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Serious Request

Posted: Fri May 31, 2002 10:42 pm
by EvanMoore
As I come down to the nitty gritty of compiling Savage Realm into its wholeness, I have found that, like a good stew just before it's ready, it needs a few little dashes of spice.

I would like an opportunity--with the permission of Three-Two--to at least say "thank you" to everyone on the inside cover of the book and mention Bulldrek specifically. However, one of the things my board of directors constrained me to was that no one on the credits page could be there without "creating something for the game".

So it gave me an idea.

How about a thread where I created a round table discussion on cool "world flavor" to put into the realm. Items. Equipment. Weapons. Components. Taverns. Bordellos. People. Places. Events. Snippets of legend. Just something that gives anyone here the opportunity to include something in the realm. Besides, then I can say, "and a special thank you to all the people on for their contributions..." And then list the creators of whomever chooses to add something here (that we actually include).

Again, I haven't asked Three-two about this yet, so it's quite contingent on whether he wants me to put in the book--but even if he doesn't I can list your names. If you do wish to be mentioned, then please also list *how* you want your credit. Example: "Ryan Murphy" or "Ragnarok" (Not like "the most glorious and influential clown who will beat your ass if you disagree"--thinking of Elfie. <grin>)

Yeah. I'm trying to save myself some creative energy and use yours to flesh out the world a little. But, hey, at least you'll get to see your name in a book and your idea published. It sure beats leaving it in that desk drawer for the last 10 years mixed with your other gaming notes that someday will be turned into that cool sourcebook for Chaosium's Ringworld.


Re: Serious Request

Posted: Fri May 31, 2002 11:47 pm
by Eva
EvanMoore wrote:But, hey, at least you'll get to see your name in a book and your idea published.
That is /so/ funny.

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2002 4:59 am
by EvanMoore
For some, it is more of a novelty than for others, I admit. <grin>


Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2002 11:45 am
by Adam
Your board of directors need a kick in the head.

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2002 7:21 pm
by EvanMoore
Yeah. They probably do. They're even more newbie in this field than I am. (And that's just downright scary.)

I understand why they did it. Specifically, it was to keep one particular ... element ... from dominating the Credits page with his girlfriends, exes, kids, buds, etc. claiming that they "had helped him with his ideas". So, they mandated that for the Credits page, it had to be someone who provided direct input--like playtesters, freelancers, artists, consultants, etc. Then we created a dedications section for saying things like "I'd like to thank my parents for having the foresight to switch from fellatio to coitus, even though dad really wanted fellatio that night--otherwise I wouldn't be here!" (Obviously humorous, we won't have those kinds of references in the book.)

It doesn't seem like many people are interested in this, so it's probably moot. <shrug> It was a gesture of friendship more than anything else.


Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2002 1:49 pm
by Wildfire
Well, I feel relativly safe in saying that a lot of us have nothing to work from. I spin my ideas by taking something already present, and twisting it slightly and adding my own vision of it. I really don't have any knowledge of Savage Realm (I know, I know, I should, but no time) so I don't feel comfortable just randomly throwing out ideas with no basis. Maybe after I've seen the book I'll be able to invent some stuff, but I know that I won't even have time to do more than glance at it for a few months. But I promise, if I come up with anything, it will go up on the website :)

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2002 2:27 pm
by Adam
What? We needed to know about the game world?

Awww bummmer! I made all these hovercars for nothin'?!

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2002 2:29 pm
by 3278

*throws the "living starship" schematics in the wastebasket*

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2002 4:00 pm
by EvanMoore
Interstingly enough, just about three days ago, I was debating whether to add "Pilot (Hovercraft)" and "Pilot (Grav Vehicle)" as available skillsets.

Living starships would probably fit a lot better into the next timeline expansion planned for a few years down the road.

What I was thinking about were more along the lines of place names--towns, villages, cities, establishments--legends, names for characters--I'm planning to put in the names of some "infamous" characters from various other games I've played and GMed, for instance.

I wanted to give everyone the chance to toss in some ideas--if for nothing else, it will give your fellow gamers a kick that "Zack Tebbi" (a character who has appeared as a contact in various of your Shadowruns) is mentioned in Savage Realm and there's a "thank you" to you in the credits. You enjoy it. They enjoy it. It gives everyone a sense of familiarity.

So, it's open to anyone who wants to.

You don't have to know anything about Savage Realm to contribute. Just tell me what you'd like to see in it and I'll try to get it there--with as little modification as possible--and jam your name into the "credits" page.

You are okay with mentioning "" on the credits page, aren't you?


Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2002 4:29 pm
by 3278
EvanMoore wrote:Three-Two,
You are okay with mentioning "" on the credits page, aren't you?
I am perfectly okay with that.

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2002 2:22 am
by Silent Sniper
It may even attract some fresh meat...I mean new users. Yes, that's what I meant.