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IC: Pirates of the Carribean

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2003 10:32 pm
by Cazmonster
The sun sets over the thickening forests of central Florida as The Marlin heaves to into Port Miami. She’s one of more than three dozen vessels bobbing in fiery-tinted waves. Some are brawlers – armor plated steam-driven machines converted from Earther cigarette boats. Others have the hard-used look of Martayan clippers, stripped of their for’ard colors by their incredible magic-enhanced speed. But most closely resemble ships that plied these waters more than two centuries ago, massive wooden affairs with teams of brawny sailors scrambling through the rigging to secure for the night.

Miami sprawls off the starboard rails as Captain Jessup roars a string of obscenity at the Harbor Keeper. It would seem the two are old acquaintances as the barrel-chested dwarf flashes a florid gesture back to the one-legged captain. Jessup chortles to himself, claps a weathered hand on Waterfinger’s shoulder and clumps back to his stateroom. “See to the crew, give no more than forty of the scalawags liberty tonight. I be for Hullabaloo’s. ‘Spect to see you there shortly Priest.”

A half score of bare-backed sailors look to Waterfingers with anticipation. Some of the older crew keep to their tasks, so's not to attract attention. The ship's not yet anchored nor lashed to the dock and yet they yearn for land under their boots and the welcoming ale houses and diversions of the Lusty City.

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2003 7:12 am
by Serious Paul
Kaho nearly grinned. The buffer had sent him two seamen, one an oldcoat used to the buffers brand of discipline, the other a sprog who had nearly been clapped in irons, for the heavedown of the galley, and so far things were begining to look ship shape. As the two press ganged privateers scrubbed his mess deck, Kaho took inventory of his "kitchen".

The Cap'n' had been wise to kit out the Marlin with a cistern of purified water,a dry stores locker and a cooler. Kaho marveled at the magic that made his job infinitely easier. Many ships cooks were pressed into service or chosen from a random number of the saltier sailors. Kaho was professionally trained. A rarity indeed on ship. he shook his head and turned to the task at hand, this evenings chow. he had already rolled out a hogshead worth of ale; was still cleaning flounder, and slicing lemons. he had already cleaned his vegetables, and in another hour or two chow would be on. Thye Cap'n ran a tight mess, with good hot food, which Kaho liked. Food was important to the crews morale, a good captain fed his men, and Cap'n Jessup was a great man, by far a better leader than most crews Kaho had worked with.

He silently turned back to his work, making sure to peek in on the two impromptu messmen.

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2003 5:18 pm
by FlameBlade
Waterfingers looks at the crew as he walks from Captain Jessup. He smiles, for he knows the getting off the port was a great success. Streaming of insults to dwarves are just a routine part of the shoving off. The crew seems to know that Waterfingers will give liberty to certain people. Waterfingers knows it. Very well. After all, Waterfingers worked with those people for several years now. Also, his weathered feet guides Waterfingers's sailor-worthy body to top of the bridge, and he surveys the crew. It is clear to Waterfingers that many people look up to him. Now it is time for him to make a choice to see who gets liberty tonight. But not now, thought Waterfingers, it is an enoromous responsibilty being a priest of the ship. Waterfingers has the love of the sea, and that is the primary reason why he came to be on the ship. His hidden desire is to be captain of the ship, but there is something calling him toward this profession, as if he is called from a god. Furthermore, being ship's priest is almost as if he's a captain of the ship, because he works so well with everyone on the ship.

"Listen up, crewmates! I know that all of you want some kind of liberties tonight! But you gotta prove it to me, and I'll see what liberties you get, everyone! Work for what you want to get! I look forward the future of seafaring!" With this said, Waterfingers smiles at the crew, and tries to encourage them to be merry as they work. After interacting with most of crew, Waterfingers stops and turns to the sea, as if he could feel something from the sea brush past him. It is something about that sea that make Waterfingers feel revitalized. The breeze. The crash of waters against the boat. And more...

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2003 5:49 pm
by Maazmud Juk
First Mate Maazmud Juk remains stiffly alert until his captain has left the deck. The giant of a man slides quietly among his crew, observing each in turn without speaking. He feels how their eyes follow him as they try to pretend not to notice him, and he relishes the way their backs straighten and their hands quicken whenever he draws near. Not a slacker in the bunch, and Juk is there to keep them on their toes.

Satisfied, Juk puts his back into the work alongside his men. As he works, he continues to move among the crew, and he watches with distaste as the priest goes about his own ministrations. Because what this cruise really needed was a social director. Juk pushes himself harder, thinking of the bleary eyes and dragging feet he'll have to deal with tomorrow as the less discrete crewmen drag themselves home from their night's revels.

Seeing to Details

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2003 8:27 pm
by Cazmonster
Tega, the ebon-skinned half-scrap of a cabin girl, walks smartly out of the stern main hatch and makes her way past the rest of the crew to where the First Mate is instructing one of the younger crew members in how to properly secure the jibsails for quick return to use.

