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[SSU] IC: Devil's Tools

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2003 5:27 am
by Serious Paul
Seattle, June 3rd 2059

Lynch relaxed and leaned back. The files all appeared in order, and they’d definitely confirmed his suspicions. The team had done well even their inadvertent misstep had worked to his advantage. His people had been able to pick up Lo-Pan and work him over for a few hours, something they wouldn’t have been able to do if he had left the Needle at his own leisure.

Lynch was dressed casually, his jeans unbuttoned, his shirt crumpled in the corner. His feet were bare, and his muddy, blood spattered boots were on the doormat outside. He’d let Mama-san buff them up, and they’d be good as new. He grinned briefly, knowing that she’d give him hell for getting them so dirty, but she wouldn’t even blink at the blood. Sometimes comfort was a good thing. As he lazily scratched at his bare chest; and then his groin he stopped grinning. Sometimes people who got too damn comfortable ended up as the blood stains on other people’s boots.

Lynch kicked away from the table and crossed the room to the window, lighting a Nicstick he stared out into the rain that had just started. He’d have to give them a call again soon. Real soon. He exhaled slowly and thought about how this whole damn thing was going to be a real cluster fuck. “Fucking Wyman.”

Lynch got himself a cold beer from the cooler by his single bed, and after taking a long swig went back to his chair. He had a lot more work to get done tonight.

"Baby C"

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2003 5:36 am
by Serious Paul
“Baby C” was what they called him. His real name of course was Vigillus Conrad, and he was a father of two very mature girls and one boy. His wife had died, leaving him the hectic and often wild job of raising the triplets. Most girls at the age of 14 were still trying to make the transition from child to woman, but Ork’s matured faster than humans have. His daughters were only 14, but in the human world they were the equivalent of 20-year olds-at least physically. The law hadn’t, lucky for him, caught up with that fact, and until they turned eighteen they were still under the law of the UCAS minors, and that sat fine with him most days. Today was a day where he wondered what the hell lawmakers were thinking.

Emma was locked in the only bathroom, music blaring ; and her sister Robin beating loudly on the door while threatening to simultaneously spit Emma and kick the door in if she wasn’t let in right now! Vigillus sighed. Of their brother, Duke, there was no sign, he was a studious boy, and Duke had been admitted to an advanced learning class at the private school he paid for, which meant Duke spent a lot of nights at the library studying. He had high hopes for the girl. Grunting, and baring his tusks, he dragged himself out of his bed and pulled on the robe the girls had bought him for last Christmas. Scratching his rear end with one of his gnarled hands he stepped out into the hall.

“Okay, okay that’s enough.” He never shouted, but his bass voice rumbled liked thunder. Robin stopped pounding on the door and faced her father, hands on her hips, obviously getting ready to blurt something out, but he cut her off. “Both of you out here, right now.” The music died, and the bathroom door clicked, and swung open. His two daughters stood in front of him, and Vigillus couldn’t help but feel proud. They were both the very image of their mother, and good kids to boot.

They both started talking at once, they knew better than to shout, but the whining made his head hurt. “Okay, okay, okay.” Holding his hands up he motioned for them to stop. “Look until we get into the new place you have to share, understood? I don’t want to hear any more arguing.”

“Yes, daddy!” His girls smiled, flashing him their gleaming tusks that he had worked so hard to keep clean and straight. He allowed them to plant a kiss on his cheek, and then he left them elbowing for position in the mirror.

“What’s all the fuss about anyway?” he called over his shoulder as he headed for their small kitchenette. “Some kind of big date?”

“No daddy, don’t be silly.”

“Yeah dad don’t you remember?”

He stopped in front of the refrigerator and opened the door, which was covered in pictures of his girls. “Remember what? Hey where’d all my soda go?”

“Daddy! Auntie Ella is taking us to the movies!”

“You drank it all Dad. Jeesh, what’d you stay out so late doing?” Giggles followed that statement, his girls were very disciplined, and this was as close as they got to being insolent with their doting father. He sighed, and pulling the milk carton out of the fridge he searched for a glass that wasn’t plastic-he hated plastics, and no matter what he said he couldn’t seem to convince his relatives and well wisher's that he wanted real glass wares for Christmas and birthdays.

“Ah here we go.” He muttered to himself.

“What Daddy?”

“I said when is your aunt supposed to be here?” Ella was his wife’s older sister, she was someone Vigillus counted on, a true friend for all of his life, and the one person he trusted his kids with. The fact that she was a Shaman who followed the calling of Wolf didn’t hurt either. As he poured his milk into the tall glass the tridcom light caught his eyes. They’d shut the alarm off again, as his daughter spoke he ambled over to the machine. His phone had all the bells and whistles-holoscreen, data display, datajack access, fax, the whole nine. He also had a state of the art answering system that allowed him to code his account, which kept his children from his business accounts.

Vigillus keyed his code in and reviewed his messages in text format, scanning the headers only. He disliked bringing his work home, and preferred to check his messages while on the move. He muttered under his breath as he looked. “Junk, junk…and not junk.”

The message was from Lynch. The account was a numerical code, and he had learned over the years to recognize when Lynch was in need of his services. Punching the volume button , he set the speakers on low and listened….


Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2003 6:56 am
by Serious Paul
“We must always fear the wicked. But there is another kind of evil that we must fear the most, and that is the indifference of good men."

The dream was always the same.

“Alpha this is Omega Six, we are in position, over.”

“Omega six this is Alpha actual, hold your position until you receive further instructions.”

“Copy, out.”

Xavier Black was the second man on the breach team, armed with a Heckler and Koch nine-millimeter submachinegun that was silenced, and equipped with an integral laser sight and the latest smart link system. That made the weapon feel like a comforting warmth in his right hand. He was dressed in medium grade security armor ,with a helmet emblazoned with those four little letters that had changed his life, SWAT. Special Weapons and Tactics. He had pounded the streets for two years hoping for his chance, and now here he was. In front of him was Two Thom, a troll and their point man. He cradled a large sledgehammer in his hands like a newborn babe, and had a shotgun slung across his back. Behind him was Big Andy, who was packing a submachinegun set up just like his own. Waldo was their team leader, and the number four man. He was a physad, and he was especially skilled with pistols, and had two Predator III’s drawn and ready to rock. Their six was guarded by another new comer, Killian McManus, a mick from Narcotics who could make his shotgun work miracles.

“All Omega units be advised, Sit Rep as follows: Three to five armed Perps have taken thirty hostages inside the bank, they armed with small caliber pistols and possibly one shotgun. Shots have been fired, and civvies are down. You are to breach the side door upon receiving the command prompt from the Negotiator. Command prompt as follows ‘It’s a crying shame we can’t work this out.’ Overrides at team leaders perogative, how copy over?”

Waldo grinned, headquarters was freeing him to make the decision when to start shooting if he felt it necessary, which generally meant the people in high places wouldn't miss whomever they shot. “We copy over.”

They were stacked against a sidewall, just inches from a large door that lead directly into the brokerage house. The negotiator would enter through the front door, and unless he was able to stop this train ride, Black and his teammates would have to derail it. The adrenaline pumped through his system, his eyes were dilated slightly, and his breathing was elevated-his helmet told him that much. Black forced himself to steady his breathing, and lower his pulse. As he was watching his heart rate slow the shots rang out, and they sprang into action.

“Omega Six going in, shots fired, repeat shots fired…” the rest of the words were lost in the thrill of the moment. Two Thom smashed the door open with the sledge and Black kicked what remained off the hinges as he went in. Number one man, as he went through the door he acquired the first target , raised his weapon with mechanical precision and fired a three round burst, hitting the target in the head, and neck. The grunge went down with a spray of blood.

As the flash bang detonated, he heard screaming and more gunfire. The noisy uncontrolled shots from the grunge’s holding the hostages, and the precision silenced bursts from his teammate. They were already five feet into the room, which was rapidly filling with noxious smoke. His gas mask was snug, and he didn’t even break his stride as he looked for another target. His radio was blaring into his ear, but he couldn’t hear that right now, he found another target, and squeezed off another three rounds. As he traversed looking for a new target he felt someone grab him. With out even thinking he spun and pulled the trigger, and watched as his career ended.

“Oh Shit.” He had just shot Two Thom. “Oh Fuck. FUCK!” And there he was bleeding at Xavier’s feet, his face a bloody mess with quarter inch holes in it. “FUCK!”


