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Ride Interupted IC

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 3:38 pm
by Nicephorus
By the time that the bus was fully loaded at 7:40, it was already unseasonably warm for New England. The ride from Boston to Providence Maine promised to be long and hot. It's in the middle of the week so the bus station was more than half empty.

The news stand in the station shows news of the Security and Exchange act along the Indian Reorganizatin act - FDR is changing things rapidly. The news is also full of dark warnings from Europe, coups in Bulgaria and Latvia (wherever the hel those are) , ominous signs in Germany. Alongside the papers are the pulps with a variety of colorful stories: the last days of Bonnie and Clyde, a biography of Max Baer, plus cowboys shooting and brawny men with swords scooping up scantily clad women.

All through the prep, Oswald, the bus driver seemed to be in a hurry to go. He looked over the 7 passengers and said to himself "small load." He took everyone's ticket and went into the station to process them. As he returned each person's ticket, several passengers noticed that he wore racing gloves as if he imagined himself doing an entirely different type of driving.

Harry, the actor, heads for the back, obviously out of sorts heads to the back. He knows as well as anyone that the days of Vaudeville are over. Gary sits nearby and before too long manages to get Harry talking. They trade jokes and Harry takes out his dummy Gerold and shows him off.

Beatrice boards first and sits in the front row to the right side. She continues to look out the front window and her watch.

Bull, seems vaguely uncomfortable with polite conversation. His huge frame takes up most of a seat in the middle of the bus. He smiles as he listens to Gary and Harry but he adds little to the conversation.

The bus has been on the road for over and hour and has just crossed the Massachusettes border.

(Now feel free to move your characters throughout the bus. Insert any details you wish to anything above and feel free to interact with each other or any NPCs.)

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 6:39 pm
by Bonefish
Kelly settled uneasily into an aisle seat, his right leg sticking partially and stiffly into the aisle. He fishes a pack of battered Lucky Strikes from his coat pocket with one hand, while another hand strikes a match against the matchbox that has suddenly appeared in his hand. He inhales deeply.

Anyone watching will notice that his hand rests lightly on the large carry bag, almost never leaving it's surface. Upon further examination, a heavy padlock is visible on the zipper, before Kelly's gruff voice and steely gaze falls on the inquisitive individual.

"what'en'tha'hell are ya lookin' at? Min' yer awn goldern bidness."

As the bus rolls along, Kelly periodically removes a small flask from his vest pocket and takes a swig. Sweat is beginning to bead on his face, but he never once bothers to remove the heavy jacket. His eyes dart around the bus as he hums a soft tune to himself.

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 10:25 pm
by 3278
His eyes never stopped moving. Even when the view was steady, the bus stopped, no sign of motion from here 'til horizon, his eyes still never stopped moving. Nor did the rest of him; his hands were constantly on the move, changing settings on the aluminum and leather child he held; as something would take his interest, he would get up from his seat and settle in another, often with little regard for who might have been there ahead of him.

He passed too close to one of them and received a gruff challenge in response; Will's face took on the most astonishing expression, then, as if he'd noticed the other man all along, but only just become aware the other was actually a person. "What?" Will said, too loudly. He was often saying things too loudly, or not loudly enough. "Oh." His look took in the other man too well, and he didn't like most of what he saw, and he left then, to return to the other side of the bus.

This bus seems to be full to burst of the queerest sort of people, Will thought, without apparent irony.

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 9:10 pm
by Bonefish
Kelly's face softened as he settled into the chair, the tightness and knotting of his legs slowly easing, as the "brandy" settled in. He looks over at the picture taker, and smiles, before leaning in his direction.

"Say kid , I didn't mean to be so damned short with ya. Jus' mah knee gets knotted up like a dyin' snake some time, and it hurst somethin' fierce. Ah got it back in '18, durin' the Great War, from hun mortars. Ah met Dan Daly too, an' glad I did, or I'd probably never made it back. Ah wish'd I'd killed more'n'what I did, cuz the thign all good Germans got in common, is they're dead."

KElly grins lewdly for a moment, then proffers his flask.

"Hell, 'aint illegal no more, take a swalla, it'd do ya good"

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 2:56 am
by Nicephorus
Bull speaks for the first time in a while at the sight of the flask. "I bet it's not near as good as the stuff we used ta make."

Gary adds, "Oh man, I can't tell you the number of times people without money would buy my stuff with moonshine. Then, in the towns, moonshine was my biggest seller."