"Watch again Richard, perhaps this time the information will sink in. The jibs are our light touch sails. A good gust of magic from the priest or ship's mage on them and we'll have the power to take us out of a harbor in the space of a minute. You've got to reef them counterspiraled or they'll foul. Now see if you can get it right."

He reefs the sail for a moment, then turns toward Tega with a lightness of foot not seen among most sailors. "Mister Tega, you have reason to be here?"

"Yes Sir, Captain Jessup requests your presence in his Ready Room at your convenience," she says respectfully. There's a small hint of fear in her voice, Maazmud's not known for his length of temper or the lightness of his hand when discipline must be meted out. With her message delivered, she nods and then walks to the midships deck hatch and down into the fire deck.

Down in the Galley

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2003 9:31 pm
by Cazmonster
The two sailors assigned to Kaho's galley and mess have, predictably, two very different points of view when it comes to sculling. Yoqam M'radz, nearing sixty, had once been a gem-crafter on Martayak. Easy work, down out of the shrouds, appeals to him. He worked precisely, if a bit slowly, preparing for the evening meal. Young Wendal Pride, (so he called himself), the second lookout, disliked being below decks at any time, even when the Marlin was under fire, and took it out on his work. He worked as fast as he could, scrubbing and sloshing the refined lye soap about with great energy.

All too soon, the sharp, bright smell of lemoned fish began wafting toward them. They spoke in low tones, obviously looking forward to a good meal on the ship's tables before spending the night free on liberty in Miami. Hope and good thoughts gets the work done smartly enough to pass inspection.

The clap of natural rubber shoes on moist wood announces Tega into Kaho's domain. She nods to Yoqam as she passes then halts a respectful distance from the Ship's Cook.

"Beggin' your pardon, sir. But Captain needs to see you in short order. He told me it was about tonight's liberty." She pauses for a minute, and you see her eyes glance toward the stash of Duregan sugarfigs.

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2003 9:39 pm
by Cazmonster
The routine of work bringing the Marlin into dock continues without a major hitch, and takes no more than twenty minutes to get her secured. Isen, the Quartermaster, sees to the final anchorage, using an odd metal device to activate the magical Weightstones and signalling their release. Slithering ropes and clattering capstans sound as the two stones sink into the spark-topped green waters.

"All secured Juk!" he calls out in a clear voice, "we're at your disposal."

(It's about fifteen more minutes before the evening meal)

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2003 11:25 pm
by Kaho
Kaho nodded, without speaking. He finished setting his last rack of fish in the oven to bake he made sure to secure the laniard across the hatch. Fire aboard any ship was a concern. He stopped briefly to scrub his hands and wipe them dry on a towel. tega stood silent the whole time. Finally Kaho grinned.

"Go ahead you scurvy bilge rat, take some, but I'd best not be hearin' 'bout how you got sick on the 'ccount you ate to much geedunk." He liked the cabin girl, she was smart, and her dark skin reminded him of his own past...

Shaking his head, but still grinning, he steeped onto the mess deck. He wiped the grin from his face carefully scanning the deck, the bulkheads and the tables. They'd done an excellent job.

"Yoqam M'radz" Kaho waited till the older turned, facing him. "Make sure that you n' Pride be scrubbed, and ready to serve in ten minutes. Chow is in fifteen. Three racks of fish still be pickin' up steam in the back-make sure the last two are set aside for the Captain and his officers."

Yoqam M'radz snaps to and in a clear voice says, "Aye Aye mister Kaho"

Turning to leave Kaho smirks and over his shoulder says,"And Mr. pride I had best not find ye dippin' into my stores, lest I let the Buffer keelhaul you next time."

With that Kaho quickly made his way up the decks.The Marlin was by far better than most of the ships he had served on in his years since he'd left home. Kaho could tell the must be close to dropping anchor, the hustle of activity meant only one thing. Libo call. Every man jack aboard was doing his best to impress Maazamud Juk, the seemingly tyrannical first mate. Kaho grinned and bounded up to the ladderwell. Juk had an attention for detail that was legendary, but despite that Kaho knew the man was meticulous in his concern for his entire crew. someday he'd make a good Captain...

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2003 1:29 am
by FlameBlade
Waterfingers looks to the crew. In his mind, he knows the journey is very dangerous one, as usual, because this is the place where anything could happen. He knows that certain people will benefit the most from liberties, thus the crew will benefit the most. He looks at Juk, a towering person, but he moves around so gracefully that it seems absurd. But for this man, Waterfingers has a great respect for. At the moment, he is tempted to ask Juk to distribute some liberties that was bestowed on Waterfingers, but at the last moment, he stops, knowing that Juk would not like to give out liberties, due to his personality. I wonder how did Jessup came across Juk? He's one of a kind.

The sun shows that it is almost dinnertime. It is almost time to distribute the liberties. Soon enough, Waterfingers has come to a decision. He would give out liberties those who is the most harding workers. Half of people would work hard while another half of people would revel. Must keep everyone happy. Must listen to those crew.

