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Logs of #opengame

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2002 9:06 pm
by Wildfire
#opengame is a channel on for, well, open gaming. Currently the schedule is very open, too :). The only scheduled event is a reoccuring event called Open IC, every Monday starting at 7pm EST, US. This is an open character interaction event, each week will have a game system and a theme. Anyone is welcome to come in channel and talk in character. Please check the header for the most up to date information.

Log of 9/2 Open IC: Shadowrun - Three Points Bar & Grill
Session Start: Mon Sep 02 18:57:45 2002
Session Ident: #opengame
* Now talking in #opengame
* Topic is 'Mondays, starting 7pmEST, open IC interaction, different themes, different games, check the header. This Week (9/2) Shadowrun - A Night at Three Points Bar & Grill (see'
* Set by Wildfire on Sun Sep 01 23:30:26
* ChanServ sets mode: +o Wildfire
<Eliahad> hellooooo :)
<Wildfire> Hi! Guess that means its just us for now
<Eliahad> Well we can start...hang on
<Eliahad> Who to be...who to be...
* Wildfire ponders the characters...
* Eliahad is now known as Jeremy
<Jeremy> Dibs on Bartending.
<Jeremy> ^_^
<Jeremy> So what'll you have?
* Wildfire is now known as Mainframe
* Jeremy polishes the countertop.
<Mainframe> Eh, gimme a Guinness and a Ham & Cheese...
<Jeremy> "Okie-dokie! dum de dum dum dum dum."
* Mainframe smirks
<Mainframe> You're in a good mood
* Jeremy rummages behind the counter for a bit, and pulls out a clean glass, polishing it once to get the last bit of water out.
<Jeremy> "Crappy night out there, isn't it?"
* Jeremy fills the glass, tipped ever so (for the proper head) and slides it down the counter.
<Mainframe> Yeah. Even messing with the stuff.
* Mainframe taps the side of her head, and catches the glass
<Mainframe> This makes it a little better, though.
<Jeremy> "Jack ache's a bitch, isn't it?"
* Jeremy taps a screen a few times.
<Mainframe> You better believe it. Its a lot of comm, too, and when that heat lightning's going all the static is like a little hum in the back of your neck...
* Jeremy nods, 'You bet."
<Jeremy> "It's when the hum starts to roar that I go for the advil though."
<Mainframe> Kinda like an old out of whack fan, you know? Nothing you can do about it, but try to pretend you don't notice it. Sure hope it peaks and rains already
<Jeremy> "It's Seattle, it never pours, but it rains," he smiles.
<Mainframe> Heh, the roar I'm used to. 18 people sweaking in your head, 12 hours a day, 3 weeks in a drop, you learn to live with a little hum.
* Jeremy nods sagely, "Oh yeah."
<Jeremy> "The ham and cheese should be right out, Guido's working on it."
<Mainframe> Thanks, haven't eaten since breakfast, too busy
<Mainframe> Angel says she wants to spin me out solo, I keep wondering if I'd be lonely without the voices in my head
<Jeremy> "Too busy, come on now. 'course, this place is usually jumping."
* Mainframe laughs ruefully
<Jeremy> A bell rings and a small window opens on the wall behind the bar.
<Mainframe> Believe me, would have much rather spend this morning having breakfast here, than filling out a sitrep
<Jeremy> "Order's up," he winks, and grabs the plate, "Anything else I can get you?"
<Jeremy> "And why, pray tell did you have to fill out said sitrep?"
<Mainframe> Nah, I'm good. Looks like you have a lull anyway, you look like you could use a break. I get to fill them out because I'm at the bottom of the totem pole, nobody below me to delegate it to.
* Mainframe smiles
* Jeremy pours himself a pint, "I'll forget this halfway through the night, but here's to the little guy."
* Mainframe toasts with Jeremy "Cheers"
<Mainframe> That's why I'm thinking about the solo jobs, you know? Nobody to outrank you, just a couple of suits or runners or somebody paying you the money, and hey, you can walk if they treat you bad.
* Jeremy just shakes his head, "And no saftey net."
<Mainframe> Yeah. S'true. At least with the drops you know somebody's always fighting somewhere
<Jeremy> "Could never drop the SIN, somethings in life are too safe, ya know?"
* Mainframe looks at Jeremy
* Jeremy coughs, "Sorry."
<Mainframe> You know, all my life I wanted to be like my Dad, make a difference, do what's right. How come that's always against the powers of the world?
* Jeremy scrubs for a moment, "'Cause the way to make a difference is through money, and the powers in the world want to keep it to themselves."
<Jeremy> "I ain't got none, so I shouldn't give two dreks."
<Mainframe> Spose your right. Doesn't mean I won't stop trying. I think my mom would have a fit if she knew I was following in my dad's footsteps. I think she kinda gave up on making any difference in the world.
<Jeremy> "What do you mean?"
<Mainframe> My dad left when I was real little, was in the Army, and got transferred to Seattle, mom didn't want to go. When the world starting changing, he chose to stay with his company, defend the city, mutinied against the gov't who said leave the people to their own devices. Mom said he shoulg have followed orders. I never saw him after that. Angel says he died a few years ago.
* Jeremy nods, "I'm sorry."
* Jeremy he takes a long pull from his glass, "What do you think?"
<Mainframe> I was really proud of Dad, he was gonna do the right thing, no matter what. I told myself I was gonna be like him, all the way through school. Never told my mom, she was all set to have me start working at the Ares compound in Detriot. Just kinda left her a note and stowed away on trucks and such to get here.