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 11:36 am
by 3278
Eyes darting from face to face, and then back to the view beyond the window, Will said without any trace of apparent rudeness or levity, "Yes, you all have the look." He mistook their looks of incredulity for lack of comprehension, and so said, unhelpfully, "Of drinkers, I mean."

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 12:28 pm
by Bonefish
"'ell, ya think so?"

Kelly grins a bit at Bull, then offers him the flask.

"Ah'm a good'ole boy from tha mountains, an' this is as a good as it gits. Used ta run it from Shelby all tha way to Chicago, back when the money was on. Lawd bless Rosie, but hell if it ain't hurt mah wallet a bit!"

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 1:13 pm
by 3278
Nodding knowingly, Will said, "Beautiful country. Went down last year, for all the hurricanes."

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 2:07 pm
by Nicephorus
Bull takes a sip and gives it back. "Hey, that it mighty good."

Harry has Gerold pipe up, "I have a wooden head and know enough not to go towards a hurricane."

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 4:46 pm
by Nicephorus
So far, Lord Arlington has been quiet on the trip.

It is now late morning and already hot for New England, even in June. All of the windows are open which creates spots of wind within the bus. Will notices that the air in the bus is getting dusty. Others might notice it as well.

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 5:43 pm
by 3278
The air seemed to be getting thick, as with a haze. Will looked about, seeking the source of the smoke or dust or ash or whatever it might be, but said nothing.

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 6:26 pm
by Nicephorus
Will quickly ascertains that the source of the haze is dust kicked up from the dirt road that the bus is driving on.

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 1:21 pm
by Nicephorus
The ride is getting increasingly bumpy. From up front, everyone hears Beatrice speak as if off handedly but with question in her voice, "Gee, we haven't passed a house or farm for a while now."

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 7:22 pm
by DV8
Smelling of alcohol and folded up in his chair, Jon hits his head against the window as the bus jumps from pothole to pothole, startling him awake. Rubbing the sleep out of his eyes and wiping away a slowly drying collection of saliva off his chin, he looks around and grins at the other passengers. With his clear, British, finishing school accent he says "My lord, there's a lot more of you now than there were when I decided to rest my eyes for a minute!" He stands up to hoist up the suspenders that have hitherto been dangling around his mid-section and back side. His shirt used to be white but now is slightly stained from dried up sweat and the most observant of the fellow passangers might spot a small bloodstain or two just below his collar. Seemingly without too much shame and with a confidence that seems to accompany his expensive haircut well, he smiles at everyone on board and sits back down again, rummaging through a worn duffel bag to retrieve a dented canteen and a thick book that lost its dust cover. He takes a few swigs from the canteen and settles back down and finds his place in the book.

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 10:55 pm
by 3278
"Say, this doesn't look like Route 1. Say, mister," Will called out to the driver, who had been acting queer since before they'd departed, "Mister! Do you not know how to get to Maine? We should be on the Atlantic Highway, see."

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 6:45 pm
by Bonefish
Kelly sneers for a moment, then yells up to the driver.

"Ey now, you ain't take no shortcuts, are ya? Ah've got sum'ere ta be at, at a parteekul time. Don't need no breakdowns on tha side of the road, specially ifin' it's in the gawdern boonies."

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 6:45 pm
by Bonefish
Kelly sneers for a moment, then yells up to the driver.

"Ey now, you ain't take no shortcuts, are ya? Ah've got sum'ere ta be at, at a parteekul time. Don't need no breakdowns on tha side of the road, specially ifin' it's in the gawdern boonies."

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 3:44 pm
by DV8
Jon looks up from his book and chuckles; "By the king, an adventure waiting to happen!"

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 4:24 pm
by Nicephorus
The driver scans everyone via the mirrors. "Relax everyone. We're just takin' a detour, see. Part of the road is still out from the big storms in April. We'll be on target soon."

Beatrice wrinkles her nose. "I don't recall a detour sign."

The driver turns to sneer at her. "That's because I drive this way nearly every day and took an earlier road that doesn't double back as much. Trust me, I know what I'm doin'.

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 8:10 pm
by 3278
Dust swirled about, lit by sun and moved by air, its eddies clear to see, but Will felt his attention drawn elsewhere. His head swiveled toward the driver while his eyes remained fixed on the motes shining in the light. Finally, his eyes tore away and moved toward the front of the bus, to the lands outside the bus. He took note of the angle of the sun, tried to remember the signs he'd seen. Something was queer, to be sure, but could this detour really be genuine?

