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Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2003 4:45 pm
by Jackal
Just my 2¥

Card: Jackal

Effect: Start a pun war causing bulldrekkers with the bad humor trait to be unavailable as long as Jackal stays tapped. If Overlord is in play you can tap him to counter the Pun war. As long as both stay tapped neither has an effect. Both Cards can be countered by playing a Reika which instantly untaps both cards by slapping them or the Ice Queen card which removes both Jackal and Overlord from play.


Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2003 4:50 pm
by Jackal
Typo Demon

If Jackal is in play you may use this card to create spelling and grammatical errors in post reducing all players post counts by a number equal to the number of post counts you sacrifice.

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2003 4:55 pm
by Cazmonster
I think we figured there'd be no reduction of post count, ever.

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2003 4:57 pm
by FlameBlade
We did. No reduction of TOTAL Post Count of a player.

But...PC rate of other story... :)

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2003 5:16 pm
by Cazmonster
Okay, was thinking about this some more and what would you think of a "New Account" card? It would reset your post count to zero, but you'd get some other advantage, like a 'virtual' PC of +2

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2003 5:19 pm
by Jackal
High Speed Connection: Double the rate that nw threads are started.

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2003 5:23 pm
by Cazmonster
Not a bad idea - one thing to remember, the "World" Deck consists of both Threads and Events. So more likely, the card would read "Draw two "World" cards."

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2003 6:11 pm
by MooCow
Ok... I know this is bad form, but I really don't feel like trying to read through three pages of posts right now.

Flame was giving me the 5 cent explanation of the game as it stands. As I understand it, the object of the game is to reach P1K. You do this by meeting objectives set out in Threads. You do this through the use of events, tricks, etc drekcetera.

Then why aren't there SST threads? Post count is a combination of everything you do in Bulldrek as a whole, not just what you do in Bulldrek proper.

It seems to me that you should either not have anything relating to SST, or SST should be done as seperate threads just like Bulldrek. If the object of the game were to kill your opponent, I could see not having SST threads. But the game isn't about combat per sey, although that's one way to achieve your goals. It's about post count.

Anyways... that's my two cents.

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2003 6:44 pm
by Cazmonster
Strange - I had thought we were going to put in SST threads, but that they really weren't as good for you as Bulldrek threads.

Now I'm confused as well.

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2003 7:17 pm
by MooCow
Well I may misunderstand as well. It was only the 5 cent explanation.

But the Exmaple he gave was SST:Math Thread being a card that is a Trick, and causes you to lose post counts. or something like that.

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2003 8:12 pm
by Daki
SST will actually be an Event card... something the reduces the number of posts generated in a turn.

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2003 8:31 pm
by Salvation122
I personally think tha there should be SST and Bulldrek threads, and they're treated as just another type of preference, like "Party Threads" or "Story threads" or whatever. Bulldrekkers can prefer either Bulldrek or SST threads, or be neutral. So, for example, while Caz and Daki could own utterly in Bulldrek threads, Marius and 32 would probably one-up them in SST threads.

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2003 8:45 pm
by Eliahad
We could gear the objectives towards one type or another I suppose. I'm pretty sure, and correct me if I'm wrong, that bulldrekkers won't actually be doing anything to threads...unless the objective states, "A bulldrekker must declare an attack on this thread and beat a PC of x, Other players may defend if they wish. The bulldrekker must defeat the defenders before claiming the card."

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2003 8:52 pm
by Salvation122
Right, but bulldrekkers attuned, for lack of a better word, to that type of thread will have an easier time in meeting those goals; a modifier to PC when taking actions in a thread the card is attuned to, for instance.

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2003 9:11 pm
by FlameBlade

SST:: Threads must be completed in order to get benefits back to bulldrekkers affected by SST threads.

For example,

SST:: Math Thread attracts Math Bulldrekkers to the point where they can't fight, and their PC reduces...

Once that thread is completed, Little bonus is given, and all Math bulldrekkers can resume their normal activies.

How does that sound?

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2003 11:18 pm
by Salvation122
It sounds okay, I suppose, but I don't really think that they should be a penalty-type thing, unless it's a particular flavor card. For example, while FlameBlade and 32 would be required to use the Math Thread, anyone else with a "Semi-Serious" description could also post there and get the same benefits that, say, Caz would for posting in a Fight thread, or Overlord in a Story thread.

