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[SSU] OOC: Devil's Tools

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2003 5:41 am
by Serious Paul
All out of character questions and comments for the Devils Tools goes here.

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2003 6:16 am
by Serious Paul
Okay this game is officially open to posting. Some ground rules, and please forgive me, I am treating all of you as if you have never done this before, never read any of the other threads before and the reason for this is to make sure I establish the ground rules real quick:

1.Post In Character in the In Character Thread only. Try and limit any OOC stuff to really essential things int hat thread. Over here you can do as you please-smoke, joke whatever.

2. Ask me questions. If shit isn't clear ask. I try to be thurough but somethings mayy be painfully obvious to you, and glaringly absent from me. I will gladly elaborate at any time whehter its here, MSN, ICQ, IRC whatever. You all have my home phone number too.

3.Everyone can edit their posts, so if you fuck it up, no biggies, I've already edited one post in this game. Spell checkers are available online, and and Google are your friends. I can't begin to tell you the number of times I refer to both. For those who are intrested has a translator function that allows you to make your posts in about 14 languages.

4. Use your common sense-action sequences are harder to do online, so I avoid them for the most part in this case, but if you feel like having your character whomp some ass, do so. Keep it in reason, so Gyro pounding pedetrian archetype cool, Gyro pounding Count Dracula not so cool. I will not hesitate to tell you if you step out of line.

Okay all that said get yourself to the meet. Post in character and get yourself through the door and at a table or something.

Lugnuts and Pipewrenches

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2003 6:23 am
by Serious Paul
For a description of the Bar you are meeting in, click here.

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2003 12:26 am
by Serious Paul
Okay great job so far, as soon as Insomniac Jack, Baby C, Grudge and Black post I will get the meeting started.

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2003 3:26 am
by 3278
My pre-meet post is done. Grudge has a nice walk, talks to an old lady, pets a dog [which bites his hand], goes to the store for Trollskin Brand Pumice [for his calcium deposits], and eventually takes an uncomfortable autocab ride to the bar. He wears his armored jacket, but doesn't take any weapons inside.

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2003 5:37 am
by Monster 01
Baby-c wears his armor into the meet, but also does not carry any weapons with him.

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2003 6:35 am
by Serious Paul
Holy Fucking christ I haven't laughed this hard in forever. Insomniac Jack is definitely aiming for Karma. Great posts by all,Universe Man we are waiting on you!
He was positive that anchored fire ball trap that poor Rashid stumbled upon was meant for him, he just couldn’t prove it as fact. “Better him than me.” Jack muttered to no one.
Bwack-ack-ack-ack :lol

[Edited because I just noted he hadn't posted.]

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2003 12:44 pm
by Insomniac Jack
Insomniac jack spends the night tucked away in a hidden niche, chats a bit with his totum (who is totally ambiguis (sp) ) then goes to buy some more Sleep Away, then finds a super secret spot to stash his pistol and gets ready for the meet. Just wearing an armored long coat.

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2003 6:00 pm
by Epsilon
Geist wears his armored Armante suit into the meet. Paul, you said that security in this place was thorough... if Geist tries to wear his Ares Predators inside, will they throw him out, or just make him check them at the door? If he can check them, he'll take them in. If not, he'll meet Baby C at the "mobile command centre" and leave them in there.

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2003 11:07 pm
by Serious Paul
Okay if you have some tried and true Mob contacts, then you could theoretically "check" your weapon with the bouncer. Anyone with Yakuza or Triad connections, or nonaffiliated gang connections may not want to do that though-they frown on the competition visibily playing around in their joint.

Since Universe Man is slow can you put a boot in his ass Epsilon? Tell him he until 12-04-2003 at 2000 hours to post, or else I post for him.

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2003 11:44 pm
by Universe Man
I have my armored vest under my clothes. I am unarmed.

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2003 11:51 pm
by Serious Paul
Ask and I recieve. You guys all rule.

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 12:46 am
by 3278
I can't believe you used the word "dap." And here Cain says all us crackers don't know shit about the hood. :lol

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 1:01 am
by Serious Paul
Shi-it foo' I bes ebonically lyrical like a gansta!

Okay the meet is starting, however I am allowing Insomniac Jack to get himself there, cause its too funny to read his posts, and of course Univers Man will be ten minutes late, so he'll join us after we start.

