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Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2004 5:27 am
by Jeff Hauze
Okay, so here's the short and sweet. I plan on starting a Classic Battletech RPG game on IRC. All roleplaying and the majority of the gameplay will be handled via IRC. All CBT battles will be handled via MegaMek. Gametimes will most definitely be Tuesday or Wednesday, though Wednesday currently looks like the better day. Likely game times will be 2200 to at least 2330 EST, preferably a bit longer. I'm currently looking for 4 players, and I'm hoping to shoot for 2 games a month (Probably 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month). Please respond with any interest right here in this little ol' thread.

Actual game details are still a bit sketchy, but here's some brief info. The game will be set in 3071, 4 years after the current canon timeline. There is a full timeline in the works for this game, starting at roughly 3053 and going forward. The characters will be forming a lance of Mechwarriors for an Inner Sphere based mercenary unit. The unit has existed previous to this, but is now adding a third lance of Mechs, a fair amount of support staff, and a few other combat units. This unit recently landed quite a large windfall, allowing some rapid growth in short time. The focus of the game will be slightly lower than average starting characters with little to no actual combat experience, primarily recent graduates of their final training years. Currently, no starting affiliation is disallowed, but certain Clan affiliations and some previous mercenary unit affiliations will be quite a bit of a strain on the internal consistency of the game.

There are currently no slots filled, but 2 slots will receive priority status to Nexusvoid and Maelwys, if they choose to participate. That is only due to the fact that a previous game of similar setup did not quite work out for these two, and I feel it is fair to offer them priority on slots as compensation for the previous failed game.

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2004 5:31 am
by Reika
Do you have to have a working knowledge of BT? Or are you willing to teach an utter newb? :)

If the latter, I'd be interested.

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2004 5:42 am
by Jeff Hauze
There's nothing to stop a newbie to CBT from joining at all. I will note that the learning curve will probably be steep, but I'll work with anybody as much as I can. In reality, a total newbie to CBT will be learning two games side by side (the CBT rpg side of things, and the CBT miniature wargame side of things as handled by the MegaMek program in this case). So long as you think the game may be to your style and you don't mind a real heavy emphasis on humanity and its dealings with the shades of grey so prevalent in war, you're certainly welcome, just so long as you remain aware of the aforementioned steep learning curve.

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2004 3:10 pm
by Reika
I suspect the RPG side won't be that hard for me to learn, the minis might take a bit more, I do have more experience than just SR and D&D you know. ;)

That said I have sat in and watched megamek games, so I know it'll be a little easier for me to learn to play using that than the actual minis, I just may ask alot of stupid questions to help me clarify things for myself.

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2004 4:09 pm
by BlackJack
I'm in. It sounds like fun. I haven't been able to find anyone here who does BT gaming.

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 1:44 am
by Jeff Hauze
Reika wrote:I suspect the RPG side won't be that hard for me to learn, the minis might take a bit more, I do have more experience than just SR and D&D you know. ;)

That said I have sat in and watched megamek games, so I know it'll be a little easier for me to learn to play using that than the actual minis, I just may ask alot of stupid questions to help me clarify things for myself.
Well, if I find you on IRC, I can give you some background, and we'll have a timeline before too long. In addition, I'll give a big recommendation to hit the CBT website here. There are some decent timelines and faction profiles to be found there. I'll also be working some scanned in information, so that some of the official timelines are available.

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 10:42 pm
by Kai
If I'm around I'll come lurk :) I am about the worst BT minis player ever and I doubt MegaMek has an "Assistance for the Tactically Inept" option ;) And while learning about the BT world would be cool, I know I don't have the time to devote to it to feel comfortable enough playing right now :)

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 5:20 am
by Nexusvoid
I'm in.

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 5:25 am
by Maelwys
Sounds good to me, would probably have to be on Tuesdays though...we'll see what future schedules are like.

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 7:09 am
by Jeff Hauze
Well, we've got our four then. More game related information coming soon to a thread near you this week!

The Red Dawn

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 2:35 pm
by Jeff Hauze
Unit Structure

Unit Commanding Officer - Commander Nicholai Kasperov
Unit Executive Officer (Mech commander) - Captain Leo Dante
Aerospace Commander - Captain Michelle Hiroko
Battle Armor Commander - Captain Reginald Mueller
Dropship/Transport Commander (captain of the Bloodied Trail) - Captain Jason Argot
Dropship/Transport Executive Officer (captain of the Plasma Rider) - Captain Leelu Willis

Chief Physician - Doctor Victoria Timmons
Chief Technician - William "Sledge" Halas
Chief Administrator - Ted "Hammer" Halas

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 12:11 am
by Jeff Hauze
Unit To&E (Table of Organization and Equipment)

Mech Company

Alpha Lance

Warhammer WHM-8D - Commander Nicholai Kasperov
Archer ARC-8M
Penetrator PTR-4D
Thunderbolt TDR-7M

Bravo Lance (this will be your lance, though Mechs could change if anyone owns their own)

Verfolger VR5-R
Ostsol OTL-6D
Bushwacker BSW-X1
Enfield END-6Q

Charlie Lance

Stealth STH-1D - Captain Leo Dante
Spector SPR-5F
Spector SPR-5F
Wraith TR1

Delta Lance

Grand Dragon DRG-5K
Grand Dragon DRG-5K
Wolfhound WLF-2
Wolfhound WLF-2

Aerospace Squadron (Company)

Alpha Flight (Lance)

Eisensturm EST-O - Captain Michelle Hiroko
Eisensturm EST-O

Bravo Flight

Corsair CSR-V12
Corsair CSR-V12

Charlie Flight

Stingray F-92
Stingray F-92

Delta Flight

Shilone SL-17
Shilone SL-17

Battle Armor Company

Alpha Platoon - Captain Reginald Mueller
4 squads of Bacchus

Bravo Platoon
4 squads of Bacchus

Charlie Platoon
4 squads of Bacchus

Delta Platoon
4 squads of Bacchus

Transport Assets

Modified Fortress Class Dropship - The Bloodied Trail - Captain Jason Argot
Modified Fortress Class Dropship - The Plasma Rider - Captain Leelu Willis

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 2:29 am
by Jeff Hauze
Character Creation Rules

All standard MW3/CBTRPG rules are in effect for character creation. Any character life path from the core rulebook, CBTRPG Companion, Mechwarrior Guide to Solaris VII, any of the Field Manuals including Mercenaries Revised, Covert Operations, and Mechwarrior Guide to the Clans is allowed, so long at it is based from a non-Clan affiliation. (I think this only allows IS-Clan Liasion and ToD: Joint Combine-Nova Cat exercises from MW: Guide to the Clans, but there may be more that apply). If you so desire to use the points system, you may. If anybody does, let me know, as I'll have to work out an appropriate amount of points to use. I honestly haven't looked at the system that much.

Here are the exceptions/additions to the character creation system. Any Vehicle or Custom Vehilce trait points earned may be deducted and used for additional points for attributes or additional traits (disposing of negatives or adding on positives). Additionally, any trait with multiple levels may have any excess points of the maximum level deducted to be used as spare points towards attributes or other traits. (An example would be earning 12 levels of Wealth as the maximum is 10 or earning 10 levels of Well-Equipped as the maximum is 8 levels.) Additionally each character will receive 1 free Edge Threshold point that does not factor into the final Edge threshold. This point may be used to ignore all pre-requisites of any one given Life Path or to modify or reroll 1 event roll per standard rules. If you wish to keep your vehicle trait points (Custom Vehicle or Vehicle), you must purchase the Owns Vehicle trait. Otherwise, a vehicle will be provided for you when you join the unit. Additionally, you need not spend any of your starting money on a Mechwarrior combat suit or a neurohelmt. The unit will provide those for you as well.