<Jeremy> "How'd she take it?"
<Mainframe> Dunno. Haven't talked to her since I left, the LTG is blocked unless the connections Ares verfied, and I don't want her tracking me down.
<Mainframe> You have any family?
* Jeremy shrugs, "Nothing worth mentioning."
<Jeremy> "I haven't really talked to them in a while, no need. This is where I am, and this is probably where I'll stay."
<Mainframe> Hmm. Wonder what'd it be like. Always kinda wanted a little brother or sister, somebody to complain to and get in trouble with
<Jeremy> "Eh, it's nothing special, they beat on you when your down, and steal your fries at the fast food places."
* Mainframe laughs
<Mainframe> This your full-time job here? Seems so...routine I guess
<Jeremy> "Well, it's good tips," he winks, "And good food."
* Mainframe nods
<Mainframe> Best food for miles
* Mainframe smiles
* Jeremy laughs, "I wouldn't go that far. Look, just between you and me, Guido can be a little...lax, in his preparation."
<Mainframe> Hey, it tastes like food, which is a lot better than I can say for mot of the palces around here
* Mainframe gives a wry smile
<Jeremy> "Let me get you some fries."
* Jeremy flips up the window, "Hey Guido, can we get some cheesefries out here? Real cheese...Yeah, same to you."
* Jeremy laughs.
<Mainframe> You're gonna make me fat, you know...but they're really good
<Jeremy> "Top notch, best thing he makes really."
<Jeremy> "Well, the soy stuff is good too, I guess, when he actually makes it."
<Jeremy> "Er...well, when he has to throw it together."
* Mainframe laughs
<Mainframe> You know my parents used to eat real beef steak every night when they got married, and their hardly made any money, really. Hard to believe, isn't it?
* Jeremy raises his glass, "To farmer's markets."
* Mainframe toasts again "Sure thing"
<Mainframe> Of course, that was before, as my mom used to say, "The world went crazy"
<Jeremy> "Yeah, I don't try to think about that much."
<Mainframe> Its ancient history anyways. I mean, what's so important about it? So there weren't elves and trolols, and magic didn't do anything, but its not like the world blew up of anything
<Jeremy> "Well, not all of it anyway, look at the Amazon or whatever the hell it's called now."
<Mainframe> Oh, well, yeah, I guess. But we lived in Michigan, don't see what was so bad about it for my mom. Maybe its just a generation gap thing.
<Jeremy> "Some people like the way things used to Guido."
<Mainframe> Mmm. Guess I can see that.
<Jeremy> "See," he leans close, "He's a troll. Wasn't before the change, hell, no one was, but he got it the worse."
* Jeremy points at the window, "That's why that thing got installed."
<Mainframe> Hmm, guess you wake up and none of your clothes fit and all, would be kinda bad.
<Jeremy> "Mead said he was scaring the customers. Personally, I think he looks like a big teddy bear, read, huge, but that's just me."
<Jeremy> "Guido said the biggest problem is doorways, he has to kind of scrunch down and turn sideways, and he still doesn't fit."
<Jeremy> There's another ding, and the window slides open, "Thanks, G!"
* Jeremy grabs the plate of fries draped in cheddar, and pulls one of the top, "Help yourself."
* Mainframe munches on a few fries
<Mainframe> Man, that's harsh. He's just a troll, not like he's a big monster or something. The doorways thing though, that's gotta suck.
<Mainframe> Damn these are good...
* Jeremy pops the window, "Hey Guido, 'iz good! We like."
<Mainframe> So what's going on in town these days? Been out on drops for the last 3 months, never get any news.
<Jeremy> "Let's see, not much that I can see. That new local band...what, the Jaderazors, they've been playing down at the Copper Pits."
<Jeremy> "Word is they'll go liquid diamond, but I doubt it."
<Jeremy> "The Arc is still causing more problems than it's worth. I heard it shut the power grid down for two hours five times last week."
<Mainframe> Jesus, you'd think as much money as they put in that place, it'd work right.
<Jeremy> "I know, damn it, luckily for me I'm a couple blocks out-side the dead zones, but it made the trid go all haywire anyway."
<Mainframe> I'd imagine. Still having problems with the Gridlink system going nuts out there, too, or did they figure oiut what was up with that?
<Jeremy> "I've heard, now get this one, it's some entity inside trying to get out."
<Mainframe> What, like some loony rigger?
<Jeremy> "Like some proggie that got too big."
<Jeremy> "Look, I just tells it, I don't sells it," he reaches for a fry.
<Jeremy> "Food, I sell."
<Mainframe> Wait, you're saying some program is messing with stuff on its own? Bulldrek, it'd have to have a brain first. The crazy stuff people come up with.
<Jeremy> "I'm only saying what I've heard...and what's possible, you do know what they created to run that place, yah?"
<Mainframe> Nah, never paid much attention to it, it just broke stuff
<Jeremy> "I hear tell they built the damn thing a brain. I know, it's far out there, someone else just says it's our imagination."
<Jeremy> "I personally believe friend number two."
<Mainframe> Heh, maybe they did, who knows. Not like they let anyone in there anyway, all hush-hush like its some big secret instead of a giant landmark
* Retrieving #opengame info...
* Mainframe changes topic to 'Mondays, starting 7pmEST, open IC interaction, different themes, different games, check the header. This Week (9/2) Shadowrun - A Night at Three Points Bar & Grill (see - ON PAUSE'
Session Close: Mon Sep 02 21:48:19 2002