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Pauls Real Life Gaming Group.

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 10:09 pm
by Paul
Okay here is where we will decide a number of things:
  • When we will play.
  • What we will play.
  • Who will play.
We can do anything from playing Gyro and th eolder characters to generating characters at any power level we choose.

I'd like to remind everyone I work third shift, so when we will play will be influenced by that. I am willing to play on days I work. By agreement with my wife I get two days a month to play, unless you guys come here. (My house is a shit hole and I hate that idea.)

Your own thoughts?

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 10:55 pm
by Paul
At this point who will play seems to be as follows:

Gyro, 3278, Bishop, and Monster 01. Maybe MissTeja as a possibilty, since I haven't spoken with her.

I'd like to play a few ideas that I have had, maybe you gusy will too:
  • The Fall of Chicago: The events leading up to the fall of Chicago to the bugs, and life in oblivion.
  • A secret agent campaign-MI5 and CIA spies in the 6th world. This would be an ultimate level game.
  • The Shield: Inspired by my favorite TV show, you'd play cops on the edge, maybe even crooked.
Your thoughts and ideas?

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 10:57 pm
by Bishop
While I don't like the idea of playing crooked cops (me and my funny moral system) I'd like playing cops on the edge, maybe going over the edge. That'd be fun. Done the CIA uber level thing..that would be interesting too. I generally work a 2nd/3rd shift thing, although I've been getting more day shifts lately. Give me two weeks, and I can generally get any day off I want. Paul, your house is not that bad. I've been in worse, lol. We could play at mine as well, although that limits our gaming to two days a month.

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 11:24 pm
by MissTeja
As much as I would love to, I don't think it's really gonna be a good idea. For the next seven weeks, I'm still going to school in Saginaw, commuting from GR. This totally kills every Tuesday and Thursday, and part or most of Wednesday's and Friday's. The only free days I will have, at least until Grad School starts, are Saturday, Sunday and Mondays - and even those are up in the air because of things like parents and studying for exams.

I might be able to make it to some of them, but I can't guarantee on all of them. Since Paul said he'd want to meet, at least for the next two weeks, on Thursdays, I just don't think it'll work. Sorry guys!

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 9:07 pm
by Gyro
Paul, I’m glad you approve; and I’ve been to you’re house, it’s fine. The only reason we do it in Grand Rapids is because that’s were most of the people reside. My house is a 1946 small starter home it’s not much but it’s home. “You’re no daisy; you’re no daisy at all!”

Anyway, We tried this s-video thing last night with Justin as the GM and we all liked it. He made up a couple of drawings of streets and a simple blue print of the main building. The way he did it is he made his drawings the screensaver for the computer and then he made a new folder icon for each NPC and the player characters. He would move them around on the screen saver (the map) to enact each situation. It was simplistic but it worked well. I don’t know how you want to do it; I’m sure you and Earl will come up with something. Let me know if you need anything. I am trying to get AUTO-CAD for this computer and I’d be more than happy to help. I’m also planning a trip to Best Buy to see if they have any software that would be kind of like CAD but maybe more artistic. Maybe something like interior designer type software. I think it would be cool to use a scanner in conjunction with whatever process we use to help with the visuals. With a scanner we could use our own drawings to represent PC’s & NPC’s on the screen or just something from the book. It sounds cool; I’m just not sure how to put it all together. Any ideas form my computer savvy friends out there? Oh, one more thing, typed print is hard to read so if you what the group to read anything on the TV it will have to be around a 30-size font.

“I’m your huckleberry.”

James, he’s in.

Bishop is in. I’ve never met you, but you seem like a team player and a committed runner. I have seen your work, so I know how much you put into Shadow Run, NICE! Not to mention Paul say’s you’re in, and once the GM has spoken it is so. Welcome aboard!

3278 is in although we haven’t heard to confirm this...

Miss Teja is not in... Taking care of her responsibilities before role playing, what’s that all about! He he!

I like all the ideas for our group. I think we should start with new characters. New group new characters.

Gyro will live on and maybe make a few cameos here and there.

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 9:33 pm
by Paul
Okay anyone have any ideas for what they want to play and where? We can use any locale, any where from Seattle, to Chicago, and Denver and beyond.

We'll definitely generate new characters. I have to work Overtime this Thursday, but if we want to start next Thursday-whether its generation of characters or an actual game, let me know I'm down.

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2004 11:54 am
by 3278
As if it wasn't totally obvious, I will play anytime, anywhere, so long as I know when and where. All I want is to play steadily, the same characters, for long enough to get somewhere with them, long enough to tell a story, to live a life.

I'll be playing a rigger. I don't care what kind of group we are, although I'm not really that interested in cops or government; I feel like we've been there enough. Ultimately, I totally don't care, so long as I can play. Power level? I'd like to be above-beginning, if only so I can afford more than one car. :)

We should start somewhere other than Seattle. My god, we've done just about everything imaginable with Seattle. Bug City would be fun-ish, but my rigger wouldn't be terribly useful, and we wouldn't have the broad spectrum of possibilities we might have if we started somewhere else. Honestly, I'd like to play internationally. Do some travelling. Own a boat.