Xavier rolled out of his bed, and grabbed the rosary around his neck. He was covered in sweat, his shirt stuck to his back, and his boxers were stained, he felt so dirty but none of that matter right now. He needed absolution, and knew he’d never find it.

“Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come,
thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread.
Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen. “

“Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come,
thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread.
Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen. “

He repeated the prayer over and over, until he could barely speak. Slowly he rose, his knees stiff, his voice hoarse and made his way to the shower. He stripped his soiled clothes from his body, and stepped into his shower. Turning the water up as high as it would go, he stood beneath the scalding spray for as long as he could tolerate it.

Later as he dried himself he checked messages on his pager, and when he noticed the message from Lynch he knew the day might hold some sort of absolution after all…

"The Gentleman"

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2003 8:29 pm
by Serious Paul
Grudge silently read his paper. He preferred the real thing, alone in his study, in a comfortable chair. He had the radio, which despite its antique appearance was state of the art tuned to National Public Radio, All Things Considered was one of his favorite programs, and it had just started. Grudge wasn’t his real name of course, but he’d become so used to hearing it, he’d almost forgotten what his given name was, not that it mattered anymore. That man was deceased, dead to the world at large, and had been ever since Grudge had left the land of the light for the shadows of the underworld.

He was dressed only his pajamas, a hunter green fleece robe, moccasin style slippers that were real Australian sheepskin lined, flannel trousers with a matching shirt. As he flipped through the business section he wondered briefly is his tea was done.

Setting his paper aside Grudge stood, refastened his robe, and walked over to his kitchenette. His teakettle was a plain metal affair, unadorned like so much of his décor; it could have fit in anywhere. His whole life was like that. He could fit in anywhere, well anywhere a Troll of his size could fit anyway's.

As he poured himself a cup steaming, hot water, and started to select what he would have for his morning tea, the alarm chime for his phone beeped once. He dislike people, who made use of complicated and often silly songs and chimes, his was a simple beep, which was distinctive and just loud enough for him to hear. It didn’t pay for a man in his line for work to draw too much attention to himself. After he checked the caller ID he answered at once, wondering what would have Lynch calling so soon after the last job….


Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2003 11:22 pm
by Serious Paul
Gyro slid his helmet over his horns, and grinned. He was bad to the bone, and bad ass, and…Hmm he knew there were a few other words Grudge had been teaching him, but right now it was time to ride! Pulling his leather jacket on he grabbed his keys, and made sure to lock the doors on his way out, he didn’t own much, and not many people were stupid enough to mess with a Troll his size, and especially one with his capacity for violence. He grinned toothily, and hopped the last four steps out onto the sidewalk, landing with a thud loud enough to scare people nearest to him. Several Ork ganger’s eyed him warily, but knew enough to keep their distance.

Gyro swung a leg over his Harley Davidson, a 2004 Softail Fatboy, a two-tone Teal and Regal Silver model, with a twincam 88B that gave him 100.0-ft lbs of torque at 3000 Rpm’s. He’d restored it himself, painstakingly machining parts, and lovingly assembling them into a chrome monster, which was especially built for him. It had taken him nearly the better part of two years, and the almost every nuyen he had made in those two years, but it had been worth it. He had paid for custom chrome piping, and a custom set of bars and forks to personalize the machine further. He had hand painted its name “Merkismathr” which was an old Viking term that mean “Standard Bearer”, and that’s what Gyro thought of his bike. It set the standard, just like he did.

“One of a kind baby!” Gyro roared as he kicked the bike into action, revving the engine hard, he smiled as he felt the power of his rumbling motorcycle. Today was going to be a good day. He had woken up in time to catch the sunrise, and there was nothing like cruising Alaskan Way at break neck speeds with the rising sun at your side. Gyro smoked the tires hard as he pealed out from his spot in the alley.

He leaned back slightly, allowing his body to stretch as the bike bounced down off the curb and cut off some gook rice-burning econo-shit-box, and laughed as he heard the sariman cursing behind him. He powered up his engine, and by the time he hit the corner he was doing forty; planting a leg he leaned into the turn and he was off.

Gyro had traveled just under twenty miles when he stopped for a morning snack. As he chugged a cold brew and mowed the six-chili dogs he had purchased down he leaned into a public tridcom booth and dialed his voicemail. He didn’t like carrying phones and pagers, they were so small and he was so big, and besides he kept on losing them, and that was a real problem. As he chewed he heard Lynches voice and keyed the machine to spit out the whole message…

"Insomniac Jack"

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2003 12:19 am
by Serious Paul
“It all started when I went to this stuffer shack right? So there I was buying some soy burgers-I don’t eat real meat ‘cause the corps taint the meat with sedatives and psychotropic, so that they can control us ya’ know? Any way’s there I was right? Reading the label on the burger, cause I do that right? One time I didn’t read the label on this case of noodles, and it turns out Aztechnology made them! I mean can you believe it? I mean them damn crazy ass bastards probably recycle the body parts of all their victims this way! No way am I eating ritual leftovers, forget that drek! Fragger's! They are always trying to take over the world, one damn snack cake at a time. Bastards. Any way’s there I was reading the label, and this guy, this guy he comes up to me, and I’m like why is he coming up to me? I mean, of all the people in the shack he chooses me? Coincidence? I think not, no he was with them, ya’ know? I read this thing right? Where the Ordo Maximus is actually run by Vampires! Real, honest to Injun’ blood suckin’ brain eatin’ baby snatching creatures of the night, I should know, one of my best friends is a Vampire. Not that I trust the bastard, shifty eyed, pale faced dead man. No sir, I know better. The Moon, ya’ know? She tells me things. She tells me secrets….[Yawns]…man I’m tired. I don’t sleep much ya’ know? Sleeping is how they get you. Once you go to sleep, BHAM! There they are, just like Invasion of the Body Snatchers, by the way that’s actually not just a Sim pal, nope, I bet you knew that though didn’t you? It’s a secret government training film that wasn’t supposed to have been put out. But once it was out they had to cover it up, and we know how good the government is at covering things up. That’s what they do, but you knew that. Didn’t ya’? Yeah I’m on to you pal, I’m on to you big time. The Moon can see everything. Everything. Even the bugs. There here you know, in Seattle. Oh yeah they’re everywhere, there is no hiding. No hiding you hear me? No hiding from the Moon! [Yawns] Dragon’s chummer, they are running everything. I mean you can’t swing a dead cat with out hitting some scaly over sized lizard that thinks he is a genius. Ha! Genius. The government thought making us believe that they were bugs was genius, but I’m on to that too. They can’t fool me. They can’t fool the moo…[Yawns]…n. Damn it, I need something…maybe some of those red pills, yeah…the red ones, just like they give the secret soldiers of the shadow government. You know the one’s I’m talking about. Man is it hot in here? They say the earth is warming, but I know the truth. Its getting colder, but they are using magic to keep the cities warmer, so we stay in the cities. They don’t want us to know the truth. They don’t think I know, but I do chummer. Oh I know all right. I know everything, because the moon shows it to me. While everyone else is asleep she shows me things, things that you could only dream of. I know the truth chummer!”

“Hey buddy are you going to use that terminal or what? Some of us have places to be you know!” The Ork huffed, the nerve of some people. The scruffy looking human turned to face him, and the Ork shrank back. “Uhm, never mind…I think…there is…another…one…down….the street” his words were broken as he backed away from the human. As he finally reached a point he felt safe to turn away he muttered over his back, “Fraggin’ Breeders.”

Insomniac Jack just stared. The Ork was definitely one of them. He was sure of it. He’d have to kill him, it was the only way. Just as he was about to summon the mystical energies he needed to snuff the mans life force out he was distracted by the insistent beeping of the telecom he had been talking with. People just didn’t understand. Machines talked to him. He spoke their language. He yawned again, and turned back to face the machine. He was so tired, but he couldn’t go to sleep. Not unless he wanted them to get him, and he definitely didn’t want that.

Jack reached into his tan duster, and pulled a bottle of pills out. He popped the lid and tipped the bottle up, and swallowed a dozen or so pills. He’d need his energy. He could feel it. Turning to the tridcom he punched in Lynches number…

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2003 5:55 am
by Serious Paul
The club was crowded tonight, and that was good. He enjoyed the press of the crowd, the warmth of their bodies-so different now from what he had known. He had once thought intimacy was consummated with a kiss. Now he realized it was more of an embrace. The beat filled his body and his enhanced hearing let him filter through the music, picking out the beating hearts of those closest to him. It had been unnerving at first, when he hadn’t figured out how to deal with it. When he couldn’t just tune them out. The thumping had boomed day and night like cannons, and drum corps in his head. Then he had found a sensei of a sort, and he learned. Learned so many wonderful things.

