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[SSU] OOC: Syber Sychoes Unlimited

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 11:55 pm
by Serious Paul
Okay this thread is dedicated to my real world roleplaying group who will soon be using the board to set up our adventures.

Here's our to do list:

3278: We need a break down of Gyro minus half his cash in two forms: BeCKs and Build Points.

Second lets get some discussion as to what we want for a group and games. Obviously Gyro is a Street Samurai, but what else are we going to cover?

For the group as a whole: I will detail our group and OOC stuff here, but I will start various In Character Threads for each run we do.

Any questions?

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 12:40 am
by 3278
It's looking like Gyro is actually a completely by-the-book character, as none of his karma or money seems to have been spent. My preliminary workover is that he'll work out to about 150-170 build points; I'm going to break him down and translate him into BeCKs, which should give us a more accurate count.

It's looking like I'll be playing a troll face/gun guy with a decent education, good tactical sense, and a strong southern accent. He'll be in his mid-20s, and likely will appear to be from the CAS, although he don't talk about it no more.

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 12:46 am
by Serious Paul
150 to 170 sounds right, especially considering he hasn't spent a point of his karma yet I think.

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 2:40 am
by Ghostbot
Im going to be a shaman. Names insomniac Jack. He use to be a journalist, but then was visited by the moon totum. Now every time he closes his eyes or tries to sleep, all he can see is the moon blaring in his face. Now he is paranoid, sleep deprived, and convinced people are out to kill him. He slipped into the shadows to "Hide out" and is now wrapped up in the biz. :wideeyes

Edges and Flaws

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 3:18 am
by Serious Paul
Heh, sounds like I have my work cut out for me.

Okay some notations for the group as a whole, Gyro is done so he can ignore this:

Edges and Flaws

I am allowing you to purchase edges and flaws with your points, as per rules with some excpetions:
  • No Amnesia
  • No quadriplegic's
  • No Flashbacks with out my approval.
  • Phobias are on approval basis as well.
  • Dark Secret is also something I want to touch base on-I have no problem with it, but only one player can have it.
  • Same for hunted, only one of you gets to make use of this flaw.
Okay thats it on Edges and Flaws.

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 3:23 am
by Ghostbot
hm... well insomniac jack may not actually be hunted... but he thinks he is...

Races and Other notations.

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 3:30 am
by Serious Paul
Okay for the first time ever I will allow one of you to play a Vampire. We will have to touch base on this, also Ghouls are allowed but I ignore most of their negative modifiers. This means at times playing the undead can really rule.

Ignore availability rules, this mean you all have access to Delta ware at its normal cost (So what 8 times or whatever...) and you guys will have access to all sorts of toys, this will help simulate a group that has been together for a while. Which leads me to our next point.

I want this team to function as just that, which we have generally done, but i want to make sure we have the PC's connected in some way. We can hash this out more on Sunday.

Okay any questions so far?

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 3:31 am
by Serious Paul
Ghostbot wrote:hm... well insomniac jack may not actually be hunted... but he thinks he is...

I'm liking him already.

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 4:08 am
by Universe Man
Im looking at an ex-swat member which will stand as our teams infiltrator useing both eletronic and demolitions to get us into buildings. I dont know much more than that

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 4:18 am
by Monster 01
since ive never really played one, plus it looks like no one is going to play one, i was planning to make a rigger. an orc rigger, a middle aged, rugged no nonsense type. hes been shadowrunning since his wife died in an accedent(which he blames on the corps), and hes left alone to provide for his 3 young daughters. any insights or suggestions?

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 4:50 am
by Serious Paul
Sounds good. So in review we are lookign at the following::
  • 3278::Troll Face
  • Ghostbot::: Insomniac Jack, Moon Shaman
  • Universe Man::: Former Company man, ala SWAT disgrace...
  • Monster 01::: Ork Rigger
  • Player XXX::: Gyro, Troll Street Samurai
  • Epsilon::: ????

Look right?

Okay some suggestions as follows:::

Monster 01::: That sounds great to me lets explore it further. Here is one possible take on that::

You never had much, but your family was always there and always close. You didn't have a SIN , like so many metahumans you have suffered from discrimination all your life, but you haven't let that stop you. You worked hard at the odd jobs you could get, specificallly you were good at driving. You found companies willing to take a risk on you and soon you had enough dough scraped together to move your family some place safer and to think about buying a SIN for you and your family. Thast when the accident took her away from you.

Your wife was beautiful in every way, she was a wonderful woman and strong as she was good looking. You had just signed the lease to the new apartment when she was taken from you. She had been on her way to see you, because you only had one car she had to take the bus, leaving your kids with her sister she left to see you.