Damage, my rigger, is concept-complete, and just waiting for other characters to hang his story on. And stats, I guess, which I need a point total to do. Yes, I'm way, way ahead. I like riggers. :D

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2004 7:37 pm
by Serious Paul
I really like the Bug City idea. In order for us to play there, and really enjoy what I have planned we need to start just above average. Instead of 120 point characters, maybe 150 or 160. The cool thing though is not all of the characters, or even any, have to be shadowrunners for this game.

What I want to do is start the day the bugs first make an appearence in Chi-town. Your characters will all happen to be in Chicago at that time. Then the madness begins.

So 3278 is a rigger.

Gyro, Monster and Bishop?

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2004 8:38 pm
by Gyro
My character is a weapons specialist. He can hold his own with almost any weapon...of course he has his favorites. He also dabbles in demo. I am going to be a freelance corporate assassin. My character is going to be molded after Jean Reno in “The Professional”. He’s very good at what he does and even better at hiding his identity. When he’s not on an assignment he shadow runs for a little extra cash and for a change of pace. He doesn’t associate with anyone outside of his work...and even then he’s always talking about the task at hand. There is only one person that can safely say he knows about the life he lives outside of his work, and that person happens to be himself. His fixer knows he’s the guy to call to get the job done; and at a fair price, too. His contacts know nothing but that he pays them well, and that he chose them for one reason alone: they’re the best person for the job; so don’t ask questions, get it done and get paid; that’s all.

I can also be the face unless someone wants it. He may only state the facts but that’s usually plenty to get what you need. That’s what I’m thinkin‘. There will be more to follow.


I’d like my character to have an off hand pistols skill. I’d like to use two pistols and be a real up close and personal killer. You know, the kind of guy that always does his homework so you don’t know he’s there until he’s behind you. “Three in the head, you know they’re dead.” My question is, I’d like to SM-2 both pistols, and wasn’t sure if you had come up with a rule for that. The way we’ve been playing it is: You can have the first one smart-linked like normal. For the second on you have to have both eyes cybernetic and work independent of one another. Also, the second smart-link costs twice the essence and twice the money. I’m not sure who came up with that but it seems to make sense.

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2004 9:02 pm
by sinsual
raises a tentative hand

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 2:20 am
by Serious Paul
Sinsual per our discussion you're welcome to make it up so we can all feel each other out, and make a our decisions as to whether we have the jive to hang and play. (Like I said earlier I don't see it being a problem!)

Gyro can we play next thursday? Or at least get together? If not Thursday then Friday. Let me know.

As for the John Woo pistol effect here is how I have always seen it: Pay for the smart gun link 2 pad in each hand, and a processor for each. I feel you only need one eye display and ltd. sense rig for the whole system. Same for the rangefinder. M&M page 33 if you're confused.

As for the skill I allow off hand weapons skills for each of the following: Pistols, SMG(s), and some others by specific weapon type. (For instance two laser pistols, or two grenade launcher style pistols. Size and ability to be a realistic two weaponed fighting style matters to me. No double shotguns and Franchi SPAS 22 goodness.)

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 2:44 am
by Serious Paul
Okay characters should be 150 to 160 points or 500 to 575 points on the BeCKs system. You can double dip for money either way. Alpha and Beta wares are available, as is cultured bioware, and nanites.

You can pretty much ignore availibility ratings, although remember I will read yuor characters so exercise your better judgement, and don't make me get out the plaid lightening bolt.

Ghouls, shapeshifters, and metavariants are welcome, as always be sure to have an iron clad background. I want the characters to mesh pretty easily-I don't mind friction as long as it serves dramatic purposes, or is a good roleplaying tool, but I don't want this to be an exercise in futility.

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 3:15 am
by sinsual
sounds good Paul. Just nail it down and I will show...

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 3:18 am
by MissTeja
Gyro wrote:Miss Teja is not in... Taking care of her responsibilities before role playing, what’s that all about! He he!
I know, I'm so boring! :p

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 2:05 pm
by Gyro
Thursday works.

Lets say around 3:00 pm @ my house. Well at least that’s the starting bid, I’m not sure what everyone else's schedule's are like. I work at 4:30 AM @ UPS and get home around 9:00 AM, so I have the day’s off. Paul and Earl you’re more than welcome to come earlier to hang out and set up for the run just let me know what time you want. Since it is on a Thursday I’d like to be done no latter than 10:00 PM. I think we should have our character mostly fleshed out by then; if not complete. When we get together we can do in-depth introductions. If we want we can spend a little time coming up with the story of how we became a team. Or we can use the old stand-by and say a random Johnson has just hired us all and we don’t know each other.

Paul, how do you want the room set up? Do you want to try the computer/s-video now, or try it latter? Just let me know.