He was dressed stylishly, black Armante, head to toe. Exspensive Italian leather shoes that fit like the matching gloves he wore on his hands. He wore wrap around mirror shades, but even in the darkened nightclub he could see perfectly. He was a child of the night now, a creature to some, and an idol to others. He of course knew the truth. He was a ghost, a barely seen entity that moved on the fringe of the human world, lingering, but unlike the ghasts of legend he certainly didn’t languish. He was Geist.

The DJ spun the music like a spider spinning a web, and the dancers were like thrashing flies, an analogy that was made much more humorous by his own appetites. He watched as two women, elves, who were obviously on the prowl convorted with each other, their bodies grinding in sinsual rhythms. He smiled, careful not to flash too many of his pearly whites, lest he bare his fangs. Other than the smile he spared them no notice, he was on the prowl for something completely different. People in leathers sweated under the strobe lights that flashed on and off with the rhythms, some were jacked straight into the dance floor in spots, enhancing their experience cybernetically. Geist frowned at the thought, so much wasted sustenance. He believed in conservation, especially when it came to his delicate ecosystem.

He glided through the crowd and found a spot near the rear of the building. The Barrens wasn’t the sort of place that made much of a fuss about whether fire doors were sealed, and this club was no exception. The doors were thrown open, and several dozen men and women on bikes, big powerful machines that were some sort of Harley knock off’s. In the center of the row of bikes was an Ork who was obviously dealing something, and at his arm was Geist’s interest for the evening. She was human, maybe 20, with long jet-black hair that was loose and wild. She had dark green eyes that were so inviting-like sparkling emeralds. She had an athletic build, strong legs that she brazenly displayed from beneath her daisy duke style shorts, tribal style tattoo work ran up and down her legs, starting at the boots she wore, and ending who knew where. Well he would after tonight. She had a denim jacket on that concealed her pert but small breasts, and under that, oh under that he thought silently grinning, his eyes blazed in the shadows of the club. She was Asian and Indian descent, but something else was there that tempered her looks, softened them. Maybe he’d ask about that before he was done. She had a knife strapped at her hip, but he saw in both worlds, ad it was nothing more than trinket.

He shifted his senses in the nether world that the humans called Astral Space, and allowed the sensation of emotions and raw energy overflow into him. The club was brilliant glowing energy that was dull compared to her. None of them were magically enhanced, no one here even was of the class to have implanted enhancements of any sort, and here he was a god.

Shifting back to the mundane world he stepped from the shadows, quickly striding right past the two men who were obviously lookouts, before any one had a chance to even react he was there, right in front of her. He had moved so fast he had been a blur, and she gasped as he stopped suddenly in front of her, mere inches from her face.

“Perhaps you’d like to join me, maybe some place a little quieter?” He flashed his smile, and stared directly into her eyes. She simply stood there, surprised and speechless. Before he was able to speak again, the Ork who thought he owned her stepped next towards him, speaking angrily.

“I don’t give a frag who you think you are drekwit but you need to press on before I fill your ass with lead.”

Geist simply stared at her; she was memorized by his features-chiseled like granite, and just as cold. “Shall we?” he whispered softly, extending his hand.

“Hey motherfragger, do you have some sort of deficiency?” The Ork went to draw his pistol, but Geist moved with a quickness supernatural origins, snapping a kick off that crushed the mans hand, then stepping forward he pushed the Ork over his bike. Baring his fangs he hissed. It was a silly, silly trick but one that his teacher had shown him to have far more effect than any kick or punch he’d ever throw. The Ork reacted as if he had just been witness to one of the most horrible crimes of his life, his eyes widening, and his hands went up to protect his face as if Geist could bite him from three feet away. It made Geist want to laugh, instead in the scariest whisper he could muster he said, “Slot and scan chum pal, I’m here for her, if she wants to go, then we leave, you try and get in my way again and I’ll rip your kidneys out.”

He turned away from the Ork, who was already scrambling away, and faced the girl who was obviously taken aback by the whole scene. “So what do you say?” She nodded hesitantly then took his extended hand.

Later as he wiped his jacket and face clean his pager began to vibrate. Setting his jacket aside he folded her arms across her naked breasts, she wasn’t dead of course, he never took that much, but she’d sleep like she’d never slept before. Checking the number on the pager he grinned. Nothing like a little violence after his sex. He picked up her phone and dialed the number

Message from Lynch

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2003 6:02 am
by Serious Paul
“This is Lynch, there’s a sports bar called Lugnuts&Pipewrenches downtown way, great grill, cold drafts. I’ll be there tomorrow at about Seven PM, be there and we’ll talk shop.”

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2003 9:38 am
by Epsilon
Simon grabbed his watch from the endtable and checked it as he walked across the living room... it was just before 6 AM. He exclaimed "Fucking June..." angrily to himself as he closed his black curtains. He had never been a morning person to begin with, and since his recent "lifestyle change", sunrise had shifted from being an irritation to a serious health hazard. At least the approach of dawn meant he could get in some good sleep... Lynch was very adamant that he be at the rendezvous point at 7 o' clock that night, and that whatever was on Lynch's mind demanded his full attention. How he was going to get there with the sun still up was another story...

Simon turned away from the window and surveyed his luxurious apartment. He smiled to himself... even though he had been living there for a few months, he was still pleased with the way the last few months had worked out in his favor. Not even a year earlier, he had been living in a run-down flophouse near the docks, doing minor favors for Mafia goons just to make ends meet and sleeping with a loaded Ares Predator under his pillow. It was the only life that a child of the streets like himself knew of, but he was smart enough to want more. As he slept on a single roach-infested mattress on a bare wooden floor, he dreamed of silk sheets and leather armchairs. He would block out the never-ending noise of screams and gunshots just outside his window with vivid fantasies of fast cars, expensive clothing, exclusive VIP parties and, most of all, beautiful women. Now the fantasy was a reality, and it was all thanks to The Clan.

Simon walked back into the bedroom, his dark smile growing even wider. Of all of the beautiful objects he surrounded himself with, his latest conquest was the most pleasing... Kara? Sara? Her name is not that important, I suppose... He thought this to himself as he crawled into bed. He layed next to her, enjoying her closeness but not feeling affectionate enough to actually touch her. He folded his hands behind his head and stared up at the ceiling for a moment, still lost in his own sense of self-satisfaction. He was no longer a child of the streets... he was a child of the night.

Simon woke up around five that afternoon. As he looked to his side, he realized that his companion was gone. He was disappointed, since he could have used a little fun (and maybe another quick snack) before going to work, but the feeling soon vanished. It was replaced by the enthusiasm of meeting Lynch that night. After a quick "wake-up" cigarette and a scan of the latest newsvid, he showered himself. He flashed back once again to a time, not so long ago, when just cleaning himself would have been a luxury. After drying himself off, he stepped back into his bedroom and opened his closet. Before him was a row of black Armante suits, each one with a pair of Italian leather shoes underneath it. He pulled out the one that was on the far right... this one was armored, and served as his "business suit". After slipping on his shoes and tie, he checked himself in the full-length mirror on the opposite side of the room. Making sure his tie was straight, he opened his mouth, checking his teeth. His lips curled into a devilish grin as he gazed upon his fangs. He thought to himself, Time to go to work...

Simon stepped out on the balcony... luckily, his apartment was on the east side of the building, and he was mostly in shadow as the sun was setting. He checked his watch and felt his pocket, making sure he had remembered his credstick. He housed his twin silver Ares Predators in concealed holsters beneath his jacket. Satisfied that his inventory was complete, he jumped. He had always been quite athletic, finding it necessary to survive on the streets, and his transformation had amplified his inherent abilities, much like every other aspect of his life. From his high-rise, the roof of the next building was only about 20 or 30 feet down... he landed on it easily, without so much as breaking his pace or even wrinkling his suit. He ran across the roof with astounding speed; he doubted that anyone would see him. He repeated the motion several times, leaping from rooftop to rooftop, trying to stay in the shadow of larger buildings, and descending when he could. After a few moments he was sure he could make it safely to ground level. He jumped, doing a backflip, and landed perfectly on his feet right in front of the stairs leading to the subway, which he calmly walked down.