So thus, Waterfingers descends to deck, to observe everyone, and to participate in crew activites to attempt gauge crew's morale, level of activity. Those with idle hands shall not get liberties. I will allocate liberties to all officers equally and let them decide how to distribute liberties themselves. And of course, a liberty to Juk to distribute to someone of his own choosing.

Waterfingers quickly looks around, and sees imposing figure of Juk, and approches him with great deal of respect and reverence when Juk appears to not be too busy giving commands to sailor crews. Waterfingers' eyes looks up to Juk's face, and says to Juk as if he is his superior, yet as his equal, "Juk, Sir, I know that you do not quite approve of free distribution liberties, but I am giving you a liberty that you could give to a sailor of your own choosing. This would be a highest honor to a sailor here. And this will encourage people to work harder for you and Captain Jessup. If you decline, I will understand."

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2003 6:03 am
by Isen Stormtide
Isen stood back and surveyed the port with a satisfied grin, it had been a good run with a number of choice items already earmarked for friends of the Cap'n, they'd cover supplies easily. He itched to check the post office for a letter or two, but first there was double checking the outgoing manifest and more importantly, dinner.

He turned to head to the galley and twitched at the sound of a sliding crate. He looked over to his left where his 'volunteers' for the day tried to look inconspicious. His flat stare stayed on them until they stacked the crate in its position and made very sure it was secured this time.

"I see you're still learning. And since I don't let half-trained sailors leave my stores, I will see you back here tomorrow." No doubt they would try to get out of it, but it all depended on the mood of the Cap'n, or more likely, how the Cap'n's night went and his mood in the morning.

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2003 1:59 pm
by Maazmud Juk
Juk watches the dark cabin-girl walk away as he composes himself to meet his captain. She will make a damn fine sailor some day. Committed, respectful, strong of will. Juk will have to keep a close eye on that one to see that her natural strengths don't go to waste.

With his mind thus occupied, Juk makes his way to see the captain. And of course, along the way, he is accosted by the meddlesome priest. Waterfingers is appropriate and respectful to such a degree that Juk almost wishes he could find a reason to be offended. "Juk, Sir, I know that you do not quite approve of free distribution liberties, but I am giving you a liberty that you could give to a sailor of your own choosing. This would be a highest honor to a sailor here. And this will encourage people to work harder for you and Captain Jessup. If you decline, I will understand."

Oh, he's a clever one, Juk thinks. But to the priest, he only gives a derisive snort, making it clear that he is in a hurry to be about his own business. He makes an exagerated point of stopping in his tracks to pay attention. "Very well then," Juk growls impatiently. He looks around for Cody Lau, the gawky beanpole of a midshipman. The young man is officer material and composed himself well in his long months of service. Finally spotting him, Juk calls out roughly, "Lau!"

The midshipman turns his narrow dark eyes to Juk and Waterfingers and offers a crisp salute, "Sir!"

"It's yer lucky day, Lau. The Ship's Cleric sez you've got shore leave."

"Yes sir!" His expression doesn't change, but his eagerness is barely contained.

"And as midshipman, you may grant leave to one lesser crewman of yer choice."

His narrow eyes widen. He cannot hide his surprise now. "Yessir!" he replies with a grin.

"That is all!" growls the half-orc First Mate and he glares around the deck at the surprising number of men and women who have stopped to watch the exchange. "Now back to it, all of ye! This ain't no day o' rest!" He turns away without verifying that his order is obeyed. It will be.

Without even a spare glance at Waterfingers, Juk says, "And now by your leave, reverend." He stalks away to meet his captain.

A word of caution.

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2003 4:25 am
by Cazmonster
As the command crew filters into Jessup's stateroom. They see him at work, tinkering with the brass and mithril conglomeration of gears, pistons and flanges that serve him as a left leg. There's a strong scent of tropical oils in the air, the Captain's got a handful of tools laid out, along with a manual that looks to be written in the Dwarven language. Vere, the last of the crew to get the message, and dinner, manages to close the door behind him with the crook of his ankle while balancing two large platters.

"Tuck in, the lot of you. There's a piece of business I want to discuss with you five b'fore I head to Hullaballoo's. The Bloodwake is here. I can feel it in my bones. Keep a sharp eye out f'r her crew, as me and Captain Starke have had no love lost between us. My business should last no more than two or three days here in Miami, then we ship back out."

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2003 4:57 am
by Maazmud Juk
As others find seats, Maazmud Juk simply takes one sidestep out of the doorway and stands stiffly facing his captain. The captain is not being formal, so Juk merely keeps his hands clasped in front of him and nods once, brusquely.

Juk waits.

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2003 5:27 am
by Serious Paul
Kaho quickly slipped into the room, and found a seat nearest to the window. He wouldn't have the view the Captain did, but it was a warm enough day witha pleasant breeze...he wondered just what sort of business did the Captain have for tem?

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2003 2:03 pm
by Waterfingers
Waterfingers slips in quietly, and finds a seat, and opens his ears to listen intently to any words may be thrown around. I can sense this to be a mighty serious problem Waterfingers quickly throw a glance at Juk. After glancing, he looks at Kaho and few others' faces in order to attempt to sense what is going on.

