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S&S: Sheboygan: Shots in the Dark

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2003 1:12 am
by FlameBlade
To people who missed out on Caz's S&S game...I'll be willing to run a game...If anyone is interested.

5 slots open, with a possibility for 6th.

Anyone interested?

I have very little idea of what will be set, but it's going to be set in Sheboygan...more details to come as I chat with Caz.

(whoever got cut from Caz's game will have first priority here. Otherwise, it's first come, first served basis)

EDIT: Details Below

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2003 1:40 am
by Anguirel
Can I use my Norse Paladin? :D

Alternately, I'm all about being a Technomancer. Which reminds me, I'm not sure the finalized version of that class was ever found. ;)

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2003 1:52 am
by FlameBlade
Anguirel: You're welcome to use technomancer. (Norse Paladin isn't approved, by the way...since it doesn't make sense for that guy to be in that location. If he's in the location, it will be very very difficult for him, because people will be attracted to you all of the time...good or evil. And by the way...there's a certain group of people in Sheboygan that focuses on keeping Terran being only being in Sheboygan, while Sheboygan is a place where Martayakans and Terrans work together toward unity...and that group intend to give power to terrans, not to Martyakans. Just a little background information. )

After all, Caz hasn't really created the technomancer yet...But as I have established the basic rules with Caz...then I'm sure that we'll be off.

I'd imagine that PCs will start off at level 2.

I'll post descriptions of Sheboygan as I do a little digging in old past of BD v.02.

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2003 2:19 am
by FlameBlade
Note to those people who played for Sheboygan a while ago...I'm planning to have some of your PCs cameo in the story...

(Other option? If you didn't get to play in Caz's current game, and you have character from the can get them in this game if you want to...or create new character completely. Because the game is going to start right after the fireworks in Sheboygan.)

I'll explain more of what is happening as time comes, and I finally write ideas down.

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2003 3:25 am
by FlameBlade
The beginning:

The carnival has been going by very well. Very well. Until that one moment. One single moment. Where calmness of the city would be shattered in mere moments.

The fireworks explode with colorful brillance of pyrotechnics on the night of the Carnival. The cool night with light breeze swaying spectators’ hair around as they watch the wisps of smoke trailing from the decorated floats on the river in the middle of Sheboygan. the wisps of smoke ends in a brilliant cloud of fire. All of the sudden, several rocket-propelled spears suddenly fly from a boat into the crowd, apparently targeting three people: Half Dragon Roman Catholic Brother Goldtooth, Father Flathery, and Half Orc Buddhist Monk Silent Fist, three people with leadership ability in Sheboygan. As spears gashes through knees of Goldtooth, he collapses to the ground, as Father Flathery approaches Goldtooth. As Flathery looks at Goldtooth, several blunderbuss blasts sprays into Father Flathery. As Silent Fist saw both Flathery and Goldtooth, he rises, only to face a huge spear flying toward him. Silent Fist quickly dodges the spear in time to avoid the spear aiming for his face. It was not long before the words of the assassination attempt spread around Sheboygan like a wildfire, and sending everyone into disarray with local militia mobilizing…

(Note to people who had played S&S over at BD v0.2...this is what happened during the fireworks...and I'm picking up the story from there.)

(Note to everyone: I'll be posting NPCs of this campaign here shortly so you will be aware of who is in the town. Also, the places to go in the town, so you feel like a citizen of the town.)

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2003 3:31 am
by Reika
I'm interested, just not sure what kind of char I'll be making.

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2003 3:31 am
by Threadbare
I might want to get in on this, but I'll need some background info. I need some meat to get into the story. Hey, does anyone have a quick link to the 3.5 SRD?

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2003 3:35 am
by Reika
Threadbare wrote:I might want to get in on this, but I'll need some background info. I need some meat to get into the story. Hey, does anyone have a quick link to the 3.5 SRD?
Here's the SRD per your request. :)

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2003 3:38 am
by FlameBlade
Information on Sheboygan (Important locations)
As always, ask any questions either here or in an email.