Simon was more comfortable now, being underground. It was bright, and noisy, and crowded, but the fluorescent light did not bother him nearly as much as the setting sun did. He checked his watch, and affirmed his thought that the number 6 train would be the one headed towards his destination, Lugnuts and Pipewrenches. He had heard of the place before, and had even been there a few times, but he did not have an incredibly favorable opinion of the place. Anyone who was on the street for more than an hour knew that it was nothing more than a brothel geared towards corp types. He smiled to himself once more... Only a fool would pay for sex. Still, his own outlook on the place was unimportant. Lynch had designated it as the place for the meet to go down, and Lynch was the one with the money. He pointed himself towards the turnstile and moved swiftly. No one saw as he hopped it easily; neither did they see when climbed onto the back of the departing 6 train. As it left the station, heading for its destination, he thought to himself, Only a fool would pay for rides.

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2003 11:44 pm
by Gyro
Gyro woke up the next day relatively early. He had a big day ahead of him, so much to do so little ammo. He was heading to his favorite place to burn a couple of hours before meeting Lynch. This place offered mental and physical activities as well as letting Gyro express his views on the world around him. This wonderful destination also (in Gyro’s mind) had definite benefits for his “professional associates”. All while allowing him to visit with friends and family. Gyro grinned at his genius! He loved small target practice with his vindicator in the barrens. “well, after all, he had to make sure it was firing…ah…fast enough!” HE HE. He roared ahead as the barrens came in around him. Ah, home sweet home the sites, sounds, and smells of everything that reminded us that Adam shouldn’t have taken the forbidden fruit from Eve…BITCH!

After many devil rats and 1000’s of rounds had been unleashed. Gyro was done. Ears ringing and hands still vibrating. Gyro felt great satisfaction with himself and his rotating shafts of pleasure. He threw his smoking mini gun into his side car and locked the top down. He look at the time. 6:35 PM A grin from ear to ear spread across his face, ah ya he could make it. He would just have to speed…a little.
“ON MERKISMATHR!” Gyro shouted as he roared away.

6:59:05 PM. Gyro pulled up to Lugnuts and Pipwrenches, pulled his bike right up on the curb in front of the joint as if he owned the place. This was his kind of place and his kind of people. So as a 9’5” 600 lbs. Troll he kind of did own the place. He slipped the bouncer (his friend) a little love and walked inside.

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2003 12:44 am
by Monster 01
The telecom powered down, and the face of the middle aged ork woman on the other side faded into darkness. Vigillus grabbed his hooded sweatshirt and walked to the family room where his three children were busy doing home work.

"Okay, I gotta work late tonight. Aunt E will be here in a few minutes, so ya be well behaved little monsters ya got that?"

"Yes daddy" his daughters spoke in unison.
"Sure dad" his son chimed in. "Did you remember to leave bus fair for us?"
"Yea," Vigillus said scratching his scalp. "It's on the kitchen counter."
"And lunch money" his daughter Emma added.
"Ya guys wanna eat too!" Vigillus roared in mock disgust. "Yea, I'll leave it with the rest."
"Alright, love you daddy" His daughters said together again.
"Good night dad” his son finished. Vigillus walked to the kitchen and placed the rest of the cred on the counter. He lit up a cigar and leaned against the fridge while he waited for E to arrive.
Wonder why Lynch needs to see us again so soon, Vigillus thought as he took another long drag from his cigar. A few silent minutes passed then there was a half knock at the door while it slowy opened.

“Hey Vig” Ella greeted as she entered the house.
“Hi E” Vigillus answered as he hugged her.
“Ugg, Vig” She choked as she got a sniff of his cigar. “Why in the 6th world do you smoke those nasty things?”
“Well E, as I see it, in my line of work you gotta smoke, cuz if your lucky it’s the cigarettes that kills ya.”
“That’s the next thing I wanted to talk about Vig, your “line of work.”
“Listen” Vigillus replied, “I know you think me runnin’ is one of them catch twenty-twos but I ain’t got a choice.
“But Vig how long can you pull off being both a father and a felon? One of these days something is going to happen to you, something bad. We’ve already lost Rachel, we don’t want to lose you too.”
“Nothing is going to happen E! Look I ain’t gonna talk about this now, it’s bad luck. Just trust me and keep the kids safe.” Vigillus gave her another hug good-bye and abruptly walked out the door. He climbed into his unmodified Dodge Glow and hit the streets. Next stop Lugnuts & Pipewrenches, and another chance to risk his life.

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2003 2:39 am
by Insomniac Jack
‘BLIP’ the sound of a telecom terminal powering down. Well, Jack’s brief conversation with Lynch had confirmed his prior suspicions: Lo-Pan was working for them! He was positive that anchored fire ball trap that poor Rashid stumbled upon was meant for him, he just couldn’t prove it as fact. “Better him then me.” jack muttered to no one. He rattled the last few pills around in the bottom of the small white plastic bottle labeled ‘Sleep Away.’ “I’m going to need more soon.” he said as he popped them in his mouth. He looked back at the terminal as he chewed down his special treat, remembering the things he had told it. Most of what he had said were lies. He had no real friends. Just acquaintances who could help get his life back. Still, he had to play it safe.

‘BLAM! BLAM! PING! DZZZZZZZZZZT…… bloop…..’ the sound of a telecom terminal being introduced to two slugs from an Ares Predator. It had known to much.

After covering his bases, Jack hailed a cab to Downtown. He had to get to Lugnuts and Pipewrenches so he could meet with Lynch. If he had the download on Lo-Pan, there is no telling what other information he might have. A smirk stretched across his face. He had a feeling that all of this will be coming to an end very soon. Then he could go back to Kat. His beloved Kat. Reality check. The smirk snapped back to the neutral strait line like a rubber band.
“Buddy! Hey buddy! I ain‘t goin’ ta ask you again! Where to?” the cabby demanded.
“Why do you want to know? Who are you working for!?” Jack inquired.
“Gypsy Taxi Service, you wanna get some where or not?”
“Ya… just turn when I tell you to. Is this cab bugged?”
“What! You gotta be fraggin me! You some kinda freak or sumthin?”
“Look you wanta get paid or not! Drive!”

:::Two Hours Later:::

Jack left the Cab crashed over the curb, emergency lights blaring. “You fraggin lunatic! You better hope I never see…. Youagain…” the cabbies voice faded as Jack walked away. Two blocks down was his destination. Due to his little “De tour” (to grantee he wasn’t followed) he would have to walk the rest of the way. No matter. At least he was here… A full day early. “Fraggin chip in my brain! Its trying to take control again!” He yelled gripping his head. Slowly he felt himself regain control. He had fought off the chips influence before, he could do it again. Once he had composed himself and escaped the view of the crowd that had gathered to stare, he left to find a place to hide for the night. He might even catch a few minutes of sleep… if it was safe enough. He can meet Lynch tomorrow night. Besides, he had a very close friend to visit. He hadn’t had a chance to chat with the moon yet about his latest visions.

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2003 3:18 am
by Grudge
Grudge absently wondered, as he pressed the glowing ACCEPT button on the telecom, if anyone else was here in the Citadel of Pain, or whatever half-mocking name the team was calling their warehouse headquarters today. If anyone else was getting this same call, right now, courtesy of Lynch's ambiguous protocols on telecom behavior.

He put on his CAS accent, like putting on a shirt. "Yello. This's Grudge."

The trid remained unlit; only the glowing telltales on the bottom of the tank illuminated; standard procedure, with criminals. It was something else he'd had to get used to. "This is Lynch."

"I know that, you idiot, I called you, didn't I?"

There was a moment of confused silence on the other end of the line. "No," Lynch said, his voice indicating he felt he was dealing with some kind of mentally deficient person, or perhaps a troll. "I called you."

Grudge held his face still; no sign of his amusement showed. "Now, that's just a damned lie, Lynch, and I don't have time for your make-believe right now. I got important work for you."

Lynch wasn't humorless, <i>per se</i>. He just didn't much understand or care for Grudge's unique brand of levity. "No, I've got important work for <i>you</i>. I need to meet with you tomorrow. Lugnuts&Pipewrenches, downtown, nineteen hundred."

"Exactly," Grudge said, tongue still metaphorically in cheek. "Be there, and we'll talk shop." He could almost hear Lynch shaking his head.

"Whatever, G. You make sure to tell Baby C I picked the girls up some new shoes, and got a couple new shirts for his boy."

"Will do. See you tomorrah."

