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The Shadowrun Supplemental :: Fuck Shadowrunning

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2002 12:55 pm
by Adam
So I was doing some editing tonight. And as I sliced a paragraph from an NPC writeup, firmly convinced that Less is More when you're dealing with some things, I realized something: Jesus, this is just another stereotype.

And, well, Shadowrun is a lot of stereotypes and formulas, and I'm kind of - well, really, am - sick of it.

So I think - hey Adam, you compile this really great resource for Shadowrun that a lot of people read. So why don't you, you know, do something about it?

So I'm pretty sure - bear in mind that I have not discussed this with my wonderful Assistant Editor :) - that a future issue of the magazine [Maybe #19 or 20] would focus entirely on non-shadowrunning stuff. No Johnson's, no standard datasteals, none of that.

So what would the issue have? Well, I've been thinking about that:

* Introduction to Shadowrun without Shadowrunning
* Alternate Campaigns:

** Police
** Military
** Mercenary [This was just done in SOTA - expand on that. . .]
** Covert Ops / Spy Games
** Smuggling
** Ordinary People
** Freelance criminals [Burglars, Assassins. We covered Assassins in an old issue - 7 or so?]
** Bounty Hunters
** Couriers

Note that many of the above campaign ideas are better suited to 1 or 2 player campaigns, but that is, IMO, not a problem. Heck, an entire article about running campaigns for small groups is a good idea.

* Real Life Stuff - non-running gear, like more variety on typical vehicles, consumer technology, etc.

* World Stuff that isn't directly relevant to running: I have an article on jails in the works from an author that may fit in here.

Does anyone have any additional ideas as to what would be cool for this issue? and Is anyone interested in writing some of this material? I already have some people in my mind to be contributing to this, but I'd like to hear what everyone else has in mind.

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2002 1:07 pm
by Cash
** Freelance criminals [Burgers, Assassins. We covered Assassins in an old issue - 7 or so?]
Mmmm... Lunch menu items that break the law...

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2002 1:12 pm
by Serious Paul
I'd love to help. And I will volunteer 3278 for some help too! (Serious Paul looks around for 3278, hey man sorry this is your pet peeve...

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2002 2:24 pm
by spudman
woot! Time to convert Sam and Max: Freelance Police to SR.

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2002 2:29 pm
by Eliahad
Ordinary People being what...researchers? Burger flippers? Bartenders? Corporate Maggots? Yes? No? A little of each?

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2002 5:08 pm
by Wildfire
I'll volunteer to write a little about a mercenary group I have and that sort of campaign, and a little bit about an alternate campaign (that never happened unfortunatly) where the PCs were rare animal and plant hunters, biologists and herboligists and a few backpacking extremists :)

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2002 5:15 pm
by Adam
Eliahad wrote:Ordinary People being what...researchers?
Eliahad wrote:Burger flippers?
Eliahad wrote:Bartenders?
Eliahad wrote:Corporate Maggots?

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2002 5:19 pm
by Adam
Wildfire wrote:I'll volunteer to write a little about a mercenary group I have and that sort of campaign
To be honest, Mercenary is low on my list of interesting stuff for this issue - unless it's material that directly expand on the canon stuff in SOTA: 2063 in some way that makes me say Jesus christ, everyone who reads SOTA: 2063 also needs this it's probably not worth publishing at this point in time.
and a little bit about an alternate campaign (that never happened unfortunatly) where the PCs were rare animal and plant hunters, biologists and herboligists and a few backpacking extremists :)
Now this I /like/.

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2002 10:52 pm
by Maelwys
Corporate Security?

What about corporate peons that wind up in the wrong place at the wrong time? Sure, there might be Shadowrunners, but they wouldn't be PC's. I'm reminded of SoP when I think of this.

People being hunted?

For those thinking about writing something like this, I'd suggest looking towards movies for inspiration. (Goonies Anyone? :conf )

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2002 1:42 am
by Cazmonster
What about anti-corporate types? Ecoguerillas, Nature-freaks, Luddites and the such?

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2002 2:13 am
by Chuckles
I've run two long fairly long running games (1 year, 12 hours + a weekend) and 2 years,
both with only two players. They went really well, and were a lot of fun. And they were fairly differant than your average SR campaign. I may write something up.

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2002 3:30 am
by Fortune
Cazmonster wrote:What about anti-corporate types? Ecoguerillas, Nature-freaks, Luddites and the such?
I second this. Some expansion on eco-terrorism would be good.

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2002 4:35 am
by Serious Paul
Count me in.

I'd like to work on some of the "petty" crimes stuff, and Policlub stuff, which I think doesn't get enough time.

But I am willing to help wherever I can.