1.) The Catholic Church and its surrounding buildings take up a large part of the corner of 9th street and New Hope Ave. The Cathedral itself is from the 1850? and survived the Spellcoming with very little damage. This large building is more than just a place of worship. The monks and priests teach, see to fair trades and care for the less fortunate. The rectory, several modest residences and a large garden make up about half of the block north of New Hope and east of 9th.

2.) Commerce Waters has become the name of the stretch of river between the rail bridge and the Pennslyvania Ave. bridge. All along the river, docks were put up and buildings coverted for trade or storage. By noon, this part of the city is filled with people doing business of one kind or another.

3.) The Greenward Edge is a thick band of trees and homes along the eastern side of town. Here, Mother Windsweet and the other nature clerics and druids have grown a great bawn of protective trees and thick undergrowth. The Edge starts at Pennsylvania and heads north out of town. It goes as far west as 5th street.

4.) In the middle of the poorer quarter of Sheboygan stands Shining Hope, Deacon Gregory church. On Riverfront, just where the river bends north again, this church of Pelor stands as a house of light and hope. Brin Gregory gladly welocmes all people to his church.

5.) The High Houses north of Ontario and then until Michigan, and between 10th and 7th, are the houses and places of entertainment for the small but growing contingent of well-off farmers and craftsmen. These blocks have been cleared of all debris and are well-maintained.

6.) The Good Garden The block of 8th, Erie, 9th and Saint Claire has been razed to its foundations and in its place is a very large, well-groomed park. Many consider it to be the pride of town. Even Windsweet approves of the respect it garners. The Good Garden is the home of many cultural events.

7.) Fishers Town is the southern run of land between the river and the Great Lake. It has become a tight warren of small homes, ale houses, carpenter? works and small boats. The ?own?is poor, but the people are generally happy. They work their boats out on the water and live on what it provides.

8.) The Chessmen near the old railways in Fishers?Town is a sprawling establishment known as the Chessmen. It provides cheap entertainment, libation and privacy. It is believed that the Chessmen is often used by nefarious people as a meeting-place. The place is also known for an excellent dark beer brewed with pre-spellcomming fermenters and its fish stew.

9.) At the corner of Pennsylvania and Water Street stands the central City Hall building. Here, city business is taken care of, town guards are housed and the Laymen? Council meets. It? a large building of stone and marble with expensive, yet understated furnishings and well-maintained wooden floors. There are also a couple of new wooden outbuildings.

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2003 3:39 am
by FlameBlade
People of Sheboygan. Just to give you a taste of what Sheboygan is. Few of them may be in play, or not. Basically, they are important people. Most important people are in bold.
Father Benjamen Flaherty is in his mid 70's. He is a benevolent old man who, in spite of seeing some major reversals for his world and his faith, has come to stand as a leader of many men and women. He has never sought out rank in the church, but rather is content to advise and comfort the people of Sheboygan.

Mother Windsweet is a half-elf and is over one hundred years of age. She was one of the few who survived the casting of the Great Gates. She has come to Sheboygan, drawn to those of similar faith. Here, she struck a cord with many of the earth-magic, new age, and wicca worshippers. Windsweet is a kind but firm leader. She still leads many of her prayer services, leaving only the smaller or individual rites to her acolytes.

Deacon Brin Gregory is a human of spellcomer descent. He is a youthful man, full of energy and good humor. He was an adventurer until only recently, searching for treasure and battling the forces of evil. When he came to Sheboygan, there was a large population of spellcomers who did not feel that their faith was being tended to. Deacon Gregory filled a void for them and Pelor has become a very popular God among the younger and poorer people of Sheboygan.

Tevual StarShine depends on his deputies and his rapid-firing long rifle to keep the people of Sheboygan safe. He is of elven descent and his keen eyesight is one of his greatest assets in seeing that the laws are obeyed. He is a kind and fair man, usually easy going in regards to the law. He belives in faith and learning to dissuade most lawbreakers.