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 2:30 am
by Ghostbot
trying to post but my comp errored and i lost it all :mad

trying again dont fret

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 3:17 am
by Ghostbot
I'm at the table :D

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 4:08 pm
by Gyro
Gyro is wearing his secure long coat and his helmet, of course! He is carrying his stars and the antidotes. Ok guys laugh it up, but last game who had the last laugh? His vindicator is locked in his side car. He is still wearing his Max gyro with it’s pin pulled so the mounting arm is folded down. It probably makes a bulge in his jacket around the same height as if he had a boner. “You ever seen a troll with wood?” So judging by the crowd he should fit right in, what with all that fine ass around and all. Beside who would check to see if it was “the MONSTER” under that jacket? Gyro in his “genius” starts to stroke it like his cock. “This would convince every one with a few strokes”. This motion did turn everyone away, until he really became aroused, soon he looked like a two peckerd billy goat. Hay, no one said he was the sharpest tack in the box. Gyro is trying to stand at the bar to order a TROLL size drink. While looking for his best friend Baby-C and/or his social director and teacher Grudge.

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2003 7:05 am
by Serious Paul
[Edit] Scratch that, I am editing a map in paint shop. I will eventually need to have it printed off so we can play.

Right now anyone is welcome to post or not post anything, this is just a lull in the brief, a spot for you guys to whistle and give one liners. Lynch will continue as soon as I finish the rest of the post off.

Oh and I do plan on eventually trying to sketch all the PC's up so we can have a database somewhere.

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2003 6:56 am
by Serious Paul
Okay Next wednesday is the Lord of the Rings opener, anyone want to go see it?

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2003 3:20 pm
by Gyro
Hell yes Paul! I’m already started on setting up a matinee at the Celebration Theater on the belt line. I’m trying to get everyone to come. I figured on a matinee on Wed. for two reasons, less of a crowd, and less money. I’m sure it will be packed either way but can’t hurt to try. If you want to come I’ll get you a ticket for the time we’re all going to go to. I’m not quite sure when it will exactly be but I can keep you posted.

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2003 3:41 pm
by Monster 01
Count me in assholes :p

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2003 6:19 pm
by MissTeja
I'm there. :)

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2003 10:44 pm
by Serious Paul
Cool Gyro! You rock! Put me down for three tickets-Me, Teja, and Meri. 3278 you in too?

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2003 5:07 pm
by Gyro
3278 time to collaborate. Don’t want to make you blue, but where the hell are you? So if you like my rhyme then it is time! To be our face and use all your grace. So just get us some fucking money asshole!!!!!!!!!!!!NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!he! he!

With Love and concern,
Your friend,


Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 3:12 am
by Gyro
I’ve got 2 tickets for Karen and I. I’ve also got 4 others for the 4:20 PM show at Celebration Theater. 1 is for Serious Paul and the other three are for anyone who claims them first. I need a guarantee that you can be there if I buy a ticket for you. It is in theater 1 their only THX theater. Tickets are $6.00. Please post on this thread ASAP if you want one of these tickets. If I’m all out I’ll still buy you a ticket as long as you post ASAP. This showing was already over half sold out on Friday when I bought the tickets. This brings me to my next point, show up early if you are going. I plan to be there at around 3:30 PM on Wed. THIS MOVIE WILL SELL OUT, and the theater doesn’t let you save seats. DON’T BE LATE!

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 3:42 am
by Monster 01
I'm all over that gyro Gyro.

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:24 am
by 3278
Me, too.

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 6:29 pm
by MissTeja
I'll take the third, but you might want to get another one if you can because I think Paul is bringing Meri. :) You rule, man.

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 6:43 pm
by Gyro
Gyro is going to start working out. He wants to loss about 100 lbs. He also wants to tone up and look bigger than he already does. In his free time he is working out 2 hours a day. He now weighs a mere ¼ ton, and has rippling muscles. He is also starting to run to help keep off those unwanted pounds and to help his endurance.

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 6:50 pm
by Gyro
I'll wait for the word from the big man first, but it sounds like a plan. Monster 1 I need to know if Samba wants in, or maybe Epsilon, or Universe Man. Thanks for the help dude!

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 11:15 pm
by Serious Paul
Yeah definitely will need one for Meri if we can do that. I have tommorrow and Wedsnesday off. I work 8 to 4 Thursday, Friday and Saturday. So I am hoping to play on Sunday, but I do have to work on sunday night. So we would have to be done by what? How long is it to drive from 44th street to Ionia?