At this point we insert a tragedy::
  • She was killed during corp war by a stray bullet and they refused to even apologize
  • She was hit by a corp vechile, and they didn't hae the decency to even stop.
  • Other tragedies here.
Now you run for revenge, and to make life better for all you have left, your daughters. This leads to all sort sof questions:
  • Do they know what you do? If so how do they feel about it? "Dad this was supposed to be your last run!"
  • Hi-jinks can enuse-"Sorry guys I have a recital to make it to, so I have to sit this run out."
  • Dependents equal targets. And not just for Corps, but sixteen year old boys too..."This is my Dad, Kill Zone..."
Stuff like that.

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 4:59 am
by Monster 01
man nice post, you got a few to many cogs running in my brain, i dont know where to start. plus i think mr orc will have had a few accedents of his own and have some cyber part, like maybe to legs or something.

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 5:03 am
by Serious Paul
A good idea-plus he could have acquired his wetware as part of his learning to be a runner experience. "I started naked, no wetware at all, now I feel like I fucked my toaster oven."

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 5:06 am
by Monster 01
plus the stress of being a father and a runner cant be helping his male pattern baldness much. :D

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 5:09 am
by Serious Paul

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 5:16 am
by Monster 01
well so far it looks like we are going to have a group of hard asses. 2 trolls atleast 1 orc some psycho mage a corrupt swat member, i cant wait to see what jon throws at us. :conf

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 5:26 am
by Universe Man
whos corrupt

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 5:29 am
by Monster 01
well there must be a reason your not a "law" inforcment officer anymore. im only working with what you give me, so give me more and i wont have to draw my own conclusions.

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 5:32 am
by Universe Man
my character bocthed something and people died

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 5:33 am
by Serious Paul
Think Saints, pal, think Boondock Saints... :roll

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 5:34 am
by Monster 01
yes that rocks, for my PC im thinking more like Jet Black from Cowboy Bebop.

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 11:48 am
by Monster 01
I. Jack (ha no i dont :D ) is a chain smoking, cofee guzziling, blood shot eyed, muddled haired.... guy who's not to happy. Perhaps suicidal at this point. Infact he hates being a shaman becuase it seems to be the source of his problems. He has to do what the moon says however becuase its always badgering him when he "Zones out", his closest thing to sleep most the time. he gets a few winks now and again :D

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 6:17 pm
by Monster 01
i dont know where that last post came from ghostbot must have typed it under my name on accident. dumbass. :smokin

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 12:55 am
by Serious Paul
Okay a few things here:

Universe Man Okay we've talked a lot about your character, have you arrived at a decision on what you want to do? I'd really like to see you incorporate some of the ideas we discussed, it'd definitely be an intresting concept considering what Epsilon is considering playing.

Insomniac Jack is quickly shaping up to be both short lived and my favorite character!!! I love the idea, but now I have to read up on the Moon totem. Bastard! :)

Monster 01 it actually looks liek you'll be the moral ground for the group, depending on what UM does. But you'll definitely be a good judge for them to go by.

Epsilon you remind me more and more of Mike Cruea, and that my friend, is sheer evil. I love it!

3278 man you have your work cut out for you. Heh.

Gyro have you registered an account yet? We need to prod you!

Some quick notes. The group will start with 150,000 Nuyen, plus whatever personal cash you kick in to build a communal safe house. This cost is not a life style adjustment, or appilicable in that way. You'll actually have to build a place on paper and then I'll price it out for you. That means plan where it'll be, what it'll have etc...

Contacts: Do not fill any details in on them, just send me a list of them with your character, and any suggestions for them, but I will flesh them al out. Everyone gets the following contacts for free:
  • Fixer
  • Street Kid
  • Bartender and
  • Joygirl
Okay thats all I have for now.

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 2:48 am
by Universe Man
Well Paul I'm looking at the ex-ares stringer who screwed up a important run in detriot. After they fire him he moves Seattle (or where ever the run is) to start over. He'll probably be catholic like we talked about. I'm not sure about much more than that beside that hes going to look like this. :cyber

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 3:04 am
by Universe Man
i forgot before are we still looking at 475 pts. for becks

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 4:26 am
by Ghostbot
Update. I.J. is convinced that he has uncovered some uber sensative conspiracy with one of his investigative reports. This caused him to up and disappear, leaving his fiance to wonder what the hell happened. He has to be careful who he talks to, where he goes, and what he does, or else "THEY" might find him (they being a figment of his paranoid mind). Sometimes he walks through the sprawl and finds a missing poster on a lamp post with his picture on it, but he just cant get a hold of his fiance (no matter how much he wants to) becuase he isnt for sure or not if she is actually working for "THEM" :wideeyes

oh and that post earlier by Monster 01 was actually me. my oops.

