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More bios posted on

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2002 8:26 pm
by EvanMoore
If anyone is interested, we have some more writer and artist bios posted on BBRACK Productions, Inc..

Look in the "About the Artists" and "About the Writers" sections.

We also have pictures of our Developers posted, too.


Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2002 9:18 pm
by DV8
I've been meaning to ask, what the fuck does "bbrack" stand for? Is it a contraction of something?

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2002 10:12 pm
by EvanMoore
It's an abbreviation for something. Kinda like "FASA" was an abbreviation for something.

We're rather hoping that in 20 years it will be a big-time trivia-fest on what it means.


Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2002 11:24 pm
by Wildfire
I'm going for three pairs of first and last name initials :)

Bio sometime in the next month or so, I promise...

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2002 11:54 pm
by EvanMoore
Wildfire wrote:I'm going for three pairs of first and last name initials :)
Initials, yes--but not first and last name initials, no.
Bio sometime in the next month or so, I promise...
<chuckles> Promises, promises... <wink>

Okay, I know you're busy. As you have time, m'lady, as you have time.


Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2002 3:00 am
by Fortune
In order for it to be trivia in 20 years, someone besides the creators has to know what it means. ;)

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2002 4:53 pm
by EvanMoore
Fortune wrote:In order for it to be trivia in 20 years, someone besides the creators has to know what it means. ;)
That's very true.

So. For all those who would like to demo our games, have a free t-shirt (or a few), earn 1/4 of a room at GenCon and/or Origins, have a free badge at these events and only be required to run three 2-hour demo games each day--the rest of the time is yours--we'll tell you.


And for those who are interested, here's the package we're considering for those who Gamemaster for us, please tell me if I'm being chincy or stingy:

1 free copy of the book
1 gamemaster badge to the event
1/4 hotel room in exchange for 6 hours of time each day
X free t-shirts (we don't know how many yet--probably 4)
Y free buttons/pins/trinkets/toys/ball-caps/whatever
4 free lunches (Breakfast and dinner are yours to figure out.)

If you live near St. Louis, we can offer to let you ride up and back with us--otherwise transportation is yours to figure out.

Other perks:
Named mention on the website--probably with a group picture, maybe with individual pics (if you desire).
The third circle of people to influence the game--the earlier you are involved, the more influence you'll have. (Writers and artists are the first circle, playtesters the second.)
Our undying gratitude.
The first people to learn what "BBRACK" stands for (even the writers, artists and playtesters don't know).

1) Making the game *fun* for the people who are playing--even if you break the rules to do it.
2) Promoting the game and being a positive influence to the players--this is our marketing, after all.
3) On time, coherent, not under the influence of drugs, alcohol or too much gaming/partying from the night before.
4) Do not act offensively or otherwise negatively affect the players. If you have unpopular views, keep them to yourself (e.g. my faith will never be mentioned to people).
5) Share what players say--how they respond, how they react, what they liked, what they didn't like, what they want to see, what they wish was done differently, etc. with us.
6) Have a good time at the con, yourself (if you can still do so while keeping #3 in mind).

I'm open to suggestions and ideas to make changes or to add/subtract items.


Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2002 11:07 pm
by Adam
If you're expecting people to do 6 hours a day for 4 days, that's probably asking a bit much. I know some people that would do it, but I'd wager a lot of people would balk. That's a full day - 24 hours - of running demo games.

The shirts are nice little perks, but the rest of the stuff - trinkets and the like - is generally more hassle than good. Same with the food - are you just going to give them $X a day for cash, or are you planning on taking them out as a group each day, or providing food?

Personally, I'd drop the food, drop the trinkets [if you have that stuff, give them to anyone that will take one, players, gms, people walking by the booth, hot chicks, etc] and lower the amount of time you want from a volunteer.

Main thing to keep in mind:

1. These people are all volunteers, and thus a) are going to want some of their own time at the con during peak gaming and exhibition hours and b) some of them are going to flake, some of them are going to need extra 'guiding', and some of them will just want to run their event and then get on with the con and their life.

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2002 11:52 pm
by Fortune
I definitely couldn't see myself spending 24 hours at GenCon running anything other than Shadowrun. I could see 1, or even 2 sessions a day, but 3 is too much, in my opinion.

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2002 1:04 am
by EvanMoore
Okay. Good points and I very much appreciate your input.

Two 2-hour sessions sounds okay to me. I'm willing to concede that completely.

Is there anything else I should offer? Anything I'm forgetting? I have another 8 months or so to finalize the agreement, but I'd like to get this hammered out early so I can make actual offers as early as possible.