Final rules for creation. You may take a maximum of 5 Life Paths total, including Early and Late Childhood. You may not take any Tour of Duty paths unless you choose to sacrifice that extra Edge point, in which case you may take one. This would also apply for lifepaths equivalent to ToD, such as Solaris Games lifepaths, or some of the Youth Warfare paths for Chaos March folks (I am looking for beginner folks here). If you wish to take more than one such ToD style path, you must sacrifice 3 points from your starting total of 50 points to buy attributes and modify or buy new traits with. If a character takes no ToD style life paths, and only uses 4 Life Paths, that character will gain 2 extra points to be used for attributes or traits.

Any questions or complaints on the rules? Please let me know if you feel they are unfair, but I will admit to be looking for newcomers to the actual military/merc lifestyle. Training and schooling is good, but I'm hoping for the characters to mostly learn the ropes in game, and not from the life paths.

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 4:43 am
by Maelwys
How will we be calculating the classic BT rating of gunnery, since gunnery in MW3 has multiple values, depending on the type of weapon you're shooting, while in BT they're condensed down to a single value? Use the best, use the average? Depends on the mech you're piloting?

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 4:46 am
by Jeff Hauze
Maelwys wrote:How will we be calculating the classic BT rating of gunnery, since gunnery in MW3 has multiple values, depending on the type of weapon you're shooting, while in BT they're condensed down to a single value? Use the best, use the average? Depends on the mech you're piloting?
Well, that's a good question. I've always generated characters to have the same value for each skill, as it's just easier that way. :)

To answer, I think I would probably go average if they are different levels. Best is a bit unfair, as you can toss everything to one skill, and just load up through that.

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 3:18 am
by Jeff Hauze
Unit History

The story of the Red Dawn is a recent one, beginning prior to the Clan Invasion, but after the changes to the Inner Sphere brought about by the FedCom alliance, the Fourth Succession War, and the War of 3039. To tell this story properly, we need to look at the commander and founder of this mercenary unit, Commander Nicholai Kasperov. And so we shall.

Born to Major Michael Roberts (retired) of the Federated Commonwealth (FedSuns) and Captain Alissa Kasperov (retired) of the St. Ives Compact, on June 6th (3042), Nicholai was born into a life of luxury. The Roberts family held a tradition as military industry related traders and soldiers, primarily officers, in the Armed Forces of the Federated Commonwealth (AFFC). The Kasperov family was a long line of patriots and soldiers of St. Ives (both as a Commonality under Capellan rule and as the independent state known as the Compact). To say that his breeding was privileged is obvious, but this is not a solitary or fair assesment of the man. Both of his parents had served multiple tours of duty within their respective state militariese, and were graduated of martial academies. His father was a graduate of the class of 3021 from the War College of Goshen and served with the 4th Deneb Light Cavalry for 22 years, retiring from active duty in 3043 to raise his newborn son with his newlywed wife. His mother graduated from the St. Ives Academy of Martial Sciences in 3030, and served with the 2nd St. Ives Lancers from 3030 until 3040. She retired from active duty and immigrated to the Federated Suns, tired of the politics shown by the fledgling independent Compact. She met Major Roberts while working as a military advisor for Kallon Industries. The two were married in 3042, with their first and only child born soon thereafter. When Major Roberts retired in 3043, he also took a position with Kallon Industries and the family settled into a new household.

While his childhood was largely the life of a privileged only child, Nicholai found himself immersed in the culture of his mother's Russian heritage as well as the influence of the Capellan Confederation, while still holding onto the idealistic views that much of his father's family held as scions of the Federated Commonwealth. His parents' views on civic duty also influenced Nicholai to work closely with civic organizations throughout his early years, addressing everything from community development, literacy programs, human rights issues, and even economic redistribution. His father's time in the DLC was spent as much on civilian construction and peacetime redevelopment as it was on combat and military readiness. His mother came from the St. Ives Compact, where civilian redevelopment and other civic duty projects were a major emphasis after the split with the Capellan Confederation. Nicholai also became intimately familiar with the languages and socio-political traditions of the Capellan March and the St. Ives Compact. His parents' positions with Kallon Industries required quite a bit of world-hopping in the early years, so zero-G travel also became a normal occurence for their young son. Eventually, the family settled near the Kallon Industries plant on Talon (in the Wernke system) as Nicholai entered his teen years.

He attended the Peter Milan Prepatory School on Talon, where he reached the decision to enroll at the War College of Goshen, and serve the AFFC as his father had done. In his last year at prep school, his father passed away very suddenly from a rather abrupt and unexpected heart attack. The loss initially shook young Nicholai, but at his mother's encouragement, he continued on. He scored highly on his placement exams for the War College and graduated his prepatory school with high honors.

The atmosphere on Goshen only encouraged Nicholai's natural talents. His intense study of philosophies on both war and peace, strategy, military commanders and battles, as well as the history of the Federated Suns only contributed to his rapid rise to the highest ranks of his class. Throughout his years at Goshen, Nicholai resembled a man possessed. He used the pain from the loss of his father to fuel him through the years of intense study and preparation. He gained the top of his class by his second year, qualifying for special training as a military scientist and eventually for officer candidate school. He graduated as the top student in the class, devouring everything the school had to offer. He left with more than a few friends he could call upon, and his stock in the AFFS (since the split had now occurred) was rising. He graduated in 3064, and was immediately reassigned by an officer friendly with his father to the Seventh FedCom RCT. Nicholai had shown his loyalty towards Victor and his cause several times throughout his time at the War College.

His first tour of duty started with the 7th FC in August 3064. He was transported to Talon where the 7th was currently battling the 22nd Avalon Hussars for control of the Kallon Industries plant. Fighting for his homeworld was a cause he surely felt he could champion. Nicholai quickly learned that the reality of civil war was very different from what the textbooks in the academy had taught. The 7th FC was currently engaged in a hellacious assault against the heavily entrenched Hussars, who currently held the Kallon plant and all of the mountain passes that led to the complex. As soon as he landed and took command of his Mech lance, Lt. Kasperov was tossed headlong into the ugliness of the FedCom civil war. From September 1st, 3064, until December 22nd, 3065, he fought in one of the worst knock-down dragout brawls in the FedSuns half of the civil war, other than Kathil and New Avalon. It was a meatgrinder advance against fortified positions and prepared defensive troops. Within the first six months, Lt. Kasperov had lost two Captains, one battalion commander, and had watched his lance be completely replaced twice due to injuries and deaths. By June 3056, Lt. Kasperov was now Captain Kasperov. By January 3066, the 7th FC had no choice but to retreat and lick their wounds, never having even reached the outer perimeter of the Kallon complex. By this point, Nicholai's idealistic views on war and the place of a soldier's duty to his nation had not only faltered, but nearly broken completely.