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2002 9:23 pm
by Wildfire
So Adam has a solid proposal/expectation to work with:

I'm going to write up a basic campaign overview, some pros and cons, and a few specific session ideas for an alternate campaign where the PCs are hunters for rare plants and animals, awakened and non. Its cool because it all is in the legal realm of the Shadowrun world, and involves more use of knowledge skills and character interactions than combat, though the possibility is still there If I have time, I will also include a sample character and possibly some NPCs. I hope to have a preliminary draft ready by the first of October at the latest and have a finished submission no later than October 15.

Revised / Expanded Outline

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2002 9:43 pm
by Adam
Revised / Expanded Outline

* Introduction to Shadowrun without Shadowrunning
* Alternate Campaigns:

** Police
** Military
** Mercenary [This was just done in SOTA - expand on that without repeating info...]
** Covert Ops / Spy Games
** Smuggling
** Ordinary People [Suggested ideas: students, corporate employees [Sam Verner!]]
** Freelance criminals [Burglars, Assassins. We covered Assassins in Issue #7 - should that material be revisited or expanded?]
** Bounty Hunters
** Couriers
** Paranormal Animal/Plant Hunters
** Eco-Terrorists, Neo-Luddites

Note that many of the above campaign ideas are better suited to 1 or 2 player campaigns, but that is, IMO, not a problem. Heck, an entire article about running campaigns for small groups is a good idea.

The campaign sections should probably include a general overview of what happens in that style of campaign, mood notes, references to relevant published books, sample characters, sample opposition, adventure hooks. For stuff that already has a couple books published for it - smuggling, for example - it may be better to present a more fleshed out campaign in the track style as seen in Mob War.

* Real Life Stuff - non-running gear, like more variety on typical vehicles, consumer technology, etc.

* World Stuff that isn't directly relevant to running: I have an article on jails in the works from an author that may fit in here.

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2002 12:52 am
by Fortune
I wouldn't mind seeing an article on GMing Shadowrun for small groups of 1 or 2 players. Not that I haven't done it, but I would find any info on the subject interesting none-the-less.

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2002 2:08 pm
by Adam
Those of you that have ideas and want to do submissins, outlines like the ones Wildfire did [or even more detailed ones - estimated wordcount is a help] would be greatly appreciated.

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2002 2:21 pm
by Serious Paul
Okay I'd like to cover to the following::


A. History-How America Specifically got involved with Policlubs and which ones have faded away, and which ones have ascended. I'd like to make some of the SR stuff jive with real life Gangs, Cults, and Milita style groups that would evolve into Polis.

B. Organization-Some Polis have better support, and some have better structure.

C. Current Events-To wrap it up I'd like to Cover how current events have affected their operations.

As for a word count-Sorry I am not that good. I will try and get one as soon as I can.

Secondly I am going to talk to Vagabond about our little project to do a Prison and Jail write up.I will add a comment or two when I speak with him.

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2002 2:30 pm
by Adam
Another possible campaign or article - Entertainment campaigns.

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2002 2:47 pm
by Ryan Murphy
I'm not /necessarily/ proposing any writing, but if anyone has run one of the alternate campaigns, /please/ try to include a section that details what NOT to do, and what MUST be done to make it run smoothly. There's many hidden pitfalls associated with running non-canon campaigns that should be addressed.

Myself, for example; I've run/played in the following types of campaign: Vampire Hunters (another suggestion as well, I suppose), "Mystery Men" (freelance "super"heroes), Anarchist (freelance terrorism, in essence), Black Ops (under UCAS, "Rainbow Six"-like), and Crocodile Hunter (research/tagging/poaching/"thinning out" critters).

Each of these has several specific points that should be kept in mind from day one. For example, Vampire Hunter campaigns should a) have solid rules for regeneration b) not be full of cripplingly insane characters. Also, you pretty much NEED Charisma skills since no one can do any meaningful research to find vamps (damn you, Buffy!)

I'll boil my noodle over it some more (as far as writing anything goes) but as it stands, a suggestion :)

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2002 4:04 am
by Psykoguy
Now, i don't know a whole lot about cops so i'll try to do a writeup on security, and maybe even a small bit on computer security. There are a number of agencies out there and many GM's don't take advantage of that, a person who could be wanted by lone star might not be wanted by another agency. I'll start a writeup soon.

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2002 10:11 pm
by Salvation122
Adam wrote:Another possible campaign or article - Entertainment campaigns.
Which would require rules for performing music which, handily, I already have written up.

Give me a few days to get my thoughts in order, and I'll pitch you a few ideas.

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2002 12:13 am
by Starburst
Post the entertainment rules here. I wanna read them :)

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2002 2:38 am
by Jestyr
I'll have outlines done once my current deadlines are out of the way.

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2002 5:58 am
by Psykoguy
I should have a rough draft up soon, i've had some schoolwork, so it's taking some time

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2002 11:32 am
by Cash
Psyko:: I look forward to seeing it...