I guess what I'm saying is that you shouldn't /need/ to have every card fight. SST-posters can produce decent post-counts without risking combat.

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2003 12:36 am
by MooCow
I guess what I'm saying is that you shouldn't /need/ to have every card fight. SST-posters can produce decent post-counts without risking combat.
I agree. Assuming you are trying to create a game based on the Bulldrek message board, and not the Bulldrek forum.

Another thought that comes to mind is should there be different versions of the same nick? The Cazmonster that resides in Bulldrekia is not the same as the Cazmonster that resides in Madison, if you follow what I'm saying.

Maybe there are base character Cards, and then there are Character effects that "transform" a base character into one aspect or another. From a Customizable card game perspective, this would set it up so that you center your deck around certain characters, and certain thread types.

Example: I might create a deck centered around a Bulldrek Caz and a SST 3278. I take that deck up against your Bulldrek Daki and SST Bethyaga. Or maybe I do an All Caz deck, which uses both the Bulldrek Caz and the SST Caz.

Just some thoughts.....

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2003 3:16 am
by Eliahad
I like Moo's question about the distinction of the game being "Bulldrek" the Message Board, or "Bulldrek" the Forum.

I believe that it should be Bulldrek the Forum. That way, SST's can /be/ Event cards, without too much hassle, they are things that keep Bulldrekkers from posting to the Bulldrek Forum, and so...of course this logic is slightly flawed if we have them increase some folks postcounts...but then, that still holds true, because people take off for SST and come back with increased post counts.

Does this count out certain posters from ever being in the game? I don't think so. They just don't have their Bulldrek chops, and might gain bonuses during the SST events, where the combat drekkers get penalties.

My .02 cents on SST: Events.

Also, Everyone will be generating posts all the time...if they're alive at the end of the Turn. Why wouldn't SSTers be generating posts? They don't have to fight to get them...

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2003 3:21 am
by MooCow
Also, Everyone will be generating posts all the time...if they're alive at the end of the Turn. Why wouldn't SSTers be generating posts? They don't have to fight to get them...
Wait... I thought you got post counts by completing the objectives in a Thread. How do you get Post Counts?

Elihad: Can you do a quick recap of what the current game mechanics are?

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2003 3:29 am
by Eliahad
Post counts are gained in two ways at the end of the Turn.

1) Any surviving Bulldrekkers add their curren PC (including any enhancements) to the player's score.


2) Any Thread objectives achieved on that turn also add a certain number of bonus points to the score as displayed on the card.

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2003 10:52 am
by Anguirel
There's a possibility that only untapped surviving Bulldrekkers will generate Posts at the end of the turn, since most actions that cause a Drekker to tap also generate posts. I suspect doubling up on these counts would be bad (especially for those cards without special abilities).

As for SST, it was decided that this was BD - the Forum, not BD the place or BD the full Board. Therefore, the mechanic that I set up was that characters caught in a SST thread event gained their standard post count (possibly modified by the thread in question) with no Item, Title or other Combat modifications at the end of each turn, and those Drekkers were also immune to combat and other effects... essentially, they aren't available for BD usage, but they continue to rack up posts.

And finally, as for Customizing a Deck around a character: the design committee has, for the moment, decided to create mechanics for a game where all players draw from a single deck. This is no longer a CCG, really. I think it'd be possible to create two more games that would be more CCG in nature (the Land of BD and the Board of BD, which I see as being like Highlander, Vampire: the Masquerade (Jyhad), or Star Wars). What we're creating now, though, is a game that could be printed by one person and pulled out during a Gathering for a quick round.

Side note on that last bit: Anyone want to create Drinking Rules to go along with the game? Something better than: "Everytime you gain a post, take a sip. Everytime you defeat a Bulldrekker, take 2 sips. Everytime Gunny attempts to rip up all the cards, drink the whole bottle (and throw it at her... and hope you drank enough to act as an anesthetic for the subsequent Daki beatdown)."

On the other hand, I can easily see many of the cards and rules being created now getting adapted to fit a more CCG style of game. If we wanted to create that, though, it might be best to start a second Thread on the subject so we don't get (more) confused.

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2003 10:59 am
by MooCow
And finally, as for Customizing a Deck around a character: the design committee has, for the moment, decided to create mechanics for a game where all players draw from a single deck. This is no longer a CCG, really. I think it'd be possible to create two more games that would be more CCG in nature (the Land of BD and the Board of BD, which I see as being like Highlander, Vampire: the Masquerade (Jyhad), or Star Wars). What we're creating now, though, is a game that could be printed by one person and pulled out during a Gathering for a quick round.
Aha! Well that clears everything up. Carry on as you were then.