"Glorywine" Zelch Tupoer is an older gnome who has been slow to adapt to the new world. He tends his vinyard north of town, preparing each year for his golden wine of light and the sharp and pale wine of Ice. He oversees a small group of harvesters and artisans through the year. As a significant landowner, he sits on the Layman's Council.

Captain Harrold "BreakOars" is a towering figure of a human. He captains a merchanter vessel that plies the mighty Michigan and beyond. Most of his trade is in furs, gold and other expensive commodities. While his ship is usually out of town, he can be found either at his import/export shop in Commerce Waters, or at the Layman's Council, where he works to increase the power of the ships' captains.

Liam of the Shining Heart is a dwarven forger true and bold. He came to Sheboygan not long after the Spellcoming and has traded his knowledge and skill for safety and comfort. His forgeworks, half-buried in a hillside on the western side of Commerce Waters produces many of the weapons and much of the armor for the City Guard.

Siobahn was born to Terran parents, not long after the Spellcoming. Her beauty and her skill at relieving others of their treasures garnered her influence in the town. She is an opportunistic woman always looking for more wealth and power.

Abbot Joshua is a human monk, trained in Catholicism and in the martial art Capoeria. His bright eyes and white teeth shine out of his deep brown skin. He lost his people and his church during the Spellcoming. But the Catholic Church took him in and gave him a mission to support Father Flaherty. He is a soft-spoken, compelling man of about 50.

Freeman Haltaff is a young man who has come to prominence among the Layman's Council. It is Haltaff they look to for leadership when they must cross purposes with the Three Churches. So far, Haltaff has been up to the challenge. Haltaff is about 5'9" and 185lbs with straight brown hair, gray eyes and handsome features. He and his family own a logging interest west of town. This has also gained him some influence among the fishing families.

Jon "Codger" Etter was a schoolteacher when the Spellcoming happened. He watched many of his students die or transform into strange creatures. This, combined with all of the other tragedies left him more than a little unbalanced. Now, "Codger" likes to trade for more of the stange 'comic books' he loves so much. His powers seem to come from the images within these books, rather than from any God or Power.

Mushawak is seen only rarely. He is one of several Native Americans who returned to this part of the country. Mushawak has taken to selling his lance, axe and shield to the highest bidder. The city guard know to be on the lookout for him, but as yet have not 'pinned' anything on him.

"Rook" is a stout and powerful dwarf who owns the Chessmen. He is dark of skin, like fresh loam and his grip is as strong as the whiskey he brews. Rook does not approve of violence in his establishment and has several strong lads "his knights" on his payroll to see that it is kept to a minimum.

Lucille Welters runs a farm just to the west of town. The Welters do well on their acreage. She is tall and fair, with a cascade of hair like the Lake in the moonlight. The Welter household is perhaps thirty people in two big farmhouses.

Cyril Half Man is a half orc in the employ of Siobahn as her "protector." Little is know of him, except that he smells like a steel-yard, clinks when he walks and tends to glower and mumble at other people. He came to Sheboygan from Zhikagoruk about three years ago.

Jaques "Silver Smile" Bandyroot is an incorrigible rogue and trickster. He has been a thorn in the side of the Three Churches and the Layman's council since the Spellcoming. He was one of those transformed by the Transmogrification Fever. He keeps his chicanery to a minimum, tricking people out of their money or bamboozling merchants out of their wares.

Droober owns the taphouse that bears his name. He is a skinflint and charlatan who runs crooked games and waters down his liquor. His natural charisma, coupled with an easy manner and refined social skills keeps customers coming and the money flowing.

Velle Farwalker is one of the wild warders of the Greenward Edge. She follows the New Age tradition of communing with nature. She is tall for an elf and clean of limb. Her golden hair and pale skin are the envy of many of the women in town. When she must fight, she uses a spear and long bow and is quite fearless.