The tank went totally dark, waiting for another call or for Grudge to load up a screed or movie. He never did; with the exception of football, he didn't watch the trid. And they usually watched football on the big tank in the main room, once he'd gotten the team to start thinking of it as a sport, and not as some kind of professional version of their soccer. They'd tried to get him to watch american football, but he too-quickly became bored with the set-piece matches and the cybernetic monsters on the gridiron.

Slowly and carefully - the way he'd learned to move since he'd become this size - Grudge walked into the bedroom portion of his little piece of the Fortress of Pain. They'd split the available space - carved out of the basement of this abandoned warehouse in the barrens - equally, so both he and Gyro had to make do with bedrooms that didn't really fit their proportions. At least the ceilings were high enough.

He quickly shed his morning clothes and began gearing up for the day. If today was to be a work day, then it would begin early. He'd done his katas on waking, but now seemed like a good time to get some practice with his claymore before lunch. Then he could spend some time walking the streets before the meet. Statistically, the odds were about 50/50 that someone would be stupid enough to mess with him, which meant a roughly equal chance of a calm afternoon walk through the Seattle rain, or a little practice with live ammo. Neither thought displeased him.

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2003 11:41 pm
by Universe Man
Black took a look at his watch. Six Thirty already. Time flies when your in confession, especially for him. If he continued to be late for meets because of religious fervor, Lynch was going to kill him. Black knelt before the statue of Christ for one more prayer. When he was finished he stood and briskly walk out of the church. He started down the street towards the monorail. He managed to arrive just in time to get a spot on the back of the train.

As he rode to Lugnuts and Pipewrenches, Black had time to sit and think about his future. Would he have a chance to atone for his sins? Or would he forever wander with this stain on his soul. To calm his nerves he lit up a Nic-stick and took a long drag. Frag. Reality sucks.

After a short while the train came to a gentle stop in the Downtown train station. Seven on the nose. Drek. Still a ten minute walk. Lynch is going to be pissed. He was having second thoughts about strolling up to a brothel posing as a sports bar. Oh well. Biz is Biz. That will probably send him to hell any way.

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 12:15 am
by Serious Paul
Gyro and Grudge made an impressive pair as they entered the Bar&Grill. The bouncer barely shook them down, only patting their upper torsoes down, and not even asking them to open their coats, and they were soon pressing forward into the center of the bar area.

The bar was along the North wall, and was run by two attractive topless women, and a gruesome looking Troll who was shorter than either of the two runners, but thicker and stockier by an increment of at least two. Tables were scattered through out the floor, filled with various sarimen who dividec their attention between the big screen holo's that were broadcasting every sport imaginable, and the topless wait staff, who aimed to please. Thick smoke and laughter filled the air. This was definitely a sports bar.

The second level of the split level Bar&Grill was more subdues, and the clientel was definitely a lot seedier than the happy go lucky midlevel wage slaves that the bar made its business from. The two trolls gave some dap to the bouncer, and a nod to the bar tender, and headed towards the stairs that lead up to the dining area, where they knew they'd find Lynch.

A human dressed in zoot style suit stood in frontt of the stairs. His greased back hair was pulled back under a nineteen thirties stle fedora, and he had all the tell-tale signs of hired muscle: not so hidden bulge under his arm, thick neck and dim eyes.

As they approached the stairs he perked up and scanned the both of them visually, niether Troll was very impressed. They'd dealt with his type before. The goon decided that they belonged and stepped aside with a nod.

As they ascended the stairs they could that the Family was out in force tonight, big brawl games brought out all the bookies and gambling men. They didn't pay much more than a second glance or two at the made men, and their entourage-they were here on business, and besides staring too long at these girls could be hazardous to their goodstanding at this place. They didn't fancy trashing the joint before they even got to their seats.

Spotting Lynch in the rear most table, closest to the sky walk that lead across the street to the hotel, they cut through the crowd, using their immense size to force their way through. They were the first to arrive.

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 12:30 am
by Serious Paul
Simon wrinkled his nose slightly, an act that couldn't mar the perfection of his chisled features. The lace stank like cheap cigar smoke, soiled carpet, gun oil and spilled beer. The women who may have been atrractive to Joe Zaibatsu were disgusting filthy creatures in his eyes, little better than street whores. He could pick out the subtle scars of the various surgical procedures their masters had used to enhance their natural beauty.

Shifting his senses slightly he was pleased to see he hadn't lost his touch-so many of these woman had seen a surgeons scalpel at one time or another. He glided through the crowd as if he were walking on air,or maybe he thought, like a cold breeze as people shrank back from the slight chill that was associated with his kind.

He watched as the goon made to block his access to the stairs and Simon merely allowed his eyes to flash, just a small display of what he was, and the man shrank back, not bothering to ask any questions. Simon grinned-humans. They were so pathetic.

He spotted Lynch and the two Trolls at about the same time he spotted several of the real roses in this briar patch. Oh well, he thought, maybe another time, after all business calls.

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 12:42 am
by Grudge
There wasn't a chair that could hold Grudge or Gyro for long without breaking, but that wasn't unusual. They just pushed a couple aside and sat on the floor, which meant they could better see eye-to-eye with their fixer anyhow. Grudge's accent came on, thinner than usual as he shouted over the din. "Evenin'. You buyin' the drinks?"

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 12:43 am
by Serious Paul
Baby C eyed the crowd as he walked through the Bar. The Brawl game tonight was a big game, Seattle versus Chicago's new team-they'd finally decided that even if the better part of the Downtown Loop was still quarentined, Chicago was a good franchise. Chicago had dropped some serious cred in snatching and grabbing the best free and not so free agents, Seattle was still trying to rebuild after two losing seasons. Baby C was sure he knew how the game would end up tonight, Chicago had the line by 7, obviously some of these fools were bigger gamblers than he'd ever be.

He watched as several bookies took some bets, then after lighting his Cigar he headed towards the stairs. He was stopped only briefly by the goon at the bottom of the stairs, but the mention of Lynches name took care of any obstacles any one else would have faced.

As he searched out Lynch and the others he was happy to note he wasn't the last to arrive.

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 12:49 am
by Grudge
In deference to the vamp's seeming dislike of physical contact with anyone but victims, Grudge just nodded his way as he approached, but he had a hearty high-five and a private but intense, "Baby C!" for their other teammate.

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 12:56 am
by Serious Paul
Lynch grinned. No matter how damn ugly he was, Grudge was just damn likeable. "Yes, drinks are on me." Lynch nodded towards the automated ordering screen, and the half dozen long necks he'd already emptied. Of course since he'd had the toxin extractor built in his liver, all he got was the taste.

"Glad to see you could make it." he nodded as Geist seemed to appear in the seat next to the Trolls He took a swig off his beer, and then stood as Baby C walked over to the table.

"Vigillus!" Lynch clasped Baby C's hands and patted him firmly on the back in a brief embrace. "How are the kids?"

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 1:01 am
by Grudge
This was always the hardest part: picking drinks that he didn't hate that fit with his persona. He finally settled on a 20-year single malt and prayed this place didn't refill their bottles.

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 1:54 am
by Monster 01
"Evenin boys," Vigillus greated his teammates, then he nodded to Lynch "kids are fine. There busy poundin out them term papers." He pulled out a chair and made himself comfortable, putting his feet on the table. "Just waitin on two more are we, oh and make mine a boiler maker."

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 3:15 am
by Insomniac Jack
The moon shown giant with a silver sheen. Jack floated in limbo with the moon as a backdrop. This has been such an integral part of his life as of late that it is uncertain whether this is reality or a drug induced dream. “How ya doin boss?” Jack directed his question directly to the giant orb.

“Hello Walter. Do you seek guidance?” The moon replied in a comforting voice like that of a father.

“Ya I’ve been thinking. I had this vision and you were there… and some rain… and some other really confusing stuff. This is the only place my head doesn’t hurt… and I don’t see leprechauns running around here… just giant talking moons… hmmm. Well anyway, what do you think?

“There is a war brewing and you are a soldier in that war, the only soldier. The tide is coming. Embrace my powers and you will be a savoir… a new messiah.

“Yaa… well I really don’t want to uhhh… hey! Where the frag are you going!” The moon slowly faded away, leaving him with these few words.

“You are Walter Sneed, but the world will know by another name… Insomniac Jack.”

Reality flooded back into his eyes. He had been asleep! Frag! Was he strapped to a table?! Were the probes ready, there tiny dynamos wurring and jarring ready to probe every secret part of his body? Nope. He was still in the dumpster he had crawled into to spend the night.