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2003 3:08 pm
by FlameBlade
Also, we are not done cleaning up the rules. We have all bulldrekkian concepts set in the game. Now it is time to clean up the wordings so it can be completely...I repeat, COMPLETELY, clear to anyone who might will try to play this game, or try to contribute to this game. But the best thing...we're getting there in terms of rules :)

MooCow: Thank you for your feedbacks. Feel free to continue giving us feedbacks.

Anguriel once suggested this long time ago...

We should attempt for this ratio for pile of niftyness:

50% tricks 25% bulldrekkers 10% Schtick 10% items, 5% title.

This ratio seems reasonable.

Also, we're looking at like 80-120 cards here considering the nature of Bulldrek itself.

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2003 3:46 pm
by Daki
Everyone want to take a section of type of card and clarify the rules then?

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2003 4:04 pm
by FlameBlade
Not just cards..but the rules too

For example,

We need to discern the difference between Player and Bulldrekkers.

We need to clairfy few "Threads attracts bulldrekkers" That's very vague, so we need to throw word "attract" out, and write it out that it is absolutely clear to everyone.

Eli will explain more on this, because he's one who have more examples.

I would take all niftyness but for Bulldrekkers...Bulldrekkers are the most complicated, so I get Items, Schtick, Tricks, and Title, and attempt to clarify them.

Unless you want them... :) otherwise, I'll handle them.

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2003 2:46 am
by Eliahad
My point is that we need to separate (for the most part) Game Language from Board Language. Yes, it's true that certain types of threads attract bulldrekkers, but I believe there is a way to translate into game terms that makes it more easily understood.

Threads that 'attract bulldrekkers' becomes:

When the total number of symbols on threads in play matches or exceeds the symbols on the bulldrekker, the bulldrekker may be brought into play.

Yes, it's longer, but I think it's more specific.

We need to define our terms precisely, so we don't have the confusion of, "what do you mean by 'x'?" Obnoxious? possibly, but it garuntees we're on the same page. That's my .03 cents for right now, I'm going to bed to kick this cold's ass, I'll be on again tomorrow.

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2003 8:06 am
by Wildfire
Something I came up with while adding me to to card list, Alignments. Like Flame was saying with Math, etc, I think the cards can have alignments as well. Math Thread and Flame both have the Math alignment, Server Reboot and 32 have the Tech alignment. Things like Chaos, Order, Political, Zombie, etc. Not every card needs them but cards that have them are affected by or can affect cards of the same alignment. IE, the KFT thread can give bonuses to Zombie aligned drekkers, the Patriot title can give a drekker the Political alignment, like I wrote for Kai, can be tapped to counter a Tech aligned event, SST: Math forces Math aligned Drekkers to participate, etc.

Feedback on it?

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2003 2:34 pm
by FlameBlade
That's "characteristics" of the card. The idea is already used :)

But...hey, I like your idea of using the word, "alignment." So, from now on, we can use that word. You see, "alignment" is much much more specific in terms of gameplay than "characteristics"

Kudos to you for giving us a feedback and more potential card ideas, Wildfire.

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2003 3:13 pm
by Cazmonster
Okay, here's a thing, a simplistic mechanic for 'attracting' an 'Aligned Bulldrekker' (to differentiate it from Bulldrekkers, who are the players).

Threads could provide multipliers to AB Postosity.

So Cazmonster, who happens to have the 'Violent' alignment/characteristic and a postosity of five, would get ten or fifteen posts when posting to the 'Violent' "Assault on Heaven" Thread. 'Debater' Bethyaga would only get his postosity of three (which would be no better than Word Associating).

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2003 12:15 am
by Wildfire
Flame: Okay :) I must have missed that somewhere in my reading of stuff. Now that I'm mostly familar with what's going on, I'll try to keep involved, its a cool project :)

Caz: That's a cool idea as well. Now since I must have must the first part are Alignments the same as the Thread types/symbols? Last I had understood, there where thread type (Story, Adventure, etc), is Math et al also the same thing, or are those two different mechanics?

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2003 1:39 am
by FlameBlade

More I think about it...

Alignments may simplfy the thread and bulldrekkers more...