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2003 3:45 am
by FlameBlade
Quick list of places of "interests" (mainly for resting, recuperating, and recovering.)
The Gearworks
The Free Parking
Storm Harbor
The Loose Half Orc (Sign that looks like a half-orc lady in the St. Paulie girl’s outfit)
Blue Pinto (There’s a lewdly-painted shell of a Ford Pinto that’s been nailed to the front wall of the bar).
Varsity Club
Valiant Halfling (There’s a halfling lifting a tankard his size and drinking from it.)
Droober’s Wine & Spirits
Connor’s Place

The Chancellor’s
Yondalla’s Hearth
Lion’s Den
South Water Hall

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2003 3:52 am
by FlameBlade

Silent Fist: Half Orc Tibetian Buddhist Monk. Formbidable looking half-orc wearing orange robes with shaved head. He is currently visiting Sheboygan as a part of his journey to unify people, especially with Martyakans and Terrans. Also, during the journey, Silent Fist hopes to discover more and more about humanity and everything in the universe so he could understand himself better.

Brother Goldtooth: Half Dragon Roman Catholic Priest A priest who works at Sheboygan, seeking to support people of Sheboygan in any way possible. A priest is a friend of Silent Fist, and wishes to work with Silent Fist to help improve the unity in the ciity of Sheboygan, so the future of Sheboygan looks bright for everyone. A true leader to everyone, as the imposing, massive structure of half-dragon works with common people to advance as a community.

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2003 3:58 am
by Threadbare
Do they have unions in Sheboygan? I think it'd be kinda cool to be a rabble-rousing, lower class, maybe orcish type guy, organizing either the rail workers, or the non-dwarf labor that the dwarves hired when orders became a little overwhelming. If the dwarf thing is cool, it'd be fun to run with; the dwarves treat even the skilled craftsmen (who are beginning to make scary leaps and bounds in what was once a racial trade). If not, maybe a "street fightin' man" bard who gets his music from the Rolling Stones, Rage Against the Machine, and the like.

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2003 4:04 am
by FlameBlade
I'd imagine that there are various of groups within Sheboygan. There are unions, but more generally, they are called "guilds." Just PM me the ideas that you may have about "guilds" and I'll see if I'll approve or not. Sheboygan is pretty large, and you may just have added some more ideas to that city.

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2003 4:43 am
by Threadbare
short pm sent, flame.

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2003 5:03 am
by Salvation122
*Reserves a spot.*

I'm heading to bed right now and I'm sure I'll have a metric asston of work to make up for missing four days of class with Mono, but I'll get in to campaign background and chargen and everything just as soon as humanly possible. :)

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2003 12:47 pm
by Wildfire
For flavor's sake Flame, you can always pull in our self-created spots, Karen's music shop, Shayla's bakery, etc.

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2003 1:13 am
by FlameBlade
By the way...

I'm picking up right after the old game...with different PCs... The game in the thread below is before the fireworks. This is after the fireworks.

Old S&S game in Sheboygan.

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2003 2:05 am
by Reika
I'm going to bow out of the game, I can't seem to get into 3e/3.5 mode after immersing myself for 3 weeks into BESM d20. After mucking with the goodness of BESM d20, 3e/3.5 seems hideously limiting.

Have much fun. :)

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2003 5:05 pm
by FlameBlade
Will be a while before I get anything up here...I'm having a serious problem with my car battery, and will need some time to get my stress level back down before doing anything.

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2003 4:22 pm
by Threadbare
that's cool. I'm in no hurry.

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2003 9:38 pm
by FlameBlade
seems that I have three in, and still open for two more.

Anguirel, Threadbare, and Salvation: Take your time in creation of character. The deadline is in three to four weeks. I haven't set the deadline yet, but I'm just giving you idea when I would like to see this game start to go. By the way, warning you guys, Thanksgiving is going to be a week when I'll be gone, but y'all should be fine.