Monster 01 is having computer trouble so I’m personally keeping him in the loop.

I will be giving Paul directions to my house for anyone that is unfamiliar with were I live, so please call him.

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 6:07 pm
by Serious Paul
We can try that video hook up!

Your place works. What time do yuo want to start? I may just drive there after work...

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 7:12 pm
by Bishop
So we're talking next Thursday, the 15th? I hope so, or damn do I feel like a fool. :)

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 7:29 pm
by Gyro
Yes, we are talking about the 15th. Lets have everyone meet at around 3:00 PM and then get started whenever everyone is ready. (Hopefully shortly there after) Paul you can come after work, and you can sleep on the couch in the basement. It’s the same on from my old apartment, which is long enough for even you. Just let me know. I’ll email you my character stats within the next few days.

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 8:17 pm
by sinsual
The 10pm idea sounds real good as I need to catch a fligth to Phoenix the 16th...if I can figure out how to get to Chicago's Midway airport by 6am...without havign to drive my car since I won't be back probably til the following friday...

Paul just PM me with your number again so I can call and get directions.


Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 8:37 pm
by Serious Paul
Hey Gyro I need your address. My phone number is on its way Mike.

We will be using Chicago as a setting. 1500 it is. PM or email me characters. Be aware if you are using the NSRCG I will have to have 32 open it for me since I don't know how to extract it from my email. (Pisses me right off.)

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 10:57 pm
by Monster 01
Unless someone has other plans i'd like to put my name in the hat for either a mage or an adept. Just give me some feed back. Also I'll be there on thursday.

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 11:38 pm
by Serious Paul
Both of which help you gusy a lot. Especially in Chicago.

Since Beta and custom wares are available, I will in the intrest of fairness allow you to design magical weapons at cost, and use points for karma to bond them. I will also allow you damn near crate blanche in designing an initiatory group if you choose to go that route.

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2004 12:49 am
by Monster 01
ok, well heres how i figure, if one of the other players has his heart set on being a mage then i will make an adept, and Vice Versa. I just want to stay flexable.

As far as I know we have

32 Rigger
Gyro Weapon Guro
Bishop ??
Sinsual ??
Monster 01 Mage/ or Adept

Any updates that we know?

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2004 4:11 am
by 3278
If we're playing Bug City, I won't be playing my rigger. I don't know what I'll play.

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2004 4:46 am
by Serious Paul
3278 wrote:If we're playing Bug City, I won't be playing my rigger. I don't know what I'll play.

We are indeed playing Bug City, in all its glorious dangerous monsterous majesty. I bought my Chicago street map and I am hard at work over it.

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2004 5:04 pm
by Gyro

Please call me.


Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2004 7:03 pm
by Monster 01
Ok im set on an Adept, just so everyone knows.
What style of game is it going to be? Typical shadow running, or more of a survival Horror thing. Just wondering so I know how to steer my back ground.

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2004 7:57 pm
by Serious Paul
Gyro will do, are you home right now? Wait you have a cell....Shit! Meri tookt he calling card with her. I have to wait until she gets back.

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2004 12:27 am
by 3278
I think I'll be playing a rigger after all. although he won't be a shadowrunner; that's something the rest of you might think about doing, too.

Monster, I think "survival horror" is just about exactly the right genre for what Paul's trying to do. Should be sweet.

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2004 12:35 am
by sinsual
I will wait to feel out the group before I commit to a character type. I am decent with all but netrunners. Prefer adepts and riggers but not the full blown M&M or Rigger 3 type but more the fix it and build it types, your basic wheel man more then a drone artist I guess is what I am trying to say.

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2004 10:42 am
by Serious Paul
Survival horror is pretty much right on the nose-although I plan on mixing some action with our adventure.

In this particular game a magic rich group can't really hurt you. Think Escape from New York meets Resident Evil meets Lovecraft.

Deckers are an unecassary part of this game. So that should help narrow our options down some what.

3278 brings up a valid point. You do not have to all be Shadowrunners-or even any of you if you so choose. Some of or all of you could be real every day people. Corporate Security Types, CIA Agents, Housewives, Librarians, whatever. Thats your call.

This game will be real high in lethality, and unfortunately a big part of this game will be keeping track of numbers on my part. (That'll make sense as we play.)

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2004 5:20 pm
by 3278
Jack Haggarty was born to a poor rural farming family in 2025, just seven years after the Treaty of Denver turned their historic family farm in western Nebraska over to the Sioux. Jack's father - Jack, Sr - made certain all during his formative years that his son knew why they lived dirt poor on 100 acres in Iowa, and not on the family's 1200 acre Centennial Farm in Nebraska. This lesson - that the Indians were to blame for their misfortune - has never quite left Jack, though he has tried to learn to deal equitably with individual amerinds.