His instinct was to trust the driver. After all, the man was, well, a bus driver. But hell, Clyde Barrow used to bottle NuGrape; Will supposed everyone had to do something for a living. But what would a bus driver be up to, with a bus load of witnesses? He looked around, to see if he was the only dubious person aboard.

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 4:07 pm
by Nicephorus
Oswald, the driver, has started compulsively smoothing back his hair every minute as his eyes dart from the road to the mirror, trying to continuously eye both the road and the passengers.

Harry and Gary have stopped making jokes and small talk. Harry puts Gerold back in his case. Gary sets his hat on the seat beside him and wipes the sweat from his brow as he stares at the driver.

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 6:49 pm
by DV8
Jon closes his book and looks at Oswald with some concern. He tries to make eye contact with other passengers to see if they share his concerns.

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 7:44 pm
by Bonefish
Kelly Shifts in his seat, tucking the left side of his jacket behind his waist, while slipping the Flask into his vest pocket. He straightens up, assuming the ramrod straight posture of a Marine, chomping slightly on his cigarette as hey Eyes Oswald.

"Say now, what'in' that hell is wrong witcha, Boy? Yer actin' awfully queer. Yer a bus driver, not a damn moonshine runner! You need ta relax, yer upsettin yer payin' passengers!"

Kelly's right hand rests lightly on the left of his abdomen, fingers and thumb spread, almost as if he was ready to seize something. His head scarcely moves, but his eyes are scanning the other passengers and bus driver, while he throws the butt of his cigarette out the window with his left hand. His face has a curious set to him, and the casual onlooker can't tell that he's got that familiar tremor running up his spine, the one he learned to trust in the trenches.

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 8:09 pm
by Nicephorus
Jon catches Bull's eye who raises his eyebrows high as if to say, "I'm worried and have no idea what's going on."

Oswald glances back at Kelly. "Mind your own business. We'll be there before you know it."

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 6:10 pm
by DV8
"While I have no idea what this large man just said, I do understand your response, dear chauffeur, and I'm fairly sure that your route is our business," Jon says carefully.

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 6:10 pm
by 3278
Will wasn't a betting man, but at that instant, he'd have offered superb odds on two things: first, that the bus driver was up to no good; second, that the southern bootlegger was armed. He would not have laid odds as to which was the more dangerous.

With the herd instinct common to mass transit passengers since such a thing existed, Will sat quietly, and did nothing except look at his fellow passengers askance. What else is there to do? he thought, foolishly.

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 2:14 pm
by Nicephorus
Beatrice screams as Oswald pulls out a small pistol, holding it in his outstretched right hand, pointing it at the back of the bus in general. His head repeatedly snaps back and forth between the road and the passenger compartment as he continues to drive down the bumpy, dusty dirt road.

Oswald yells out, "Everybody just stay calm and stay in your seat!" Sweat drips from his brow as he adds, " We'll be there soon."

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 4:01 pm
by DV8
Jon sets his feet underneath him firmly and slips his open book underneath his shirt. He didn't know what else to do at this time. Hopefully if he got shot it would be center mass and the small caliber bullet wouldn't penetrate the 200 or so pages of this rather perplexing book by a relatively unknown philosopher by the name of Kafka. He wondered if the incomprehensible big man would stand having the gun waved in his face for long.

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 7:16 pm
by Bonefish
Kelly's left hand grips the seat ahead of him as he settles a bit behind it, obscuring as much of his body from Oswald as possible. Each time Oswald looks away from the passengers, kelly's right hand, now better positioned, slides ever closer to it's destination, and while his head scarcely moves, his eyes rapidly dart, no, scan, the bus as he remains focused on Oswald.

"Son. Ah don't know how much they're payin' ya, but 'taint nuff for you to be tanglin' with ole' Kelly. You ain't gunna do what a battalion of krauts couldn't, not an live. C'mon, it ain't worth it, not yer life, mine or any of these folks. Jus' calm down son. We can all walk away from this."

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 9:15 pm
by Nicephorus
Oswald maintains his routine. "Listen here crumb, you don't know what you're dealing with. Just stay in your seat or we'll all get hurt."

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 12:28 pm
by 3278
This was almost a relief. Will perpetually found people bewildering, to the point that he often felt he would be much more bewildered by them if only he knew more of what was going on in their heads. He was too bound by what he could perceive, and that which was opaque remained lost to him.