Captain Nicholai Kasperov renewed his service to the AFFS early, signing up for another two years of service in January 3066. He worked hard to rebuild his company, along with the rest of the 7th FC, during the next two months of relative peace and quiet. In March 3066, yet another shipment of production runs from the Kallon plant was ready to be sent out of the system. However, the Allied naval assault forces that had blockaded the system had not successfully stopped the Loyalist Hussars on their last shipping run in March 3065. Even worse, word came from the Allied chain of command that the Hussars had been recalled to New Avalon as reinforcements against Victor Steiner-Davion's soon-to-occur assault. The 7th was ordered to stop the 22nd Hussars from leaving the Wernke system at all costs. The commanding officer of the 7th FC, Leftenant General Hughes, devised a plan that was bold yet foolish. Through a strategy of MAD (mutually assured destruction), the 7th would ensure that the Hussars would not be able to leave Talon anytime soon (if at all), and the the production runs would stay grounded. On March 18th, the RCT lifted off in their DropShips and the naval assault forces entered atmosphere. The entire Allied RCT dropped into half a dozen valleys surrounding the Kallon facility, while the naval and aerospace forces gained air superiority. The narrow mountain passes kept the aerospace forces out of the battle early on, but once the 7th had reached the perimeter of the Kallon plant, the landscape allowed for multiple strafing and bombing runs. Eventually though, the outer defensive perimeters that were bypassed by the 7th collapsed inwards, pushing the Allied unit hard against the anvil of the Kallon facility's defenses. Over the next 5 days, the 7th FC pushed hard and sacrified nearly all of their combat units to accomplish their goal. The 7th Federated Commonwealth RCT was destroyed, with nearly 100% losses in machines and a staggering number in men. However, the 22nd Avalon Hussars suffered overall 80% losses and nearly three-quarters of their Dropships would be grounded until months worth of repairs could be completed. The 22nd would remain on Talon until the end of the Civil War, even past it.

While the FedCom Civil War came to close on New Avalon and Tharkad, Captain Kasperov and the 5 surviving Mechwarriors of his company threw themselves into working with the Loyalist Hussars to rebuild the damage both units had inflicted on the infrastructure of the Kallon plant and on Talon as a whole. This rebuilding process forced Nicholai to revert to his routes. Working with his mother and her contacts with Kallon, he organized civic organizations and military forces to split time between civilian and military rebuilding tasks. He even worked with the leadership of the Hussars to allow POWs from the 7th FC to form work details and even use Mechs and vehicles for construction projects. On his birthday (June 6th, 3068), Nicholai's world changed drastically. His mother was organizing a work crew to deal with removing non-damaged cargo from one of the Dropships grounded in the final attack by the 7th FC. She was onboard the Overlord when a previously undetected weakness in the shielding for the fuel tank finally gave out. The resulting explosion destroyed the Overlord and heavily damage several others as well as setting fire to several ships and buildings currently under heavy repairs. Nicholai immediately realized that his mother was lost, having watched her board the ship. He set aside his personal feelings of loss and rallied the other 4 members of his former company, and began rescue operations in the fiery inferno in the ConstructionMechs that they were utilizing. Nearly two hundred people were rescued from what appeared to be an untenable situation, largely due to Nicholai's quick thinking and rapid organization of rescue crews of Mechs, vehicles, and ground personnel. Time and time again, those five Mechs braved the fires of Hell to bring out another injured survivor. Captain Nicholai Kasperov became Major Nicholai Kasperov, recipient of the Silver Sunburst and grieving son. He spent the remainder of his final tour of duty with the AFFS traveling to New Avalon to receive the award from Regent Yvonne Steiner-Davion and working out his retirement from active service. In the final weeks of his service to the AFFS, he felt he had little left for him in FedSuns space, and following the advice of a family member (Marshal Jack Roberts, former commander of the 20th Avalon Hussars and commander of the Kathil PDZ), he signed on for a three year tour of duty with the Star League Defense Force, effective in September 3068.

The semi-covert war between Word of Blake militia units and the Allied Mercenary Command (led by Wolf's Dragoons) had begun to reach a boiling point, threatening to break out in all out war on several systems throughout the Chaos March. Both sides were in the wrong, as neither was willing to back down nor look at any compromises. Unfortunately, the AMC was taking the short end of the stick on most of the engagements. SLDF forces were sent in to mediate and stop the battles wherever possible, until an agreement could be reached in the League's Council. So, while he intended to serve the SLDF, he was once again led into a hot zone not of his own choosing. He weathered the storms well, leading his unit again and again to defuse ever-worsening brawls between AMC merc commands and Word of Blake militia forces. In all honesty, he felt a great deal of empathy towards the merc units, and found himself drawing closer and closer to them. He even encountered and worked beside several elements of the famous 12th Vegan Rangers when an unknown raider force began a virtual campaign of terror on several worlds in teh Achenar PDZ in FedSuns space. The SLDF forces were nearby and decided to help out "unofficially." During his time with the Rangers, he encountered two brothers who were retiring from service with the mercenary unit, the Halas brothers. Over a drunken night of celebration after the raiders finally fled after several severe losses, the brothers and Nicholai came to an epiphany. Between his connections and his command experience and their mercenary connections, they could form a fairly impressive new mercenary command. So, the newfound friends agreed to form a unit that would work to not only carry out its contracts with exemplary service and distinction, but would also work to help the people that they served in peacetime as well as wartime. The two brothers set off for Outreach, while Kasperov began contacting all of his connections and directing them to speak with the Halas brothers. Nicholai finished out his tour with the SLDF a few months early, brokering a few lucrative sideline deals fencing some of the salvage he had collected during his time in the Chaos March. With this money and the money left to him from his parents time with Kallon Industries, he arrived on Outreach and worked with the brothers to form the Red Dawn. The core unit was formed, pulling in some impressive command staff and technical resources for a newly formed mercenary command. By the end of August 3071, the Red Dawn was nearly formed. Only one Mech lance remains to be filed and several impressive prospects are already arriving on or are currently enroute to Outreach. Soon, Commander Nicholai Kasperov will face a new challenge in leading the Red Dawn both on and off the battlefield, living in an era that seems to be leading to war on a scale not seen in the Inner Sphere since the Age of War. The future looks bright for this unit, but the stormclouds on the horizion of the Chaos March look dark indeed.

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 5:13 pm
by Maelwys
Will we be given a chance to modify the mechs at all, either before game starts, or after the game starts (ie, in the course of repairs, etc)? When are we planning on starting this? Damnit man, I need a fix!

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 12:49 am
by Reika
And is there a limit on traits? And can we work up our own based off of other things?

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 3:21 am
by Jeff Hauze
Maelwys wrote:Will we be given a chance to modify the mechs at all, either before game starts, or after the game starts (ie, in the course of repairs, etc)? When are we planning on starting this? Damnit man, I need a fix!
During the course of the game, modification will certainly be an option, if your fortunes are good. How soon? Well, I'm hoping not too long into January. I guess I should set a hard date for character creation then. Everybody think they could be done by January 5th? Or would the 10th be better?

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 3:25 am
by Jeff Hauze
Reika wrote:And is there a limit on traits? And can we work up our own based off of other things?
No limit on traits per se. Other than that certain traits have an upper limit. And the 50 point limit you have for spending on traits and Attributes.

As for your own, yeah, it's okay, with my approval. And I'll give the ones you mentioned to me some thought Reika.