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2003 2:20 am
by Isen Stormtide
Isen enters the stateroom in a good mood, a fair constrast to Juk in his nonchalant attitute and simply nods once at the Captain's news. "Aye, Cap'n, I'll keep a lookout for any such of them that happen to be wandering about."

In the Ready Room

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2003 2:25 am
by Cazmonster
"Like I said, I'm off to Hullaballoo's tonight. I'm to see a man about a small bit of property. I expect I won't be alone there. Part of why I set out two-thirds liberty is I expect a few of our manjacks to be there as well."

As Juk's eyes narrow, the captain throws him a wry smile, "there's no need to beat to quarters and man guns over this. If anyone takes wind of my course, we're likely to be wasting these days here in fine warm Miami, and I'd rather that not happen." The old mariner's hands deftly work over a portion of the artificial limb and no one misses the double-charge of powder and grapeshot sliding into the 'Bootzooka'. He rubs down a few other cogs and then carefully places the limb in its stand beneath the table.

"Now, unless you've got questions, that fine fish of Kaho's is driving me to distraction. Eat already and feel free to speak."

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2003 11:10 pm
by Vere
Deftly sliding the platters down onto the table, Vere finds an open space near Kaho and sits down as the captain finishes speaking.

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2003 3:23 am
by FlameBlade
"Captain Jessup, Liberties are already delivered, and now, what do you wish of me, Captain? Want me to look after the ship, or shall I join the Hullaballoo? Just wanted to be in a place where you can reach me quickly if necessary."

Waterfingers looks around quickly, trying to gauge everyone's thoughts, trying to determine what exactly are their plans for Hullaballoo.

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2003 4:50 am
by Cazmonster
Jessup looks pointedly at Waterfingers, "I know you're a man of the cloth, but could ye try to keep the number of accolades to a minimum. You lot are the few I'm proud t'call shipmates, unlike a fat lot of the rest of the sea-scum and jetsam scrambling over those other tubs. You make your choice, like the rest of those on liberty. After all, that's why it be called liberty. If you want to keep yer weatherman's eye on these wrinkly sheets of canvas then good on you, says I."

"However, if'n ye have other business, see to it. My course is set and I seek to ship out after we make the best of the food here."

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2003 10:08 pm
by Serious Paul
Kaho simply nodded. He needed supplies, such was the demands of cooking for so many men. His mess was always short something, especially fresh fruit. You could never have enough.

Smiling Kaho spoke, "I would definitely enjoy a chance to be perusing the markets of this fine city. Perhaps I be joinin' you scurvy dogs after you've had a chance to practice for the real cups to come!" Kaho had a notorious tolerance fro the drink, that only the good Captain and his fearsome first mate seemed to be able to easily exceed.

Kaho allowed himself a moments respite and began serving choice portions of the flounder and fresh vegetables he had baked to tangy perfection to the ships officers. he liked serving the first portion, even if Vere occasionally beat him to the punch. As he finished serving each of the officers he served himself and sat down. This was going to be a relaxing three days-despite the good cap'n's warnin'....

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2003 11:38 pm
by Waterfingers
Waterfingers looks up at Jessup, and nodded.

His mind begins to run through everything on the ship. Everything seems to be secure. Especially with Juk on the board. I'll join the crew for Hullalaboo, and mingle with crew to see what is up with the crew's morale. Also, to see what is going behind the scenes on the ship, preparing for anything that could happen. Most of the time, Waterfingers plans to remain the crew who has recieved liberties. At the moment, Waterfingers feels inclined to go with Kaho as he would go out and buy supplies, especially for his wonderful delicacy on the ship. Yes, indeed, Kaho is the best person who would know what crew are saying.

Waterfingers shifts his eyes from Captain Jessup toward Kaho, as if Waterfingers is expecting some kind of reply from Kaho.

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2003 2:03 pm
by Isen Stormtide
It wasn't as if dining on the ship was the height of formality, but even so Isen's dining habits such as they were, weren't the best. He nodded to Jessup again and started to talk around a mouth full of fish. "Augchue I..." He paused to removed a small piece of bone and shrugged, contining after swallowing the mouthful. "Actually I'm expecting a letter, gotta check first. You want I should grab any mail addressed to the Marlin while I'm over there Cap'n or you planning on doing that yourself ?"

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2003 6:14 pm
by Cazmonster
"Pick the mail up. Yes, that sounds like a fine plan. I don't intend to drop anchor anywhere near the Municipal Building any time this leave. Do that."

The meal continues for another fifteen or twenty minutes, with the sounds of ships at harbor for background music. Chanties, waves and the constant creak of effort against rope rumble quietly outside the fine hull of the Marlin. All too soon, Captain Jessup is stumping out the door, an air of intent hides his careful review of the dozen or so crew still above decks as the shadows lengthen. With a booming laugh at some unheard jape, the Captain is gone - off to an unknown mission, alone in the city of Miami.