But this, threats and guns, this was comprehensible. He knew what to do here. He'd had guns pointed directly at him with much more intent and purpose than this, in Turkistan, and Mississippi, and Borneo. Once, notably, in Siam, he'd actually been shot, while trying to photograph the gardens surrounding a wat; one overzealous individual, unrepresentative of his nation or his culture, who didn't understand the use and function of a Leica. The world was a hostile one, and Will had seen a very great deal of it; he knew precisely what to do when men began shooting: be elsewhere.

He made sure he wasn't between the clearly armed driver and the nearly as clearly armed bootlegger, and got down, making as small a target as possible. Then, with something bordering on pointless bravery, after a moment, he carefully stuck his head into the long aisle and looked about, to see what confusion these people might have wrought now.

[I'd like to make what, in Shadowrun, I'd call "a perception test." How do I do that?]

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 5:57 pm
by Nicephorus
[quote="3278][I'd like to make what, in Shadowrun, I'd call "a perception test." How do I do that?][/quote]

[See my post in OOC]

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 3:05 pm
by Nicephorus
Will notices most of his fellow passengers are following his example and crouching down. Two, however, are not. Gary is sitting stiffly upright, his briefcase tightly clasped in his lap, his eyes fixed on the front of the bus. Bull is turned sideways in his seat, arms enveloping the seats behind and infront of him. He is looking down slightly with an intense stare at nothing, as if he is about to explode into action but is totally lacking a plan.

Will also notices two things about Oswald. His right hand, with the gun, is sagging as would be expected from attempting to hold it straight out for several minutes. While struggling to control the bus over the bumpy road with one hand, he also keeps looking along the sides of the road ahead as if looking for a landmark or sign.

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 5:31 pm
by Tiny Deev
Ben yawns loudly while stretching. He stands up slowly from his seat, and rubs his eyes lazily. He seems to not fully notice whats going on and only opens his eyes for real when he sees the driver holding a small pistol.

"Woah there. Seems like I overslept. Now, whats the reason for this little hey-rube here, fellas?"

His posture is nonchalant, but his eyes never leave the threatening men.

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 2:02 pm
by Nicephorus
The driver is further alarmed by Ben and points the gun directly at him, trying to stare him back into his seat.

And then everything changes.

The front of the bus is slammed upward with a force that causes everyone to see flashes of light within their head. The vehicle rears to what what feels like straight up. Beatrice falls back two seats. Oswald's gun fires, whether from surprise or physical shock isn't clear. Luckily, the bullet misses everyone and exits out the back. The sound of the gunshot is nearly lost in the screams of metal. Ben falls and tumbles to the back of the bus.

Like a demonic carnival ride, the bus decides at the last moment not to flip over. It rolls as it comes back to earth and hammers the ground with its left side. Everyone is smashed down to what had been the walls and windows of the driver's side of the bus.

The bus quickly skids to a halt on its side. Through the haze, it is apparent, that Beatrice and Oswald at the front have been tossed around savagely. Oswald is crumpled in the seat behind the driver's seat. Beatrice is head down against the glass in the seat behind him.

Amazingly,* no one else is seriously injured. Ben finds himself in a tangle with Gary and Harry at the very back. Bull is laying with his back to the ground, expressionless. Everyone else is getting up and ajdusting to the new orientation. Facing front, the two rows of benches run up the right wall. Windows, many of them shattered, make up the left side of the floor and ceiling.

*Amazing in this case= GM fiat. I didn't think it was fair to injure PCs in due to something entirely outside of their control or knowledge.

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 3:40 pm
by Bonefish
Kelly growls and grumbles as he poorly struggles to right himself. He snatches his carrying case as soon as possible, clutching it to his chest like a football, while drawing his colt as smoothly as possible. He limps awkwardly forward, in a semi crouch, towards Oswald(and I guess beatrice). The whole time he grumbles and growls as he moves forward.

When he reaches the crumpled form of the Driver, he looks about urgently for the pistol, before nudging the pile of driver with his foot.

"Ah toldja it weren't werth it, boy."

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 5:17 pm
by Nicephorus
By the time Kelly makes it to the front of the bus, he realizes that the driver, stilll in a pile on the ground, is pointing his pistol as well. It's a standoff. Will Kelly attempt to level his gun and fire at the driver who is ready to shoot?

[see OOC for roll details. When there's less explanation, Ill just put the roll in IC. Others feel free to act while this is going on.]

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 7:00 pm
by Nicephorus
Oswald quickly raises his gun at Kelly and gets several bullets in the chest for it.

Beatrice screams hysterically.