He hauled his body out of the trash heap, hygiene lacking. He pulled up the sleeve of his duster to check one of his 18 watches that covered most of his wrist and left arm. You never know when you are going to need to know the time in Greenwich, England. 6:54, time to meet with Lynch. Luckily the bar was close by.

Jack walked strait in and soon he felt a powerful hand grab his shoulder. Hmm. The bouncer.

“Hey Jack.” the bouncer said.

“Hey Mart” Jack bounced back. “How’s the kids?”

“Great! How are the leprechauns?”

“Running a muck. Have a good one.”

“Ya, enjoy yourself Jack.”

Jack went strait to the bar on the lower floor and was immediately approached by a topless bartender. “Hey hun… what can I… WHOA!! Drek buddy, you sleep in a dumpster or something!” Jacks eyes narrowed.

“How did you know that?”

“Cuz you smell like dog drek… Whew!”

“Lies!” Jack blurted. “Who do you work for!” he grabbed over the bar for her only to be hauled back by Mart.

“Come on Jack! You know you can’t touch the woman here! Frag! Darla, give Jack a shot of whiskey. Don’t you have to get up stairs Jack?” A shot was placed in front of him. He grabbed it and downed it with a handful of pills

“Ya, ya thanks Mart… things are kinds funny right now… I just got disrespected by a giant moon.” Mart rolled his eyes.

“Sure ya did Jack, come on, I’ll help get you passed Hugo up stairs. He’s kind of a hard ass.” He put is arm over his shoulders and lead him up stairs.

“Thanks Mart.” Jack said, the pills and whiskey taking affect. “Wow” he thought “Look at all the leprechauns.”

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 4:50 pm
by Gyro
Gyro sitting on the floor with Grudge was glad to see Baby-C join. He gave Baby-C his best puppy dog look to see if he had any of those wonderful cigars. He thought it made him look more sophisticated to smoke a cigar. He never had much to say at these meetings. Sure, he was great a assessing the situation and strategizing with the group, but this was just talk in his mind. This was Grudge’s…Gyro trying to think of the word Grudge had used before…um," fortasty, or fortasting"…something about tasting he thought. Shoot first and ask questions latter was Gyro’s motto. Gyro knew this was how they got work, but he could'nt help but be a little bored. So in his mind he would try to make the best of it. He looked at this as a child looks to story time. He loved the interesting stories Lynch would always share. Gyro just sat back and enjoyed his beer and cigar and let Lynch take him far, far away. Once in a while he would sit up straight, eyes wide with wonder, and ask questions because he felt the bed time story wasn’t flowing right. He love fairy tales!

"The Job"

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2003 6:55 am
by Serious Paul
Lynch grinned as Vigillus took his chair; the gang was nearly all here. He briefly wondered what was delaying Black, but trusted Grudge and the others to decide if he was on board, and to fill him on what he’d need to do his job. His initial assessment of this team had been right on the mark. They were professionals.

He finished another beer off, he was drinking Rolling Rock tonight, and just as he was about to start speaking he saw Insomniac Jack standing just behind Vigillus, trying real hard to keep his back against the wall, and his eyes on everyone. He almost shook his head. If the crazy son of a bitch wasn’t half right about all the craziness he spouted Lynch would have been tempted a long time ago to convince Grudge to find some one more “Stable” to fill his role as the teams Shaman. Who followed the Moon as their totem any way’s?

He set his bottle down, and allowed the vapid looking girl with the swaying breasts to clear their table off, and set new drinks. She barely any of them any attention she was staring so hard at Geist. Dying hadn’t done anything to dampen that kids magnetism. Lucky bastard, Lynch thought.

As she set their fresh drinks on the table he fished out his pocket secretary and the thin black fiber optic cable he’d need to subvert and lock down the ordering screen. It was 2D, but it would serve the purpose. It was more important that it was a secure link that didn’t have enough bandwidth for some snooping kid with a deck to nose about in his business.

“I appreciate all of you showing on such short notice.” The runners all nodded. “I realize all of you were probably looking forward to some down time after your last job, but this is a special job.” He set a cred-stick down on the table. “Eighteen thousand Nuyen for your time, whether you take the job or not. My way of saying thanks.” He’d let them decide how they split it up. “I think its relevant in this case I give you some background, so bear with me if I drag on. It’s for your own good. After the Shiawase decision back at the beginning of the century the Corps’ got a pretty damn good shake. It was a lot like the Wild West trid's some of you might have seen at one time or another. Mercs did good biz back in the day. In 2012 the big seven Mega’s of the day decided it would be in their best interest to form a regulatory council that in theory governed the actions of not only its members, but also every corporation in the world. At first it was a real paper tiger-real similar to what the United Nations used to be. In the late 20’s they managed to pull it together real good and the Corporate Court was born. In early part of 2048 that all changed.”

"In 2048, a coalition of megacorporations organized Operation Reciprocity, a paramilitary strike on Aztechnology's Ensenada facilities, with the full knowledge and approval of the Corporate court."

Lynch lets what he’s said so far set in. Taking a quick slug off his fresh bottle, he continues. “What happened during the strike isn’t terribly important, but what is important is that your target was captured by an Ares fire lance team that had been on the ground acting as forward controllers for the strike force’s air assets.” He punched a few keys on his secretary, and a 2D picture of a man loaded slowly on the screen.

He was obviously Arabic, but he wasn’t quite an Ork, and he wasn’t big enough to be a Troll, but he definitely had the harsh features of both. The picture was obviously enhanced in some way, and taken form some distance. He was dressed in loose fitting khaki six pocket trousers, an olive drab vest that had several pockets over top a plain brown V-neck tee shirt. His facial features were darkened slightly by a military style ball cap that he had pulled low over his close cropped black hair, and the mirror shades he wore. He was obviously in the business in some way, just something about how he looked screamed ‘I’m a criminal.’ In the picture his skin was tinted a dark tan with a slight green pigment mixed in, and the man was at least seven feet tall, and a good three hundred pounds-from all appearance’s he wasn’t fat in the least. He was getting out of a small truck, back dropped by an urban blight landscape. Pock marked buildings, and rag tag people were on the streets.

“This is Mushin Musa Matwalli Atwah, in case you are wondering he is a hobgoblin, know world wide as the international anticorporate terrorist The Hydra. “ The name sounded familiar, especially to Grudge who took a small sip of his scotch. Certainly not the worst he’d ever drank, but a far cry from the best. “Some of you may remember him. He was responsible for the for the 2032 bombing of the Pan Corporate Olympics, a streak of anticorporate murders in 2036, and Seven-7 strike at the Ares Automobile show in 2044. Just to name a few.” The last stood out in all their minds, the Automobile show was still a big deal, Detroit was still the motor city, and that attack had cost hundreds their lives.

“In four days a plane will be landing in Seattle carrying a very special cargo. A very special cargo indeed. ” Lynch tapped a few more keys, and a map of SEA-TAC loaded up slowly.

“No one had ever been able to confirm it, but it had long been suspected that Atwah had been sponsored by one of the Megacorporations. Aztechnology was always the obvious scapegoat, but they were always pretty good at avoiding drek, so no link was ever made. What Atwah was doing in Ensenada that day is anyone’s guess, but I should think it was pretty obvious who was pulling his strings.”

“For the last 11 years Atwah has been a nonentity, no one knew what had happened to him, or where he’d went to ground at. Speculation abounded of course. Some said Interpol had finally put a bullet in him, others though maybe he’d changed identities and decided to retire. I’ve been able to piece together a much different story.”

Lynch paused for dramatic effect, letting what he’d said so far sink in real well. This was the big show.

“I believe Atwah was captured at the Ensenada facility by Ares forces; I believe he was a secondary target; I believe he has been held all this time for several reasons that aren’t important anymore. In four days Ares plans on turning Atwah over to the UCAS government.”

“UCAS Marshall’s along with Lone Star Security Service’s Special Weapons and tactics unit are meeting with Knight Errant Security at the Seattle Tacoma Air Port to remand Atwah into federal custody, where he will await trial for his various acts of international terrorism.”

“Ares has a penal facility in Antarctica that they will be transporting him from in three days, on the morning of June 6th. They are scheduled to arrive on the 7th at an undetermined time in the evening. Needless to say security will be tighter than a whore’s pocket book.”

“Now I know at this point you’re all asking, well fine Lynch, what the hell does that have to do with us?” He saw Vigillus grin out of the corner of his eye. “You’re going to help Atwah escape.”