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 12:00 pm
by Reika
Jeff Hauze wrote:
No limit on traits per se. Other than that certain traits have an upper limit. And the 50 point limit you have for spending on traits and Attributes.

As for your own, yeah, it's okay, with my approval. And I'll give the ones you mentioned to me some thought Reika.
No probs, do any of the books have any other traits given? I've found a means to access some of the books besides bugging Jackal and I'm slowly getting them so can use those instead/as well.

Jan 5th should be good for me, I'm more than halfway done with the number crunching, after that it's just a question of typing up my bagass mess.

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 1:46 pm
by Jeff Hauze
        Classic BattleTech Battle Armor Technical Readout

Type/Model: Dionysus Heavy Armor
               (7 Configurations)
Tech/Era: Inner Sphere / 3067
Chassis Type: Humanoid
Weight Class: Heavy Battle Armor (1,001 - 1,500 kg)
Rules: Level 2, Standard design

Ground Speed: 21.6 km/h
Armor Type: Standard

Configuration: [Base]
Equipment: Slots Mass
Chassis Type: Heavy Class Humanoid                 0 300
Motive System: Ground Movement (2 MP)               0 80
Armor Type:    11 Points Standard                   0 550

  Left Arm:    Battle Claw                          0 15
  Right Arm:   None                                 0 0

Fixed Weapons & Equipment Loc Shots Slots Mass
Magnetic Clamps                      Body             2 30
Modular Weapon Mount                 RA             1 10
Modular Weapon Mount                 Body           1 10
Anti-Personnel Weapon Mount          LA             1 5
TOTALS:                                      5 1,000
Slots & Mass Available for Configurations:           7 500

Configuration: Medium Laser

Config Weapons & Equipment Loc Shots Slots Mass
(Anti-BattleMech Weapon Space)       RA/MWM           0 0
Medium Laser                         Body/MWM 30     3 500
(Anti-Personnel Weapon Space)        LA/APWM          0 0
TOTALS:                                      8 1,500
Slots & Mass Left:                                   4 0

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost: 540,000 C-Bills, Including Trooper
Training Costs of 150,000 C-bills
Battle Value: 54 (216 for 4) Weapon Value: 58 (Ratio=1.07)
Cost per BV: 7,222.22 (w/o Trooper Training costs)
Damage Factors: SRDmg = 4 MRDmg = 1 LRDmg = 0
BattleForce2: Class: IB MP: 2 Armor/Structure: 3 / 0
                Damage PB/M/L: 2/2/- Overheat: 0
                Point Value: 2 Specials: xmec, car4

CBT:RPG Data: Armor Value (M/B/E/X): 9/8/8/8 Coverage: Full
                IR: 0, ECM: 0, Camo: 0
                Melee AP: 2, Target Size Modifier: -2
                Movement Modifiers:
                 Walking: -1, Running: -2, Sprinting: -3
                Attribute Modifiers: STR: +3, DEX: -3, RFL: -3
                Equipment Rating: E/E/E

Configuration: Dual Small

Config Weapons & Equipment Loc Shots Slots Mass
Small Laser                          RA/MWM   30     1 200
Small Laser                          Body/MWM 30     1 200
(Anti-Personnel Weapon Space)        LA/APWM          0 0
TOTALS:                                      7 1,400
Slots & Mass Left:                                   5 100

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost: 522,500 C-Bills, Including Trooper
Training Costs of 150,000 C-bills
Battle Value: 36 (144 for 4) Weapon Value: 23 (Ratio=.64)
Cost per BV: 10,347.22 (w/o Trooper Training costs)
Damage Factors: SRDmg = 2 MRDmg = 0 LRDmg = 0
BattleForce2: Class: IB MP: 2 Armor/Structure: 3 / 0
                Damage PB/M/L: 2/-/- Overheat: 0
                Point Value: 1 Specials: xmec, car4

CBT:RPG Data: Armor Value (M/B/E/X): 9/8/8/8 Coverage: Full
                IR: 0, ECM: 0, Camo: 0
                Melee AP: 2, Target Size Modifier: -2
                Movement Modifiers:
                 Walking: -1, Running: -2, Sprinting: -3
                Attribute Modifiers: STR: +3, DEX: -3, RFL: -3
                Equipment Rating: E/E/E

Configuration: Dual Flamer

Config Weapons & Equipment Loc Shots Slots Mass
Flamer                               RA/MWM   10     1 150
Flamer                               Body/MWM 10     1 150
(Anti-Personnel Weapon Space)        LA/APWM          0 0
TOTALS:                                      7 1,300
Slots & Mass Left:                                   5 200

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost: 515,000 C-Bills, Including Trooper
Training Costs of 150,000 C-bills
Battle Value: 32 (128 for 4) Weapon Value: 15 (Ratio=.47)
Cost per BV: 11,406.25 (w/o Trooper Training costs)
Damage Factors: SRDmg = 1 MRDmg = 0 LRDmg = 0
BattleForce2: Class: IB MP: 2 Armor/Structure: 3 / 0
                Damage PB/M/L: 1/-/- Overheat: 0
                Point Value: 1 Specials: xmec, car4

CBT:RPG Data: Armor Value (M/B/E/X): 9/8/8/8 Coverage: Full
                IR: 0, ECM: 0, Camo: 0
                Melee AP: 2, Target Size Modifier: -2
                Movement Modifiers:
                 Walking: -1, Running: -2, Sprinting: -3
                Attribute Modifiers: STR: +3, DEX: -3, RFL: -3
                Equipment Rating: E/E/E

Configuration: Dual MG

Config Weapons & Equipment Loc Shots Slots Mass
Machine Gun                          RA/MWM   50     1 100
Machine Gun                          Body/MWM 50     1 100
(Anti-Personnel Weapon Space)        LA/APWM          0 0
TOTALS:                                      7 1,200
Slots & Mass Left:                                   5 300

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost: 512,000 C-Bills, Including Trooper
Training Costs of 150,000 C-bills
Battle Value: 31 (124 for 4) Weapon Value: 13 (Ratio=.42)
Cost per BV: 11,677.42 (w/o Trooper Training costs)
Damage Factors: SRDmg = 1 MRDmg = 0 LRDmg = 0
BattleForce2: Class: IB MP: 2 Armor/Structure: 3 / 0
                Damage PB/M/L: 1/-/- Overheat: 0
                Point Value: 1 Specials: xmec, car4

CBT:RPG Data: Armor Value (M/B/E/X): 9/8/8/8 Coverage: Full
                IR: 0, ECM: 0, Camo: 0
                Melee AP: 2, Target Size Modifier: -2
                Movement Modifiers:
                 Walking: -1, Running: -2, Sprinting: -3
                Attribute Modifiers: STR: +3, DEX: -3, RFL: -3
                Equipment Rating: E/E/E

Configuration: Lt RR/Med RR

Config Weapons & Equipment Loc Shots Slots Mass
Light Recoilless Rifle               RA/MWM   20     2 175
(with High-Explosive Ammo)
Medium Recoilless Rifle              Body/MWM 20     2 250
(with High-Explosive Ammo)
(Anti-Personnel Weapon Space)        LA/APWM          0 0
TOTALS:                                      9 1,425
Slots & Mass Left:                                   3 75