The History of Vigillus "Baby" Conrad Part 1.

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 5:09 am
by Monster 01
Vigillus "Baby" Conrad was born Feb 10, 2028. The only family he ever knew as a child was the two catholic nuns who took care of him and the rest of the children at St. Jerome's Orphinage. Vigillus got along well with most of the children, and loved Mother Emma and Mother Robin like parents. Though he never knew his real family, he was a happy child. That all changed on Feb 7, 2039; the Night of Rage. Vigillus and the rest of the metahuman children at St. Jerome's were rounded up and taken to the docks in Tacoma. After the fires broke out Vigillus managed to escape from the warehouse out a shattered window with the help of one of the other orphins, his best friend Duke. Though he tried with all his conviction, he failed to pull Duke through the same window before the blaze engulfed him. Three days later he managed to return to St. Jerome's only to find it a smoldering rubble. His two mothers had been murdered for being metahuman sympathizers. His first family abandoned him, and now the only one he knew had been torn from him by senseless prejudice. Happy birthday Vigillus.

Tune in next time, same Vigillus time, same Vigillus channel.

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 8:37 am
by Epsilon
Hmmm... "Baby" Conrad grew up in an orphanage with nuns, and Universe Man's charater is being built with a heavy "Boondock Saints" influence?

*Epsilon grabs his rosary*

That sounds like bad news for a vampyre like me! For those of you who don't know, my character will be the group's token bloodsucker. Serious Paul and I are still working out the details, and as soon as I know some more specifics, they will be posted. All I can say for certain is that I will be a vampyre, and I will be an adept.

Also, for those of you making characters with a Catholic background, visit for some helpful background information. Memorize (or just write down) some interesting sounding prayers for use in character.

From what I've seen so far on this thread, it looks like we have a very interesting group in the works. Monster 01 was right about a group of hard asses... it also sounds like we have a group full of characters with nothing to lose. How dangerous.


P.S. For the record, Monster 01, the nuns you knew would be referred to as Sister Emma and Sister Robin.

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 2:53 pm
by Ghostbot
Doesnt a rosery have a cross on it epsilon? :D

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 3:06 pm
by Ghostbot
Totum Update::: The moon is secretive and changing. It keeps many secrets and sees many things from its high vantage point. It also keeps many things secret. Moon is every changing and unkowable. Moon shamans always take the subtle approach and prefer to keep a low profile and act through subterfuge.

I.J. has many secrets, knowledge he thinks he has aquired through his many publications (his higher vantage point) He also feels that he is being hunted by one or many diffrent organizations, so he has to keep his cover and relocate alot. He knows a lot of secret spots in the metroplex, unkown corners in which to hide. He must approach people with caution and keep his true motives a secret.

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 9:36 pm
by Serious Paul
Okay so the cat is out of the bag. Lets tackle this in order, and I am going to ask some questions of each of you:
  • Ghostbot Okay Insomniac Jack never really sleeps right? His sleep is interrupted and and fitful, often filled with nightmares. So I forsee him being continually sleep deprived, which in turns means he would constantly be in a state of light to moderate mental damage. Now thats cool, in fact very cool from a gaming perspective, but does that sit well with you? Also I forsee your character having a much stranger relationship with his totem that makes him in some ways much more powerful-how to represent that is a good question. Whether I should say he is an initiate, or maybe he is simply just "more magical" than your average joe. I do know he will see spirits and often in dual astral/mundane vision. Keep in mind the concept lends itself to a guy who burns out quickly, so keeping him alive will an intresting challenge.

    I definitely think he will be getting the hunted flaw, but he may not realize it to start off with. He thinks he in the "KNOW" and surprisingly in some cases he most definitely will be. That makes for some powerful enemies. I will have to loan you a copy of Threats 2 and Threats to read up on.
  • Epsilon We've discussed some of this already but I am trying to get my thoughts down on this and in black and white.

    Vampires will obtain more powers based on two factors: Age and essence ratings. Age will determine what powers for the most part, you get. Essence will determine how powerful they'll be.

    Things we need to hash out: How does fluctuating essence affect previous purchased magical powers? I.e. adept powers? Also I need to officially establsih the clans I intend on using, your relationship, or lack of witht hem, and the Ordo Maximus, and their role.

