The only real "bad guys" that most everyone seemed to hate was Aztechnology.
[01:23] <Jeff> If you had to nominate one corp on the top of the heap at this point, it may possibly have been Fuchi.
[01:23] * Wildfire nods
[01:24] <Jeff> This is pre-Corp War and still even pre the intra-corp operation against Aztechnology in Aztlan to "teach them a lesson."
[01:24] <Jeff> So most definitely, open warfare was very much frowned upon. Things were to be kept quiet, in the background.
[01:25] <Jeff> You could go as often and as hard as you wanted against a competitor, just do not make it show up on the nightly news.
[01:25] <Jeff> :)
[01:25] <Wildfire> Yay :D
[01:25] <Jeff> Which of course, happened anyway. :)
[01:25] *** NWNexusvoid [] has joined #opengame
[01:25] <NWNexusvoid> :o
[01:25] <Jeff> Hey dude.
[01:25] <Wildfire> Nosy reports and all :)
[01:25] <Jeff> One last note, since the corporate side is pretty much covered.
[01:26] <Jeff> Seattle overall, was a much dirtier place. The real money from the corporate future war hadn't come into the town yet, the Arcology was in the beginning stages of building, leaving even Downtown dirtier and looking more used.
[01:27] <Jeff> A much more gritty cyberpunk feel. Most of the major Lone Star/corporate "urban renewal" projects hadn't happened yet, the cleaning out of some areas of Seattle by Ares, due to the Universal Brotherhood, hadn't happened yet.
[01:27] <Jeff> The Barrens were much more of the Barrens and much more sprawling.
[01:27] <Jeff> Puyallup was...well...a toxic fucking wasteland straight out of Fallout.
[01:28] <Jeff> Overall, the city was much more like New York city in the late 80's or any classic crime movie set there.
[01:28] <NWNexusvoid> With people who had trees growing out of their head.
[01:28] <Jeff> :P
[01:28] <Jeff> That's pretty much it.
[01:29] <Wildfire> Sounds perfectly like the way I like my SR :)
[01:29] <Jeff> I left out the international side of things, but since I think the NAN and the Tir is a load of shit, fuck if I care. :P
[01:30] <Jeff> side of things is easy to sum up. Everybody hates the Japanese for taking over Seattle and shipping the Yakuza to Seattle. That's all you need to remember. ;)
I'll turn back over to Wildfire now, and let her nail down a due date and a game day.

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2003 7:28 am
by Wildfire
Okay people, we have an official channel, #SR2051, I'll try to remember to be in there when I'm on, post here or discuss there, when's a good day and if you have any questions, and what you think a reasonable timeframe for characters would be

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2003 8:02 am
by Jeff Hauze
Just a quick question and a note. One, can we get a definite count on folks? Are Maelwys and Eliahad confirmed? Additionally, do we have a solid date for characters? I'm guessing we should probably set a hard date sometime soon, considering we'll let it just slip by otherwise. Well, at least I know I will. ;)

Final note, for pure reference sake, there is information in the New Seattle book that mentions the original reporter expose on the Universal Brotherhood was to be published in mid-2051. However, the UB killed off the reporters and squelched much of the material, though most of the original document made it to Shadowland, though it was buried for quite some time there before most users could access it, afterwards. So it's possible to have interacted or have knowledge of bugs to dates mentioned above, of course, if Wildfire approves. I'm sure I'll come up with some more obscure references over the next two days at work.

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2003 4:43 am
by Wildfire
Day: Wednesday morning 1:30am to 3:30am EST
Character Deadline: Feb 15th
Character creation system: Any
Character restrictions: No HMHVV types, anything else is a go.

Questions, coments, general discussion here and in the channel #SR2051

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2003 6:14 am
by Jeff Hauze
Final gear note

Headware memory is as follows. Standard headware memory is Essence Cost of MP/100. Cost is MP x 100 nuyen. The upgraded (and SR3 standard type) version or FIFF memory (found in Shadowtech) is Essence Cost of MP/300, nuyen cost of MP x 150. In my mind, I think that cost needs to be higher to reflect the rarity of it, considering that it first hit restricted market access in 4th quarter, 2050. Mostly just test markets and intra-corporate areas only. But I'll leave that up to Wildfire, since this is her baby.

I also have some other dates and timeline info I promised, which I will try to get posted this weekend.

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2003 6:29 am
by Wildfire
Yeah, let's bump cost to x250, this is bleeding edge tech at this point, if you can find it you're gonna pay through the nose for it.

Jeff is obviously here, what about the rest of you? Some of you have character concepts, some don't, but how about just posting up that you're here and the brain is at least percolating ideas :)

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2003 11:43 pm
by Eliahad
Are there things that people want to be? I mean, I have things I'm 'thinking' about (like a decker for one) but if someone more suited to decking wants to be a decker, wants it, go for it. I just haven't played one in a long, long time.

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2003 12:39 am
by Maelwys
Someone wanted me to post? :)

I have no idea on character ideas atm...and me playing will depend on how school goes..but should be possible.

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2003 2:44 am
by Jeff Hauze
I've looking at a more frontline combat (urban combat anyway) style of character. Unsure if it will be physad or cybered. Most likely human, but more combat capable based. I'm not sure about Nex, but I think he was looking at a possible face/decker, more socially based.

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2003 5:01 am
by Maelwys
Hrrm, I'm looking at a cybered sam atm, though with a little twist. Problem right now is this was an old character, so I'm trying to turn back time a bit, and figure out what I can do with the limited tech.

BTW- What's edge and flaws limit, and I assume 123 points under SR3 Chargen?

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2003 6:22 am
by JesterSpirit
This kind of seems like a private game but I was wondering whether or not anyone else can join since i've been looking for an online shadowrun game since, well ever.

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2003 6:45 am
by Wildfire
Yeah, sorry, but its a closed game. Most of the IRC games tend to form rather spontaniously over a disscusion on IRC at the time.

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2003 7:22 pm
by Nexusvoid
My character is all but finished (just have to finish his deck and background). I will be goingwith the decker/faceman, with his focus on info gathering and negotiations-type work.

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2003 10:04 pm
by Jeff Hauze
Sorry about the delay. I made the mistake of buying Parasite Eve, which promptly sucked me in. Character is finished, though the gear isn't typed up yet. I'll get it typed up and sent to you today or tomorrow Wild.

Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2003 1:44 am
by Wildfire
No problem, I figured everyone's just about done :) And Parasite Eve does indeed rock :)

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 6:14 am
by Wildfire
Session start time, March 5th, Wednesday, 1:30am, #SR2051. Be there.

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 6:14 am
by Eliahad
*makes a note to nap before getting there :) *

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2003 6:41 am
by Wildfire
Okay, I'm off for the week, so you get homework :)

By Tues, March 25, I want you all to have emailed me 1) a critique of my GMing. Likes, dislikes, what you would have done differently and 2) a short writeup of the events of the run from the perspective of one of your contacts, whether they were involved, or just saw the news, heard a rumor.

Class dismissed :)