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If I gave out awards

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2003 3:19 pm
by Ancient History
Yeah, yeah, title says it all.
But seriously, there are some people and companies which deserve awards that never get shit for recognition anymore (if ever):

1)Chaosium. Not one of the biggest fish, but always there. They let White Wolf bitch and whine about representing the eesence of horror in comics while they were putting out Call of Cthulu, which would scare the pants off any damn dhampir/gypsie/kinfolk/medium/sorceror you could ever play.

Also, an honorable mention for producing a good, not great, not perfect, but damn fun RPG based on Michael Moorcock's writings. Let all the other damn ADnDers playing albino fighter/mage elves with Swords of Life Stealing eat their damn hearts out.

2)Daedelus Games. They did one thing right: Nexus, the living city. Damn great game. I finally had to adapt it to GURPS(with good results) after it went under. So they get an honorable mention.

3)Rick Swan-made a couple of good sourcebooks, but he MADE Inquest back in the day. Magazine was never the same later on. He he Cownose the cat.

4)Steve Kenson-aside from a great deal of work on Shadowrun, despite some bitching and whining from some people about his novels, he's really done damn good work with Mutants and Masterminds. Go out and buy it.

Oh hell, that's all I can think of...the rest of you can rant at me, or whine about all the games I left out...ah, fuck it...

Re: If I gave out awards

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2003 6:54 am
by paladin2019
Ancient History wrote:4)Steve Kenson-aside from a great deal of work on Shadowrun, despite some bitching and whining from some people about his novels, he's really done damn good work with Mutants and Masterminds. Go out and buy it.
Speaking of Mr Kenson, wha tis with all the animosity in some quarters toward MitS? "He ruined the SR magic system!" Stuff it! The book went through editing and the brand manager. Nothing in there that shouldn't have been. Besides, add in the errata that clarifies some of passages and it's a playable ruleset.

Re: If I gave out awards

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2003 4:52 pm
by Icepick
Ancient History wrote:Yeah, yeah, title says it all.
3)Rick Swan-made a couple of good sourcebooks, but he MADE Inquest back in the day. Magazine was never the same later on. He he Cownose the cat.
Let's give him another one for having a living cat that's 50 pounds.