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2003 8:39 pm
by Kaho
Kaho grinned as he and Waterfinger enter the market. Sin City was one of the city’s many nicknames, but right now, a more appropriate moniker would be "Citrus City." The market was an open-air affair, not far from the wharves. Nearly everything was available here, legal or otherwise. Here there were fruit vendors, their carts laden down with oranges, mangoes, pineapples, bananas and peaches, all so ripe and juicy that it made both men’s mouths water just a little, despite the meal they had just eaten. Other vendors sold dry goods: canned foods, rice, wheat, and beans used in spicy gumbos and jambalayas; clothing of all sorts, enchanted gizmos, wines, and, of course, seafood; weapons, steam powered clocks, flying llamas, wondrous creatures of all sorts - if you wanted to buy something, it was sold here.

Capers, shrimp, tuna, shark - this market was easily going to be able to fill Kaho's needs. As he and Waterfingers walked along leisurely examining various goods, Kaho considered the cleric. He was well-liked by the crew, and it was easy to see why as they entered the market: he simply seemed at ease with every step, moving fluidly, with an easy grace, as if he had walked through this market every day of his life.

Finally Waterfingers spoke, "Ah, yes, been a while since I was away from crew."

Kaho nodded at the cleric, but his look was calculating. "So what do you think the Cap’n has in store for us, my friend?" Alone with the cleric, he dropped his heavily-accented pirate-speak in favor of a more natural, island-sounding voice.

The cleric spoke naturally, but his manner was preoccupied. "I am not too sure, but Cap’n has been acting mighty suspiciously recently."

Kaho was unable to hide his surprise at his friend’s statement. As the cleric looked skyward aimlessly, the cook considered his words. "What do you mean, suspicious?" he asked, stopping at a fruit vendor’s stand.

Waterfingers spoke quietly enough that the vendor could politely feign not-listening. "For some reason, Cap’n has been getting ready for a meeting of some kind." He looked at the fruits as he spoke. "Ready, as in for violence."

Kaho stopped for a moment, then thought better of his reaction and resumed his browsing. His friend spoke again, more loudly this time: "Crew would love those fruits, indeed. Been a while since last time fruits were available on the ship."

The cook appreciated the change of subject, curious as he was. "Fresh fruit is always a precious commodity at sea. I plan on purchasing a great quantity." <i>Sotto voce,[/i] he said almost to himself, "Especially if we may be....facing some sort of trouble."

Waterfingers nodded, "Indeed."

Kaho turned to the vendor and haggled for a bit, allowing Waterfingers to collect his thoughts. Finally, they settled on a reasonable price and the sailors began to walk through the market again, stopping here and there as wares caught their eyes. The cook said, after a time, "We may have a long voyage ahead of us, my friend."

Waterfingers sighed deeply. "Indeed. Should we make a run for it?"

Kaho grinned viciously. "I grew up on an island. I don’t run very well. I do swim like a fish though, my friend!"

Under his breath, Waterfinger continued. "North doesn’t look good; Lincoln lies that way." He shook off his thoughts and said, more brightly, "I love sea and wind. Let us make a flight as a ship would take us. That is, should anything happen."

Kaho clasped Waterfingers by his forearm. "Well said, my friend. Well said, indeed."

"Thank you. I grew up with wind and water, so I know them well." A small girl stopped them just then, selling flowers and sweets, and perhaps more than that; the cleric changed the subject slightly, "So, what do you think of the crew? How are they feeling?"

Kaho purchased some candy for each man, and some flowers for their beauty, paying more than either were worth. He spoke messily as he tore into his sweets, "Mhh. They respect Jessup." With deadly seriousness betraying his sweet mouthful, he said, "I have crewed…mhhh…with many crews that didn’t. He has a good crew, even if some are greener than others. But he is a good man."

Waterfingers nodded, and touched the little girl on the forehead. "Many blessings to you, child. May wind and water always favor you." To his companion he said, as they stepped away, "Indeed. Jessup is most honorable man."

"We could do worse, my friend."

The cleric smiled widely, "Indeed."

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2003 4:44 am
by Maazmud Juk
Juk respectfully finishes his meal with his captain and then excuses himself before anyone else leaves. "If there is nothing else, Captain Jessup, I will be retiring for the evening." His gaze passes over his shipmates, "Everyone please enjoy this brief respite. I will manage the ship's affairs in your absence."

Juk turns to go.

The Streets of Wild Miami

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2003 9:10 pm
by Cazmonster
All about Kaho and Waterfingers, the city pulses with life. It seems as if most of Miami slumbers away part of the heat of the afternoon and comes to life in the cooling breeze of evening, like the now-gone ruby orchids of Kaltahk. Everywhere, brownskinned folk with dazzling smiles, brilliant clothes of linen and uhlak and shocks of jet black or bleached blond hair were tending to their lives. Young couples argued passionately or hugged like tonight was their last night together. Oldsters sweated and cursed, having to do business on a night where a fresh breeze came in off the Atlantic.

And there was music everywhere. Callused hands tattooed away on wooden tuns. Bards wove liveliness out of antique electrics. Voices chanted and sang a dozen different languages. And above it all skirls of brawny brass fanfared. It was like an elaborate dance that encompassed everyone on the streets around the market.

