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So... Who wants to game with a Herald

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2003 3:54 pm
by Cazmonster
That's right, boys and girls. I just ground my way through the RPGA Herald-Level Game Master test. This means that I can run sanctioned events for Wizards.

This also means that I might be 'volunteering' to run games for Wizards at Gencon.


Cazmonster does a little D&D3E dance and is thoroughly pleased with himself.


Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2003 4:07 pm
by DV8
Congratulations, Caz. :)

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2003 4:15 pm
by Cazmonster
Thanks Deev.

That test was going to bust my nut. Thankfully, there were only so many questions in the whole thing so I wasn't completely screwed, they repeated some on each test as I retook it.

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2003 2:55 am
by Salvation122
What kind of questions did they ask?

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2003 3:01 am
by Eliahad
Congratulations Caz!

*Grovels before the might of the Cazinator*

I'm not worthy...oh shit, I'm running a game for the Game Guru himself...must prepare.

*dashes off*

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2003 3:50 am
by Cazmonster
Sal - Fairly hinky and complex D&D questions. Like how many hit points does Redgar the 8th level fighter heal with a full day of rest?

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2003 5:38 am
by ak404
Depends, how much Constitution does he have? Does that even matter anymore?

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2003 5:16 am
by Eliahad

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2003 5:27 am
by FlameBlade
Cazmonster, here's a difficult question.

Under what conditions do cleric get a martial weapon proficiency for free?

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2003 6:06 am
by Cazmonster
FlameBlade wrote:Cazmonster, here's a difficult question.

Under what conditions do cleric get a martial weapon proficiency for free?
Flame - Clerics who take the War Domain gain their Diety's weapon as a free Martial Weapon proficiency.

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2003 5:36 pm
by FlameBlade
So...that means...

Goodwin here...

Has shield proficiency for free. But needs to take martial weapon proficiency to take Greatsword...his domain isn't war. His domain is Good, and Strength.

Hmmm...*ponders taking monkey grip proficiency next level, which will be fighter.*

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2003 5:37 pm
by FlameBlade
and I just realized that combat casting is fucking useless because clerics spontaneously cast spells.

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2003 5:46 pm
by Salvation122
FlameBlade wrote:Hmmm...*ponders taking monkey grip proficiency next level, which will be fighter.*
Having no idea what the hell "monky grip" is, you realize that Fighters get all armor, simple, and martial weapon proficencies for free?

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2003 5:53 pm
by FlameBlade

Gotta change Goodwin around or something... :)

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2003 6:03 pm
by Cazmonster
FlameBlade wrote:and I just realized that combat casting is fucking useless because clerics spontaneously cast spells.
The spontaneous casting of a cure spell is still a spellcasting and would still draw attacks of opportunity. The benefit of combat casting is that even while in medius combat, you can Cast on the Defensive, a DC 15 concentration check and be at +4 on the roll, taking you to even odds with only 1 rank of concentration. If you spent your skills in blocks, you've got 4 points of concentration, and probably a point or two of Constitution Bonus (I know you've got two - 10hp). So, you could cast spells while being threatened three times out of four.

Monkey Grip - has more prerequisites than I had at first thought - you'll have to take Weapon Focus (Greatsword) and wait until at least 4th level. You have to have a +3 attack bonus.

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2003 5:36 am
by Eliahad
Caz said what I wanted to say about spontaneous casting.

Question: Do you need to be a fighter to use Monkey Grip? Flame, in purely metagame terms, I can see a cleric doing very well if you're patient. Keep in mind you have two fairly competent fighters already. What with Allnines there dropping foes like a demon. Your strength will come ;) However, it is not ultimately my decision to make, and I'm not suggesting this as DM, because I can't 'see' all the places you guys are going beyond the next hill, it's entirely up to you :)

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2003 6:23 am
by FlameBlade
I'm just looking at all different possiblities.

I'm trying to break a cleric :D

Actually, I'm trying to understand all naunces of rules here, because there are freaking so many conditionals in those rules. If A happens, then B can happen...If C happens then D won't happen.

It's enough to drive me crazy.

I'm just asking those I can make rational decision making.

I want my cleric to wield greatsword...yet at the same time...I want higher AC...

In other words...I guess I'll just stand behind Lia and hope no arrows hit my tuckus again :)

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2003 8:57 am
by Cazmonster
FlameBlade wrote:I'm just looking at all different possiblities.

I want my cleric to wield greatsword...yet at the same time...I want higher AC...

In other words...I guess I'll just stand behind Lia and hope no arrows hit my tuckus again :)
Flame, your best bet is armor. You've got to get into something decent as I think your Dex is under 10. Protection from Evil and Shield of Faith are going to be two of your very best magic friends for a while. They both crank your AC by +2 right now and you'll have 10 rounds of protection. Entropic Shield and Obscuring Mist will protect you from ranged attacks.

But when it comes down to it, get armored.

Also, Monkey grip is only so good. You'll not get the 1.5x bonus strength when attacking with the Greatsword. (Which will really be something once you get Bull's Strength.)

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2003 1:53 am
by Lekkarion
That's awesome Caz, WTG. And I thought I was the only person without a life lol. Now I know someone with less lol.

Anyways, still that's really awesome.

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2003 3:53 am
by Cazmonster
Cazmonster flexes, and wishes he already had his neafty Herald Badge.

Well, the good thing about no life is that it is cheap. I may be doing Gencon on Wizard's tab, which always roxxors the boxxors.

Also, at Oddcon, D&D 3e is the most anticipated game. Kick ass and take names.

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2003 1:33 am
by Ryan Murphy
Sal: Monkey Grip (from Sword & Fist) lets you use a Large weapon in one hand- albeit half-assedly.

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2003 3:41 am
by Wildfire
Mad props Cazman, and going on company tab is a great thing :)

proudly flashes her Shadowrun Mook badge

Here's hoping I can stay in GA and the SR Tourney comes to DragonCon

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2003 4:24 pm
by Lekkarion
so Caz if you run D&D at the Gencon and all that, do you have to write up a game or are they just going to give ya one to run for them?

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2003 5:20 pm
by Cazmonster
Lek - with any luck, they'll give me something to run. Me writing up a game for Gencon is a bad thing.

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2003 5:24 pm
by Lekkarion
that'd be cool. If ya had to write up a game, you'd probably make it so everyone died at the end anyways lol.

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2003 5:33 pm
by FlakJacket
Cazmonster wrote:Lek - with any luck, they'll give me something to run. Me writing up a game for Gencon is a bad thing.
Bad in what way? And does this mean you have to sacrifice browsing/hang time in return for the cash?

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2003 5:45 pm
by Cazmonster
FlakJacket wrote:
Cazmonster wrote:Lek - with any luck, they'll give me something to run. Me writing up a game for Gencon is a bad thing.
Bad in what way? And does this mean you have to sacrifice browsing/hang time in return for the cash?
Flak - mostly because I'd get all freaky and spend a month writing up a campaign length adventure with 60 detailed NPC's for a four hour game.

And yeah, I will be out a little hang time, but I'm going to try to fix it so that I've got one whole day free.

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2003 5:55 pm
by Lekkarion
wow for only four hours? Well I guess you couldn't get a whole group of people together to spend the whole GenCon only playing D&D, of course I'm not sure what else I'd want to do instead.