Jack learned early also the value of hard work, perseverance, and study. Always intelligent and inquisitive, Jack was far more interested in using the family's farm equipment than maintaining it, an area of responsibility that was exclusively his father and older brothers'. By age 18, Jack had achieved a 3.8 grade point average and been accepted into the Ares Armed Forces, where he successfully completed four years of pilot training, boot camp, and basic service, and six years of Desert Wars. He left the AAF with several commendations, and as one of their most decorated combat pilots. His natural skill with vehicle weaponry earned him the callsign "Damage," which he still uses when piloting; unlike shadowrunners, however, he doesn't feel pretentious enough to use his callsign all the time. He prefers, "Jack."

Using his Ares pay, Jack purchased a new farm for his family, in fertile Kansas, where they live today. Jack himself, after ten years in the service, retired for a "civilian" job with Ares, working for their elite "Special Projects Division" in Chicago, using his military training to defend the corporation from extralegal dangers like shadowrunners and rival corporations.

Throughout his 30 years, Jack has maintained a bright and positive outlook on life. He's jovial, friendly, and honestly believes in the rightness of his work. He loves the corporation as any soldier loves his country: with an idealism tempered by personal experience. While he can be impulsive, he does love a good plan, and likes to develop detailed tactical strategies, though he happily abandons them in the thick of the moment.

He has never married, preferring the wham-bam natural to fighter pilots the world over. His love for speed, reaction, and the thrill of combat always keeps him closer to his machines than to the people around him, though he has developed a strong rapport with his fellow SpecPro pilots and their chief mechanic, Tapper.

Jack knows little to nothing about the maintenance of his equipment, preferring to rely on the greater experience of Tapper and his crews. Just as he would never ask Tapper to pilot the Ares Firebird - their latest and best combat panzer - he would never attempt to fix it himself.

While serving in SpecPro, Jack has also been one of the hosts of Ares' syndicated auto show, GEARHEAD!, giving him some recognition among people on the street. He is fiercely dedicated to Ares vehicles - from the Cloudship 02 he helped test-fly to the TR-55 E he pilots when flying SpecPro "Johnsons" around the city. Still, he tempers his brand loyalty with realism; rather than drive the [Ares-owned] GM-Honda 3220, he's spent his hard-earned nuyen on the new jet turbine Porsche Winter, his pride and joy. His position as a GEARHEAD! host has also made him in-demand for testing new GM, GM-Honda and GMC vehicles, part of the job he likes the most. [He has been asked to test for Mostrans. His one-line reply: "A vehicle really ought to make up its mind whether to fly or drive."]

As a pilot in Desert Wars and for SpecPro, Jack has flown, driven, and tested nearly every ground and air vehicle Ares manufactures, and been one of perhaps a few hundred pilots worldwide whose opinions are courted when new Ares products are under development. He is rightly considered one of the top vectored-thrust pilots on the Ares roster, although nowadays his experience with them is mostly limited to his pet Guardians, since the Firebird is generally considered overkill within urban areas. He still manages to get his monthly 100 hours of flight time with the thunderbirds, as well as tilt-wing and fixed-wing jets, and the required 100 hours [usually on-the-job] with drones, including rotor, fixed-wing, vectored-thrust, and ground drones.

Though his natural sunny demeanor is completely genuine, he has been expecting, somewhere in the back of his mind, something horrible to happen his entire life. After the strain of his poverty-stricken childhood, he has long suspected subconsciously that the charmed life he's led cannot last forever. Even the collapse of civilization is something he'll take in stride and try to make the best of. ["Y'know, I been waitin' for something like this to happen for a long while. I just...I guess I didn't expect it to be giant bugs, is all."]

Jack, like all SpecPro pilots, has an induction datajack in his forearm which links to his vehicle control rig. All SpecPro equipment - vehicles, even the doors to the motorpool - cannot be operated in any other way than activation by a chip in the induction jack. [The motorpool doors are the vast majority of Jack's experience with CCSS; the door open codes are actually CCSS-activated.] The arms of all his pilot's chairs are equipped with induction readers, so all he has to do in order to jack in is place his arm on the armrest; generally, his first action upon assuming the body is to close the restraint that binds his arm to the chair. His Winter is similarly equipped.

All SpecPro drones can only be operated with SpecPro-chipped remote control decks, so like most of the other four pilots in the division, Jack has simply had one implanted. Many of their larger, non-drone vehicles are also equipped for remote access, so that the pilot can control the vehicle without being physically inside it. However, any heavily-armed vehicle - like their Masters and their Firebird - does not come thusly equipped, for security reasons; while in theory the remote vehicles cannot be controlled without the activation chip, nearly anyone with any experience knows that, with enough equipment and time, any encryption can be broken.

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2004 6:54 pm
by Bishop
I'm leaning either towards either a physical adept Warrior, or some sort of magician. Probably a shaman.

Physad would be some sort of ninja/face. A guy that blends in with everybody and everything. And can kick the living crap out of anything or anybody.

The magician might be a Voodoo Houngan. I tried that once, failed miserably. I might give it another go.

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2004 10:05 pm
by Serious Paul
3278: Excellent.