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2003 7:25 am
by Monster 01
Vigillus took a long drag from his cigar. After what seamed like minutes he finally exhaled and spoke. "UCAS army, Lonestar pigs, and an Ares security team. These odds ain't makin me feel all warm n' fuzzy Lynch.

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2003 10:36 pm
by Insomniac Jack
Jack stirred uneasy in his chair. The booze and pills he had been consuming for quite some time now were not helping his already shattered thought. “Hey Geist.” he whispered leaning slightly towards him. “I don’t really feel comfortable with this. I’m pretty sure that the UCAS military would love to get their hands on me after I released that story about corruptions in their ranks, and don’t even get me a started about… hey… wait a tick… why are you looking at me like that?” Jack slid his chair away from Geist, making an audible ‘SKREEEE’ noise.

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2003 11:50 pm
by Serious Paul
Lynch stared at Jack for a second, then shaking his head he tipped his beer back one more time finishing it off, as Jack muttered something about bloodsucking brain eaters…

“On the 6th of June three Cargo planes will lift off. One from the Ares penal colony in the Antarctic, and two from an Ares facility in the Falklands, rendezvousing midair enroute to a refueling point in Peru. In Peru they’ll onrep several dozen Ares employees who are in transit to the UCAS and points beyond, as well as some cargo-mostly Miltech equipment and electronics.”

“From Peru their flight plan takes them to Silicon Valley, CFS. This is a patchy spot in my information. They are either unloading the cargo and loading more cargo onboard, or they are unloading cargo and beefing up security. I’d hoped to have more on this, but so far no luck.”

“From CFS they travel straight to the UCAS, arriving at Midnight on the seventh, possibly early morning on the eight if there are any delays.”

“When they land they’ll be coded ARES1439, and they’ll be making use of the corporate runway, and corporate terminals on the far side of the airport. That’s where the Marshall’s will take over.”

“ The Marshall’s have a six vechile convoy- two Ares Mob Master’s, a Cadillac STS, two ford F250 super king cab trucks, and GMC Hover truck. They’ll also be using several drones to provide flankers and aerial recon. They’ll use one of the Mob Masters’s to transport Atwah; the other will act as a decoy. Both are specially modified for prisoner transportation. The Marshall’s will be transporting several other prisoners that day, so the decoy will likely be holding those dead weights.”

“The Marshall’s will be out in force-20, maybe 30 Marshall’s all armed with shotguns, heavy pistols, submachine guns and maybe assault rifles. Expect them all to be wearing bullet proof vests, and maybe helmets depending on how much of what I’ve already told you leaks to the wrong people.”

“Lone Star has provided a sixteen man SWAT team, along with three choppers to transport them for the duration of the Marshall’s route. Expect them to be a standard SWAT team-heavy security armor, with active helmets, submachine guns, auto shotguns, assault rifles, light machine guns, and grenades. They’ll be in the air as soon as the Marshall’s convoy leaves SEA-TAC.”

“The Marshall’s are transporting Atwah to the Charles Royer federal building for arraignment, then he’ll be housed at the Star’s central holding facility in downtown. Its likely he will remain in Seattle for a week tops, maybe as little as three days, at which point he’ll be moved to face trial in North Virginia, in the first federal circuit court.”

“Once news of his arrest leaks expect the drek to hit the fan-he made a lot of enemies from his days with the Fist of Allah, and a few friends amongst the real radical policlub’s and terrorist’s cells in the middle east and Southern Europe. I definitely couldn’t guarantee at that point you’d be the only ones looking for him.”

“Magical security is lighter than I expected in this case. The Marshall’s task force has only a single shaman assigned to them, and the SWAT team isn’t using any active magic users. I do suspect that either the Star or the Marshall’s will make use of bound spirits, and anchored spells.”

“There is no real matrix security to speak of in this particular case-although Grid Sec. Will be providing over watch for the traffic grid, and logistical support.”

“Any questions so far?”

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2003 6:04 pm
by Gyro
Gyro leaned forward put both of his huge fists on the table in front of him. He flexed his huge arms and cracked his knuckles. He liked to show off a bit. He looked Lynch strait in the eyes, “Well going up against Lonestar, Knight Errant, UCAS Marshals, and a few mega corps, sounds like a blast. He looked around for conformation from his comrades but they didn’t seem as enthused as him. The smile left his face as he looked back at Lynch. “The only problem would be my conscience. It will take a lot of persuasion (Money is a good start) to get me to risk my hide for a crazy-sandboxloven-raghead-cameljockey-freak. The worst is this hobgoblin terrorist shit!” Gyro slammed his fist down hard on the table as he looked away obviously recalling some bad memory. “I’d rather put a bullet in’em!” “I may not like the corporations but let’s think about this, Atwah is a terrorist. They don’t care about anything but their cause, and because of their SLOPPY methods in making their point innocent people die!” Gyro couldn’t hide his anger. “I may be a criminal but I always make sure to be aware of innocent lives.”

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2003 1:07 am
by Serious Paul
Lynch nearly choked. Gyro's statement had surprised him, not in a million years had he expected the big Troll to question the morality of a job. He smiled, and spoke firmly. "I understand your fears completely Gyro, and maybe this will help ease your mind. You're not just going to be letting him loose, to rove the streets. mr. Atwah will serve the greater good, although it certainly won't be by his own choice. Lets just say Atwah has some very well connected friends with a very ironic sense of humor."

"I don't suppose Atwah will be much of a threat to anyone after everything is all said and done."

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2003 5:33 pm
by Gyro
Gyro opened his mouth and pointed one finger at Lynch as he started a rebuttal. Then he realized he didn’t understand a word Lynch had just said. To make matters worse he didn’t totally understand what he had said either. Now totally confused. Gyro tried to think of something quick. Finally, after what seem to everyone in the group to be eternity, Gyro smiled and his finger now pointed up in the air triumphantly! “Sounds like Atwah is like a puppet on the end of string, which reminds me of being a kid. We used to play puppets with road kill back in the day. Those were grate times, my best friend Drake and me would take turns showing the girls a show. We were the hit of the neighborhood…of course at that time we were…” A nudge from Grudge and the role of his eyes made Gyro come back from memory lane. “Oh ya, um I mean um, well let’s see?” Gyro, scratching his head, sympathetically looked to Grudge for a little help.

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2003 10:03 am
by 3278
"Mushin Musa Matwalli Atwah," Grudge finally said. It was quite unlike him to remain silent so long: usually, he started talking early, and didn't really ever stop. "My...understandin' is that he was never actually a terrorist at all, but an agent of Aztechnology who used his cover as an 'anti-corporate terrorist' to attack the assets of the Azzies' competition, until the Court approved Reciprocity and went to get him. He's a pig, a whore for the same people he kills. I'm no great fan of the megas, but this guy's a real son of a bitch.

"Lynch, I want your personal assurance that this guy's not gonna get loose and do this same shit again."

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2003 9:46 pm
by Serious Paul
Lynch nodded. "Don't worry, what we have planned for him is a one way ride. Now, shall we get down to brass tacks and negotiate some payment for this cluster frag?"

The Offer

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2003 9:52 pm
by Serious Paul
"I am willing to offer you each a hundred thousand nuyen, with 25% up front, and the rest upon completion, a bonus for no collatoral casualties, and exspenses. I'll also forward any essential personell you deem necassary for operational success." Lynch sat back in his chair and folded his hands, waiting to see what they did.

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2003 10:35 pm
by Monster 01
Vigillus sat silently and smoked, hands behind his head and feet on the table. He was odviously waiting for someone else to speak first.

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 10:42 pm
by Insomniac Jack
"Huh! What!" Jack snapped to. appearnetly he had zoned out.

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 7:20 pm
by Gyro
Gyro stopped paying attention after Grudge started in. He knew Grudge could & would handle Lynch from here on out. So he turned his attention to something much more fun. He realized Jack had dozed for a second and loved to get him going! Gyro looked at Jack as he snapped back into reality. Gyro seized his opportunity. Not saying a word. Gyro looked Jack straight in the eyes with a horrified look on his face; then he moved his gaze over his shoulder behind him. He was trying to make Jack think that while he was asleep something started watching them. Gyro quickly looked back at to Jack with horror still in his eyes! Then signaled Jack to look for himself at this horrible monstrosity that waited behind them all! He sealed the deal with pointing backwards and then acting out slitting his throat with one of his fingers. Gyro could hardly hide his smile at what he had done, “in his genius!”