    You'll also suffer from some racial hunting flaws. Vampyrs just attract hunters.You'll be no different.
  • Monster 01 nice write up. Some questions to help refine it further:Was Vigillus born Ork? Seems like he was. Will Vigillus's own children be Orks? or will they be human/multiracial? Other than that great write up, keep up the great work!!!
  • Universe man Okay you were Ares, and then you forked it up. So now you're a stringer for Ares, someone they can trust to do odd jobs here and there. We need to establish just what you did for Ares. What you did to get your ass canned, and if you burned any bridges on the way out. It sounds to me like you will have a SIN. That is not all bad, but definitely means you have to be careful what you do.

    The Catholic angle we discussed is cool, how far are going with it?
  • Gyro Anyone heard from him?
  • Anyone have a problem with Teja coming to watch us play again? If so speak now or froever hold your peace. (I figure no one will care, but I am a great believer in democracy....Okay I lie. Tyrrany of Paul!!!!)
  • 3278 Any progress on Gyro's point break down?
Okay Sunday at 1500 right?

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 11:29 pm
by Epsilon
Serious Paul wrote:You'll also suffer from some racial hunting flaws. Vampyrs just attract hunters.You'll be no different.
Bring 'em on!

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 11:37 pm
by Ghostbot
Episilon also think of how your team mates will view you. Are you ready to always be distrusted and possably left behind? I.J. isnt ready to trust a vampyr... but he doesnt trust anyone.... go figure... :crack [/b]

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 11:41 pm
by Ghostbot
I had planned on being an initiate for two reasons.
1) More magic and cool meta magic
2) Im tired of getting my arse kicked by npc mages :lol

If you dont want me to initiate cool we can work on some thing

or if i can we should discuse my initiation and ordeals and junk

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 11:51 pm
by Universe Man
Now I am was thinking my character (Christophor Hines) would have work for the police before being a stringer. He kill some hostages and instead of dealing with the law suit the department let him go. After some time he to apply for a job at the Ares headquaters and after see a declorated resume they asked him to do a "special job" for them. Again in a hostage situation he decovers that an important Ares buisness man is actually the murderer of twenty plus people. With out asking any quetions he blows the mans brains out. Because of who this man was Ares say theyed see that would never get another job again. So he changed his name to Xaiver Black and mved to Seattel where he started over.

If there are any concerns you have with this story I would like to hear them.

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 11:55 pm
by Universe Man
[quote="Ghostbot"]Episilon also think of how your team mates will view you. Are you ready to always be distrusted and possably left behind? ]

I agree

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2003 12:00 am
by Insomniac Jack
guess who. :wideeyes

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2003 12:03 am
by Universe Man
I hate you jizzo :mad

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2003 12:11 am
by Insomniac Jack
but why :eek

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2003 12:42 am
by Serious Paul
Universe Man wrote:Now I am thinking my character, Christophor Hines, would have been working for the [police] before becoming a stringer.
Okay by Police do you mean Lone Star Security Services? Or Knight Errant? Or the actual Police of some city? How far did you advance rank wise? Obviously you made SWAT, but where did you start out at? Div Street Patrol? Cycle duty? Riot Squad? Narcotics? Homicide?

He killed some hostages and instead of dealing with the law suit the department let him go.
Did he avoid homicide charges, even involuntary manslaughter style charges? If not did he do tiime? If yes, then how? Did he have a good lawyer? Did the Corp step in to help him? Did he have some dirt? Did the Star protect one of their own? What about the dead peeps? Their families harbor a grudge? Who died? Shooting one person is a little easier to explain for a sniper then ,say 13.
After some time he applied for a job with Ares, in Detroit and they decided, after viewing his impressive resumeand multiple decorations, that he was worth hiring in a similar capacity.However in a repeat of the past, in another hostage situation he decovers that an important Ares buisness man is actually a murderer.With out asking any quetions he blows the mans brains out.
How does that edited version sound?
His decision cost him his comfortable corporate life, and Ares was now his enemy. With the promise still ringing in his ears that he'd never work again he changed his name, and set a course for Seattle, the sewer every man eventually falls in.Now he's starting over, again,but this time he has no corporate master to serve, only his Lord and his justice.
Hows that read?

As far as Epsilon's PC goes I encourage a healthy distrust as long as it fits your characters persona, making him earn the teams trust in that regard should be a great roleplaying tool, and a good adventure hook at times. Do keep in mind the following though:
  • I run a magic "heavy" campiagn. Per square inch in my game more vampyrs, werewolves, spells, and spell slingers exsist than say Canon might suggest.
  • This is a guy you all have some sort of positive relationship with. He's run with you all before-maybe before he was an undead braine ating bloodsucker, but you all called this guy chummer.
  • He is now a braine ating bloodsucker, well bloodsucker anyways, how bad do you really want to piss him off eh? :D

Any questions or comments let me know.