I'm thinking that we throw out thread symbols, and characteristics of Bulldrekkers in exchance with alignments. (In other words, we're looking at 5, or 6 different possible symbols. Violent. Discussion. Adventuring. Improv. Partying.)

Just a thought.

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2003 2:13 am
by Salvation122
I thought we'd already agreed on doing that, and giving characters bonuses to posting in threads with their symbols.

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2003 2:23 am
by Ancient History
Can I help on the card art? Huh? Can I can I?

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2003 2:24 am
by FlameBlade
anyone's welcome for card game art.

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2003 4:59 am
by Wildfire
Was talking with Flame over IRC, I think making it one mechanic makes things simpler, but you will have a bigger pool of Alignments, and not every alignment has to be used all the time. Like Story and Party are common alignments, things like Math and Chaos, and Tech are rarer ones and usually don't come into play very often. Thoughts?

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2003 5:00 am
by Eliahad
Did I miss something, posting to threads?

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2003 5:16 am
by Salvation122
Sorry. Participating in threads - meeting the challenges listed on the card.

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2003 5:39 am
by Eliahad
I apologize for the last question, even though it was genuine it seems to me, in hindsight, to be really bitchy, and if I caused offense, I'm sorry.

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2003 7:06 am
by Salvation122
No, it's fine. It's this kind of language that we need to clean up, I think. :)

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2003 5:10 pm
by Cazmonster
And here's another thing, a bulldrekker or an aligned bulldrekker can post to a thread without having any chance of 'scoring' it.

Say 'Assault on Heaven' (Kill God - a PC 15 bulldrekker to score 100 posts) is impossible to achieve for Silent Sniper (A PC 3 Psty 3 Violent Bulldrekker), he could still pick up nine posts instead of his three for Word Associating.

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2003 9:01 pm
by Adam
I think it's about time that somebody starts a new thread with a summary of What We Have and What We've Looked at and Discarded. At this point, I think everyone is just a little confused, and that confusion will only grow.

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2003 9:06 pm
by FlameBlade
I concur.

I'll do it, once I get everything together.

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2003 6:18 pm
by Wildfire
Because this is still a dev idea. Alignments, I want to say 10, enough to keep things interesting, but not overly complex. So first draft of the Alignments, keeping in mind we're going for maximum effectiveness of the choices, so I'm thinking 5 'personality' and 5 'bulldrek types'.

Bulldrek types ones

Covers anything particularly nasty, or drekkers who love to fight, high lethality threads, etc. Examples - Cazmonster drekker, Bulldrek Arena thread, Machin Shin item(? trick?)

Covers plotted threads, drekkers who like stories or pb3 games, titles and such that are parts of plots. Examples - Promethus Project thread, Desperate for a Game title, And They Lived Happily Ever After trick/schtick

Covers drekkers that post at random, things that affect the game in a silly or random fashion or just don't make any sense. Examples - Deev'd Account trick/schtick, Lin's Sandbox Game thread, Boy/Girl gun item

Drekkers who are there to party, celebration threads, gathering related events, things related to alcohol, etc. Examples - DV8 drekker, Mini-Gathering thread, Rolling Rock Keg item

Covers political, social, religious debaters, rants and arguers and trolling. Examples - Bethyaga drekker, White Jesus ranting trick, most SST threads

Pesonality ones

Covers games, server stuff, computers, coders, etc. Examples - 3278 drekker, Board Upgrade event, Double Poster title

Zombies and brains and other not alive or mad scientist type things. Examples - KFT thread, Zombie title, Dr. Frankenskyen drekker

Fuzzy and plush things, and other things with big hair. Examples - Plushmogrifier ray item, Kwyndig drekker, Tryying's Assfro schtick

Demons, angels, beings from other places, and things that are as well. Examples - Verjorim on the Loose thread, Wildfire drekker, The Codicer's Book item

Everything furrin :) Examples - Pink Cookie item, Fequent Flyer title, Veed drekker

So, feedback please :)

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2003 6:46 pm
by FlameBlade
I would like to tnoe that this is still in development (to newcomers...please! need your input!)

Most excellent, Wildfire...that is definitely giving us something to work with. Though..I would like to work on personalities a little :) I'll post my ideas...when I can collect my braaaaaaains together.

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2003 6:47 pm
by FlameBlade
By the way, everyone, post to Part 2. This thread is "dead" because we collected together everything from part 1 in part 2.