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 11:19 pm
by Serious Paul
Oh and what time are we going to meet on Wensday and where?

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 4:16 am
by MissTeja
Paul: Here's a Map. It's saying a little over an hour. Probably allow yourself an hour and you should be fine.

Also - I would suggest that you, Meri and I meet at 32's place around 1:30-2:00. Then we can carpool and shoot straight to the theatre and meet up with Gyro, Monster and Company at the theatre. Will that be early enough?

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 11:38 am
by Serious Paul
We will meet everyone at the BW3's at Celebration Cinemas by 1530. From there we can decide if the theatre is crowded enough to go straight in or kick in BW's for a while.

Teja: Lets meet here, then we can pick up 32 at his place. Sound good to you two?

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 2:56 pm
by 3278

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 4:02 pm
by MissTeja
It's a plan. :)

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 11:31 pm
by Serious Paul
Sweet then Teja you be here tommorrow, and we'll get going. meri is going to GR with her sister before the show starts to ddo some shopping so she will meet us at BW3's. So maybe we can get some darts in before the show starts-3278 you still have yours?

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2003 12:19 am
by Gyro
BW3 only has electronic darts. I on the other hand have a nice dart set up at my place, which is only 3 miles from the theater. Maybe we can meet at my place even earlier than three to throw some darts. Just give me a call Paul. After I get out of UPS at around 9:00AM I’m free. This will also give you a chance to see where I live.

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2003 7:29 am
by Serious Paul
Okay I will try and call everyone to relay this as well, but I am trying to cover my bases here:

I am sick. I am broke, and my car is going to be done. So there isn't much of a way for me to play today. Past experience has shown if I play when I am sick, it generally sucks. So I won't be coming to infect all of you.

My apologies for the short notice-I realize everyones time is at a premium, so this is a doubly hard decision for me.

December is shot for me for the most part, so for the time being we are on hold for a live game.

I will now present myself for termination! :lol

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2003 4:50 pm
by 3278
No sweat, yo. Gives us time to talk to Contacts, which we'd rather do online anyway. Get better.

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 11:50 pm
by Gyro


Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2004 2:29 am
by Gyro

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 10:20 pm
by Serious Paul
I have Friday, Saturday and Sunday off. Meri and I have agreed to limit my exscursions to twice a month. So make use of me wisely! Next week I have Saturday, Sunday and Monday. So schedule a time when we can get 8 hours of game in, at least! Okay lets hump this puppy!

Alkso the meet is over, make contacts if you want to, or let me know OOC what contacts you want to make and I will post a meet for you.

Questions? Comments?

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2004 11:55 am
by Serious Paul
Please note that I fucked up-I have this weekend and next weekend off. Then I have Mon-Tues off, then Tues Weds...etc.

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2004 11:20 pm
by Gyro
Paul, I’m not sure when you’re available. Do you want to play 2 sessions @ 4 hours each? Or two sessions @ 8 hrs. each? Or are you only available one of the next two weekends you are off? Either way Sunday’s are the best for us. I’ve mentioned it to the guys and we are all glad to be back at it. Whether they all post or not is yet to be seen. I think the game master should have a small reward system…hint, hint. If anyone complains about it then fuck them, I know how much free time these guys have and I’m the only one without easy internet access. So fuck’um. Anyway let me know when you’re available and I’ll organize it.

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2004 9:52 pm
by Serious Paul
:lol Gyro gets the posting Karma award as soon as I figure what itworks out to!

I want to play as much as we can, so for instance if we play this Sunday, I want to play until we are all blue in the face and brain dead!

Sound good? So Sunday I will be at the pad around 1300-figure we won't actually start playing until at least a half hour after I arrive, so we can set up, BS and what not.

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2004 10:24 pm
by Serious Paul

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2004 12:13 am
by Monster 01
About leg work Paul. The only thing I need right now is info on the lone star and or ares drone network. How powerful the transmitter is, how many drones, wether they are for surveillance or fire power, is it reactive or proactive, where the controling rigger or riggers are located. Perhaps my lone star contact could hook me up with some of these detailes.

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2004 8:12 pm
by Gyro
Paul, everyone's on board for this Sunday @ 1:00 P.M. ROCK & ROLL!!!!!

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2004 8:51 pm
by Gyro
Gyro needs to contact his fixer to buy A.V. rounds…lots and lots of A.V. rounds.