Reika: Sorry to hear.

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2003 2:44 am
by Anguirel
I'm almost definitely going to do a technomancer and I think it should fit the theme well. I've been reading the old thread (slowly) for atmosphere and my character is definitely more of the upbeat sort. Now I just need to select an appropriate race. And get to stuff beyond the background (which will be submitted shortly -- I've partially written and lost it once already and never got back to writing).

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2003 7:37 am
by Threadbare
What are the funky deviations from the SRD you guys have, in terms of races you can be and so forth?

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2003 2:57 pm
by Cazmonster
Originally, I had said you could be any race, so long as it did not exceed the power level of the party. Since Flame is starting with 2nd level characters, you could play any race where the monster type has 1 HD and either no level adjustment (meaning that your first level will be a character level) or +1 level adjustment (meaning that you'll start as that stock monster, but gear up as a character) or you could start as any 2HD monster type and no level adjustment.

My thinking had been that PC's are still going to be humanoid types, hands, understandable speech, color vision, the whole nine yards.

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2003 4:49 pm
by FlameBlade
Yep. I know that I didn't really plan stuff out...I realized that I forgot to put out some details on characters.

Yes, it will be 2nd-level character. And also, it's according to what Cazmonster just said.

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2003 9:34 pm
by Threadbare
say, what are the rules on picking up new languages? Also, feats are one at character creation and then at every three, yes?

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2003 1:23 am
by FlameBlade
Considering that I don't have materials with would be difficult...for me to answer completely.

We're starting at 2nd level...and I'd imagine that feats are every 3 levels (generally), after starting at 1st level. I believe that different classes has different exceptions, especially with fighters, etc.

As for picking up language, I'm going to go with "study, practice, practice, study" way. If you spend good amount of time studying a language (assuming that there is a way to study the language.) then you will learn the language. Considering this campaign, there would not be much time to study the language...unless you decide to slack off from the party, and practice language experience points for you while other guys gets XP :)

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2003 2:52 am
by Sludig
Interested. :)

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2003 3:12 am
by Cazmonster
As far as the rules from the core book govern languages - you can spend two skill points to learn to speak and read a language. Bards can do it for one skill point per language.

Within Steam and Sorcery, the Terran Languages are still in use, but to a limited degree. If you want to make good with the local Hobres in the Latin Quarter, Spanish is going to help.

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2003 6:50 am
by Threadbare
Cazmonster wrote:As far as the rules from the core book govern languages - you can spend two skill points to learn to speak and read a language. Bards can do it for one skill point per language.

Within Steam and Sorcery, the Terran Languages are still in use, but to a limited degree. If you want to make good with the local Hobres in the Latin Quarter, Spanish is going to help.
hmmn. I was thinking that maybe the dwarves can speak orc more than orcs can speak dwarven, so it's cool. I'm going for a sort of a journeyman craftsman/either rogue or bard, who works in the dwarven shops and gets no respect, then goes home and rocks out (bard), or prowls the city, looking for opportunity (gambling, odd jobs, etc.)

Waitaminute, do electric guitars still work? Or do they have to be mojofied to do so?

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2003 2:05 pm
by FlameBlade
Threadbare: it's electrical. In other words, you're gonna need some kind of alchemical battery (which can be expensive) to get your guitar running and of course, your amplifiers working. In other words, you have to do a lot of work keeping guitar running with support of other people.

regular guitar on the other hand... :)

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2003 2:25 pm
by Cazmonster
He does raise an interesting question though - I'm looking at this site right now to see how they actually work.

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2003 3:28 pm
by FlameBlade
Cazmonster: Depends on how you want electricity work in S&S world. The system is dependent on how magnet affects electrons in the wire. The vibrations of metal wire causes the electricity in the wire to move back and forth with the vibrations in resonance. So basically, it depends on how you wish to define motion of electricity in the wires. Seems that you would need a way to power the power amplifier in order to get the electricity guitar to work...So seems that alchemical battery would be needed for the power amplifier.