But there was a disturbance along the periphery, an eddy of motion incompatible with the larger pattern. Waterfingers picked up on it immediately - a thicket of half a dozen men, all wearing deep crimson head-rags. At their center, a massive goblin with a torn ear and a nose ring the size of a door-knocker glowered at the Miami natives. He threw a quick elbow into Kaho's ribs and gestured surreptitiously.

"Starke's men are here. There goes that gallows-fruit Wolgurk Smiethe."

Kaho looked and felt a hole open up in his stomach. These were the sorts of fellows that had started him, quite alone, on his career on the high seas.

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2003 1:17 pm
by Waterfingers
Waterfingers look at men few more time with a quick glance. Then he gestures quickly as he could to Kaho, "This doesn't look good. But we don't know why they are here in first place. This information may help Cap'n." After gesturing, Waterfingers grasps his hands together tightly, to the point that it nearly became white. Then he realizes this, and releases his hand, and tries to hide his nervouness, and starts to run himself through list of possible magic he may would need soon.

"Your word, Kaho. You seemed to know them."

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2003 9:04 pm
by Kaho
It takes a few seconds for Waterfingers words to sink in, and finally Kaho nods. Crossing his arms in part to steady himself, but also to make sure the spring loaded holsters were still strapped in place with his breech loaders. "Yes, I agree, lets see what we can see, then maybe..." Kaho alllows his words to trail off as he and Waterfingers slip into the crowd...

The Municipal Building

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2003 11:41 pm
by Cazmonster
In the growing dusk, Isen hurried her two charges along toward an evening that neither of them would consider revelry. No, they had just bailed out of a sweating beast of a six-wheeler and were now half-jogging along the rotting macadam and concrete to the massive white buildings near the heart of the city. Within a hundred yards of the twelve story structures, they were surrounded by folk still engaged in business.

Dwarven lawyers sweated through their immaculate black silk suits, speaking tersely to clerks cribbing away on yellow pads. Half of it sounds like spellwork, the rest mathematically precise Dwarven. All around them, the heady smell of turned earth seethes in the still air. Pale complected humans in ancient jeans traded what looked like brilliant colored sheaves of paper to dozens of people around them. The air was full of the sound of money and the scent of desperation.

Through the doors and Gael and Rodger flank Isen as he moves toward the grand stair and Central Post. The kiosks are covered with notices and flyers - some for ships, others for lawbreakers, still others for open positions within the City Hierarchy.

Back at Home

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 1:33 am
by Cazmonster
Just as Vere was asking permission to go ashore, he and the First Mate noticed a fairly unusual man striding toward the Marlin. Tall and trim, with a head of hair like a bonfire, the traveler was only a few yards from the gangplank. His armored denims and quiescently smoking quarterstaff marked him for a spell-slinger no doubt. Juk peered into the deepening gloom and saw what he could swear were banked coals hiding behind the man's eyes.

"Freeman Hesk asking for permission to come aboard," he called out in a clear voice. "Heard from the Dockmaster that the Marlin had come ashore. Wanted to see your Captain about the notice he left at Hiyashi's earlier this season."

(Hiyashi is a talent scout for busy captains. She's got a good sized office deep in the city.)

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 3:51 am
by Waterfingers
Waterfingers sighs, and looks to Kaho,

"I think I'm recalling who they are. If I remember correctly, Jessup says that they're expected to be around here. Somehow, something tells me that we should find out why they are here. about if we tail them, remaining at wise distance from them, but staying close enough to find out what they are up to?"

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 7:01 am
by Kaho
Kaho barely hears the priests words, just briefly he wonders what the man is blabbering about. He liked Waterfingers, but the man liked the sound of his own voice at times. Instead he concentrated on following the half dozen men, which was easier in the crowded city, and its colorful market district.

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2003 12:10 am
by Vere
Vere muttered under his breath at the man's words. He had already been delayed long enough tonight, and this was one more thing between him and a good drink. He was ready to leave over an hour ago, before he noticed poorly secured lines on the quarterdeck. Even in port, he took his responsibilities seriously - if only everyone else did as well.

Shaking the thoughts from his head he glanced over to Juk, waiting for some indication on how the larger man wanted to handle this. Almost reflexively, his hands checked the folds of his cloak where he had secured his pistol.

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2003 4:16 am
by Maazmud Juk
"Hmmgh," Maazmud Juk storts. His eyes do not move from the new stranger, but to his crewman he says, "Easy, Vere. Yer work has been... sufficient," Juk pauses carefully on the carefully considered word. The man had done well, but the first mate continues with an air of vague distaste, "I won't be requiring your services any longer. Find whatever leisure it is that itches ye so."

Juk's arms are folded across his bare chest. To the stranger he states matter of factly, "I'm Cap'n while the Cap'n's out. What makes ye think yer qualified to serve the Marlin, Freeman Hesk?"