Bishop: Either could be done in such a way as to be really cool.

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2004 10:25 pm
by Serious Paul
Keep in mind a few things here too. The subtle difference between a Shadowrunner and what 3278 is playing. His character is a legal citizen, with a SIN, and all the trappings of a normal life. However he does have justification for a number of skill sets that will or could help him survive Chicago.

So the question becomes, do you play a traditional Shadowrunner or a character in the same vein as him? Well neither is wrong. In fact having amixture of both may be to your benefit. The difficulty of course becomes why do you all end up together? Thats my worry.

Right now you have a rigger. Gyro has Street Sam covered pretty well. Bishop may cover magic in some format or may not. Monster is covering some magic as well, or at least was. Sin is still in a holding pattern.

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2004 10:56 pm
by sinsual
Sanyuko Miko Rayunjin was born into the corp enclave in 2030. His mother was the typical sarari-man's wife. She took care of their small coprorate supplied condo. She was there each morning to awaken him for school, about 4 floors down, again provided by the simple security corp that her husband worked for. Her husband was a data technician. He worked the lines and data stores that his company secured. Then in 2046 the safe quiet medium security company was purchased by Ares. Life for the enclave grown teen changed. His father was trasfered to Chicago to put his expertise to work in the there. As with any 16 year old teen ,SamJin as he was called, rebelled the change the only way he knew how, he dove into sports. At his old school he excelled, never seeming to get tired when they had to run extra laps, agile as a cat, as well as seemingly never endingly adaptive to any new game or sport. His favorites where any of the contact sports such as kickboxing, wrestling, football, field hockey...At the Ares complex he was spotted for what he was. An Adept. An awakened young man who's natural magics were expressed in his athletics. The downside to this sudden awareness of awakening, he suddenly found himself ridiculed. Many of the team members expressed jealousy of this newcomer who had magic on his side. His depression lead him more and more into solitary sports. Ares, being who they are, gently nudged the young man into their YoTC, or Young officers training. Something SamJin found he enjoyed just way too much. With the use of weapons and firearms the young man found himself daydreaming of the MAnga he often read. After finishing his primary education, SamJin went on to advanced studies that began his career as a security officer. He has spent the rest of his days moving up in the ranks. The only thing affecting his file was his tendancy to be solitary. Often when assigned task force or team duties he interacted well but often volunteered for the solitary duties. His duties extended often to the special weapons and tactics units where he either was placed as a sniper or a point man. Then about a year ago, his attitude changed. The change in his attitude was simple, as with any man he found love. Beyond the pulp Manga he collected religiously, he had found a woman. A woman that he had been assigned to bodygaurd.The affair lasted for approximately 3 months until one weekend he got careless. He left his post to daly with this lovely woman who thought she was in love with him. A foreign companie's dignataries daughter is apt to either get snatched or killed. And on this night he played the odds, the odds bit him on the ass. An extraction team nearly pulled it off. They nearly snatched her. The resultant investigation got her relocated by her father's company, him demoted back down to street duty and a loss of face for Ares. They would have terminated him completely but someone somewhere put in just the right word and managed to keep him, with the possibility of moving him up later if he still proved valuable...This new aspect of his life left him bitter and betrayed. He felt stupid in himself and couldn't beleive that she would just up and go as easily as she did. He did not see that it really wasn't her choice, but the resultant depression showed in his even more seluded life...

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 11:32 pm
by Serious Paul
Okay Sin I am happy with Miko. He fits in perfectly with the adventure I have planned.

Now normally I would never go ove rfive in a group-however Estes Filth Pig has expressed intrest in playing. That he is perhaps the greatest roleplayer to walk the face of this earth means I want him. I don't know what his schedule is but if he can play on occassion I think it would be to our benefit.

Monster could you PM or email me your phone number? I'd liek to give you a call,nothing important, but I'd like to kick it with you about your character ideas.

Also Bishop I need your number.

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 11:38 pm
by 3278
I've completed the first five of the vehicles that will be somehow involved in our adventure, whether because Jack owns them or because they're Special Projects vehicles we might encounter. The stats I'll post aren't for the general vehicle type; they'll be the ones for the specific vehicles we'll be using; because of that, the current Design Point cost will be provided, instead of the cost in nuyen. Many of the vehicles are heavily modified and/or are Ares prototypes; actual Availability or Street Index would be largely meaningless also. Design points also include the cost of weapons and mounts, where applicable.

Two of the drones are vectored-thrust, which, at the time we're playing, are cutting-edge technology. Ares released their vectored thrust drones just a few months after Bug City; it follows that Ares' own internal equipment would be superior to what they allow their possible enemies to purchase from them, and that a test/development environment like SPD would have access to even more advanced devices. Add the modifications of our in-house mechanic, and we have some pretty cool toys.

Okay, here goes.