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 7:58 pm
by Bonefish
Kelly knew better than to try to aim at these distances, it's a waste of time, time that could be the difference between being alive or dead. He fired from the hip, more by intuition and the feel of it. At the same time, he twisted his hips and shoulders to present a slimmer target, and he was glad of it as Oswald's bullets passed and his struck wetly into the chest of the driver.

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 2:39 am
by Nicephorus
Oswald is now obviously never getting up again.

After a moment of discombobulation, Will's senses are back in business. From the odd angles of her body, he knows that Beatrice has a dislocated shoulder. He notices that the middle passenger window popped completely out, creating an exit that is simple enough, though requiring a bit of climbing. He also notices that cracks in the large rear windows would make it possible to knock them out with modest effort for a larger exit.

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 3:15 am
by 3278
Will coughed the smoke and dust from his lungs, and gestured to the surviving gunman. "Say, fella, that was some quick thinking there. You maybe do for that back window, too?" If his tone were callous, Will didn't seem to notice. "You there, Lord Kafka, can you help me with the woman?" He began carefully making his way to the injured lady, camera still clutched in one white-clenched hand.

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:15 am
by DV8
Jon, still shocked at how fast things happened, looked at Will, then at Beatrice and back to Will. With a nervous chuckle, "Ah, yes, of course." He sits up and hoists himself to his feet. He pats the big man with the gun on the back as he passes him to get to Beatrice. "Well done, soldier." He kneels at Beatrice and looks at her shoulder, waiting for Will to have a look at it, too. "How are you doing, madam?"

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 10:43 am
by Nicephorus
Beatrice smiles at Jon. "I've just never been through anything like this. The last few days have been a whirlwind. And now I cannot move my left arm."

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 12:41 pm
by DV8
"Why don't we get you out of this blasted bus and we can see to your arm," Jon said calmly. "Now, on three I'll help you to your feet. Your shoulder might pinch, so try not to move it." He took her remaining hand, counted to three and eased her onto her feet and toward the open window.

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 7:02 pm
by Bonefish
Kelly stooped near Oswald, holstering his forty-five and wrenching the small pistol from Oswald's dead fingers. He checks the safety, ejects the magazine and then clears the chamber by racking the slide. Satisfied with the safe condition of the pistol, he stows it and the magazine in one of his pockets. As he straightens up, he fishes the battered lucky strikes and matches out, lighting up as he turns.

That people are talking to him he vaguely registers from the movement of their lips, but his ears are ringing with the sound of gunfire in a confined space, and Kelly tilts his head at Will, slightly perplexed until he makes out, as well as he can, the movement of the younger man's lips.

"Why waste bullets? If yon dame is the only one really, hurt, let's get her out of 'ere and scram?"

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 10:11 pm
by 3278
"I'm not a, what do you call, a window expert, but I don't think you'll have to shoot it." He'd thoughtlessly left his voice at its normal tone, so the older man continued to look perplexed. Will pantomimed smashing, as with a hatchet, and looked meaningfully at the weighty pistol.

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 3:06 am
by Bonefish
Kelly's eyes arch, then his leathery face splits into a grin. "Hell, I like you boy! Yer a sharp'un."

Kelly hits the magazine release for his colt, retrieves the magazine with his left hand and stows it in his pants pocket. He racks the slide back, sending a round flipping through the air to land somewhere. Grasping his Colt by the barrel, he stoops down and begins to hammer at the glass, using the butt of the pistol grip as the striking surface.

"Say son, you think ya can grab tha loose round for me? Don't ask me how ah know, but ah have the feelin I'll need every one of'em."

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 2:57 pm
by Nicephorus
Gary and Harry make room from Kelly. Bull follows Kelly to the back to help out. Bull pushes on a cracked piece of frame between two windows. It snaps and bends out like a piece of tin foil. The adjoining windows break into dozens of pieces attached to the safety film and fall out onto the ground.

Bull smiles, "Oops."

Beatrice leans on Jon for support and comfort.

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 7:44 pm
by Tiny Deev
Ben waits until the big man with the pistol is out of the buss, and slowly mouths to the people who he just untangled with; "What the hell?"

And, with a frown he walks out, and pipes up. "I do say, this is one hell of hangover to wake up with. Now, where are we?"

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 10:51 pm
by 3278
After making sure everyone was out of the bus, and no one was lying, unconscious, against the ground-down side of the bus, Will stepped out the makeshift exit into the blinding light of day. He shielded his eyes with his free hand and looked around, to see what they'd gotten into.

[I'm just looking for a description of where we are and whatnot; if there's an actual success test necessary to see what I perceive, please feel free to make it!]