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2003 7:37 pm
by Bethyaga

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2003 3:36 am
by Kaho
Kaho had relatively no problems following the garishly dressed goblin who towered abovemany in the crowd.Slipping between the various stalls he followed them to the markets edge, and as the streets narrowed, luckily the crowds didn't he turned to look at Waterfingers.

"Do you have any idea where they are going?"

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2003 3:40 am
by Isen Stormtide
Isen jogged up the staircase in anticipation, Gael and Rodger obviously clueless as to why hauling mail was fun. The traffic of the Central Post was always horendous, but it seemed worse than usual tonight.

Steering deftly around large carts marked Outgoing and people sorting Incoming, Isen grinned and waved to Bailey, who shouted to her little corner of workers. Upon seeing him, she climbed down from the balcony she commanded, sending two men for the Marlins mail bags.

"Heyo Isen, the Marlin finally back in port then? Bet you be wanting the ship's mail. Or maybe a little something more?" She grinned, heading over to a row of boxes and waving an expensive looking envelope at him.

"Gimme!" Isen chased Bailey a bit as she laughed, finally handing over the letter to him, absently waving his charges to grab the sacks of mail for the rest of the crew. He opened it without pause and read, a huge smile on his face.

Dearest Isen,
I hope this letter finds you well. My own life seems to be holding together well. I have left Miami and am headed towards the Wilderlands. There have been rumors of the Silver City retuned. The Silver City! Don't you remember Father's tales of it? I longed to see the fountains and the silver lined streets. To see a sunset glitter off the rooftops. Perhaps the King still lives!

I'm currently in a land called Atlanta, a peculiar kingdom to be sure. The people here seem to hold onto a different past, clinging to shells of metal and crumbling hulks of buildings. Some of them must have been larger than the highest tower on our home for the ruins of their peaks stretch for miles. The peoples are quite friendly and more than a few are willing to talk to you for hours about "the good old days" and "the Braves" and "Falcons." I believe they are teams that gather for sport, but it doesn't seem to be like anything I have ever heard of. Maybe the Braves are hunters of some kind. They seem intent on hitting things with sticks.

I know I am not allowed to discuss it, so please keep this between us. My application as a Searcher is nearly complete. My sponser is currently sleeping in the next room, so I can get away with this transgression. He says I'm perfect for the 'rigors' of the job, though I may be a touch over-enthusiastic. I guess I just miss home. Take care of yourself and the Marlin, I'll write when I can.

Your elder sister,

"So what's the news?" asked Bailey. "You two were always together, you must miss her something fierce."

"Can't tell you yet. But yeah, I do miss her and I hope she comes home soon, though I know she misses me too and I'm sure she misses her best friend." Isen grinned at the woman. "Come down to Hullabaloo's? Gotta run the mail back, but I wouldn't mind the company afterwards."

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2003 10:41 pm
by Cazmonster
The wiry islander moved through the crowds smoothly, relying on the bright colors and noise of the marketplace to muffle his passage. As he closed to within twenty feet of the group, he could hear them, talking loudly to each other. They had paused to drop a handful of gold coins into the palms of a wine-merchant, and frighten the man's daughters with their rude behaviour and frank looks.

"I tell you this, there is nothing sweeter than a girl with some spice to her," a dark-faced reaver said loudly to his mates. "Like those girls down Dominican way."

Another laughed and reached around the other girl, sliding his body along hers to grab up a gallon jug of wine. "That's right. Fires the blood and makes life worth living. What d'ye reckon Starke has in mind after this layover?"

Kaho felt his heart beat fast, he could smell the powder in his pistols, taste the slowly moving air between himself and the targets, when Smiethe spoke, grumbling through the conversation like a wayward ship across a killer reef. Kaho was taken aback for a second, the goblin's voice sounded as powerful as one of the three-inch scatter-guns aboard The Marlin. He'd be a fierce fight, even with the advantage of a first shot.

"You belay that claptrap. No one here needs know where the Bloodwake be headed. Now get your grog and be quick about it. Starke will be needing us quick-like."

The group was cowed by their Mate, and quickly closed ranks, heading East out of the Market, toward the old hotels and bars that formed the heart of the entertainment district.


Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2003 11:22 pm
by Cazmonster
The man at the dock smiled widely at Maazmud Juk and slowly dipped a hand into a satchel at his side. As he withdrew it, the tanned flesh was awash in flames, flames that did not sear the skin or ignite the cuff of his denim jacket. He turned his palm up and the flames coallesced into a sphere. It popped and burbled an inch above his extended fingers and the Mate was positive he spied a pair of mischevious propane-flame eyes deep in the fireball's heart.

Clear and strong, he responded to Juk, "Fire is my repute and calling card Captain. I am its master as much as you are the master of crew and rope, sail and wave. I can tell it where to burn, and just as important on any ship, where not to. I've sailed for the past two years, a fair stretch north of here. I had my fill of Zhikagoruk steam-raiders and their all-too quick hand to the guns. If you don't want to believe my words, Hiyashi or one of her men are bound to still be in the office."