<b>Porsche Winter GT2</b>
<i>Sports Car chassis, Jet Turbine powerplant</i>
The most recent supercar from the last independant German automaker defies comparison. Though its hefty price tag discourages the casual buyer, more Winters have sold in the last three years than any supercar in the history of auto manufacture. Its groundbreaking gas turbine engine - virtually identical to those used in the Ares Firebird LAV - provides enough horsepower to push the car beyond 450 kilometers per hour, eclipsing Porsche's aging 928 GTS and, perhaps most significantly, the Saab Dynamit 778 TI, considered by most reviewers to be the benchmark by which all recent supercars are judged.

The combination of such awe-inspiring power and the new Porsche Firelight drive-by-wire system produces an automobile capable of driving as smoothly - and, breathtakingly, quickly - on warm pavement as on the side of a mountain. Porsche again leads the way in safety technology with their Active Passenger Protection System, and the first hydraulically-sprung passenger compartment in European motorsports.

The GT2 that Jack owns has been modified by Bertone and imported to the UCAS. It has no controls, and can only be driven through rigger adaptation, by way of the induction datajack transciever in the driver's armrest. While people have long suspected that Bertone's sprung-mass lightening kit - which includes radar-porous polymer bodypanels - would actually provide a measure of protection from police radar, not many people have access to enough of the black paint Ares uses on their Avenger gunship. The combination is equivalent to a single level of Radar Absorbant Materials. The Bertone conversion also includes the Nova whitelight and MRIR thermographic headlights, a superior sensor package, and an anti-theft system.

Jack removed the autonav himself, by jamming a screwdriver through its front panel during a particularly infuriating go-round with the navigation control interface.

Handling 2/2
Speed 400
Accel 32
Body 3
Armor 0
Sig 4
Autonav 0
Pilot 0
Sensor 4
Cargo 6
Load 25
Seating 2+2
Entry 2d
Fuel Jet (60 l)
Econ 10 km/l
S/B -
L/T -
Design Points 1825

<b>Other Features:</b> Removed Manual Controls, Drive-by-Wire 3, Rigger Adaptation, APPS [4 seats], Crash Cage, Roll Bars, Radar Absorbant Materials (1), Anti-Theft System (6), Dual White-Light Spotlights, Dual Medium-Range Infrared Spotlights, Dual-Purpose Runflats

<b>GMC Pitbull</b>
<i>Van chassis, Diesel powerplant</i>
There is enough demand for a vehicle capable of fulfilling the roles of both RV and SUV, security vehicle and anonymous delivery truck for Ares to study the possibility. This extreme modification of the GMC Bulldog step-van is a show car used in last year's "Anywhere" ad campaign. Its capacious interior is laid out as much like a living room as like a van, and includes comfortable, private bathroom facilities, a heater/cooler stocked with food and drink, and seats more than comfortable enough to sleep in.

The Pitbull is the primary C&C and surveillance vehicle of SpecPro. It's well-used and usually pretty full of wrappers, but its interior is still showcar beautiful. It mounts a Stoner-Ares M107 on a pop-up remote turret from a specially-designed mount inside the roof. A pair of drone racks limit headroom in the very back of the vehicle, so the comfy toilet is strictly lean-or-sit.

Capable of being controlled remotely, the Bulldog is a skilled drone in its own right, capable of autonomous action when necessary.

Handling 2/3
Speed 175
Accel 9
Body 4
Armor 10
Sig 5
Autonav 4
Pilot 3
Sensor 4
Cargo 22
Load 475
Seating 2b+2b+2b
Entry 2d+2s
Fuel Diesel (95 l)
Econ 8 km/l
S/B -
L/T -
Design Points 3660

<b>Other Features:</b> Removed Manual Controls, Partial High Amenities, Drive-by-Wire (3), Remote Control Interface, Rigger Adaptation, Concealed Armor, Crash Cage, Enviroseal (Gas, 10 man/hrs), Roll Bars, Small Pop-up Remote Turret (Stoner-Ares M-107, (Stoner-Ares M107, Gunnery Recoil Adjusters [9], 2CF Ammo Bin [2000 rnds], Smartlink II), RCEM (6), 2 Drone Racks (Body 2), Whitelight and MRIR spotlight, Dual-Purpose Runflats

<b>Ares Arbiter</b>
<i>Medium Vectored-Thrust UAV chassis, Jet Turbine powerplant</i>
Ares' heaviest VT drone is still only available within the corporation itself. Although newer prototype models are available, the Arbiter has a reputation for success that SpecPro appreciates. It mounts a Skyhook system, a pair of grapple guns intended to assist in bypassing fences; Ares does not plan on releasing that publicly any time soon.

The staff in SpecPro rely on the Arbiter when the worst is happening, and it's so far never let them down. Heavily armed and armored, this is the heaviest drone in the Division.