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost: 505,000 C-Bills, Including Trooper
Training Costs of 150,000 C-bills
Battle Value: 44 (176 for 4) Weapon Value: 39 (Ratio=.89)
Cost per BV: 8,068.18 (w/o Trooper Training costs)
Damage Factors: SRDmg = 3 MRDmg = 0 LRDmg = 0
BattleForce2: Class: IB MP: 2 Armor/Structure: 3 / 0
                Damage PB/M/L: 2/2/- Overheat: 0
                Point Value: 2 Specials: xmec, car4

CBT:RPG Data: Armor Value (M/B/E/X): 9/8/8/8 Coverage: Full
                IR: 0, ECM: 0, Camo: 0
                Melee AP: 2, Target Size Modifier: -2
                Movement Modifiers:
                 Walking: -1, Running: -2, Sprinting: -3
                Attribute Modifiers: STR: +3, DEX: -3, RFL: -3
                Equipment Rating: E/E/E

Configuration: Magshot Gauss/Support PPC

Config Weapons & Equipment Loc Shots Slots Mass
Support PPC                          RA/MWM   14     2 250
Magshot Gauss Rifle                  Body/MWM 20     3 175
(Anti-Personnel Weapon Space)        LA/APWM          0 0
TOTALS:                                      10 1,425
Slots & Mass Left:                                   2 75

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost: 515,510 C-Bills, Including Trooper
Training Costs of 150,000 C-bills
Battle Value: 43 (172 for 4) Weapon Value: 36 (Ratio=.84)
Cost per BV: 8,500.23 (w/o Trooper Training costs)
Damage Factors: SRDmg = 3 MRDmg = 0 LRDmg = 0
BattleForce2: Class: IB MP: 2 Armor/Structure: 3 / 0
                Damage PB/M/L: 1/1/- Overheat: 0
                Point Value: 2 Specials: xmec, car4

CBT:RPG Data: Armor Value (M/B/E/X): 9/8/8/8 Coverage: Full
                IR: 0, ECM: 0, Camo: 0
                Melee AP: 2, Target Size Modifier: -2
                Movement Modifiers:
                 Walking: -1, Running: -2, Sprinting: -3
                Attribute Modifiers: STR: +3, DEX: -3, RFL: -3
                Equipment Rating: E/E/E

Configuration: ER Small/MG

Config Weapons & Equipment Loc Shots Slots Mass
ER Small Laser                       RA/MWM   20     2 350
Machine Gun                          Body/MWM 50     1 100
(Anti-Personnel Weapon Space)        LA/APWM          0 0
TOTALS:                                      8 1,450
Slots & Mass Left:                                   4 50

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost: 517,250 C-Bills, Including Trooper
Training Costs of 150,000 C-bills
Battle Value: 38 (152 for 4) Weapon Value: 28 (Ratio=.74)
Cost per BV: 9,664.47 (w/o Trooper Training costs)
Damage Factors: SRDmg = 2 MRDmg = 0 LRDmg = 0
BattleForce2: Class: IB MP: 2 Armor/Structure: 3 / 0
                Damage PB/M/L: 2/1/- Overheat: 0
                Point Value: 2 Specials: xmec, car4

CBT:RPG Data: Armor Value (M/B/E/X): 9/8/8/8 Coverage: Full
                IR: 0, ECM: 0, Camo: 0
                Melee AP: 2, Target Size Modifier: -2
                Movement Modifiers:
                 Walking: -1, Running: -2, Sprinting: -3
                Attribute Modifiers: STR: +3, DEX: -3, RFL: -3
                Equipment Rating: E/E/E

                Created by HeavyMetal Battle Armor

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 1:47 pm
by Jeff Hauze
        Classic BattleTech Battle Armor Technical Readout

Type/Model: Bacchus
               (6 Configurations)
Tech/Era: Inner Sphere / 3067
Chassis Type: Humanoid
Weight Class: Medium Battle Armor (751 - 1,000 kg)
Rules: Level 2, Standard design

Ground Speed: 10.8 km/h
Jump Capacity: 90 meters
Armor Type: Standard

Configuration: [Base]
Equipment: Slots Mass
Chassis Type: Medium Class Humanoid                0 175
Motive System: Ground Movement (1 MP)               0 0
Jump Jets (3 MP)               0 150
Armor Type:    8 Points Standard                    0 400

  Left Arm:    Battle Claw                          0 15
  Right Arm:   Armored Glove                        0 0

Fixed Weapons & Equipment Loc Shots Slots Mass
Magnetic Clamps                      Body             2 30
Modular Weapon Mount                 RA             1 10
Anti-Personnel Weapon Mount          LA             1 5
TOTALS:                                      4 785
Slots & Mass Available for Configurations:           6 215

Configuration: Laser

Config Weapons & Equipment Loc Shots Slots Mass
Small Laser                          RA/MWM   30     1 200
(Anti-Personnel Weapon Space)        LA/APWM          0 0
TOTALS:                                      5 985
Slots & Mass Left:                                   5 15

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost: 582,750 C-Bills, Including Trooper
Training Costs of 150,000 C-bills
Battle Value: 36 (144 for 4) Weapon Value: 16 (Ratio=.44)
Cost per BV: 12,020.83 (w/o Trooper Training costs)
Damage Factors: SRDmg = 1 MRDmg = 0 LRDmg = 0
BattleForce2: Class: IB MP: 3J Armor/Structure: 2 / 0
                Damage PB/M/L: 1/-/- Overheat: 0
                Point Value: 1 Specials: xmec, car4

CBT:RPG Data: Armor Value (M/B/E/X): 9/7/7/7 Coverage: Full
                IR: 0, ECM: 0, Camo: 0
                Melee AP: 2, Target Size Modifier: -1
                Movement Modifiers:
                 Walking: -1, Running: -2, Sprinting: -3
                Jump: 90 m/turn
                Attribute Modifiers: STR: +3, DEX: -3, RFL: -1
                Equipment Rating: E/E/E

Configuration: Flamer

Config Weapons & Equipment Loc Shots Slots Mass
Flamer                               RA/MWM   10     1 150
(Anti-Personnel Weapon Space)        LA/APWM          0 0
TOTALS:                                      5 935
Slots & Mass Left:                                   5 65

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost: 579,000 C-Bills, Including Trooper
Training Costs of 150,000 C-bills
Battle Value: 31 (124 for 4) Weapon Value: 13 (Ratio=.42)
Cost per BV: 13,838.71 (w/o Trooper Training costs)
Damage Factors: SRDmg = 1 MRDmg = 0 LRDmg = 0
BattleForce2: Class: IB MP: 3J Armor/Structure: 2 / 0
                Damage PB/M/L: 1/-/- Overheat: 0
                Point Value: 1 Specials: xmec, car4

CBT:RPG Data: Armor Value (M/B/E/X): 9/7/7/7 Coverage: Full
                IR: 0, ECM: 0, Camo: 0
                Melee AP: 2, Target Size Modifier: -1
                Movement Modifiers:
                 Walking: -1, Running: -2, Sprinting: -3
                Jump: 90 m/turn
                Attribute Modifiers: STR: +3, DEX: -3, RFL: -1
                Equipment Rating: E/E/E

Configuration: Machine Gun

Config Weapons & Equipment Loc Shots Slots Mass
Machine Gun                          RA/MWM   50     1 100
(Anti-Personnel Weapon Space)        LA/APWM          0 0
TOTALS:                                      5 885
Slots & Mass Left:                                   5 115