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2003 3:38 pm
by Cazmonster
Yar - this be bad news for the electric guitar, and many things that I want to work.

For in order to make an electric guitar, or an amp, or any sound/electricity combo work, ye be needin' electromagnets and dynamos in miniature.

I think I'll be adding a spell or a feat that will let a bard 'power' a musical instrument magically.

For now, electric guitars are in, for bard's only.

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2003 5:45 pm
by Threadbare
That sounds like a good idea. Ever read "Soul Music" by Terry Pratchett?

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2003 7:00 pm
by Cazmonster
No, but I have read the Spellsinger books by Alan Dean Foster.

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2003 8:07 pm
by TheScamp
In, por favor.

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2003 10:08 pm
by Threadbare
Cazmonster wrote:No, but I have read the Spellsinger books by Alan Dean Foster.
Ah, well, Terry Pratchett is always good for taking your regular fantasy world and thwacking it with the wrench of funny and the lead pipe of realism. "Soul Music" involves rock and roll, of a sort, in his world.

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2003 10:29 pm
by FlameBlade
Player list so far:

Anguirel, Threadbare, Salvation, Sludig, and Scamp.

Scamp, I seem to remember that you played in old Sheboygan S&S game. Scamp, you're free to use your old character, Welby Thorngage with his wonder dog, Marzipan. Just let me know what you decide.

Anguirel and Threadbare: Thanks for prelimary information on what you are planning. It looks like technomancer and a bard, respectively.

Salvation, Sludig, Scamp: Take your will be like two to three weeks before I get this up and running.

Important Announcement I won't be here during thanksgiving and for a week prior to it...unless I get extremely lucky. So expect the game to hang a bit there.

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2003 11:16 pm
by TheScamp
Well, Welby's 4th level, with a fair amount of magic items on him. I'll probably tweak him slightly, maybe dual classing Ranger and Rogue. Is this 3.0 or 3.5?

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2003 3:06 am
by FlameBlade
Doesn't matter much to me. I have very little knowledge of what is in 3.5. I have some knowledge in 3.0. What is most important that we follow the universe of S&S.

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2003 3:34 am
by Threadbare
I saw School of Rock on saturday and sunday, and it's got me jazzed on a bard who rocks out.

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2003 9:56 pm
by TheScamp
Flame: I'm re-working Welby to a 1/1 level Rogue/Ranger. Any guidelines for magic items (or lack thereof) and gold to spend on equipment?

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2003 11:31 pm
by FlameBlade
Since you're level 2...

Rules for gp based on level 2 from 3.5 or 3.0...whichever is bigger.

And also, as for equipment, be sure that it correlates with your character background, and of course, and I'm going to put 1,000 gp limit on magical items. (In real S&S world, it's 10,000 gp limit, but for this game, I'm placing 1,000 gp limit on magical items)

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2003 1:13 am
by TheScamp
Doh. Looks like Heward's Haversack is out. Anyone know the 3.5 gold limits for level 2?

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2003 3:10 am
by Cazmonster
900gp according to 3E. I don't think it changed in 3.5. If it did, it's not in the SRD.

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2003 3:19 am
by TheScamp
Well. So much for the 1000 gp cap, as well. :)

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2003 3:20 am
by Anguirel
Cazmonster wrote:900gp according to 3E. I don't think it changed in 3.5. If it did, it's not in the SRD.
Makes the 1,000 gp limit a bit redundant, I suppose. ;)

Flame (and likely eventually Caz) I'll be in touch, likely, at some point in regards to strange and interesting items my technomancer may've created. Stupid spells aimed at utility and damage rather than toys and entertainment...

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2003 7:37 pm
by TheScamp
Hey Flame, is it all right I consider Marzipan to be under an Animal Friendship spell? I mean, I have the Animal Handling skill required to get him to accept a rider, but it's just cooler if he's actually a friend, you know?