Handling 2
Speed 275
Accel 16
Body 2
Armor 18
Sig 7
Autonav 0
Pilot 3
Sensor 4
Cargo 0
Load 37.5
Seating -
Entry -
Fuel Jet (220 l)
Econ .9 km/l
S/B -
Design Points 3284

<b>Other Features:</b> Drive-by-Wire (3), Structural Agility (3), Internal Fixed Hardpoint (Stoner-Ares M107, Gunnery Recoil Adjusters [9], 2CF Ammo Bin [2000 rnds], Smartlink II), Whitelight and MRIR spotlight, Skyhook, RCEM (6)

<b>Ares Infiltrator</b>
<i>Medium Vectored-Thrust UAV chassis, Electric Fuel Cell powerplant</i>
With its brand-new EC powerplant and special thermal baffles, the Infiltrator is the latest prototype to be tested by SpecPro. The concept is simple: a low-signature vectored-thrust drone, meant for stealthy entrance into areas where maneuverability is key. Small, dark, and mounting a specially-modified Ares Punisher suppressed SMG, the Infiltrator is frequently "on point" in situations where a human would be in too much danger of detection or elimination.

Handling 2
Speed 275
Accel 10
Body 2
Armor 10
Sig 10
Autonav 0
Pilot 3
Sensor 4
Cargo 0
Load 0
Seating -
Entry -
Fuel EC (200 PF)
Econ .5 km/PF
S/B -
Design Points 2549

<b>Other Features:</b> Drive-by-Wire (1), Thermal Baffles (1), Internal Fixed Hardpoint (Ares Punisher SMG*, Sound Suppressor, Gunnery Recoil Adjusters [9], 1CF Ammo Bin, [10,000 rnds], Smartlink II), RCEM (6), Skyhook

*As HK227

<b>Ares Cloudship 04</b>
<i>Mini-blimp chassis, Electric powerplant</i>
The primary challenger to Aerodesign's dominance in the limited but significant mini-zepplin market, Ares Cloudship series continues to expand this year with the release of the Cloudship 04, a modified version of the Cloudship 02 released last year. SpecPro's is about as silent and invisible as a drone can be, and mounts an Ares Penetrator sniper rifle.

Handling 2
Speed 75
Accel 5
Body 2
Armor 0
Sig 11
Autonav 0
Pilot 3
Sensor 4
Cargo 1
Load 2
Seating -
Entry -
Fuel E (35 PF)
Econ 5 km/PF
S/B -
L/T -
Design Points 1196

<b>Other Features:</b> Sun Cell, Personal Armor (4), Pop-up Micro-turret (Ares Penetrator*, 40 rnds, Smartlink II), RCEM (6)

*As Walther MA-2100

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 11:41 pm
by Monster 01
Elwood “Spooks” Meeker has many titles. Starving musician, wandering gambler, romantic gunslinger, and undeniable chica magnet. Elwood is a 26 year old Chi-town native. His friends call him “Spooks” because of his tendency to freeze up like a “spooked animal” when ever he sees something that catches his interest, and nothing catches Spooks’ interest more than the ladies. For some unfathomable reason women find him “irresistible” and “fascinating.” When questioned about the subject all Spooks can say is “Hey, I eat, breath, and crap like everyone else, but it’s almost like I have some magic spell that just makes chicks dig me.”

A drifter by nature, Spooks travels all across North America on his chopper with a pair custom revolvers at his side and a six-string guitar on his back. Spooks’ mentor (a gun slinging ork named LeadFoot) always used to say “Live fast, but ride even faster cuz trouble is always just behind ya.” These words are true, especially when “trouble” is a large ganger named 8-Ball whom discovers (after you win 2000 cred off him in a poker game) that you spent last night in the same coffin motel room as his girlfriend.

No matter where his adventures take him, Spooks always finds himself back in Chicago. It’s the closest thing to home this romantic wanderer has, plus he has to stop in to say “Hoi” to Mom and Pop (Anne and Jacob.) He tries not to stay in one place for to long though, for his life style tends to produce many enemies (mainly angry husbands and old gambling buddies.)

Of all the ladies who love Spooks, Lady Luck must love him the most. From card games to gun fights, luck seams to guide Spooks fate, granting him victory by a hairs breadth. However, Spooks can’t shake that nagging feeling his streak of good luck might soon turn sour...

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2004 12:01 am
by Paul
And Spooks is the winner! I think you are going to get the special contact I have been thinking about handing out. Spooks fucking rocks.

Say Bishop or if Estes is reading this, what are you intrested in playing? PM me.

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 4:16 am
by sinsual
Serious Paul wrote:Okay Sin I am happy with Miko. He fits in perfectly with the adventure I have planned.
Samjin is his nickname. I will work on stats as I can but have no clue what I will have statwise prepared by thursday since I have to leave Friday morning for Phoenix. Oh and so you feel special...I am waiting til Friday morning to leave just so I can be at the game on thursday night ;)

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 8:07 am
by Serious Paul
Special! Hercules! Hercules!

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 8:27 pm
by Bishop
I'm leaning towards a shaman. I just can't get any concrete ideas in my head at the moment. Far as Estes, I don't know.

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 7:21 pm
by Gyro

Can you email me the website you gave me for weapons, ASAP. I can't seem to get it to come up.



Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 10:21 pm
by Serious Paul
Here's the index page: Rayguns awesome page. I will also email it to you.

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 1:11 am
by Gyro
2017: Seattle Metro Hospital

It was March 23rd when Marcos & Bonita Sanchez gave birth to their first baby boy. Marcos, a high corp. exec for Aztechnologies, had been waiting for this day for much longer than 9 months. They had been trying to have a child for some time. And now, after extensive fertility therapy, they were finally going to have a boy to carry on Marcos&#8217;s work. It was a proud day!
Unfortunately, the doctors had terrible news for the new parents: their child was an &#8220;UGE&#8221; baby! There was no hope of him ever being a normal child. Marcos was devastated. &#8220;How can this happen, after all the time and money we&#8217;ve spent on this!&#8221; He shouted at the doctors as he threw things around the room. His phone rang at that very moment. It was his boss at Aztec. As if he was expecting this, his boss said, &#8220; Calm down, Marcos. Grab your things and bring the child here.&#8221; Marcos nodded, heartbroken, and hung up the phone.
Inside the great pyramid, the &#8220;higher-ups&#8221; told Marcos that all was not lost. &#8220;Aztechnologies is just as committed to solving the UGE mystery as scientists all over the world.&#8221; Marcos knew not to ask any of the questions swirling around his head. It was dangerous to know too much about the place he worked and the people who ran it. Even though he was puzzled and terrified as to how his boss had seemingly known that his child was an UGE, there was nothing he could do. He still held out hope that someday his son could learn to follow in his footsteps and fulfill the destiny Marcos had dreamed for him, the dream of bettering the corporation. And so he listened to his boss, and agreed to give his child over to the corporation. There was no other choice.

Present Day: On-site in Chicago

I just about have it memorized by now. My background, that is. From the big fat file marked &#8220;TOP SECRET&#8221; they keep on me--hell, on everyone involved with the place. That&#8217;s where I grew up, in Aztec&#8217;s pyramid, with no parents and no friends. Well, except for the other freaks they studied, if you can even call them friends. You&#8217;re so damn busy watching your own back in that place you don&#8217;t have time to watch out for anybody else. I guess they taught me one valuable lesson in that regard: always look out for #1. Everyone else does; that&#8217;s how the world works.
They call us freaks, but they&#8217;re fascinated by us. Everyone in the world wanted to know what UGE babies were, and what we could do for them. With the corporations, it always came down to the bottom nuyen. We were valuable to them for research, hell, we were the newest toy.
It wasn&#8217;t &#8217;til 2021 that the world&#8217;s eyes were opened and metahumanity was realized. All of a sudden it became clear what we were: orcs, trolls, dwarves, elves....NOT HUMAN. That&#8217;s what was really important. We were different.
I myself am a troll. When the corporation realized this, they decided that my destiny was corporate security. So at the age of four, the poking and prodding ceased, and my combat and weapons training began. I spent years learning how to become stealthy and deadly with many known weapons and got my ass kicked quite a few times along the way. After I had grown to my full stature, I was moved to special ops, which meant cyberware....the good kind. Stuff that only corporations could afford. I was a trained killer, and damn valuable to them. I do what they tell me, and I&#8217;m the best at what I do. I am currently ranked as a Betaware assassin--at least that&#8217;s what the guys I swing with call me. It&#8217;s all relative to the type of hardware you&#8217;ve got wired into you. Let&#8217;s face it, that&#8217;s what puts you above and beyond. It&#8217;s a real hoot, figurin&#8217; my old man&#8217;s goals for me are coming true...just not the way he probably planned. Ah, who cares? This is my life, not his. I&#8217;m obviously not doing this for him, since he never did nothing for me. Except give me away cuz I was a freak. Anyway, my goal is to someday be up to the &#8220;Delta level&#8220;, which means giving up my soul to the machine in exchange for more cyberware. And Aztechnology can make this happen. They&#8217;ll own me forever, but that ain&#8217;t half bad, compared to all you fraggin&#8217; squatters. What do I care about a soul, anyway?
I&#8217;ve been all over the world, experienced a lot of things, killed a lot of people. From chipheads to those fraggin&#8217; magicians...three in the head, then you know they&#8217;re dead. I&#8217;m always on-site with ample time to study my target and know what I&#8217;m getting myself into. But I&#8217;ve been on-site in Chi-town for two weeks, and if it&#8217;s possible I&#8217;m a little freaked out with what I see comin&#8217; at me...

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 1:40 am
by Serious Paul
Holy Shit. Wow. What a fucking great character Gyro. I have to admit I have way underestimated you Gyro. You are way more fucking cool then I could ever hope to understand. This guy is fragging perfect.

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 2:40 am
by Monster 01
I agree with Serious Paul, good Job Gyro.

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 1:26 pm
by Gyro
Thanks guys!

Paul can you give me a call just before you leave the house today.

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 7:23 pm
by sinsual
I am when is the next session?