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2003 6:00 pm
by Maazmud Juk
The First Mate sniffs and raises his eyebrows at the showy display. He waves it off, "Your skills are not in doubt then, Freeman. Cap'n Jessup has his reasons. I'm sure he'll put you to good use on his return. You can stay for now, but you'll need to get approval from Jessup himself before we ship."

Juk looks Hesk over once again, "Do you have any other... baggage, before I show you yer bunk?"

Out of Central City

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2003 7:57 pm
by Cazmonster
Rodger and Gael took their charges seriously as they shouldered the mail-bags. Both of them were members of the Ship's boarding crew, and had the hard-eyed, scarred look of professional marines.

Rodger tighted up the straps on the armored leather pack, checked the charge on his Striker, and moved down the stairs along with Gael. Isen walked just behind them, eyes alert, as retrieving a large allotment of Post often had its own dangers. There could be any number of bravos on the lookout for unwary couriers, ready to relieve them of important letters, like deeds or permits.

Night was fast coming and the sun had gone from the western horizon. Tzanaya oil torchieres burned in sconces driving the ever present mosquitos from the public areas. Incandescent globes burned brightly at the corners, sparking as they drew alchemical power from the batteries locked in their posts. Expensive shops were wreathed in seductive traceries of illusory light.

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2003 2:34 am
by Waterfingers
"Kaho, did you hear those key words?"

Waterfingers looks up at Kaho, and tries to signal as if he wants to get out of the area soon as possible, and if possible, report to Jessup. Somehow, there is something inside Waterfingers that are gutting through, nagging, poking, maiming...and that something is a strong gut feeling of calling to something that may be happening. Waterfingers suddenly thinks, and looks back at Kaho, and signals: If possible, it may be necessary to either: go to Hullabaloo, or back to the ship, and report to Juk.

Waterfingers' face suddenly turns ashen with the mere thought that something may happen to The Marlin soon.

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 8:47 pm
by Cazmonster
"Nay Captain, my kit is there at the end of the dock," he replied, pointing at a pair of largish leather bags. "If you'd be so kind as to drop a net over the side, I'd appreciate it."

The work of bringing aboard Hesk's gear took but a handful of minutes. The mage seemed to be possessed of particular strength for one of his profession as he lifted the bags into the cargo-net. Juk could not mistake the scent of conflagration from Hesk as well. It was if the man had run out of a burning building and still had cinders burning in the folds of his clothing. But there was no fire. Even the globe of fire he had seen before had been extinguished by will alone.

"My thanks to you, Captain..." Hesk lets the sentence pay out, as he realizes he does not know the first mates name.

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 1:08 am
by Kaho
Kaho noddded. "I have an idea."

Kaho scanned the crowd looking for someone who fit the bill...finally setting his eyes on a hungry looking street urchin who was obviously considering whether or not to lift a piece of jewelry from a vendors stand. Kaho grinned and dragged the boy back intot he alley by the scruff of his collar. The boy struggled witht he stronger man briefly before he was dropped rudely in the alley.

"You there boy." Kaho knelt, bringing his face level with the boys. "Hush, I intend you no harm. In fact I have something for you." He flipped a silver piece in the air, noticing the boys wary look he grinned. "Relax, all I want you to do is deliver a message. There's another piece just like this if you do just what I say. Understand?"

He waited for the boys nod, before he continued."Did you see the men who just went into that bar?Specifically the Goblin? Good. When those men leave this bar you tell me or him" He pointed at Waterfingers. "Don't try and follow them, don't do anything stupid, just tell us. We'll be at the Hullabaloo's. You know where thats at right?'

"Remember boy, don't do anything stupid. Those are evil men, and they'd cut you down sooner than they'd take time to question you. If you do as I tell you, another silver will be waiting for you." Kaho dropped the silver in the boys hand and waited for his nod. He left the threat of what could happen if the boy betrayed him unspoken.

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2003 5:56 am
by Isen Stormtide
Isen sighed as he got no response from Bailey. Noticing the men were ready to get back, he tucked the letter away and headed back out of the Central Post and back to the ship, alert for anyone suspicious.

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2003 5:49 am
by Maazmud Juk
Juk fills in the blank for Hesk, "Juk. First Mate Juk to crew. I may be acting Cap'n fer a few hours, but the title don't suit me."

First Mate Juk makes no offer to help the newcomer with his bags, and to his credit, the mage seems to expect none. He guides him to Dagmar's old bunk, empty several weeks now, and pushes the door open without ceremony. "This is where our last magicker kept herself. You'll be beddin' down here. If ye ain't had a decent meal, get to the galley quick enough, then. Kaho's out, but there's sure to be someone who can scare up a hot bowl."

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2003 12:48 am
by Waterfingers
Waterfingers smiled softly, and remained silent throughout entire Kaho's thoughts, and accompanies Kaho whenever he goes for time being, keeping eyes and ears open for anything. Anything. Starke's men is here, and so I must keep all ears and eyes, and even my spine open to any chill that may run down the spine. Soon enough, Waterfingers makes his body alert to anything that may happen soon, and prepares to do anything drastic if necessary.