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost: 577,500 C-Bills, Including Trooper
Training Costs of 150,000 C-bills
Battle Value: 29 (116 for 4) Weapon Value: 11 (Ratio=.38)
Cost per BV: 14,741.38 (w/o Trooper Training costs)
Damage Factors: SRDmg = 1 MRDmg = 0 LRDmg = 0
BattleForce2: Class: IB MP: 3J Armor/Structure: 2 / 0
                Damage PB/M/L: 1/-/- Overheat: 0
                Point Value: 1 Specials: xmec, car4

CBT:RPG Data: Armor Value (M/B/E/X): 9/7/7/7 Coverage: Full
                IR: 0, ECM: 0, Camo: 0
                Melee AP: 2, Target Size Modifier: -1
                Movement Modifiers:
                 Walking: -1, Running: -2, Sprinting: -3
                Jump: 90 m/turn
                Attribute Modifiers: STR: +3, DEX: -3, RFL: -1
                Equipment Rating: E/E/E

Configuration: Sniper

Config Weapons & Equipment Loc Shots Slots Mass
Grand Mauler Gauss Cannon            RA/MWM   5     2 125
Rifle, Federated Long                LA/APWM  10     0 0
TOTALS:                                      6 910
Slots & Mass Left:                                   4 90

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost: 577,144 C-Bills, Including Trooper
Training Costs of 150,000 C-bills
Battle Value: 31 (124 for 4) Weapon Value: 13 (Ratio=.42)
Cost per BV: 13,778.84 (w/o Trooper Training costs)
Damage Factors: SRDmg = 1 MRDmg = 0 LRDmg = 0
BattleForce2: Class: IB MP: 3J Armor/Structure: 2 / 0
                Damage PB/M/L: -/-/- Overheat: 0
                Point Value: 1 Specials: xmec, car4

CBT:RPG Data: Armor Value (M/B/E/X): 9/7/7/7 Coverage: Full
                IR: 0, ECM: 0, Camo: 0
                Melee AP: 2, Target Size Modifier: -1
                Movement Modifiers:
                 Walking: -1, Running: -2, Sprinting: -3
                Jump: 90 m/turn
                Attribute Modifiers: STR: +3, DEX: -3, RFL: -1
                Equipment Rating: E/E/E

Configuration: Anti-Infantry

Config Weapons & Equipment Loc Shots Slots Mass
Light Recoilless Rifle               RA/MWM   20     2 175
(with High-Explosive Ammo)
SMG, Imperator 2894A1                LA/APWM  200     0 0
TOTALS:                                      6 960
Slots & Mass Left:                                   4 40

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost: 573,020 C-Bills, Including Trooper
Training Costs of 150,000 C-bills
Battle Value: 40 (160 for 4) Weapon Value: 19 (Ratio=.48)
Cost per BV: 10,575.5 (w/o Trooper Training costs)
Damage Factors: SRDmg = 1 MRDmg = 0 LRDmg = 0
BattleForce2: Class: IB MP: 3J Armor/Structure: 2 / 0
                Damage PB/M/L: 1/1/- Overheat: 0
                Point Value: 2 Specials: xmec, car4

CBT:RPG Data: Armor Value (M/B/E/X): 9/7/7/7 Coverage: Full
                IR: 0, ECM: 0, Camo: 0
                Melee AP: 2, Target Size Modifier: -1
                Movement Modifiers:
                 Walking: -1, Running: -2, Sprinting: -3
                Jump: 90 m/turn
                Attribute Modifiers: STR: +3, DEX: -3, RFL: -1
                Equipment Rating: E/E/E

Configuration: Support

Config Weapons & Equipment Loc Shots Slots Mass
Grenade Launcher                     RA/MWM   100     2 160
(with High-Explosive Ammo)
Rifle, Assault, TK                   LA/APWM  80     0 0
TOTALS:                                      6 945
Slots & Mass Left:                                   4 55

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost: 576,662 C-Bills, Including Trooper
Training Costs of 150,000 C-bills
Battle Value: 25 (100 for 4) Weapon Value: 8 (Ratio=.32)
Cost per BV: 17,066.48 (w/o Trooper Training costs)
Damage Factors: SRDmg = 1 MRDmg = 0 LRDmg = 0
BattleForce2: Class: IB MP: 3J Armor/Structure: 2 / 0
                Damage PB/M/L: -/-/- Overheat: 0
                Point Value: 1 Specials: xmec, car4

CBT:RPG Data: Armor Value (M/B/E/X): 9/7/7/7 Coverage: Full
                IR: 0, ECM: 0, Camo: 0
                Melee AP: 2, Target Size Modifier: -1
                Movement Modifiers:
                 Walking: -1, Running: -2, Sprinting: -3
                Jump: 90 m/turn
                Attribute Modifiers: STR: +3, DEX: -3, RFL: -1
                Equipment Rating: E/E/E

                Created by HeavyMetal Battle Armor

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 1:50 pm
by Jeff Hauze
        Classic BattleTech Battle Armor Technical Readout

Type/Model: Kore Scout Suit 
Tech/Era: Inner Sphere / 3067
Chassis Type: Humanoid
Weight Class: Light Battle Armor (401 - 750 kg)
Rules: Level 2, Standard design

Ground Speed: 10.8 km/h
Jump Capacity: 90 meters
Armor Type: Standard Stealth

Type/Model: Kore Scout Suit
Equipment: Slots Mass
Chassis Type: Light Class Humanoid                 0 100
Motive System: Ground Movement (1 MP)               0 0
Jump Jets (3 MP)               0 75
Armor Type:    6 Points Standard Stealth            4 360

  Left Arm:    Armored Glove                        0 0
  Right Arm:   Armored Glove                        0 0

Weapons and Equipment Loc Shots Slots Mass
Magnetic Clamps                      Body             2 30
ECM Suite                            LA               1 100
Improved Sensors                     LA               1 65
TOTALS:                                      8 730
Slots & Mass Left:                                   0 20

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost: 532,500 C-Bills, Including Trooper
Training Costs of 150,000 C-bills
Battle Value: 22 (88 for 4) Weapon Value: 5 (Ratio=.23)
Cost per BV: 17,386.36 (w/o Trooper Training costs)
Damage Factors: SRDmg = 0 MRDmg = 0 LRDmg = 0
BattleForce2: Class: IB MP: 3J Armor/Structure: 2 / 0
                Damage PB/M/L: -/-/- Overheat: 0
                Point Value: 1 Specials: xmec, srs, mecm, car4

CBT:RPG Data: Armor Value (M/B/E/X): 8/7/6/6 Coverage: Full
                IR: +6, ECM: +6, Camo: 0
                Melee AP: 0, Target Size Modifier: 0
                Movement Modifiers:
                 Walking: 0, Running: 0, Sprinting: 0
                Jump: 90 m/turn
                Attribute Modifiers: STR: +2, DEX: -1, RFL: -1
                Equipment Rating: E/E/E

                Created by HeavyMetal Battle Armor

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 2:03 pm
by Jeff Hauze
Peruse over the new mercenary created battle armor types if you like.