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2003 12:43 am
by Insomniac Jack
OOC::: so this is what i was thinking. IC::: I was born in a white human urban part of seattle. Typical urban white boy. Didnt know much hardship as i was growing up. I went to a private school becuase my parents had cash. It was all human... ill say it... my folks were biggots... I took a natuaral shine to journalism and headed the school paper. I graduated at the head of my class and went to an ivy league collage and recieved my degree. I also met my fiance Katherine while i was there. After my extended schooling I went to <insert big publicatin name here>, showed them my shining record and was soon hired in. I did some investigative reporting, and became rather renowned in specific circles. I was living the good life.... then it all came crashing down like a house of cards...

I started to notice things... things i had never seen before... strage things. Ghost like apperations... sometimes following me... some times heeding me no attention. Also men in black... stangers... just staring at me from across the way. And the dreams... always the dreams... Dreams of falling... then floating... and the moon... huge and burning... telling me things, like a voice in my head. My sleep became restless... troubled... inconsistant.... then, far and in between. Katherine became very concerned, but she couldnt under stand what i was going through... she didnt see what I saw.

I began to hear the moon when i was awake... which was most of the day and night. This was the point in my life when i KNEW someone was after me. I wasnt about to just sit around and let them take me. I disappeared into the shadows... into the mass of darkness i wrote so many stories about. Lucky for me few people connect a reporters name with his face. Its always "hey dont i know you?" I had to shed my name however. Strangly enough the moon that tormented me so turned out to be the only thing i could trust... it gave me a gift... a power that i plan to use to get my life back. Until then I cant go back to my beloved Kat, not until I know im not putting her in danger... or untile i know she isnt working for them.

Some times I walk the sprawl and find my face on a poster. "Have you seen me?" I laugh. I havent. I dont even recognize that face any more.

OOC::: Questions or concerns?

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2003 12:53 am
by Insomniac Jack
OOC::: by the by, do you want use to post out characters stats for all to see so we know what we all are doing, or do you want them sent only to you? this is for paul of coarse3 ;)

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2003 12:56 am
by Insomniac Jack
He is now a braine ating bloodsucker, well bloodsucker anyways, how bad do you really want to piss him off eh?
IC::: I dont trust a man who would just as soon eat me then save my hoop.

OOC::: :D

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2003 12:57 am
by Universe Man
Probably lone star I just didnt know it was a nation wide service. He also probably started as a beet cop. And with your other quetion I think I need it rephased.

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2003 1:04 am
by Insomniac Jack
Universe Man wrote:Probably lone star I just didnt know it was a nation wide service. He also probably started as a beet cop. And with your other quetion I think I need it rephased.
OOC::: it must suck being the peace officer of tubers :D

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2003 1:07 am
by Insomniac Jack
OOC::: I talked to Gyro yesterday. He is in for sunday... 3:00 may be a problem however.

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2003 1:35 am
by Monster 01
This is a guy you all have some sort of positive relationship with. He's run with you all before-maybe before he was an undead braine eating bloodsucker, but you all called this guy chummer.
I may have had a positive relationship with him in the past but the guys priorities have probably changed alot since his transformation. Sure I might respect his abilities as a valued team member, but is he someone i'd bring home to dinner to meet my family? I vote no. :evil ... :D

Also to answer your questions Mr. Serious, yes I was born an ork, that is the most likely reason I was abandoned as a child (some human family didn't wan't to deal with the "disgrace" of having a meta-child.) My wife was an ork, and my three daughters are orks, all from the same litter.

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2003 1:57 am
by Serious Paul
So what time Sunday is best everyone?

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2003 2:32 am
by Insomniac Jack
OOC::: alright first character draft guys... this is stuff we will all know any way I.J. has lots of secrets you wont :D

Body 3

Quickness 2
Pistols 2
Stealth 2

Strength 2

Charisma 4
Etiquette 4
Negotiation 4

Intellagence 6
Aura reading 6
Computer 4

Willpower 6
Centering 6
Conjuring 4
Sorcery 6

Initiative dice 1d6/ 3d6 with imp. ref +2

Magic 8 (grade 2 initiate)
Mask 6
Phantasm 4
Stealth 4
Enhance Aim 6
Compel Tuth 4
Levitate 4
Armor 6
Lazer (moon beam) 8
Nova (moon wave) 6
Improved Reflexes +2 4

Reaction 4

I have the Meta Magic abilities of centering and reflection

I have used 387 karma thus far