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:13 pm
by 3278
Grudge coughed loudly into a closed fist, as if he were having some kind of attack. "Whoa, there," he said as the coughing trailed off. "You don't have to pay us that much. I think a million per person is a little too rich for our blood. No, no, I think it'd be a whole lot more fair if you just paid us each 250,000. But your other terms sound reasonable."

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 11:18 pm
by Serious Paul
Lynch wasn't sure what to make of them sometimes.He shook his head, and spoke firmly. "One Hundred Fifty thousand, the rest is the same."

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 12:57 am
by 3278
"An international terrorist in the employ of the worst mega in the world. Ares. Knight Errant, UCAS Marshalls. Lone Star SWAT teams. Radical policlubs and terrorist cells. No, I think it's going to have to be 250."

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 11:36 am
by Serious Paul
Lynch nodded. They always had a way of blowing his budget to hell. "Agreed."

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2003 4:38 am
by 3278
"Done. We'll need everything you got on Atwah and his itinerary, and them as suppos' to be protecting him. Names, dates, momma's bra size, whatever you have, we'll sort through. If you got no more, then we'll get it ourselves. Other'n that, I'm done. Anyone else?"

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2003 7:34 pm
by Epsilon
Geist took his attention away from the bar's crowd once Lynch mentioned money. With a long drag from his cigarette and dark smile, he said nothing more than "I'm good."

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2004 9:47 pm
by Gyro
Gyro snapped back to the conversation when he heard Lynch agree to 250,000 nuyen! He gave Grudge a wink, loving to see him work. This would be the job to put him in the 1,000,000 nuyen club! Pictures of what that meant to most people involved umbrella’s in their drinks at some ritzy club, rubbing elbows with people they don’t even know. To Gyro it meant so much more! He had a plan for his money; something none of his friends knew about, it was his “BIG PLAN!” He smiled as he thought to himself, “god I’m so clever, I posses an intelligence that no one can rival!” “My pure genius!” (Stupid troll, his big idea is probably to open a chain of popsicle stands in the barrens).
Gyro snapped back realizing were he was. His expression changed from a smiling school girl to that of a foe to be feared. He shook a knowing finger at Lynch. “I’m on to you buddy!” “What’s this drek about a bonus for no collateral casualties and expenses?” Gyro didn’t understand what Lynch meant by those words; but he didn’t like the sound of them and figured he could turn it into more money for the group. If Grudge could do it, he thought, then so could he. “You mean to tell me that we can’t blow up things and kill the bad guys!” Gyro looked at Grudge with a sly look, and then turned back to Lynch. He crossed he arms and rolled his eyes as he spoke. “I don’t know if we can handle that…it’ll cost ya!” He looked back to his social director (Grudge) for support as he said. “Yah, I think a million is to rich for us and our blood line..Eeerrrr, ya and I think (looking up into the air and counting on his fingers) 250 million will do use just fine Lynch!” Gyro could hardly control his elation; he figured with that speech he had Lynch right where he wanted him. The guys were going to be patting him on the back and buying him rounds all night long. “Well that’s my final offer Lynch, whada ya say?” Gyro said as he put his feet on the table and leaned back triumphantly.

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 7:46 pm
by 3278
Grudge tried very hard to hold his face still as Gyro spoke. He was mostly successful. When his trollbrother was done speaking, and Lynch sat white-faced and bemused, Grudge spoke over the noise of the bar. "Yeah, Lynch? What you say? 250 million bonus for zero collateral damages? Unless you've got some kinda counter-offer." He smiled, and Lynch rolled his eyes.

Grudge turned to Gyro, who looked expectantly at him. "Nice work, G," he said, and they pounded meaty fists together.

Gyro beamed with pride and said, "Let's sing a troll battle chant!"

"Let's not."

Gyro stood and began to bellow, "<b>AHHHOOOOO-OOOO! AHHHOOOOO-OOOO!</b>" Grudge pulled him back into his seat by main force and held a finger in front of his lips. Gyro instantly quieted, but still grinned with pride. As one, they turned to look at Lynch, two giant heads each twice the size of his, and much more ugly. "Well?" Gyro said, grinning a mouth full of coin-sized teeth.

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 10:16 pm
by Serious Paul
Lynch simply stared. Most of the bar had gone silence upon hearing Gyro's roaring chant.

"What is this, some sort of nightmarish cheerleading pep rally?" The music started up, ending the really uncomfortable silence. "Look there's not much of a chance I'll ever pay you more in a bonus than I did for the job, got it?"

Lynch stood, kicking his chair away. "Get cracking boys." Lynch grinned at Gyro, and then shook his head. "Fuckin' A." Lynch muttered as he walked away.

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2004 12:38 am
by 3278
"Lynch!" The older man stopped at Grudge's call. "You really <i>should</i> tell us how much the bonus is for avoiding collateral damage. Sometimes it can be tough to convince...some of us...that it's worth it. Which I s'pose might suggest that it's in everyone's best interest that the bonus <i>be</i> worth it, yeah?"

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2004 11:57 am
by Serious Paul
Lynch nodded, paused and replied, "If its possible, I'll triple your payment."

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2004 4:19 pm
by 3278
Grudge's eyes widened slightly, his only outward reaction. "Done."

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2004 12:04 am
by 3278
The command vehicle was silent. Whatever else could be said of C, he knew how to run a tight rig. Despite its size, the MobMaster moved with grace through the crowded streets, its multimillion candlepower light bar shining the way through the falling rain, striking rainbows from the oil-soaked blacktop. The stereo was off - after-action discussions were usually silent, except for the hiss of white noise and the ringing of the ECM tickling the back of your neck - and despite the rough surface of the Barrens streets, no vibration or impact made its way to the cabin; every body panel was tightly secured, every suspension element perfectly aligned and calibrated. The computer made constant adjustments to the geometry of the vehicle's suspension, under the watchful eye of her rigger.

They were all still absorbing the weight of everything that'd been said, collecting their thoughts for the discussion ahead. Grudge glanced around from his specially-built seat next to Gyro to see if anyone looked ready to start talking, but the blank expressions and distracted looks of his ramshackle group of teammates told him it'd be a while yet.

It was a struggle, sometimes, working and occasionally living with these people. They all had their quirks, some of them worse than others, but in some ways, that was what he liked about them: the chaos of the environment produced by their behavior, their neuroses, and their sometimes idiocy, was a welcome change from the very ordered life he'd led before this. Sometimes, it was <i>too</i> chaotic, usually when Jack went off on some moon-driven rampage to break something that belonged to someone else, or when Black made one of the terrible mistakes of judgement by which he was practically defined; if this was behavior produced by the will of Moon or Our Heavenly Father, then Grudge wanted nothing to do with either god.

Baby C had his kids, Geist was an egomaniacal vampire-for-hire, and Gyro once spent four hours playing with a stray cat in the living room, rubbing and scratching it with his giant hands until a cloud of hair floated around him, rubbing and scratching and sneezing and growling, "You love me, don't you? <b>You are covered in too much hair! You are covered in too much hair!</b>"

Right now, Geist was preening his hair in the reflection of one of the polarized side windows; Grudge sometimes wished the pre-Awakening myths about vampires and mirrors had been right. Gyro was looking intently at one of his hands, with a fascinated expression that suggested it was something he'd never seen before. Baby C was in zoned-out riggerland. Black was just fingering his rosary and praying under his breath.

Grudge smiled as he turned back to the front of the vehicle; this was <i>exactly</i> the team he wanted to be working with.

So long as he was biding time anyway, he might as well get something accomplished. He looked up and to the right in what had become the customary kinesic cue for "I'm talking to someone on my headware," and mentally patched his radio into the MobMaster's communications suite. A couple of satellite jumps later, he was connected to the German embassy in Aztlan. Karl wasn't in, but they couldn't have spoken on his official line anyway; Aztlaner secret forces were always tapping the lines, while Karl's people untapped them, and round and round.

"You have reached the German consulate, office Karl Einhand, the Assistant Deputy for Legal Affairs. If you would like to leave a message, please say, 'Leave a message.' If you would like to reach an operator, please say, 'Operator.' If you would like to leave your LTG, please speak or type it now."

Grudge mentally tapped in what appeared to be a random sequence of numbers and letters, but which actually was a code they'd agreed on. Whenever he could - from minutes to days - Karl would contact him from a secure location. Until then, there was nothing to do but hope an old family friend might be keeping his ear to the ground, and wait for the team to reach their critical mass and start analyzing this. He slumped deeper into his oversize seat and loaded some music from the van's computer onto his radio.