The Kore is the light scout/spec-ops style, that can carry and use any standard infantry weapons, a combination of some elements of Fa Shih and Gray Death Scout battle armor. The Bacchus is the workhorse medium style, a combination of some elements of Fa Shih and Inner Sphere Standard battle armor. The Dionysus is a heavy style that can be used for a heavy Anti-Mech/anti-vehicle punch or to clear out several infantry platoons with only one squad, a combination of some elements of Fa Shih with a heavy direct-fire weaponry (non-missile) based heavy battlesuit.

The Dionysus requires a faster transport, due to lacking jumping capabilities, and will frequently see heavy armor damage against Mechs and/or vehicles. So it is best used against Mechs already suffering damage to exploit that damage. This will keep the losses of such troopers low. The Bacchus is also unique in that it has a battle claw in the left arm, but an armored glove in the right arm, allowing a trooper to operate most equipment normally. This allows for a heavy special operations battle armor trooper to exist, something not previously considered. The Kore is simply a superior version of the Gray Death Scout armor combined with the magnetic clamp technology found on the Capellan Confederation's Fa Shih battle armor. All three suits allow for easy and rapid transport on a variety of vehicles, allowing many mercenaries access to battle armor that previously held no specialized infantry carrier vehicles or OmniMechs. Combining any of these suits with a fast hovercraft tank with no infantry carrying capabilities will allow for lethal combinations of fast fire support from the transporting vehicles, while still rapidly deploying the battle armor to the field. It even allows for the two lighter suits to deploy aerially from a number of VTOL craft, expanding upon standard battle armor's deployment options. With the magnetic clamps, all three suits can be picked up or supported by any friendly Mech or vehicle units, again greatly expanding their operations profile and deployment options.

(OOC: Thoughts folks? Note there are a multitude of versions of the Bacchus and the Dionysus suits not listed or created here, just enough to give you an idea of some options.)

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 2:09 pm
by Jeff Hauze
Reika wrote:No probs, do any of the books have any other traits given? I've found a means to access some of the books besides bugging Jackal and I'm slowly getting them so can use those instead/as well.

Jan 5th should be good for me, I'm more than halfway done with the number crunching, after that it's just a question of typing up my bagass mess.
Yeah, CBT:RPG Companion has several other traits listed, as does the Covert Ops Guide, the Mechwarrior's Guide to Solaris, and the Mechwarrior's Guide to the Clans (virtually none of these traits are applicable from this book, in all likelihood).

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 12:11 am
by Reika
Cool, thanks

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2004 8:25 pm
by Maelwys
Jan 5th should be fine, I'll probably have it done before then, but since you're one of the people that spends time with family on holidays, doubt we'll see much of you over the break :)

Nice BA, damn that formatting sucks though. Might want to come up with a slightly easier, and condensed version :)

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2004 11:24 pm
by Reika
I'll admit, my eyes glazed over while trying to read the information on the BA. Looks interesting though.

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 4:39 am
by Jeff Hauze
Maelwys wrote:Jan 5th should be fine, I'll probably have it done before then, but since you're one of the people that spends time with family on holidays, doubt we'll see much of you over the break :)

Nice BA, damn that formatting sucks though. Might want to come up with a slightly easier, and condensed version :)
Yeah, on all above counts. Better BA format. Yeah, won't see much of me until post-Xmas, closer to New Year's. Especially this X-Mas, it's been a rough year, and it's the first time ever all of the immediate family/siblings have ever been together on X-Mas morning. Plus we now have 3 generations. Now...if any of you are nice enough to be able to inform the SR game crew that there will be no game any day this week, I'd appreciate it. I just flat out don't have the time to inform everybody, since some very major last minute family issues have come up that require immediate and a great deal of attention. I love/hate the holidays. Only my screwy family can plan a major family holiday together, manage to get a relative to start dying at said holidays, and then clusterfuck the whole thing with parents not being able to do any X-mas preparations save shopping.

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 12:57 am
by Jeff Hauze
Okay, here's the rules we will be using. Read up on them, as I try to explain them as best I can. Just one note. If Glancing Blows end up giving a lot of weird results in the training missions, we will disable this option.

Double Blind
A simple rule really. If you do not have Line of Sight (LOS) to a target, you will not see it show up on the map whatsoever. If anyone on your team has LOS, you will see it. You lose LOS by having intervening woods hexes (3 light, 2 heavy, 2 lights and 1 heavy), 2 levels of elevation that the target is immediately next to, or intervening smoke hexes (same as the woods), or the unit is in Depth 2 (or deeper) water.

Through Armor Criticals will float
TACs or through armor criticals. The bane of many players. In MegaMek most of this is outmated, but it is easiest to explain how it works in tabletop. On a success to hit roll, a player rolls 2d6 for hit location. A hit location roll of 2 is normally a hit to the Center Torso and allows for a chance at a critical hit. With floating criticals, this possible critical is rolled as normal, but another hit location check is made. So instead of only CT TACs, you can have head TACs (meaning a possible chance at hitting the cockpit), or you could hit something as useless as a ton of Gauss ammo in a side torso (Gauss ammo doesn’t explode, it is just no longer useable). The chance for a critical hit is handled as normal. Roll 2d6, less than 8 means no critical, 8 or 9 means 1 critical, 10 or 11 means two criticals, 12 means limb or head blown off (in the case of hitting a torso location, this means 3 critical hits).

Engine Explosions
Easy to explain. Anytime a Mech takes 2 or more engine hits in the same round of fire by the same attacking unit, you make a 2d6 roll. On a 12, the engine goes critical. And it guarantees a very dead pilot and some serious damage to surrounding Mechs. The bigger the engine, the worse the explosion, and the bigger the area of effect.

MaxTech Physical Base To Hits
Normally physical attacks have these stupid arbitrary Base to Hit Number (BTH). Many of them have no modifiers based upon your skill level in the Master Rules. MaxTech, a rules supplement, changes this. Physical attacks BTH is your piloting skill, and is modified as follows. Punching -1, Clubbing -1 (this includes swords and hatchets), Pushing -1, Kicking -2, Charging 0, Death from Above 0.

Maxtech Physical Attack Piloting Skill Roll (PSR) Modifiers
Simple rule. If a kicking or pushing attack is successful, it forces a piloting skill check. There are modifiers based upon weight of the two units. After being kicked or pushed the PSR is modified by the weight classes of the two mechs. The PSR is modified by 1 point per weight class difference. The difference is added to the PSR if the attacker is heavier or subtracted if the attacker is lighter.

Maxtech Damage per Round
Normally, every time a unit suffers at least 20 points of damage in one round, it must make a PSR to remain standing. There is a +1 modifer to this roll. However, this doesn’t allow for the fact that there is a big difference between taking 20 points of damage (just over a ton of armor) and 160 points of damage (just over ten tons of armor). This rule deals with that issue. For every 20 points of damage suffered in a round, the PSR check is modified by an additional +1. So 46 points of damage forces a PSR at +2. However, all such PSRs are also modified by the weight class of the Mech. The heavier you are, the easier it is to stay standing. Lights make the PSR at +1, Mediums at 0, Heavies at -1, and Assaults at -2.

Maxtech Firing when Prone
Standard rules disallow firing when prone and missing an arm. These rules allow for a Mech firing while prone and missing an arm. All weapons are +1 BTH and weapons mounted in propping arm can not be fired.

