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Rough draft for a submission to TSS (criticism needed)

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2003 3:49 am
by Psykoguy
Metaracism: An examination between the racial tensions between the Metatypes

By Adam Green

Out of the five official metaraces in Shadowrun, we are only given the viewpoint that humans are the only group who organize their hatred for their fellow metahumans. Looking at the history of the Shadowrun world, we can see several instances where anger can be fueled between the other metahumans. Bear in mind, a number of these instances are only for the region, however, sometimes, it’s important to pay attention to the little details to help flesh out your world.
Dwarves, especially in the Seattle Metroplex, should have some sort of anger towards the orks and the Orkish Underground. This is rooted in the days when the underground was first constructed. The orks and the dwarves worked together to dig, and support the tunnels which would one day be the Underground. However, soon after completing, the dwarves were kicked out by the orks and trolls. Seeing how many dwarves are long lived, it would be expected for a large number to have a hatred towards the orks and trolls. Their feelings towards humans is mixed between paranoia and acceptance. The acceptance is largely in part due to the fact that dwarves look very similar to humans, and due to the fact that short humans look very similar to dwarves, many have nothing to fear. However, the mistrust is due largely in part by the appearance of the Policlubs. Their attitudes towards the elvish community is mixed. On one side: the elves appeared at the same time as dwarves and both groups went through similar situations. On the other side of the spectrum: the elven nations rather seems like an arrogant creation, declaring their own superiority. While the other metaraces seem to be welcomed, the elvish princes and their longevity (especially in the case of Lofwyr) seem to give a sense of how the system will not be changing for some time to come.
Trolls and Orks are two very similar races, both appeared during goblinization, and both groups suffered the most during the Night of Rage. Seeing how they have more in common with each other than the other metaraces, it would be expected that the two groups would have a history of cooperation. They may also be wary of humans, due in part by the Night of Rage, and the Policlubs. However, these instances are just the tip of the iceberg. Orks and trolls have the glass celing set the lowest, and it is incredibly rare for them to break through to get any decent paying job. Commonly this reason is enough to make the youth rebellious and violent. This rebellious image only fuels more suspicion and hatred towards these two races. It is the rebellious attitudes, as well as the high risk jobs which many are forced to take which gives both of these metaraces such a short life expectancy. Towards elves, the orks and trolls both have a lot of anger directed, mostly due in part on how both the elves and dwarves look too much like humans to be persecuted against. The Tir nations also show them that the elves seem to get away with more, while the orks and trolls are persecuted in everything they do. The elf posers don’t help thing either.
Elves are commonly viewed by most as snooty or arrogant. Due to their set up in the elven nations, and the discovery of the elven language, Spherethiel, many view the elves as “too good for the rest of the world”. A natural result of this is the elves resenting a great many of their metahuman brethren. This may be a reason as to why the elven nations seem to allow amnesty to spirits and other supernaturals. On the opposite end of the spectrum, the intellectual community greatly supports the elves, and the elves identify more with them than any other group.