Maxtech Movement Modifiers
In the Master rules, the target movement modifiers for attacks ends at 10 or more hexes. That’s a +4 modifier. With these rules, this gives faster Mechs a chance to achieve even higher modifiers. The target movement modifiers table is enhanced by 3 additional steps 14-18 hexes = +5, 19-24 hexes = +6, and 25+ hexes = +7.

Maxtech Fire and Smoke Rules
In the Master rules, smoke from fire remains only in the hex where the fire is located. Silly, isn’t it? With these rules fires create smoke that drifts and dissipates, instead of remaining static. In addition, smoke is split into light and heavy varieties.

Maxtech Extreme Range Rules
With these rules weapons have an extreme range bracket past their long range distance. All attacks against targets at extreme range suffer a +8 BTH modifier.

Maxtech Altered Energy Weapon Damges
With this rule, the damage inflicted by energy weapons (all types of lasers, flamers, and PPCs) is altered as follows. At extreme range, damage is halved (rounded up). At long range, damage is 1 less than normal. At 1 hex or less of range, damage is 1 higher than normal.

Maxtech Missile Hits Rules
With this rule, whenever rolling to see how many missiles hit on a successful attack (this also applies to LBX autocannon submunitions, MRMs, SRMs, LRMs, ATMs, but not Streak SRMs), the following modifiers apply. At extreme and long range, -2 to the result of the roll. At medium range, -1 to the result of the roll. At short range, no modifier. At 1 hex or less, +1 to the result of the roll. If this modifier results in a roll higher than 12, treat it as a result of 12.

PPC Inhibitor Disengaged
Standard (non-ER) PPCs have an inhibitor that makes it harder to hit at very close ranges. This is reflected by the minimum range such weapons have. The field inhibitor of a PPC can be disengaged to disregard the minimum range modifiers. However, after each shot, there is a chance that the PPC is destroyed in the process and the internal structure of the location containing the PPC takes 10 points of damage. The chance for this depends on range. Roll 2d6 to avoid this. If the target is 3 hexes away, the roll must be 3 or higher. If the target is 2 hexes way, the roll must be 6 or higher. If the target is 1 or less hexes away, the roll must be 10 or higher.

Glancing Blows
With this rule, any attack that rolls the exact BTH number will deal reduced damage. Normal attacks deal only half damage, while missile attacks get a -2 for the roll on the number of missiles roll. If the roll is reduced below 2, only 1 missile hits. Additionally, if a glancing blow deals a critical hit, apply a -2 modifier to the check. Attacks that do not roll for attack (Falling damage, ...), attacks that deal no damage (TAG), and Streak SRMs are unaffected.

Blind Drop
Two different teams will not see each others forces. They will see only the weight class and skill levels of each unit.

Real Blind Drop
You see only your own units, not even the units of your own team or the enemy team.

Woods have a Chance to Burn Down
Pretty self-explanatory. A fire can burn itself out. In the normal rules, this couldn’t happen.

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 3:37 am
by Nexusvoid
Will blind drop and real blind drop be disabled if we get proper recon? ;)

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 5:59 am
by Maelwys
Nexusvoid wrote:Will blind drop and real blind drop be disabled if we get proper recon? ;)
Not if we go against the Wobblies. You can recon all you want but for whatever reason, you'll turn a blind eye to everything the Wobblies are doing.

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 6:23 am
by Nexusvoid
Maelwys wrote:Not if we go against the Wobblies. You can recon all you want but for whatever reason, you'll turn a blind eye to everything the Wobblies are doing.
Wait, we're fighting Wobblies? :conf

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 12:06 pm
by Reika

Now, now, Nexus, that much sarcasm isn't good for a person. ;)

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 6:36 am
by Jeff Hauze
Nexusvoid wrote:Will blind drop and real blind drop be disabled if we get proper recon? ;)
Smartass fucker. Yes.

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 6:37 am
by Jeff Hauze
Maelwys wrote:Not if we go against the Wobblies. You can recon all you want but for whatever reason, you'll turn a blind eye to everything the Wobblies are doing.
Smartass fucker. You're right, but just get smart instead and join the Wobblies.

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 6:38 am
by Jeff Hauze
Nexusvoid wrote:Wait, we're fighting Wobblies? :conf
Smartass fucker. You're...oh fuck this.

*brains Nexus with a patio table*

There, better.


Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 12:06 pm
by Reika
Jeff Hauze wrote:
Maelwys wrote:Not if we go against the Wobblies. You can recon all you want but for whatever reason, you'll turn a blind eye to everything the Wobblies are doing.
Smartass fucker. You're right, but just get smart instead and join the Wobblies.
Um, you're talking to people who willingly joined a merc unit, do you think we're all that bright? ;)

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 12:07 pm
by Reika
Jeff Hauze wrote:
Maelwys wrote:Not if we go against the Wobblies. You can recon all you want but for whatever reason, you'll turn a blind eye to everything the Wobblies are doing.
Smartass fucker. You're right, but just get smart instead and join the Wobblies.
Um, you're talking to people who willingly joined a merc unit, do you think we're all that bright? ;)

Though on a more serious note and because I'm too damn lazy, what's the date in game?

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 3:51 pm
by Jeff Hauze
You know, I missed this post somewhere along the line. After last session, with the extra week of training going by, we are at campaign start date plus 17 days. We started on November 6th, 3071, making it November 23th 3071 for the start of next session and starting with the next training mission. A note, this will also be the final training mission without BA. So, brush up folks. :)

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 10:20 pm
by Reika
Eh no worries, just trying to keep track of stuff.

As for the brushing up on BA... well, I sort of need folks to do that with. ;)

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 1:58 am
by Jeff Hauze
Oh, by the way, I went a little more crazy on unit information. I'm currently creating a unit brief, similar to the ones that appear in the FM: Mercs Revised or the Mercs Supplemental. It's going to take a while to finish, as I'm also giving a name to each BA trooper, not just squad commander. This will also contain the information on unit traditions, uniforms, etc. No ETA yet, but we'll see how it goes. I'll keep you updated.

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 6:37 am
by Reika
Sounds cool, if you need help let me know. :)

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 9:50 am
by Reika
Wow, talk about memories. So much has happened in that game in the 2 years since the game kicked off.

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 11:54 am
by Jeff Hauze
Heh. Ain't that the truth.

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 3:08 pm
by Jeff Hauze
I'll try to remember to update this thread with new writeups on sometime this week. Might be an interesting read for Amp and TLM or any other CBT lurkers.

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 3:22 pm
by Ampere
Very cool. plzthxkbye

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 2:22 am
by Reika
I haven't finished all of the updates I had in mind, but here's a link to the journal from my first character in the game:

Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 5:00 am
by Jeff Hauze
Okay. Here's the first of the updates. This material is long, and it's getting posted unedited first. I'll go back and do updates later on.

Some of the officer briefs are out of date, simply because the unit has split into two separate regiments now. At the time the stuff was written, there was only one regiment. Additionally, the First regiment now stays permanently stationed at the unit's landhold on the planet Nusakan.

So, first post will be the (insanely long, but not as insanely long as it once was) campaign timeline (since events have happened differently than they did in the canon material).

Also, if you need some information on the canon timeline, or events that occured before 3058, hit and use the timelines there (found under the Inner Sphere section, IIRC).

After the timeline, it should be the current unit brief, then the slightly outdated rankings table, and the slightly outdated officer briefs.